The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 08, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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All the Fashionable Shapes
Trimmed to suit the most fustlilious.
The most delicate fabric prop
erly cleaned ar,
Lackawanna Laundry
308 Penn Ave.
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
China, ' SMS
415 Lacka. Avenua.
We Will Offer for j Few Days
Fine Moquette Rup.i at $2 00.
These Rugs Have Never Been
Sold for less Than S3. 00.
Examination of mm for.nvn will be
held July 1" and 11.
The DsIbwbm aadHndees ('anal com
ranv p.irt yesterday at Laurel Kuti ami
the Baltimore l.-pe.
The De Wolf Hnpper Opera company
will preeent "PanjaiiJrnm" at the Acad
emy of Maple thi evening.
A regular monthly rut-iting of the pntdir
school principal, wu held feeteSTOt' in
ihe room p the hoard of control.
The flon Ton Social club cactive Turnerti
will hold their aeroncl nnniial Mav hop at
Turner Mail Friday evening, May 11.
On account of the uTnees of BaitdlBg in
spector Nelson, bin oftice In the Municipal
huii'ling will b rinsed (or a few (lar.
The Delaware, Lackawanna and Wt
ern are payinir car hop employea today;
alto. Pyne, Tiylnr ami HoMCS mines.
The weekly meeting of lh Women
Cufatian Temperance onion will tie held
at 3 o'clock thia afternoon at W3 Sproce
A numher of friends lUlpl leefl Mi
Mary Ilurkr at her home on rMlTMM
Monday SVSBiBg OB the occasion of her
The auditing eommitteoa .,f common and
select council met In Joint ara.inn lat.
night and approved a large nuiuher of bill
against the city.
Charles A. linrr has sold his dSflble
house on Monro" BVeBBC to Robert Mc
Kenna through M. II. I lolgate's agency.
Consideration, 111,000,
The throe newly appointed poties oftlrer
will go ou dnty tonight: nnir-nr Bloal will
go to the Hvilc Park itation, and iiftlr-era
Perry and Jonea to Providonco.
The Catholic Choral II ion will have an
other rehearsal tomorrow evening at T.'M
o'clock In College ball for the full eboit.
No new members will bo received after
thin week.
At 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon will
occnr the annual Inspection of the police
force at the citv hall. In the BBSSBSS of
Chief Simpson, Captain BdWardl Will DOB
dnct the inspection.
The Rcranton Hook nnd Ladder c,im
pany No. 1 at a regular meeting aleoted
Albert Ilennio foreman; I. J. Thonnie,
first assistant foreman, nnd Prank Itohling.
jr., second assistant foreman.
Profensor E. E. Kouthworth gave a very
delightful reception to a largo numher of
his scholars and friends at his new itodto
last evening. Some of the lending musi
cians of the city were present, and a most
enjoyable evening was spent by all.
Coroner Kelley and jury conductod an
Inquest at Jermyn last night on the death
of James O'Malley, who waa killed on tne
Delaware and Hudson tracks Thursday.
An adjournment was made until 8 o'clock
this afternoon at the coroner's office.
Bauer's band will nccompany the excur
sion of the Jolly Ten club of Wilkes liarre
to Lehighton May 24, upon the occasion of
the firemen's parado. Charles K. Hamil
ton, the efflcieut advertising agent of the
Frothingham theater, and an honorary
member of the olub, will also attend.
Preparations are about completod for
the annual gymnastic exhibition of the
Young Women's Christian association to
he given Friday evening, May 11, at the
Young Men's Christian Association hall.
Tickets will be 35 cents, nnd seats may bo
reserved without extra cost at the Young
Men's Christian association office.
Bays the Wilkes-barre NowH-Dealor; "P.
M. Oilligan was In Scranton on Thursday.
It is said that tho Hurke Cochran, of the
Fourteenth ward, is negotiating for the
purchase cf one of the finest building on
Lackawanna avenue. He is a shrewd
business man, and has never yet made an
investment thai; has not turned many
gold dollars into his large bank account,"
Anhauser Buseh Beer.
Lcnit Lohmau'a, m (spruce be
lira i
Williams & McAnuKy
'27 Wyoming Ave.
