The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 10, 1894, Image 1

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    the Third
Those who
wish them should order
Series of W'rAHEtori w
now tf.,wy
(fa in
THE Ti l
lOBE BJ8il
Federal Authority Afrilu Invoke! 'Against
Train Thieves.
Extreme Measures Taken to Capture
a Stolon Missouri Pacific Freight
Train A Passenger Train Held Up
in Ohio Coxeyite Train-Stealers in
Jail at Pittsburg Breaking Up
Western Bands.
PCKBLO. Col., May 9.
ANDERS' Cripple Creek band of
Uoxeyltes, wuo seised a ireitit
train hen last night anil started
east on tlie llllioori Pacific rHll-
Ml, suee.)eil In K-ttini; around the
obstruction near Olney caused by
liicliinu ii box ear in a rnt, nn'I re
nmed tneir journey eMtwurd at about
3 3D, o'clock this morning, Snperin
tenclent Derby, when notified by wir
that tbe trninSilri were iiuain in
motion, orlered four locomotives, wliici
hml been wnttitiKHt Arlinirtrn, seventy
tiw miles from hern, to go out is rep
Idly SS DOeeibie. lie also ordered an.
other locomotive to b ditched near
HaawolL, which ii beyond Arlington.
Nut a train exoept the stolen one ia
now running on the Missouri Pedflo
road In Colorado. The tank at Oni
way, ten miles Iwlow Uuley, lias been
unptied and water for the locomotive
can be srrnred only from wells. It is
tbongbt likely that the tramp' SngtOS
will run dry before the new obstruction
is retched, Ifuoo anxiety TV. is ft-it
when it was Warned ttiat the track
around the overturned engioe was coin
pleled, lest the tramps should cut the
telegraph wire, but the train went
through Without any molestition of
the wires, (t will lie almost Imp CSibls
to pnreue the band from this direction,
since to build their tracki around the
ditch they have taken n: 100 feet of
I'nited Statoi lltnbejl Jones, in
D i.ver, has been advise! of the inter
ference with the inurement of tha
main, end counsel for the Missouri
Pacific in Denver has been instructed
to apply to the feieral court for an in
junction to prevent further interference
by andi'rs an I his men.
The stolen train encountered the ob
ItrUttion near Arlington, wtiere four
engine wete ditchd, but the traapt
romptlv benan Losing tracks around
the detraction. Sj rifl Mos-s endear to raise a p-isie to capture Sanders
snd bis men, but c nld uot secure more
i haa forty men. The railroad author
ities then communicated with Judge
liallett, at Deliver, lu regard to secur
ing federal aid.
At Ordway the wuter in the stolen
engine gave nut and the tramps were
obliged to obtain a Supply from a well,
carrying it in their dinner-pulls and
iin.n cp n nun
C'Ncinnati. May U Tue Cleveland
Maaenger express on the iitltimore
scd Ohio Southwestern railroad, leitv
Dg I incinnnti at 8 o'clock, whs held
op near Wyoming last night by about
twenty tramp The train crew drove
the intruders IT, I in as soon as the
train was started the tramp boarded
it again, The trainmen notified the
Look land polio and stopped the train
just outside the town. The police were
bont to attack tbm when the tramp
begun to 1 rtndish revolvers and elus.
1 tie terrified pseiiirrs persuaded In
police to make no attempt to drive oh
the tramps and the train proceeded on
it way without their beitig molested.
PRT8B( Kit, May 0 A section of (ial
vin's band of Coxeyites was brought to
the Centriil police itation tnis morn
ing under arrest for taking possesion
of a Baltimore and Ohio freight train
ht Bkll There were twenty-three
men in the party. The men deserted
Onlvin'g baud yesterday. After the
public meeting in McKcspport last
ntirbl they went uj the track us fsr as
Iiissell. When the fast freight train
reached liiasell it was stopped, and
Ibeiy climbed fin top of box cars. Haiti
more and Ohio dnteclives, who had
been expecting this action, were on
hand, cuptured the men and brought
them to this city on n spoeial train and
locked them up.
