The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 10, 1894, Page 2, Image 2
THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TIIU1.SDAY MOB1TCNG-. MAY 10, 1S94. THE SECHET (IN 8 fa " 7th ACT. All the muscles come in play While in this position they Show no signs of pain or strain; How, this strength, did these men gain? By the use of tiio Genuine Johann HofPa M;iit Extract One dosen bottle have thp nam-' nutritive anl tonic effect as a large cask of ale, without beinc intoxicating. Itiaitt apon the Gemini:, which muat Iiavo the signaturt of "Johnnn Huff' 0!' thp n-ck label of every buttle. E18XHB & MENDFL80N Co.. Ant. 188 an.1 15-1 Fntiklin Sr..Xw York A LONG THE CQStiNC But Scranion's First Victory Arrived, Being Several Days Overdue, EASTON WAS OUR FIRST VICTIM The Loc.ils Make Up Their Minds They Can Play Ball, and Put Up a Game That Was Astonish ingly Good for Them Hodson and Patchen So Pleased That They Re turn Thanks with Fervor. About 000 periling who bad confi dence in the ability of the BemotOD team to play winning bill iritDMMxl the brat victory for th loeali jreeter lay afternoon. 'I'll victory wacni plet. There wm no doBbt Of II from tne t ir". although at the doe Catcher Peto ho and Pitcher II i li m ki:lt, preatunebly to (five thankt thai the long and Mtmlogly endlett clixin of ilefeata had been broken. Kv-ry plaver on the team plavt'1 viz Orooaly nod Bacton wa th enlTerer, the core It th OlOM of the game boinj; 13 to 1 There ia gtill mom for mnr. Improve merit (Jon! coacning is a necessity 1 he local i:iut tiecoui tccnunmeil to the work. It belpi entnuH the plcytra, rattle the oppodtiOO and pleiise th audience. V:z-l iboald let iiunaelf rut In throwing acri tne diataoa I and Higgin thonll be ; liekcr in aa itatlng in dnntite play, Blggini an I Wet sal ahonld iiav an andcratandlog at to who ahonld cover eecoad when there ia a man on firm and the r!c"r ihoald be let Into toe secret Captatq Bifglnc mutt eccattotn biaeell to call liu i ut the n una f th player who to take a high t'rtll and t.iti- prevent the interference of two or in. p. ., r, which often re. nit; diaaetroualy, j The remark are not intend-I eith-r to ceninre or dieoonraga T ey pur-' poae calling the attention of the play- I tra facta that are potent ta everv ipec tator. T1IK OA.M? is DETAIL Wilson Ditched tor th viitori til the sev-uth Inttinf, being relieved bv lloimea. Hi wrk in the Brat Inning practically gv the game to Bcrantpo Wets 1 hit safely and w advanced laaeoii Wil3n' error in fi -lding Hu ge n 'a bnnt The latter w a force,! out .it erond. 1'itcheii reaching liret in af-ty , while Wttzi i cored, Rogere and M j tey were given be on bln, Stalty. 1 tingled aud Wettlak ramie a Mil 1 The latter acore I on Higgin' OUt, T.n waii a total of nix rnnt. llogjn opened the tecond inning by bunting tifeiytndwaa advanoed to third after Kogera and PatcbeO bad been put ont He tCOTed on Welhl'e error of Maaey'e hit Wettlake wae given a bate on bal a in the h th inn ing and tcored on Uiggitjt' hit. In tne I tixtn l'atchen and linger aitjgle!, both ttole second and scored nu M usey'a triple, Btaltl waa given a he on ball, ttole second and icored on liigK'iiia' bot drive to t':ort. In th ninth Wei f-l wat itiren a tiae on In 1 Hugau B) "ie a twn bagger nd both cored 00 Dwyeri moffot Pateban'i ti TIIK KAKTuN SIM'. OF IT I'"lme' llnglc ami it baa 00 hall o Weinl with no tally wat the ra in tt in th liret. Weute'e tingle and itill a blank wat the result in