I THE SCTtANTOST TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING MAY 9, 189. EXQUISITE STYLISH THE HATS -AT- 303 SPRUCE STREET. All the Fashionable Shapes Trimmed tor uit tho most fastidious, WORK GUARANTEED. LOWEST PRICES LACE CURTAINS Tha most delicate fabric prop erly clenneJ t THE Lackawanna Laundry 308 Penn Ave. A. B. WARMAM. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue China, f SILKS 415 Lacka. Avenue. CARPETS BARGAIN SO 3, We Will Offer for a Few Ojyi Fine Woqustte Ru,', at ts oo. These Rugs Have Never Been So!d for less Than $3.03. CITY NOTES. Tim joint auditing committee of councils anK last evening. Today is ladii-s' Jar at thi baseball park. Ladies will he admitted fre'. St. drinrph's society will meat at tlM r'otindlmg Home at ,i o'clock this after noon. Thn str- eta and bridges committee of select council will meet at 7 o clock this evening. Tlin annual inspection of pulice will be conducted bv Captain Kdwnrda at the municipal building at 'J o'clock tbis after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Montgomery, bO were arreited Katuidny for irun k'n m - aud disorderly conduct, were yesterday comniitled to' jail in default of bail to await trial at court for BSSjlSCtlBg tlilt' cbildren. The Isdv and gentleman fri."itts of the Young Women's Christian as.ociation are requested to reniemlwr the exhibition to be given Friday Svenini at Iht v nti!." Men's Christian Association ball by tha I afltoa' gymnatlno tlaasss, showing the jingien wnicti Ins ben male in thn de partment tlit, past year. On Friday are ling, May 11, the Jeffer son aud Marges' "Jo.hua lutcotnb" com pany will present this sterling American drama at Music hall. The cast i said to be a strong one, including a double iiar tette. of established excellence. Many popular melodies will bo sung The dm gram will open tomorrow at Hulbert'. The prices will bo 25, 3o and to n uts. Nina Lawrence Foster, formerly of "1 he Trip to Chinatown," will appear in the role of Tot. Anheussr Eunch Bear. Louis Lehman's, tt bnrucit oL MR. ARCHER'S ILLNESS. Returns from Atlantlo City Vnlmprovsd. Mar Oo to Calif jrnla. General Manager Archer, of the Serantou Traction couiptuy, arrived home Monday night af tar a throe weeks' absence, ilia physicial condi tion, which was much initial red whan be left, has not Improved and his phy sieian yesterday enjoined perfect rest, free from all exciument, as the only remedy. Mr. Archer Is suffering from a col lapse due to overwork, und is a very sick man. He was reclining in an easy chair when a TUBUMI reporter called on him yesterday. In reply to an in quiry he stated precisely what is printed in the foregoing paragraph. Ho refnsed to be interviewed on the condition of the street railways In this city. He stated that hu had been given a much needed rest by hie employers mid would probably seek a restoration of Health by a visit to California. THREE PLAYERS TO BE RELEASED. It Was so Dscldsd by th Stockholders of tha Scranlon Club Last Night. The stockholders of the Scranton Base Ball club met last night und took summary notion on the wretched qual ity of ball famished by the club. It was decided to give the walking papers to ut least three players and possibly more. The manager was not 1 -tied to get down to business, or his res iguatinn will be looked for. Ex-President Alex Dnnn, Direotors Betts, Hobb and Martin said nt the meeting that a winning team mnst be bud, if it required the release of every nan in the olnb. Several new players will arrive in a few days and be given a trial. NEWMAN'S Moire Haskel Williams & McAnulty 87 Wyoming Ava HE SOLD WATER