THE SCEANTON TBIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING. MAY 10, 1894. 3 Lacisum All Things Musical STELLE&SEELEY 134 Wyoming Ave. men OKA L)1C 1VEBEB, SHAW, BHBB80N, OTBKB MAKES ORGANS all riiicn Seo the Shaw Piano from the World's Fair in our window. GOOD BREAD -USE Till'- MOW WHITE And always liave Good Bread. KAWVAOTtTBID AXI FOll SALE TO THE TBA01 Bl The Weston ill Co. EEWARB OF COUNTERFEITS I THE GFWUINE FOPUUff Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G- B. & Co., fam-lnterf in F-eh Cigar. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. loll. 1 MuLik BSJUAJUt DR. H. B. WARE tPtU I At . 1ST. EYE, EAR, iN'OSiS A-NU TUHOAX. :35 WYOMING AVU PERSONAL Anti.or.y McLace U.v cone to Sacramen to, OBI W. W. Drinker, of Plymouth, was here yesterJay. A. J. Henry, of Allentown, is at the Val ley t. ... . Andrew Bedford Is at tne Girard Home, Philadelphia. Joseph A. Welch, of Uonesdale, is at he Westminster. R Haslaehor, of New York, U visiting Sol Goldsmith. W. J. Itwis, of Klugiton, was In the city yesterday. Henry Illin, jr., is engaged on business in Philadelphia. Rev. B, H. Iiriscoll, of Nicholson, was in this city yesterday. William McUinooch, of Carbondale, via lUd thin city yesterday. Major Kverett Warren has been several days in New York and will return today. D. B. Atherton and Will ( arr made a flyinK bicycle trip t . Wilkes-IJarre yester day afternoon and returned In the eyeu ln. Mrs. Snsan B. Pierce and aorlfcharlie. of Jermyn, aro visiting at the resliltjice f Mrs. Pierce's daughter, Mrs. C. B. Wor don, of West Lackawanna avenue. Mr. and Mrs. X. K. Weeks, Boston: Mr. ami Mrs. J. C. Anderaun, Bnflawood. M J.; Mr. and iirs. J. W. Buidu-k and Miss liurdirk, Albany, and (J. K. Uaimlle, ( r b oidule, who Imve lieeu in tbn city xinee Tuesday, left for Csrliondale luat uight. - JOSEPH MORROW HERE. Ths Fam'.ui Rsolter tn Be Heard at tin Elm Park Church. A rare treat will be offered those in terested in travel and art, by the illus trations of Philip Phillips' pilgrimage by Joseph Morrow tonight tad Friday and Saturday evenings at tho Kim Park church. Mr. Morrow ni taioed a world-wide rstiutatinn as an impersonator and reeiter, and with the aid of a lime liijht and powornl photo npticon, nothing will be lacking to make the entertainment extremely in teresting and instructive. It is said that thousands of these en tertainment! have bsen given iu all parts of the world. Tonight will be lllnetratad and d scribed scenes on the American conti nent, Haodwicb Islands, Australian col onies, Ceylon and India. The Koiz canal. I'aleetine, Egypt. Italy, Europe, Great Britain and Ireland mid a trip ncross the Atlantio will be discussed Friday night. Tne American conti nent, particularly, will be treated of Saturday night. Tickets for the course will be sol 1 for 75 cents for adults and 50 centa for children; S3 cents will be oliargod for tingle admission. All Free. Those who hnve used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not. havo now the opportunity to try It Free Call on the advertised Druggist and got a Trial Bottle, Free. Kpnd your name and address to E E. Bucklou & Co Chicago, and get a samplo boi of Dr King's New Life Pills, Free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, Free. All of which is guaran teed to do you good and cost you nothing. Matthews Bros. Drugstore. Don't Miss It. Shoes at manufacturer's pricos today, Factory 8hoe Store, 411 Lack'a ave. Brware of Fratiis. Be sure you get the genuine Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. It cures Colds, Croup, Asthma, Deafness and Rheumatism. PANGS A A Foe io Dyspepsia i o OF WEST IE NOTES OF SOI SB MKIMK Events of Interest to Tribune Roadcrs Across the Lackawanna. STORY OF THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD An Interesting Stereopticon Lecture About the Loss of Life and Proper ty in the