the second. A bate on balla in tho thirl and still a blank The fourth wa a one, two, three order, the crank hop Ing for H whttewaab W ihl and Dnnn vaiked to the first in tne fifth and neither scored. The sixth wae a repe tition of the fourth. Ilogan ninlfd a fly In the eighth, but the rnnuer wae thrown out at second. There were now eight blank drawn In the ninth Weikart tinifled. He ahonld have been, thrown nut at second. He icored on Wentv's single. The tut j ined is a complete record of Kcrantoti'a firt victory: HCHANTON. I KASTl N B. H.Pik A.C. it li. pa A. K, as. '1 S ii Iti.l'es,rf.i) 0 1110 Boon, or.. I t I 0 jlwefhl, l(..,0 l n n i J'atrhen.o.j: 2 !1 OUunii. :ili...O 1 II 0 I lti)'li)iB,rf..2 :t 2 I nsiiarp, lh..U (111 II II Aiassey, lb 1 1 a li I Weik t,2h.'.l I 4 a u Htaltz. If... .2 1 2 (I HDvryor, rf II II li h 0 Wi-t'ke,:il2 I h 0 (rweutv, , ..ii 'J 7 II 0 2 li I liHnltiii, ss. .0 li I i, i Uialsnn, p .0 t) 0 I UwtWn,p,rffi 10 1 Total.. ..13 17 27 io j Total.... ! 7 27 Tr 4) ermtpn l 0 u i s o o a-u litton o oooooooii Baraed Knna Bcraatan, Bi Easti.n, i . Twd bat b te Boftn I bra huso lnta-Maamy, We tl.iki;. Sa rifb'O hits Patchen. It--. r , Moli. ii l:iises pat-hen, K gere, ntaltz. V est- lik .Wi'ihi" Weikart, OrinTn, larable playt Koeers to ilasai-y. llislum to Hiirgina in ilns Wfji Wikrt t GHrifflnto Bh irp. Uriffln to Wi ikort to sharp 2. t uck out SornO ton, 4; laatoo,. Fn-t bate on baui Bcraaton, (t Eaaton, 4. Wlhl plichea Wl,,li, lluilBoli Time, 2.00, Umilre, Henderson. OT11KK KT ATK LKAOtJK GAMES At 1 1 II .let on Hazleton 1 081001 0 0 fi Allentown 8 000000002 Hits Hazleton, 7; Allentown, 8. Er rors Haileton, 1; Allentown, 7. Bat teries Ely and Moore: Kilroy and Mil li - fan. At Pottsville Pottsvide 1 0 1 0 1 4 0 3 09 Harrisburg 7 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 x 10 Hits Pottsville, lfl HarriBburR, 13; Er rors Pottsville, 5; ilarrisbnrg, 0. Batter ies Black and Shilksky; Meany aud 8m i iik. At Reading Reading S 0 0 7 0 8 1 S! 1-22 Altoona 1 1 0 2 1 4 4 2 217 Hits Reading, 20; Altoona, 1U. Er rors Reading, fit Altoona, 11. Batteries Kimble and Goodhart; Desilva, McCagey, AlcMullinaud Cote. OF STRENGTH. ACTS.) NATIONAL l.KAUUE, At Brooklyn Brooklyn 5 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 x 7 Boston i o o o o o o o s :i Mite Brooklyn. 7; Boston, 7. Error Brooklyn, 0: Boston, 4. Batteries Ken pedy and Klotlow; Lvtt and Merritt. I'mpire SiHge. At Pittsburg Plttabnrg 6 0 0 9 1 0 9 8 x-li Cincinnati o oooo i 2003 Hits--Plttabnrg, I6j Cincinnati 9. Er rors Pdtttbnrg, ;t; Cincinnati, L Bat terifl Unmbcrl and Mark; Chamberlain, Uwyeraini Vanghan, Umpire McQnada A: Cleveland Cleveland 0 00000040 4 Chicago 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Hits Cleveland, B; Chicago, 4. Error Cleveland, Oi Chicago, I Batteriet Claikson and Zitnmer: Mctiill ami Kitt ridga Umpire Btntlia. At Louievlllc Locisville 1 00410000 fi M. IjOlim 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1;! llii- Louisville, 0; St. Louis, M Br ror-Louisville. 0; St. Lonlt, I list t arte Uemmlntl and Orlm; ttleason and liuck ley, Umpire Hwtrtwood, At Waebingwn Washington. ..( 0 4 1 o (I 0 0 1 fi Baltimore s l i i t o o 4 I II Hitt Watbiagton, lOj Baltimore, 17 Er rore Waehiagtoa ,;. Baltiowfe. L itat teries st lekaala and DjB'tsie; kfieMahon and B. biiisou. Umpira Hnrat, KATEKN LBAOtTI At Troy Troy 0 6 0fJ2 0 0 5 2 217 ir vidence ...1 0082000 0 S Hit Trov, 15; Providince f. Errors -Troy, : Prnvtdenea, 4. Hmteries liro ber tad ahill,. Sil ler and McAuley. I'm pire (iaffny. At .Syracuse vyracus. .,..1 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . apriagnVld....! aioojouo w Hit SyracBte, I: sprt utieid. II, Bt rort syractlee, a; 8prlngfleld I Batter lea CaBbaa and wiltoa; Vkkery and beany, umpire 'Bant, At Buffalo 1 W ilk.