The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 07, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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All the Fashionable Shapes
Trimmed tu unit Um Bleat fuatidioua
Th most deitOOtO fabric prop
erly denned at
Lackawanna Laundry
808 Fenn Avn.
Worrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
415 Lacka. Avenue.
Wt Will Offer for a Few Days.
Fine Moquette Rue At 2a oo.
fheae Ruga Hjve Never Bern
Sold for lesa Than $3 01
Williams & McAnuily
'27 Wyoming Ava
Mr. and Mr. ft P Davie, of r'.ynon
itriMtt, are In i'lilladlpliia.
The Delaware, Lackawanna ami Weat
rn will pr.y Southern DtvislOfl rmf"jr
V day.
A meeting of the Hndcarrter' onion
will be held In Hand's hall tomorrow even
lug at o'clock.
Srranton Clearing Hon AMoclation'e
tiial eirhanifen for week ending May I
were Kill, 121 '.'."
Th Delaware and Hudson 1 anal com
panv paid at the ( ,r.j Island and fla
WW mtn" Sat irday.
The corner atone ..f the 8t. I'tr' Total
Abatlln-nef a . 1 l'.,-uertt Tiet new hall
at rtellevti was laid at o'clora yesterday
ftern'ioa with nppro;n it r. ' i .
Tbe irUignn m of odd Fellows from thia
rity Who arn to attend tile mmhhiimi of the
tiraiid lodge at Alt pona will leave tun
morning OB th" StOO Del i ware, I.acka
wunua and Western train.
The funeral of Mm. ft J, Benmiah, wlm
died Friday afternoon, will occur from
her late residence, Itf rranklm avenue, at
It o'clock tbl morning. TO)S IMlHesu Will
proceed to KL I'etei'a cathedral, where a
SOlSMS high mast of fsqaless w Hi le- ivi
brated Thn name of Martin Joyce, a hotel-keeper
of Taylor, waa published in thia paper
among tlni lint of thou rflrMtu -koopsis who
Wttt crofted licenses ,y OOllrl aid did
not tak them out. This waa an ii.j:itip.i
to Mr. iloyce, who paid fat and to onl
bla In num.
The big met of tnte WfeeeiSMtl Will be
held in Wilkea-Marra .Inly a and .1. The
eSrcls win include a reception of
ileiecatea, session of the s-ate executive
roniuitte and aoinn nen funcin ii mi
the aecond, and n parade on thu morning
of the third with the big rare in the
TO Taylor bornngh council hn refined
to grant to Attorney Ainineriiiau and
Lieutenant Wovernor Vvatrcs an ordinance
permitting n right of way for thn Larka
wanna Electric railway until the borough
solicitor, John M. Harris, pMMI upon the
ordinance. Thn ordinance InolodM right
of way Djion every street In I be borough.
One of th'i haudHotniKit suinnier guide
hooka for tourists ever issued tome thn
year, an It did last, from the inn?nigeiu-nt
of the New York, Ontario and Western
rnilroail, through th" cnurteay of T.
Flltcruft, the ifficlmt district paaaeng.-r
agent. It ia a pamphlet tbealaeof Harper's
Magazine, enclosed In vellum covura
cVeitcatciy lettered. The content set
forth in dellfbtfal type and SlqabrltS half
tone lllustratl N many or the almost In
jiniiiertible besottec that are to bo en
countered along the 11dm of t hi popular
railroad. No person In anarch Of n um
mer'a rent should neglect to consult Um
guide book.
Anhaurer Punch Beer.
Louis Lohmnn'e, Hau bornce .-..,
Delivartd to ah Appreciative Audlooct
at Xxcelalor Club Room.
A Urge gthring of membnri of
the Jewish Culture auoiety wim present
at the lectin. 1 delivered by Attorney
Nathan Vidaver yoaterday nfternoon
in the rooms of the JOxceliior Hoeial
club on Wyoming avenue. The Hnb
jeot of the lonturo waa "What B ItlOA
tlon la Necensary for IIappineB."
Mr. Vidaver enme to Scranton but a
few month ago from Han Frnnciaco
and to those present who had not made
his acquaintance ingratiated himself
by his thoughtful and well presented
The andlenoe Included many of the
representative Jewish residents of the
Manner in Which Sunday Closing Was Ob
served In Scranlon.