Concm.iugh Valley Star of Hope Lodp;e Entertains Its Friends with a Musical and Literary Pro gramme Olde Folkes' Concert. The West Side office of the BOBAKTOB 1 eiBCifi ia located at 1040 Jsckson street, where subscriptions, adverttsstneats ami communications will receive prompt at tention. A largo andisnoi was present at the stereopticon lecture given lail oveuing by II. K. Keese, of Johnstown, in tiie Tabernacle Congregational church The snbjtet of Mr. Uecse'e lecture whs "Johnstown, Before and After the Flood," and was list- tied to with interest. Be presented many locnea of the beautiful Coneraaagh valley, and its appearance during the dlasster. Mr Reese is an eloquent speaker, and his talk was iiuitu successful. A Fieaiing Entertainment. A nioHt pleasing entertainment was given list evening lr Stir of Hope lolge, 109, American Protestant asso ciation. In its rooms on South nfein avenue, Uev. I. i'. Jones offlelated, During the evening many vocal selec tions w.r rendered by Lewis VYatklni and party. Solos were rendered by William J. Devise, Miss Lizzie Jen kins, Thomas D, Jamea hhJ Uev. I). Joins Miss Lizzie Jones recited and an excellent ilu-'t was rendered by William Evens and Thonus A brain The otllcers fur (he ensuing term were i:istall--d, alter which a social of a most pleasing nature was hoi 1. Concirt TUls Kvenlng. 'Ye Olde Koikes Oonoerte" will be llyen thU evening at the Simpson M"tholist Episcopal church. The af fair promises to be v.ry inooetafnl, Only the beat local talent will partici pate. A maple sugar feast will follow IbS entertainment. Phort Itsros i f Now i. The young 1 ulies of the Washburn S'reet Presbyt-rian chnrch will give an entertalnm-nt and eooikl in the I chnrch this evening. The Wnshburn Street Presbyterian church p'iltlce will le sol 1 at an itloO on Tueaday next to the bighi it M i b-r The parsonage will be rm 'Vil to a lot purchased f ri .rn William Prink, end a new place of Ivorehipwill b erected on the present ground with the addi tiou of tna laud up m which h i parson age now stand Tho funeral of Mrs DaTiea, wife of Daniel E lHvies, ol D-ck-r's court, will occur this afternoon at J 9 I o'clock Services will t- c "i In I by U v I) Jones, (if the First Welsh Cougreg lional church. Interment will be in ti." Washburn Street o.-inetry. Fred N-ville, of ( ':ietuut street, has returned from Little M-a lows. I) W. Thorn is, of Oheatnnl street, left last evening (or Evantville, Ind , to iitteud the convention of the Bwitehmen'l llntual Aid assoriition .is 111 representative of lodge l. ot this city H-i win be aoooapeuled by John ilohan, wiio will act as alternate Kev. William w.i lama, of New Brunswick, th guest of bit brother, Evan J. Williams, of Hampton street, Hubert Morris lodge, Order of Ivor ItOS, Will have a tueetiog this evening In Clark's hall BpeciaJ business will be transected, but llMfO will be Uo initiation of eaodi late on sOOOunt of the absence of John II. Phillips from the city. MAY LOSE THt RlfNT OF WAY. Carbosdsle Traettea Compmy Falls to Ccmciet its Bzteattea la Tims The Scranton Traction company nny gain entrance to Aichball aft-r all At last evening's meeting of the bor ough couneil of that place a resolution extending the time Within which the ( 'arbund ile Traction company might complete its truces ns lust by a lie Vote. The ordinance under which the I'ar bcmdale company was giVafl power to lay its tracks and operate Ita road passed the. bOTOUgb council Ofl October jW, 1891 It contained a promise to the sffsol mat unless the road be com pleted within eighteen months there after tne pnvileg-s given would be re voked. The compmy laid its track as far as Coylee' hotel befoie winter and about ti.rje weeks SgO t'".'a'i work for the extension to the lllakely borough line ThO ties have been laid over tne entire route, but the rails have not been laid in ire than HO) y irils above