-lirre..2 2 0 0 I Buffalo 0 0 0 0 Bit Wllke-Barre, II 'j 4 0 0 0 0 Buffalo 1 0- 9 0 00 9 Er- rore Wilkea larr-. 1: B ffslo 4 Battertee Qnarleaand Warner; Btagit ami I rqa ait. Pmptra Bnydar. CUNTS FROM t HI 0IAM0N0 Pitcher Len.m n was reWed last esk Pitcher Black haetjgaed with P ttsvi',1. lift l.r IV llo (.' .fl. ft.... m .. .... 111. I Mil 1 ' II ll-O yaaraago, i playing center Me.d for E.u- ton. Ifore the eon opened Scranton wa the most boaatfnl nob la the Btata gue. a. Tiling to ' he Allentown Chronicle Umpire Lynch anncunre that hereafter he will talk only to tem cptslr. Th Sta e h-ngne umpire should do HfeaWlMa First Paeman b. le ts-ing a clever gu irdinn of the Inula, b.g i re pC eo in be extremely clever In the maniy an. Berg tat Barfee, f Arckbald, and Presi dent i. sue ami HlnTltarj PaddCO, Of th borongn council, u the aaraatoa vict. ry yaataraay, I i Il-e four games with Kast. :i Inst wee's A . nti An :na le forty thre.. lute and only tlx errors. Eaaton mado tweotytevea bit and tw.-nt) f,ve ,.rr r William Javoma the aong writav iid to imve c iwel a contract wuh Kelly f. r UOO a Waal f r forty week- tc plv in 'Hue or then her." Jer-o,,,. KRV Keir' cub u ipokeu of a great de.l In New York. Captain Torreyaon has baa a reicta i by Manager Wni tnan. of the Heading team, ami has signed with Easton. It s a wm .l. r Bcraniaa didn't paa m a bid torTbayw lie ' thn kind of player local fane aUmile. 'I he Bonlk Side Bae Ball rluh abalWBgai theBnrakaaof Providence on their own giounds for a game at : - p.m. on May UX Answer tbroogh Tin Taiitma uiur RroBABca, atanagvt. It was not the proper thing to forcibly turn a horse that was drawing two oiiug ladies out of th" gioiiml ami compel them to go out the rear entrance while a di rector ami others drove out acroel the diamond. Poor Scranton can't win a game and vet her naiiers put her in the catalogue with the National league teams. H ading also talked of entering the National league bt fore Pottsville criihed horoOBCOlt, I'.nts ville Miners' Journal. What useful purpose does it silhserve to hnv i persons in the reporters' booth and aranditand ocacb tne umpire!1 If there Is to beany kicking let C aptain lliggin tnase the umpire understand that he will not tolerate hissed decisions. The Wilkes-Barre Record is kind enough to extend its "heartfelt .tyropaiby to or rowing S ranton in tins, h,.r hour of eorn affliction. llnsehallically p,nking no puiminet ever made can sound the depths of woe into which the cranks have (alien. If the swpiiig of (he Scrants ke ps up much longer the tears of the populate will i aise the water in the Lackawanna above the level of tomato cans and gumshoe." This just view of the ease taken by the wilbtw-Barra Tlmeai "ThooghBoran ton has suffered defeat at fxM hands of the BllletOO (l ib. It must ho said for the games that thev have heen made mighty IBterel IBB foT the spectators, nnd that's what tells. People want to see lively playing, good lighting up to th Un't round, with the bun irs w II balanced . Eveu defeat under such circum-tauco has its compensat ions." Qoiekia, Of Wilkes-Barre, the University of Pennsylvania's big first baseman, now