Druggist McGarrsh's Trade Last Sunday Cost Him Four Dollars. ARRESTED BY SECRETARY DONY The Well Known Druggist Makes No Defense, but Claims That Soda Is Jusl as Much of a Necessity as Drugs Testimony of E. J. Mac Donald is rid L. F. Hiorns, Two of Mr. Dony's Assistants. William H. McGarrah, of the well known firm of McGarrah & Thomas, of Lackawanna avenue, Introduced him self to Rev. F. A Dony iu Alderman Post's office last evening. Mr. McGarrah bad boen bronght be fore the alderman's court on a charge preferred by Mr. Dony of selling soda water at bis store on Sunday. "There is no malice in this," Mr. Ma Oarrali," said the secretary of the American Sabbath nnion. "It is purely a loviaf.frlendly nclbti for the better ment of the people of BoMMttOn, he continued, Both gentlemen shook hands in a very friendly manner and began a quits niiiniHted discussion about the Sunday observance movement Every body In the. courtroom joined in the talk and Mr. Dony was knt busy an swering the arguments put forth by the spectators Alderman Tost read the charge against Mr. UcGarrah, wnereiu lie was charged with selling soda water and keeping his s'oro 1 pan for business on Sunday, May 0, contrary to the act of 1794 assistant mac DOMALD'l ITOST Mr. McGarrah termed El J. Mnc Donald, tha iirat witness of Mr. Dotiv, a detective, but this was objected to 1 v .Mr. Donv. who claimed that Hie il) Bald was merely ona o( bis assist ants In the work and not a djteotiv , by any means McDonald g.tve his testimony after this fashion : "About half-past I! o'olock last Stin dav evening I was in tho store of Mc tf'irrsh & Thomas on Lickawatina a vaunt ami I saw them selling soda water and receiving puv for the same. "Did you see thvm selling anything thai ' "N , Mr; nothing but soda water. Tl ey would not sail cigars." ' Were you flier- at any other time during the day .'" "No, sir. only about half pajt six o'clock." " Was the store open?" "Y s, sir: thsre were a good many peraou passing in and ont. There w. r. all th facilities for selling soda wattr There were a numhw of glasses npon the counter an 1 a cleric was be hind the OOUQttt "Did you try to buy a cigar?" "Yet, sir " "W'ero you advisd to try and buy a elgarf "No, sir." "Wen you advise 1 t try and buy soda wat. r?" "No, sir; not that 1 know of." "Von certainly know, don't yon?" "1 w..s not instrncte l to by any of tli-' committee " "Did yon do all this work rolon tarils '. " "I wns iletailed by the Sunday nnion to flnd out who was violating ttis law " "W. ip you paid by that union?" "Yes. sir " ' What w s yonr oonps&tationT" Kev. Mr Dony objsct-d lo the wit ness being asked sncti a question and his ol jertion was ttUtainM." 1. F. IIMI1S S TK-STIMciNY. L. V. Hiorns, of Qoinov av-nti", wis tbt next wltutaj csllad bv Mr. Dany His testimony was as follows- "Did yon see Mr. Mcliarrah s plec opn on last Sun lay?" "I did, yes sir." "Mate the condition of the corner where Iht so la w iter wa sold. " "The place o .ked as if lot helin tended to do bntlnati. Tnar ws a large bowl of i:8 0:1 the c ni cer, and glasses and tods wtr glass ho: 1 rs were also there. I didn't ae anvon drinking. I saw the clerk there In that portion of the store where sola water is usually sol 1 " "Did the elerk trv and psrausde any body 10 buy soda watet?" ' No, sir." "Did you attsrrpt to buy a cigar?" ' No, nr. I wasn't even in the store." "Ar. yon employe I by fie Hinbath union': '! rtfntt to answer that question. " "D;d yon voluntarily offsr to do the work for the union' "I won't answer that questi m. " "Well, yon expcte I son c nunen eation for your work, didn't yon?" "That