The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 09, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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All Things Musical
134 Wyoming Ave.
IIir.H grade:
See the Shaw Piano from
the "World's Fair in our
ft Foe to Dyspepsia
And always have
Good Bread.
The Wesicn II C
Punch Cigars
HAVE Td I'lriAtS
B. & Co ,
ptiprlelart -n Ft1" C'Tr.
Carney. Brown & Co. Jiff's.
I 01 in not IN eui .sua.
bpkcialm r.
ItA Ti UA, H.
James I'. Dicks oi U in New Vork.
lames Vd., of WtUtM' DaWfC, WM in the
:ity yesterday.
Miss Nellie ()niMr, of FltUtOB, In Tis
itlnc fri-nds in this city.
The ei'irajrement of M o fnme Hughes
snd v. ( naatall li anaoanood.
Mr. and Mt. T. K tfettletOB fire regis
tered atti Wyoming House siuce their
recent rttara from Florida, where they
hnve been spending (lie wint-r.
1!. V. Bqoiar, tbe Will known jouriinllsi
l thll city, linn returned from Atlanta,
' where be attended the International
LnKtiH.,f l'ri" rlul.H aa representative
! the Bematon I're.s rlnb.
PA-ijANORuM pleases.
Artistic Work of Hopper and Hit Cora
pa:. y EnthutlaiMcally Rclvd
A lnrt'a andlanaa easamhlad at tha
Aridetny last log to lannhaltha
antics Of Ds Wolf Mo:. pr ana admlr
vocal (Torts and plu ral attractions
of pretty Dall 1 I 1. an I it is safe t,
nay tU.r the anticipations of tita moat
ssniitiin- ware fully realised in th sm
on Of light music, fun n:id dasslin:
ipa taeniae rti,
Tho plot of "Panjandrum'' la easy tj
grasp, while not an Improvement op m
"Wang" it eootaiu lbs sltnatioos se
sentinl to bring out tbo bin Comedian's
psruli at taKuite in the frotoeqac linn.
Upon Hopper' nldlitiee it ia nanccee.
sary to ililato. He w.ia ai fnntiv eeer
nnd kept tlie spectators convnlsed with
bia drolleries throughout the p 4r.
Dells Fox ii as bandanna as in th
day- of yore whan .a a iter in the
Dennett & ilonlton Opera company
tir cnrls and hahfish VoioecaB
lirnted the young society mn or
Scranton who irazed noon hr ciwirma
nightly at 10, 'JO and 80 cent a khz-.
Her Toice hai greatly Improved with
nge, however, and hr old admireri
wen no lonht equally plaaaed at bor
efforts last night.
Bdmnnd Stanley Ini several tuneful
ttuor loioa and Helen Bemford U
catches 11 few nirs ns they fly putt, but
the half dozeu other principal have lit
tle to do except to look either comical
or "tatneMjDe.
Dnrlng. Mr. Hopper's transformation
from a piaiu ahinwrwelced anllor into a
bam Homes, kiuir. Mihi Ida Fuller ia
Kiven an opportunity to present sTeril
of the "dance creations" of her sintiir,
Loie Fuller, and the artiatlo binding
of eolor and Rruceful poses of the
dnncos were receivod witu prolonged
At the baglnnlngof tlie thinl not
Mr. Hopper apolotrlaed for the intro
oocuonoiine popular epio, Ciisey ut
the Uat, which wa. particularly apro
pos at this time.
j tie rendition throughout waa d
lixbtfnl and from appearance!
juuoitim! mi uiiprcsnon nioi
the audience qual to that created i.y
All Frae.
Those who have Dead Or. Kins' New
Discovery know its value, nnd those who
have not, hnve now the opportunity to try
it Free. Cell on the advertised DrUMtn
nnd get a Trial Hottle, Free. (Send your
name and address to U. B, liucklon & Co
Chicego, and get a sample box of iV
King's Now Life l'ills. Free, as well as a
copy of Guide to Health and Household
Ihntructor, Free. All of which is gusrau.
teed to do you good nnd cost you uothing.