tiie point where Work stopped last year. The ordinance having expired yes terday it is probable that the Carbon dale company Will not bu allowed to do any further work on tiie trick. Tnis being the case It is pretty OSTtsifl th it the Scranton Traction company will be given permission to sitohd its lines Irom I'lakely borough to the present terminus of tho Carbondale line, u dis tance of a mile and a half. It is likely that decisive action will be taken iu a day or two. The matter is one of considerable Interest lo the people iu the upper end of tho valley - m MINNIE LESTER AT THE ACADEMY. A First Class Bspsrtolre Company to bo Hera Nsxt Week. Mi nnie Lester and her well known repertoire company will be at the iicaaemy ol Music nil next week, and will produce popular pi lys at p IDUlsT prices. Monday night the attraction will be "A Little Busy Body." Frank E McNigh, the originator of the "Sileuco and Fun" specialty will appoar nt each performance in Ids newaof, "the Daneerau Fait." Prices will be 10, 20, II). The sale opeus to morrow morning. Slenoirrnphsrs Furnih4 We are prepared to furnish business men With flrSt-class stenographers by the day or hour. Etpert bookkeeping a specialty. Scranton Commercial Association, Lim ited, 4'J5 Spruce street. Muslo Bcxs Fxclusivsljr. Ist made. Play any desired number of tunes. Gautschi Ai Sous., uinuufactuiers, 1(130 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestrial organs, only 5 and $lu. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tunes, ss How Is It Everyone goes or inquires Tor tho Factory Shoebtore, 411 Lack'a avef DIBDl O'BP.IEN Ma-gnrot. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Brien, ou May I), 1SU4, aged (i month. Funeral this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Private. Eddie Bartman's Skull Fractured by Falling from a Lumber Pile. HIS CONDITION VERY CRITICAL Tho Doctors Trephined His Skull Yesterday and Ho Rested Easier Afterward Richard Walsh in Love at Seventy Dr. Kolb's Birthday Serenade A Correction Other News in Shorter Paragraphs. During the morning recess Tussday Eddie Hartman, 11 years old, a pupil at No. II school, and son of Casmer Hartman, of BOO Pittstou avenue, was seriously hurt by falling from a lum ber pile OD the Orchard grounds, Tne boy climbed tn tile top of oue of the large heaps of lumber storsd there and fell oil while plaving ou top of it. His skull was fractured by coming in contact with the ragged edge of the pile iu falling. Dr. Anna. m w is sum moned and c died Dr W. O, Knltou. Together they trephined tho boy's skull and Iiik condition lias greatly improved since the operation. Unloss brain fevir sets in there is hops of sav ing the boy's life. D- A J. K Ssrenadd. Dr A J Kolb, of Cedar avenue, was U years old on Tuesday, and the 0000' ston passed without incideut iu tne drotor'l family until nearly 0 o'clock in the evening. The doctor casually tol.l some of hie frio ids that time, was stealing upon him unawares and that he was about to pass another milestone on life's journey At the above named hour he was Surprised to bear a ball I of music u-fors his resi lence, and it took blm a little time to recall what the meaning of it was. Professor ,1 io b Ontb, learning that it was the d dor's birth-lav arri-isl to seroiiiie. mm. The m-mbera of the baud were invited inside and a v-rv happy even ing passed by. Dr, Kolb, although yet a young iniii stands high in his pro fession, and during Ins busy life has found time to become i letitifi.d with many publlo Spirited movements. A Coirectloa. At the In'tance of the family physi cian of Benjamin Blden, Tiik Tbibdki wishes to correct the account of toe mishap of Mr Bldoo's l-rar-old child. This piper contain d nothing at all about the matter, and doss not charge it to anybody else's account. The im pression prsyailsthat tbeebild fell Into a boiler of hot water mil was