I won't a.isw. r." "You are a ton of Kev. KicturJ Hiorns?" "Yes, sir." Mr. Md iarrah said to the witness that bt was very sorry to see him in the alderman's office at a witness, whereupon Hioras replied with much vigor: "1 consider It no worse for me to jp around anil see these things nail than it is for your clerks to htvo to stnnd there in yonr stores and tall goods on Sunday, for fear of being dis charged, if they refusal to do so; and 1 know what I am talking about, for I was in the drug business for some years." Mr. MrOarrah offered no defense and admitted that he had sold soda on Sun day, but claimed that soda was a neres sity. just as muoh ut dings. Upon this point Mr. Dony disagreed with him. Alderman Pott lined Mr Mcliarrah $1 and costs, as provided for in the act of 17111. Mr. MoGtnah announced that h would appeal from tho decision of thn alderman. Fully a dottn prominent druggists and cigar dealen will be brought be fore Alderman Post this afternoon, and the chances are that each will receive the usual fine of 4 and eostt. E. P. KINGSBURY INJURED. Collar-Bonn Broken by Being Hurled fiora His Carrisa. While being driven from his office to his home yesterday, the pole at tached to n buggy containing B P. Kingnbtiry and driver became disen gaged and the vehicle wat over turned. Mr. Kingtbnry't collar-bone was broken by the fall and be was gen erally bruised ; the driver escaped un injured. The runaway occurred on Mudison avenue below Olive street, where the fastening which held the pole to the axle broke. The pole remained at tached to the csrriugo by straps, but boBt about the frightened animals' hvela. They only ran a short distance before the carriago was overturned. The horses were caught near Pine street by a boy and were not badly hurt. Tbev Bavs Gone Down That is prices at Guernsey Brothers. FUNDS ARE EXHAUSTED Noble Plan of Ladies Revealed at Last AID THE ASSOCIATED CHARITIES Colonel E. H. Ripple Will Presitlo at Meeting of Ladies Friday at Y. W. C. A. Rooms Last Hundred Dol lars in Associated Charities' Treas ury Was Appropriated Last Night. Demands for Relief and Work. The meeting of thn board of asso ciated charities held last night in the poor board rooms was nn important one in that it revealed almost a completo deficit of fnnils. However, it came out at the meeting that the ladies of the city would coin 9 to the retcne nod the plan for Inflnzing tho treasury is presented below. Iu the absence of Colonel K. II Hip pie the chair wat occupied by V. T. Smith. Other members present were Lutlior K H-r. John Gibbons, W. J. Thomas, T. J. K"lly, T. J, Moore aud Kev. Rogers Israel. The relief committee report showed that the nombtr of tpplioationt for work are many, nnd that thirty one men have bean given employment during the week, SUPPORT this movement. The plan whereby the treasury it to be supplied with fundi, much needed ut present, was revealed by the viita- ti n committee, which reported that a Dumber ol well known led let had mat Tuesday of last week an I formulated a plan foi raising funds They propose holding a general meeting, at whioh Oolooel P. II Kippu will preside, Friday afternoon at 4 o'oli ck iu the rooms of the Young Women's Christian Astooletlon 11 is proposed at this meeting to organ i za a general canvas of the oily for the sale of tickets entitling the bolder to membership in the taeociated nhawtttei The fee of annual membership is $1. and for life membership $S0 The board ex tends an urgent inritatiou to everv lsdy who ha the city's welfare at hearl 10 l,'Ivm th movement encouragement by l.er attendance. list of life and annual