Well Known Ladies and Gentlemen Discuss
the Movement.
Well Attended Meeting Held at the
Residence of E. N. Willard The
Work of the Scranton Kindergarten
Association Is Fathered by Some of
the Best Known People of the City.
Complete List of Members.
A weil attended and highly interest
ing meeting of tho Scranton Kinder
gurten nssoriation whs bold lust night
at tho residence of E. N. Willard, on
Jefferson avenua. The pnrpese of the
meeting was particularly to receive re
ports from the officers of the assoeia
tion and the instructors in the four
kindergartens, but very interesting ad
dresses were made by A 1). Holland
and Kev Warren (J. Partridge, and a
general diHctmsum of tlii kindergarten
movement occurred.
A. 1). Holland was selected at chair
man and the following hoard of offi
cers was continued for another year:
Mrs. Alfred Hand, president; Mrs.
Thomas Dickson, first vice president;
Mrs. ('. D. Simpson, second vice presi
dent; Mrs, T. H. Watkitis, third ViOS
president ; Mrs. M. W. Lowry, record
ing secretary; Mrs William tlarple,
corresponding secretiuy; Mrs. E L,
Puller, treasurer; Mrs. James Arch
bald, Mrs. it. (j Powell, Mrs. J. A.
Price and Mrs. James P. Dickson, ex
ecutive committee; Colonel B 11. Hip
pie, Kev. Warren O, Partridge and A.
1). Holland, advisory hoard , A. I) Hol
land, chairman of tlnatic committee.
many nooosAQtMa worts
The treasurers report showed the total
receipts from March 1, lvji! to Mav I,
14. to be $l.M&pS; -ipeuditurea, 1,
681 10; balance, 1830,86'
Reports were received from the four
schools which have been estublUhe 1
within the year as follow: Miss C I.
Loardman, laylor school, opttiad 1
month, 81 pupils; Miss Helen Cheney,
Second obnreh chapel school, opened
March 11, 48 pupils; Miss Mated Qgita
by. Blmpaon and Watkins school, 7
pupils; Miss M. Sallshury, Washing
ton avenne school, l.'O pupils
enrolled, average .V The school at
the MIBpMMI and W.ttkius collisry in
supported by that firm
Usv. Mr. l'artridge remarked upon
the Intelsat attached to and the growth
of the kindergarten movement in oilier
cities, particularly in Ban PranolaOO,
Here I hey are so popular that the hoar 1
of trade and OlMf butitiess oleMfl
enpport eeparate schools tsrtne they
- 11 i ter it the test mode of social and
political reform.
Prom other remarks and the reports
appear the following facts in reference
to kindergarten instruction:
Children from I! t T year of sg are
taken from the nliev snd slums an 1
away from evil influences Tuey are
made intelligent, observing an 1 i
lond of their work that they repeat I ly
nk for 1 na! ruct ion daring the after
noons and Saturdays. The transfor
mation is such tuat visitors scarcely
know some of th children on a re
pasted vlail As one of the report!
said, "a child of the kindergarten age
require above all thing pUv but In
piny intelligently, calling forth the
power of boof, mind and aonl in this
war a child is developed, not envel
oped, in au ail-Mjed manner, physi
cally, inte'ilig-utly an 1 SDlrirnsTly;
that it the ana of the tru kindergar
ten. "
The membership f is fi, annual
sustaining members. 10 or mora. Tne
awoeiatloa will N. gid to welcome
rtjdlll nal meuibera
These present at last night' eating
1 were .Mr, .lam- Arrhnahl, .Mrs. A.
I at Docker. Mr K. L Kullr, Mr and
Mrs Alfred Hand, Miss C. C Han i,
Mr. and Mrs A D Holland. Mrs
' LotBeV K-llr. Mr. M W. Lowry,
! Mrs. K i Price, K-v. and Mrs. War
ren ( Partri Ige, Mrs. K H. Kipple,
Mr. R A. Squire. Hit Mnggle Tor
re?, Mis Worcester. Mrs. S I, Whit
more, Mrs. T. H Watkin. Dr and
Mr I W. wettoa, Tajtor; It ?
Jamas McL -od, Rev. Charles K. Robin
son. Q H Welle.
