The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 09, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Ate among tlie present attrsc
tiona at our establishment
Among the more prominent1
stuffs MM
All-Wool French
The tire exceedingly ut-
tmotivB and were printed e
pecially for tins lesson's trade.
Tailor-made Costumes
Tliu very newest styles nnd every
suitable material, Worstol Storm
Bergs and Covert C'lotlis in choic? mix
lares have parbapa the first holl ou
popnlai favor,
A Superb Display of cpring
and Summer
Comprmi c mvr.liic'nt lirtM of Im
ported mil Uniiipatio Giiods in the
Very teat shapes, n ly trimmed
and finished in the liiRiuHt style of the
Trimmed and rjntrimmed
Hato and Bonnets
In I,-jhnrn, LecS, Fmicy Straw, StC
m m f,iics
Oar Fashion llontidy,
Desorlbee nnl contains thp loading
fashions, latest dreea materials, torie.
anecdotes, nnmnrooa lllnatrallons, va:
nnlilo information, elevating and plea
in reading fur the home. GIVEN
A U'A V to thoe wlio call for it at oar
Hti re.
Neu ir Bedlse.
A vtry pr it; ! dice may be made In
f'Ti' 1.' ; .-.I"!; r ik by I'tiisiiim; it ..IT
witb yoke, doable epaulets, collar and
waiatbell of moire. It si Id fasten np
''e back if tbeabonlder anil under arm
i r irrrn nam yiike.
ityle of fastening is not liked. It takes
H yarila of inMre for the yokt, donble
spatllets, et Ibir and Walstbelt, The n.ii
terlal nf which the remain I r of the 11
loa is niade, bsing slight! eassd under
the yoke, in drawn dovn In plaits oadar
lbs bait
Broken China.
Broken ohins may be mi odi d br mek
tng a li-iif paste of the white of nu egg
and Hour, cleaning tbe broken adgea
from duBt, ipreading tbem with ths
pnafo and holding tli" jurts together
wiiilo vrat V ijH nff all thai ooses out
It must M h'dd or f i-f"i'-d in ,. . itimi
until dry. A onlorleas oement is mads
by dissolvings Lulf or.nreof gun arabio
iu a wineglass of boiling water, add
in )lastcroi paris to form a thick pasta,
Uao nt onco, applyillg with a thick
Slim cohl boiled bam and fry in its
own fat. Reuiuvo the slices into anoth
er dish and ksop hoi while there is added
to thi' ii tcbapoonful of wliitt wiar,
a littlo pepper and n fecund tcn -poonl'iil
of Hindi' ninstard and three tablsapOOS'
fuls of vinegar, Lot this boil np ipco
and pour over the ham, Serve hot.
trench piled Potsteesj
Select long potatoes) peel and out
Hngthwise in quartos; throw into cold
water half an hour; dry with a cloth.
Have a kettle of mai hot; test it with
ono pieco before putting the others in;
fry quickly, When you can put a fork
through them cosily, they arc done.
Drain on brown paper in a OolSj&der,
sprinkle salt over them and serve.
8p.clmm Cum.
6. II. Clifford, Now Ciieiel, Win., was
troubled with asoralgia nud rheumatism,
liia stomacli was disordered, Ins liver w m
affected to an alarming degree, appetite
lull away, and ho vn terribly reduced in
Heeli and strength. Tin on bottles of iileo
irie Bitters cured him.
l.dwHrd Shepherd, llarrisbors, 111., had
a running SOTS on Ins leu of eiiflit yenis'
staiidiut,'. Uwd three buttle of Kleetrio
hitters and seven boxes of Duck leu's
Arnica Halve and bis log is sound and
well. Joliu Bpssker, Catawba, O., bad
rive lane fever sores on hie leg, doctors
wild lie was incurable. (Jne bottle iilictric
Hitlers and ono box Uucklou's Arnica
Salve cared hiu entirely, bold by Mat
thewe Bros.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Interoistlne Prrcraratna Obifivd by tli
Fifth Dl,.tri-t Asssaib'efe.