The men were arraigned in conrt and
held on a charge of trespass preferred
by the officers of the railway company,
They gave Los Angeloa us their ad
dress. Galvin's baud is still at Mc
San DunNAUDiNO, Cl.,M.iy 9. "Col
onel" Viuette, of tde second Log Ange
loa contingent of (J ixeyites, ami seven
of bis comrades, were takon before
Justice Knox today on a complaint
charging tnem with attempting to
evade the payment of railroad fares,
and were held to answer, bail fixed at
$100 each, in default of which thev
were remanded to the enstody of the
ebenff. The band is going to pieces
Saciiamknto, May 0. There is
trouble in the "industrial army's"
ranks here. Seroral of its ofllcero wore
deposed this morning for drunkness
mid new officers were chosen. Four of
the old officers disappeared with tho
band's money. Two of them were oap
tnred near Clatknburg, ten miles
outh, today, bat no money whs found
3U them. Tho band's treasurer, Ininan,
end "Opr." Savage disappeared, and
Hjuads of the baud found tnem in the
gaa works and exchanged shots with
tbera. About C00 has disappeared and
the uen have nothintr to eat.
Tacoma, May I). Superintendent
MoCabe of the Northorn Paoiflo rail
road says that all the Coxeyites are
euet of the Cascade mountains. They
were not allowed to go through the
tunnel and walked over the mountains.
Trains are now running regularly.
Driven frcm the Milldale Mines
Skulls and Bones Warnings.
Birmingham, Ala., May 0. The
negro miners at Milldale quit work to
day because they received three formal
anoymous notices to do so. The last of
these wag posted nt the mines lt
night and read: "You have been given
three notices to quit work. If you do
not obey tomorrow morning you will
aot live to disobey long."
The notice was decked with skull
and bones and purported to have beeu
signed in blood with a dagger. Depu
ties have gone to tho scene.
He Had Been Missing lwoity Years and
Bis wife Remarried.
Danook, Mo., May 0. -Twenty years
airo Marshal ThtbedoaU, who lived iu
Orono with bis wife and children, had
trouble with his family and went west
to seek his fortune. Ten years later
Mrs. Thibsdean, believinir that her
I' unhand would never bo heard from
again, married James Pond, of Orono,
and has livea happily with him ever
Yesterday Thlbedean returned to
find hi Hon and daughter married and
prosperous and his wife living us Mrs.
It is understood that Thibedeau said
that he would remain dead, as fur as
family relatione were concerned, his
object ooming from Colorado being to
see ins two ohildrca His wife is near
ly prostrated.
One Hundred Thousand Dollar Con
Migration Along tho Piers
in New York.
NEW xOR M iv 11. A barrel of oil
st h in Img in Iron t of the Clyde line piers
in South street exploded tliis afternoon
and started a disastrous fire, which in
twenty minutes destroy! the three
piers, the freight in them, damaged
the Catherine street ferry house to tne
extent of 190,000, and made one of the
hottest tires th department h is had to
bit tie again-t for yearn. Tb piTI
were numbers K8, UK) and ."I and Wen
heavily stocked with p-trol n in. Fifty
b irr.-ls that had beeu crowded from
the sheds were in the str-et.
It is stated that the explosion ws
SMUCd bv some Italians who were sit
ting on theol I barrels smoking. How
they made their eoops when tho ex
plosion occurred is not known, but thv
did so, is certain The speed
with which the flstnee spread
was something inarvellons. It
aeenied hardly more than a moment
before the entire row of huntings
was a mass of flame, At ttiCI 8&j
lighter loaded witl 0 UOO m Ml was
tied up. It was impossible to get h"r
loose and she was a total l ee Thcf
w,.s ISO bales ol cotton on her. valued
at o each. In addition to the cotton
thre was about fifty tons of general
merchandise valued at f 1 0,000, This
was also entirely destroyed
A source of great anxiety w is the
danger in which the tralgkt biHMCI of
the Long Island railroad stood It is
at pier M and was tilled with oil in bar
rels, and general merchandise. A
steady stream of water was p:ayed on
the Padding however, ami no serious
latnage was done. The Catherine
street terry bouse, which belongs to
the I'nion Kerry n mpany, were uot so
fortunate, however. Tbey are badly
damaged by tire ami water and will
have to bwenluelf
Mr. W. P. Olydi snd tint the build
ings would cool about $1,800 to rebuild
and the piers as mm n acain Tb !os
on cotton waa about fo.000 and on gen
eral merchandise am tit twice that
amount. Kv.rrtning was OOVCTCd by
Insurance. The loss upon the C tther
ln strict ferry houses is estimsted at
$30,000. The two nridgaa were ren-.:-reil
worthless by the fire. It coil
$.'o, 000 to build each of thi'ui It Is
thongUt that the total dum ige will
amount to fDO.OO').