OUmT memtiera of tho association
era: Mr and Mrs W. H. Duell, Mr.
end lira H. M. HM. Mr, and Mr
Hepry Helm. Mr Prank 11 demons,
.Mrs L P Culling, Ir Ihomat
Diokeos, Mr James P iiiekion, Mr,
Alexander Dickson, Rv. Amanda
Deyo. Mr. A ('. Poller, Mr. B P.
Pallor, Miss H. J llaud, Miss It S.
Band, Miss R. li Hand. Mrs D ii.
Hand, Mr. an I Mr W. V. Halslead,
Mr. J. W. Howartb, Rev Roger
Drael. Mra Rogers lral, Mr. nnd
Mra. John Jermyn. Mr. 0 s Johnson,
Mr. and Mra H. W Kings! ury. Hon.
BL A. Knapp, Mr. S ir. Kerr,
Mr. E. L Fuller. Mr. Lather
Keller. Colonel K II Kipple,
Mr. Fred Lintner, Mrs. Daniel Lang
stnlT. Mrs. William M. M irple. Dr. R.
W Montgomery, Mra. Tromas Moore,
W. R Met lave, Miss Ella Plait. Mrs
It Q, Powell, i) w. Phllllna, Jenkin
S. Ileese, Mis Ether Rowlands, Mra
John Kol I, t onrad 8chroedr, Mr. and
Mrs. E H Sturgea, Mr. and Mra. C.
D. Simpson, Mr and Mrs W. T.
Bmltn, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor.
(L H. ThompOOn, Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
Whittemoro, Mr. and Mrs. 0 B Wes
ton, Miss Hesie Wlntmoro
- I.
NoUd F.vanaaliat Will Treach Through
tha Valley Tbl 8ummer.
At the meeting of tho Pastor's nnion
yesterday, Rev. T, W. Swan, of West
I'itttton, representing Mr. Moody, neked
for an endorsement ami nclieii on t:ie
part of the pHHtor relative to the pro
posed snminer campaign of Mr. Moody
through the valley from Nantieoke to
On motion of Rev. (loorge B, Ootid
the following committee was appointed
to consider the tnattor: W. 11. Peck,
Lewis Mattes, J. L. Hangi, W. W.
Latbrop, (Hies Clark. L M. UortOO.
The Moody meetings will open nt
WilkeB-linrre and migrato through the
valley, reaching Scranton lomotlma in
The meetings will he held in a hnge
tent of 3,000 seating capacity.
Columbia avenne lots nro being sold
rapidly to homo seekers hv
FUgel'a Pi (111
J. Frank Biegel social Tliiiradayevening,
May 10. Oeneral invitation exteudud to
friends and former patrons.
No. 10 of America.
No. 10 of the cbnrroing art series,
"America" haa arrived and copies may be
procured at Tiik 'I'm 1 1 m: business office.
The latest number of these delightful
studies will prove one of the most interest
ing of the collection.
Creditable Appearance of Scranton'; Trade
Unions Yesterday.
The Exhibition of Strength Between
George Brown's Team of Drays and
the Stronp; Man Pleases the Crowd.
Labor Day Speeches Delivered by
James Wood, Ex-Judge Stanton
and D. J. Campbell.
The Mny Day p trade of tho Indus
trial organic itlous of Scranton was
sen on the principal streets of this
city yesterday afternoon.
At 1.80 Grand Uarabal E. O, Wor
den, of Carpentere union, No 71H,
cave the word of command to move.
The first division rested on Linden
street, having formed ou Adam avo
nue: the second rested on Spruce
street, forming on Washington nvenne
Tbo line of inarch was followed as
it appeared in yesterday's TRIBUNC
Grand Marshal Worden rode at tho
head of the parade, and was assisted
by J. C Atkinson, of the Painter's
nr. ion, chief of stuff, nnd S B. Price,
of the Carpentor'i union, nido to tbo
grand marshal, In a double carringe
drawn by two wnito horses were
James Wood, of liinghamtoti, vice
president of the Cigarmitkr Inter
national union, ex -Judge W. H, Stan
ton, D, J. Campbell aud J. J. Morgan.