ffwriVi o the. tycrnnton IWeeSA
AROBBALD. Pn May 8. Tlie fifth
local InstittttS of the teacners of Arch-
babi, Jermyn, Msyflsld and Bsott
townships was opened at Arehbald at
0. 15 a. m, last Saturday. A large num
ber of teashsrs of Csrbondals and
Psokvills were alio pressBt, Th in
slitnte being called to order Professor
R. N. I):ivis was chosen prssidSPt, and
Sarah O'Connor secretary. The exer
cises were opened by the ilngang ol
"America" by tiie asaamblaire, Tui
was followed by a talk on "Literary
Culture," by Professor Iiovurd, of
Jermyn, In an side manner
ho told bow it is neglected
in every vocation? He also showed
iiow necessary it. is for a tSSObsr, and
that It should occupy a placs iii the
jiniilic schools. Uu remarks were vrv
nstruotlys and many, no doubt, will
profit by them. Miss Mary A. Ifnllsn
then pleased ths liutitute witli a voosl
sola, entitled "Quean of tha Kirth "
Mi MulUn has every reason to fssl
encouraged at the mecess of her tirt
Inglog In public. An excellent piper
on ''School Discipline" was reel by
Mis Maria K. Horaa It contained
many good and praotioal SOggSStioUf.
i hi i was followed bv a well prepared
paper on "Physiology" by Miai Mary
A Murphy, In a systematic, orderly
way she showed how it could be tatlglil
with advantage in tbe different grade
"Heautifnl I!"lls" was aung in a pleas
ing manner by the Itudsnts a! the
school, Miss Lizzie White's clsss
drill on "Phonies" ws a v.-rv Interest
ieg featara ol the progrsmm. M my
ci -inphm-'ntary remarks wre ex-
1 ....I . M , . !
pi in'l I'll O'T IO-'lllOil tl CII1I1UCUII
tie extrcxe. Tins was followed
iy Mie Qllltgan, of Jermyo,
with a rscitstion, which was
delivsrad witn ability and was well re.
reived "Piant Study" i Profess ar U
W. Oavis awakened a liv,dv latereel
among tbe teachers Bsoh on was
supplied Willi a plant of t 10 aamn
he wna talking about which mad II
v-ry Ids tractive A song by tl Insti
tnie closo.l the pr s. mim '1 is (
Ing tb" Jlast Inslitnto of the prei,t
abool term, the iuetmg adjourned to
me t at atsyflel i next September,
- .
A Eby'i RavU w of ItSfSeltSg Flonaar
cit Be els,
Tlf :t to U iu"n Tri
CAMOirDSLB, P., May H At an
ar!y boor thi morning Mrs Hryce K
Blair died at berbomeon Blttti svsnne
sfter a longlllns Mrs Blair was
born In Lhjgh eonnty, this s'ate, r
Pebrasry 19, 183i D'C"-.i Ut anr
v ve i by I tr bnsbsnd a-ni aona, Brycs
U . Jr Rev. . f Blair, of M mnl
Upton, N Y.. Robert ii , PrsoR,
Cfiarl is K and 11 lip l W . of this city
Fnnerai services 11 tm held at the
borne Wednesday f arno at 880
o'clock. Rrv. William Ktgr ol i:
Methodist onnrch off) dating. Inter
in -nt will t e u,.,de :n M up'. - .v, o 1 c -r.i
t- TV.
Mrs. F J. Kieftr died Monday v-n
ng at I er l "tne en Soitn Cuirch
treei at the age of W year. .
t;rviT"! by her bnaband and two chil
dren, e'oneral Thursday afteruo,in at
I o'clock :-rvios will be eoodnctsd
In Trinity obnreh. Interment la Ma
plewood oemetery,
A telejtram was received In this citv
this morning annoaoetog ths death of
John J. Cody, of Jersey City. Mr.