Released Aft r F. ur Years' Iti-t r. eon
men t tor Hnbblna State Treaeuir.
Hai ti mukk, May U Kx-State Treas
urer Stevenson Archer was pardoned
out of the state penitentiary this after
noon. He had been confined there
since July l'.'O. under a i year sen
teiioe. for robbing the state treasury
of Ti:i3,000.
Archer attempted to cemtnit snicide
at his bom in Harford county when
his defalcation was iniidn public. Ills
downfall was one of the most senaa
tional occurrence in the history of the
state. No man within the routines of
the state of Maryland was more popu
lar nor trusted further.
He had been a political !nder for
years ami held many high offices, being
chairman of the Democratic slate cen
tral committee when proven a de
Morgan's Sons Hardware Store Entirely
WlUUS BaIBB, PaV, May. 10. The
hardware store of Q Morgan's Sons,
the oldest establishment of its kind in
this city, was destroyed by lire at 1
o'clock this morning.
The Ion on stock will reach $20,000,
on building 18,000, partially insured.
The I'enry roliof expedition will leave
St. Johns, N. V., on .Inly 4.
The Findlay, 0,, glass works have start
ed up after a hhut (town of tour montha.
Tho Harmony society at Economy, !'.,
is believed to be iu tha throes of dissolu
tion. Tho steamer St. Pierre ran down the
schooner Watlve of lluiuiuloau off Cape
(leorge K. liurkwortl., a Cincinnati dis
tiller and leading Democratic politician,
dieil last night of a Blow decline.
The Yar.oo Dolto planters have Imported
6!ltl Sicilians to work on reclamation of
lauds in tho mouth of the Mississippi.
The famous Tanner will cbbo in liostnn
has been compromised, the widow and
two sous each roceiving a third of the es
tate, Joseph Jefferson made the epeoch of
dedication at tho unveiling of the tomb
stone of Edwin booth, Mount Auburn
John C'ochnowor, onco the wealthiest
coal dealer in Cincinnati and always
highly respected, dropped dead at his East
Walnut Hill home last night, aged 78.
An official clrcnlar sent out from tho
United Mine W orkers headquarters says
that not more than 5,m0 miners will be at
work at bituminous works by the time
the Cleveland convention meets.
Four Men Almost Killed at tne Hill Farm
Coke Works.
The Mob Driven Away by the Win
chesters of tho Deputies Great
Excitement at Dunbar Many
Evicted Families Passed tho Night
on the Roadside at Everson.
COMRaXUTIUj; Pa., May 9.
nniOTOR HABBTJBQ and three
W other workmen at Hill Farm
lyi plant were beaten almost to
VJ death at l o'clock this morning .
IOC attack was made so suddenly that
th. deputies were unable to protect the
men before tbe mob had swooped down
on them and had beaten the men iutu
According to promise, the Hill partn
plant was tired up at 11 o'clock this
morning with a large force of ineu
Under a strong guard of deputies.
Shortly before -1 o'clock everything was
ipilet and the deputies left 100 Works.
A few minutes later the rtrikers WCtC
astir, and armed with eloba, stones
and coke forks, inietly advanced under
e ver of darkned The men at work
did not see them until they were close
at hand. Most of them Bed f Or their
lives, llarburg and his three com
panions w re surrounded by
the s'rikers before they knew
It. Thejr attempted to defend
themselves but wre soon knocked
senseless. The sharp renort of a Win
ri . st.-r announced the approach of tin.
deputies, Whereupon the luoti lied In
every direction, closely followed liy the
deputise, who Bred repectedly, BevercJ
of the strikers were wounded, but none
dangerously, and none of them were
i here is great excitement at Dnnbcr
I BC Bompany has again announce 1 thai
they will operate the plant at all J
ar Is.