Tne first organization, headed by the
Lnwrence haul, was the Central
Labor union. They made a very cred
itable appearance: thou came the
Stonecutter! association, a robust
body of fine appearing meu. HaTCO
Drotberi drum cirp came next,
at tile he;id of the Scrautcn Typo
graphical union, followed by Cigar
oeKtt'l nnion No. iv' Next wa
Huer's hau l, preceding the l'lumbi r
union No 80, the organization which
made the best showing of auy nnion in
the ranks. The Plasterer's union
marched behind tho Plumbers, followed
by M. Leo's litttalion Drum corps,
Wblcb preceded the Tiuuer's union
No. 0.
TIIK ggOOsTO Divtnog.
M. D. Flaherty, of the Typographical
ti 1 1 1 11 . seated on a mottl-aome roan,
was in ei mmand of thesecond division
Ihe Miirt band was at the head of
thie division, leoliug Carpenters'
union. No uJ, of Hyde Park. Theu
came Carpeutera' nnion. No. 718, and
Carpenters' union, No 484 The tier
man Progressive Union of the Konth
le made up the rear The parada
wt nt out t V.lar a vh 11 to '. 111 street to
South Washington avenue to ('antral
Park garden, where a picnic waa he! I
under the auapices of tbn exarntive
OOmmltteO of the Central LthiT union
A largo assemblage of artisans, wit It
their wive and daughters, in 'holiday
attire, t egau to gather early at the pie
nlo gi oii.i fbe LawroDoo bond from
the band stand in the dancing perilion
turnihed mmlc for dancing.
As ltd teen adrertiaed, a tet of
strength between a taui of dray hors-e
Welgbti g i.1 0 1 pounds OfTBed by Drav
man N . BVOWn and .Mervine
Thom peOB, who claims to be tha
stn iiet man en earth was then in
trodnoo i. I hompson apared in tleli
colored tight Be stands .1 feet 11;
loebee in htght and weighs nearly
800 pound He waa leirn in Ottawa,
1 tnada. tnlrtv seven years ag. Bad
prides hlinef having set out at the
age of 1? giving xlitrutlone of mnicl
He sandwiched himself between the
horaea, pulling in opposite dirrctioni,
and be was barnoeaod with eboslder
strpa attach-d 10 the ingle-tree
Bel re giving the exbibttieN th" ht
w 1 paeaed t: rough tbo crowd and the
very liberal Mm of 1 10 was gathered
Thie offering waa roiled np in a red
bandanna handkerhlef, Moaredy knot
ted nnd place I in his nulla p ckel
Then he msde a saint to the la lie and
got rady for w rk After mucb nrgii g
kbO horses were coaxed to pull iafdi
but tbe stroig man waa too mtp-h f. r
I hem, and after wip ng the ew-i fr on
hi t row, he OabUOBtod bll narnesa and
retired amid tne plaudits of the
tiik gntaJEttM ggMML
The Lawrence ban I j inrneyed over
to the ball rO on an I played two tUBOt,
and the crowd surged through the
donis to listen to thespec1 mtker
J. J. Morgan, of tha Industrial N m
introdn. i d J ima Wool, ol Pngham
tn Mr. Wood la a JfOBBg man of clear
rut feature! and an intelligent cast of
1. 11 ileiiance. He p.sieisea a fill I, ron 11 1
Voice, and Is gifted with perfect enun
ciation He began hi speech with tin
q BOtBtlOn from Shakespeare: "There
Is a tide in the affairs of men, whi. h
taken at the floo t lead ou to fortune '
He said that organizttlou is the only
means under heaven whereby the
workingmen can hi pe to prosper
Cozey'o army, which hit beau caiiel
"hoboes" by the newspap-rs of the
country, BOtald, are not such, but in
dustrions men out of work He ap
pealed to the workingmen to orgauiz
and also to lie eireful on eleOtioO day
for whom they cast their leoTOt bai
Kx-Jndga Stanton was the next
speaker. He said there is a deplorable
condition existing in Industrial affaire,
largely attributable to the unorganized
condition of the laboring classes. If
tbey were banded together in one com
mon brotherhood, as they should be,
power enough would be in their hands
to lie aide to say who shall or shall not
be our officers
I). J Campbell followed Judge Stan
ton and also urged the workingmen to
lu the evening tho picnic grounds
were so densely thronged with pleas
ure seekers that it was OifflOttll to pass
from place to place. The exercises of
yesterday reflects much credit on the
workingmen aud ttade. unions of
Solemn High .Vase of Requiem Held at
tha Cathedral
The funernl of Mrs. Richard J.