says: "1 never Intend to play professional baso ball with the Phillies iir any other club. I have absolutely thrided'nu that course and plainly told Colonol Rogers so. I mny plav wuh ono of the seashore clubs this summer," continued Uooekle, "or stay at my home In Wllke-Barre. I will return next fall for my last year in tho Law school and am going to try for a place on the foot ball team. Next snritig 1 hope to play first for tbe university again." In the course of a long and not very eomplimeutnry analysis of the new base bill rules ndnpted by the lint inual league magnates for the current year the Pitts burg Times says: "The new rule that gives the infielder an out, whether he catche the ball or not, so long s first base is DC i -u pled and not more than 0110001, Is com ing in for condemnation. The umpires liomselves do not seem to know how to interpret it correctly. Eac h and eveiy one bus his own original way of ruling ou this point, as thov have also of mnkinc iistriko of an nttempted bunt, and between both rules nnd the umpires tho spectntor has a great time of it. Anil how can it be other wise? If those who make the nationn! (tame a bnsine-s cannot uuderstond the rules which govern it, how ran those who follow it for pleasuro be expected to do so?'' Syracuse was the first and so fur t.hoonly Eastern league club to piny an errorless iraine this season. At this stage of tho gam Anson's proc Ismntii u of "First, place or bust" looks Weather benteu uud moth oaten. When men like Clements and Thompson steal liases it may be taken for granted thai I UT al deal of sach work is to bed no tiii-- teaaon. Of the cnptslns in the league f nir are third basemen, three are first baemeo, tWO uro sei olid b isemeu, one a shortstop, one a catcher and one n right flelibir. li Keenan bonis is the belief of the Wlikee-Barre Timet that bv ibe end of the season ho will be pursued by some of the magnates of th National league. He tielils Ills ion belter than any pitcher seen there this year. , TRIXD anmi TBUI is the verdict of people who iske ilootl's Sar-apui ilia. The giod effects of each medicine are snou felt in nerve ttrength rettored, appetite created anil health given. HOOD! I il.i.s do not weaken, but aid diRestiou and lone tha stomach. Try them. Bit. Woon's N rway I'ine Syrup enrea coughs ami colds quicker than any Other remedy, because it combines the lung healing quality of the nine tree with other Valuable medteittet, SoM by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfurtioii. . FINANCIAL AMii COMMERCIAL Ftecks and Xonds New Vobk, Hay 9. fbere waa farther Indication of i qnldationi in the li dn-trl-tis st thesiari i i.i- in n ing American Sugar being particularly week, the stock In tba Oral trnii-ation- falling oft ab'iit a point. Tin- led totalling u oiher pert- I the Indu trial group a id II islly i: Became ipiite general, (ieneial Electric received a ma attention from the room trade-s, the price fell l)(toi5d4j, Wh sKey was also heavy, declining Lead 1 and Sugar 1. In the eaily trading- Louisville aud Nashville dropped but other itilwayt Were steady; BuUBrQBCBtly Lae Shore Bi veil up J. and Loa It villa an I Nashville rallied In i he last h ur of bnttoaN the Qraoger and other railway stock devei oped waakaete, 8t, Paol and Rock Uaad ilerliiilng '.. Northwrst an I Berlmg t"ii I, At the close themerket was rather ek in tone trita prioaa anywhere from k to i, Ndi w yvaterday' floal Tne sales w-re IftT, 745 ibares, of widen 40,','Si