The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 09, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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They Had a Taste
of G.rlsbarl Spm.lel S ilt, All th? world
likos it. All the world takes it.
(Joctiie, Beethoreu, Bismarck, kinijs
nml qnens lnntunenbli Dearly nil the
minds thtt huve obanged the courso of
nffuiru for etntnrits, unvo ijon to
Carlsbad for bodily kid, Yon cminot
ko but yon csn bars the benefit of
Carltbtd at homt, Tnke the imported
Waters or tho Carlsbad. Snrndai Suit,
or both, if yon xvuut nn Inereued hc
tion of the ume, They r natural
remedies whioh are el way 1 effeetive
in all disorl-rs of the atuumcti, liver
end kidney a, in oonatlpation, Kouty
end rheumatic affeotiona. Be sum to
obtain the "gennioe," whicii have the
slgnntnrt of "Eisner hihi Mendtlson
Co.," Agents, Naif York, on every bottle
The recent ruling of the state supremo
court HftirmiuK a decision ly the Luzerne
eaaoty eoart that the power to grant or
reject applications for license to sell
liquor lay wholly in the discretion of the
court, Independent of either petition or
retnonstranoe, reealla a eireumstnnsa that
nay play a prominent part In the election
ol a judge hi Meroer oonnty this fall. Ten
yearaago, when yonng barouel Menard da
t iattt1 ex-Oougresitnan Sam Miller for
judge in litis strongly Republican district,
i! devolved npon bin to discover sumo
prooeaa whereby he, a Democrat, eould
preserve his hold upon the people. Meroer
b'inj ol of thoe counties I u which re
ligion, polltlos, eooial affairs and ev iry
t in etas hinge each year npon the qutt
tioii of license or no license, yonng
Jodge Mebard deeided to waive hie dla
oreuooary power under the Brooke law,
and let the people themtelvea determine)
by the preponderance ol their signatures
t" iMiitinn or remonstrance, whether or
not they want this or that bar llteneed.
Thia ingeniona Mheme, wmoh h wu the
lirt Pennsylvania judge to adopt relieved
him of a world of anxieties, and has, with
occaaional exceptions, worked like a
rbarm. i't. M l! sr, whom Meroer Bepab
mane nave just cnoen t recontront Lis
former and tuoeeettul antagonist, will, It
Will thus be seen, have to face a in in Who,
althoDKh yet qiiite yonng and liovisli 1 ,ok-
Ing, is nevertbeleei muter of eeveral uu
c.iuifnrtably tine pointl In the game of
In a personal itter to Tin Tnraotra ex
Beprtsentatlve W, D. Owen, of Logane
ji r', whom Indiana Republicans bare just
nominated to bead their st'ite ticket, nttr
nneoftnt nwst enthnsiaetlc eoaventlona
in the hi-l.ry of the Party, Ootnmi nts fav.
oral iv i d tun Immediately outlook, "On
the basis if last '!' city let ious. "
writes Mr. Owen, "we would have M, 000
plurality is November. Fifty-two out of
." . evii cities - ,t lli pnldii un, a re.
Veraal witbonl preordeut tnee wr t
I'm thinking we will Imvn at leant half
tbi plurality next fait" A good deal ..f
iuteirsi attaches to this rata; lign for tho
hmsj'i th it tl .rieral Harrison hsa consent
ed to take an active part in the canvass,
bis tirst r 'al nartidpatlon i;i politics slooa
his retirement from (lie preatdency, .Mr.
Owen Is one "f the sx-President's eloeesl
and most Intimate adviser, is a shrewd
ami careful politician, and as a ready
p. iiticai j..-.k t b - few equaii ssywnen,
The last thini remarked by l. n.
Thon a- ""teiila. p. i,.r to Ins liepartBta
for Kair Haven, Vfc, where be will attend
a national assemblage of Welsh lodges,
was to deny Itb emphasis the i sport tout
h" had Withdrawn irom the l'iri district
legislative fight, "lam nt this Bant to
win," be salo, "and I will not be beetea
intil the eonventloa iwats mo. ' fhs pri
Bailee occur Baturday and the oonvu
ion one weak Ir.'in nster Jy. Mean
RhUe the battle nro h.mrly more inter
sting, 4 I
There are fifteen c unties in the state
which have no p-pro'cuatatives m th i de
partments of the stste government in
Hstrisburg, etllwr a ofdi Isl s or amp oj so.
TlirHe (i unties are Ailnins, Bradford,! am
ron. Columbia, KU, 1' .., r'.uan,,
ton. Parry, fatter, noyder, fmniereet, .
Ilraa, Venango, warren aa t Wayne,
information from Allentowa la to the
effect that the four Leblgb oonnty dale
gates an real y for Jack R biUSOU. If it
should appear that a rompiirue itary vote
nan be given (o Stewart without jeopard
Ittg the success of K ibinson It miy b"
gtven him, b:it when the voti s ar tmnan
bejsiaeac they will is cast, for Robinaou,
Two of the ill ;.it.i ar oi-ti and un-
com promising Rol Inson men, and the oth
ers are not Inimical to biui. Himvart is
believed to b snarrlng for p.m's Mid
Bastings Will in doubt take care of blm in
ins ui i inlmeuts.
a a
The snnonnee stent that Mr. Powderly
hil reeentlyeent outa circular aceu,,n.
.National t Uairman llarnty of Ih-ing re.
spousiblc for his defeat as gHimral ma-ter
workman alletta this denial iron Mr. ilar
nty: "The statement is almost too rldtcn
lone ami childish to Me irvs s-rio ii atte
lion. Permit me to say, however, tint it
has no truth Whatever in it. I had no pan
whatever In tue defeat of Ur, Powderly,
nor did I then or at any other time Inter
fere in the aiTair.s ol the Knigiils of I.a
bor." a a a
A dispatch ere li s .l ick SobinSOn With
claiming IMdelegatee, but n is not proba
ble that the Delaware county man has
ban thus prematurely showing his hud,
Tim William R, Leeds aasocistion, of
Phi!adlphia, loo stnug, will be at liar
rlsburg on the VMrd. piloted by the voiu-r-abls
deacon himself. They erlll ma'te
their headquarters at the Botw ( oiumbua.