Hcamish was very largely attended
yesterday morning. A solemn high
mass of requiem waa colubrated at St.
Peter's cathedral. Rev. Father Mc
llugh was oelebrant; Rev. Father
Hussie, of Carbundale, deacon; Iter.
Father Mangan, sub-deacon; Rev,
Father Urifflu, of Honeadale, and Hxv.
Father O'RIelly and Goldon, of tho
cathedral, ware in the sanctuary. Kev.
Father Hussie, who preached the
funeral soruion, referred in beautiful
language to the Christian life and pure
character possessed by the deoaased.
The interment waa rnado iu Hydo
Pnrk. Tbe pall hearer were E J.
Lynetk John J. Loft us, II. H.
Wallagher, W. F. Boyle, T. H. Ruddy,
and R. M. O'Brien; the flower-boarers
were John Brainard, lames C,
Beamiah, Joseph Nolan and John Sher
wood. They Hav Gone Down
That is prices nt Guernsey Urothei
Ministers Addressed and Encouraged by Colo
nel i I, Boies.
Larn;e Attendance at Meeting of Pas
tors' Union Discussed Effect of
Sunday Closing Movement Report
of tbe Executive Committee Show
in"; Condition of tho Fight Adopted
by a Rising Vote Fund to Be
The announcement that Colonel H.
M. Boies would address them, coupled
with a dllOUiaion of the effect of the
Sunday closing movement, brought a
very large attendance of divines to
yesterday morning's meeting of tbe
Pastor's union at the Young Men's
Christian association building.
Rev. S;arnm G. Partridge, of the
Penn Avenue Baptist church, occupied
the chair.
On motion of Rev. (leorge E GuTId,
the report of the executive committee,
which is presented below, disclosing
the present status of business ou the
Sabbath, was approved nnd adopted.
It having been intimated that the
movement needed a more positive en
dorsement from 1 vnrv member of the
union, the report was adopted by a ris
ing Vote, an episode Which suggested
that the ministers of the city sre Indi
vidually enlisted In the light to the
It was decided to raise by popular
subscription a fun 1 for carrying 011 the
'1 he speecli of Colonel Boies elicited
frequent applause and gavo the union
more encouragement than it has yet
received lroiu from auy source; lie
"This local movement depends in a
great uieatuie up, u prevailing popular
lentlmeut tebiofa must dmlnato from
tha pastors. A former similar move
ment iu tlii citv was successful be
cause it awakened the co operation of
the enure Christian Community In
the same way only will this movement
be snccfstfnl."
"While ideieni th s.bnath as a
sacred day that ibOBld be exinpt from
Worldly brUiUfM, I do not not believe
in a Sabbath "f needled exactions
"if we let the enemlee of Sunday go
on onbindered, obristiealty will trem
ble. There If j let as much necessity
to enforce Sabhsth observance as any
other divine soinmau 1
" I he a ntlnuaiioe of tha ey eiitiva
committee makaa it tbo daty of ovary
pastor to itir up hU people to sustain
the work If not luetained, yonrplaoae
will be vacant . fOO will not bo wantd
'1 wonld rttbr be o!T this commit
tee than on it. I 'it, as it It, 1 am hound
t o the thing through.
"Kvary church ought to have a d m
mittee t.i belp In this movement, and
sermons ihonld bo preached on th
suijtci in all obnrohee You, psstors,
have the right, tne aatbority au 1 tne
plee to d 1 It.
The addret rioted with a round of
llritf speeches were a'o made bv
Rv. h 0 Logan. I) D. Rev ci,r;.s P.