m-mbrt and donors waa submit t--l and a; proved The list appears belOW T ue report of the hoard's agnt,Mrs DuggtD, s;;ows the number oS n; ;oi caiions for relief and erorh t be as great ts ever, tad on motion 100, ai- most the CUtlM balai.ee In the treas ury, was appropriated for giving wort a:. I p,v t- to d-s"rving nneuinloyed T.ie deinauda ot destitute men who are willing lo work out cannot lint employment maka it a veritable nr ceselty for all women to be present at the Friday meeting which is mentioned Dove. Tat list of members and contributors is aa follows: UFP MKMHF.HS John .lerniyn, WillUtm F. BsJlttSSd, Wnliam II. Tavlor. Cruel a V Scranton, Mr- BoeaneaO, Tripp. A frel Hand, J. llet jaiiiln Dimmirk. A II Vandlmg. Mr a Kobi-ison, William T. Santh. It. II Tbroop, T. II. Watkiii", B. 11 sturges, William Connell. ASM At. URUHI I.- IV. N .Its J u. Ammsn, Janet R. tHeksoa, Emm L. fuller, B J Fiihinisti, John W. Kow. ,'T. .!!. :, I f. nt... .-. ! '.11 la.htuant . f McFsd.en. M .1 liealv, II I! -ivellv. C 11 Uodsay, lr. J.hn nMllev, J. V. . Bid. fan - i"ri .. Ili rnanl I , M J. Mnha. Hi. ma M J. u, Kev. L I'. IMoyd, Mrs ir i; lrae.. Btv I: gers I-rai I, Hot Ottlager, Mr. H -itntir, Mrs. It. Satnter. Mr BolQ Idsntltb. Mr.Ar 11 0 ildtnltb, 11 Lets gt eld, Mr. It Levy, t, V,ei", Usvi I am H s , Mrs Ms Itn e, Mrs. M. Simmon", Oearn M iiai trail, M Brown, victor Koeb, A 11. ..irtnan, Hptaeer CDteksOB,U Rdgar I'ean, David Kuhrmsn. Iir 0 B ii iMneen, 0 M, Hsjtsj. a Marti. J, M. Kellsy, L A. Wat res, WilllOSH anl Mr- Annlfy.Jolia It Jone. ijMd s Ryan, A.ve Depp n, J hu Owbont, jr., Ceai m 1 . M .1 Dens pee y, it m OoMsnutb, it W. Tbomss, Alice P. Oraban, Mrs, .1 I. Cohen, Mr I. MarkN Mrs. J. Klein. Mr. Jeff Freeman, Samo-I Kiaiu -r, W .11. I vane. J. 11. LlS4wig, Mis II. OoksSS, -I. Wannnk, Mi-s Clara Issuer, Mrs. II. WeiL J. Krank Hegel, K Morris, F. .1. Kiizsimmous. A. Kuileu-e, a. w. Uckson Oara s. Ditksoa, a k Uould, lleV. liiistave llallsner. Dr. 't I: Root, W. II. Jai kw.n, h. J N. vioe, A .1 llealv, Colonel P. L HltCBO k. David J, liavln. Wllltatn P. R Isn l. Q A Millar, Mr A. P. I'etligrew, .i rv 11 llra. .'a lies L Don Mil Alexander Moj1v, 1 P Megargel, Tle tna- II Israel, Abrsiii I. Urbsn. .lolin P. Kidly. Mr. Mm TroUl felt, Mr. T II Steiu, Mr. B, L 'llin, J, Krotosky, Wllttan P. Oeusll, Mr. Mo ri- Qokltmitb, A lt.ee, iieorge S. Kiiigxbiiry, Krentt Bros, Uts. P. I.. Wornttr, Ibumas llnshnell, Jotepb lvy, C. J. Weichel. W. McClave, Rev, P. J, M -Msnu. itev. J. L Dun, Davis A- Mount, J, I.. FordhSA, .1. W. Dasenbury, It. C Shfr, c. W l'reeinn, J. A. Pausing, llenrge L DIOKSOB, W. Haniev, w. Weteker, D, w. Vangbs, A. ). Dsan, Nlas Carlowna, K. H. Ripple, llltteiileuidnr A- Co.. (Irare .sp rrs WeM1.11, A. II. Uilllams, Owen Cusick, p. P. Plait, C. H. WsttOtt, Economy Purniture r 111 pany, J. J. llurke. Iletity Helm, jr., II. .1. Anderton, C I.. Prey, .lames J. .Senlis, c I.. Mercereau, .bilin J. Davies, Hebrew I. lilies (ielleral Uehef K,cletv, John! lei nud, B. w. Kiiig-burv. Stephen B Bpraks, John Hchuer, J.ihn (iilibous, T. J. Kelly, MrK. J, It. Parr, Mrs. AgnsS sloylSS, John P. Scrsgg, A. H. Kant), c nrk ' llruthers, kev. J. ii. O'BeUly, P, P, smith. Others have coiitributol to ths board't work bnt did not wish their nainet published. Several of the mer chants have also contributed various articles of merchandise which have been used by Mrs. Dnggan in her work, BOY WITH NINE LiVtS. He Fell Between Two Movie Trains and Escaped Unlnjursd. Kirliard Watso D, I ltd from tho West Side, had a mi reculous escape from death yesterday noon. II jumped from a llloomsbnrg