No Trouble in Securing Evidence
Against the Violators of Sunday
Laws -Saloon-keepers, Druggists,
Bakers and Confectioners Do a
Rushing Business--Everything on
Sale from Hot Soda to Eighteen
Scalloped Cookies and Peppermint
A score or more of agents ia the em
ploy of ihe I'aator's union, which ia
eondMttog the Sunday closing move
ment, were quietly UfOQtatlnR about
the city yeaterdtj MQattflg evidence
against saloon knopers, druggists, bak
ers, confectioners aud other who con
ducted business contrary to law. If
any of the npent confined thir efforts
In the central oitv, they could uot have
been at work Ions Imf.ire 1U0
cumhing them el vm to the inebriety
which naturally follows an over-indulgence
of grog, assuming, of course,
tlmt th.iy were diligent workers,
O1 the saloons in the immediate
business canter of the city, scarcely
one refused to sell the eiinlomary tipple
to patrona of the place, and In many
iie the whitv-eotud bartenders did
not scruple to sell e itranger whatever
be Tar age ha culie.l for.
Many of the drinking place along
Lackawanna avumie whiHiu side doors
enn bo located vti by the BOloltl iled
00 the darkest if nights, had signs (lis
played abore t'ie bir whtoi) road iotas
thing Ilk this: "Hsr Cloaedl Posi
tively No Drinks Bold Here Today." A
Tni'U NK reporter after gUneiag at on
of these signs MOUtOw a glast of bser
after the following conversation:
"Olas of biier, pl-'ase."
''Nops; not Mllftt' any tojay."
"Well, those DIM at tlio end of the
bar are drinking beer,"
"Nope; soft stuff "
"Yea, 1 Know but give me aome
with foam 0:1 top."
"Well, give me a glas of hop soda -with
t!.i aoOCDt on the 'hop.' "
The f tv dispenser of stimulant
gare bis nraetaOM nu extra twirl, and
winking his other eye, forthwith plaoad
laif.ire the report-ir a drink of fluid
which looked like beer and tasted like
beer and which was bnr.
This octurreno inertly Illustrates
how strangers secured their drinks at
many placi-a througlioat the dav.
Many atloooa worked the old doig.
of seating a man, who asked for Intoxi
cant, at a table in a room adjoining the
bar. There he waa furnished with a
dish of cracker or prtzN and a
glass of bear, or whatever drink he
iked for The nickel or dine paid for
the lunah, the drink being thrown in
of c 1 1 r--. At soin of the place where
this dilg wa etnph red with Gran
gers, a half-doxen of apparent freinu
ta)f nt thu place wouli N Hewn holding
up the lair, saying anon, "Kill up
sgaiu, I'llly." And Hilly would till eui
However, to the credit of the eiecu
live oommttM of th Paators' uuion,
nearly all of the earner penny atainlt
Were closed, as wull a a natlBbat of
bskerie and candy itorisi In the .V'rth
fted the Sunday was dry. v-ry dry, but
on the Q uth Side in.iov a i I" d SM
swung on Us hiiig.
1 he drug store of th tiins OM
ter of the central city wero ODM and
doing boataeag, They antkfewesoep
tiona. Mild igur an I aods wtr, which
branch only of their business they hsl
been requested to closs.
Hv. f, DoflT, district acretary of
the American Sabbath union and pre
ident of the eiecntiv Cp iuiultte of the
lstor-' nnlori, sal 1 to a TaUBOKI re
porter last night
"We am perfectly satisfied with the
way onr work Is progressing. I know
that many place are open, but tnny
will close bocan they must BtoM
Tu movement ha liean in operation
but a abort parnxl. during which w
did not expect to Wi rk wondei 11.'
the T'i per eent. of druggists wnopr'.tn
iaed only to sell drug on Sun lay, mot
Of tbcni have remained true to us We
have bn dllpod to be conciliatory
with saloon keepers and others who
have dulled us, but rt ass-irel that
now we snali strictly invoke the aid of
the law
At 10 M o'clock tht morning a meet
ing of the ntiion will b held at the
Vuung Min ( hn-itlsn association
t'olonel H. M. Doles will deliver an ad
dress and the Hnnday closing work
will be disc na I.