Speaking of the state convention re
minds us that S-cretary Ketteiolf says
"everybody will be treated fairly in the
distribution of ti ketS, especially the can
dldatee ami their friends and them will t i
no disposition to p ick tho Opnra house
with favorites, as there was is 18901"
Tho Ilarrlsbnrg corrJspindent of the
Noiristown Herald thus i;rws reminis
cent: "Like Oovoruor Heaver, who re
ceived an unanimous nomination in ISsO
after the revolt of l-s'J when Unvcrnor
l'nttison served a term of four years, (len
STSl Hastings comes alonir from tho asms
COUnty after the revolt of IMM with the
simie Qevsraor Pattison Intarvenina ami
will UkeWUM net an unanimous endorse
ment. This se.ims to OS somowhat of a
confidence and is only another evidence
that history rep-ats Itself even In polities.
Iu IHaflwhon lieaver was Humiliated with
such unanimity thore was a big fjght over
the lieutenant governorship, ami if you
remember Daviea, of Bradford, who was
UOmluated, only hud one more vote than
HontOOthj and the latter, like I.yon, was
an Allegheny county candidate." Does
this mean thnt Robinson will win"
It seems yet to be the concensus of slate
makers that Colonel James H. Lambert
can have the secretaryship of state under
Hastings, should he desire this position.
'.'UK BABLTBB symptoms of dyspepsia,
inch us distress after outing, heartburn
and occasional headaches, hit uld not be
negleoted. Take Hood's fjuisaparilla if
you wish to be cured.
Hood's piixb euro all liver ills, bilious
ness, jaundice, indigestion, sick head
ache. No Onosnir Darn Kstlmate.
Keadhiu Timet.
It is estimated that tho American people
annually eat 20,000 toun of candy. Hut no
one has found ont the amount of sour
ginpen con-nmed. ,
A Philadelphian, talking to the Times,
presents this opinion, which is printed tor
what it is worth: "It has always been tho
custom tor the Rending! rivals and com
petitors to confess to believe that. Bead
ing OOal lauds are more dittlculty to work
than those of other companies. It. is a
fact thai Koadiug's coal Una deeper th in
the oonl iu the Lehigh and Wyoming
regions, hut its seams aro U.ruer a. id, con
sequently, easier to work when unci de
veloped. Furthermore. Beading's position
gives it an enormous advantage as a car
rier. Tho haul to tidewater from the
Schuylkill region iu a descending gradient
all the way, and not an Up-llill mid down
hill haul. Then, too, Beading i thirty
miles nearer to tidowalar than nuy other
Company, and it can pltce coal at tide
water points as cheaply as any other com
pany Can, even thoniih the noiual OOflt of
mining may bo a trifle higher."
Shipments of coid aro now being made
by tito Heading company by way of
Bohuylkiil canal. So far tWOUty-tWO boats
have passed inspection, and are now lin
ing loaded with OOal at l'O't Cllntou. A
number of boats that were in service on
the Delaware mvr last year, may be con-
signed to the Schuylkill oanal tins season.
The channel bus been thoroughly cleaned
out and is now n tirst class condition.
Work has been begun on the Mill Creek
Coal oomoany't new breaker at New Bo-
ton. SuiK-rintondent Jones say she exp. cts
to have it completed and ready to ship coal
before Sept. l. The new breaker will give
employnieut to U-HI more men. The coal
will be shipped over the l'ennsjlvania
Gordon i lanes have resumed work alter
an idleness of live weeks. Heading o;il
lierie iu Schuylkill county are BOW SVer -
aging four days per week. Superintend
ent!) J. Thomas, of the Dodaon Coal
company's Korea colliery, will VMt. rela
tives iu Wales for ton weeks, beginning
the last of this m mill
Experienced miners give it as their
opinion that th" Paokor colliery tire will
offer a more stubborn resistance than is
now anticipated,
Shipments of Pocahontas coal for th"
week ended Airii 's, aggregated 8tt,104
tons, a decrease of M,bVston as com
pared with the corresponding period last
year. For the yi-ar to the dito nstnod
shipments decreased VK),.'.sJ tous, or 0 per
The statemeo t'of coal tbinmeats over the
Ilnutingdoii and Broad Top railroad for
latt week showsi Prom the Broad Top ro
gton, decrease I a.1 88 ton- tin. Henna being
8,685 tons hut week, against ll,0S8 tons for
the corresponding period iet year. This
loss, however, was more than made up by
increased s'ji;iui into from the ( Cumberland
region, the tonnage for the week baviog
been fsi,.o7 'ens. against 88,081 tons for the
same period In l8Dd,an increase of 14.434
tons, thus making an net increasn of i.,0Vi
tons for the week ns compared with the
cm re.p iniiiig ; Tl o la -t y. av.
The diroctors of ti e l.ebili on! nv..
Navigation oompeoy have inal declared a
semi-annual dlvids d of lltsf per cent, r
fl.-o per "hare, pai aide May .' to t
noideisof register on April 30. This It i
r, d notion of X per cent, from Ibe dl I .'i' n I
declared in November li t, when B per
cent, wan paid to the shareholders, mak
leg 0 per cent for th- ye-r i- The la
tervening six months, however, have eov
e adaperiodof ssoeptlonal deprresion In
the anthracite cool trade, aodaetbeoom
nany depends vry largely on Its earns
lugs from this b.-t i ll f .is bnslntts. the
directors have merely adhered to their
conservative p Hey In reducing the dlvi
deed. It year was the in 't pro") i
in the hi-turv of the oompauy. In tl.n
years I88& IMSInnd I Ml 1 thlehigb Navi
gation paid dividends of Iparceat an
nusliy ; in 18M the rate was Increased to
5 , per cent., and In lv.3 t te stick holders
tot the tltst time r. CSived 8 lrt c i.t,
8 Ugh leu's Arnlct fia'.vs.
The bSSl wive in th world for '"nts
Braises Bores, Ulosta, salt Rheum. Keer
S' r.-s, Tetter. sapped Hi. l. i bllbUlaa
Corns and all this RrupUona, andnoel-
lively inre 1'iiei or no pay r-) u sd. 1:
i guarantee! la gtvo perfect eatlaf action
if money r.fuiiil-.l. l rne iuuis js-r
liX. 1 or seW hi Mattiew linv
;v Constipation.
