The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 09, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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New York Offich: Tnintrxs Buildino.
Frank 8. Gray. Manager.
littered at the Fosfofflrc at Sermtom, "
Second-Villa UmO Halter.
"It 18 a fatal mistake," says the
New York Tribune, "for business men
to lose courage in dull times and to
imagine that trade In 10 had that it is
useless to attempt to work it np by
eommsndtng in lie attention through
legitimate advertising expedients. It
is the concurrent testimony of all the
most energetic merchants In trade
that the returns from advertising
were never more direct and speedy
than dnring the present year of de
pression. The foolish angler is the
one who casts aside his rod when the
ery is raiB.-d that the full will not bite.
The wise nsh-rman knows ihat there
is good sport so loug as there are iish
iu the pond, and catches thetn and ilils
his basket by bnting the hook cure
.'ully ami casting his line where the
water seems stillest."
More About Consular Reform.
Representative. Bellamy Storer, of
the bouse committee 00 foreign rela
tions, whose etT'.rts at reforming the
present Inadequate consular kyttem
were recently OOtnmended in these
columns, has favorel TBI TBtBUNl
with further information as to the
exact nature of the bill which he is
now endeavoring to have congress
adopt Unlike the similar bill of Sena
tor Morgan, Mr. Storer's proposition
does not regulate) lh salaries of con
sols and consular agents, preferring to
have that adjusted by aspirate leglsla
1 1 o n It coutines its att-nti :i to the
principles first of a reorganization of
tbe present system so that all fees of
everv description are to be turn" ! Into
the treasnrv department and the fli
cers are to receive a certain Bled sal
ary; second, no periou is to be ap
pointed to the consul ir service who has
not piged an examination, the re
quirements of whic i are to bo fixed by
u board to be appointed by the presi
dent ; third, that all nrtpointnitolatball
be uiad to the lowest grade at first,
and a;I pr irr. 'ons made witn r peet
to seniority and fltneas, and eximina
tion to he required for 'ch i r uuotion ;
fourth, that no removals shall he made
except for unfitness, or other proper
cause, and every removal shall be ex
amtned and approved by board of
. fill ers of the stute department Vested
Willi this smhontv
"I think," wri'es Mr Storer, "that if
w oonld, sfter lurl BRbtlng, establish
tbeee principles in our consular ser
vice. We ibor.l 1 at OQOt mke a great
elri le in ai'vauc I 1 av tn my ahy
whatever with the civ which g. np
in e ngress, tnat it i absolutely necee
saty tiist ibe party in power ibonld he
represented In tbe eyes of forign ns
ti ii- b its own partisans. I Bead not
ill, bOWeTer, tbat this bill is not in
tended in ppiy to am bats ad ore or mln
latere, Wko mav rvaoulnjr tw iipeoted
to be in ser in! wt the general policy
of the BdmioistraUoi tbey aerve, With
onr modern sy'm it fkpid OOmmOOi
Ostion by teiegrspti, aad tbe -xtrsor
dioary cloeenese now existing between
nations, I ntn m re of the oj tnion tbat
enr entire regular diplomatic service,
1 1 iperly so celled, uiutit be dispensed
With, at. I III cases wiii re negotiations
hi d historic diplomatics rvices ire de
nial led, tbat special nvoy wIk t i .
re t on it mil i u end for lempoi i .
o J ots, fUs nly irftoment sgsiosi
tins is Hit it if. i,ei -'ry to bare a
rspreeeateiiTo ol tne l I ted States In
r iss of foreign revolution or disorder.
This isbsrlly to be apprehended m tbe
civiliztd world as DfCeeeaty, and if it
be so, I do not see why a consul gen
eral, or eYn n consnl euM n t ive
jiroti ctii.n of our Bag in places when
we now l;e p reel-as iplomatic ofheors,
in the seme way us ttiey do in places
where we have do other ropreaontatleoi
of th- (' iited Stairs b it a coninL "
This is the vv w of an increasing mi
nority of ctf ii ns who look with grow
ing disfavor on system borrowed from
feudal times kB4 little changed since.