coal train at the Scranton street crossing au I was struck by a passenger train coming from tho opposite direction, lie was stnnned and knocked between the two tracks. After the passage of the two trains lie was picked up and brought, seem ingly half dsad, to the Lackawanna avenue station, where he revived and said he was uot much hurt. DEATH OF M. C. DRINKER. Died In New Mexico While in Starch of Health. A dispatch was received yesterday from New Mexico that M. C. Drinker, of this city, who went to San Jnan county two months ago is dead Mr. Drinker, who had a large circle of friends here, was !t! years old nnd a member of Oraoe Reformed chnrch. He was an employe of tbo Scranton Oas and Water company, und a mem ber of Company D, Tuirteentb regl ment and the Elks. The rtmains will be brought to this city. ROMANCE !1 LOW LIFE Wllkes-Birre Husband Locates Bis Wile and Two Babies. FOUND HIS CHILDREN AT LAST Williams, tho Third Party to the Story, Committed Crime in Car bondale and Is in the County Jail. Mrs. Stcingler Imposed Upon the Associated Charities Fruitless Search of the Distracted Father. A romance in low life came to light yesterday in this city when Jama, Steiugler, of 311 Haskins street, Wilkes Hai re, found his two little children nd the wito who had eloped from a comfortable home two month ago wth David Williams, a disreputable character. Williauie it in jail here awaiting triil for heinous crime com mitted at L'arbondslo a few weeks ago; the tblldren, two boys aged '2 and 4 years, are iu the Bt Joseph'! Found ling home, und the erring wife has ben thriving to a great extent upon the tt .sistauce extended her by Mrs. Dng gan, ngent of the associated charities. Mr. aud Mrs. Stetnglsr wore married six years ago by Ut-v. Father Nagle al Wilkee-Darro and lived happily until several mouths ago when William' admittance to the family circle caused suspicions to arise iu the husbiimlV mind. He return 1 home from work one evening and found neither wife nor children to treat him. Williams, loo, wat missing nnd the concinsion was that he had taken Mrt. Stringier Way with hit. 1. tiik DDRBAOTKO BTJSBAXD, Htelngler, as we ks patted bv with out news of hit children (be did not care to regtin tun wifei. became al most distracted. Besrch for theci iiple proved frmlleM until it was learned that Williams Had been engaged in a disreputable piece of work al Carbon dale. The e it wat found that lie was 111 jiil here awaiting trial, and Stein glor cam here yestarday Williams bad beti followed to this city by Mrs Btelngltr, who msds him fr q-ieiit vi-nts at ih jui The keepers supposed the couple to be wedded, as did Mr- Dnggan, the Charitits agtnt, trbotitended every posilole relief to the SBppossd true wife and nnfortn nate mother. 'I I e children wore secured admission to the foundling home and Mr Btsinff ir wa Saturday givu a railroad ticket to WUkee-Berro, wii- reeu said she bt 1 an sntit Who would cars for her ooteadol leafing the city the visited Williams at (be Jail FATHKK AM BIURM, lodty sxlien Stolnglsf founl his 8 II ten stfe tod well at tht foundling bsHD he cUsp d Cirtn to hltn ami w. pt l uterly Ills home is tittered. to ne n Is arrangemtntt f r the sheltering of the little, ones al St JOSSpb'a Mrs Bteloglef left during the day fur l'ron ANOTHER NEW INDUSTRY. L0c.1l Company for the Manufacture of Builders' Hartlw.ir to Locate s Plant al Priceburg. S'ranton rapltsl, sjwan ting in vestment that : profllttil" to t o' Ii 1 I er and bsjneflrial to tr.e BOfBflSMIty, I attont to tal llsh an in Inslrv thai STill uieaa inucu t, this eltf an t m irs to tbt Iwnugn ot Pnc' ur. wh-te a new : sotory is toot to be tabllhe I .' 