Cody was one a ridat of thisciry
nd hsl many frissds btre who will be
sorry lean of lus death, Ht only sor
viing relative i hi brother, Wi l
i , ly, e resident of Bcranti a,
L vi Psttersaa and John .1 Siuipjnn
departed this momiog on their tour in
til- old World.
George J, Benton has made some
r.oiic-h!e Im iroveinenta "'i the inter
mr of Ida South Main trst buainer
pi ce.
1ms afternoon's bse bill gam
winch was played on the simp in
groaade ie'wen the Anthracits and
Nonparlel t'siii, ol tins city, rti.nite!
In a victory for the la'ter bv the st ore
i? .
Mrs Harry U llill-r an 1 littl son
Jssse are visiting at the home of tb
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs J M.
Alexander, of 11 Imoal tret.
iarg atid: ac was entertained bv
the open air COCCI rt given by the Mo
Sirt baud thi evening. The pr
gramme was creditably r-ndered.
-- -sv
gCSSe VWSy N t-s Krratln iht Da
lies ef Etiidinta.
bUbI i" the SBfwafoa fWsaaa
PiCrTOBYVrUig, Pa., May 8 -Pr.-
i : i", I'. intfor 1 has been fcp 'tid
ing a few dnv with his parents at
Brookfleld, N Y
W. J, Matthswi spent Sunday at bli
borne in Soranton.
The social held in the p rl irs on
Friday evening was a IUOCSSS, livery
i. tie present B-emed to enj ,y biitisslt
I e irtily.
Owing to the Friday evening social
the meeting of the Phi Mn such tv was
postponed until Saturday svauini;.
At the present outlook Keystone
Academy will nave ono of the beet
foot-ball gronads Of any school in their
taction, The work of graveling is con
stantly being carried on, and the ahadv
crest which overhangs affords an ex
cellent position to see every movement
of the gallics.
A number of giii-st have been in
vited lor the ccining banquet of May
18th, and a highly enjoyaole time is
It Will bs Givsn Xonlfht bv Peckviil?
BjMSfal fo the Braalea Tribune.
PlCKVtlXI, Pa., May 8 A banking
and dollar social which will be 000 Of
th" most onions enlTtiiiiments ever
l.eld in this town will be giyen Wed
nesday evening, Msy 9, under the aus
pice of the Ladies' Ai l Society of tbs
Methodist Episcopal ohnrob. The fol
lowing programme will b' given: Part,
first Anthem bv the choir, prsver by
Rev. Mr. Doty, singing by male quar
tette, recitation by Maud Treyerton,
representation of thirty-five bnsinses
firms by boys and i;lrl, interrnission
of twenty minutes, when ice croam
and oske will be served tbrongh tii
audience at popular prices. Part sec
ond bingiug by (luartette, membis
of society relating the story of how
they earnd ii dollar, recitation. Miss
Blanoha Tavlor, sinning by oiioir. Ad
mission is freo.
Edgar Barber was awarded Hie con
tract for building the new Methodist
Bpiscopsl chorea last Monday evening,
consideration 8,S00,
Druggist Mooney, of Arehbald, pre
sentsd a bill to the council last even
ing throngh his attorney, J, H. Torrey,
of sscranton. for tfllOO for damages re
ceived while driving through tha Main
stret-t on day this psat winter. His
entteroams in contact with the attest
oar road and I brew him out, smashing
tha cutter and damaging tha horse o
it had to be ehct.
Bern of the TIera IgDportanI Kiwi of a
D17 Bui, a Down.
Frrrinl to thr ,S,Timt(.,i IWSBBa
D (TUMORS, Pa., May 8 Tbe annual
aleotiun of ofibers of the Dunmore (k
and Water oompsny was held at ths
Pennsylvania Coal company's ofBo
Monday aftemoio Thay "re as bil
lows: Directors, John ll Smith, u
B Bmita, Charles s. Parrar, William
Qllmors and llsurv Bsyes, John Bmltb
wsssleoted Iprssldsnt and Edward M.
