1 HIE SCrA27T029- TKIBTJJS'E M03TDAT KOENTtTG. MAT 1894. Nature's Remedies oflt hues poorly llat tered bj' chemical and dangerous imi tations. For live cen turies CAELSBAD has stood in the role of strength and health giver.and mil lions have been eared by the Carlsbad Waters of all sorts; and manners of diseases. The genuine Carlsbad Sprndel Salts are the Carlsbad Water sol idified, bodied, and placed in every American Drug Store, to re lieve the public of malassimilation of food, llatulent obesity, catarrh Of the stomach, and gives to all a healthy appetite, strong, vigorous flesh, a perfect digestion. Take no Imitations. ESisner & Mendel son Co., N. v.. Side Agents. Price per bottle, si. Large size, $1.50. DfcATH'S HAKVtSr. The Grim R'np.r Callt Two Well-known People to Their Eternal Rewaid. Siccittl to ft yemnton TViiniie. Pitcbtom, Pa., May 6. Th. ssriotis illnoss noted in TBI TRIBONI Sat urilny Btorning of Mm Anna, wif of .lohn K.nnsdy, of Radellffs itrtat, tannins toil fHtiilly nliont o'clock Batnrda; morning. Mr Kenedy', maidai nuns wild Annie English and sht wh ii aistor of pz-Conmiiitootr Thomu English. Mr. Ksnnsdy tni born ia Susan. hanna vmtv forty-two years rjo. She is SUtYiYsd by tier Ltisbitnl Hinl nix ihildran, four bora and two irirls, the )lilt ol whom is 10 years old. She wh woman of lovable oharaotar ami liiernl adncatton, and bad befor. lier innrringe rveil twelve years ns teach er. The rem dm will he interred in the Mark! Street cemetery and the funeral MrviOM will be hell In St. 3 ihn' CatbollO church tomorrow (Monday) morning t B.80 o'clock, when it rtqalain inasa wilt ie celebritted in mamor; of the daaaassd, Mri Harriat Stout, one of tlio oldest rattdant) In tbta place, passed peace fully away at the home of her Toting- ast dangnt.r, Mm. .lotm Pattaraon, on Mill street, Saturday morning. Nh. wag S7 yearn of ne. She was born in ltikerman, nnl the jrreat-r part of her Ilia waa paatad nt Ransom For the paat eight year ba bad made hei iu. me wiih Mi. Pattaraon. Two other children, .loiin anil Jacob Stout, Mirvive her. The funeral will take plana tomorrow (Monday) at 10 a. m., frith interment at Idlwankie, Pa TO TEST HIS TITLE. The Court Atkrd to DtSttlt th Law on Tex Cnlleolors. Signal la IS. Sbniafoa rrfftaai. PrTTBTOH, Pa., May '. District At torney (iarinan hue begun Q00 war ranto proceeiliniM to t st tb title of tax collector ' i -i t B J McDonoall, of tbm place l'r ior to Ibll year the tax collector of tbta plate waa appointed by virtue of a ejitcul law by the preai dent judge of it s court of common pleat L nt yoar tlie lagiilatnra p iaa I it law to ahow all boroughs to elect tax collectom. It is claimed that tliit did no repeal tht ipaolal i w. if tbe ipaoial law goTeming the tax colleet'irhip is anp. reeled by the general law Mr Sic- Doonall'i station will hold, if not it will be in ordtr for the court to ap point a receiver. I'UKVP.stio" is DSttSI than enre. and yon may prevent that ttrad feeling by taking Hood's f-arsaparilla, which Will keep your Dinod pure and fri-o limn n id tio.it and J eruis of ii--ast-. ux)i)'s Pnu ,;rie, bnt act illilontly. Ue. dn not porire, pain or prompt!', easily and TIIE LIGHTNING'S PiAY Knch DsSBaffe lo Huililir.irt Ir. I. n irne Dtetflet Fbtrinl tn thr ScraaOM Trthitat PrrrSTOlt, Ta., May S. A heavy HgbtlllnS ami thuieler Storm struck t. Is region ahoat .1 o'clock tins after noon. Ilurini: tbe storm two frame dwellings, ona beloniriiiu to Michael Jordan on I'hnrch finl wat ripped from th roof to the foundation. Tht other was nnrccnp'.ei, locate I on Market strett lull At Wyoming tbS storm assumed the vii lence of a miniature cycl- n. The lare trestliuj a'. BlmpSOS ft Watline' lireaker was blown down and the threo-story' lirick building of Townsnd Uros. was ibnttered beyond repair. Luckily iu SSOb instance nobo Iy was hurt OriE KILLED, ANOIHtR INJURED, fatal Acridant at th Old K o.