' DRRfl
I writ., evy.'iniftvs
tY i.oisl I be nreo red from
l i B I all eat "f
bMlth snd nilt. ring ltheo
I. ' d I- I
It. I oil ..r in. i . i lies. I ,t
tl - V '..ll I I d" :ir go. -I
Al li st I l-mght n tr.Ml- of B
H H and b fore I bad osi t
ft. I UHl I) ... W. U
re r i . i - HtbSWt,
Hoi U.IrTtni'.or..W.rraaouP
On tho
I AST YKAt: lut litttl Bnvod 1800.
' Ilo bonght :i boose worth 11860
pair 300 down, gave u nmrt
gag foi HSSO. 'J'tiday hi estr
mutt's iu follows:
Prnt MVtd
Istereit oa mortjptge,..
I llJIeS nil i r. (Illl S
Si i mvtng on rent ,
H.ived on .-iLii'v
i . in
.. a u m a
..f l-l ".I
.. I.'OIW
To apply on mortgage.
RBI i i i ion "la l ot it years thil
honae will a tree from debt mid 1 shall
have a lo. in,, of my mui."
GRKBM BIDOg Is Hi paradise for
I" I'lnii A Sons haVI r stilly fln-
Islod a vlllm ulilrli liny SBTSa
nu aaay paynsaata at t la&O
nil ai iio ir i, in, ,., between Wnehlngtaa
and Adams nn Olive slreel.
tvcmp.oxtcn Psssmd
m mm
Rrmoves l-'rieklet, Plmptss,
Livor Motss t)liek!iiiadf9
8."iSnrn and Tsn. and n'.
r ,
no.' v 11 . I !i ii 1 ) ,s ; ;.- v - t
ual frcshnesfl, producing a (K-I;- -!wi!HPj'
clear and hoaltliy com-ivSCjti $9Ffir,-'
pii'iion. Buperlortoaul u s
prcpar.itlor.s nnd juTfei tly bsmnl.-m. At all
urukgltts. Or mailed for50i:s. B;ud iorClrcuUr
VIOLA SKIN SOAP ' ''nifir lw?s!ito u
ia .iirlfilnn Sosp. Ibr tho fenSi Wf4 srtth-,,,1 ft
rir-t IJlli-i Dtinv-ry. ALioliU'W urs sal d')l.:ftlslr laell
irf. ai itmriiui prio 25 Oints.
G. C. BITTNEH dw CO., Tct.eoo, O.
For ialo by MatthowB Bros.,MorirnIlros.Bud
Morgan 6c Co.
Art for the raas3es.
One Dime and
One Coupon.
It is a Question of Fooil and fotlihig
A Clear and Simple Explanation of the
Entire Subject Drawn from
If wo want to learn about this we
must Btudy nature. Lt OS look at tho
lower animals, The pig contains more
fat in proportion to its weight than guy
other animal, What food does it eat i
Starohy fool. It con digest iu food.
Tho animnls that eat Hlareny food an
the heaviest iu tho world, an WitneM
the elephant, tharhlnooaros, the hors-,
the steer, "to.
It Is well known that people who are
too fat are always advised by doctors
uot to eat Starohy food. Th" reverse is
always true. If you want to get fat
cat HUrchy food.
But digestion, T'.nt is ofton the
trouble, Anaemias end dyspeptics osn
not propsrlv digest stsraoy food. It
cantes pain, irnutationa and distress.
By anting starchy food that has been
artiBoially digested, you nan overooms
this trouole. l'.iekola ii snob a food.
Th i tpsoialista who lirst prepared
Pnskola mads ii of Htarcii bsoauss they
knew that utarch U t'.ie only food that
fattens. Tliey made it of frnit beoaUM
fruit is naturally healthy, nud
the troll or wntch PsskoUis prepared,
contains ferments winch help to digsst
othi-r lood.
They tl. ought l'ankola would be good
food for thiu people, bnt they little
thought it would be audi a WondsttOl
incoees as it bss becoma Wnat it does
for ons psrson, always inaks ten bay
it. It curea dyspepsia,
U you have tho uliglitcst doubt of
thi re id the following :
Portsmouth, Vs.. Mroh7, 1804.
Tho l're Tligeited Food Co., oO lUade
t , Nw Y. rk.
lir.Ml.iMKN: I have for more than
three years tieen iffllOtSd With a Very
SfSl I Stomach, tn liiott
symptom of which wis a dfOSdfttl DtO
tea after eating In many ossss 1 lost
a . mi nl aotirely.eepecially breakfsiit,
si my stomach was weaker In the
mornings than at otiwr times I have
bad great many doctors of different
el lies proeoribe for me, bnt none of
them save me any psrtnansnt relief,
in y all said I eras stiff -ring Irmu
indigestion. They worth! give roe pep
siu and a tonic to I uiM up my dl.llint-
d system, hut did not experience any
material bsnetti from any of tbem
I became th n, vary thin, iu fact 1
was xtr nif-Iv emsciau 1 A physi
cian rro I the tue of th
"Kmnlslon o( t o! Liver i il," but my
tomscb wa o vary w ak th it it im
id to aggravate th S ittl M SUd I could .
not COtllinns II In fact, nothing did I
me lunch Until 1 Is gnn th - use of j
Paskol i. Now my sppotite is iplen i.'l .
tin food does lit" gOI l 1 I SVS xalio-d
In hViii snd hav Dot BOffsftd that
dreadful niaisea aft"r r ittng one single
HUM si' cr t:,e v I) y f. ret dots of the fisi 1
I ever look I r- i say loo
much in favor of II snd 1 irelj
ope tbst any one suffering si I did
in it tak thin means of relieving then
selves, ss it ii a ipsodf gad t rtaln
V ur vorv t sot felly,
IfM A H MoeCLXT, I High st.