Matthews Bros. Drugstore.
Don't Miae It.
Mioes at manufacturer's prices today,
Factory Shoe fctoro, 411 Lack's uve.
Majority of Citizens of Robinson and Jackson
Streets S'gn Petition to Fave,
A Pleasant Eveninr; Spent at the
Simpson M. E. Parsonage Richard
Watson's Narrow Escape Star of
Hope Lcc!p;e Installs Officers Fu
neral of Nelson H. Peck News
Motes in Shorter Paragraphs
The Wart side offlee of the Borahtoh
lUBURI is located ut IO40 Jackson streut,
whore subscriptions, advertisements and
communication! win receive prompt at
tention. A regular meeting of the West Side
bonrd of trade WM held last evening In
Clark'l hall on South Main avenue. Iu
tbo absence of the preaidentaud vice
president, T. J.Prlee waaohoseo obair
miui protem. After the mtnutei of laat
meeting bad been read by Secretary
Charles E. D'ltiielr, A. M Morse, of
the streets and bridges committee, re
ported In regard to the paving of Jack
sou nnd Robinson ltreet,that they had
a mnjority on both sired. He bad a
oeii lion in circulation which a lurg.'
number ilgned, Still there araabont
(i.tlit dOUbtfttl people. AttbOIUggM'
lion of William l'nrr 11, 1 IpecUl com
mittee oonalatlug of T, H Dale and D,
M. Jonei was appointed to intrvinw
the mayor in regard to the paving of
Robinson street and to moun his aid
and iuflaoUoe in the matter, Ou ac
count of the small number present, no
complete report of tbo committee
could b reoelTed. Tbe parks and
bridges were alto disoussed, An elec
tion of officeri, u stated in yesterday's
isU'', oooorrsd, in wbiob Charles E.
Daniels retained the pasiii in of s-cre-
tary. cf an JCjiimable I.idr.
At iw uilontel before fl o'clock
yeaterdsy morulng death remoTedfrom
this earth a well KttOWO and MtpMtl d
rraideut The victim was no ottn-r
than Mrs. Darl I i". Daviei, wife of U.
E Danes, tailor, ol Deoker'a cmrt
A t out two weeks ago Mrs. DeVilS Wai
taken iil with u severe told, but at
Brat no serious results wre exp oted
The cold so.n cha"el to plsnrlsy
pi. fin; u'' i 1, which mainly oauied bat
death. Mrs. Davlea wai a iutive of
Wales, and 58 year of age. She
tame to tii oonniry with her hits
band tweuty-nini ynsrs ago and
baa siren resided In Ibis sec
tion. Sba was a women of firm
c ristisn prlnolples and a d vout
membsrof t&e First Welsh Congrega
tional ib urea, Her sudden dsmta
will jroT'' a sad 1 to h r family an 1
manv friends. Mr Dsvles Is survived
by her husband tad nine children,
namely N':s Abram Thomen, n i
Edward. Margaret, Wllllsm Tbomee,
Jennie. D.uii ', Sr i ' 1 ami I'earl Da
vii s. Tbe funeral iiloecnr tomorrow
afternoon at S,M o'ol iok Services
will Dl conduct, il by Rev.David .1 '.
paator of tlie First WrUh Ooogreg -tioual
Tl(1-e.1 a Fs'Wll.
Cbsrlei Watkina, formerly ureesmiu
of TBI TUBCXB, was teudered a recep
tion laal evening t the person
age of the lletbodlst Epia
Copal church en ROOOUnl of hi l"aving
snortly f. r England Th" ga'.ha-l ik-
eras e in aed 1 1 vrr iir.e number
of young men from the Btmps m
Methodist Episcopal church wbero Mr.