Beyeo, s'-retarv an I treiiurr.
Anthony Lane, of Waymarl is a
vittor In towu
Dr. R. Bsyes, of Philadelphia, hs
1" in spending a few d.iyj witu Ins par
enla Prank Winters will retnrn borne a
foil Hedged M l , having pasaed tbs
ex smi'iatioti at Ji ItVreon college.
Dentist Marcv is making a abort
v:sit to Philadelphia
I-. R Powler, of Mohamk, N. Y.,
;ent Bunday with his family
F rty hour' devotion began at SI
Mary's church on Bunday,
l'.iM Pioneer ufil o is to lo rem ved
to Thro.., street,
An effort will N made to organln a
branch of the Ladies' Catholic Mutual
H neflt as ciati ifl at this t,: m I on Pi i
lay evening Mr Bsnard ' lion,
illstriol organlssr, will be preesnt
I it, me ting wni le, bald in the Liter
ary boiiiling, Ladies wiahiag to be
'nsrter m mbnshonld be present,
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. P. L-t- .w rib and
Mr and Mrs Patrick Uolden attended
the Undertaker's ooavsntlon at Phils
delpbla last week.
the nuny frisnda of Arthur CI OSS
I., be pleased t-i learn that lus s II -.
ia Improving
Krh milk. B cnta jr ij! , 21 ats.,
ji DO, Palme ra
I anctl and school board bold fieir
re mi sr m latbly meeting U ra 1 1
Mr Archer and Mr Bily, of Y i04
ra College, visited W P, lluriey M n
dsv. John C.irner, of Drink r tret, ia
improving hit bo IS
. IS rm,maof Tbomas llirrtt were
e Ived from Carboadale yeeterday,
erl ra hs die I at 'rot Catholic collsg
(lavs roai i Inml Ing, tin ilng, to .
done at Warden's, ear "''ii and iintir
tr-ei. aii worn gaarsotosd.
--- -M . ,. mM .....
mwm i - is 1 1 or ri srraisi in I'llip
Jri.iiYN. Pa., May I -Di B i Da
vis ti l Burgees .1 P Nleheloo at-
"i dmlthu d 'diralioii of lh M
hsit in :!rU' iir"en laal evening
'I ner t will tie an ssj t'resm erv-l
sid cake wilk In Oilmors ba'l, Mst
in onder tbs aasploea of tbeJermya
Cttiiea's lnd aii are aordlslly Is
Ths Mis! n rvic at Bt Marv's
Catholic rniiich ar-t attractin, eiy
.arg) audi mic
A c Braglsr and Wllllsm Cclemsa,
of Borantoo, i ! d. B Burke, ol V or
h ssville, N Y., called on Jrrmyt.
(ri-ti ls yM -rJav
Thomas ,i iv, of -i-rmvn. accompanied
by ids brothi r. R r 1 1 pbsn Juy, ol
Soiqnehantta, will eatl by steamer
Paris .'or England, Jans G, for a visit
With ftionls in l he home of Ihcil
('. I, P.-!! 1 av.'s ! -n irro-.v for T"i
w I " w er be is ib nt closing a bar
gain for ::,n n) icr-s of timber land.
John Pari el, ol s i lleln stre.d. is
r-ctinii a snbsl ml : Iron fea is Tan,
with Otbet Improv nents under wy.
will m ke Mr. Parr-l's rid- nee one ol
the nioset in that part ol t.ieb.i a
On sceonnt of frtqusnl "hold ups
It is thought best to carry arms when
coming through the monntain rui
Igbta. Belf-soting revolvers are i
l un ml.
Liberty lodge Knight of Pytbiss,
will meet tin v ning. All ia tnior
are r quested to be present if possible
MINOOKfl MisceitANy.
Brisf Budst ef Bilsht Nsw 8?et
Oarsfailf OoadeBsed.