Ei si in. , Us, a- ti! 8, 1864.
The Pre-1 Hgeeied r"..d Co , 1 Q it lade
st , New x'ork
i.. KTLniBM; Y ur sample of Patko.
la gams tail ly to hand. 1 did not give
it to othvrs tot toot it myself
from homo while taking it and did DOl
weigh Hnsel , but It is .11 von claim It
to le, a II sh msker, all in digesting
Othi r li. ts.iu I i.ol only a foi d bni very
pleasant to i. ' . With thankt I in
II st reepeaifnlly,
1 1' BgU, M. 1.
Paskola may be obielned of gat rt
poisbls drngglst, A pamphlet on ( .1
and dlgettl :i Will It mailed free I'll
sppllcatlon to Tbs Pre Dittsttd Pood
80 Reada . New York.
ban 1 ltd 1 ta3..H!a!ili Bli'i
M RAM TOM, r .
lit lb It H MO in I RUttB
L Bin A Itsiil 1'owder Cn't
l.lectrlc Itit'crlc", PntSI 'or ttptoJ)
ing biikt., gafety Fuse and
RcpaunoChrmiral Cc'a Hih ITsnlttllSI
ii j
lctiiutlng Journal Grcisi
OFFlCBi -r;i West Ueka wanna at
ViviKKM: Mvridlan BtTS
riKiTi:it f lit)': co., irr'p.upitni, si. ooo.floo.
BRIT BIJIU ' .. IH I N TUB Tfor.l.l.
UA dollar aarfd Ii a dsllSf Stftsd," i.
TMetadlee' gelid Preneh DontolaKMJtnti
ton Moot tenvsred fres snj whsn in Ihs Dei,, ua
-ti rcfi't oil 'anil, Monoy Oriit-r,
'CSi-ar-' , I i r I' Nuto (or SI..W.
!lf ' .1 K-piils pver v.-i.f tho luiots
V, I In nil rt:ill stores fur
. , S JJ.t'O. Wo niii'iu this bfwit
. j I onrholvos, llirr.doro v.y nor-
I I iinlr llio t,ituft and iroir,
I . LY A ft'i'l It snyoiio Is put sstlHt'.ni
InjsfTftjr ty v e vlll p l t!.. n y
-' r or .i.inlnt.iS'i'.r pair. Oprrs
P it T ,. I Ulis ' ' K, ft Ki',
iVit f' I - ft; . .(.i..- 1 t i s nml
JV V..', tSSs. llliistnitpd
--a Cm
n ; fJ I. -,.n
. . .... - . " " PBCE
R-yTrn ?unr ) l43 FEDERAL ST.,
UiMLfi t.tntp: u j., spgyoKt mass.
SpttM tSfTHJ to yicdrrs.
What is More Attractive
Than a pretty faro with a fresh, brifrht
complexion? lor it, use Pozzoni's Powder.
1 Mil
Tht tbove brands of floor can be had at any of ti e following merohtnts,
who will accept Tin TltlBUItl nX)CR COPPOg of U'.'i on encli one bun Irtd pounds
of Hour or 60 on each barrel of flour.
Bcranton F.P. Prlea WiKhlncton avium I
OoM Hedai Brsnd.
Diiiiinore-r. V I'm- -, (lo'.il M-UI llrnml.
Unnmota-F. D Henley, gnperlatlve lir.m l.
By ue Park Carson A Davla V.i ibbnrn st.
Bold Medal Brand; J Hph A Basra Main
svenne, Buperlatlve Brand.
Oraeu Iti.iK- v L.Hpncer.Uold Msdal Brand
.1. T. Mi II .1", Mi:, r stive
ITOVldwiee Ki-mer A- riiui,M.ll. X- Main ave
one, 8aperlativ hrandiCs J iiilin.pii, w.
Market street, noil Medal Bread,
Hj t h int Jamee Jordan. Bnperlatlve Brand.
r..kv lie -ti.iii-r Kitew BaparlaUve.
Jermvn o, u VflntersBOo enparaiaMve
Arc tihsl.l-.l,,n..,. S :ii. .ii ,V r.. . II ,. Medil.
Car hood ale B s Clark; nil Medal llr.iml.
! Isi.i 1 N. Kmter . o Hull Meli M II. I. a. 1. .
BLAI I. li i IM s ir
s 1 i I .It
I KTKA MM ii t,
.11 MBOIti 1 Ni.l.IsM
s: BTI Kl.
HOHMK mi. ii s
'mi; tLK
1 lltH
M M li i I It V
hi 'i i h rsBii
a R s,i i.i. mi n i i i v, BROS B4 REtl
V. i :. tale and retail dealers' in Wa-.' tutuakvrs' and BUoksmithl'
"No star wa.s ever lost we onco have seen,
Wo alway3 may bo vrhat wo might have beea,"
Scranton, IP a,
2 and 23 Commonwealth
l-.' A.'.li V. ill,' fgt li A R li Ft. Ti.. MANt'KAITL Hl.KS Of
Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers,
OttMntl Offiot, BCSUtKTOX PA.
' ' A ' '
S-w fli.rntrrT
'I 0.lfl I .(Tl III,.
llivniinil.rt riul.tlnn.
sa . -v . 1 1
3. z
Ui'tul.. iu I Al.,1 lt a, ' ' " I'""" " ""' "7, tl 'i'prr I .., .t in., i l.i, I.. , . f . . Willi in i .
i.t'l'i u'. i."''"" Win IsfuaaiU. mousy. AIJ. .