Hut it Is not instantly ettMtMl to trie
success of consul sf reform that this
other ipiestion of aboliabtog tli rejn
lar diplomatic service should be slue I
to it. '1 tie work of our eo snlar and
consular agents, unlike that of our am
bassadors, ministers and envoys, is
meant to be es-enllally modern and
business like. In thoory, if not in
practice, the consular represnntatives
of tbe United St tes sro superior soli
citors of trade uml expert promoters of
America's commercial interests gener
ally. The sooner they become these
things iu practice, the sooner will that
branch of our civil servico riso in popu
lar respect.
''Mr. I'owdkhi. y oceasionally makes
mistakes," tersely remarks the Wash
ington I'ost, "but he didn't make a
practice of wallowing In blunders a la
Sovereiirn. " This is a case where a
eutence says as much as a sermon
The Welsh in America.
In concluding his entertaining paper
explanatory of the interesting tradi
tion that Madog, a Welsh prince, dis
covered America In the twelfth cen
tury. 300 years in advance of either
Vespucci or Colnmhtis, lienjaruin F.
Lowis, of Utica, N Y., editor of the
leading Welsh-American paper, Y
Drych, recently paid a tribnte to his
countrymen in Utiea which is so apt
and at the same time so applicable to
our own community that we shall,
witbont further ceremony, reprodnce
it verbatim:
As or.1) who has lived thirty-five years in
Utica and is fairly familiar with its popu
lation, I am free to assert that our citizens
of thet nationality have every reasoti to be
proua of their record iu the pest an1 of
their character and standing In this cam -mnnity
today. In devotion to religious
principles, in works of charity and bene
volence, in the intelligent pursuit of
literary advancement and musical cultnre,
in the cardinal virtues of Industry, thrift,
honesty and American patriotism, their
record for the past. 100 years is one that
maketh not esnnnied. Claiming no superi
ority, we admit no inferiority to the best
found among tbe different nationalise! of
our population. We respect the good
people of Utica of every nationality. We
differ from eacb other in soruo respeots,
but we are all wonderfully human, with
some faults, foibles and peculiarities: but
above all, with warm benris, earnest sym
pathies, helping minds, bound t iirether iu
the bonds of a common brotherhood;
proud of our beautiful city, which has fur
nished so many illustrious names for our
country's roll of honor; proud of our fer
tile and prosperous county; proud of our
tnagnincent imperial suto; ami over ami
above all, proud of our glorious country,
a conntry thBt we intensely love, whether
it be ours by birth or adoption.
This tribute breathes a. spirit of fair
nessand justice which cauuot be too
generously commended. There is dan
ger in fulsome compliments to classes
separated, at least in sentiment, by dif
ferences in racial extraction, becanse
such compliments tend to foster exclu
siveness and discourage that frank as
similation which is the hone of our
composite American citizenship. But
there is no danger in the true word of
candid praise which reserves its high
est eloquence for patriotic allusion to
our common country, as whose citizens
Welsh-Americans stand upon an
equality with all other races and
classes bound by equal u'.leginnce and
exhibiting equal lovaltv.
1WO WBIK8 from tomorrow the Re
publicans of Pennsylvania will hold
the most enthusiastic convention in
the parly's history. It will be a con
vention of the people, by the people
and for the people. The people will
see that its ticket is taken car) of.
COXIYISK, l.lKB the measles, is a
tough infliction whilo it lasts, but it
will leave the body politic in cleaner
condition when it shall havs abated.
Professor Wood Retires.
By a sale of his holding in TBI Tuin
i nk Publishing company to the re
maining directors ProfeMOf t E
Wood, who during the past year has
tilled the position of general manager
of this paper, retires from further con
nection with TllE Tltllil NK, The
chango has been necessitated by a press
of business csres incident to his simul
taneous management of Tint Tun i nk
Publishing company BBd Wood s I!ui
ness college.