- eee$ -
Mf T 01 AT H ON THE Rail.
Michael rioHale, of th South Plde,
K iiert Near Nay Aur TaaaeL
Michael McliaU, of V.M l'ear tret,
South Side, an old man nearly 70 years
of age. was ran down and killed at th
Nay Ang tunnel on the l-lawr,
lisrskawa.ina and Western riUfOaVd Sat
unlay atterunun by the fnat New York
express du in thla city at 1 07
Mcllale was walking on the south
bound track and got out of the w iy of
01111 tram, stepping in 'rout of the ex
press which could not lie stopped in
time to save hi life
I l'th arras and legs were broken and
his skull was crushed.
The fnueral will bo held tomorrow
morning with a requiem mass at St.
Jofan'a thurch Bt 9 JO, Interment in
My do l'ark cemetery.
- 1
Further Notorlty for a Wat Side Wife
The case of Aiisolofli Arnold and
Annie Dingaan, the two who were tri
ed In last winter' court for adultery,
has again boon brought into public ni,-
Miss Dingman was released from
jail Friday night. Arnold learned of
thla and want to set bur nt Dunmore
Mr. Arnold learned the particulars of
the meeting, but said nothing about it
when her husband returned home.
The latter for aomo rertiion abmed hi
wife by kicking and beating her.
Mrs Arnold had a warrant leaned, for
her liushnwl'a nrrsst. At a hearing be
fore Alderman Morgan Arnold waa
committed to jnil iu default of 1800
bail. Ho. has .boon employed as
carpenter foreman at thu lisllevue
No. 10 of America.
No. 10 of the cbnrming nrt series,
"America" has arrived and copies may be
procured at Tun Tmsnira bnainaaa ofHoe,
The latest, number of these delightful
studies will prove one of the most interest
ing of the collection.
(i A V K.N in Fcrnntnn, May 5, Prank, son
or (Stephen and Susan Haven, of Htone
avenue. Funeral today at 3 p. m.
Rev. Warren C. Partridge Preaches a Thought
ful Discourse
Remarkable Growth in Membership
and General Advancement During
Four Years Pcnn Avenue Church
Is the Mother of Four Congrega
tionsThe Pastor's Theme Tells
How to Dwell Under the Shadow of
the Almighty.
The fourth anniversary of Rev. War
ren O. Partridge as pastor of the Penn
Avenue BaptUt rhnreh, was ap
propriately commemorated during
the several services hold nt the
church yesterday. Tho growth In
membership and general advance
ment of the church during the
four years' pastorate sUows Indefatiga
ble effort on the part of both, tho pas
tor aud the congregation.
In the futir years there have been ro
reived 159 member Into tho church,
80S of whom were received on confes
sion of faith and baptised. During the
four year 850,000 have been ralaed for
eilpurposea, and the mtmtMrthlp has
grown nntll the oommunioauti now
number l"ut person
Uomlderabl money ha ben spent
in remodeling and beautifying tha
whole lot Tior of the ndlflco
Tlilt Mi 'i llicit 01 POUR OHCROBBg,
The Penn Awn us chnroh Is th
mother of four congregations, tlw Firt
Grtrman, North Main uvenu .. ttrenn
Kilge and 1 1 mmor Baptist ohnroh
Two yean ago thamiulon nt (ireen
li(1n- was organiiad into the present
ooogregatiou by giving letters to
seventy persons, then members of the
Penn Avenne ohnroh, They now have
a membership of 1 PI and a settled pat
tor, A pastor w is settled at Dnomore
one year ago and the mission will
probably be organised Into aohnrob
liefur th end of the yusr.
v. terday the Penn Avenne ohnreh
wsa hendaomsly deoornted with fliw
n. A double quartette famished the
music and during the offertory horl-
lerjohn P. Watkin sang in solo "My
King." lithe evening Mr, Part
ridge begun a serUa of lecture on
' ill PottlM Life," the theme being
"Heaven M a l im e " A number of
singon augments I the regular ohorch
The morning subject wa from th
text. Psalms 91 l. "He that dwelleth
iii tlio erret place of th most high
-hall abide Udof the shadow of the
Almighty." in abstract the dlwoone
Was as follow.