badly s eal lad, It was Into the cistern near Hi-- kitchen that the chil l fell, an I lie wi el i have drowned but f"r the pres. COOS of his sut-r, who sw him fsll arid jump'd in aftr him O itside of the .lucking the boy gut, no material harm resulted A Victim of Cur d's Dsrt. Riebard Walsh, of i :.' Cherry street, will t married at 8 o'clock this after noon iu St John's church He has withered tae blasts of nearly SCfCnty winters, an 1 will lead to hymen s altar a dashing, vivacio us y. nog widow. Mrs. Tbouus K. Mcllule, who his lived in Ins ttOUeS as a tenant for the past few years, Her husbaul died very sud denly about a year ago an! left her docolato with o weak family, Wales wuo Is iitn'.e alone iu the orl !, owns two raiusbls properties uo Oberry iroet end his heart went out to Mrs Mi II th. in her tribulation, They will spend their honeym o:i in It li -vu- Bhcrt.r fararrepbt Mrs Pre I Milter had daughter Min nie win stsrt this moruleg tor a three weeks' visit to friends In Now York city. Til Tbtbuki is dellvsred to mors places of business o:i the South Sole than any oth.r morning paper. Dr E D. Donlittle, of Baetoa, grand regent of the H 'al Arcanum who will deliver an address at toe c nmng SHtei lalnment of Electric City couutii of that order, M expected to reach this city at 5 1 1 -n ni x: Tbm lay aflerno m via ii.e Delaware, Lackawanna ani Western taliro id. ( uuuclluiau P.J link y. o' the Nine tcenlh Ward, s'.erte I a few men io won. reeterdsy repairing l ittstmsv -nue. The gutters got a long needed eooaring Msmbers from other wards t ike no tics The Qermsnls Building and Loan asaoclattoo will meet tomorrow mght fiW the election of (fV.c-rs. N ini ia tious were Made at the last regnlat meeting of the association for every Dice sXeept treasurer. All the m -m I rs are r. quested to attend and flce in nomination a candidate for treaa urer. OolnmbUI Council. No I'll Young Men's institute w ill bold a social set- ilon for m-miers only at Pharmacy ballon Friday May 18, An sdnileslon fee of 'i't cents Will 1 e charged 0 defray expenses of the oVelilng. RAItROAO OFFICIALS OlSSIPm. Pleasure Trip Ov.r i lie I) and H, t ) Caib.ouUl. a d llrn.dale. A m-etlng of m inv ofllciah of the railroads centering in this citv wis held i esti-iinv morning at tho wyom ing Home when summer excursion ratet were dlscnsssd and soms unim portant bustnecs iranaaotod. After the lueeiing the party, which included a number of ladies, accepted the invitation to enjoy a ri la over the Delawsre and Hudson rol toCarbou dale. and from this point to II mesial-.' on the gravity road. The following oomprlsed the pirty: II. P. Baldwin, of New York, general paesenget agent of tu J rsey Oentral road, his wife an 1 daughter; W. F, BolWill, of Now Y irk, general pass-in ger BlOUtof Hie Delaware. L tokaW Him end Western company, and ladies; J. W. Iluriiick, of Albany, general p,issn ger agent of the Delaware and Hudson Canal company, his wife snd daughter; J, O Anderson, of New fork, general passenger agent of the. O.iiario and Western railroad, and his wife; W. F. W eks, ol Boston, cii iiriu in of ths New England passenger committee, and his wife j Boward J. Ball, nf Buffalo, gnu sral western agent of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company; C. E Durkee,of Albany, of the general passenger il parlment of the Delaware and Hudson Canal company ; A. Lee, of Philadelphia, general pnssenger agent, and A. W. Nonnsmaobsr, gen eral ticket agent for the Lihtgh Valley company; O It flianville, of Carbon dale, superintendent for the Delaware and Hudson Cunal company. In addi tion, the division paesenger agents of the city were present, among them be ing Thomas Fiitcroft, of tne'Ootario uud Western; J. S. Swisher, of the Jer sey Central M. L. Smith, of the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western; W. L. Pryor. of the Lehigh Valley; U. E