-e Shaft Batarde. fprrlnl to titt firronton Trihttnf. riTT'luN, Ps)., Mar 11 The i (Id Torge alinft of lbs 1'ennsylvania I'oal com pany was the scent of nn accident Sat urday morning whtrnbv ont man wns killed and another seriously injured. John Mcljulnn. aged BO years, was killed, and his laborer, whom name it was impossible to learn, waa seriously hnrt. The df ceased rras agnd about 50 years and wns a brother of Archie Me Bnind, of Avoca. He leaves a wife uud Qvo oblldren. The accident was duo to a fall of rock. PITTSTON CONDENSATIONS. The News cf the Past 48 floura Interest Ingly Chronicled. Fjwrlal to As .Scrnafoa Trihunt. Pittston. Ta., May (i The regular rneetinj? of the town council will take jilaco tomorrow (Monday) evening, and u very interesting SSSSlOO is looked for ward to. It will be the first meeting in the town hall since tho antitjiiiitod Structuro has been ronovated. Hurt Dynond, of Wilkes-Carre, a fruit peddler, arrested a few day ago for peddling without a license, has begun action to recover dnruagsB from the borough. Hubpoenans were served Saturday on the borough officials The case will be heard Monday, May 11. Collieries Nos. t5, 8. Barnum, Kwen and Old Forge, of the Pennsylvania Coal company, will resume tomorrow (Monday) morning, and nil other works will be idle. Th Ministerial union will meet in the Young Men's Christian association rooms tomorrow (Monday) morning at 11 o'clock. Tbe discussion on "Inter denominational Comity" will be con tinued from the last meeting, Colonol Mosen, of the Lehigh Valley Coal company, In order to ascertain something reliable concerning tbe smallpox scare at Smithvillo, in com pany with Dr. E. R Foxell. made a thorough examination of the bouse in which the desoaae was snid to exist. At a reanlt of their labors they declare the story to be false in every particu lar. In court at Wilkei-Barre Saturday tht aaaault and batttry case of H. Had sail v. Charles Dennison. both being from West Pittston, the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. Tbe coats were divided equally between tbe prosecu tor and tbe defendant. This place was visited today (Sun day) by two of the heaviest thunder showers of the season. The first oc eurred about noon, but was of short duration. The second occurred about 5 o'clock and was very heavy and violent. The lightning cracked and the thunder pealed incessantly for sev eral minutes, driving terror to the timid. Aa a windup a blinding flash and a thundering peal shattered a frame building on Shanty Hill. The damage is not known at this writing. John Gallagher, for years master mechanic of tht Newton Coal Company and at prenent employed at the Exeter Machine works on the West Side, in conjunction with his brother, P. II. Gallagher, of Dickson City. Laeku wanna county, has built a twenty-four foot steam launch which they intern! 10 run on the river this summer for hire by the public. The boat is now In the water near tho west end of the Ferry bridge, and has been the .dniir ntion of many spectators during the past few days, on Saturday afternoon it steamed through the rapids at the Delaware, Laekuwana and Western railroad bridge with apparent ease. Lion. J. L McMillan and daughter, Sadie, left today for Avon Springs, where they will sojourn for a month. Thomas Waddell and daughter. Miss Janet, arrived home last evening from southern California, where tliey have been spending several months. The many friends in this place of Attorney James L Iwiiahan.of Wilkes llirre, who has b"en under treatment in a New York hospital, has so far re covered that he expects to be homo by J una 1. Hon. John T. Flannery lint gone to Omaha, where he will