1 nip. my ha Un forai- I in thm cit. snii persssnenl orgaoiaatioo will be effrotod ibU stornoon, forth pur po of innnufacluriug builder' bard war Tb tnptiv t is in cpul -ISJtsd at !") 000 and IS 1,000 will b de voted to 1 e erection of Hi ntSsSSSfJ bntldloga. Work on tb same will be gin at once The new plant will lie r-ct 1 In l'r.i eburg an I it will aleio- itBS 1 ir e.p Foot dry win, h d es a ge ie .1 business, Locks. 1 itiges. window an 1 blind fst nrs, keys, window weights, every thing necessary in th coisiructlou of I nlldlngl will be lurried out 'lh factory wi!l probably be in i barg of D II. FitigsraM. of tins city. Mr Fltlgareld has ln pri lent of a similar n Ml, the Manhattan Hardware eompaay, in lUading It will employ at-otil .'iSl men and bovs mil the llrm will erect 1 1 tionsea to tooomsdste it help. Th gentlemsn who are interest,.! arn very relicenl and thT will say nothing lor publica tion. It Is known that Dr. 11 II I'hroop will )e president of the new Bra end Mr. Kverhsrt, of the brisn foundry, will be treaSUTSf WILL LECTURE IN THIS SECTION Rv. isssc stewton Bat le, of r litis J; phla, to Sp.uk In Till Cltr Kev. Isaac Newton P.srl, of Phila delphia, will spend the remain I-r of this mouth in this vicinity, and will deliver lectures in various churchss and Sunday schools. Mr. I'.irle will appear at the Oreen hMdgo Presbyterian ohorsh tins even lag and at the Second I'resbytsrinu church tomorrow veiilng The titles are "A Hint's Lye 'i"W of the liible" and "A Dird's Byt Yiew of the Life of Christ, " IVORITES IN SESSION. Thn Srrsntin Dslagatss Ttearb Fslr Havsn and Busln. Sprriut to Iht FcrantOH . r Faik Havf.n. Yt, May 8 Ths Scranton delegates to the National Orand lodgeof American True lv,. rites arrived nt Fair Haven al I o'olock this afternoon The first session was called to order at 7 80 p. m. by Orand Master W. W. Oe.irge, of Utic. Committees were appointed aud considerable of the routine work was disposed of whon the session was adjourned until 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. Scranton' Bustnss Interest. TBI TMBOms Wtfl soon publish a csre. fully compiled and clnssitled list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Scranton and vicinity. Tho edition will bo bound In book form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure views of our pnbllc build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of leading clliztns. No similar work line ever given au equal rep resentation of Scranton's msuy indus tries. It will be nu invaluablo exposition of our business resources. pent to persons outside the city, copies of tbis handsome work will attract new comera and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to thoe concerned as well as the city at. largo. Itopreientatlves of Tub Triminic will call upon thosr whose nauis are nEsmcn in this edition and explain Its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences in tnie edition will please l ave notice at the oQloe. BIS DEAL IN REALTY Fifty-acre Tract to Be Converted Into Building Lots. $100,000 WAS PAID IN CASH Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company Sells Its Tract Lying Between Me ridian and Twelfth Streets to a Company of Well Known Scranton Business Men Money for Purchase Was Raised in Five Hours. That Scranton capital is neither chary nor unavailable is evidenced by the purchase yestnr lav lor $100,000 cash the tract of laud contuiniug fifty acres situated between Meridian aud Twslfth streets, one side facing Rouud Woods aud the other facing Hyde l'srk. The purchase was made from