Watkina oltlciates as Sunday school
aup-rintend -ut Tin evaninr was
sp. iit in a Very nnjorable manner
smginz was Indulfed la and ipeeebte
pertaining to Mr, VTatkin'i departure,
were nude hy several young m-n y.r
Watkins, after crosiiik,' me rater, will
inak" a trip through tn continent is a
fennperatton after years of labor Ta--
tr;p will OOOOpy about two yenrs !.'.
frfbtnnts were served aod dr Wat
kim rc-ived many hearty ban lsaak-
ings and wiahes of im 1 w,
v. si I as tall om .r.
Btar of Hope lodge, N) 109, Anvri
ran Protestan I ass lolatl in w.n on May
0. boh) a public Installation of off! rs
fee the ensuing term in their hsll at
the corner of Main avenue nnd Eynon
street. A publlo entertainment srtll t
held, and the following programme
cvurne reiiil-red Sal-c'.ion.I.'wis Wat
kim and party; solo, William .1. DitUh ,
recitation. Mise Llisi Jone!; silo, )t.
vid Btephena; solo, Miss Lltfis .1 'uktns;
unit. Villiam BvaM and T 1 n i
Abram; violin aolo, Tbomaa D, Jooee;
recitation, llv, D J me; selection.
Lewis Watkine and pirty, itv i j.
.lones will Im the chain 1 in of the even
Xlnor N. wi Nota.
William Hutton, of Smth Lloooln
avenue, it slowly recovering from a
sud'esslnl operation recently p rform. .1
by l)r (leorgc It Hyuol Is
Tbe efflelal board of the SlmpOOQ
MetbodUt EplMopal ebnroh his de
cided to make tbe pews of tin church
free on account of the lr'a number of
people unable to SVCUrS Seat!
Tn" employee of the Hyde Pstk
piiaft will oommenoe to work tomor
row f r 1111 i llnes of four uioiiths.
The time was consnmed iu sinking to
the ( 'lark vein.
A Urge number of voting people of
the West Bide, attended a pleasant
evening psrty ut the home of Miss
Mamie Jones, of Summit uvenu'
North End, last evening, An enj -
nolo time w.i h id
Tbe By 1 Park Liter irv and Deb it
log noelety meetings will close on the
last Monday evening of this 111 mth for
the summer with i special programmi
The remains of Nslson II Peek, for
merfy a resident of this side, will be
ronght to this city from Newark, N
.1 , tins afternoon Bervloes will be
bold in the IVnn Avenue Bspttst
church 'I he train will r aoh the Dela
ware, UMkawanna and v7astera depot
at I 07 o'clock and the services will be
eommeneed at 'i o'cloik Tha deoeaaa 1
wa a brother of .1 D Pack and .Mrs
GB Pitcher, both of Price etrei
Ttie Diamond mines bemn a sahadnl .
of nine hours a day yet-r 'ay. Other
mines are nUo on better time.
Joeeph Zimmerll, of South Mala
Rvenae, is ill,
iMias Anuio Benoblsr, of North Lin
coln avenue, has returned home ul tr
viniting friend! in Nicholson.
Will D. Uriliiihs, of North R'tmuer
avenue, was in Olark'l Summit yester
day. Tun TniDCMB now regularly reaches
moro West t.iide liii.iuess men than any
other morning p iper.
At the Tabernacle churc'i this mirn
Ing there will be an OBterlMUmeBl
given ly Henry E. Jl-ese.
Tbe bops of a home on the part of tho
average New York workiiigmau ia 11 hojie
lcss one unless he gets out Into some sub
urb. The census thowa that out of 1,600,
0OU people in the city, 1,JO,000 live iu flats,
(jtiemeats nud boarding houses.
mmimmiium notes
Cases Heud Before Judges Albright and Ic
Cluro Yesterday.
Various Causes Heard in Court
Rooms No. I and 2 An Insult to
the Dignity of the Court at Jer
myn Minor Matters Sentences.
Other Business Transacted.