represent this district nt Hie biennial uational con vention of the Ancient Order of Blber nians. Two yetrs ago hs represented the distritt at the convention in New ' )rens. The corrtapondent of the Snnday Wllkas-Bsrre Lasdsr hns tfm follow. Ing to aay in today's iaine conc-rnitig tiie purchase of the Hazlaton Plain BpaMar by otir townsmen, James L, Morris: ''James L, Morns, of this borough, on of the brightest of I, a ztrne's yoQOgeT lawyers, has become sole proprietor of tht HsilstOQ Plain Bpeaker, Mr. Morns is a gentleman of sound literary attainments and broad culture, well equipped for SOS cess in any of the leartml professions, and he will, no doubl, be is bright nu ornament in journalism as he has tin questionably proved hum -If in the pro Issstonof law. It tht Plain-Speakei receives a finauci tl support proportion ate to its literurv merits It cannot fall to be a snccess from every p int of View. " ItSSSM John, William, Jamea, Prank Tanhiil sad Mist Ella Tanblll entertained the hospital inmates with S choice programme of Instrumental nmic yesterday afternoon. Hev N U Parke, of the West 81 It. is having erected out of tht preltlset cottsgee o be seen at that popular re sort, Glcu Miminit. Dr. l'arke'scot tage is on the lot next to that of bis son-in-law. Thomas 11. Atherton. of Wllkes-Bsm, south ol th hotel. It 1 1 a large building. 88 feet by 48 feel in general aiz, and of excepn, mally neat detiun It Is BOW under roof mi l will be rvly for ocenpancy by July 1. it it expected. DYSPEPSIA DYSPEPSIA rt in s DYSPEPSIA Harm s-if?-re.1 from frw r-:-u for llir. Tture. I tlf ad-i to trj Hr noons Bloob IlirrsitH ami afir t'.na t bottlt I foaad tn r -...if mi a 1. ivr thftt I wm ! --ir.t-.vt ass aeiainte; 't-i- 'shins thi. 1 flitil sarestf fully r. - rl t vt I 1 . m t i.. -( r anor m. ill--tn- f4ir. Wttly aiatelit. te H H I' Mi.- il Wmra K T Promotes Digestion TRADERS National Bank of Scrantoa l:(l.M.r.U IvH CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. SAMITE t, HINKS,rPrteMtnt W. W WA'I Si IN. Vice l'reeident A 11 WILLIAMS, Ciutlner. nusuiossi B A trim lltvrt. jAMit M rrrnmnT. Ikvino A. Kiscn. I'll in i ll. rtKLSK Joel I II .1 Jt HSVS. M S Kl Ml IlKlk, cuak i'. M.tiTHKwt, John 1 ruaisn W. W. Waisom. PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This Imiilt Invlteq ihn palruiiago of lniHlnoss men uiul Bmu p n rally. Atlantic Refining Co. Manufacturers mill Dealers in Illnminating and Lubricating OILS Iiinfood Oil, Nnpthas and Gaso lilMS of all grades. Axlo Oft-ease, Pinion Crenso and Colliery Com pound ; also, a largo liuo of Par rnfliuo Wbx Candles. Wo also handle tho Famous CROWN ACME OIL, the only family safety burning oil in tho market. WILLIAM MASON, Manager. Offloo: re I ':! S yonilnu Avj. Works ut 1'luu Uruok. What is -iritMi-M tjnMsjn i-si gmi i 3.-: l m SBBBBKM fl Custoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants mid Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic suhstancc. It Is a harmless substituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverish iK-ss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, Cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tbo food, regulates I lie stomach and bowels, giving healtby and natural sleep. as toria is tbo Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castorfa Is nn SABOOUent niMklne for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told moot its gsi effect upon ihi ir children.1 lilt. li. Q, Onnon, laowell, HasK Ta'toria Is the h.- t letSSdy for children of which t am acquainted. I hope the day la not far distant when mother will consider tre' r-vil liiter-st "f th.-ir .-liil.lr.-ii. and N'l' ist. .n i in sterel of Hit- YuriMisiptai-k niwtriiniswiiit-h are destroying Ihelr lovi.l ont, liy foreintropluni, iiiiTphlne, B.