Boottdalb, Pa.. May 9, Incitement
BOO Pnoertainty prevail here today ami
there aie grave t.-ars for the outcome
Last night t he deputies eurro'in led tue
grounds leased by tbe strikers at
Mover and tried to prevent theui from
occupying the property. Th strikers
produced tin r lease, however, snd took
possession Tins morning the deputies,
headed by Superintendent BrOCdfl I I
marched to the camp grounds, wLtch
MO directly in front of the coke plant,
and ordered tne strikers off. The
stru-rs gave peaceable possession, an 1
marched to Scottdal. Joseph Pen
nington, who wa in charge of the
Striker' OCflsp, appeared before Squire
BiXlM and made Information against
Superintendent Brondfcrd and several
of the deputies, charging assault ant
battery with intent to kill. They will
be arrested during today
There ar 3 out) men in Kverson
drove, end arrangements ar being
made to increase this nam her to
by this afternoon, when tbey will march
hack to Moyer ami ag in take p MCI
Ion of the camp groimdv The Mover
works are Idle. I'nited St its Marsha!
luiams served injunction papers on
President tterrett yesterday, but tins
did not prevent him from addressing a
large mass meeting held at Vender bill,
where three of Bciney'l works are lo
late I. A few m-n continue at w..rk in
tbe Van terbilt diatnrt, and this morn
ing '.',") i mm started for that place
BfiCtiOM Weretx'guu lu earnest yes
terday. and last night twenty-live fami
lies tiarpl on the public ro id to Kverson
Southwist Moi -land 4 are doing but
lime work this morning. Morew i
haa slightly increased force, and Vci
ley Is w. rking about half full. One
hundred owns are reported in opera
tion at Oliver this morning, tho men
Working under heavy guard.
e ' i
Astounding Conf.ssuin of Llxaia Sharp,
a Oav Maiden of F'ftr Years
Pitit.AiiKi.i iiiA, May it William P.
Bender, a down town drnggtit of tins
city, today brcvgbt an notion against
Dr Lemhert H Edgar to reoorer (SS,-
O t0 damages for tho alienation of
his wife's affections Mr. ilender
says that in tho ronrse of his
absence she became acquainted with
Dr, IMgar, who had an cilice in the
neighborhood,- and the doctor bvoauie a
fitqncnt visitor at his bouse. Tbe
druggist claims be induce 1 his wife to
violate her marriage vows, ami names
a hoUa in Wilmington, Del., and
others in this city when he took the
woman and maintained illicit relations
wltn her.
The information sgilnitDr. Klgar
was furnished to Mr. Ib-nder hy Miss
Lizzie Sharp, an nunt of Mrs. lieuder'H.
who was ennmored of Klgar. Miss
Sharp is alleged to have confessed
that illicit relations had been oc
curring between Dr. Kdgar, Mrs.
lleuder and bcreelf for some
time, and said that at one time the
doctor, she and Mrs. Pender occupied
the same room in a Wilmington bouse.
Miss Sharp i about 50 years of age
while Mrs Bendet Us young woman.
Judge Bregy issued a capias for the
arrest of Dr. B I gar with ball at 2,000.
Redoubtable Tom Cooper Encounters a
Primary Waterloo.
MEDIA, Pa., May U -The hot fight
that has waged here between the two
factions of the Republican party in
Delaware county, with Judge Thomas
Clnytou leading one wing and Captain
Isaac Johnson, and ex-Collector
of the port of Philadelphia Thomas V.
Cooper tbe other, terminated at the
primaries today. The polls did not
close until H o'clock tonight and the
return? from the country districts are
slow in cotniug in, but IndicatiniiH
point to the defeat of Johnson and the
success of Judge Claytou in his battle
for re election as jndgo.
Congressman Jack Robinson, who
bns stood neutral in the light, says
that Clayton will go into the couveu-
tion with 180 delegates, thirty tnoro
than ho needs for a nomination.
Cooper will not yet concede
the defeat of Johnson and bases
bis hopes upon tho returns
from the eouulry districts, which
have not yet beon hoard from and
where Johnson's greatest strength lays.
Johnson carried all tnreo districts of
Media by a vote of more than three to
one against Clayton, Clayton gets
most of tbe delegates from Chester
and s .ntls Chester and tbe dolegati
Iron tln smaller towns suetns to be
nearly evenly divided.