Alierinl to th .Vroii.'.is irthunt
MlKOOKA, Pa, JIsv H. '1 he Infanl
boy of Btanley Bang lotkle, Qresn-
WOOd, who died Muudiy Will b bon d
today at 8.80 in the Mlnooka Polish
cemeti ry,
Msriui UoDOOOngb, of Main stret,
is . loavatlng fur the ersatlon of a new
billdtng iu the rar of ilia rssidsnce
Charles Lvdeii baa o.iare of th WOrll
A valuable cow, owned by I'eter
Connelly, of Five Points, w is killsl
yesterday on tbe Delaware and Hudson
Canal Company railroad by being
struck wit a train.
Thomas. St"v,irt, a eon of Charles
st"wart, of Miners' Bill, blew in fore
Sugar and thnmb off one of his bands
yesterday while fooling with u dyna
mite cap He was putting ths cap ou
the stove when it rgplo ad,
The Carey Hollow liluej Base Ball
club is mads up of the following play-
its: Thomas King, SStcber) Patrick
Mongan, pitcher. Patrick Toole, first
bus- ; Join D GrallagbCf, second base;
William A. Kivl-n, tbird base; Pat
rick Cuiiden, rlgbtj field; Miobssl
Coyne, center fisldj Patterson, lott
Held; Michael McDouOBgh, short slop;
Thomas King, captain; William King
ley Uormally,
Wlien n-iby vras r..-k, we pave tea f'a'-tHa.
When she w.ia a ObQd, he cried f,,r r, t,,.ia,
WhSO she becarae Mlm, she cun U, C';ietorla
When eh had CUIIurea, she gave thuiu Custorta,
Pan rictur.m of VRsinir Events Caught
on n Bapevter's Psd.
firet; tt ISsdbnmtoa IWsaus,
POBXST City, Pa., May 8 Attorney
L P. Wedoni in lias ben engaKed prc
lesslonilly in Montrose and Soranton
for the past few days.
Proprietor John Cunningham, of the
Forest House, is the possessor of a
handsome new Columbia bicynlo John
was doing well for a beuinner today
and will noon be able to koop pace with
"iiv r the racers,
Benjamin Ollgsnatti the popular
tailor iu Alexander's tailor shop, wus
in Carbondala yesterday,
F. W. Reynolds, of Scr.mton, was In
the borough on business today.
Do not fail to g-ctir the beautiful
multiobromei civ -red by TbbTbibohb
E, D Bradley, the jeweler, is re mov
ing from the Allen block Into the Ltek
block, formerly occupied by M. J.
J. W, Bunnell, of Soranton, was a
Oaller in Purest t ity today.
Mr h. o. Wrtrous, of Carbondala,
was visiting friends In this place today.
IN PICTURf-iCaid W.',VNf.
Brief Ni'ss Tint Will Int-r-st Rail-
d'mti of Honesdale
Ptmrtol to the sarantoB IVlftaaa
BoNRBOAtg, May 8 -William Coon
rod, of lo.-l JerVII, wee n visitor iu
Moiims lals today,
William Brown, of Pittsburg, Is
psailng his vsoatioo In Hooeadale,
'I'he fnnsral of tbe late Frank Otrden
took place from his boma on Eat
street at :! S3 p. m. today, Rev. V. 11
Berghaus offiulating.
R. W. iUin was taken sivldenly 111
at his factory this noon, but at the
pnsstit time is in an isy condition.
Miss (lu-sii Collnm, of Hawley, ia
the (,'iicst of Miea Sa le- (' dlmu.
Toe kirm-sa oomtnenoco Monday,
Mav l l Welneaday is Thirteenth
re tlment dsy,
Almost Blind
Inflarmrt Eyon nn-l Run
nir.t; Soros
Tho Guccfis of Hiod'a Cnu-e
Cr-nt ftojolcing A Perfect Curo.
' ?