-thin syrup and olh.T Imrrfnl iiKi !it down their thnuita, therehy ie udiin; tin m to prenaaSnrs ttravi." IH J. V :ot, Oosway, Ark. The Ceintnup Compuny. Tl I P. P. P. PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM Makes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison EE Rheumatism and Scrofula M.rr la inn Von.l.ann ttaket dj si. 1 irmsui..it t-trnt t h.-t ij1n,m are Jilemed Hi-'! n I . isi.e, M.-. . An Mils M. X VI v HV. S. jfllel.1. Oreta Caaljr, M ULCERS. PIMPLES. PLOTCHES. ARSCESSES. SALT RHEUM, RUNNING SORES. OR SCROFULA IN THE If bo, your Plood must bo impuro. Cloanao tho LHootl and Syatcm with Burdock Blood Bitters R-hvilu., Mi. h.. April li, IS'J. SfjasOSl, Fierrrn Mn.nmr ev Cn. 7Mr Mrs I write that vou may know the (rood 1 have rerrirfsl from the Rritlxx'K lil.ooi) 1UTTEIW. lam now on tbo ninth bonis of your wonderfu Hitters, stnd must confets 1 have rco-ived prumfl cure of a lorn: tandlni; diseaw KCRnFl'LA. I liave used dollar afu-r dollara' worth of inislii-imet and ns t ivrd no relief, but the third bottls of II. II. II. I found nres,t nst 1 have also used three Isittles of Hruiin' R I'll.l.s ; they are the host medicine- I ever took. I csnnot praise them too hiu'hly. I do owe rny whole life to tl.i-m and mil rerom mend them lOSTBTJ living w ill that ts atllii teil with tlnd dn-iulful diaeafe, SCUOT ULA. I was sfflicted with liimpe as lnre as an raj In my rieht hide ami lare lumps on my throat, and my Hint wi re covered with a liiirnini; and itching rash, which very greatly annoyed me when near the warm stove. 1 had se'tit u Teat deal of money trying to Ret relief, and consulted the la-st medical treatment In the fctatt hut nil in vain, they did me no L'ood whatever, and I had sboUt ghm up when I thnutrht I would try your medicines, and, thank. ()od, thev have cured DM, 1 am a well woman to-day. Your ever true friend so i arell wither MHS. ('HAS. 1ILTTON, BerttUa, .st. ClairCo., Michigan. MALONBY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO MSnofholnrere snd D.aiert t Burning All AanJ lubricating U I Lu Also Shafting and Journal Grease. OFFICK:-721 Went Larkswanna Av. WuHKS: - Moridian Stresl Eureka Laundry Go. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Avo. COURT llm l -vi Ai.lt All kinds of Laundry work guaranteed i he best, iiwiiswr n i ! iiiii f ma 11 m till wi'iin in sWSBV MM BBBB1 BSSBBI ItJl V Castoria. " r.tstnria Is so w . ll adapted to rtill.lpen thai I r iimit-nd it naeupi.Tiurloaiiy priwriptiun known to BBS." II. A. Ancnsa, M. D., Ill Ro. Oxford St., llDuklyn, N. Y, "Our physicians In th" ehil-ln'Ti's depart ment have spok'-n highly of tln-ir cuiierl enco in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only h:tve anient? our ineilli-.d Mippli.'H what Is known as legnlsi pn.lucts, yel w nre fni t eonfest that th merits of (Vtoria lias won us to look wiUi favor upon It." DSRSO HOaHMtj aku DHPtssinT, IknttuQ. Mass Au.rH I'. Mm, Vef., Mnrray Street. Now York City. Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores Catarrh, Malaria and Kidney Troubles . . . . 1 1 . . I i . mi... . o . I I' l 1 SBr SW Vr. WT'iV, inty.O. 3 epf J. II. Jiilin.li.ii. tlftolr tiel dl '.ie rruiUoa mr fsi-e. I tnrd . r dt.owo Mne wf Ses as tila.attil v r. e . hmi, tad sin SOU eoUreli t?.:.- 1. t J'OINSTOS. e . t neb. tit. Stela mn-er Owi a si. TttHmnp e-H.ii. if.tr -r ' rjiri.rftt nif t Twv , Jsnntrr 14. 1- '. V. ttSt l.iri hi. Suoi , et ktinsh, ii.- fr in It. il.-. -.11 ii end tttttatoS Iruubtet, y.-ur. fru'i , tfl N M SCST, Alt. rner tl L.W. to (T. M IHM MM Fret. am. DROoonrrs nu i. LIPPMAN BROS. I.lpftmiin'ti ltl-k. tanntslt.Cn SPRING ' DKXTItQ nor CO., tno r.i;l. 91 .ooo.ON). BEST il.M HHOE IN TIM WORLD. A tlotlor lapid i a dtllar ntrnrd" TMlIsAdlflll Solid I n m-li IiiiucoluRIt! But ton Itoot flvllrvri'il fren ri'iywlWe n tlir I ,S , , n nr.it of I'rwh, Muni'y I rdrr, or 1'ohUI Nntn for $1 .'