The Flatb .at Flotilla Leaves Dss Moines
Amid Great Enthusiasm
Tek Mount, Iowa, May 9 Commo
dore Kelly sailed for Washington
shortly after noon today. His flotilla
consists of 180 llatboats. Kach boat is
eighteen feet long, six feet wide, and
one foot deep, ami accommodates ten
men. When the Mississippi is reached
the boats will be lashed together, if
practicable, and '. f not a barge will be
secured. About 1,1110 men sailed to
day, and ten boats were filled with
provisions. The boats are all named
and decorated with llsgs acquired
throngh purchase or donation. Five
thotisund lies Moines people went
down to the navy yard this morning to
witness the start, which had been ad
vertised for 9 o'clock,
neral K-lly greatly desired to
make an imposing display, as led by his
flagship the tl mlla proceeded down
the river. He mi I the crowd were alike
disappointed, when on arcouut of ob
structions In the river it was decided
to send tbe boats down a mile aud a
quarter in charge of small crews.
The boats got away from the navy
yard during the fomoon, and were col
lected below tbe obstructions. '1 be
men assembleJ at the court bouse soon
after t oon, mid ufter farewell speeches
marched to the boats, and tbe formal
departure was taken at 1 30,
The Dead Body of John McDonalJ
Found Near Moosic.
Njrml In thf .Srraeloa TViMiae.
Miewn .Pa.. May U John McDonald,
a middle aged man living la a OSttls
met. t on ma Mm- mountain, ao-m'.
three miles from the town of Moosic,
was found dead yecterdcf half way b
tween his home an I the laltr village
The lo'.v was iying fsc downward
along si l" the tiarka of a branch of the
Delewar and ilu U m tracks, running
to the new mill of the Mo isic Powder
t'ornner Kellv was notifiel snd wet.t
to theajxitat 9 o'c.ock l ist night. A
;'.irv wss erupannele I. eOMtctlOgj of J
J Campbell, T J Daffy, R W I,wis.
John M ormtck, Harvey Jacques and
Malarlii Illy, and il was brought out
in esi.b'iici that Mi l) mal l was seen
n line on n wngen 'toward Mo sic very
early in DM morning where lie intend
ed to purchase some paint
A'ter buying the Mint he started to
Walk home snd, alter having gons
s m distance, he stuuihle.1 an 1 fl,
hurting his shoulder. II. returned to
Mooeic to see a doctor anotit his sbonl
der aud got soin medlolno, Then be
itM ted back home It-fore leaving
Moosir. however, he (topped at one of
tha house there aud asked the privi
lege of leaving his paint there until
the following day His ItqWCCl
wa granted, and he incidentally
mentioned his misheg to the
folks where he called, cmiplainiiig
tnat the medicine bs token made
Mm vtry ill. Ills dea l body was dis
covered some time in the day, and the
coroner OpOU elimination OOUld not
tiud marks of violence or stiy bruises
upon it
lh" holy was run vol to a house
near by. where it w.ll be kept until lh
Coroner makes, a more complete ex
amination at 10 o'clock this morning.
Albert Wo.dtey NeM ta Mrs. Buchanan
and Thn Alteinii'.s Suicide.
Prrrtun not Muv 9 .ib-rt Woodlcy,
who tins morning shot and killed Mrs.
Buchanan and then attempted his own
life, will recover. Although unron
scions when removed to the hospital, he
speedily revived. His wound was
dressed an I the polio notified of hla
improved Condition, lie was taken to
tail this afternoon.
W hlie en route to the j ill Woo.lley
told Detective Steele that his father re
sided in Washington, but the other
members of tbe family live in Brook
lyn Woodley alto ststed that his crime
waa prompted by jealousy.
Iterkeley Springs will entortaln the
Obrcan minister aud members of ins suite
tioa summer.
The French nmbassndor and Mrs. I'aten
otro attended Mrs. Cleveland's regular
Monday reception.
If. II. D. I'lerce, of Massachusetts, has
beeu nominated to be secretary to tho le
gation in St. Peter burg,
Tbe nomination of the prominent col
ored man, C EL J. Taylor, to be recorder
of deeds for the District of Columbia,
bangs lire iu tb0Ut0i
Kepri sentativo John O'Neill, of Mis
souri, turned up in the role of an assailant
of Dr. James II. Stone, a strauger to him,
whom he struck an unprovoked blow, and
for Which he paid a Hue of 15.
A bill passed the senate authorizing the
captain and crew of the life Having station
at Hog Island. Va., to accept a medal of
honor from Spain for their heroic conduct
in saving life from a wrecked Spauish ves
sel. Hear Admiral Walker and Surgeon J.