Mi IS t or n '. fhert
T I lb. i , . I, Vs.,
' I MKaCati to stale what Hosra ara-
I a
I B -rimo Rtron-'-r,
i.ue I , mr:, j,1M Btdaew I an
Hoods'. -Cures
' and
Hoorfs Pdla u
Lvcry Worn:.:
' v 3 : -'-ly roguL.t-'i
, . , ; , ,,,,
Ilr. es..i'a ,
real hi
f-ot I i.jr Jid
sofBev v sal
herant u. .
wilL The get ,
I I u.
I lisrmaeis t
Bpraee trt
Best in tho market
( I PICE Blnghamlon, N Y
I M TORY 1 Brandt, l'i
ant ins
UHlllij LK
Ey Dr. Chimberg,
The BpeeUIIet nn lbs Eye. Headaches nnd
Xervuiiness relieve 1. Latest and Improved
BtVSSOi Kjtj Ulass.-s nnd gpSOlBolea at the
Lowsst PrioaB Beel ArBAclal Bras laasrtsd
for t-i.
S05 SPRUCE ST., op. Old Poat Offlc
. Ccr. Linden St. end Adams ha.
Couht House HyuAini
All kinua of Lantulrj- work gnarantoe'l
the best.
brandtClay ProdueiCo,
SufTcred fivo yeivrs. Could not Sleep
or Work. Perfect Cure by
forflyeyssn I had on both my less three
Very bad ulcers Just -bene the ankle. Una
waa a;i large ss a five oent piece and was
Into Hie bone, and hurt me verv lunch nmht
and day so thai I oould not sleep for the
lb hlai; and buriilnz. 1 had to L-et up three
or lour times a ni-ht. Did not know what
to do with myself, as I ootdd not work,
( ailed a iloetor, Imt In- did me no lohsI; ami
in an i nan six r u, ,!,.,.lin, i oould
I, nut. llii'viould ili, i. h. i -i . i,i .La
irs after llollurs oil ilia,.r,.tif Lin,l.,rfMlM
hut all to no psnl. I hi aril of a great doctor
and scut lor lum. hut he pave mo no relief.
I gave up an aope ot ever getting cured.
Aoilnnit ibtl me any good until I tried niir
valuable CtrrirritA Id -,n iocs. Tlie first ui)-
pllcation my legs began io fe.. batter, ami
the Itching, sinartimr, and huriiing atnpis-d.
I kepi OB with ihem, nnd alter iisliig? tliem
I'lrtlm ninths I w;is nitirclv cured. I used
seven boxes ot Ci no, g; v, f ,, ,,.
ci iia Soap, ami three butties of Ci noons.
Rssobvairr. firs yesn I luffered, and can
prove it b he tlm fact bv people who have
seen them where i now live, if any ono
' 'is this, come to me, and I arlU show
tbem with the greatest ol pleasure what they
bare done. I cannot speak too highly of tha
Ci noons Remedies, and lasll recoi mi
'hem I her as u sure cure. I ouht not
bu Hiiliout ile iii. E, r, HENDBICKBON,
S'i llrioe St., Trenton, N.J.
I wish to 1st everyone know what good the
Cutici as Raaobvcvr has done for my llttla
girl. I loin the time she wis one year Old till
three, the ws one mas ol mm sod Msbs all
ov. r her face, hand-, and I mlv . 'Irierl several
doctors with relief. .M last I heard of (he
Cl rid m Rl MEDIES, bought -even bottles of
to CirriooBS Rnnt.vKrr, ami now im is
cured u is four years since she to,k it so
at, ady, and is now ai -e.e-i yean old healthy
111 Hunks to the COTICtllM RBSOLVBtT,
H Terry Ave., Ward 1,800th Camden. J.
cuticurji mm wonders
Bold throe rhoel the world. Prh, CtmctTBA,
' " , Sine, .'..-. Ki ' I'otti h Hauii
aaoOasa.Ooar., 8ol Preprlstor, Kusum
S" " BOW to i 'lire Rklfl I llseaS,M fr.s-.
SMu .nd s, , and 1,,-mi! Ii. d
1 t'uu. ut a .Huap.A hwluU-ly pure.