-J. Kouuld i-M'ry wav thn booUi Kxfil ta nil r-tiiil Rtorvn for I'J.fiO. Wfl miko IhU boot onrlvp, thrrnfttre we jifir iitiff tlm f, ntutf anl irMr, it'xl If MwOM M not natUIit'J hf money ilr. Otm on BtftMa Bi & KK, i and hnlf 'your fit yon, lllnttrMod Catu- loulID rnrr Dexter Shoe Co, SKi- (iprclnl trrm$ to ueaitri. What is More Attractive Than a pretty (ace with a fresh, bright complexiou? For it, use Pozzaui's Powder. t : . iVA " kr - - -y.'Jfc or semi aliuthi'l Good Men Deserve Good Clothes . so . DO GOOD BOOKS OX K of the strong points of Tin: Trib une's equipment as a lirst-class printing es tablishment is the fact that it has a superb Bindery, thoroughly supplied with up-to-date machinery and managed by skilled workmen. For neat work promptly done and at prices that are fair and square, it has no superior in North eastern Pennsylvania. Preserve Those Pic tures Don't Spoil Those Hnl tichromes Have Them Neatly Bound ihe Tribune will promptly j reserve any l the art series pur chased by its readers at prices especially moderate. 1 1 will make special rates on the binding of any or all parts of the World's Fair Series America Illustrated Series Multidiroflie Series OrAny Other Series And do the work so thoroughly that you will simply be de lighted. FOR ALL KINDS OF BINDING, STITCHING, RULING AND OTHER WORK OF SIMILAR CHARACTER, TRY TIIE TRIBUNE BINDERY FOR PRICES BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DR. U. KDUAU DEAN linn removed toUlO Spruce street, ticrituton, 1'a, (Just op poaito court-house Square. ) 11 r. a. jTcoknIu! OrBce 201 Waaluuirton iJ avenue, corner tjpruce utreot, over r rtneke a drun stora Resldeuco, 72a Vlnust. Oflico hours: 10.31 to Ilia. m. und 1 to 4 aud SjQtoT.aj p. m. Buuday, 2 to 3 p. m. DR. W. li. ALLKN, oilloo cor. "Lackii. wnuna and Wushluyton uven. ; over Leon ard ahue utore; ollioe hours, 10 to 12 a. m. and eto 4 p. m ; evoniugg at roaldeiico, 612 .. aahitiKton arc; Dl. C L KUKY, Pructlos lluiitod to iI eaeos of tho Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat; oflico, US Wyouunij avo. ltoaidouoo, 32K Vina street. DR- L, M. GATES. 120 Washington Avonui). Utiles hours, U to U a.m.. 1.30 to 3 and 7 to H p.m. Hiwidenco m Mailisnn avenue li'll.N L. WBNXZ, M. D Offlot. ta and -.i '. V,nonwiialth liiilldinu; ronidouco 711 Slailieonavii; olHi-o hours, li) to 12, 2 to 1, 7 to ; Huiidaya 2.30 to i. eveninira at residonce. A speriitlty made of dlveasi' of tho tyo, oar, noso andtbroHt anil iryneooloKy. I A m nun, I M C. KANCK S Law 'ami Oill.-i-tlon ..f tl . Hie. No. H17 Snruiiii - Hotiso. Soranton. f'a.: Mdieetlnna e aiMoltlt. "J . .... ,.,Iln n - ' ' j throiiKbout Ptonaylrulaj reliuulo oorrosiioml elite iu every county. I KSHUI'K IIA.NU, Attornevt f 1 ( oniisnl u lorn at l.aw. U.i,, i.t, i.,,n.i,,, . WaahluKton evu. .1 .-ii- UllBACK K HAWD. W tl Jtssiii', .In. w 'II.I.AHD WAHHliN KNAl'P. Att.r -. 'ii uiiv, ui-piioncaa i.iii I'lmar. ssliliik'ton svi... Senuitoii. 1'a, UATIKHSUN u WlUoX, Attrn..yrTtd 1 ( pnnttUoi. at Law; olhuta 0 and s Lihniry LuUdluitv SoruuU'ii, P. BO.Wn.1 n TATTJHSOB. Wil l. MM A. Will ,,x A I.I UKIHIANU WILLIAM .1 HAND. At ' toriteys aiid OoanMllor. Comuionwealth t.sill.r 1 nu Kiioms ID. 20 ami 21 ' I Iti'YLE, Attiirney at Law, Nut, III and ' ' 20, Burr building. Washington avenue HI'-MlV M SKKL L.-tw ..m in I'n.'u DaUdlDK Wieihliiittun tvenue. PRANK 1 OKKLL, Attomey at Law. llo.uo I -i. I i si KirhM U. Soranton, Pa. MILTON W LOWBH . II Vi BTORCR , i Att'yN I ton sv Wtthin. C Fl Hjiiere IAMKSW OAKHiHD. Atltrney nt Lsw. rr,ii iu 14 and tty Common wealth b'I'g VJAJU ki. w ed. .Ait, Attorn.! st U B) Bpmoeat. BcrantOQ. I n. I i WATRCS, Attorney at L.W, 42J I J. Ltrkswauna sue., S.