Whito, of the Dolnwrire and Hudson Canal company. Nkw And stylish trimmed hats at New man's, 3U3 Spruce street. The Jury Says That Fick Is Not Guilty of the Crimo. WHITE'S STRUGGLE FOR A WATCH Peculiar Testimony Introduced by Mr. and Mrs. Wood, of Vandling Four Hungarians Plead Guilty and Take Their Medicine Heroically Sen tences Imposed and Verdicts Ren deredMiscellaneous Business. Tho jure in th ense against Michael Fick, of Maytield, charged with taking the life of John Page lsst Christmas night, after remaining out all night, returned a verdict of not guilly. They, however, recommended that Fick bo indicted for assault and battery, Judge Albright tried the case against Ui-orge Markus, of Carboinlale.ebnrgo 1 with breaking a window iu the house of Mark Septenski. Markus and Ins boarder, Ghsorge Kulig, went ont lust Washington's birthday and began to oelehrale. Markus told Kulig to bre ik a window in Septenski's hous just lor a joke. Knlig, by direction of Markus, took up a broom-nick from off Septens ki's porch and drove it through the window. The jury at noon found M irkm guil ty of malicious mischief and .Iu Igo Al bright sentenced him tn f ' fine, and thirty days in the county jail. Mlsi bl.l.ANKOUS MATTKUS, In the case against John Lokon, iu - dicta 1 for selling whisky without li cense, the jury decided that Lukon's beverage wms too weak to be harmful, and returned a vsrdiut of not guilty, dividing the eo.ts between the dsfen i ant ami A. J PisVlsCb, the BrOSSOUtOt John Toben was vestsr-lay found guilty of nssaiilt an 1 battery as ehsrgS 1 by Mrs. S. K ECoehlsr, of Procedure; Ferdinando Lettergo.ebarged by otto .Voir with larceny, confess-I his guilt and was sentenced by JodgeMoClurc to IS tine, coils, to make rCCtitntioO an I lerve six moots in the county j nl. Otto Miller did not wish to prosecute Pulver English mss anl John K-lly for disturbing a rsllgioUl meeting an 1 his wui in regsrd wn sntsrsd on tie- r. cord. Ths same notion was taken In the cue against Jain s Kelly, charged with'. anl bilt-ry All yesterday morning tho trial of i i M Poller, C II P.,tter an I W M Miller for in ti taming a nuls inoe, w is oondoeted before Judge McOtare io court room N'o .'. Attorneys O'Neill an I Zimmerman prosecute I the three men and Ward snd Horn defended them. E E Swart a charges ths men with keeping a slsug'-t l( hi BSS near tue corners at DonmOfc WblOb was a filthy nuisance. The defendants claim tbat this place was clean and Wbols some. Tue jurv retired at u 0 a VAJDUSOj Bra ipK The csie of oommonwealth vs Ban nsh Wood, larceny by bailee, in Which K. Am s White e; p-are I si prosecutor, was ens nf ths interesting caaoo hesrd t-efore Julge Albright Mrs. Wood wis defeo led by B, Q iSswc rab and Attorney Beynokla, of F -ret City The prnaicitlna was repreientel liy Attorneys Wndsmau, Fnmramons and K"lly. Toe pulifs resile ill the little min n iisiuisi near i :-st r.r Kn .wu as Vandling, Ths Wo ds are 1. i ib people of a thrifty tnm anl Mts W 1 1, a plump, goo I bhjiliig woman of the blonde type, keeps boarders to assist In SWOlBog the household ex-I-ense fnnds Amorg the hoarders was 11 A B) IS Wiite, a respert.iila linking sol red man who wears 11 rimmed h'oi end has a clerical ir Vfhlie alleges that ..-i Bsp iBSbei II 8M Mr. W , I wished lo goto town ant asked Mi White's p rmleslon t sur 1 1 gold watch Be, like a fentleman, gave bis permission fre.-ie. Mr Mr. Wood has since f.irg -tteli to rO'ttrn the lim p tee. TheWatCb was world d"i Ti e evi leu-'e prodncad by the defense was to the iffeQt that OCe evening In July previous, while Mrs, Wool', bus ban I wea at work on the night shift ol t .i" mines, alio awoke and saw ths sab i counteoaooc and gdd-rlwmed g of Amos peering 0V r In. foothoai I of er 11. .Tie Kresued and aroaesJ Miry Wilsons woman who slept with her daring the ntei-uce ol iir busbauii Am v intebod. The next m irnlog Mrs Wood alleg s so. Informs i her bush . , 1 of tue n -tarn ii o ill of Am s r .