Robinson. D. D and Rev, N F BtBbl
The labetat at of ibeii ramaiki ,
that there nt be no retreat: tnat the
paStOrf IN filiated in the erafft by Dt
fine BBtbority, n I inltri ral fa
vorable f. r a vlrti rv
flu is the report of the executive
Ihe n mmltlre, whleh wa appointed
Match le I Baa, 11 akea in ha Mrt formal
report of the progreiai of fie wnrk of pro
UCtiag Ihe 1 lin-t a-i ibbath in the city
of acreetoa.
n March :
tO Bll the .n
etaeiva of it
8 ' Pact il
of iba Nortl
Baeh omro
circular letters e-er- .oed
Coma lifer, nutnltering, lo
se apreiuied bv the Ve.t
1 a ; Ihe mf-Tmal lan
End pattota, t nr. nly ll r.-.
le- Wa named in de ad an I
"iiij .Me a ranvaa of bn-t-
.in Mnndav, with per.. nal
tllelracled le rol
sei sr.. opatl
work to sacara
the Ain prior
which tin e In
ihe v. .ui.tary eiooUtg of
lo Baadav, April 1, at
general clotlog i f tnrb
place of baoleOSS waa to take place. Tbeae
1 imattieat Maorally did the srorl .
tig I, and did it well, with gratifying
n salts, aid tbe mnveme,i wnirh a
!rn In kiioliieet to all and press id with
cHafttv for every offender agalnl the law,
wltneed .A Snnday, April I, reaolla
were the most gratifying and which
tilled thecninnuttee wun tttKfa. tl n, le--cause
the riranrdinary tiire had
beau leeured efitboul raeoaree to la.
At tho n iiter of ine viti, however, whrr-.
three noiimilp had 1- - . irad in
their Werk, ihere ooBttBOOd t'. he a BOsil 0"
able dmregard of IBB RWVBBMMI and the
iaw, srhlel led to there opening ef mac v
place and ide-tpread drnioraliratlon of
tbe work, which waa characterized by its
1 on ntpaui die and declared to have
blown oyer. At Hi juncture the commu
te decided upon prompt and Vigorous ac
tion in the f rin of all call for helper-,
promising PSoderate pecuniary compensa
tion. Ample material nxpun led, from
winch asvWatioM were nude and la whi
work w aigne1. Bash assistant ha
d Be lo work BOOtf and been promptly
I Mil fiom fund i f the Amerusn Snblialh
BBI BtWhtab It local eecietary waa aatBO
rie.1 to SXnead for such pnrpovm A con-
sloarabte Bamber of these assistante, who
are mainly heron- young Chrlstlnns,
prompted evidently by an nuereet in tho
ni.rk and net by tbe meager OOBtpOBaatlon
offered, are available for any future need.
' u.e arrel ha been ninde of a person
who defied tho law and challenged 11 en
forcement Arrangement have been
made for n coniderable number of like
cases to N proceeded againit for yester
day's disregard of the law II In the judg
ment ol the Pastors' Union it is advisable
to continue the work.
ittviKW or tiik siti'ation.
Now, what is tho situation! lu brief,
simply this: Prior to April 1st, 1S1M,
nearly every saloon iu tin eltywMOBi
rying on it business openly and without
hindrance; four fifth of the drug stores
were putting their business to an open
shame by the sale of sodn water and cigars
during all the hours of the Christian Sab
bath, and it 1 biondlv hinted that some of
them told intoxicants under the guise of a
milder beverage. Nearly every cigar
store in the City wa open a on other
days and was a rendezvous for idlers and
persons of ill-repute. The bakeries, con
fectionary stores, ice cream parlors and
corner peanut and fruit stands, with many
others which need not be numer
ated, teemed oblivious of the existence of
any law in Pennsylvania for the protec
tion of the day. Since the culmination of
this movement on April 1, n general re
gard for tho law and the Knhbath as a day
of rest and worship lias been apparent
throughout the city and not less than four
hundred placet of businesj previously
open on Sunday have been closed, includ
ing more than one hundred saloons,
"Honor to whom houor Is due," says
your committee, for many of thoso for
whom thi movement was begun have de
clared that they will never open their
places of business again on Sunday.
Hut the real situation is not in the
above, but in this: A groat work is be
fore this committee. It cau do It if sus
tained by this association of- Christian
ministers and this community of Christian
people. Tho committee is the creature of
tho Pastors' union. It can withdraw from
its accepted responsibility without dis
favor, became It lias not flinched In tha
j performance of a tingle dutv to this hour.