-rnnton. l'a I) '' XMITH ii.an.ellor at ljtw. iifflr' I . r... in. '.i. ) 'ouiinoitwealtb bullninir ( ' I. I ll' HKK, Att..ri..-y at lw. Cone J Bttinwet tli biillnuitr. S. rtiin, l'a. I ( OMEOVa, ill Kpruoest nH KBHLOULE Attornev- Lntnt neo . t.stej on t.-i ettatt aecuflty. 40 Bprnot, 1 1 KII.I.AM. Attorney at Law. 12U Viy ! i-n-uitf aventi... Si runt--n. II AVt YOL'B DREDH AND MbBfOAQES written erut .hin.ul,.i t.- f te BBOWNINO, Attaratqp mm! Notary Vublir, ai 4J( HixiLOF TIIK LACKAWANNA Bertn l ton. Pt. iirepures b.iy. and girls for . .ll.vt or 1-uslneM Ihoruughly trains oung rhi.dreov (.eUtugue al rteutxt lire Tiii.m M 0AM WLrrn II Ut aLL. M ss woicnrTBB's kixdkbqabten sii ! N ii- e., 412 Ada I tTttlOt 4"npilt ''1 t all ilmaa it ttnn wlJ open DKNTUTTK ' LAUBACH. mirftui Dtattii No, ui Wvomliitf eve B M - I KAT1 1 'V . Sir. i . , r.h,nt- L4IAKS rpUE BEPIBLB ft.fin.". tod Utn e, 1 riatioii will lottn you motiev ot tsttitr ttnns sr. 11 letter on liiT.-tmont than ny othr a. Utem iU .-n s. N. I'AI.Lt.N- Ht 1 - l I l Il CLAM OCX, Nsi.mn. ri .rists a:..l Nurerryiro-n; store 14S ashtngton avenna; green le.uae.lJbJ Norili Main afannai re tetetihnfui Ts? I 1 - ItliAM' I Mi'N TEA OU TIKI M'RBKNS. I OS KI'F.TI KU 1lV Lackawanna aveuua ' . - f U ir.- Htm 1 mi RKTArn m T"UE WE8TMINSTER, HUIS W r m na I t K-. rn heat.-d ti'h n.stm a.; ni .T ern ImproTementa. C M T.I ma.. Pr. p 'I'lU: I 1 K Ml -l ... Kl, r.L.U a- 1 a '.1. kat.n r.sta.'t.at.le. r tinot 1 k. i v .prtet.tr. Ut.nfiU.V-. ILK ll"l I L' V, li. m HKNi K. Stum Mxteenth itreet, one Itl.s-t tsatt of ltr.,lwy. at Tn. -si Njuare, New Y.-rk. Arnerl. an pian .t 'S' per day and upward i'i Im: iiol'kk. Eoronaan plaaj g..l V r - oia 1 tn day end nlgliL, Her suie plied tun the ltt. P H PQTK1 Frnprlttef yjt KANKiN HOI SE neer D . LAW (3 SI Bjfjat depot Conducted on the Fnrojsten Ijlan. Virtoa Kte'n. Priprl. 1.1- HA H 1 1 CF.STKAU lie. largeet and tut: 1 ' eirilpped h.it.d la Allentown. l'a.; rates I . ai.J U j-r lay tiiTiis 11 rsRsre, rr. -prietor. Alii Mill- IV AVI si HOS IT. Architect! B.H.tns 21 n and 3S Ctimnionwealth 1- Id'g. S. -ranton. I) y 1. Vt ALTER Architect, Library i-ui. i I i lug. Wvi-mlng avail OS sn-ranton. 1. BHDWN. Ar.h B Ar.hit.n-t, Prtce building. ISA W oehlngtnn Arts, Scrac trtr. l 11 I I I t N I Ol S ii.M i k obcHestra Mt siit roR 1) balls, ptrtilcs. partittx re.-eptioiia. wed d'.ngs and emcrt work fitrnlsh.sl. l or terms atblraea K. J. Bauer, BoajdwCtOT, UI Wyoming tve , over Bnlbart't matte ttot. Mt'lCKiN u swaTits wholesalS luinls-r, s and Dime Bank t uildbig, Bcranton, n MKOAHltKE BBDTIIF.IUJ, PBINTEBS' mppUt. env.-lopee, Jiaer biigt, twin. Warehoiine, 1J0 Washington ave , Scraiiton. Pa 'nriBs LIVBRT, IS83 Cponae ave: I Flrat class carriages D I. FOOTS, nue. Agt 1 ill i-ral lllr.s t,.r ai d Kin'-.i 111T L'RANK 1'. BROWN . Co. WBOLB r Bale dealei-s in W'oodware, Cordage and oil Clota, ISO W. Lackawanna avenue '17.RA Finn a suss. Lin ien and rontrao 1-4 tort. Yarda: Corner 1 'live st. and Adams ave , corner Ash t. and Pann ave . BeranSan. THE Thatcher S THE BFST. Oet price, lad teo th. furnnce and be eon vincoil. A full linn of 11EAT ERS, Appello sml Umizo 1'oor Esngss, CONLAN'S HARDWARE Pittston r.. aiiiiiiiiiiBiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinc I AMERICA I COUPON NO. ST. I Send or bring two of these coupons, differently numbered, S E with Ten Centa,iuid get one of tho scries of sixteen magnificent s S photographs. Ten numbers now ready. Mail orders,'2c. extra. S iniiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJR RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF Tl LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anttraclto coal usod exclusively, lnsurina cleanliness and comfort TIME TA OLE IN EKFEPT FEB. 