'TbetSZtta deilgn 1 as ft Biotto tot
each membot of the church for the
coming year The text was probably
written by Mooes oommemorating th
experience of the chlldru of Israel la
their waiiJring tbr nigh the wilder
" 1 hr are two kinds of Christiana;
aomo who, like Ptr, follow brtel
afar Ofl there are other who ar.i ue!i
intimate friend of th- Mter that in
faltn. like John, they recline their
heail npOO Ills boanin
' We can abl le In th crt plc of
the most high by devout Bib) StOdy
Hie scripture are the leltere of our
heavenly l atlisr n I dTSSOSd to hi-
children itod reveals iin soireti
prs) erfnl students ol th word Pbe
seeret of the Lord la with them thai
fear him and be will show them 111
covenant." The Savloor Mid "lie
that doeth My will (ball know of the
doctrine "
"Th secret place of the high
InpUeS the privilege of ooouftaaloa
witn Qod in prayer, Uaay klada of
friendships exist la theworii. Bosl
n friendship t founded ni sj
SelBsbSeSS and endure as long as 11 .
profitable, There are iiisny poiltleal
friesdablpa that laat a long as thr is
an qmtable division of the apolls
Tbn' are many social friendship l .ii
are brokva up on the tint serial slight
such friendships r not booed opoo
abiding confidence In Often friend
ship bosom secrets are n it rcveaicl.
' S. mis peopl have only a busineis
ai qnalutituce with 1 e d, iney 1 111 that
church whieh ftOidj eat the ftlgbosl In
dncelneiils to assist tlmm 10 DaotOSSS.
lolltir or society fJod'S word ys,
'Ai qoaiot thyielf with 1 . . 1 ' , t,r ,(,,,
waa railed the 'frien l of (jcMl ' g ,,,rii
waa on net Intimate terms wit!. Jeho
vah that it I said 'BftOOh walked with
tjrod.' "
"The secret plsce of prayer is where
the Heavenly Father reveal ill ..
crt to Hi faithful children The
trne Chriittnn sboaM ptay without
cing; he should lire in a world of
"The trne believer ran know aom of
th vorts of liod pnrpusra aud plans
of grace.
"Very few bnslnm mn reveal thrir
ecreta If they do tint k-ep their
counsels they fear to bo ontwitted,
but a wi man will impart In prtrale
btnlnen ffalrs to a trusts I wife or a
discreet sou. Their iov and InUuuey
sioare msoy ooftfldeaoet od reveal
hs i.nrpoee of graoe to bis true
friends. The heavenly father appears
to have imparted to William Gary, Ihe
apostle of modern missions, that it was
th" divine Intention toooovotl Heathen
nation to a knowledge of the true
"The text teache that the Christian
tins the inestimable privilege of living
near to God. A little child must walk
Very OlOSOly beside its father to have
the protection of hi shadow. The be
liever who walks bandeJn band with
hla God cn ftMde ..!- ehadow of
hi Almighty Father."
Interesting Hx-rclssa 'J'lmt Will He 1111
at Waverly Wsdnesday.
The Wnverly High chool will hold
its annual commencement on Wednes
day evening at thn Baptist church.
Professor F Ct Haonon, the prlndpal,
has ItlOOSeded in establishing a most
thorough and SOOOOMfal school. The
memUers of the olass are Ina itenj 1
min, Dora Card, Sophia Malionoy,
Sadie Mahoney, Maud Miller, Gora
Slieriuan, Mabel Hherman,
Washington Camp, i'atriotio Sons
of America, bas oll'ered prizes for
boil essays written by members of tho
graduating class. This contest wiil
form one of tho main faature of th
Austin Moers.of This City, Buya Schuyl
kill Coal Proparty.
Saturday's issue of thn Pnttsvllle
Minora' Journal contains the follow
ing: "Deputy Slier ill Sal lade ha dis
posed of two collieries of the Bjan
inont Coal company. Th purchaser
of both was Austin Moore, of Scran
ton, consideration if 100 each.
"Tho movable property waa sold ep
nrately and considerable money was
re allied.