Rufus Tryou, of the navy, will probably be
permitted to accept a Uecoraliou uf the
third class from the people of Venezuela
for their liumauo services to tho wounded
and dying men iu tho recent Venezuelan
bote yesterday afternoon Ootey was
served With a notice to comply with the
health regulations iu regard to his camp
within forty-eight hours, otherwise bo
will bo prosecuted under a statute which
imposei a Que of from $5 to t-! for each
Tbe President, on his trip to Fredericks
burg today to attend the Mary Washing
tou monument ceremonies, will be accom
panied hy Secretary and Mrs. Oreshain,
Secretary and Mrs. Carlisle, Secretary ami
Mrs. Lnmout, Postmaster Ueuoral BlsselL,
Secretary and Mrs. Morton and Private
Secretary and Mrs. Thurber.
He Is Advised to Go Baci to Ohio and Look
After His Family.
Ho Casts Slurs Upon tbe Administra
tion and Andrew Carnegie Mr. Al
len Springs His Coxcy Resolution
in tho Senate and Listens to Sound,
Sensible Talk-The Tariff Bill Dis
cussed A Coincidence Pointed Out
by the Nebraska Senator.
Washington, May '.)
THK resolution offered last Mon
day by Mr Allen (Nehraekn
for the appointment of a select
committee to investigate the
police assault and arrest of Corey,
ltrowne and Jones in the capltol
grounds on the first of May, was laid
before the senate this morning, and
Mr, Allen made an argument in sup
port of it. Disclaiming sympathy with
the I tey movement and saying he did
not believe that it would be wise for
congr-ss to appropriate money for th
construction of highways in tho state,
Mr. Allen proceeded to sdvocate the
adoption of the resolution.
")! not." Mr Diulel asked, "Mr
Coiey full legal remedies for any
wrong Which he msy have suffered 7"
"I hope," Mr Allen said, "that the
senator from Virginia will not under
take to divert me from the course
which i hay., mante l out "
"I do not desire to divert lh.0 sons
tor," Mr Daniel said, ,,Unt 1 want to
judge as to the propriety of tne senate
acting in tbllOCOC if the man haa been
It j. ire I an I if be bed U.'al remedy for
the mj'iry."
Mr Allen went on to s v that it wss
not trie that he w). or ever had been
0 innl for Coxcy, He ha 1 te.en called
in Consultation with two represents
tires, Mr. Hudson, of K msas, and
Mr. Pence, of Colore Ir, as to L'ox.-y's
rights, and lie had gone to the p MJ
nonrl In connection the matter
Hut the rough hands that had been
laid npou Ootey had beeu laid on the
rights of 7 1 ooo o o American citizens
It was for their rigata that he spoke
Mr. Allen waa followed by Mr Slier
man, Ohio, who cherart.-n.- d the
whole thing aa a sham and pretense,
and ad rise ! CoSCV to go home to Ohio
and take care of his property, of his
wife and his fsiuily. The resolution
went over without aall 'n till tomorrow
and a "iibstitut i was ff Te 1 for It br
Mr. 'Teller, Colorado, and accented by
Mr Allen, whien aobttilut will i the
resolution that will be acted upon to
morrow. Il simply provid-s for the
investigation, Omitting entirely tbe
1 r-aruble.
The tariff t ill was then taken tin an 1
a long discussion t k place on the
pending smeti Iment to insert In the
rnactin clans of the bill the words
"or withdrawn for consumption" so
that It will res I that tb duties pro
Vide 1 In the act w 11 h levied. collected
end paid upon ail articles Imported
froO) f Coign countries or withdraws
for consumption after June 30, IbeM
Then Mr Lodge. MaaeMOhncctlC, of
fered an amendment to imponc dis
criminating dvttea upM Greet ltntain
ntitil that government shotill assent to
and take part in an international agree
ment for the coinage and use of silver.
I he amendment, after discussion, w
leld on tbe table by party vote of 83
to 'JO, and the sen ite si tl p. m. ,
joUTOOd until tomorrow.
The Republicans were successful tc
day in set tiring what tune they desired
U r general debate on the naval appro
priation bill for the year ending June
888 After sev.-rsl private and nn
Important bills had been dnjios -d of.