the Lackawanna Iron aud Coal company by a number of mon representing the pro gressive business element of the city. An option for the plot was secured Monday by John T. Richard and John A. .Moms. In five hours time during Monday afternoon and Tuesday morn ing Mr. Hichards secured subscriptions to tbe project to th rztent of the pur chase priot montlotied above. Application was made yesterday for a charter of the Fairviow Park Land company with tbe following officers: John A. Moure, president; Benjamin Hughes, vice president; John T, Kiclurds.tecrettry and tressnrer; John A. Mears, John T. Richards, Benjamin Hughe, II A Kna) p, Oarret Roger! and J. Alton Davis, liotrd of direclois. WILL KNOWN MliN 1NTEKKSTK1). Among tbe other stockholders sre Ihoinss D. Dsvis, Judge II M KI wards.l 'ounty Tressnrer D W. Powell. John T Williams, John If. Williams, lohn Hale, Conrad Scbroeder, Franklin Howell, SnerllT Faher, (' O. Roland, Jam R Mears. A K Ranb, E I, Taylor, F. H. House, Thomas Carson, William Davl. Martin Maloney, Phila dolphin. In tract will be ditldsd Into :iW building lot. It is claimed that usg tlallnns have beti pending for several dayt with everl parties for th locst mg of msiiuf icturi't nti the lower pot. lion of the plot. Pefor the deal wa consnmated th gentlemen who originated th enter prise Inrsetlgatsd the possibility of converting R :;ud Woods into a psrk Th result is that this piece nf wool lend will be created into an attractive nreathing spot. At present the Itnd pnrchesel : cm peratirelj uulmiroved. Maps pr pared b- th comjisny, however, show that Sixth and Ninth streets below Main avenne an I othsr street above th latter thnronghfar will be extsn I d and ths prop-rty generally im prove!. The locitlnn of what will be named Fairvlew Park is sighilv and healthful Krcellent facilities f..r lrin ige r 0 ferod, and it It prop.ed to make the location similar to that of th hill of tne r-ntral city KtwnAfKm v''ir.Ti.v cwsDCcrgo, I r evrl y-nrt rl estate pprs tl rt haTS had th tract in view with a ro, of tecnrlng 11 for speculstlv pnr posot Ti e progress of the operation St I ichrsu'.l! In yesierdav's pnrctias wat known only to th parties inter ested. Th tul nUnstloa of th di wa a general topic of discussion I realty men lata, in tb after 1. o, and tb ro!itnsn of opmb n is thst tb project will be hnef!ciat lo t th city nd a source of reveunt to the lend company -- FALSE REAL ESTATE HUMOR. Washloateo Avna Flrt rrsbvt-r!sn harrb Fnpsrtv Not Boll 1 r soBso tisns it sad beo reported that fv irable nstjotltUoos wr pen l Ing for tb tale of th tight of tb Firt Pre ytrtn chnrch a..d the old pa:ontg lot 01 W s. Ingtos sfonha, til that the bar I ,,' chnrch trustee. c tu. t in pi a td the parohnae of the lot ,t the c ora-r o' M , lis in avnu an I 1 lltfS trt for t3 0 ' 1 from the Scran to - "iss and W,.ter company. Nsitber of tb repirtt tre ijuitt true A BemhSI of tbo board of trosts still yettr lav that the old parsonage I 'I was for sale and that many pertoua had Intimated a d'r to psirobasax I it that no favorable offer bad been mtde Tne board hat ronaidtred many sites on which lo erect a nw church, int whthr the present property e.tild ba used or not Is a matter which hss not bOOa definitely settled. Th board wa offered tbe Madisou svsnoe corner lot mentioned above for 115,000, bnl th ciTer was rojeottd; Whether becsuse th pric wa ticti cious or becante tbe board wan tt a cheaper property, does not appear. COCCITBU avenue h u are la-lug sold rapidly to borne seekers bv " A. Piumiixuiun. . M kRRIBD. II It A N DT- B k K 1'. N H 1 1 1 k K M ay T. IMU, by the Her. A. F. Cha(Te at tho Melho lit parsonage in (irn kidge, Mr. An ils's (. llramlt to Miss I Jeunle Itrok aaabire, both of this city. B KAI'TIKIM, .lowclry to H loot from. E VEHYTlllNi; new. I n 18 iii now itj les. ,UN in and sea our new store, OV arc welcome. 