1, lSl. Trains leave Scriintou for Pltttton, WOket. Hlirre, etc , nt H.lll, B.IS, aM n. in.. 13.80, 2 Ol). Up, 5.0U, J.ts U.og p. m. Sundays, tt.oo a. m, 1-OH, 2.00, 7.10 p. in. For Atlantic City, 8.1(1 a, m. For New York, Newark and Ellznboth, fi ll (express) n. m., 12.3li (express with Buffet puiior car;, 3.30 (express; D, iu. Sunday. MO p. in. Foil MAircn Cnt'NK, Ai.i.kntiiwn, Bether RIM, EA.TOI and PBILADBLPRIA, S.Hj a. in.. UMO.8.80, f,.00 (except Philadelphia; p. in. Bnnaay, 2 00 p. m. fiUT Lomi IliiARcit, Ocean Giiove, etc., St 8.10a. m., 12.80 p. m. For BtMlUt;. Lebanon and ITarrlsburR, via AJUtntOWn, MOa. m., 1230, 5.00, p.m. Bunday, 2.(0 p. 111. For I'ottsvllle, 8.10 a. in., 12 110 p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Liberty H.C-rtfl river, at I'.IO (express) il in.. 1.10, LSD, 4..JI (express with Ilullot parlor car; p. m. Bnadny. 180 a. m. Leave I'hilailelphi.-i, Headlnir Terminal, QM a. ni ..(K) and 4 .:n p. m. Snnday, 8.17 a, m. IhriMiuli tieketx toall points at lowest ratct maybe had on upplicatlon in advance to tht tickot agunt at th i ttntion. 11. 1-. BALDWIN, .1. H. OLHA1-PEN, U0D- P,H8- AKnt Oen. supt. DELAWARE amj mud BOM KAILKOAI) Cnnilneiii Iolt May 211, IS',12, train, will run as follows: Trains leave Bridun Street Station. Bcranton, for I'itts ton, Wilkes-Bnrre, etc., s 00, fcOf, 0 37, 10 l2iL m., lilO. IA ESS. t in. .1.1.1, O.lfi, 9.U ai.il 11 B6 p. in For Now York andFhfla- (lell.hia. - Kin. 111. 10 : . 2 38. 4.1(1 and 11.30 p. m For Hoiiesdaledrom riel.-iware.I.ackawanna and wtwtarn depots 7.ou, 180, KLwub., 1100 in , 2. 17, .MO p. in. For Carbo'nlalo tnd mtermtdiat. statlont, 5.40, 7.00. s.:. lo. 10 a. m.. 12.nn m.,2 17, 3.2,',,.r. in, 20 tnd U il 111 ; from Bridge street Dapot 2.111 a. iu.. 2.17aod 11 'JH p. m. Put expr.-H to Albany. Saratoga, the Adi rondack Mountn'ns, Boston and New England j it. 540 a in., arriving at Allumy I2.1.V .1 .t . 1 2 211 p. in., and leavinir Scranton at J p in . arriving at Albany at ran p. ul, Sara toga. 12 .Via, 1:1 . n:.'. B ston 7.0) 1. in TBe only direct rout" between th.- enal field 4 tnd BottOO "The Lending Tourist' Boot, ot America" to the Adirondack Mountain re surt.H, IjtkeHlleorgoand Chaintilain, IContreaL etc. Time tables showing local and through train service between stations on all divisions Dela ware and Hndaon system, may b obtained nt all D'Ouware ami liadton ticket ofliotl. II O YOUNH, J. W BL'KDICK. Btoond Vice Prtawtni (inn. l'an-w Agt. I EfilOa VAl.l.KY BAiLBOAD. 1 FIB. 11, Train leavee S. ranton for Phllflnlphla an 1 Ni w York via. D A- II II K. at 1 a.111 . 12 I I, IM tnd 11 p. m via D , L A W. H. B , oOO, EQStlLSO. in., and I JO p. n. I its Bcranton for pittsbm and Wi!ka Bam Mitlr. L A W B. B- il.Oo, s Os, 11 21 a. m , LSS EtD, i' 07, H W p. m. Leave Bcranton r,,r whit. HartO, Har.leton. Pottevilln ami all points on tho Beaver Meadow tnd Potts Til la brsnclies, via E A W, fa .BJ., Tl. D, A- IL li. 11. at s a in.. 12.1 1. 2.3. 4 IS p.m. r:a li . L. & W. R. R.. ii.n0, s.lM, 11. Ji a in., 1 .11, ISO g,.tn Leave Scrantoa ( r Bfthb-hem. Faston. Beadiiif. Ilarrl-burg and all mtermtdiaM point wall All 14. It, a 111 12 I 1. 2 H II. li DJB .via I) . I. W. U. R..e(JO, 0s, 11.20a. m 1 i p in. lave Scratiton f - rTinkhannock, Towan la, Eliniro. Ithai i, n.T. and all intenn.sllite tiinbt via li II li R..S.0I s in.. 12 lo and 1L8S l iil via li L W K B ION e.nLLS0 p ta. I avr Berantoa f Boch.Mtor. BulTalo, S'i agars FaUa, D.'trolt, i'hn-atr and all point 1 eet rial) - II l;. 11. Sol :,.m..l2 !;. 