Mr. Cumuiings, ( Dem N ) chair
mail of the committee on naval atT tin,
called up tbe bill, and asked that gen
eral debate ho limited to four hours.
Speeches were tnn lo hy Messrs.
Walker, tltep, Mass); Orcsvenor,
(Kep, Ohlojj Hlaek, (Dim.. Oi l, De
liver, (Rep, lowai, Meikeljohn. (Rep,
Neb.); Pendleton. (Dem, W. Va.)ami
Ray, lUep., N 11 )
Mr. MeiUi ljohu psid attention t ) the
frau ts recently made public in the
manufacture of armor plates.for which
the Carnegie company was line I f 1 lo,
000 He said the navy department
authorities' which made th investiga
tion decided that tli contrsctors should
DC fined 1884,000, and that $7,000 pre
miums p. i I the firm le recovered
Prom this decision Carnegie appealed
to President Cleveland, said Mr
Meikeljohn, who reduced tho amount
of the flue 1148,000 and released
the company from all liability
on acconut of the premiums. Ho called
attention to what he characterized as
tbe remarkable coincidence that this
nation by President Cleveland was fol
lowed by Carnegie's letter in support
of the Wilson tariff bill. Mr. Meikel
john gave notice of his intention to
olfer sn amendment providing for an
Investigation by congress of the sub
ject matter of tho tins imposed upon
the Carnegie eompany.
Mr. Cox, (Dem., Tenn.,) gave notice
that he would then move to add an
amendment to repeal the teu per cent,
lav law. At i :10 the house adjonrned.
A Mulatto Arrested for the Murder of a
V.hlte Woman.
New YORK, May !). George Smith,
a colored man 27 years old, who lives
at No. 100 West Thirtieth was held
without bail in the Jefferson Market
police conrt this morning for causing
the death of Kliznbnth Hsrry, n mar
ried woman aged 20 yours, of No. 1119
Bt lnirty-hfth stroet. the woman
died at her home this morning at 0 18
o'clock from tho eifccls of stab wounds
in her buck Inflioted with a penknife by
The trouble which led up to the stab
bing occurred on Thursday night last,
iu the bsIoou at 146 West Twenty
seventh street, between 11 aud 12
o'ol ock. The conple were drinking to
gether. There was seme dispute about
drinking a glass of beer. Smith be
came enraged, end yelled "I'll fix
you," nt the same time drawing a pen
knife from his pocket and stabbing the
woman in the back.
The police were not notified at the
time, and Smith was not srreBted un
til 4 o'clock this morning, when it be
came known that the woman was dy
ing. Smith, although a colored man,
has s very light complexion and regu
lar features. Ho was born in Balti
moro and is married.
An Eartbquake Destroys Egldn, Merlds
and Several Ven'Ztiela Villages.
Washington, d. c , May 0 Secrs-
tary Oresbam today received a cable
gram from the United States cnnsnl nt
Caracas saying that an earthquake on
April 2S destroyed the Venezuela cities
of Kgldo, M-rida and several villages
with heavy loss of life,
Merlda is tbe only place of Import
ance mentioned iu the above ' snatch.
It is a flourishing: city of 12, 000 Inhab
itants. Itdfore its destruction by an
sarthqtia) in 1-12 it was tho largest
city in Venezuela
Vast Amount of Business Accumulated
at Pittsburg Jennie Ross
Fails to Appear.
fita? ''o-irt.o'i'. are -'rraaf. Tribune,
Turin to, Ta , May 'J What Dis
trict Attorney Harry Hall declares will
bs the longest term of the I'nited
Slates district court held i the west
era district of Pennsylvania for twenty
two years opened in tbe splendid fed
eral hu.ldingou Bmith&eld sireet Man-
day morning On account of th ap
propriation for tli payment of wit
nSset being exhausted, no criminal
Cases were heard at tile last two terms
o. I'nited states court aud a crowded
trial list ti r the present term is the re
sult 1 here are uow thirty prisoners
iu the Allegh-ny county jail awaiting
tt ial la the district court and the grand
jury is grinding out true bills nith a
rapidity that is a startling departure
from the usual deliberate m-t iod of
transacting business affected by United
Matee jnrora
1 bs majority of those attending this
session of the Court are from North
BBStern Pennsylvania, and at any lime
while court is in session from one to s
d ten residents of Scranton snd
Wtlkao Beer can be seen lu tbe corri
dors I'nited States Commissioner A. J
i m, if., and Deputy Marshal A.