'TEE LING sihor Novelties in gnat variety. W.W. BERRY Jeweler 417 Lackawanna Aye. Best Sets of Teeth,$8.00 Irelndlntt tb pslnlps extracting of t'-nii by uu cutireiy new yro MSB, S. C. Snjder, D.D.S. & WYOMING AVlli f tstel! Social J. Frank Siegelsocial Thursday eveni ng, May 10. Oenerl invitation extended to frienda and former patron. Spsolal Sal of Ladies', Misses and children's shoes, Factory Shoe Store, 411 Lack'a ave. jlIIBIISISI'sSIIIilIBIIiylliiiisiBiiigcBsiGHSn I The Melancholy Days JJ Of honsecleanlng have como. 1 The Saddest of the Year i a m , S J 1 o th married man, becuuao his mm home Is all broken up. 1 The Time of Misery 8 Would b of shorter duration If 5 5 tho linii-ehold eomprlsod mune of B S Isbor savors which BaTTIN B m A-C(i. Imvaiiu spt-cial salu at this g ur. HUS80U. 3 TRRRB AM OABPET STRKTCH- S Kits, btbp ladders, cbaib i LADDErta CARPET BIATERH, S CAIil'KT TACKS, TACK HAM S 3 M ions. S Til y II r A U K HARDEN HOES anil H I OABDEN HOSB.RAKBS.BPADE8 St g and GARDEN TOOL of alikinds S m ut prices within reach. S THKKK Antt-OTL STOVES and B RKFRIOERATORS. In fact, a com- S j pl-tn line oi ub. IiiI ami nocie-sai y J mi ju-n.'l-... mi a f HENRY BATTIN & CO. S i2ii PENM l CM I illl!lllllllllllllllllill!gm93SII3!ltllliii OSLAND'S 128 Wyoming Ave. V are now displaying I lino lino, of Hosiery In COTTON', BILK and t It I i 'f it iii' a is WHAT DO TOO KIQH GRADE ITISIT the PENN CLOTHING AND SHOE HOUSE SHOE DEPARTMENT and find anything your fancy may wish or mind dictate. Our stock reoresents the Choicest Spring Styles for Men. Women and Children Do you want anything in Patent Leather, Russian Calf, Kangaroo. Tan Go.t, Tan V.c; K d, Ca'f or Cordovan, in Lace, Button, Blucher, Biucherette, Congress and Oxfords, from $1.25 TO $5.00 Men's Fine Russian Calf Shoes at 8 1 worth $2.50 Ladies' Fine Dongola Kid Shoes at 8 1 .35: worth $2.00 Erwy ptuohaswr of goods am ohaaoeon tbe Beaatifol PAUL i: PENN CLOTHE & SHOE HOUSE 137 AND 139 PENN AVENUE, Complete Outfitters. SCRANTON, PA. S. L. (iALIJCX. the cut shx::: here Represents Banister's new Razor Toe Last. It vou want the latest styles in Footwear trade at Banister's. BANISTER'S PRICES are a little less than yon are paying elsewhere for inferior soods. BANISTER will give yon MORE for your money than any Shoe House in the city. Patent Leather and Russet Shoes in endless variety. BANISTER'S, Coxey's Army Can't Buy These BARGAINS FOR TODAY ONLY Child's Straw Sailors, wo'th 25c. and 35c. On Mon day, 19c. Child's Lace Caps, regular price 25c. to 35c. Mon day, 19c. Child's Mull Hats, our reg ular price, 25c. Mon day, 19c. These Bargains for BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. We will give all a chance. This sale will continue for the remainder of the week. Look at This We will offer for bal ance of week a 40c. Trimmed Sailor For 19c. Also a Black Clay Worsted Coat, with moire trimming, latest cut, worth $14, For $6.00. You can have your choice of 100 Capes and Coats for $2.98, Worth from $7 to $15. Don't miss this chance. It will last for the remainder of this week only. J. BOLZ 133 Wyorniai Ava. next dime: bank. Kits, WANT ? 0 0 anting to $i or over receives a U1T. to UctawllJL5! km Boys' Kilt Suits, regular price $1.35. Monday, 99c. Men's and Boys' Straw Hats, worth 35c. to 50c. Monday, 23c. Special Bargains in Flow ers and Ribbon3. ONE DAY ONLY. HOES?