-1 utei dropp i on Ins knees .tint b ged f,.r n i v. He said thai (he devil bail Umpted kitu and that he w s or, - n I asked them not to expos htm 11- off 'red to give the women 30 to s t. I ti,. ,- tae 1 .. Woods nrree i mi l Am i gave irs Wool i.1 In cah nil ton lered I at bl w.i'c i . se, in . y lor t i b ils-.o . Mn Wowl was oirrotmrat d In j.rt of h.-r testimony In Mr Wood i . . brothers, s puunn Wool sad Kou rt Wo 1 1 .i i William Hiiiy, a board r, ami alary Wiis- An smnsing sceo oconrrod tn t'-.e eoun room during t is hearing o, leetl uiouv Iu rebnttil When M s ,0 was asked If she did dot try tn inline M try Wilson to testify that Amos bad endeavored to pun on., or ner pe ls ex treraltlee upon his midnight visit ' I nev r snxgesled such a thing I ' decl ire I Mr. Wool "You dldl you dill "spoke up the other woman quickly, Mrs, Wilson mid hsr linsban 1 were then called to IhcSMnd and both stated In ff 'ct that the Wools hut eudeav ored to get them to assist in pulling up a j d) on W lute. Mrs. Wilson would not testify that she hsd t-r Seen White in Mrs. W wd's room Boo only had the letter's word that lie wis thereon the night reforrel lo 'Van members ol tho jury appeared to be the most Interested peoi itors in th room as the rncy details of the case were brought out. S-veral of the panel laughed aloud at s um of moil)', and the faces of the in ij irity all through the trial bore SXprsOStOM of hilarious SXpeotanoy siuiilar to those seen on the "bleaching boards" wh-n Scranton has three men on bases and "no one is out." Tile cas - was submit ted to the jury just belcrs the uiosc of ;he afternoon session. John Dobaekr, Joe , tiicj-, JoUn Oa iion ami (ieorge H m irlh. of F,.i town ship, were tried beforo Judge Met line iu court room No 2, on ohsrgO of hav ing partictpsted in a riot on Dee, 0 last. Joe oiiok appeared as prosecutor. AITor Hip evidence for the common wealth was all in the prisoners con cluded to plead guilty, and receive their sentence at once. Judge McOlure prescribed msdloinsss follows: Z r noy, Mmontbsln tho county jail i o, don,Jtfl month: Doback, '.'i mouth'; mid Bemarib, 1H m mths. NOTliS from DOOKXTl Lucv M. Van Buskirk was plaintiff in a suit lnaiiiutod yesterday against W. It Baker, administrator of the estate of James Kneale deceased. In her declaration Mrs. Van Buskiik states that she became housekeeper for Knealo iu October 1ST? uud lived with him until the tima of bis death with out compensation npoa the under standing that Kneale would at the time of his death will her the house iu which they resided and property surround ing. Kneale died without having made a will. Mrs. Van Buskirk now pre sents a claim for wagas amounting to $2. 1516. llobert S. Harlan yesterday through bis attorney, Charles L. Hnwley, In stituted a suit in tresspass against the People's Street Railroad company of Lnz-rne, claiming damages in the sum of $10,000, for injuries received soma time ago by falling under u car. Tleadleston ft V.'oerz's and Ballantlne'a Alee are the best. E. J. WaXuu, agent, US Lackawanna avenue. Have You Seen the Latest Neapolitan Ware? It is flie Most Artistic ever made. aby Carriages If you want a good car riage you should see them D::::2r, To: dilU 1 U-eJ Best Assortment. CHINA: HALLj YE1G1EL & MILLAR ' 11C Wyoming Avenue. One Coat Makes to Look Like New" W- ' ' ' ' "' Varnish Stales. I i. - i . t e BUI i, f,.r t nr ntn aid fl-o.hi: Paralttffe, (tardea r I ir h t heir. Habv usrrtacsie el-- ita. wlthooeaiyli it: n nun, and Vara to h sad traasfurin ih- iu Into h-aatlful lm tatuiii uf Cherry, MahoRsny, Oak, Rosewjod, Wjlnut, Vtrmllbon and Ebony Tut up 'n Mat snd Half Iint fans. Besss ctosj tOsasphsti's a I foe w-U aoti dls.