Bonnlon, jr , are here lu their official
capacity, auvl the following Scrautou
jurors are doing duty: Henry lie yea.
lipstiff Jaeob Kitter, Attorney jj
C Reynolds, L J. Williams aud
Jnmss I Mitchell. The witnesses
fn in BcTn to who are In the city are.
Johu Morris, Chief of Police W T.
Simpson, leintennnt of police Micnai
Snellinnn. O0OSC1 D P. Roche and
James Saul, frank Robling, A C.
Bcbrifcr, A K Detweiler. v. u
Christmas. BugCUS Stanton, John Jar
vis Cred Morns, 1". I) Jones. Andrew
Weir, D E Jenkins. M. V. Morris,
Knot, riynu and daughter, Miss Jeunie
Mott, Mise K K Leach
The Webb counterfeit sud the Jen-t.l-
Ii ss cases, in which tbe Scranton
witnesses sre interested, are expected
to be called before the grand jury to
day 1 he Webb esse will in all prob
ability uot be tried until the July term
at Kne, Jeunie It s has not yet put
in an a; peera .c ii. the ally, and if a
true Mil le found against hr she will
b- sent for. j. F at
His Face Badly Cm While Jumping
frem an Electric Car.
Officer Joseph lllock, one of the re
cently appointed policeman received
painful, thougti not lenous, injuries
yesterday afteruoon wuile jumping
from a moving electric car at Hogau
Following the drill of policemen at
the armory yesterday afternoon Officer
ltiock and Bound were aesiguel duty
at the bsse ball park. The foriusr at
tempted to alight from the car while it
was moving rapidly. He lost his bal
ance and wss thrown forward on bis
face, sliding along the rough, ground
for several yards.
His upper lip wss cut almost through
to the teeth and one side of his uose
was gsshed almost as badly.
Police Surgeon VV. it Pulton was
called to attend him at his home on
Ten u avenue, where it was necessary
lo take many stitches in bis
lip after his moustache bad
been shaved. It will probably be a
week before ho can report for even
light duty.
The accident is unfortunate in that
Officer ltiock is one of the most prom
ising men on the force and has beeu on
duty but a brief ported.
Says lie Intends to Kill Her and En
oloeee Money fur Flcwers.
Wu BIT A, Kan., May D. The chief of
police of this city yesterday received a
letter from some crank residing At
Kenyon, Minn,, iu which was enclosed
$10 to buy "pure white (lowers to he
placed upon the body of Mrs. Lease on
the day of her funeral," which he sets
down lor May 20. 3
He says that the Nezareue came to
him in a vision with a cross of blood
painted upon his breast and com
manded him to kill Mrs. Lease. Mrs.
Lease has been notified of the danger.
Owing to the prevalence of small pox at
Illandon, Berks county, the two schools at
that place have boen closed.
Thompson Hun coal miners who were
granted increased wagen and who have
been guarded by deputy sheriffs since the
great strike began, Want out yesterday
uiorniug on a sympathy strike.
D 1 Washington. MavO
niFAH f"r Thunday: lor
a nst idiu'd. fair. aMoniaamaaa
in bmiierudire. variable tci'toti
ikifting to enat. For ITssIsi
Pennsifuniiio, (ncicasi'ni cloudiness, ust
to south u tints.
The Great Popularity of Cnr
Ladies' Shirt Waists
Proves that they are correct ia
Style and Quality. They com
prise Plain and Fancy Silks, Lin
eng, Cheviots, Lawn,, Percales, etc,
Are of the best, In Stylo and
Workmanship, and include "Tho
King Waist," in Fattntleroy,
Plain White, (Jin-hams, Percale,
The "Mother's Friend"
Wats! and our Special LIoubo
Watst at o0c, the greatest for the
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
Maltese Cross
And Oak tanned Leather Belting,
EL A. Kingsbury
313 Sprose St., Scranton, Pi
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
In Russiet Shoes,
114 Wyoming Avo.
We Examine Eyes
Freo of charge. If a doctor
is needed you are promptly
told so. We also guarantee
a perfect fit.
All SILVERWARE and Damaged Gooda
et Arcade Fir will be sold at
50 Per Cent Below Coet.
The Jeweler,
408 Spruce Street.
- g
1 . keel