During bis connection with the man
agement of Till" TMBUOT the paper ex
perionoed anooeea In ail depattmeota
In spite of the financial depression
which has in most communities told
heavily ODOO the revenues of the N s:
established newsp iprs, TllK Tumi m:
hss made its WSloOmS Way into li.aur
nun Irede of nw h.uns an I ha, i i its
advertising pilr .meg, k apt pact with
the p'cgres of tne progressive coin
mnnity in srhlob it is published.
The retirement of Professor W ol,
volnntary and amies! le ns it is, will
not involve any radical changes in
either the policy or personnel of the
paper. It will be the endeavor of the
present management and proprietors
to print as good a QeWspapOT as t M
third city in Pennsylvania, reinforce I
by growing suhurbs, wi.l support. 1 I
Ibll end no ress nshle expne will w
spared and 00 reasonable tffort ig
nored by any m mtiei of tne J lUrnal's
working force.
SBBaTOB LODOB,WrK) is rapidly nm-
in: m coma ni..ig position iin ig He
pO liO ID sen ll -.l runt when he sav
that tbe protectionist minorttv should
must up. .a Its ng it to disease th tar-
liT I ill llin by item Tne fact that the
emended aeflate bin is notoriously a
roosting place for fvrel monopolies
an i trusts poeslbly siplaios wuv the
majority It opposed to the seriatim
plan of dlate.
Mr. Archer's Illness.
The per,. of BerantOB srill regrt to
iesrn that th- health of Qeaeral U i i i
gr II II. Archer, of the Borantofl
ra tion MNBOattf has not bOM iin
pr ve I iv his sojourn in Atisnlie Cilv.
and. wit i few ei.-epijons. thv unite
111 the h ; f at I. IS restoration to
health m tr be pe lv an i r imptatBa
Mr. Archer, representing in Ins per
sonality file Sera'ilon Triotlon Com
pany, has don much far this oommnn
tty. His snccssss are to be attnhu'ed
lo the furl tbat his pnmts't to th--public
have nlwavs leti made good
II" has in :de th name of his c tiin.:y
I lyOonym for stability and at ti e
-am- time given the people of Scran
ton sbeap an I (Solent str.t r nleray
A I )OG,
Man or Mvth?
lt-'i re the Oneida Historical socity,
of Utica, N Y., Bdltof Benjamin V,
L-wis, of V Drych, recently read an
interesting piper giving facts and
fables as to th tradition, long oher-
lbed iu Cymry, that Uadog, bob f
Owaln flwyned I, a prince who rnb-d in
North Wales from 1 1 87 to 11 SB, was
the first real tliscoverer ami colonizer
of the North American continent, ocru
tiving a position miilwav between Lief
BrloeOO, who touched what is now the
Msssachutetts shore quite br accident
in the eleventh century, leaving little
evidence of his momentary binding, and
Christopher Colon, otherwise Colum
bus, who sighted the new world 10
MU2. The tradition hss it that upon
his father's death Madog, disgusted at
the dissensions among his brothers, set
out wiih three small ships to find a
new home. After some titn he re
turned with such glowing accounts of
the result of his quest that another ex
pedition was lilted out, containing ten
ships Bad 800 countrymen. All that is
known is that this flotilla went west
ward, pissing Ireland to the north
The tradition has it that Madoir's first
discovery of America was iu 11(10; and
ihat, four years later, ha reoroased the
Atlantic with eighteen ships and 11,000
countrymen ami took possesion of the
throne and kingdom of .Mexico, giving
birth to the Azteo race and eiplaiulng
the existence on American soil of pale
hued Indian tribes who stioke a dialect
said to resemble Welsh.
a e e
The great contention lias been ns to
whether this tradition was current in
Wales before the life of Columbus
We now quote from Mr. Lewis' ad
dress: Those who take th aflirmative viow re
fer to cotillrmative expressions found in
the poems o' theso contomporary bards,
Cytiddelw, Llywarch ah Llewelyn aud
(iwalchtnai, but the meaning given to
these quotations is disputed bv those who
take the negative side. The next refer
ence to Madog is by Meredith sp Khys, a
bard who flourished botween 1480 Bad
1477, and ho unquestionably refors to
Madog ab Owain (Iwynedd a n rover of
the seas. In his -Travels," published in
1634, Sir Thomas Herbert, refers to a
CvBvig ab Gronw as authority for the
Madog discovery of a western continent.