Orders for Regimental Court Marshal to Con
vene at Headquarters.
Those Who Fail to Do So Will Be Se
verely Dealt with The Thirteenth
to Visit Flonesclale on the Occasion
of tiro Kirmess for the Benefit of
Company E Lieutenant H. B. Chase
a Probable Successor to Captain
James Moir Other News Notes.
Colonel Ripple issued the following
orders Ihe past wenk:
BXADqrABTXBS 13tii Hkoimsnt, 1
Tlmm Baioaofti N. o. P. L
Boaaim Pa., April 80, 189-t. )
Ilegimentnl Orders No. 10:
I. A regimental court Marshal Is hereby
ordered to convene at regimental head
quarter for the trial of Owen J. Bagbee,
Company H., 18th Regiment, N. Q, P.,
nml such others as may OOBS before it.
Bald court Will convene Tuesday, May
IMh, at 7 ::tt o'clock p B., and have per
inlnaica to it evenings.
II. l'etail tor oi'iirt, l.ieutennut Colonel
11. A Coursen, offlcerof the court: Lieu
tenant. Jane w. Oakford, judge advo
cate, By Order of
OokoMWi r.r.ii FX BrmJL
W s. Mii.i.ah, A'ljiitant.
BUnQOAKnrM ihtm RMtireaT i
Thixd BnruAOft, N. o. P..
Bl 1. n ; v, I .1 . April 3'i, I,!!.
b'egimentsi I dder No. 1 1 :
L Qnartermsater sergeant William H,
Jeaann, jr.. is hereby promoted tir-t Hen
tenant and inspector of rifle practice of
tins regiment, vioe Lieutenant OlandoB.
I'ratt. reeigiiml, lie will bi resaicted ami
obeyed acenMirtgly.
11 I lllli'lpal MU " VI i'.eese .' .itklll. I-
nereby appointed qnartermaater eergeant
of tin regimen:, : W. II. .les-up, jr.,
promoted to .nu' !cl 1 1 of rifle practice. Be
will be ie.(..- tea and 1 bayed accordingly,
lty order of
COI O.NKl KZR H. Hll'i'l.R.
w. s. M11. 1. mi. Adjataab
Col. Hipp! 1 is determined that non
commieelooed 1 fHeers ihftll attend tbo
11 toads prescribed In regimental orders
No. '.', and that paragraph 7 of said or
der shall be rigidly onforood. The par
tftaph referred to read a followoi
"Any non-OOmmlslo'ied ofll -i-r lint
ing himself from two of tiu-ie school,
exeeptfoi geml an l ?alld reasons, or
any uon commissi nod . : . si reported
by the ai! jutaiit a not diedayii.g rea-
onabie iniolligi noo f noo.ebmm!ssloft
doties, shall bs rvqnirsd to appear be
fore the board of xamieers fur reex
amination." In OOmpliftaOS with this
rdr Colonel ICippie lis dircud Ad
jutant m to eiid each oompaay
cotnmandr a circular letter of which
the following I a opf .
1 1 R A I -,' Mill II- I'.l'i.JUe'lT, 1
Tfttno Bmoaml n. (i. p. '
Si ftXS 1 S, i a . Vay I, l."t. (
1 aptain 1 asweay . Tbtrieootb
tuigiment. Thud llrljiate, N. 0, P.!
CanaiN I am dlrrcissl by '..i nel Hip
plo, nommOnding the regiment, to call
yonr attaaUoe to pari v ami vi. regie
mental ardor K 0, eorreot Mriee aaddl
irrt yon lorlkwith t-i eu, 1,. tlm major
e.iniuiandins "our tMitsli n the namni of
all boo cminlsslone 1 otneert arTiN teJ by
thleesder At ' wn - ibt they
praeoftt thetawlv for xminatioo at
me. Tin- aoeteeed bt informs yon of
the hub none. affe. t.-l b) paragraph VI of
it lj leotel a let Me v
lieepe. tfullv your ebedlant aervant,
W, H Mm is, Adjutant.
TblrtrentU lugiuteat, N. it. I.