I Not so the Pastors' union. It is comtnit
j ted to tbe protection ?f the Christian Sab-
bath in this city. It can go ahead, and
this committee, if continued, will not
shrink from the task assigned; or it cau
nacn uownaud suffer an Inglorious ueteat.
If the movement is to go for
ward and large means will be required
and many prosecutions await the comiug
of tomorrow. If the spirit is to recede it
will coHt nothing and tbe executive com
mittee will find iminedia'inte relief from
the heaviest responsibility borne by any in
this city at tho present time. In either
caso the secretary of the American Sabbath
union, who, by your action and against bis
protest, wns ma In chairman of this com
mittee, will continue the same work .e
nest he can, believing it to be the work of
Uod aud as essential as any other.
F. A. Do.ny. Chairman.
Scranton, May 7, lsiU.
The meeting decided to invite Major
D. W. Whittle, the noted evangelist, to
preach in tbe Penn Aveuue Baptist
church next week, Tuesday evening,
aud iu the Simpson Methodist Episco
pal church the i'hursday evening fol
lowing at 7 80 o'clock. All congrega
tions of the city will unite at th ser
Thirteen Cases Rportd Yaiterdav. bat
City's General Health 1 Oood
There is 110 abatement of tbe raeailes
epidemic in tint city; on the contrary,
tho ditease seems to bo more prevalent
than ever, 13 caiea of measles aud 1
oaae of soarlstlna being reported yes
terday to the board of health.
Considering the total number of
cases reported, but few deaths have
occurred. No part of the city i free
from the Infection. It was supposed
that the hill, on account of its good
drainage and sauitsry location, would
be comparatively free from the dieaae,
hut it ha been effeotod to a greater
extent thau any other portion of tho
if the mors violent diseases, such at
SOarletluS, scarlet fever and diphtheria,
tha South Sido has furnished tbe
largest number of eases.
The health ofScisls, however, are
tatitfisd that no m ire contsgloos dis
eases or cases exist thau in similar
seasons during past faafs They aver
that the general health of the city is
Signature of the Mayor Affixed to Soma
Imp irtant Mtaturae.
Mayor Liuiiiell yesterday sigusl a
number of resolutions of councils
Among the measures were the follow
ing: Directing tbe street commissioner to
notify the Scrautoti Traction company
lo pisuk each side of the rails OD
sevsnth Street and RetlfOOd avenue.
Compelling D J. Campbell and F.
F. Boyle to pty certain sums into the
citv treasury for privilege of connect-
Ing with Lee alley lateral sewer, also
directing the street coinmisdouer to
enforce the reolutlon compelling other
I ropertj owner to do the sain-.
Directing the fire department com
mutest 01 coin soanciis to exsmint
Nay Aug LuglLS company a quartert
and report on aecurii.g a better houss
for the company ,
Tax ex nersttons to tha tmnnnt of
810 I ' Seventh ward. I", J llcNally.
collector, snd $ IP 90, Eighteenth
warJ, B J Half ally, collsctor.
- a 1 1
July Meetings le B Held at Mdla ard
Atbarr Park
Jntt now many of lbs principal a 1
teacher of the public tchools arc look-
. ing forward to tne toiniog tbtrtr-ninib
I annual meeting of the i'eunaylvtnts
, '".ate Teachers eaaoelstlnn, at M)is.
1 July 3. 4 and I and the meeting of the
National Association of Teachers at
Be Bury Park, N. J., tbe followiug
It is probsbls thst a lsrfe proportion
of Be natou inetrnoeon wiu include at
a pirt -f their vacatioa their attend
ance at both meetings. Railr oad, hotel
j and other arrangements bare riot yet
teen complete!, but these details will
l published In the June number of the
ScpennUndent (1 W Phillips, of
this city, will ad trees tne ttate aaancl 1-
tir.n Ihe af'ernooo of Inly J ou "De-
partmeatal Innructi m. "
Brooks Cosl Company a. d Alezandtr
Car Btplaor Chariarad
There were two Scrtnton corpora
'. DS . srtered at Harritburg )ie:
One wot the Brooke Coal e mipanv.
eaplta! 1800,000 Tbe dlreSJton are
BteCC G, BrookB, Thomas R. Brookt
and Joint H BrookB
Tus Alexauder t'tr rpiacer wat
chartered with acapitalitatlon of $100,
008 The directort are Josepu J.
Jermrn, John T RlcharJt, Joun A.