A Welsh triad speaks of Madog nb Owain
Qwynsdd aa having gone to sea with ten
ships aud 8oil men, but adds that "it is
not known to what place they went." In
1168, fourteen years before the date given
for Mining's first voyage, there died in
Wales a monk known as Canning of Llan
Carvan, He left in manuscript h history
of Wales, which was coutluued, It is
claimed, by other monks for succeeding
feneration. The work was translated in
to English by Humphrey Llwyd iu H8
and edited aud published by Dr.
David Powell in 15S4. In this his
tory as left by I.lwyd, the Madog tradition
is given in detail, with the explanation
that the country, from the descriptiou
given ot it by Madog, must have been the
same country as that afterwards discover
ed by the Spaniards. Dr. Powell, the edi
tor, argued that the country discovered by
Uadog must have been Moxlco. This his
tory is supposed to have brought the Ma
dog tradition first to the attention of Eng
lish readers; but Sir Ueorue Porkhain men
lions the story in a pamphlet in it. Tbe
story of Madog's ad Veil turee 0000 publish
ed, was generally accepted by zealous Bug
Uahmen In order to claim for themselves
priority of discovery as against the Spani
ards It is found iu Hsyhiyt's travels,
published in 1589; in Ral Igh's history of
the world, I6U; in l'unha's pilgrimage,
HVifi; and in the History of the World by
Abbott, archbishop of Canterbury, pub
lished about the same time, lames llowell,
a Welshman and a graduate of Oxford,
while In Heat prison, London, wrote a
large number Of letters which were pub
lished between 11145 aud !(i."i5. In these he
had tuuen to say of the Madog expeililion.
So much for the authenticity of the
Mating tradition. We c tme now to
nearer material, whether lact or fable
each reader may decide for biinself.the
purport of which is that at the lime
Columbus landed in Mil'.', there were
Indian trib-s on American soil that
looked like descendants of a white rsee
and that spoke a language which
Welshmen could understand. Again
We quote;
David Ingram, a sailor, who went with
Sir John Hawkins to the West indies In
l!r., is the first known authority for the
as-erttnn that i-niln speaking the Welsh
language were found among the Indians
on this Continent In a narrative written
by I j 1 1 ii in l.'.sJ, lie says he found here a
bird railed "penguin, which peetneth to b
Welsh," and fun her clam. "d to have beard
other Welsh words Kikon i inu Btadnea,
a native of Braekoaanlre, Wale, le said to
have landed on thee a-,1 between Kl rld
ai.d Virginia In 1070, and is quoted
as saving that ho spoke SO some
Indians In their native language,
when he was Informed by them that
lbs ir ante-tors had come from Qwyeodd,
In Prydain Fawr (North (Tales la Greet
butaini. A the title Ureal Britain was
le t adopted, though occa ionailv us d,
after the accession of .lsme I, gOB Mr
Strdman must have miMinders.ood Idi
Indian frienls, or else they wer not Ma
ll giana The most frequently Quoted eU"
thorny for t he ext-tife of Weith spe ,k -ii
g Indians on this continent is Her.
Morgan Jonee, an Bpisoopal ciergymsn.
aboeamato America from Wales senM
time prior to tOJOt llts narrative Iu sub
stance sayi that he an I five oft ers While
In S uth Carolina ;o the Tnscarura coun
try, were takes pt leoaen an i an iem..ed
to death, 'luis led Jones to eir mm in
the Itnti-h tongue: "Have 1 Mi-aped o
inany danger to b- now knocked oe the
bead Ikoedagf11 He w nndetstood by
a chief present, who embrs -. I blm lad
I told bin In th llntish tongue that he
lb oi - not Ola Th I Chief rsaomed the
; pern and t k them among the ITosS.