The nam. of LbOOS delinquent nou
commissi eneO i Bseers are withheld
pewdlog an eopertnalty for thm to
demons trots mat they nr 00m potent
loottil bold noo eomoaleeioeed war
rant '1 tio deliqueuls ar
1 1 -IU tin- fi'ilowluc roiupani Com
pany A. 1 . 1 iomMay B, f 1 omnoftt ( ,
1 doospeny D, l;OeenMay l'.. 8; I n
paay P, 8; Oompeny It, bom; Com
paiiy II, rt Total. ' i
mumus at ii ajajj nt x
Oompaay B which never doe any
thlng by halve, hm hard at STOVh
fet evrl week In the prprtlon of
klrftUH which will l held at their
handoome new armory the week t
ginning May II. the proceel to bs de
voted to paying off th debt now land
Ing ogalnst the tmtttj, Company I
has been parllcuiar Iy forfftltO iu ar
ranging III klrmssi in securing aa In
st rue tres. the . i vices of Miss -tewar 1,
an eooofnpilehod ami aSjeented yoaag
lady resiling nt Kingston, 1) Y Ml
Mwart is likewise fortunate iu Laying
tl.e beat and most accouipliabed Deopln
i Honesdale , . .i.i her in prepar
mg tn ovrl butifai Sjeaees
ol whtoi a kirm.-M conit
There i no city or town the die of
BoOSOd ale that can produce more beau
tiful and accomplished young ladle
Por ft Klrtfteae Of any other entertain
mefll than can th Mapl city. That the
KlrmeOS will be a grand a'irc h .
nut been doubted allies the services o!
Mis St .wart w ernrcd. Th armory
will be crowded afternoon eud t Vetting;
b the J -opl of Hooeodolo and vlcun
ly Wednesday. May in will bo dig
natsd ''SorantOO lv " 'Colonel Klpple
and statf and the several oompame of
the Thirteenth regiment will vuit
Hoosodoto, uo tin day Ibe regiment
Will leave via I'.rio an I vVyoinuig Vai
ley (hy the conrteay of Suprlntendoiit
(teorge li. .--nilthi early Wednesday f.
ternoon the 18th arriving In
Mom lain toward eveuiug and
will give a regimental parade,
for whtrh they ar ellrated.
for the beueflt of th crowd which will
be c aggregated This parade will le.
oue of tbe feature of the kirtnts. Ii
lias bn sixtesu year sine Hie regi
ment last visited Hondale. 'I he ggsj.
eroslty and kind t rest ment of i is peo
ple OO that occasion are still fresh in
l be mem Ot les of too of the Thirteenth
who are still iiUnnfisd with the regi
ment. The retnrn trip from Hon
dale will be made at II o'clock, tbu
affording the mmhr of the regiment
splendid opportunity of passing a de
lightful and entertaining evening and
at the same time lending assistance to
Company f, in it effort to own a de
cent armory. Let every man of tho
Thirteenth bo Oft parade in HOBOftdftlo
on May 10
DftVieS A GrriAo have oflered a plen
did prir.e for cumpetltlou between the
several OOmpSOlOS of the Thirteenth
aud other rglmeii, to take place mi
Deooration Day, Company 0 hog been
hard at work drilling for this contest
and are rendy lo moat all comer. Thus
far it look aa tbough they would have
a wnii. over, a no other company seems
to have courage lo knock the chip oil
their snonlder. Why not make an in
teresting contest bft W0O0 several com
panies? Tho commiMlon of Captain Moir ex
pires next Monday, May 18, Thia will
complete ton yearaof aervioe ns eaptaiu
of Company 0 and iieventeen years' ser
vice in the regiment. Should the cap
tain Insult upon retiring, n lionow em
phatically says he will, First Lieuten
ant H. B. Chae will be nnanimomly
elected captain in his place.
The iion-3ommiiooed who do not
attend tho schools are invariably the
men who do not know their duties ns
non 'Commissioned, bavo little or no
knowledge ot the tactics, and ore a oon-
stant drag on their company. Theie
so-called non-commiisioned will be
amusing themselves iu the rear rank
Major Whitney will announce the
name of the new adjutant of the Sec
ond Battalion this week.
Adjutant Miller conduoted non-commissioned
officers' school at the Scran
ton City Guard armory laat Thursday
evening and at Honaidule Friday even
ing. He will visit Montrose next Fri
day to conduct school in Company G's
armory. Ckitic.