-iiiiiinlr 1. To Obtain Satisfactory Results with Ready-Mixed Pa'nts tl Till' LUCAS TINTED GLOSS Tin- Petal hs I 'n '- itaat BSS ? r . t. r Bl s rears ad -.. re nuaeod it . being " i !.- t s.l durst 1.-, auj The !.' ti r - ssd bj our easteai srs aecuauts fur oar wereassj trade in Usee eoooa each season. Osll m mat tor ssasapts eard shewing eat eve end vita f all tnitra tlonsaal ittnisiing ews Bros. 32'd Lickdwaniu Ave. Print Butier ?M, a lb. 42? Lackawanna Ave. C DIT0HBURN. FRESH KGtfS RECEIVED DAILY WHY DO YOU DO IT? Why run all over theelty look Ins forKoi.i dollars with one honitrrdaa I ten rents' worts i.: sold in Hi -in : Hut y,,a w, ,., vry CMOS to It it it y ni will -all i Ilia rlizlit plaee. BriM your delisrs lold, silver ami greea backs to A. W. JURIS CH 43.-. RPnCOB BTCKIT, and set full value for rear money 1 1 BI0YCLK8, ITKI: ARMS, PISHING TACKLE, ITNi; ri lTit i;v, lu; COLLARS AMXiiM.U AL SPORTING Goooa Tin- vn 'nil; WHEHi lesada BicyoM t'.re urns, ito., repaired at short nonoe. gersnlaj s nsotaltr. dive me a esu. EED POTATOES w AXL BK8T VARISTIS& ONION SETS And nil kinds QABDBN 8EED8 iu bulk uud iu puck a'res. Pierce's Market f-ENIM AVE. Matthi THE Hindoo Handkerchief Puzzle Now on sale for 25c. or given away with purchase of every suit. Handsome line of Spring Overcoats and the Nobby "Bell" Cutaway Suits Martin 6c Delany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, Wyoming Avenue. biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiji iiaiiiiiiniiii iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiie aeea pasjmms I j the Fflghinnj 308 Lackawanna Ave, i Millinery I Department. Just opened a new line of Siilors wbicu will be sold below prices. TRIM HIED HATS Worth SS ya for i .-, Worth ft 60 for 1 75, Worth i mi for N 28, Worth $U uo for $S 78, LACE CURTAINS The Urges! and beat assorted line in the Stat from the cheapest to li e best II styes, worth i "1 for 1 :i", lo style, wcrtn p Ol for 78 SO sir lee real Bl usseli, f rum $11.50 to 180 00 a pair, BO styles Irish l'oint from (100 to f.'" 00 I ALL AND SEE THEM. niiiiiii(ii.iiniiiiiiii:ii::iii!i:iiiiiiiiiiititiiiiiii:iiti:isiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiL DUNLAP Straws Now ( )l'EX AT Christian, ' i " 1 1 1 1 i nr. Hatter. Look In Thai reus is eomtng to Sowa W (Ikes-Bar re li.ii. ln-e-i In-ri.; VK hive be- n beie: we are ie r.: v.. w.ll le here. Atfaiu we say, hmk i'. Ofl us, and if ire eannol sliow you the flueet line u( Hlivi I I AMi SPOBTINQ CKNIII, SB I n r or.l f mere tilcyele sales i f other Ssas la the ettg, we eill take yuti to IBs sliow. FLORE Y & HOLT Y. M. t-. A nriLDINd. Bicycle Riders, Take Notice! CAPS Invented by a rider Something New CONRAD Has the Agency for them THE CELEBRATED PIA JTOl8 Arc at rTtMBi Hip Most Popnlar rniJ PftfMIti by I I'.i'H' Artists. Warerooms : Opposite Columbus Monument, ::oi Washington Av. Scranton. Pa. i ' . tf Cloak Department. Ladiss' Capes in Blue, Navy and Brown, Worth l&OO for $1.39 Worth u.08 for L98 Worth 10.00 for 8 S8 Worth 18 00 for 8 75 Worth 83 00 for U 00 Lalies' and Misses' Jackets Mut be sold. Now is your chance. Jackets worth $0 06 for $1.9S Jsckets wonii '. 50 for '-' Ui Jackot worth 1J.00 for 4 25 LADIES' SUITS Wor'l $10 VI for $5 00 Worth 0,80 for 5 75 Worth U.iiO for 8.25 SPECIAL A Fine Diagonal Worsted Suit for .Men, in colors black and blue, for Only $9.90 en- Suits Capes Jackets For Women Sell, Sell, Sell, is the ordei of the day. FIFTEEN import oil Clay Jackets. Caf, Stylo nud 'Work the best of tln tailor's art. A reduction ol 50 Per Cent . Seo tins offer' ing of Hitrh-clasa Jackets. Your size is here. CAPES in cloth, Morie Silk, Covet Cloth and Lace. Mwy styles and prices that will please yon, SUITS Printed Duck and Serges, Striked and Spot Patterns, You ought to havo one. Tha price, $3.50 to $7.50. G. W. Owens & Co. Cloak ami Suits Makers, Court House Square, r 1 1 n 1 1 ' - mm, nroerawurnish
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