wele IBgar, Tbt foil wibb oompieta taWa nowin m dsy i Baetaatiooa in aetiv- stock i tapplled ll ' rteed .tnlv LaBar Fnlier. etek brokava, IS Wyoming tvaaaai Onaa KUk Ixr Ml ' a He. intf. est loUj m ! RU m km. Cot oil... Am inr A T. is. r ... t en. N J rbie. n. m V M g .... ....1 di .... ISM .... , i I ' I, Mi l"i 1 m s ' ' ' I li" Ule. I IV C.Cftt St. I 1 ck.Val T ;. H p., L. A w p 114 D.aO. F - Bv 1 Ii'4 ft, K. Co R l.skn shore 1 , :. V N C Wtnhattan. I Ml I'ae Rat. Il H M14 . IT- iaj fi'i IA 14 47 tm A kit 9 i, , r... . . N. Y. Central... v Y..o v. V Y..M. W 11. R C, t o Sortk Par M rth Pae, pf... Clmh l'e. Mail festdti j K.s-li lalaod H.I M Ptul T . c A- ! ... Tel I '.'.... t'tilon I'a I t, Hi', m aajt liS, Mai ' :: i" .. 1 ' .. si, .. fttibj 11 3 '11 . iSJ I7H rjrji I V I ia I II ..' I ; IlloO W. I.. W. Al L. I. pf V4l liM 1 : ininnni i"i PievUOa. i RcBavoa, Mt v -T' a foDowtnc eaota II i.n tapptted in I r rrvud dailv tr 'Ji !' t)rokr.!:i a't ,m n. ava i nut. BfrTEAt War Jn'v. HM. HM "S US Hlaaaat, ITU , Liiweat, MlJ i, ka, 01 Of II Wl) tu j i.'OltN. "t- let S M, llu'h-t ii- ;vt e. I ."! I.-S 114 ol, V.IOHI' V . HA'IS I It, ;n H : aj k , ptt MW Ht r.H : aia I tv. it UBJ lrii M UU l.j' thb Huh"-' Ctieeat ' potlt; (,I'n .r H fbaal L"Wt (.lifeline LAID Opeetag BlahMt Loireti ' loelBg Mil. hi i uiBa I 'peninr HiaTtaeM l.oweat 0 uinr M Til t TUI M ; B M to irt : at -rs ivu til? I..: a fiJS I.J I..J I.J New Yotk I i dm - Markt, Ntw V. iik. Mar '.' -I'Uita More art ire. BBali r. w iikat - i-uii, Breajr wuh oat) one; No. I n't. Htorv and elevator, setfaMxa ; afloat, AlaeiV ,; f. o li, WlftSIWr.! aneraded rad,lTa6lc.; Wo I Dortbern, NMc, optloaa were rirw BWlva, prioaa ri)(c. op; No. ml May. -V.I v' : Hill", i' .' ; Julv, a'c.; Aumi-t, 89C&i Bepteabar, o.ic; I I cetnber. OeWa i HUM Dull. Ilrincr; No. 2, iicj ele vator; 4.V hIIobI; 0.tion were very Ill'tnat r ndvame, My, 4lr ; .lune. 4-t r. . July, 4.'. . (IMS - .in mi, BrBVer ; opt i. n. dull flrnn-r ; May. MWjO.1 June, HNVc ; July, Xr. : spot (iruva, No. I lOWai No, 'j wi.ito. MVaiMo, I Chicago, 4bfo.; NatVWWai No. II white, 4 1 -" ; mixed .pteru. 41a 4'Jc; white do., i.'aiH.'. while elate, tSaioV. Hrr.F - Dull, ateadv. TlBBCBD ItKir Inactive COT M X ATS fillet, ateady; BlMiHet, bobIbbI Labs Qalet weak: wetten n'eam rloa.d at ill; city, BJanfi'Hi'.j May IT 7"., July, ti 4S; refilled, itn tj loiiimeiit, N 10 Smth Ain-rlia, s US. POM - Dull, Mteady. ltt'TTKR Modern ih mat id, about uteeily; elate diiiry, new, ISalTc ; old, Inn 180,1 00, creamer v, new, 15,17c ; I'onn lylvaala, do., IlilTc; wi-iern, 9al'ic: do. cremiicry, DeW, Kin 17c. : do. factory, new, Ballo.1 KIkIuc, :7c : luiit tion cr. ami i y, llaUc ( in ' 'K I triu. mnderato ileinaiul, un changed Eooa Onlll lato and Pennevlvania, ll'iallc; weMern friah, HlJiallVja: milt hern, BalOJ.c. Phllad rhla TallOW Market. I ' 1 1 1 1 . a i i i.i iii , Haa g.- Tnll w wna dull and unchanged, Price were: Prime city, n hou-headt, 4Kc: prinie OOBntry, in barrel-, l7Hc.; do. ilnra, iu bar rel, 4'jc. : rake. Rife: ureas-, Wc. America hi incAi i ii 1 1. I'u-n riKs. l.vniY NOTED PLACB IN ALASKA. TIIK imirao btatki and HKXica WV Nl Mill 11S(1N Till. HU N. TUB, IBM rh'NTs ami n,i: OOCFOM rOB ANY trUMBEtV A Handsome Comoinxion I la one of the (ircat ct charins a woman can I IpOflSCKH rotZONI'H COMPLBXIOif PoWOBB I glVCH 11. ST. VITUS'S DANCE, Spasms, Convulsions, Dizziness, Fainting Bwlls, Nervous Prostration nnd those nerv ous conditions brought on by