Th Ronaldaon Traot Near Pottiville
Purchaa.d for $03,328
Last Thursday evening's Pott6Ville
Chronicle contains the following:
"Preparations are being made for ex
tenslvo operations on tbe Konaldson
cos! tract in the North war I. at the
northern end of Flshbach. Negotia
tions have been going on for ome tim-i
past between the h'dr of tbe Ronald
son estate and some Scranton capital
ists with a view to consummating a
sale. Yeiterdav afternoon the saie was
effected at Philadelphia and the con
sideration paid w is ii;'.,o2s. Tho pur
chasers of the tract ore .Messrs. Thomss
H. Dale, Thomss H, Jon, D. M,
Jones, 1). M Powell. Judge 11. M. Kd
ward and l)anll Weller. It is ssid
that these men have a copital of 8,
OuO.OOu behind them and will put in
some of th finest tutno machlnory to
b.i found t any of tne coal operations
iu this region, The Konaldson tract
contains 187 euros and la regarded us
one of the beat piece of coat land iu
thn county. It in underlaid with all
the principal coil meaaaree."
Many Oranlzr.tions Will Join in a
Parade and Picnic at Ccntr.ll
Park Garden.
Labor Day will be observed iu Sera'i
tOO by the various labor organisations
of tho city today. There will be a big
psrede, in which all the industrial or-
gaulatlnn of the city will DOftieip it .
The various organisations will as
semble in their risprllvo division at
I o'clock sharp a follow
Fust dlviion--Forui on Adams ave
nue, right resting on Linden street
Second division Form on Washing
ton aveuu, right reattag on Sprue
si reel.
The unions will be OSOOmblod In the
following order;
MUST Division.
.e, raoea band.
Central Labor mil in.
Vkdtlag ontena
I'ainters union.
Htnuncutter' union.
I .aceweaver' nuion.
lUyi - It... . Jrunip corps.
Beraatop 1 pi graphical union.
St- ni nt turs' iiiiLmi.
t igarinaters' ooloai
Mim-i imu' aeoestatten.
rt. lei's dniin rnri
Tin, BBeet, Iron and 0 roil Worker.
LoUaMS anion
l lasierer' union.
I'.nmher' onion.
(Jlee.bluwer' uuion.
BtiSklayaSO' union.
Strtill. llVInx
Metart band
Carpenter' union. M8
iti!itr' eeioe, fll
i arirnter' union, 104.
Oarpoetesw' nuion, T5i.
Car-iiler union, M Taylor.
lermee Pri gteaaive
llr. theili .-l .f lrsiumeti.
Iron Mnueler s SS e I
un ot AHi n.
Tii parade will Url at I oVIrs-t
peemptb and ) ever tie. foBowlai
route pTomBptaae bs Mndea m ffooh
IneTtoe. to Mulberry, to (Von, to gafTMa,
to i'rankon, lo I mkae siinn. to tagbth,
eeentennareh to AiUma, le 'eir eveaoe.
to r.m, U.N.ulb SOtSsagteO, to Crntrsl
Park gardeu.
R 1 Worden, of Catpsntar' ftjgjtOO
718, will be grand marshal . J C At
klnsoo. of the i'ainters' union, chief ol
staff, H II l'rlre. of OaVMftOtfO' nnlon,
nd M. tX Flaherty, of the TypOfVftph
ical nnlon, aide.
At Central l'ark garden there will
be a PiOftta eftioh will be attendsl by
a ii.iint-r of wait known lab r lead r.
dddteeOM will be mad by Jainrs
Wools, of Huighauiton, Judge Stan
ton. 1. J. t'smpbell and other, of this
Ihe picnic commit! ha arrangl
a tng-' f war between MSVVins Thomp
on. a muscular giant, now in this
;t; aud a team of bora" weighing
:i,'ssi, ownd by Drayman George
Urowii Ibe ll ul strsiigt'.i bvtwn
nun aud bet will com off abont I
0 R c. W. INI.NSHAM.
Reraartialil IUuh Cb i md bf lllm In
lb VfeasssOM t Pn.moiarr Iia-.