1 I IS In in. via D. L A W. B. R and Plttttoq Junction, so a tn.. l.U') ts m. v.a I. A- W. Il It.. I II p. in. For Elm r end th we-t via SalinmiOL rl I'. li II R t.7 a.m.. ISlOlCifi p. ra . v.a D, I. W It It. ue HL. 1 i and il'17 p m. I'ullmtn parlor and .;'. ;i or 1 V. chair ears on all traina te.tw.n L. i 11 Junci . -Wflktt llarre and New York. Phiiad-lplla, Buffalo ati I Bnapenaion bridge Rnl. LIN II WILBUR, (Jen Supt. E.st DI-- H.i R,L..I 't n Paa. AS't, Phila.Pt A W NONNEMACHEB Aatt (J n Pa. Ag t, Kiuth Bethl.-liein. Pa. nEi.AW -bi.. LAI KA WANNA AMJ WESTERN RAII in 'AD Train leav S.-ra.'.i n as foil -. Fxj reti for Ni-r rk and all i"-iiit Katt, 1 H . '.i, Sl '"ar.. 11 i a. m . 118.1 and 3 ikt p. ra, Eitirees for Easttin. Trenton. PhtUdelphla and tat nth. SIS, sou and VSn a in ; 12 a and 1 SI p nt. Washington and way stations. 2.40 p m. T. byhanna accoiiiiii "iatl..n. .10 p. m. Kxpr se for Btn.hamton. Otwtao, F.'mira, Coining, b-tth. Iiai,.vhl. Mount Morru and Buaio, IJ I" 2 ! a. 111. and I 2 p. m.. niakintt , ipt. . MBWttoa. at Buffalo to a.l p .una m tht wtat nortkweal and South west. Ba h aer. .itiiti slatii.n. B.S0 a m. Bti-gliaiiit.-ii and way atationa 12 37 p. m. n Ii Tli litutl an I wa station. ' 4i p. m. Blackantoa and Bhnira K.pres. fiui p m. Expreet for 1 orUand, flji anna, itewego, I'tlcaaud Knhnrll BpriaS. ill a m. and LSI p m lt'isca. I IS and I Ji a tn and 1 24 p ra. lor Sort huinherUnd.Plttat n. Wi.ns Harre, rilllliaSS It. .1111 urg and Dam ill.-, making ii- it c -1. te s 1 1. "1 at NortliuniU-rl.tiid f .r Wllliain rt, Hart :burg, llltlm -re. WssU- p't- :. and the BOtttb. SorthuinU rlauil slid Intermetllate atatlon SIH e O a ni and 1 3t' and HOT p m. HaalWoka and intermedial.- stations, 80S tnd II .1 a in I'lyuioiith tnd iubrmedUti stations I '. and U p. m Pullman parlor and slts-plng coaches on all extern tra it. For delailitl Information, picket tlm' tablet, et, . sp ,t to M. L. Mllltll. city ticket ottot, .L'. I. a. kaarann. ITWWl ordepttt ticket office. it' ll NT-.l Hit ll(. In 1 Seel Immui 2m. 111 1. orllt nulllitl. ( Hound. .mi SOI 2i- rOS StM SO L. S- .-I .1 7! J 3 r .Tralnt Itsllt- T. " i3 r 9 . " h Re c-nl soitidiiv I fs H B St " . . w v rne Leave , g 2N Y. Franklin s: ....I .... ;s) lo West 4Snd stns t I.... 7Si wMkawku ! ..., tt.it aHArrtre Leave a mi r k r a MB ... 0 lt ... 7.,' .. 71 ... T4N .. I Han.', cl .1 unction fi i H03 i' 11 a a i an S41 a ,vi t 'V IS !.S IS SM 1-1 I Hancock (ilfj ri ' 6 , , .'. ;j . ii (! , BUrUgbl PrtMton Park Com Povntelle BeUnont 1 1 isanl ml Dntondsls Forael city I II ll IlltU C White BrtdR. M -i Held 4.1 in Il Archibald Wlnlon r.vkMllo (jt hunt Stokm Throop Prot ItebOS l'.nk place 7 " ?! r. c 7 itp t Ml B ii ' .... t & oi I 2" hi SH ....'JO 1 1 BS 7 l't A M .1 I'J r -.4 it It n ",i i 7 a,- si t n S4 t: .ui3 fll 41 a isi'.s-.vriiio fK IK f A' 6 4ii r. j' it n t :u s I4,ii tt! .1 lliflliW 7 81 9 M .1 4S 7 4o I0e8 n SI 7 ?, 10 OS 3 M : i io io s 7 sa io is; 4 ot 7S4 10 17 4T : '6 io a i; 4 io ii.- in at 4 14 oa in s: 417 6 ' 11 :7 nr. s fS IU 4 V u rii il lol IS 4 V fr. 1 1 f i Ml ... ... . . ... 8 to 4.'s 11 lift: soranton sl M .ill 4) r st ala .Lwve Arnvr-'a m r All tialns run d.illy except : Sunday. t slgnllli-a that trains stop unsiyn.1 for pi. Bei'L'cr. AlMIUOBSl trains 1. ave OSTMnosiS for Scran ton 1 10 and 8.18 p. in . arriving at SeTSBtOB 1.5S .nd 7 00 Leave scrantnn for enrbondale r. and f,80 arrn lug at carb mdale at 7.38 and '.us p. m. Secure, rates via Ontario a Wastsra bStOf purchasing tickets and save motley. Day and Sui, Bipreta to the vtent J.C. Anderson, Gen. Pass. Agt. t, FUtcrott, Dlv. Pa;-, AKt. fcj-antuti, Ta. T "s Kl K AND WYoMINil VALLF.Y BAIL Ij ROAD Train leave Scrantnn for New Y'ork and In termediate points on the Erie railroad nt OkSI a. in. and X2i p. m. Also for Hawloy and local pointe at A llTi. 0.4S and ai it in. Train leaxing nt U.40 a. m. andB-M n-m. are through trains to and from lloiiesilnlo. Trains loavu lor Wilkes Harm ntS.lOa. in. nud 3 41 p. in. i ' i fttBa-Saaato ' ' ... 1. .... , ...