A Victim of Over-Sensitiveness
Join3 the Great Un
soen Majority.
Tl v were altl n.r ll a t ibl In en - of Bcraa
ton's ii ail i-eeilsr r. ataarans the other dy,
hlrnt,- an s't -r- linner elgar.wkll the elder
MRj tt... sv. what's beocm ef nm
. i lc ti w h- dost s k r ten
ilr. Beot! Bee tt" list mm I
nld havir thnOSthl "f dun How did it
Well. .. ,l n . u, merely the old
story of yoaihfal adteeretl versgara. As
' -i ' . BBBaaally sBosiilvsand
'-o:i,i have besa aaveeXevea t the eleventh
Dr. E. Grewer
Id; niiiiiiplli Specialist,
Piw-tivetT susrantaes lo mr al! f .rms ef
s i HI . I s m, CUM I i I M v .
out aVTt
ll,.. Hour. OSS) t V I'. II. pffdle.
Sninls, . U a m. In a , m.
HTOoiun't n sr.d eiio nt: u f-.-s; .
Third National
BaniM of Scranton.
This bsnk i.rT, rs to geWeSltBIS 'Trry
l, un, warraateS n Ueals baiaun-i, im.i
). aad reewewetaitlsv,
'"l" '' attention jirrn in BWsJweSB B
no, 1. Is latetest , ..I.I uu it i u
u 11 1 1 am fONWI 11, PreeMeal
.!. 11 STUN, Vlee-fresldeas,
IV1IXIAM 11 l i t k. Bshlse
tviiiism Ceanell, Oanree H, t stiin,
Alfred HSBSl JBBSSS An Ii l,.-ild, Henry
llelln. Jr. WIIIU111 T. binllh, 1
National Bank of Scranton
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000,
RA1ITJEL BrNE8,tPrealdeak
. W. vVA'l SON, Vice lYosldvnii
A li. WILLIAMS. Owhior.
BainnRi ITtvrs, jam i M' EvrnnAnx,
Ihvino A. FiNrn, Pibbci ll. Kini.kv,
Jiiki.imi J. .1 nm vs. M. . Kemf.iieil.
ciiAt,, i'. MATTaiwa, Jns T. Poana,
This linnk Invltoe tho patronage ol buulnosa
niuu and tirtna gcuurnlly.
IverythingFOR Ev
-L ifli3
400402 Lacka. Ave.
Sole Agents in
ll rT
Wnppflntnii JWM
kSUUUtlliiU ! I i n I
n r m i i
Our New Millinery
Dept. Now Open.
Japanese Htjlss
Hand-woven Carpets and Rags
30xGO Inches, $1.75.
Smyrna Rugs All Sizes
406 and 403 Lackawanna Ave.
With an Eye
To secure more patronage, in addition to
our already extensive trade, we have de
cided to inaugurate the following1 Gift
Distribution to all purchasers of
C Worth of Goods
or over.
EZ (H Worth of Goods
VjV or over.
fi-sv-E " a. livy pair of Chenille Portlerei
Parlor 3mi au ior8-
This advertisement must be presented
in order to secure the above gifts. This
GIFT DISTRIBUTION hold good for cash or credit
sales. Goods delivered free everywhere.
v sl ' -v wii-'oi t "MinTr I'm rTTai
Scranton for the
50 Centa
75 Cent3
9x12 feet, 015.00.
Coat Hooks
Towsl Rack.
Card Tables
Brass Tables
Music Racks
Umbrella Stands
Rogers' Groups
Curtain Poles
Picture Hooki
Erass Tacks
Stair Buttons
Bead Portieres
Bamboo Curtains
Stop Ohaira
Blacking Boxes
A. Gift Of a 100 pierc Diiiiior Sot.
a Kift (if bo Eleganl A.meriogii
Onyx Finish Clock.
IA Bnefrnil Bubjeol in JAntiqaQ
Oak and Hold tTrame,
A Pastel in Ivory and Gold, Em
pire Frame; something new,
I" air