functional dis orders are pornvnipntly cured by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It's a strengthening nervine nnd restorative tonic, prescribed by un eminent Physician for all those distress ing " weaknesses " nnd irrenlnrties common to women. Mrs. Adam Behk, Albany, UrrhsO-.,'a., writaa: " Da, R. V. PlBBOa: l)n" ''ir Mv sisUir, Miss Cor-' delta Merkel, had Rt. Viius's Dance. Her liiad nnd right urm moved or twitched constantly; the could not walk without lie Ing held under her arms. She tried four doctors, hut without good. After ill teen months, having hcen given up as a hopeless invalid, I hough! tier llr I'iensVs loivnritn Miss ItBBBBLc Dr. PierOC'l Favorite Prescription! in two months she whs well mid strong." FIERCE ,W CURE. ONE CENT A Word. ffdnuo mi Madl coal ihnt mvaa, ta r-1 1 giftoidcou II un led, i left ure uuerfed RKR Situations Wanted. I ) B Bookkeeper or offiot manaaar; tan U yean practloal ttperlenee; tboronga, oompnentand reliablt; eiUlUB worker; open for aaaavamanti rafereaea nd eaanrit if iini'i'ssary. Address llu-ines. Trdnine oltlee. po.sriT11.vi8 desTred BY A YoL'NO . t man, aged ft, e bo has had I years' expe r -lice wm king in a bank Iiet of reference, and bond, if deaired. Anditaa mn ill. Tank hanuoeh. Pa. IJITIATION WAN i KD Ydf.NO MAN. 21 3 who has had axparleaca a a land and mine surveyor ami in generel eiicineering wore, d'-tnres potlttoa ; aapecta small salary at flr-t: W'-iihl like an interview Ad rasa Box I'd. Tankhaaaoek. Pa. Ur ANTED in isl tins' BY A MIDDLE lied w ('ii, ,,n to do h"Ua ele nuig. ternbblai or w aahlag Address, J. 11. C . 41 1 1 hir-i nth st. U'AN FI5 -Pl iii Fi 1 5 't4 CLEKK BY middle agi d man. cu -k Kusslan. Polish, slsvir als K.nglisli d re--. M A- AH. Box a , I'- ViMe, Pa A 1. '.tY W S W si N,i To TAKE 1 hum-. Ap; ly ltWKre.l-r court ClTUATJ N WANTED A WuMAN 3 w. uld like to ft'.. work by the d-y ..t or crui lng. or will take waahltw home AddrvM At All V 1" N NELLY, 7M 1 'r' h rd str. t Helo Wanted female U' AN El' sEHV.'.NT lilRI. AT IB Franklin trenur. Apcnt Wen'.ad. O ALEMMEN WANTED TO BELL OUB for term ad-lrr with .NlAL M I li u .M . -. . . I A.S rtD VAN WITH LIFE AND PIRE -V nfturancc -ipvri. n- ft aetteitBf tu t.ekwBn eooatr; g ! tadu anta tu ruht man A tdr-M IUI ft- tt hnildlng. tor Kent. .VjBhErTu"iTi' 'iii (Ma an . a I Ave. Imjuire ..f 111: SUV t i.Y. 1. Laattawaaaa . ; 1. i.i :. . :' 1; -1 m adamh avk I : : 1 1; 1 A l -it , 1 1 Larka aaana tvaaa - noR RE!fi IJiilir WELL FVBXI8HED I Ti tat driie-httul'i'iratiuti Ml Weahinv ti n tVI au. I I" tl A 1KIIM "K KAIl- I Pan av all el u.r.- bjn lead f' f rri 11-m .rie raiir Aiiil ' ' -ukirn tvroae. 'I Hi R NT sToliE xeieiOH ri'RNIHItED I . - a i.n-rn Ki-lf- itfv t Vrry d-.r.-tl- loratli-n and on r"nMft trm App v k 1. Nl.TTI.KT'iN u C V WiaJDUL r'K ri't'tii.. n I uildinc For Sele POB BALE LA IOBBT AND BKHT I.ISK X . ' ii.-. -. - . rr.i. phaatuns . -art. tin iimii 1 ft-ti of all kind alao atn ,-k-ir. lamb r. al M. T. KELLEK'H Lark I vaaaa ' ti na-e Wovka I,'. 11 a 1 ' u iiv 1 d' i.i'. in v Aim.. I ona an 1 "Or liall n t r om I ia 1 1 ta oa and w --'rn liae v,lth never tavriia e--al and .I rbtap. lerm OKCH 04 I-AA' i. jnknnt th- ln:tr. r. ilrol i r-t eli 1,'ok B. LI FOWL MANURE, KlilllT I Bairett for aii alao 00110 itfaoia egaa fi r batek 1 a- Apt y to 1 1 iinBiin.. i u,, k Well utriet noa usi v I for ii 1 ton IB) Franklin nu I N1KHED BOO Ml .ii.