i i tribe, tvbo eatavtaieed the Strang-
ers civilly fur f ur uiiulhs
Ii is .apposed thattn term llrtlish
tongas lore n-d. mnt Welsh, tut
Mr Lewli not nnnatorally talnka that
if Mr .1 nes, a insti who ieft South
I Wale to the oevnuteoutb cnturv could
I Ulk intelligently with people i ibad
left North Watea la thtwift;
! Inry tie or t ev must I, ate l,-n ..
il wed with th gift of tongues spoken
I of in holr writ
1 nu are other ovideoeae, Mai or
1 fsncifu , of ih szlstenoa of Wateta
peebit g Indians lo itm on lap) tin
siwrt saw urh natives on ne R t
nver end nothr gentlemaa w thun
o i the O no A Mr H.n 1 1, a W-isn-man.
in 1750, saw tnin met ward, fsr
ii-yond tio- alleaiasippl; a LloBtoaaal
Joeeph Roberti beard aa In ltn swr
in Kymraag la vVaeblogtoo la 1801
and seVi r si other similar instances ire
narrated tbe matt thrilling of ail ho
ingattory prl lad la th Kentnckv
l'alla Into iii 1804 Manner lirifti- -sod
five rompenlooi, to ti'st e A- .
man, bavfeg life fof y rt vi a t
Bhawnoe Indiene In Virginia, t out
io exi i re the sonraes of th Mteeoan
rival While thus engaged they .v-r
eaptnred by a inb of whit adlau
and COOdimned to death. Tim tss
was Uiaile res ly when (irifllth heard
the chief sp ik Welsh. He antw.tei
in the same tongue and his life ws
spare), lots tribe bed 50,000 inm
bere, all whit. Thaw telaa, with
mny othera, canoed historic iiiy m
e.ined WeN men lo investigate Mr
Lewis tells us that'
In I1M John Bvaae left Wal- deter-
mined to hud Hie Welsh Indian if they
existed on the Mi. iin tin.r, and preach
the U -H to them He reached M, l,.mi
i ; . i. then bi ah ut '.' mile un the
Ml - irl and s-ut the winter with the
Mahae The eett rear be traveled tt
mile more, and found liims-lf am i the
Is eo dene Be retttraed le IB07 eoaviaced
in bie OWB wind, "that Ike Welsh Indians
had no nisieuce "
Oneida county Welefc-Amerioaai In
lsU aubsrt H e I mo ley to pay the ei
pensss of another searehiog parly,
beaded by John T. Boberte, whose
dseeendentl are prosperous citizens of
L'tlce K .berls snd a e- mpanion, Wil
liam Perry, left CJtlea April 14, in that
year and reached St Lonhl M ay 99 It
was constantly rtitnoro I Ihat a tribe of
white Indians did exist, far to ti e west
ward , and for two years Mr. Huberts
quootionod trappers, hunters, traders
aud scouts from all portions of the
west, but could get no definite evi
dence of th much talked of Welsh
alMirigises Perry went up the Mis
souri river for 700 miles, but was
equally unsuccessful Tins ended ths
snort to locate th vanished tribes.
We have thus hastily scurried over a
most interesting address, doing it but
scant justice. We shall close in sheet
words of Mr. Lewis: "It may ba that
this misty tradition is unworthy of so
much attention, but it took right oen
turies to prove that America had really
beeu discovered by the northmen
What another century ami a half may
do for Ms-log remains to be seen.
After all there may bo something of
history in this dun legend of the long
past, but it is possible, 1 will not say
probable, that the Madog story will be
laid to rest with the legend of Arthur
and his mailed knights sleeping in a
subterranean cavern awaiting the
break of day, to go forth to battle for
th land 0f tho red dragon; or the
knightly, though unfortunate Dom
Sebastian, who was for centuries ex
pected to return from the laud of the
Moslems to restore the glory of the
Portuguese nation, or the Old Rodrigo,
who is to redeem tho bpanish name and
restore the grandeur and power of the
old Castilian monarchy; or Frederick
Hsibarossa, the contemporary of
Matlog, who is believed lo sleep lightly
enough beneath tho soil of Thuringis
to be awakened by the wail of Ger
many's distress, should she ever need
the succor of his strong arm; or The
O'Donogline thai sleeps with eyes and
ears open beneath the lakes of Ril
lerney. ready to right tbe wrongs of
down trodd mi Ireland."
PAINT cracks It
often costs more to prepare a
house for repainting that has been
painted in the first place with cheap
ready-mixed paints, than it would
to have painted it twice with strict
ly pure white lead, ground in pure
linseed oil.
Strictly Pure
White Lead
forms a permanent base for repaint
ing and never has to be burned or
Scraped off on account of scaling
or crackine, It is always smooth
and clean. To be sure of ucttinir
Davis-Chambers. "
Armstrong & McKelvy."
For COLOBS National Lead Co.' ttUi
White Lsm Tintinv: Colors, s onspoupd tan
to s ?5-HHitnl Leu of .c,n anil mix uut own
painls. Save time and annoyance in matching
shades, and insure the let paint that it is pu
sihle to ptil on wood.
Bend us s postal cat I and get out Ih.1c on
psitits dim color-card, free; it will probsbl) save
you aKii'l many dotlara.
Hill &
131 and 133
N. Washington Ave.
Larr Stock
Hzzzzm Price
& Co.
Meat Market
llis Fines t in tbe tit)
Tlie latest iiiiproee 1 fiir
nlaliintti ami a.nratn for
k.ui BMat, battel smi tpt.
It w aealag .
Qualified Veterinary Surgeon,
Ivor Thirty Yuan' Kxtrielioo
Practical Shoeing
Orailuato uf tin. AnuTi'-au Vi-toriiury
Tho troatmi'iit of LAMBimi IUi BUM Im
psUitnontn in tliM im v..!ii..iit of h ir-.'-.
rv.Tjr aftiTiiixu).
I.nino and Ki' lt antniuli i x tmlniMl ami pro-
"rrtbi ii for free t eterae even Muiniay from
I lot P.M.
DU6 South Washington Avonue,
Contractor anil builder of Concrcta Flintln,
('oQcrt Hi -kH. I'olato. Hnltar and Coal
Him, WSJ Cellars dried up. Union may ba
left at Thompson I'rait. Will ama A Co.
Main ami bycou 8IrMtn. or at Scrunton
Btove Workn. AUo Kouuilatlons, Cmloroa.
Kish Wlro Tunaulasuil Oitliua. r'lai:-iin tor
Uiinleu Wi.ii, k
WANT a Piano or Organ Cheap?
An extra Quo Henry F. Miller Squaro
IMsno $1T.-,
An extra Mno "l'hiekerin(r"Siiuaro linno !".")
A n'""' liainN llrntiieri I'nuo. .. ltm
A Kood Mayor Hroihors uuaro Piano.... W0
A (tood Firth & Pond Square l lano 7o
A itood llnphonia Square Piano 60
A very Rood Rostou Piano Co. Walnut
Oprlgnt ieo
A very (rood Wbceloek t'priirht Piano.. 180
A vary irood Whoclock Upright Piano.. 13(1
You've settled that question in your mind already. And after
seeing the new dresses in church of late, you've about made up
your mind that you can't get one too soonbefore the prettiest
things are all gone. It's only a question where you shall get
it. You want, of course, new spring styles, new combinations-
;Iiew colorings and new textures; in fact,
a j a n .4. -
nety to select trom, so that you will take no chances in having
something old palmed off on you.
IZSTe iLre tlie People
And everybody knows it, that always are the first to show the
latest productions from foreign and domestic looms.
All-wool Silk and Wool Novelties, never shown b9fore, just opened.
New Brocaded and Striped Sewing Silk Grenadhns; are very scarce, but we
have a large line or them.
Japanese, Chinese and Lyon3 Silks, in all of the new and beautiful designs, at
Domilar Drices.