Tho adjourned term of court of
quarter suasions presided over by Judge
Albright, of Allentown, and Judge Me
dure, of Snyder county, was continued
yeeterdiy. The most important of
the cases on trial wks that of common
wealth v. Michael Flick, of Mnyflsld,
charge! with manslaughter. The de
fendant was charged with having
caused the death of John Fags on
Christ mas last by a severe boating ad
ministered. The commonweal th examined sev
eral witnesses to the assault of Firk
upon tbe deceased. Yesterday tbe de
fense, represented by Hon. F. T.Okell
and Joseph O'Brien, produced evidence
to en-tain tue theory that Page had
died Iroiu the effect! of injuries re
ceived by falling from a car while in
an iuti xiosted condition.
Tbe oai! went to the jury atinut 11
o'clock yesterday morning and lit a
lata hour l ist eruning they were si ill
In court room No 2 Judge MoClure
presided at ti e case against Felix Mi -Longhlln,
Who wis charged with hav
ing feloniously struck Mrs. Ann .loues.
The tiial resulted from unpleaaantoess
(hat OCenrred down at Taylor last
June wh in a strolling modiotne man
attempted to cure the entire neighbor
hood, In u general sorimmage Mo
Longhlln, It i' claimed, wblln en
leaviriugto make a patient of Mrs
Jonee, seal lentallf ran against hr
and dealt her s severe blow in the si le,
The jury d0lded that McLottgblin
wns guilty only to tun extent that
wonl 1 warrant his paying the 0 sate ol
J.C. Turner, just ic of the c at
Jermyn. was proeeeutor of Prank Qsti
before ends! MeClure. Aecordlngto
tbe common wealth Qeti name Into the
'sqnlre's offlee. demands 1 aoms m may
from lbs I'fflctal Hopped
fiom (isiz'a 1 ;y on nu attachment
The rtqo it wee not granted, Ueti
became violent at tuts and used lan
guage that would tend to onet r (1 ta
ttoos upon the dignity of the C 1 r t
Too 'sqol re ordered Qti to qoittbi
temple ol justice. Qeti psid no slteo
lion to tee command, but continued
ids tirs :' against the m agist i :.). Tbe
prosecutor then start-I to rail an of
ticer when (i u amoto Luu on the
At this attack' the court rules of
Jerntyn 'or time were f rou 10 in l
the 'Squire descended from the 1 1
and allowed his right to first seek
li tt's countenance in a manuer snf
liciently forcible to cause the whole
milky way to appear before hie vis
ion, Uetz fell before the Mow Tnrnr
then Went OUl for ,nn officer tn arrest
lilt- fallen lo ro, and While he was ah
ent Greta recovered end amneed blm
salt by breaking a lamp, a . ig from a
stove snd sm..i m tilings 1:0
ally about the office,
The dsfeodant deoise all tbls snd
Says it was Turner who wai tbe igie.
lor and woo I, .1:1 II, ad
in 1 tied Ii tvtog muds die igreea ble state
incut in Mr J urn it, but denied hav
ing struck iii 1:1.
(fall was lound utility of aae suiting
the eqnln la the case tronni.t against
blm by John Roland be was found cot
guilty, and tiuiauJ Was told to 1 ay Uo
John Drown and gttatl MofWCWI re
barged nilh burglarti sg tiie botchet
ihopolP J Lawler, ol wintoo Beth
were defended by G II Boper. It n
plainly proven that the meat was
lound iu the house of Martha llovon-
sskl, where they boerded There wan
no dltsrt vi 'ence against them, and
by the instruction of the court they
were declared not guilty.
Henry Peel plead gu.lty to assault
and balt-ry prtftrred against blm by
E.len Mnul-y Sentence waa pj-t
The ruse of John Lukous, c'lar;!
with selling liquet without n license,
was beerd bef.ire Judge Albright in
the afternoon, The 'jury retired for
consultation at 5 o'eli 1
Mlien leaf I'r-t anil lliklra '-well.