In atiotlhsy iiniinill will bf noticed III
sunouu innt of lr. c. V. Ingraham, Of
Btnghamten, B) Y, whoi to be at th
,( -el minster loUL S-ruton, Saturdav,
May .V
I'r. Ingrahsm has mail a special etudy
i I lung illseaeea and bit treatment for eon
sampUO Is prokahly the iikeit luccswafcl
ever lBlltllte..
A .11.11111, a liiseaa which l a long balllsd
!l a-atll f .1 r i-e.t i-, .i -iune, i. cnrc.l bv
his rovluod Iii n. ore than 1' per cent of
ess,., treat -d Indeed not a single failure
is reci i, bst where the treatment lt, been
faithfully carried out on tbe part of the
all. lit.
Tfteee rnlt, which are wonderful, in
iled, nr SrieSOtd by numeioiis cnre.1 p
:li nts.
BAUTIfTJl JeweJry to m
RMl from.
VRItYTil l(J ncv.
INliS in new itylOB.
I N in and sec our new store.
OU arc welcome.
Tr.KT,T; Silver Novi'ltics In
great variety.
417 Lackawanna Ave,
Beat Sets of Teeth,$g.oo
JncludlnR the palnleaa extracting
Of ti.-t h by uq entirely new rj"
S. C. Snytder, D.D.S.
Bummsr Term.
Wood's College of Business and Short
hand will receive students for Academic
business and short hand course during the
summer at special rates.
Special Sal
of Ladies', Misses and children's shoes,
Faotory Bhoe Store, til Lck'a ave.
i The Melancholy Days
JJ Ofliouseeleauing ha va come.
i The Saddest of the Year I
J To the umrricfl neoi, hacuue bis M
homo is all broken up.
I The Time of Misery
Would be of shorter duration If
5 the hou.ohnlil enmprlseil some of
a ti.e tabor h.-ivti winch B 'rrfN'
m & CO. haveon special sale at this
a as a.
fj 'tin RR AttK -CMtiT.T BTRKTOH
r.its. sti'.i- i.miiu:,:h. i
S TIlt ltK ttl (lAHIUA- IKU'-i mil
and UAI'.DKN Tool. of all kinds
g at prieus wit hln revcli.
9 RBPRIOSn tTORS Is is aeom
je pMtaliaeoi ii"iui aad aossrj
m ai licit1, f
; 111 I I AVKM B, il
128 Wyoming Ave.
We. nrc now fligplftying
a Quo lino
hit Ol ios, BILK tod
$8, $9 and $10 Lines
Men's Spring and Summer Suits
Every purchaser to the amount of
$ oo or over is presented with a chance
on the Beautiful Parlor Suit.
Complete Outfitters. SCRANTON, PA.
S. L. ( r ALLEN.
Represents I ianislcr's new
Razor Toe Last. If you want the
latest stylos iu Footwear trade at
BANISTER'S PRICES arc a little less tDU you
are pajlog e'sewliere for inferior goods..
BANISTER will jiiTe yon MORE for your money
than any Shoe Honse in tbe city. Patent Leather
and Russet Shoes ir. endless variety.
tmmfA. aiasM AA. wt
Coxey's Army
Child's Straw Sailors, wo'th
25c. and 35c. On Mon
day, 19c.
Child's Lace Caps, regular
price 25c. to 35c. Mon
day, 19c.
Child's Mull Hats, our reg
ular price, 25c. Mon
day, 19c.
These Bargains for
We are offering for
Saturday and Monday a
40c. trimmed Sailor
For 19c
Also a Black Clay
Worsted Coat, with
moire trimming, latest
cut, worth $14, ' For $6.00,
You can have your
choice of 100 Capes and
Coats for $2.98,
Worth from $7 to $15.
Do n't miss this chance. It
will last Saturday and Mon
day only.
138 Wyoming Ava
m e xt dims: bank.
mn rBOsMSBBees
UcUwanni nnd Wtoming 1mm,
M HANI', )M, l".. 0
Can't Buy These
Boys' Kilt Suits, regular
price t$1.35. Monday,
Men's and Boys' Straw
Hats, worth 35c. to 50c,
Monday, 23a
Special Bargains in Flow
ers and Ribbon3.
One Day Only, Monday.