French Wool Chillies,
Wash Dress
Consisting of Foo Chow Pongees, Sateens, Swivel
Crepes, Creponettes, Bengalines, Ginghams,
A stock unsurpassed in variety, newne33
With the New Valves
Out of Sight
Otir new Bicycles are now
to be seen at our 314 L.icka
wanna avenue store
And a full line of Hoys' and
(iirls' Whf'ds We are mak
in extremely low prices on
Second-hand Wheels.
I u I
314 Lacka. Avo.
Fountain IVns
Fountain Pens
Fountain Pens
A Guaranteed Foun
tain Pen, regular
price Si-50, for
98 Cents
Reynolds Bros,
stationers and Engr jvpti.
Dr. Hilled Son
Sot troth. lUtl tot not, f; for leM oI"
lad tooth without platea ralloil crown and
Briaaa work, sail for prions and refer enass
TONAl.uiA. lor sztraetina tcth without
tlu. No ether. Mo teas.
A vory good Blmnlngar Upright Piano.. IM
A Manon & Hntnliii.naarlvnow.hldhtop.
I double rood t It
An A. R Chase, nearly new, high top,
I double roe II
A Chicago Cottage.noarly new, high lop,
double reed
A Woreoitar, noarly now, high top,
double reed oj
ui uiiHLLiniiiu a l
and Organs at Wholesale and KetaiL on Installments.
our latest and la3t importation for this season, just out.
Goods. Oh! Such a Variety
Bpeetel Sil s ; Pea aad Oaretive Toilet iai. 9:. pr boiof tnre II
lititM-d S'lk Oartsrs, with Oiidizd snJ Silver Clstivs; usnsl price, yja. rfpeoisl
Bale Trice. i5 CENTS.
224 Spruce St.. Op. Tribune
TITK let tb fincet in- i f Wli is of
Si I t l'tin-risi.r Utiortl r,...
Amount of convenience for the least expense.
The secret? It lies in the
Alaska : Refrigerator.
We have Miny 3tyle an. I Sizes.
Foote & Shear Co.
Reliable Goods
One 1 Vice
Satisfaction Guaranteed
227 Lackawanna Avenue
EVANS & POWELL, Proprietors
S w i ham: i r.
I EDC Mr -f
The Great Murvcl ol Dental Science
A ni t tit disoovery and the Eole
property of
Henwoodl h. Wardell
316 Lackawanna Ave.
Aflor Inn Inic olovon leeth oitrartod at
0110 alttliiic tiy ttio pslBlaSS method, 1 pro
nounor It entirely hutiitfnctorv In avo'T
parlUular. J. U. 8KAMON8
A Standard. nearly ncw.hlgh top.donblo
A Miomnger, nearly new, high top,
double reed ; - It
And .-.bout 20 other good second hand or
gans, $25 to Ilia . ' ,
Tho above collection or Socoud hand Iniru
mentsareall in good order, fully gmran
toad, tho greatest bargains, evsr efferod in
this city Call and sea them. Installments
or discount f r cash.
you want a large va,
Silks, Dotted Swisses,
Dimities, etc., etc.
and cheapness.
OHice. :3ii WuSa
11 grAilc nd rinrnt verv xu&rhlne
Iv.... ..f ..t..r.. I ' 1 f-.o. .
A limited niuntier of tho above
bonds are for salo at par and ac
crued interest by the following
parties, from whom copies of the
mortgage and tall Information can
be obtained:
B.W. Mulligan, Cashier Second
Xational Rank, Wilkea-Barro, Pa.
W. L. Watson, Cashier First Na
tional liank, rittston, Pa.
J. L. Polen, Cashier People's
Savings Bank, Pitteton, Pa.
A. A. Bryden, President Miners'
Savings Bank, Pittstou, Pa.
And by the Soranton Savinpa
Bank and Trust Coinpany,Tmstiy
under the jMortgagc.
T, H, Atherton, Counsel,
Inserted in THE TRIBUNE at the
latent' ONE CENT A WORD.
Ill ADS.