Mears and R. B William. BoraBtOU,
i. r. Alezender, Porssl City. i P.
Bogota, etayftold, and P, Kit, t'ar-
Stookho:dra rf tha Provldtnc Company
old Thlr Annual Kl.ctlon.
At ti e annual meeting of stockhold'
era of the Providsaoe Has and Watei
company fseterday th following offi
cer were chosen to serve during tin
ensuing year
President. W B Starrs 1 managers
I P, Torrey. A H VandHng, W P
llallstead. W. II Storrs. C S Weston:
eerretary and treasurer, H F. Ather -
EAUTIFUL Jewelry to h
Uri from,
1 n IS in new styles.
UN in and sco ortr now store.
OU are welcome.
ITBRLING Silver Novelties in
groat variety,
417 Lackawanna Aye,
Best Sets of Teeth,$S00
Including tbe painless extractlni
of teeth, by au entirety new pro-
S. C. Snyder, D.D.Q.
Summer Torm.
Wood's College of Bnsinnss and Short
hand will receive students for Academic
business and short hand course during the
summer at special rates.
Sp-clal Sale
of Ladies', Misses aud children's shoes,
Factory Shoe Store, 411 Lack'a avo.
1 The Melancholy Days
g of houseeleanlng have como.
I Ihe Saddest of the Year I
To tho mnrriod mnn, bocauso his
home Is all broken up.
I The Time of Misery
Would lie of shorter duration If
the hoiiHoliold comprised some of
the lnbiir savers which B.Vt'TIN
A 00, have 00 special sale nt this
Ull UK AltK-dAKIiP.N HOE.- nn I
11 A I! 1)1. N Hi I8E.RAKEB.BPADEH
and GARDEN TOOLsof all kind,
at prlooe within reach,
3 RBFRIQBRATOB& In fact, a 00m-
pieia inns ot iiseiul and Bcosseary
i. I tfl pi-inn AVBTNUH. T-
128 Wyoming Ave.
Wo are now displaying
a line line of
$8, $9 and $10 Lines
Men's Spring and Summer Suits
Every purchaser to the amount of
Si OO or ever is presented with a chance
on the Beautiful Parlor Suit.
Complete Outfitter, SCRANTON, PA.
S. L. ( i-ALLEN.
the cut ehi::: hzie
Represents Ganister's new
BH Razor Toe Last. It'vou want the
ot latest styles in 1'ootwear trade at
I 1 A WICTC P'C DDlfPC ot-fl e liHlfl lnP fhin ijah
imnioiLii u iitiuLij nic a iimt i .i luau juu
are paying elsewhere for inferior goods.
BANISTER will give yon MORE for your money
than any Shoe House in the city. Patent Leathei
and Russet Shoes in endless variety.
Coxey's Army Can't Buy These
Child's Straw Sailors, wo'th
25c. and 35c. On Mon
day, 19c.
Child's Lace Caps, regular
price 25c. to 35c. Mon
day, 19c.
Child's Mull Hats, our reg
ular price, 25c. Mon
day, 19c.
These Bargains for
We will give all a chance.
This sale will continue
for the remainder of the
Look at This
We will offer for bal
ance of week a 40a
Trimmed Sailor For 19c.
Also a Black Clay
Worsted Coat, with
moire trimming-, latest
cut, worth $14, For $6.00.
You can have your
choice of 100 Capes and
Coats for $2.98,
Worth from $7 to $15.
Don't miss this chance. It
will last for the remainder of
this week only.
138 Wyoming Ave.
Co'' utafiL km
Boys' Kilt Suits, regular
price $1.35. Monday,
Men's and Boys' Straw
Hats, worth 35c. to 50c.
Monday, 23a
Special Bargains in Flow
ers and Ribbons.