1 i. 1. Ml.ldi'INL OO.. ' .. i ,i,.l, Olnu,
Forsulo by JOHN II. PHhUiPS, l'Uarinaciit, cur. Wjouiluc Ato. and Htn uce St,
Bcranton, Pa,
, sf fLl InOem ml Ire Omanaef ellher f I ru:i.,.,l l.y iivrri'iiTtloii. j-oiil lil'el errors.
I vtw ph. ...iTiMi.e nf MlmooPj opium or stlmulnnts, whtrh Irail to lnflrinllr.Cjin-
ff I: 'I' ,r,,,,,.
ii. nil prep I.I. W llh
. rr imra JiTTrr- S ,,',..! J '"' err""'' ion..y. cirmiar tree. "i.,t i.v all Srurslsts. a.k tnrtt. ! Arltn Ui Nfi iKlollifr. i VlUtX !: HKi: II .. Miismil.. 'Liiiulo. CUKAaO.ILi,
For Sale in Sernnton, Pa., by II. C. SANDERSON, DruijciHt, cor. Washington
tnd Snraoettrti
f Anlt for DR. MO'CT'S PEWimtOTAT. nnd tako no nil,
-y; i7 Hend fcj ctroular.
i. . . 1 II, ' . ,r-.,,fcj ,V r
for tale byC. M. BABBI8, lriiKulat,
- - . - . , . , . . i
rremikeK I'. IWeuta Xha.1, W
"Ciiicaoo, Oct. 81. Fhs first oOcial
nntionticement of Vi'orld'a Tair di
plouius on flour has been initde. A
modal lias been nwarded by ths
World's Fair judue? to the flour manu
factured by tho Yv'iisliburn, Crosby Co,
in tbo great Wnehburn Flour Mills,
Minneapolis. The committee roports
tho Hour hlrong nnd pure, and ontitlet
it to rank as first-class patent Hour for
inuiily und buktra' use."
Taylor Judge 0a, Uoid Medal; Atberton
a i'o., Bnperlatlve.
pnrjree Lawrwioe Btore Co., Gold MudaL
Moosl John Moi rindle, Hold Ms lal
Ptttaton m. W O'BoyU, Bold Medal
CUrk'iOreen Prace : Parker. Bnperlatlve,
i lurk l-uintni' I' M. Youuk, U .Id Medal
DalfaM B R Pinn at Bon, Uold Medal Brand,
wli Bulion .1 r Q irdlnt.
v averly- M. i p.. g Son, Bold MsdaL
!'.-. t .rvvill.i 'liarlns (iaidiier, Hold .M. IV
Hopttottotn N. M i' luu sou. Hold Medal
'I'nhyliaiiiia T liuiniiiu A l.unihdi Lumber
I M"lil Ilrand
Hon dsU.r.. S A. Ad iMl.. H..II M 'lll Ilrand.
M u lialun A l, l uld Medal.
Ijike Arl. i Jainus A Bortree, Held Medal
romt City J U Mori nn a- Co., Ould Mudal
BPOK i:s
wd' .;,r, vi nr. f n I So'S wilti WP.1T
re rrr -tin lii l.ihly, l,
I M. II. tl.l..:.,. 1 ...a .1...I..I ,. . . .. ..Ik.. HIT c ull.,.. If nulFt.l .-h l,i.l,ln. I... I
Till w IvrlYil ru"t snnr
.,! Ir .11 r ul Bi-r. I'll. SL
IT . urn h as Wesk Miriory, IjiiioI llrnln I'nirrr. ileailachti, WaSofulnrss,
, i. I ..I J ,. II III Vl"l ''IStfc, W .l u.,v.v, ww.
h v!i imler 've alve i svrli len iriinrnntrr to Hire
3i!KsCsTr,lE?,2E3 Th0 only en,t0' Bnro nn
rtuiuuiu J' ei.iiixu JT XXjki
ever offered to Ladiea,
especially recommend
ed to marriod Lauion.
1'rlro if .00 per box. boarn for BStOOs
. . . . W , . . - . . .
4 To uluucl, Ohio.
17 Henn Avenue.
nvsin.ixs and siTurKONrv
I )Ii II- KlOAK LiKA.N iiua reuiovvd tolllii
J y tipruci) atrtet, Bcranton, l'a. tJuat 011
I'oaita court-Uuuso MumeJ
DK A. .1. eu.WNKU,, (ilti.-o I S,s .-, .t
avonuo. cornar tsiuuoe etreet, ovor
rruacko a druj; ituro. Lesidouco, Hi Vluost.
pffloebonrsi lU.iln to 12 a. m. and 1! to! and
MP t j l.'ju p. iu. Bnnday, 2 to 3 p. m.
Dl'.. W. K ALLEN, Office cor. Lucki
wanna and WSSttlngtM lives. : over Leoa
aril shoo Htore; oltico bours, it) to 12 a. iu. and
! to t p, m. ; cvcnlUai at i Stlntnetj Hi N.
jnshii-ton ire.
DK. C. L. ntBT, Fructloo limited to Uu
enfus of tliu Eyi, Eur, Nosh and Throat;
office, L2 Wyoming uve. Ituaidouco, 52K Viiu
Ilt. L.M (1ATE8. 124 WiahliiKton Avenuj.
(Jllico houiB. ti tu u a.m., 141(1 tt and
v p.m. Konldonco 'Ml Madison an nus
OH L WBNTZ, M. Ii., Odlcoi Ri and ii
55 t ominonw.-aita lmiHina: retintnes 711
SladlKonuvc; ntllee linors. 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to
JjBnnaays in to 1, iTinings at miduuca A
.erl:ilty luaji) ol ilimuKMs of tho eye, car, iiohj
ami tiiroat und gynetnugir,
EX i i ns.
I M 0, BAKL'K'S Law nml I'.ill ctlmi "'
da rue, No H17 tii.ruco st., onpoeite I'.ircst
genea Bcranton, Pa,; ooUietloua e Kpcctaity
thiimithuiit rennirlrania; reliable oorraepona
i lite in cvei y county.
I KhhUl'K ii UA.sU, Att.irneya aii.l CouinoT
lora nt Ijiw, Ooamonwealtb bnlldlna
Y. tSbinftOt av v . J Khsri.
Hohaob R llAwn.
ii Jsnsue, .in.
' neysiiinl Coiiiiselnrsnt Linv, Keimltliciia
l.iillilitu, Wmihli irtiin ave.. I'craiitnu, Ha.
l)A'i 1KU1). A- Wll,r.ix. Attorneys .. I
i i pnnSlUars at Law; officos u anil 0 Library
tulldms. bciautoii, l'a
Hoswrr.i, n. rATTiitsoa.
n ii.i.uM a. Wftxog
f torniys and Oonnaellora Onsntnonwealtli
bnll ling Bonmi 18, SO ami 21.
It' K. BOYLE, Attorney at-Lasr.Noa.lll and
21), Itti 1 1 I, liiilm, Washiiii'ton avenue.
HENItV SI. HEEL, Law onii-m In Price
baOdlngj UH lyaahington araana
PRANK '1' OKaLL, Attorniyat Ijiw. Ko.,ui
l tCoal Kzchanga Bcranton. l'a.
MILTON W IjOWBY. lAtfya, 37 Waabrag
. il VCJN BTOBi II. i ton at . I II sqnate
AMBH W, OAKPOBO, Attorney al Law,
roomi IS, Si and 85, Common irwUtji b'l
CAMUEL W. BUOaK. Attorney at Ui
l Office Herneasl . Berinton. I'n.
IA WATBIS, Alton.. )- at Law, Ul
i. I.aekarauna jine., Hrri.nton. l'-x
l K BMITB, i 1.011 at Law. ofltea
1 rooms IM, ! M Oominnnwualth linlldliis
' li III' HKil. Attorney lit Iw, ".on,-
-. monwsaith Imilnuia. Bcranton, Ha
' I '.M Eli VS. VI Hpruca !.
h kJCPLOOLE, Atlornoy-Uwlis ne,-o-
tla;.l i n real it t.- tacnrity. KM Hpr,!-..
1 I K1I.1.AJI. AttorncT-at-Law, IJU Wy
mnlncarenna s ran) st
wnttiin a'kiiiwlni;il tiv J W
BROW NINO. Attorney ami .Notary Publi-. 2
. 1 ' ''i . tin
II s
c i HooLiil THE LAI K WANNA. s-r.iTi
'"U. l'a. pre.arn buys and ftrie for oollsei
' I ' isa tborouslily tiatna ouna ihildruo
Cataivasu at ISUSSSl
irv Tnnm. M 0AWS1
Waltih H Bdsu.
.'1 an I gsi o:. i: Allan s an :, ii,- i'.,p.., v.J at ail tin. na. N. it term will open
Apr, I V
surii.sji. Uentut. No. IU
I: M iTI
I'lltl REPLBt.K Barlase ami Loan Asao
1 ctatl..:, will I nu von :ii nrr on Mi.,r t, rata
estment thin any
I B IS I ... 1. N
I ( lis.
h l.MtK A CO., Headaiueo, roruTti
s tad Raresrynten; store Its Waahiairi
srenue; irre. n li,.u,jji orlll Maiu av. uua.
t lalenhiaas 7s;
''. 1 . h
tt IKK B4 It K 1 KB.
jot Kt etteu ftii Laetawaaaa areata
'I'HE ttRHTMIXHTER, si;:i xTumn
I - aestis hsetid wldl sleaat; a.i moa
rn iniprei . ... all M Tai'MAt, Prop
rnn 8X1 CAFI LSi aad IS laakUnaTe
I Oil" Kates rest, liable.
H ElMUm, i'r.iprletor
' I " ,. HRMCX, hlsnasr.
Biateeata itnet, ooe bloeh eeel pc I'r. aJway.
at t'nien S,pu,re. N'.-w sort.
Ansrrlran plan, gat SO pet day and apward
iM'XNl. BOUVK goropean ; .an, jjood
V ro'ina ( pen day and i.i;bL Bar aup.
I lied aita tli. test,
P Tt cnVNI'.. Tronrl-tor
aJi KAN 1. N HOI HE, n. .1 11 I. A XV pi
i a mr r depot t ot on the European
plai Vi r.oi K 1 11 Hr. prl.l -
HAMul.XTI: il. . ..r...'.i , 1 ,
11 Mininpal hotel m Allentowu. Ha; rates
M mmA ft Ml ,1-..
li Toll
D, r.insT. Proprietor.
U lb ...nn IL
TS ami 'SA I onm"nwealth h'ld'e. Serint.n.
I,' I. MALI KB. Lihtai y 1 111.. I
i inc. wyomtns aeenae Beranton.
I IlUoXVN. Area. B
bnildinr. ISA Xs ashlnfti
Ar. hites-t. Prise
1 Aeateraaton.
L)AUI 11 - 1. M IIK.-TH.X Ml -ir I nil
I) th plcnl.n. parties, rc-.-p: 0:1s, red
dlate and toneert wurk rsvnlshed. Vtpr terms
sddres it .1. paner. .so dtetor, 189 wyetntng
ave . ever lllllliert's muste ateee.
Inatner. s smi Dune Hank bnlldlag
Kcranton. l'a
.l supplies, etfeltpsa ;ier bn,-s. IwUMi 1J0 XX asliinsloii 1111, bcranton.
I,simiTE'm I.IVKBY. srenue.
I first eias. earrlates D L t OOTE, Agl
niaerel Director ind Kmbnlmrr.
I aain dra'era in Woedwart, Cordage and
01; Oeth. ttl xv. Leekawsnaa avenue.
t?ZBA UNN A so.xs, Iniilders and rontrao
I i tora lanbu Corner ('live st. and Ad ims
nve ; rome Ash t. and Peiin ave.. Beranton
S THE BT5T. Get rrlrss nn-1
tee the furnfien Rnil bn con
vince! A full line of HEAT
KRS, Appello ninl (Uuzj Uoor
COUPON NO. 59. 1
Send or bring two of tlioso couiona, (lifTcrontly niimbered, 5
S witli Ten Oen ts, and get onn of tlio Beriea of sixteen magnlfloeQt s
S pbotograph3. Teu uumbcrs noxv ready. Mnil orders,2c. extra. S3
Ant'.iracito ronl need exclusively, in6urlu
SttaaUnsss and romtori
rati raau in smoi ran t, IBM.
Trniim loave Kcranton for llttaton, Wilkes.
I in re, etc . st 8.18, 8.18, IL80 a. m.,, 100,
o-M. fi.oo, 7.2"i, 11.05 p. iu ! undays, U.UO a. la,
1. Uti, gOO, 7. 10 p. in.
Eor Atlantic City, 8.1(1 a. m.
For New York, Newark and Elizabeth. P.n
(express) a. in., ISJO (express with Baffet
pallor car), 8.3(1 (oxproka; p. in. Sunday, 2.0J
p. m.
uuas.80. tM (except Pblladalpbia) n. nt
Bnnday, 2 80 p. m.
Eor LOq llltANCH, Ockan Gkove, etc., ot
Md a. m., IV.llilp. in.
For Readme, Lebanon and Harrisbnrc, rla
AjUsntown, 8,10 a. m., I2.:w, s.oo. p.m. Bandar,
2. ( 0 p, in.
l or Potterlils, 8.18a. m., i2.wip. m.
ItoturnliiR. h uve Now York, foot of Liberty
l lflTan "f fjft riTer' nt M8 (expr K.s) a. in.,
l.l", Lin UD (express with Buffet parlor car;
i. m. Bnnday. in a m,
Leave Hhilu lelpliiii, Ecndlne Terminal, 9.00
n. in., Bfwand4.8)p, m. Bnnday, .27 a n
1 hroiiuli tickets to iill points at l..west rntflS
may be had on application in advance to the
ticket agent at tn. itatioa.
Oen. Suit.
f Commencina May :.m in
ttniiis will urn aa baUOWSl
.. 'l,l:nns I,. Ili-I,!.,.. btun
Station, Bcranton, for Pitta-
9 g Osj8j--. 17, 10.42a in.. I. 10,
W W 3 ' ' B.s m.6.15, i
trf r i"i ii ., p. in.
IV l ev New Vow and Plill i-
(!e!,hia, K (Ha. in., 12.10, l ii
2-iH. e in anil 11.23 p in
Eor lioiiesil.-ile nr.. in 1 -i-ta .vare, I .ackawannr
and wostorn d pot;, 7.0J, 8,83, Iu In a.m., M.W
in.. 2. 17, ,'i.ID p. in.
l'..r CnrlioM. l-il -anil intermediate stations,
r.. 40, 7.0), .:fl, (u in.. I2.(m m.,2 17, 3.2'.,,) In,
B ID and 8 85 n m.; from Bridgentnet lviot,
2.HI a. in.. g,17and II "i ft in.
I'aat ezpreei to Albany, BarstegSi tbe Adi
r. ndaet Honn tains, Boat nand New England
points, 8.40 a nu.arririnj at Albaay 1141.
1-anitoKa 2.2o p. in , snd leaving Scrauton at 3
p in . triiring at All. any at ISO p. nu, Sara
t. t!a. Hit a in . ami Ii stou. 7.00 a m
The only direct route between tho coat field?
and It. .atoii. "The Lendinir Tourists' Houte
of America to the Adirondack .Mountain re-
i 'its, lj,k. H(;....ik'ei..l i 'l.aniplaiu, Montreal,
Time tables inowina kwa ami through train
service between stati na on all divisi-ins tola
war" and Hndeon syrtetn, may be evtslaed at
all lielawure nml Hudson ticket offlees.
II U YoL'NU, J. W nUltllICK,
Becond Vice President (.leu. I'nss. At,
1j 1 1 ii. 11, I MM,
Train leaves Ser.-intn for Philadelphia ail
New York via. U A H I! H. at s a.m . lil t
2JB Mid II :a p. m via L , L. A- W. H. B 0 00,
i- U II ii a. m., and L83 r- "
Letrs Bcranton lor Pitteton snd Wiitas-
R.rr via 11.. L A XV. It. H , II. 0J, S (18,11.21
a iu . Ua it.ii. i 07, ti H p. m.
Lest s Beraaton tor bits Ilavrn. Hizitoi. ami all jK-inta on the I. as r
..tanl w and l'..;'.. Inaiiclies. via E .', XV.
. I ' .in . v i Ii. ,v II. K. B. a: s am.. UIB,
'-'. I .' p.m. van.. L. & XX. B. It.. Us). (W,
Li. SO a m I I). ISO j. tn.
I., nve N-ranti.n f..r Bethlehem. Easton.
itva.ling. llarrlsburk' and ill iuterin slUti
points i Ii A II ".. H . I a ra .1110, tM, I1.SS
I'. . IO,LIW, B B..'. iis. 11. Ala. ata
1 I ' j. m
live Scrjnt e Ibr Tunkhannock, Towand .
Elmira lilia.-a. i,.-i.... . ant al iiitn.i- !i it
poUtS vis 1 1. A- II K li ,1 "7 a m..l.' 10 an I U.'tl
p. m.. via U La XV k It.. S.0S anulAlp ::i.
Leee Beraatoa toe fl'itlieetei. Buffalo. ;;
k-ira Kalis, JMrelt, l'hi-ao and a'.l point t
weeteiaO. H R it. 107 a.m.. 12 lo. i.lx 11.31
n in . ria 11 U A- XV. it. B snd Pitt t 1
Junction, sus a m 1 J 1 a p. m. Tat E .V XX'.