- un aaa f tth. I dl KAI.K -. M Hr. FAKM. HHX'K 1 a 1 .' ' Ill ! . . . Ml lit - ar- L OB -At I It 1 xi HANOI 1 "li -( Has I t4i I'rnn-rly-A iMavrlnt orange atniv II in-. 1 la proanctloa aad value early tn 1 .''.- : 1 Honda Addroa I KKITLCTUN, Ijik., Helen. Finriila Money lo loan. S' on TO LOAN ON ritlBT MOBTUAOB, Sernton ltv property. Apply t.. the liickanaim Tt '-t and Safe Dep. Ait Com pill, lid l.Hi-kaw anna ' entie. Specla Notice. T A MIBTtNU OF THE PIMOTOKSOP . tbe Nay Aug Fella tod Elton tmi BobIo. vard company it wa reaolvml that a meeting f the fttockh .. 1 ra I -ft 1 ) I to i-oliViuie .'it the k"inrai oft a of the toatnaav, VOOtO Ht Bepoollcan hud iiua. on th" .'th d'avof June A D IBM, from A. 10 SI. until I P, . to take action on th approval or dfeapprOVal Of Hie ptopoel Increaaeof th, i capital atoek of kin cini'anv from lvuxi to Bd,iCu, aad ibai iae taerrtary i. n.i be K ftereoy directed to ntve n itteo thereof aa re .piir. d hy la T 11. WA1K N.S Bearetavy. OTlCl TBE ROMINATIONH FOR OF fleer- Oi the Uerniaui lluildum nnd Loan 11-1 . 'it ion of - outli cr.inton will take Friday evening. Aprl. 57. Ivu. after tmuaaetiiiH the re.-olar husluea. .1 AC iU F Mil. i i li. .-ei-r. terv. fJLAlft K In " I'AMI'III.IIIS, M AIIa" l tmea, etc , Uiiiud or relaiund at Tilt 'I'MliiMi ollli'.i. Ijuli-k work. Hcatvouuhlu pricea. EAL 'tICKTth CAN BE HAD T 144. earner S.ruci hirct and Franklin ave nue, 'twenty meal tn-aet lor tli.lit Uood tthi heard, Propoaals. CIALBD PROPOSALS WILL BI KK O reived hy the OODOtnv LIlfBt, Heat mid I'owir compiinv nntti Satnrday. May l.'th, IBM, at noon, at thcoAV of L II Iturn. I.i lir..rv buililliiu. Hcrnnton. Pa., for trenchlug a d back HIIiuk about aix tbouaand vard of trench In tbt dtv of aOranton Tho rompany r wryea the right to reject any and all lurta HlK KC.iNHMY I.ldllT. IIKAT AND I'd A EH COMPANY. The GENUINE New Haven Mathushek" Pianos KSTABLISUED 1800. New York Warerooms No. 80 Fifth Avenue. E, C. KICKER & CO, Sole dealers iu this section. OttlOB U3 Adann Ave., Telephone B'l'd'g Ikw U 9M9J9 am Connolly & Wallace OPENING OF LADIES' SHIRTS AND SHIRT WAISTS Many new features this season in the way of Shapes, Styles, Colors and Materials. SHIRT WAISTS from 50c. to $3.75, in every conceivable design and material, from the medium to the fine3t grade3 of Lawn and India Linen, Percales, Sateens, Dimities, etc. The ne wiest and nobbiest thing is the LADIES' SHIRT. Made with starched shirt, stand-up or lay-down collars, with cuffs attached. They come in Plain White, Printed Percales, Sateens, Madras Cloth, Century Cloth and Pongees. We venture to state that our line of above is the largest and most complete in the city. Trices, as usual, THE LOWEST. ' ' " CONNOLLY & WALLACE 20"9 AV Bilf cle FURNITURE ig2 a, eS BEST WORKMEN, LOW PRICES. Driving Park mattresses Scranton, . july 7nn Factory Prices - 000 worth of Diamonda to be Ttl ScmntOll I3e 1 1 1 I'll Co. aa i u prizes, i ti. in racing men or- Adams and Lacka. Aves. in the country will compete, Qrand Parade o( Wheelmen in i DID YOU KNOW? dlroadl W Wf a That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat OUR WATCHES terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and DON'T BEAT TIME FORKS for an equal weight.ounce for ounce, And lift cm I bat who bayt ,bm Thov ari oti tlm vrerv llm and ail th tim and the flret tinia jroj have tiro imnr la and e ii.ia-ai ura-.i ' i i." kr'-tH-ra wi.i ., rr our v m 'ii.