VTbea a person's (eel end anklsa swell
vrltboot bsing Inflamed be should at once
tumult a physician This symptom, as a
rule, I ruined by dropsy nnd point! to the
kldliejs or heart 11 the c.iuses. And yel it
inn bedue to other csnsss, sit hough very
rarely, Indeed. It ia m summer thai n
moat often fnm Independent of grave
disease. Fbysiciatia iss-asinrially uncouu
ter person, and naually srosneu, dusts (est
and ankles - well so on le-r ihiys that they
an- preveiiled frmu wearing urdmar) h
In such lestancea the oauas Ut attribn la
bia tO relaxation of Hie lis.-,ue and sh,i
gtabmsa of eli nlntlon In tbs affected sx
trsmltlsSi and the symptom, therefore,
heed not oct-asloii npprcherisloil. Th-eX
ceptional c-isi-s. boHi-Mr, are so rre it
should always be held a highly suspicions
sign and deserving the consideration of
physician. Boston Herald.
Hoe tha Bores Has Helped It imre.
The boras can boasl ol a long line of an
cestry, AgM l f ire the remains of Egyp
tian kings vers laid In tbe pyramids tbs
ancestors ol the bone u ere bnbedded in
the more permaneni sepukbsrs of eocsnei
mloosns and pliooau! formation!, thereto
aait a Msurreotlon at exactly the time
when modern scientists rr perplexed
ovi-r ti e si pons iiifstion of i voluti n.
Here, as always, the hone, though dumb,
Mm! t the isslsfsnos of man, giving a
testimony In favor of ivoluti on, showing
as proof 11 fore foot having four toes, a hind
toot with three a inter development h iv
lug three toes 011 bath fore nnd bind feci
And by a scries of modlflcnttottl of thll
kind he itrengtbened the belief in those
gradual changes on which theprincBjc ol
cvoiutiuu are h.L-eil. LarWiue K. blgrnian
lu Chicago herald.
Self Betrayed.
People who jump too quiokly nt condu
slons aometimei have occasion to wiah ual
they had not been quite so clever. "You
ought to be aahimed 10 make fun of my
hsirl" crlsd a little g(rl w hose curly locxi
are red. "Why, I didn't!" wns the indig
nant reply; but the aggnaved one returned:
"I heard you. YoU Slid, 'Isn't it horrtdr'
nud you must have meant my hnirl"
Youth's Compnr.ion.
A drill sergeant In the British army was
ordered to ascertain the religious news of
some, recruits, and this is how he did it:
"Pall ini Church of England meu ou thi
right; Romau Catholic on U10 left; all
fancy religious to the rear!"
Peodleeton ft Woora'j ar.d BnlUntlne's
Ales are the best. K. il, Wauju, agent, SB
A Few Paragraphs for the Truth Correspond
ent to Peruse at His Leisure.
He Had an Attack of Heart Failure
When Ho Heard ths Bock Season
Was Gone By Remarks on the
South Side Base Ball Club Brid
get Cjtiinn Erecting a New House.
Other News in Shorter Paragraphs.
Lilt evening! Truth contained n vor
Bour reply to tho porfectly proper sug
gestion made for its benefit in this col
Utun. There waa nothing said in this
Dspsr that tho correspondent of the
Truth would not 1 xprssi under similar
conditions There are tlnee morning
paperi published in this city. If one
ot the three is lu error regarding the
lime set lor a funeral or any other
matter of news, the other two may be
right, nnd the Truth, When it takrs
the trouhle to oouvey the in; ur
ination tout some paper reported
incorrectly any fact, should go
1 st. p farther and specify what paper
committed the mistake. On every oc
casion when the Truth corrected a
tapes in some itatemonl appearing out
side its own Column!, It was done bv
barging it inn general way to the
morning papere; and all of these limn
I'M TbiBDNI whs right and did not
deserve to be included. It is perfectly
jus tillable on tbe part ot this papir to
claim tha credit of being more accu
rate than any other paper, bssonss the
statement comports with tin facts,
Lei the Truth :cp np to the bt and
prove the contrary, if 11 oan Span
enough time after drat clipping almoii
bodily the new! ol Ine day from Tint
TaiBI MB, 'I nor- is no f.-r that a Bre
eating newspaper war will be the end
01 this, tec hi-, for the psrtoftbli
p iper suni uout has b-eu a u i. 01
courae, if me Truth insist! on keeping
tbe thing agitated for tbe purpose of
pace Biting, II might boa temptation
te a ij mm to meet agalo,
t it 7. n a yon Oreeu nt frteadti
Over tbo lulls from the poor bonis
eaiirn Tommy Q rnn yesterday attar
noon to spend tbe lumroer monthi
among th ' on this si Is ,
Bip Van Wlekte, the greateel draw
back 111 Tummy's com pool lion n hn
Imnperabls avi roloo to all kin is of
p: ,1 iS.e .il : When tiie Ki 1 f.-v.-r
brokd out In the early fifties he nlalmi
to have Irav-le l a' lallforola,! id
not striking a coi '. mine on tbe coast,
be drifted to tbe Uult itates md live I
Hin mg the southern plantera until
im- war 1 rose out, toco he traveled
north The past thirty yean ol
Ini life went pent, with the
rseeptioo of lot rmitlent nerloda,
iu the southern a. etlon of t iis nount
' who rolned the term
nob 1, "mutt nave ha 1 In ble mind n olc
tnre of Glynn. Never known to refuse
a dm k or a n;o e from 1,11 n d 1 i
pipe, always on the elsrt to disappar
when work crossed ins path, and al
ways ready with hie Hibernian wli or
a story a ysrd long, be spent m life
11- meandered np Fittston av-nu .
ter lay afternoon with his knapsack 011
bti ibool b-r and a woi be gnu i . x. r-
lion 00 l.i face. Tile nnpleasaul fi- -.
Ollection that the brk tsr SeilOO bad
pussd nearly broke his tiesrL
Sit 1 1 Amateur Pata Ball Cl-..b
Ti r South Sid Bass Ball club nt tbe
Iroageet aggregation cf amateur baas
l all j lavrrs iu .ckawanna conmy. I;
li made np of reiansnti uf the old
Athletic t ,ub and the Apollo It tie Ball
t ub. L tsl season it w.,n tuna o il of
v-rr ten gam plated, and has a rle .r
r. ir 1 so far this lesson, lie; 11 . . -
a-ii M.lvin, ba e very dscepllvs
drop curve that kei pa the berdscl
biitrrs gneeslng (allengei are open
to any dub in this or Lotsmeooon
till Are Read,- (or thatlenues.
Tin South Bide Due Ball club lean
amateur aggregation that will put up
a a'iit t-d.-e 1 gam- this M ason List
yeai it was nailed the Btarllgbta and
nine ut of ev. ry ten iw.a plat-ed r.
raited in itetorise. Tbe plteheroftbi
:eam, iiw-u Kelvin, throwt a speedy
drop cntVS that annoys the hardest
bitten of opposing olulat Cualleugrs
from any club in thll or Lttserni
. y win rec.-ive attention 1 a
Manager Qrlf Bleberdi through the
Co. Ulna uf 1 in: TsUBI Rs,
Fh"rtr 1'arserai b
William Mnck, of Klg street, for
inerlv of the Brai ot M ck A llcl e.!,
will move neit week wan nu family
to Brooklyn, where he and two uf In.i
brathem kava Kniiarlii nttl n nlit ai.i.
liehed rani..e factor1 em pi ring
folly hau. Is.
Tne fnuernl of th- months old we
Of Stanley McCloskey. of lir-aiwoo.l,
will oeeor tms afternoon at 8 o'c oi
Intfiuiei.t in Mioooka Polish oeni ttery,
.'dra Dn Igel Q nut. of Maple street,
is building a large boUM 011 the
rear of her lot,
one of M Bobinsoo'i b sr wag ns,
loaded Willi malt, brnk down on Lick-
awanna avenue yeeterdsy, None of
Ibe load wis scattered and in asborl
time it wee Iranefetred to another
The South Side Industrial building
and Loan association nominated the
following 1 IB N rs at a business meeting
Monday evening: President, II. J
Ziiglsri vice preeident. John Bobenr
jr.; treainrer, John 0, Miller; seers
tnry, B, F. Z Igler; directors, Harry
llsnier, H. A. Zimmerman, II. F. Uab
cock. They will ia balloted for n week
from Hon nv night
.Mr. QustaV A. Miller, of C'dar ave
nue, is gone to I'biladelpiiit on a visit
to her parent Bits will jonroey to
ti e far west ou a pieasuro trip before
I Ml
Weil BaoegB to Bemembet These.
Several gantll men were at lunch and the
talk lied been 011 H.innib il llnmlin. The
autocrat of tbe oocasion saldi "Hamlin
tliisl out of luirness. Hut how many du d
in il We have-had four presidents die In
the ad nal running i:!,ar o( offlooi Harrison,
Who WM Ihe; then iu order named,
Taylor, Lincoln and Qarfleld. Five vice
presidents died in officii Clinton, Gerry,
King, Wilson and Hendricks. JohnQnincy
Adams nnd Andrew Johnson, both vice
presidents, died in political Offlos, the for
mer while a member ot the house, tbs lat
ter while a senator." Chicago Tribune.
Vast forests In Tiisniniiin.
it makes an EngltshmBU'l month water
to hear that tl I orOWU forcstsof Tasmania
cover over li;,tw0,(W acres. The gum trees,
which are most common lu these forests,
are of grent sue, some of them being H)7
feet in girth, while there, are peppermint
trees iUO feet high. The mminii tree, the
red gum, the weeping gum, the iron bark
nnd the blaekwood arc some of tin. other
useful or ornamental trees, of which the
lucky Tnsmmiiaiia possess n virtually un
limited supply. London Figaro.
Those Who Favor tha Birncturo for Mul
berry Street Met Laat Nhrbt.
A meeting of Scrnnton citizens ns
ouibled in the arbitrntion room of the
court house lust night to argue the
matter of changing tho location of the
proposed bridge from Lindeu to Mul
berry street.
H. E. Pnine vrns choisn chairman,
Ben Samter, necretary, and Israel Bit
tenbendor, trsasnrer.
A oommlttei of five, cnniistinf; of J.
M. Konnuerer. Samuel Sauiter, John
E. Bairett, Joieph O'Brien Hnd W. H
Hazlett, waa appointed to procure an
opinion from an attorney r-lative to
legal obstructions that may be mot 111
asking councils to ngree to the change.
A vote of those present was tak'di on
the sentiment tor or against the
change. Only ono member favored the
Linden street site.
Another committee of three. 15.
Moses. William lilmnn snd Frank
Dol ling, sr., wns appointed to solicit
funds to carry out the project.
Tho main objection! against the
Linden street site on which nil proient
were of ono mind are that the bridge
could be ballt 90, 000 chesoer nt Mul
berry street b cans j tlie spin would 'e
considerably ihorter, the grade would
not be so heavy and the right of wayi
would not be IC 0 'St.y.
The only objection to the Mulberry
street site is that two big culm dumps
would hem lu tbo bridge, This wns
met by the slntmnt that the dumps
would disappear. g (gu they WOUld
either be cleaned and nsd for fn-l or
ntilistd by tilling np mine space.
'The committee of five was impowi r
erod with ways and msans fuuc
tiom and wid invo the matter of ar
ranging for future meeting! in tbeir
K 10 1 f America.
No. 10 of the charming art series,
"Ami rlea" has srrived sn 1 copies rnev h
procoredat Till Twni ni bnsinees cllloe,
rhe iniesi nnmber ol these delightful
studies m ih prove on of the most Interest
ing of the collection.
Mails iiiX't Exclusively.
Beat noide. 1 la any desired nnmber of
ttiiee. (tautschi i- Bona., maBttfaeturers,
1090 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
dsrful orcheetrUl organs, only IS and ltd.
Pnedaltyi Did n.u sic boxes carefnlly re-rain-d
snd Improved with new luao.
II sv Is 1
Bveryooe goes or Inonlre
Bboe st. re, 411 Liu k'a avi
for th.
Btenosjraphere l um'sh'd
re preps red to fnrtn-h business men
11 .
rile. 1 tr-
w a W vi
Neapolitan IV 'are? li
is Ihe Most Artistic
ever made.
If you want 0 good car
riage you should see
- ' I I
. -s iL'iiwU taJwyJ
Best Assortment.
11G Wyoming Avanuo.
ni Butter
LacKawanna Aye.
Why ran all over the city looktoi forgold
aollara with on bnndred an l ten cents' north
or irold in th"m- Jtut vou will ennn very
el pas to It it li y oi i-ill nail al the right pi ice.
lliiu.' your dollars .'. Id, silver and Sjreeu
bar i.s-to
i8a SPR1 OX BTI KBT, and get full value
for your money In
Tin- VTCTOB wurr.i. Uada
Bicycjjs, flra aims, st&. repaired at short
none... Key llniiik' s loectalty. (live me a cell.
And all kinds GARt)BN
BBBDB in buik ami in pack
ages. Pierce's Market
Magic, Mirth and
Hindoo Handkerchief Puzzle
We have engaged PBOF. VBBTJELO, the Codobrated
Hindoo Magician. Bxhibitiona daily in our large center
window from 3.30 to 0.30 P. M. and from 8 to 9.30 P.M.
The Fuzsle Given Away with purchase of every
Suit of Clothes or sold at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS.
Irlartin & Delany
VYyoming Avenue.
M)S Lackawanna Ave.
Jnstopensd tun line of Siilors
which Will he s 1 1 below prices.
Worth !. 75 for $1 81
Worth ii I B0 for 5,
Worth 0 00 f r I '."
Worth $19 Oh .'or TV
Tht l irgii and beat sisortil line
In the S'.ats from tho c'ienpst to
the best
M styes, worth SO s r .rl 89
10 styles, worn ffi oi lot $8.73
-ii styles ral BtusseU,from $11.50
to $00 I'O n psir
50 styles l:ih I'oint from $100
to $85 00
Theelrcua is coming t . I . v i: W.:;;ei Rirre
bee been hi sjWKhavs beoa here! we ure
hfre; we will !a hare. A.a n we nay, hk
in on tn, ul if we cannot -h m 00 tho flte-st
Ins Ol lilt ti I I AM BPOM IM.
r. '!-. mi i i record of more Msyoks sslss
thtn any o.ber drm in the cltr, we will take
-mu ia the show.
Bicycle Riders,
Take Notice!
CAPS Invented
by a rider
Somsthiirg New
Has the Agency
for them
Ar at I'roscint the Mut ropclar anl I'rofrrrc-il ty
tsAiluiR ArtOts
Ware rooms : Opposite Columbus Monument,
20C Wa6hinaton Av. Scranton.Pa.
s4lT Only $3.80
Department. 1
Ladies' Capes in Bine, Navy
and Drown,
Wort a
$.1 00
:; us
10 no
H no
'.' "i 00
il " i
1 fM
5 88
8 75
18 oo
Laiies' end Misses' Jjckefs a
Must be sold. Now is your
Jackets worih sd fsl for $1 M
Jacketa worth ' BO for 8 80
Jackets worth 18 00 for 4 20
Worthed .) for f. 00
Worth 8.50 for 5 78
Wurth H.ijofor B.85
Ia Fi
Worsted Suit
for Men,
in colors black
,,, ,
and Diue, lor
Fcr Women
Sell, Sell, Sail, is tho order
of the day.
Imported Clay Jaokets, Cur,
Btyle and Work tho host of
the tailor's art. A radnotion
of 60 Per Oi ot. Bee thin ofJTer
Ing of High-olata Jaoketat
Your size is hero.
i" Cloth, HoriB Silk, Covet
Cloth and Lace. Many styles
and prices thai will please yon
Printed Duck nnd Serges,
Striped and Spot Patterns.
You onghl to have one. Th
price, to $7.60.
G.W. Owens Ho
Cloak nnd Suits Milkers,
Court House Square?