K ii . II p. m.
Por Elm ra and til I WSSt via climatic 1. rli
l. Ai II it B '.'.I't ...mi.. 1 : ;u.i. 1 . p. m . v.a J ,
U A XX' It. It. ,1 0- :i in.. I in and iv'i7 p m.
Pullman nanorand sleeptng orL. v. ehilr
rars 01. a.l trains h.'tw.M:i I. A 11 Junction if
Wtlkes Harre and New Yors. Hhllad. lp'ils,
Buffalo and Baapeaslon Eridire
Bullish sriLBUROen -upu di-.
ilAH B.LUE ttM.Pam A.' t, Plnia.Pi.
A XX ,. iNNEM.K' A,.", O n Pa.. A U
Roetil Bethlehem. Ha
Triins leave 9crint. n aa follows: Expresi
f. r New V and ail :ih I.;,.; .',.. j
S l 1 00 and 880 a m ; Igg'i and 3 ' p, m.
Esprrss t !' K.-.-t.... Trenton. PtuladelpUis
and the H. .nth. glS, s ou and V M a m. ; ii j
aiei 1 .'i p nL
Wiahlnfton aad way stations, lin p ro,
Ti1 henna loeiniimis'.atloD, Aid p.
1 KPT a, f.-r Hiusbamton. tisw. . 1 K -1,
Coraing, Kith. Uanarille, Monat MorrB aod
Buffalo. 12 In. 2 l.'i a. m. and I Jt k m.. mvkii eoaneotlone it Buffalo to ail points iu th 1
W.-.I. Northwest and Smilnos'.
ha'h aoc.'murslatii.n. s 'Ji a rn.
Elttshamtoa sad way state.ns. :.V n. ra.
Btnehamton and Bhnira i' xprei SOS p. nL
Express for Cortland, Byraenea nwe,"
I lira and Blehseld Striata IMa in. an. I 14
p in
It uea. 2 la and UO a in ami 1 '.'l p tn
lor NorthnmberbMd,Ptttstoa,wiIkei P.-i-rs.
Plyntontn, Bloontbnrg aad DanTiUe, making
ckaw esttneetleaa at MorShambertaad toe
XX llliamp..rt. llarnte,irs. Haltim. ra. Willi
liiSten and the South.
Northumberland snd intermodlato stitlons,
SOU aSO in and IJ0 and SR p. in.
Nantlcoke Hid interineiliite statlo'.ia, s i
uid ll?i a n Plymouth and int -rmedlat 1
tatt. .ns, llaOind a.t p. ui.
PaUi in parlor and itteptag esstseteasn
xpirKs trams
fr det uled iiiforn.atl n. i-.s-k -t p.m t '.
etc., apply to M. L. Smith, eitj UeketoSM,
K i-a. tawannaarann . or dei-it tieket "ill -a
Bl'HAMMN niviirN.
In gfeei Jaaaary BStb, I8A4.
sjnrili Hniind. IMIh Konnit,
2UU 2IIT SOS lli Hi i 0 i
. nations -y-j.-ij
, a -
iTealm llalto t?s. f3 T
M j. I knti.liv , m
-.u;.ii:iiiis I'an., r. - - - -
a .-j
Arrive 1 . nve
v. N V franklin s;
10 XX est 4'.'lld street
... 7.U
...I IN
...I 801
u E I
... in
... a 11
... -."i
... m
.... tM
.. 2 si
... .: 01
;i eJ
in xveebawken
r a
ty aiArnre
l.i svo'a ' a
A ta
1 iMlanciH'k
luncilon 6d
1 ."
I i 1 :.. ' . '.
il' a
B tar light
Preston fart
Poynti II
Hi linmit
PI -a- t MS,
I id illdalo
I : .1 l lty
Clllll I d l e
x Rite Bridge
jemti 0
Archlb Mil
Win ton
Til roup
r.irk piaot
Bel anion
i: if
'.' t ;
' '.' ..
ii U .
' .. "
1 1 1 .
SS.V ..
i 1:
I i
In .n ..
ii -f
: ,.1 1
a 111
11 li
7 '.'4 ! IS 1 " i
sTi7 fino
A 411 S 80111 '"
6,'iSl S Kill 'Ml
fjavi s iihi-.v.
if; i . ro .vi u tt
7 Ml ll .Mi .1 4V
; 40 is 18 1 61
7 13 IOiA .1 14
T is in :,i 3
7;i 10 is: 4 04
TS4 10 171 417
T H '0i)i 410
II le it 4 14
sosittr) 4tf
so-. loco in
t Na u r at
St..' M 7,11 2tl
t as i 0 i
II 17
I SI 18
rs isi 4 v
il i
0 isi 4 :
;ii m
rs ti, ri
t 10: . H 11 IK
r m r i I.eme
All tialnsrundslly except Sunday.
t rigi Hies that trains stop 011 sl;i. al fer ran.
8Ad'lpi'"i il trains leave Cartvindalo for t-'crans.
ton 1 pi and 8,18 p. 111 . arriving at i-cranton 1.55
ami : 80
Leave soranton tor c.1lb.llal', r, r.o and 8.00
arrivinir at cerbondaieat 7.8Sandt,lSp, m.
(eenre rates via Ontario a Western before
6 OrChaslng tickets and save money. Day and
lUa'l Kiprcss to the XVcst,.
J.C. Anderson, Pass. AirU
T. IBtcrott, Ulv. Pass, Agt. Scrautuu, Pa,
Trnln leave Peranton for New York nnd In.
lermediate polnta on the Krio railroad at H ill
a 111. and It-I p m. Also for llawley and
local points at SIS, 8.48 and I81p.pi.
Train leaving nt ui.-. a. m. sad 881 txm.
ire through traira to and from Uonesdela
Trains leave for Wilkes Uarro at 8.40 a 111. ant
841 p. 111.
VP ,
no - -mm.