- ,,iaiauiwi . iftn ritn aai- Th t rre qiiot la ar" tor hteheet .1. . - ,'; a- .mm j ' i iiii"aii w . I. . . n P-i.nt Of T.lll'i Id Th-y Are Record Smashers Price List: we Will Sell an M W KTironi1 Movement In 30 Ti-r i. ;. Riled aa- .v, i tiara e m 4 o. Coin ilver 'tt ... s: ts U II Ti t aioTamen, ta ) T,,,r ,;, i nllad ( . a 00 Sn in "I. Coin Hllrer fata if CO O. M Wi.i-eler Bovaiuvnt ia vr tlo'd Filled Qtat jn m 8m In t o. Com HlWer 15 "i ' Andeton. '1 tvj A Co. in B) veer Hold Fllied I' H In Urn tn 4 x Coin ailvr I t. S. Hartl-tt M. r.mH In rr Oold F;.l-d !' la TS ; Sam in 4 oa. Coia Stiver IS TS FREEMAN, DfftUr Ir DtaUMM Wfttrhsi, Jitweiry, K e Cor. Fenn lfl and proce St. MT, PLEASANT i u 1 1 tn. Onfclr.f th- raaat aaaJMy fr d.'ineatte naeatel rf all airv detiverft-d tn any part ut Hid tttf t lowe-l I rice Ordera ;eft at mv orBi-ia. mi. 1 1 a. v rOMlNt I Mr Rr room, flrat fl air. Thirl National RanlL or aent hy mail Of teleptioo to the mm, will r,--ei.. i r- nipt etteDtion. Hs'ial eoi, tract will be made toe th al n.i dailvery uf lluckwhrat C.iaL WM. T. SMITH. B RICK DRAIN TIL FRONT, WIRE CUT, HOLLOW, VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COMMON BRICK Best in the market OFFICE: Binghamton, N.Y FACTORY: Pa. Scientiflc Eye Testing Free X By Dr. Shimberg, The Specialist on the Eye. Headache and NnrvouHnoas relieved. Latost and Improved Btylo of Eye (ilassea and Spoutacle at the Lowest Prices. Bt ArtiQolal Eye inserted for $5. SS SPRUCE ST., op. Old Poat Office. Brandt Clay ProductCa frik of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at Mercereau :to7 LAI HAW WHY NOT 8m our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid trk Bad room Botl We sell Furniture as cheap as any DOOM in the country thut in tends to gT9 DOtMBt value for tho money, fry us. Hull & Co. 205 AND 207 Ml LUG AVE. L Robinson's Sons' Laqeh Beer Brewery Manufacturer of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum. DUPONT'S MININU. BLAST IN (J AND BPORTINO POWDER Manufactured at the Wapwallopen MUla, Lu xerue county Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyomiug District, 111 Wyoming Ae., Scranton Pa. Third National Rank Building. AniNCIKt. THOB. FORD, Pltteton, Pa. JOHN B SMITH HON; Plyioonth. Pa. E. W. Ml 1. 1,1(1 A Wilkee Barre, Pa. Agent for the Repauue Uhemioal Com pany' High Exploalvta U Connell ANN . V1 H i. ntUBSDAY, FRIDAY AS D SATURDAY, LAST THREE DAYS OV THK Wonderland Dramatic Co. Appearing in the llreat Plv, MICHAEL STROGOFF HEREAFTER, AND I'NTIL FURTHER NOTICE, Ten Cents Will la the price of ailmiaaiou to all part or tho house, ON AFTERNOONS ONLY. ADMISSION EVENINGS, 10. SO OR 30c I'ertorniancee every afternoon, except Hon daya ami Thursday, t .:HI, and every even lug at Door oieu at and 7.1X1 P.M. CADEMY OF MUSIC. ONE WEEK. i '. iiiiiieuring Monday, May I T Special Engagement for ONE SOLID WEEK MINNIE LESTER With Her own t'oiiipany.Bandanil Oreheetra in repertolroof succossful plays at popular pricea. Opening play: A Little Busy Body Matinee Thursday. Friday and 6turday. Matinee Price. lOc. to evervbody. Evening Prices -10, "iO, SOe. Frank McNIhIi end hi Original SpecUltlet at every performance. Change of bill nightly. Hotel WaYerly European Plan. Flrat-olas Bar attached. Depot for Uergner Kugvl'a Tannbnunr Beoe. IE, Cor, WW udHotta. PtllllJl Moat dealrabl forreshlenta of N.E.Penn; ylvanla AU conveniences for traveler to and from Broad Street ttatlou aud th Twelfth and Market Street station. De tlrable tor visiting Scrantonlana and peo tie lu the Anthracite Region- T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR.