AT" 1 Violent Exercise. Fat U n vulgar word. Too much adi posis or obesity sounds bettor, but fat is plainer. You cannot reduce it by violent xercite, Then an two kinds cf fata Tin- unhealthy adipoaa tissue, rr sultlng from dentary babita or from forcing His npp tite through stimti lmits, or from Impure blood, or it may 1u hereditary. This is the kind that lays the possessor liable to bssrtdls bm, appoplexy, vertigo, etc Then thorn ii the K.'tiiiitie, healthy, 1 i f o-gi vi nc ti.isue, the result from rsg lar and moderate babita, or if Irregu lar lull its, the tnkinu regularly and according to dlnottoni the famom Carlabad Bprndel Salt. The Silt will reduoa unhealthy tissue and balld In its plan that firm and solid flesh, which is the certain siy;n of perfect health. It is virtually taking the Cirlsbal treatment in your ii m.. livery drug store has it. Tiie genuine has thnsio; nature of ''Eisner ami Metulelson Co., Silo Air tits, New Y'rlf," on the Dottle. Price per bottle, $1 ; Largs ai se,$l 50, PlTTSTON TOWN COUNCIL. Much V. otk Accomplished for the Btr- enffh's Bsneflt Ppteial tn th seraafui TWeene, PlTTSTON, Pa , May 7 The first reg nlsr meeting of the loron,'h council wai held in the newly renovate! qoar ten In the town hall leal evening, i n? meeting was ealle 1 to ordr promptly nt 8 o'clock by C'liairmsu Mnngnn. ! cry member reanonded to his immeox cept Kennedy and Knnwlet. Ontelde the railing enclosure were a lar.'o crowd of sped itors attracted, s ime through business, other to male note of the improvements. After the reading of the minute and other preliminary work, Attorney Jamea L liorrla, on behalf of the l'lttiton Kerry Bridge compauy, pre. Mated a petition in reference to the temporary lri!g.( span erected after tho lir.i some nine years ago, ail re H v s'Iilx p 'tmission t i rebuild as to lore. Mr. Uonn' llT presented a resolution in sul-stance requiring the rrid'e coin panv to vacate the nreiiiiss occupied by the atone pier The resolution wis finally dtepoi id of by referim? it to ttio street committee for further action. Benjamin Hooding on hhlf of the board of health nppared before the c unci I in relation to the appropriation MHked for at a former m -eiing. Mr Harding stated it was the pur pose of Lie hoard to pay the sanitary policeman ft a month and th iscretary IIS pr month. In addition to the polio m mi' duties he to provide bimaelf with a uniform Mr. Kearney moved that the matter be laid over until the lala ries of the borough ofBotals be Bled Mr Reap mad a motiou which whs cirrie i by a vote of l to 3 that the coudcH appropriate S50 for the nee of ' trd, Mr Bennlgan in a brilliant apreeh called the attention of the eonn- oil to the condition of I'earle street, im 1 aked that it be pavi d The ipeakir vu requeited to present a petition eigne 1 by two-thirdt of ti.o property lnlderi A delegation from the Junctio i nske ! that ('lit! and IT , ion streets b re pnirad anil placed fn proper eon d it ion. On motion it was ordered that the burg CM and street committee have the w.,rk dons at the expone of tbe bor ough, John Rilling made a limilar com plaint as did James Fleming, both Ceeel were r'-fcrro ! to the propir com -f:dtte. The report of the atrent com mittee on the proposed alley at the r.r of the Town hall was receive! Mr J'oniielly reported that the Niagara engine waa broken an I aekd it to be r paired It was ao ordered. Mr. Heap preeented a tapr setting forth tar order of l'eter Nolan, as Ugned to Edward Barrett, amountiag to 178. won: 1 he waived in c raiiders lloa for 199 88, not, however, the right of collecting toe total amount if ii eras deemed meessary by llie s u l Air Jtrrtt, An order for the bmounl Wns ord red drawn. dn motion, The question of fixing salaries for the sntfaing year was next taken Bp The salary of the chief of police wis allowed to remain as hereto fore fit). Street oommiccloner, same i 68 per day, borough tea mater, the lame lf)0. borough Solicitor, the saint f IV) a y. nr. 11a borongh attorney's salary was Ii. creased $00, making a total of SO0 pet year. ' S-creUry I)-mpy' ealary Wai n.ised from $20 to $)". borough Iremurer's were allow d to remain the m I as last year. The ealary of the Janitor of the city hall was incrcaeed from i? to io psr month. Tan auxm li the aonrea of health. Keep 1' mire by taking food's Baraaparilla, which " peoBliM to iteir, and mperior in strength, economy nn.l ineiiieiiial merit. B 0001 I'ir.i.s are purely vegetable, rare- folly prepared from the oest Ingredients, Twenty-Ova cents. LAID (.T REST. Funaral of Mrs. Ann Kennedy A Touch ing Trib its. Rl'tcittl fn Ms flbraatM Trihrnr. PlTTtTOg, Pa., May 7. The funeral of Mra. Ann, wife of John Kennedy, mention of whose demise was noted yeitOTday, occurred at B.gO o'clock this mortiing from her Into borne on Bad eliffeltreet Tberemaius reposed in a hiimlsoine casket enrmotintod with heavy Hilvr trimmings. Many bean tittil floral offerings, the tokens of sym pathising friends, evinced th esteem in which the deceased wus held. The fnneral enrtege movod to St. John's chnreh, follownd by one of the largeet gathering of friends ever aeon on any similar occasion. Arriving nt the beantiful edifice a ri quicm mass waa oelebrated by very Rev. flkther Kitinen who also preached a beautiful sermon. He fork for bis text: Lnko 1140, 'Ba ye thon also ready for at What honr you think not the Son of man will come." He said: ''These words of the Saviour of man should make n deep im pression on every christian mind. J hey came from the Eternal Truth, and the mesaage they bear le for every Christian soul. They are for the frienda of God SI wall as those who re fuse to obey His comuiiindtnonts. They are the words of charity from the heart of our blessed Saviour, giving ni timely warning of the uncertain hold We have on human life. Indeed the Christian who habitually disregards this divine warning is already in n con dition of the greatest danger. 'Very quickly must thou b gone hence; see, then, how matters stand with thee." At the conclusion of the speakers' remarks, the remains were borne to Market street cemetery, where inter ment wag mnd". The pall bearers were: Martin MeOuire, Edward Rot lodge, Thomas Hines, Elwarl Mc l j iiinoll, Michael Collier and Thomas Klynn. There were a number of people from Sc.ranton, Wilkeebam and other places at the funeral, FOREST CITY FLASHES. Su'qashanna'a Most Enterrirlstnn; Town Criiply Written Un Fprcial to thr crnfon TWVins. Foukst City, Pa., May, 7. Saturday a large force of men at Van Ming's (the mine being idle) gave their services in the work of excavating for the founda tion of the new Congregational church, which is to be built this rammer. The spot selected upon is a very (leirabl and beautiful site. The meiuhsrs of the Ladlee' Aid society of the new church were present early in the morning and lifted the sods for the beginning of tile work, Rev. J, (i. Evans, of Plymouth, has acctpttd the call given him to that cliiircn. The reverend gentleman will slso oondnots aervloee once every Sun day in the WelHh Congregational church in Fontt City. J. L Weatgate is beautifying his rcaidenoe on Bnsqnsbanna street by grading the yard and painting the house. Mrs, s. Q Hogg and little daughter, of biugiu.iut are visiting at the home of E. t'. Dunnier, J. V. Jones has received the ap pointment of constabb for the First ward of Tonal City borough. Mr Jones was iu Montrose Saturday and received his credentials. On acconnt of the revival meetings in the Methodist BpilOopal church, there will not be any Bpworth leagns tomorrow eveuing. The handsome new Methodist par- sonago is hearing completion Last Week a fore i of f our painters were at work and by the use of their brushes the building will soon emerge aa a "thing of bounty and a joy forever." The colors bung used are decidedly In good tnste and very rich loetteol The young men engaged in tne work are Measrs. Ira .1 Chamberlain, K (1 Weetgate, Pbilo Ejb and William Weatgate, The work now ting done in the way of painting in this town is Considerably in advance of what has been the custom In the past. The hustling Tbibuni nqwsboy, Dannie Allen, was Bering the ban I soms TxiBUrti Mnltlobromes for eals Batnrday. They are v.-ry beautiful and foond ready aale. lie will iiave soin - for the it xt few days w nh Wl l cost auisrril ire of Tin: TmbumI 10 cents, othrs 19 cent. To lay tba newly eleotod jnsttces of the pence, V. J. Maxiy nd 1 K. lira man. took their seals of offlea for a term of five yean, TbenMringJ P. 'a, w;io have dlacbsrgvd tb' duties of their ofHoe faithfully for the pet Bvs years, are M. J ColllOJ aud J. M. Brown. John t isr delta, of Jarmya, pnt ye terday with J tin l'-igi, the promt- nut cohfectlou'-r The forest City Crnet band wis present Batnrday evening at the open ing of a new hotel at the "Biasing Stump. " The colliery at Kiehtn .niale is work ing foil time Tina is one of the very few collieriee in this section of the lute that are working so steady It n. Dwyer, of fjarboi lal was a we. come caller m this place Saturday . The series of laeeiiiigs which are to lie loll in In klotaodiit Kpts copal chnreh were bejun yssterday by the eminent evangel la I, Mrs. irnce Weier Ii iv.s, of Jersey t'ltjr. Large congregations were presnt at both the mofnlng and evening servic. Mrs Davie is an earnest Islket and brings the truth of the religion of Obliat h" fore the hearer Ifl a Very plain an I f r eibic manner a number at the meet log in the ev-ning algoified tnesr inten tion of leading a BfttOf life. J. W. Molinin, a recent gradnats of a nie'lioal i o lg.. at btlum.ire. M I . viito-1 B E. Mx-y on batnrday, Tii doctor is upending a few weeks wito ins parents who live la Way oonty, The funeral Sefvloas over the remains of David Qoodrioh, whoas death waa mentioned in Friday's Thit i ns, were hel l Batnrday at mis baptist church at 11 a. m, Kv. D p Ll pens preached a very looobing and eloquent -eriiion. John Mcltowun now occupies a p il lion wiih Bar bet Wui Ordnng Miss c.-iia Lanning spent Saturday and Sunday at ber borne In Sosqoe banns, Misa Hachel I'raticess, formerly of this place, but at present an site IBS ol the Westminster in Scranton, spent yesterday with Meads and nlatiVSS in tins place. A law suit was hel 1 before 'Sqoin M.J Collins Sitnr.lay A family by the name of Dod I were suing for the recovery of their property, which had been seiz- d by two Forest ( ity firms for debt. Alderman Don'OhHf, of Wilkes. Il.irre, appeared for the prosecution and At torney L I'. W o!, man, of tills place, for the defense. JodgO lit in favor of the firms. County Superintendent of s.-hools l I), will this place to bold taoiiers' ex iininatlon Thursday, May. 17, Mrs. Bert Crippen is visiting rela tives in Scranton. tvuita a number of cases of m'-aslet the inaaley things are reported in this borough, Charles D. Iinrdick, of llonosdale, waa in town ovur Snuday. Services were conducted impress! vely in tho Pnsbvterlan church yiatorday by Rev. William Jennings, Following is the caste of characters for tho cantata, "Jephthn ami His Daughter," which will lie presented In tha opTa house, Wednesday evening, May 110, Decoration Day, for the hone' fit of the Enterprise Hose sompany, who are making every effort for an en joyable tilne : Jephthe R. Thomas 1'iophet David J. Joins Elnu I Jewish I J. d. Jones IbBSB Captains W. .loin s Eloui, Jewish Soldier J. K. Hughes Arnold, Msssengw I.e. vVstres ('amp liuard I. K. Benjhfflln Iphigenja,4epiha's Dsnghtor.Mrs Q.Hatey Allah, Blon'S Daughter Mrs. S. May Naomi, Kloal'a fSistur Itenlah Iline Sarah I ....Maine brown Ruth I Maidens ...May Watkins Ana'n of (iiload Rlla Bins LiSah ,,Liz:-.le Pblllfps This enntata eclipses all previous ones. Tne msmbsrs are practicing faithfully three times a week under the direction of Professor J. Luther Mor gan. Mrs. H. F. Aldrich, pianiat. end Iiuilgeatlon In their worst forms r cured by the use of I'. P. P. If you are debilitated aud run down, or If you need a tonic to regain flesh and lost appetite, strength and vigor, take P, P. P., and you will he strong and healthy. For shattered constitutions ami lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium) is the king of all medlcinos. P. P. P. Is the greatest blood purifier in the world. For sale by all UruKgisls. TTTE SC17ANTON ITtLBlTNE TTJES DAY MOKKEPTO, MAY 8, 1894. i i . MIRRORED AT MOSCOW. Newa of the Hour IT.irralad In Brlsf Pnrsgraphs. 5;wl'nf tn the. Scrantan Trihun. MOSCOW, Pa., May 7 At the elec tion of ofti'srs of the Methodist Epis copal Sunday tohool last Monday, V. F. Clements was r-?iected superinten dent, This is his twoniy-seeoud year in that ofiiee, Assistant supsrintenents, S. S. Yeager, Mis. P. a Gardiner; treasurer, Anguula Miller; eecrotary, Jessie Brum. burglars made an nttotnpt to enter the bou e of A. J. llallet on Thuradny night, but wer'j frightened away. Tne MOSCOW graded Bchool will close on Thursday afternoon with exercises by the school. Mrs. H. L. Gaig has returned home from Philadelphia. About fifty of Mrs. Mefgret War dell's friends tendered her a surprise on her birth-lay Among; those present Mrs. Lnoetto Richard uud sons, of Oattawissa; Mr. ami Mrs, 'A. F. Clem ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Vaughn. Mr and Mrs. H c. SimpMu, Miss Oils bee, Mis. Qardiner, Mrs C. H. Travis, UoSCOn; and many others from Scran ton and elsewhere Mra. Frank Pelton sp.nt fiondy in Salem. Mrs. Mnmmis Moaihan, of Thv- hiinna, called on friends here last week. . .. M00SIC AND VICINITY. Brih. Little Leesls from a Hustling Town Cemfullv Writ'en. lariat to the Scrantttn 7W6ttlMi MOOBIO, Pa, Mav 7. Mrs. OlllS Warren and son Hay, of Eltnhurst, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. S. J, Corby, of .North Main street. Mrs. Eruost Corby, of ScraUtOO, was in town Monday, M.s Maul Blssll, of Forly Fort, spent Bttoday with her parents, Mr. and Mr. M. H Bdsell, of Mlnooks avenue Patrick LndgstS and Frank hill ly was in town Sunday Mr and Mr Samuel Davenball, of Forty 1-ort, spent biinday with friends in town. The cotton prayer meeting tonight Will be held at the home of.W'lllialll Bcberhiner. '1 he Ladies' Aid Society cleared .0 at their longboat social, The powder mills started this m to lllg after two mouths' idleness. -- EuckleVs Arnlct Setve. The f eet snlve in the wnrM for '"nts Pinisos S.res, Ulcers, .Salt Kbeuro. Fever b. res, Tetter. . hape,i iiauda, i kUMetae, Cores snd all skm BrnpUona, aadpoet" lively rrre Pile ,r in. pay reUP'e,L I; leguaranteed t gin perfect latisfaeslon cr uioiiey Ktonded. Price -i leiiU per box. roi sale by MsttbeWB Uroa. e GINFRALNLrti OP INDUSTRUS. The rastgsatlon of Theodore Vonrhess a1 "ii manager of tbe Lehigh Valley Railroad eomnani is offleialty aanonseed. a, i officers who bava heretofore reported to ti, general msnsi:-r will hereafter report t,. rtolMl H Wilhar. geiirrnl kiij-.-r- Inteodent, who will report to th mi t vioe-prvoJdent, The NSagaation of Mr. Voorheee baa not lvu aaexpected. For some time be hss heM the dual r-sotlou i f genrrei DMBSgw of the Valley and vice president of the Heading raUraatf. and the r ads Imvp l-e-u . prale It hss bean charged t- eaeasiae of air Verbose ii a' he I m Fsrnn-1 bia Valley iatenete for thoas ot tl.e stoadlag. Sea The Harry F:r.dllerr of Simpson Vt km. Ie-al-d n-ir I -tv Foil, 1. 1, ti h. . been Idle for about tl.ree vrn.r.. wdl Slell H ngeiii this , k. s . the W ok.- llerre Record, with a fores ol ISO mlDen,aal ttn nutuher will te-increase.1 k ..u as th" r- rangemeats of the operators aaa be Beads for in r exleaslve i peratl SS loiring I e tu- ; th of March leU.000 wen- expendeo apoB this taiae, and Is April tV"'. and It is sow rsportsd to w om of tba beet peal pro in nig and soel nsepartng plant in this vallev. 'Hie cettaluty of resuming w rk th re Uaa given ih IssBSSdMtS lo cality qalts a umine.i, beam ... There le very little soft coal new bir.g moved over the I atawlaea bratw h of the Iteeding, and It t I- ;i "p hi u. h a wav as will gtvs II." BSCS SOmprlsl g tie van Mcresraabeat tsro days a wset e-ian'en Wh IsaatS l'a-kst Rsa sts Marrow-fata IfeMSBef basneli medium, I! T'i' -Pbas Orees, ii IfsMft pst bssbslispBt. BJ Ms ' " . leiitels,.'. tofkf, t"-r )--.nn.L PoraroMV 7S to fMo pay baibst, oi ins Bertaodsa, uie, fj i.w .m. lit 1TKH -15d, to IV. pel lb Cbbbsb M . ; s per ib i: .us -freel . . r.eni v Chtckeaa, dressed, 12 to lit . turkeys, ll 10 inc. Ml ats-Hams, lie,; irsll bams, US skinned bsBM, I0ai UallfonilS ham. I ,c-. : sboskiers,SWc ;bslllss, sv , sum ked breakfnt 1 Soon, 1 le "kt" bui- Oataldet, HMct aeu, l3We ; metdrs ntlll S-lUi'klea, lie. 1 1 k Mass .n III: sh m rat, HI l'au leaf In tltrses at V.; In fibs, BMe.1 In b'-iiiod pai :'..-.: in A-ponnd paiA '.' . B-poaad pila, lOSb ir ponnd. I "l"- ' leuce sugar rnre.1, sm kel tf, lie. Kloph Minnesota ptPt, per bsrr!. II 14.60; Ohio and IntUana am!er, at fMO) Urahaa l tU,fco, rye Uour, at ButlKWIaUf Ft.orH-ri.70per cwL Frxn Allied, per cwu. at Mc, QBUB lire, com. tT to llSbl oats, 4ls4Tc rr bnehsl, ItvK straw-Par ion I'laU, Hai i.'itoiT. WEAK MEN Y"'JR ATTENTION BBBBJSJBja 1 ua UU I) M 1 (IK irt't riigllsh ItmutKly, Cray's SpfttHtc Medicine IF YilU SUFFER ,r" ' N"r el P. ,.lv nn.l Mlti.l v., -,.,.. lln fsaiBB. u ' -am l.iiitv, W,ik) toi rhea. ami linioten. y, ninl ail ili-teu, iti it sriae from ovar-ladQlMooa nl self -aboee, m Is of Uetaorrand rowsr, Dbsiaeaiof yie Ion. Preniatnrn Did Ao and BSaay otberdbv ues that lead to lassnlty or uoturampUoa 10 1 SB early sraya, write for . paaipblet AddreaaCIIUY VHilrlM-: CO., BnSala, N. V. The -vltle Meihellie Is m.IiI by nil MSJIStS at I Mf pSCaSJp, or lx p:i, kno-a for Jf'i.or Mnt hv mall en r tpt ol nio-i, y.nnd .hi, .-v.-rv ffiOOorder yy- CIIARASTEF. r monej refunded eaaaeaa (r' m Beeoimi nf ntir: it 1 hive r,h ptea the Yellow wrapper, tba only genu ine, l-old In h'eraiiton In Maltluovs I ns nt'TTrit siioi: ro., im-P. rapiiai.sf.noo.ooi). BRST atLSO Mint: IN nil', WORLD. "A delfsesdssd i' Satfae ssraas, 4 ThliTjutlos'Sotld Prenefa oBalaKMTtat ten Hoot delivfred free nri wle-i-n in ttm U.S. ,011 -1 reelii'iif'ashjMoiiryOwer, - -ST 'J or I'usl il Note for Sl.10. V e" J V.iyiuU every i iv the tvnols .... 1 1 In 11 I r. uteres f'-r V J t- 'a. We Unite Oil, hoot I.. j W 4 oiuelven, Ihereforo wo gwir- 1. l mi'f llie Jt n'vc anit iriir. . .V'.. A 'n,l I' nay oao I net sitinlli-,1 fl -1 -yV re , u .... ....-v., . I''l , u- -IV leomii oiu uiiiiii-y ''' '"'fi r ni'iiil iinether imlr. 0erti I'm. or Common nenss Widths (', P Ri B IB. rvi IK Ll' V'-es 1 to a nun 11:111 1 it I Ui-vsImss. Stmt ynurnite; Ajh I '.'. ..V ice Ulll lit yon. it Syli-r- f ' Vs . . . cw"'lllrnteil 'SW'Wft' RSiy-iC.' !'!'-' ' '" 1 1 ''" s' - 1 ...I I ' l: I ' FRV.E CeoTer Shoe Co., SM:1 SjWthtt tiffM tn sf'dni. Ladies Who Value A refined complexion must uso Pozioni's Pow-1 der. II produces a soft and beautiful skin. 1M JimihisK - ivT' , ;i Mi.w .Il---i.',,'',,H.S'1.-r . (J';.ti'V SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL 1 he above brand of flnnr run he had at any of the following merchants, v,nn will accept Tin Thii.vni: rt.nfit coi imn of 'J.j on each one hundred pounds of Hour or Ml on each barrel of flow. rVrmton-F. P. Pre, Washington IVSBBS I Gold Mel, ,, ,.. Don more-F. P price. Gold atedal Brsnil lutiinor.)-!'. i Jpinley Miperhitlve Uran 1. Hyde Park Carson a Davta Waebbnra st. Qold Medal Brand; J tepb a avenue, tiiipeilnia-e lirnn.l. liv en ltl, ,.S,. ,,. ... ,. MelainraniL .1. 1 . Hon .le. Haperlatlve rravMenoe Kennei S CbappelLN' Main ava ana, Boeerlative Itraudni J Ulllespte, W. Markei .tr.s.t. rio I Mwtil Brand Oljrnoaat James Jordan. Bnperlatire Brand. Peek villa Shaffer sj h-is-r Hnperlattve, Jermvn ft u winters A Co lluueralaMva Arebbald Jones, s mpeon SjOo . (1 ild Med il. Carl on, ;. .; Clark, Uold Uedal Brand, II loaadale IN.'., a, 1,01 1 Me 1 il M t ka M II. I IRON and STEEL NOllvt IRON lii. at K Di IMOND HII.VI It 1 1 1: HPI ciAL UMll'IM.Vs I Ni; .11 s. if 1 KoUlttH CAHI s ;. IIOItSK Mli 11 s TOB OAIaK 111:1: si 11 HINBRY BPHINQ BOI 1 -.1 BBL im IL9 Ii' I, Lows HOIISK N HLfl W H i N A Ki v u 1.1. imi t 1 u s BROS M RBMT 1 1 1 1 im. mm H1NBHH Bittersbender & Go., Scranton, Wholesale and retail dealer in WajrOOBtaksrs' and Iliac as mi tin' BUPPLIBS "No itar was ever lost wo onco have seon, Wo always may be what wo might have been," A MARRY PATRON OF THE RIGHMOS LUMBER CO. Scrant n, 1 a. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. 1 -r,?, 1 wnr-e. fValra w rra. 'X and p WPHi.iy.r Ii f. Ii mm .1 1. 1. 1 ii .1 ' ,. , "o-'iivu u iisii iirni on me. 1 he scales Wrre so lavl th it ther WOOld OOllset ill the l-d ami L ive f , sli .l.en out. It STSS nls.ut this time that I,,, ad ub B. B. B. 1 waa so liad that I was a-liamcl t.. tike my hat II laTor,. i,,r l, ;, iie,l llvelaittleai f tiiewillioiitnotlrinit S-iy 11.. t; l.iil wl,Mi 1 l t B P 8. ti .- ,r, , ,-,,:. out tlii' k. r 1 ' " ' '"'-'.. -I l,;.e t.-.-. ii..y i,,,.,,. !,,, ii.-a of tiro that would bun so I could not sleep. The way they boned and Itcheil ran not la tOKi. anq i hope no one else may srsr know from rTrrh-nn.. The only relief I could get was from washing tho sores with some B. B. B. - I sturk to ll- rerdi, rBS n, WM on f,irti, Iv,t,ir MnTr j rot)!ij j WM r-allv ,f,r,,,::l, igb I knew that It was holler to pet mi. h MUeitmss out of n r wood tim t.. hart ,t. tta there, i ,iil sty once thai l wished I bad new -o,, .,:, ,,, . hut my wtfuen uragi 1 tne, a. I t.ilt,y I thank her f -r .. e a hire f, r in in I I 1. slth DOW, and I don't ludievo 1 ever Would have U;i with my Hood In RUB n roiidition ns it was. k, , y,:- seal,, n.,-, I ; ,-),-,, nn, ,-eHr of n'.l rales ami tetter, nn.l on my r-xly them Sro on.y small sprts to show when, the a. .res w. re. and these visits mc freu from acales. I do not doiiht hut that th.. cure will Isj (sTfect. - I nm now on the shth bottls nnd will take morn until everr soot Is rone I f.rnily heh. v,. il,.,! BUr,hri HlooJ ftfsn will cure the wont disorders of the l.loixl. lor such cctuiuly was wine. ' Bliroed, WEAK W hv WSetl time. UlW. t.N tl,-. l-ll'. . nnd rnll purllniltirier S 1 1,1 Ol -, .1 I V" "'tAfl "Zl,n 1 N v Id or visins men. fmo In TWO WF.KKN I send nun. riau. '' 1 rtiiiii. ,i nml pre alMilntPly t'UKK. ai .1 there I liiiinl.iii; in wIvenlsl.iK enteh shout 11. Anv .IniKSlst eun put II up for everything l iilmii ami mniple. All I link In return l I lint von will buy naiiiallou-uilll) "f the a ibiiihj , .iM-irer me, all n-miy r..r nisy .lo .. . iniiM.s, i " s, ajf) t.t unit, lion. .r hiwnlly. O 10 J1 ninll prnpnin. H" n WV'rr;aW'i' I tCOC SIIO ,rr, 777T,..7"r reiiiii.i in.-money. , 1 renin r Trt'e. r-i 'III t.y 11 1 1 ll I'll,' I I Hl . n om ... .. btrOhEANDiFTlRUSINl!.ii'i''ii'ei. AdSnst Nkcu v. SCBD OO.i Masonic Temple, cuicaao. Iij. For Bale in Boranton, Pa.', by H. C. SANDKIISON. Druirifist. cor. Washington nnii Rrrruoe streets. Thrt i-ron! illil'OUli AJiU U31NO, For Hale liyC M. II A UK Is. HuiSLi,i, from ffle fit Y. Tribune, Jloe., tISX the Flour "CmrAfio, Oct. 31. Fhe first official snnonncement of World's Fair di plomas on flour has been made. A medal has been awarded by tho World's Fair judcos to the flour manu factured by the Wnshburn, Crosby Co, in the grput Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports the Hour strong nnd pure, and entitles il to rank as first-class pntant flour for luiuily and b.-ikors' use." L fin & CON NELL wimi.i KAi.i: Ai.i NT Taylor-Jadgs S Co,, Odd Medal; Atbartoa a- Co.. superlative I Mil-yen I.avvr -nei. -i u-n Co . fluid Modal. Mo., lo John MeCrindle, Oold Medal Plttstoa M w O'Boyle, Qold Medal, Clark's Oreen Praoa I Pirker, superlative. Uarks hnmnlt I' M Yonur, Oold Medal, fi.-ilton S I'. I", no A S. ii. liuld Modal liraul. bolsOB .1 K Bardlag, Waverljr- ; Bllaaji Son. Qold Vedal. lit ryvlllo Charles Gardner, OoldMedaL Hopboltom N. M VtonABoB, Hold M-dat. Toliyhanna Tohvhsnin ,. I,..i. ;u Lumbar Co., Oold .Li."'l brand Oouldsboro s A. Adams, Oold Medal Brand, it,.- ,, Oalge Ctemesta, Oold Me-lal. Luke Ariel Jamea , 11 irtree, Oold Medal. lornst Ciljr J. I.. MorK&n & Co.. Uuld Medal W IGON , 11 ; i 1 - 1,1 s BPRINOI III Its PORBI RIMri si 1 11, mu ins It. It. HPIKBa) DRY ITCHIHC SCALES THAT CRACKED AND POPPED OPCM. I.imu ' v. Sri fin s ('.. N. Y.. Anill 11. 1890, Fixthi, .Vii.tti KN ,'. (.'ii , i: 'T.i.i, N Y. 0b3ITtVBISSi :-Wlien BboBl ten or twelve years old I wrj In, til did wall (Tu Lh arriivs tba helm ,,f ii-y lifi hand, and srhso they healed Die ttoohis boiLe diit on my head, nnd every winter It would e. c.u.-i-'it as .1 i.irt of tc'.ti-r and in ike m-ales all over MUB ,:,y heaiL I have not been fr a from it a single fST ,, mU-r sinre, tail II was worse last winter after I had jy '' the priii f r Hon It mil in spots all over n v bodr, I had a dootor i-iaitilne ns, and he told BM li st thero w:ia no cure f,-r me. s ,t w, rve d i'I f "m over tlio rorea and tlien dry out until lliey Would ll. shoeln- ii u-t. n- nseHfle kfi- aWtn .11 U1 . - j .Sj . 5 MAN Wim? in inv nkkavi men..) hii.1 health Willi ".tm-lnp" nii,.rful -,-nre-.Wben I ulll v.-iiil .on Kltl-:K llie i-r.Tlelien n new .-.-rluhl lh:il i . n enlllhl.-le eure MiSI I OM 11 SMO.III ,.,,,1 IM in , ,., -.u.ut tin,, aim. tiers awl saajee. ii ii inn ,i,ii, . 'I irslioll, Sllrn. SJBJSJSfarjBfjnrrBBl!LBMT NERVE SEEPS. TkU WAttd.rlUl; r" a t.,,l lur.rf Ul HTMI dll- eaaea. saeb n- Veal Mil lory, Lots of iirnin PottST. Eeailaoht, wslefeieeea, Lost Man ii.Muiitiy Imltaloni, ,s .hiki . - : ,ii -ot power o lierattVOOfRansof eitti. rpnii-unpilhy over eierttoti. youthful errors, f-Ti-,'lre uae of lelmcro. opKlin or nln.ulsnts. wlileh lend 10 Inllniilly. I JfiB" in bsaarrlSS I n Test 1 l"'r hel. lOI . . order w elrr n written Biiurenlee in enrr RESTORED MANHOOD DR. MOH'S M '! i ill . I'. PILLS , .' " i. ivlu-s Mi .striUlitfl lllnl ill 1 lltTVIlllr) IH-i'lVI' mi ' tll( t-'tMHTlltlVC orifiriH Of 'lthtr WT ihipIi t. I -r , , : t r:i ft I 11 . Kall- f..f . .. n e li1" SLinhood' Impotence. NlghUr KniiMmuiiH.Vnuiiiful Kmrs, Mfiitfll Wnrry.oxcoMrtivt! usfui Ti.liu(Mr Opium, which It'itil to Con r.uinplltmunnnn!iMlty. 'rV'ltli vwtv onler wo ittvo written Kimr- aiiliviornri) orrpinii.l the money. Sold nt Sl.OO per boi, DOISS vu.avi i-siiucaicALioi i-veiiiuu,uiiii, la7 I'enn Aveniiu. BUSINESS AND " PEOFESSIONAL l'livsli ians ami si;ki;i?ovC, rB.O. BDOAB UEAN has removed to oil! Spruoo street, tic-raBtou, l'u. (.Just op I osite eourt-liouso Square ) j ) It A. .1. I O.N .MOLL, Office ail Washington f: Svenua corner Kpruee stroot, ovur I'raucku'adruK store. Kubldonce, 7U Viuu at. unjosbenrs! to 12 iu m. mid S ol una w .-1W p. m. Sunday, S to 'i p. in. Si. ALLEN. Office cor. Lacii iJ t waunaand Wnshluetou aves. : over Loon urd ehoo btore; olhcu hours, 10 to 12 a. ul and ? P- "-I evouiuga ut reeidoiioe, till If. washlnirton sve. DK. U L. 1' UliY, Practice Hunted to Ills-eaw-s pf tho Eye, Ear, Noao and Throat; offico, 1VJ Wj-uuiiug. uvo. llcuidouco, ii Vini street. Dlt. Lit GATES. 11!5 WaslilUR-ton Avonuo. Olllco hours, 8t.ilia.ui.. l.UU to 'J aud ." to k p.m. BastdeaesBW Madison av.-uu IllH.N L WLNTZ, M. 1)., oili,-..H HI and 1 u upmmon wealth bsdktlati rssloaBes Tit adlsoaavei ofBos boors, lJtoii, 2 to 1, 7 to b; to i. ereUatS at residuueo. A specialty niado of dlveaa'-s of Uiu eye, uar, noso and throat and Rynooolotty. La v. 1 ESS, I C KANUK'N U and (ollertlon of S "('e No. HI. prOOS St., opposite Forest Beusa Borantoa, Pa,i eoueetions a specialty tnrooaiumi Psnnsrlvaniai rodaoio coi-riiioiiJ elite in pvery rutin ty. I hssUI'H I1...0, Attorney aTul (V.uiis -- 0 lors at Lam touuiiouv.oalth liulldm Waahiugton avu. w. II. Jeshi p. Boraoi I liAsa W 11 JSMDP, .lit t riLLABO . WARRKN At KNAPF, Attor vf nirs and Ooanselors at Law. RapnbUeaa IiiiIMiiik, WaelilnirtoB sv..., Serantou, 1'a, jiATTBKHON Se SMLCiX. Alton..-. , ,,i tounwllors at Ijiw; ollkos 0 and a Librarr building, boranton, Pa. 1 , wn.L 11. rA-.msoa Willi m A. ii .-ox A 1-1-It'll) H ANI). W ILLIAM .1 HANoj At- -1 torain and poanaellora, OossniosiSMaTn ImlHInr. Kooms IS, SO and ii. ' K Bid LE, Attorney at Law.Nu. IV and v tu, Burr bnfldlni, Wasblngtoa avenoe IlI'MiY M BEELl Law offlcee In Plica I I bonding, UN Washington avsnaa I,' HANK T OKhLL. Attorney at Law. Hoom 1 .. oal Exchange, Bcranton, Pa. MILTON W. LOWKV, lAU'ya iT Washing C.H VON, -(, Itonav.l H wpiare JAMES W OAKrOKO, Attorney at Law. room Stl. S4 ami i. Oommoo wealth b'I'g CAM! EL w. EUOaR. Attorasi at Lass tJ Ofties Mt Hpraoeit BcrantOB. a, 1 A WATHKB, Attorney at Law. til Ii. Larksa-auna sue.. Scranton. Pa 1) I' BatlTH, Ooa Uat at Us. OfflceT I . r...m M, .0. "i 1 , iiim.'ii',.aith huildiuir ll I IT. Attorney at Ijtw. Com moi wealth I...II011.S. Berantoa, Pa. iMEilYrt, ci stiriii-e .t nB. HEPLOOLK, Att,rney-l.oana . , tlel.xt on r.l aatate security so Bpraaa I K1LLAM at Law. IJU Wy- oBstaafaveBea, s reason HAVE Yol'll DRfDB AND MoKTOAUES written and seknowladced by J W BROWN I NO, Attorney sad Notary Kullc Si .,u. alth llulldlnj. i im . 1 CCHOOLOf T1IK I.Ai K AM ANNA. Reran ton. Pa . prepare bora an.) uirl for noli eg or huMiioaa thoroaghll train .oung cluldrea ".uiaiuaue at n-,ut kjrf TnnvA M ''st. W M.Trn H Bcaix Mm- WOHCEBTEBU K1NDKBOABTEN an! Beboek ill Sdams aveaaav fraaUi I Mved t ail Umm Nl it term will uin April u III MM. i . i.AuitAi ii. aaigaoB iH-ntuL No, iii . Wy ailag are It V 'I'llATMlN. .,. f.irh.B.- ' III A s 'Pin. REPUBLIC BavtBgi sad 1. .-. A.. 1 rlatloii will loan )u in ney on aaalar tarOM and !)- jras ltter on tuveatment than any other issnetatiua Call n 8. N CAi.Lt.N I'l it. 1 1 me iu, s i,u id na i 1 ii. ( i " CI HK CO., Heeitsiiien, I artstl Sad '.i.i-'i yiii. 11 kl .rv i V. ..abingt-n SVaaaai rr.n l u.IX,j lent Maui ayuuue. l 1. 1. AMi 1 ,'., ,- I I. A . " m Hr II. I i RBI w I Sj ki ETTKL. '..1 lekawaaas svsasa 91 I ' . , - ' A HOTM LS IND RB9T l 1: I XT 'I'lIK WEHTMINBTEB, BTtlS Wynatai I v K.Hiin, heated wPh loam: ail m.J rin unprnteuiriita (' M Thi man. I'r .p rpai PI. K I'AIK. UBaadlS Krankhnave I no.- Bates isjsasSaabte, P EiBQtjra. Prapriator 1 1 , Lsl julNM .K II. 1 1 1.L 1 I W. O. HI.Nl-B. Kiitn-nth tret, OM bloat eaat of Htoadway, st I nlon Square, New Yora. Aieprl-an plan. I to par day and upward jnOYNI UOUSS itanaMain pbusj k'.l 1- 1 1 1 sea aa aaa i.tgbt liar saa I lied itli the Let P It rnvNV. Proprietor C KAN i N HOt sE bear l. 1. ,V W pa . ssaarar d.-tv,t c, 1 ,),.. ,,n ti, 1 orepsss plan. VirTi.R Koru ProprUlor I KAMI KNTRAL Ihe larwlanl twil -lulpryl h,ill la AUeetowu. P i rates I. and H So per .lay ICTOB D Pnre. Proprietor. sin nun rs A is A IP .1 Pi'. An-i lte, t. li, - hi ii im sad SS ConnnoB wealth 1. id'p s, lanten. I) 1 I. WAI. U.K. Arrht.-rt .il,rry U una I 1 L BBOWN, Ar t. I. Ar.hite.-t Price , I iiod'ns. I1M W aeldncto-i Are ,s,-rsnt n. NIM'KLlJtNMOt'a il Al'EB'B I'Kt HIlsTIIA Mt slU Pull I sill. 1. tcr. 1,1,. 1 art.. 1,-, it ,11. wpl Cdnr an. I Snaasrt work fiirnlh,i For terms .hire it .1. Baaer, eoadoctor, 11.' Wyouiinf sve . over H.illM,rt' mutc store. UOHTON D. SWAHTS WHOLR8ALI 11 hm !-'. I trd s Dune Lank building s.-nit n. Pa. MEOAIli.EE BROTHER, PRINTERS' iiipphee. envelop.! psr I sgs. twine, Warehouse, US) Waahlngtoii sve, Bcrautoii, Pa I 'OOTK'S LIVELY, li-1 t Bpoue avenue. First elast oarriagai D I, FOOTS, Agi Fimersl Dlrsetor and Einbalin'r. PRANK P. BROWN en. WHOLE I sale dealers in Wood ware, Csrdage ami Ol, Cloth, 7:0 W Lackawanna avenue I,' .KA FINN A BON8, builders and rontrao J tor Yards: Corner Olive t. and AdssSS ave ; corner Ash st. and PiBB in . Scranton THE Thatcher IS THE BF5T. Get prices nnd ire thi furnace and be ron vinosd, A full line of HEAT 1 KS, Ai.pello end Cisuze Door Rangss. (MLAFS HARDWARE PITTSTON PA. UBigigiIllllll1lllIIIlIlltillllitIIIIIIIIII)!IHIIt.lllH!Illlllillllllllllllll: I AMERICA I COUPON NO. 58. 1 Rend or bring two of theso coupons, (lilTrrently numbered, H S with Ten (Vnts.aud get one of tho series of sixteen magolfioent K S photographs. Ten nunibers now ready. Mail orders,2c. extra. :i i83iMiiai3ii:d:32ti!!:tiiiiii9igEi!!iiiiiiuSEniiain9ri;iiiiii:iiEi:i!iLitniiii RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. I LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively, insuring cleanliness aud lomforh T1MK TAI1LK IN EIFHCT Pi ll. 1, 1S9I. Trains leave Hcranton for Pittston, WOkea. Karre, etc., at H.ln. l).15, 11. Hi) a. in., ISM, 100, 8.111), IM 7.2.-,, Il ia p. m. Sundays, D.UU a. in.. loo, eoo, p. m. For Atlantic City, 8.10 a. tn. For Now York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.11 Csnrsss) a. m., iii.iiu (axpross with Baffit parlor car;, 0 liu (oupromj p. iu. buuday, -Mid V. m. Foil Maitm Ciipnk, ALLSSTOW S. BSTHLS HHh r-Asioa and PniLADBLPHIA. 8.10 a. u.. bm,d4::,-;wp.,noicoi,t Klo;..nrU!'!n",OCEAt G"0VS' rtC- tt For Heading, Lehanon nnd Ifarrlsborg, via Allen town, ,10n. m.,, S.OO, p.ui. Buuday. iu p. in. 1 For Pottsvlllp, p.ina. V2.:t)p. m. i.eturning leave Now York, foot of Liberty f ottV ,2r! r,v"r' at hUJ (express) a. in.. MO, LU (express with Hiitrot parlor car p. m. Sunday. s.lH a. Ul 1 Leave iPbOadslphia, Hesdlnu Terminal. 0.01) a, SS., .' 0(1 and LSI p. m. Sunday, 0 x n.. 1 brough tickuts to all points at. lowost rates may bS had on application iu advanuu to tha ticket igint at tho station, 11. P. BALDWIN, J. H. OLIIA1-SEN, BSAWlt DELAWAlti; AND IIUU SON HAILlfOAf). Coiiimeiii-ing May S!i. IK!)2, trains will run as fJoUowi: Trains leave Hrldvo stroet station, acraaton, for Pitt-.-tea, Wllkse Barre. etc., s.i, '.1.07, S.1I7, 10 IS a. m.. 1110, I.S.1, S.1IM, Chi. 5.1.-,. a la oil and ll.M p. in. For New York and Phila delnhia. l uia. m.. 12.10. : L-i. 2 118. s ill and 11.80 p in. l or Honeedsle (from Delaware, Lackawanna and western depot), 7 01, ISO, 1') ID a.m , U,fJfJ Ui.. 2. 17.;,.IOp. 111. For Carbon. lale and intermediate statloOS,, 7.01, I- :J, 10.10 a, m . U.O0 m.,2 17, llo,fi Hi, S SOandS StB. m ; ITom Bridge street D-pot, 108 a. in.. S.lTand U .'16 P. in. Fast express to Saratons, the Adi r, ndn,-k Mountains, H-i.t-n and New'uti l point. .Mo a m.. arriving at All. any I .' IV raratotta 2 20 p. in, and leaving Scranton at-l p in . arriviBg at Albany at 150 p. 111., Sara toga. 12 56 a. m . an.l B ntou. 7 01 a. m TBS only direct route bet Ween the coal fl'-ldi and It ton "Tho Li sdilik' Tourists' llouto ot America" to tha Adiroodaok .Mountain re sorts. Label Qaorgs and Champlain, Montreal, Ote. Time table showing local and through train nrvios betwsao Btatintii on all divisions Dela ware and Hudson system, may be obtained at all Delaware and Hudson ticket office. H . rotJNQ, J. W BUBDICK, See,, nd ii-t) president. Oon. Pas. Aitt. I Ellltia VALLEY HA1I.HOAD. ' J 1-1 11 11, -::. Train leaves Borantoa for Philadelphia an 1 new York via D, a- ii it 11 at a a.m. 1110, 23s and 11 IB p. m via D , L W. if. 11 . 508, i- H 11.8) a. in., and LSO p. ni. Leave Seraniuii f,,r Pittston and Wilgs. Barre via D., 1, W. If ll., 0.00, lOs, 11 SJ a. to . I n. :i.'n. 1 nr. ... -i. p. tn. Lsarafsaraaton for wi t- Haven. Baaietoa, Potteville and all jKiints on the Heavnr Meadow and Pott-vili.- hranchea. via E. k W. V . yla D. ,V li. p. p.. st s a ul. 12.H, 2.". t hip ni . v a H I. IV. It H., CO. r.ue, II 2)1 11 m 1 .,1. 150 j,.,a 1-ave Berantoa tor Bethlehem, F.aton. Reaillng. HarrSburg and all lntenn-diat poinU ia D A- II li. P. . - a m .12 Id. LSI ll.ii I, in .via D , L. A; W. It !..., uj u. 11 20 a. iu LSD p in. lxiave Scranton f, ,r Tirikbsiino-k. Towan It, Elinira, Itha a. Oanava and all latermedDte points via 1 1. 11 K It.,'.. 17 a m. 12 lo and 11 il i. m- vlal) L. ,V W It K.. I 08 a 111..I 80 p 111. loave Si-raiiton f ,r K -le-ter. H idalo, S'i aitara Falls, Detroit. Ubleaao and nllpol-'. w.-t viaD A- II ii. 11. ...o; -,... 12 I".. I ; D L. A- W. II. B, and Pi!i-..i taction. 0 n 111.. I.Ul IB iv 111. v. V. .v 07. It It.. HI p. ni. for E.m ra and tba WSSt via Sal imv.c 1 . , I'. ii It 11 an; a.m.. 1110,1.15 p. m . v a D , L W If IC. .SO" a in.. 1 i and 1.07 a m. Pu'lman parlor and sUeping or L. V. ciair cars on all trains tivtweeu L St 11 junetl-.u or Wiike lUrr" and Now York. Phllad Ip Iv BufTalo and SoiMn-mn Bridge Mollis il WlLBUILOeo Saps, But DI CRAB s. L' B .i.-n Pa. Alt, Ptala ,P. Av NONNEMACHBB.Aast 0sn.Pass Ag't South llethlrhein. Pa hBLAW a HE, LACKAWANNA AND w B8TKBN R a 1 1 H. .ad Trains leav.- Scrai.t n aa foil ors Fxpresi bar N-w York and all pent Eu 1 '.' " ju. ti 14 - 111 and V 'si a. in . it 6 , and it BJ p. m aiprcas for ljo.t..n. Traataa, Philadelphia and the .south, i 1 sOO and V ii a 111 12.V5 sad . Bl 1 in Wasbbxgtoa and way tsti..ns. 240 p m I'ot,ybanns aocomm siation, r. Its p. rn. Kspr as f,.r BingBamton, Oswego, BUtalrs. Coriitng, Hath. liai,ville, M"Utit alorr., SOO llulfal... 12 In. 2 la a. in. and 1 :i o. m.. m ikiag sjaas BOBBecttoBI at huffalo to ail p lata iu tlm West, Kerthweel arid Boatbwest, lla-h aSSoBUB staSkaS, te .11 a m. Hi'igtiamt, n and way stati n.. Z V p in. Nieholson hii-l wav Ktatn-n. I. p 111. ton and Elinira fxpr, llltt p. in. ExprtsM for Cortland. Syracuse, Oswego, t'tlca and hivlitlild springs. U a u, aud 11 p m. Iti.aca. 2 15 and UB a U gad 1 "I p m For N,,rttiuuil-r:,ii,.pitl!, 11. Wlllea Harr. PIvuiouth. niisseilHIIg and Daa villa, nuking rl'e coiinectloii at Ni,rthumN'rlaii.l for Wllliaiiint.rl. Bamsbarg, llaitim ,ra. Waali Ingt, n and the South. SorthamberllBd and mterincllate stationa 6(11. H O a m and 1 IX) and U p ra- Kaattooks and katanBedlats atatlona, 8.05 and 118' a m Plymouth and mt -rmedlat statiooa I5u and SSfp. m I .n pai I ,r and sleeping coach.-s oil all SB reel tram. M I r detail. ', uiforinatl.m. ps k-t t'.m -tabl-i, etc, apply t sL L Btnitb, etti ticket ofaoe, Its LaciasranBaaveaae, orilet ticket ollDe. a. II IM N nit lION. In I 0ci .Inneari gih. Is-it. sjartb nniuin. 2i 207 roa S.0111B BohsmS, Ot tut 9(1 Stations 5! 551: 5 SJ 2 u .Trains Dally, RgJS e" S '2 n 5 c. pt euuday 1 5 trrUe Leave : ;.' N Y Franklin s; . ', ft West nd StfSM . 7 11' Weehmken p aArrhe Leave t 7. 7 M 81.1 r a . ' M .... re .... 2 11 :::: s 2" t- :ii 1 8 71 T4N 7 8 1 15 ilinc'k Junction 1, 0 1, I is ', 2'. 1 IU I li 18' li U I ll Bsaeoek s:.i II. hi Preetoa Park Ooate Poynli lie Belntont PI isaol ml DDjobesIs Forsel city I'm boiiita e lute Bridge Vaft.ld semi) n Ar.lilbild Wlnton P. . -kville OLvpbaat Plekson 1 hnsip Pr ut 1 park Place 2 41 ... ltd ul n 1 'S 51 0'. 3 111 .1 1!) a:::: mi .. 8 tit 0 1 u- r a 1 1 i-' A :,, r, t.. ;i 11 . 1 P I', : ,i (if! -.TflHOi f.; mt .... (1 411 BSiMI 1 S3N 8 Ulll H fr, i'j r. 1: 1 le ss ' (' 11 -1 it iv n 8s SS fe.M ti ii 81 3 SJ 1 10 eS il M 10 00' 3 M 4- 10 111 8 SJI0I8 4 04 ?4 10 17 4 01 Ml ;0 4 hi S28 .Mcill 17, 8 VI 0 f.'l 111 I C 18 4 V 11 I' ll U 11 li B 01 10 M 4 14 sr-:'es:, 4 IT B 0", li' .10 4 SO fs in fi w 8 , 1 -.i II i'.', scranion r a i' al l a Leave Arrive a as a r All tiatns run dally except Sunday, f signifies that trains stop on for pas. sri.-i'rs. Additional trains leave carbondale for scran ton 1 in and iM.", p. ui . arriving at Scranton 1.58 md 00 Lc.ivc Scranton for Cnrboudale 6 80 and 8.SS grrivtng at carbondnle at T.8S and 9.1?, p. tn. fieeurc rstfs via Ontario a Western befirs purchasing ticket and eave money. Day and Nllgt Kipresstothe Mest. J.C. Anderson, rsss Atrt. T. FBtorotL Dlv. Pass, Agl. Hcranton, Pa. T. HIE AND WYOMINO VALLEY BAIL li UOAD Train leave Scranton for New York end In termediate polnta on the Erie railnwid st 8.8 a. m. and 1124 p m. Also for lli.wloy and local points at 8 85. O.tS and 1124 pm. Train leaving Bt 9.4,'i a. m. nnd 11 21 lira, are through traina to and from BenSStfslSi Train leave for Wilkua-liarrc atS.SOa, 111. aud 141 p. 111. 4- JL .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers