THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE MON DAY MORNING MAY 7, 1894. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, General Manager. rtlBLISHF.n DAILY AND v. IKK I V IN SCBAN TON, 1'A.. BY Tin 'lHlUUNS PU 11 1,1811 1 SO Company. Naw Tohk Omoi: Tiiibdni nni.niNO, Frank B. Uhay. Mammicr. tnrcrcj at thr ffUfaJtSS nt .Vrunfoa, Pa. " (Xrvnil Virus Mail Uallor. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. SCRANTON. MAY T, 1814. Several months hko, councils, we believe, passu! resolution requiring those whoso duty it is to patch the as phalt paving on Lackawanna avenue, betwsen the street cur remedy existing- defect Trithin thirty dnys. What tons been dotip, if anything, in thin mutter I Harbingers of Trouble. Cue ol tiie time etieoU of the mis taken eleinmicy of Governor Altgtld in pardoning; Michael Schwab, the ''nil i. anarchist implicated in the celebrated BlTtnwket riot und sen tenced therefor to life imprisonment in the Joliet penitentiary, is shown In the ungrateful manner iu which he ac knowledges bit liberation. At Sheboy gan, yesterday, he delivered belcre U IXC nniOD party of disaffected ObtOftgO "reformers" an addreei that in it in oendhry diatribes wealth, thrift, lew and the existing eouia! or der is said to tXOOtd in bitterness any -t h i 11 tf previously emanating from this acidulous agitator Instead of fouling ohliaud to the Uw for it graetOM mercy to himself, he assailed it witn renewed nnd tntenejfiod ferocity, thus newly pThh Ming the truth that of ail enemies an I the mo t Ins pi enable. This incident may be of minor im portance in it -If, bnt as one typical phase of the prevalent socialletii; fer ment its si(iiiticaiice 1 not easily over estimuted. From it we imiv derive ft new lesson as to the need of paroles rather than an outright system of par dons, lt also teaches the danger which rests in an abuse of the right of free speech and call with renewed em phasis for such a standard of vigilance among local and state authorities as will not permit privilege to degenerate into license or personal freedom into sedition aud incitement to crime Last of all, the incident reveal in its nuked ugliness the fact that anarchy feeds on the mistaken sympathy of those who pity its evangelists much as to shield them when they Violate law and call them martyr when they MO vanished a tliey deserve. I n less the American psnpla soon get out of this self-complacent iii'tlfT'r ence to the vicious instruction which men like Schwab are sewing ou recep tive because ignorant mind, they will Do confronted at no distant day with danger whose magnitude will come in the nature of a disagreeable surprise V ought not to view in the moving hordes of Coxey istu or In the m-opa-gar.d i of the bomb thrower or the in ceudiary no warnings as to our future duty as BiMttOi. Least of all should there tie among any large nmntivr of ns the false security that evil teaching thus uncorrected will cure itself by mere pfOOOM of time. The scrubbing brush and disinfect inU should be ftp. plled with the same persistent care to our nurseries of citi.-nshtp that wt manifest in applying thsm to our own private premises when diseases threaten and contagion (ends nut advauee couriers of it dread approach. TH1 I'KKPIi TION that follows is the contribution of a shrswd Republican who claims to be something of a prophet- For governor. Daniel H. Hastings, or Center, for lleutsnnnt governor, John It. Kohinson, of l)ela ware; for secretary of iulernal affairs. William J. I.atta, of Philadelphia, for auditor general Amos K. If yliu.of Lan caster; for congressmen at Urge, (la lusha A. tirow, of Snsiiihanna, nnd (ieorgo i Muff, of Westmoreland An EquMtriM Napoleon. In a recent number of tne l'hiladel phiu Inquirer ip ir . a thrilling -;ount of a remarkable feat lOOOtB plishsd by Fraricte T. Underbill, who succeeded iu driving four horse at tachsd to a coach through a figure eight with one hand. Wuen BttVt lirndte jnmped off the Brooklyn bridge some years ago it wan thought that he would be the only candidate in the Nineteenth century who could success fully coinpste for the honor that have been historically accorded Jonah' marvelous piscatorial experience, or the thrilling adventures of an Amidis de Gaul. Hut wonder will never cease Another star has appeared in the re gions of Zodiac In the person of Fran cis T. Underbill. How Insignificant in comparison appear the DaMaVM of Galli leo, Columbus, lien Franklin, Wash l'li-to: . Napoleon, James , I. Corbett or even Billy Hine! .hut think or Itl He drovo four horses with one hand! Allow ua to pause for breath Onr or Tim first thing done by Ron ator Walsh, of Georgia, after admis inn to ths senate, was to introduce a bill repealing the 10 per cent, state bank tin. "Wo claim," said he "that the federal governmont has nothing to do with the regulation of onr state hank ing institution.'' For proof that this claim is unfounded, we mnit refer Sen ator WBlsh to Art first, section eight, clause ft and also to Art first, section ten, clause 1 of a rare document known as the Constitution of the United States, The Truth Boiled Down. Representative (Jnigg, the New York journalist member of oongrens, keeps up his reputation for pnngency in the expression of political truths. Asked what he thought of the chance of an international monetary agreement he aid: A silver itollnr to-day ie R cants. Wo (in J,e ml it is II. We are agreeing to make lelievo that it ia XI and so long as we koep up this pretence aud so long as people be lieve wo can keep it up, that, M) cents will circulate as tl. Hut when the confidence tails the scheme fulls. That is the present ntnation and it can never bo altered, ex lent by general agreement by nations k Inch will tlx the price of silver bullion at ii the mints of the world and muko a common ratio. Whether things are tend ing iu that direction or not I doubt. Whether it would be a public advantage if they did oo tend I doubt. I don't think that auybody hue proved yet that there is not enough gold to form the basis of the world's currency. People hove got into the habit of saying there is not enough, but I doubt if uny considerable proportion of l hem uuderstaud what they are talking about." This is so close to tbe real hard truth that it Isn't worth while trying to hunt for a difference. The restoration of ilver ou a parity with gold is one of those iridescent dreams of finance thnt will be realizsd when smoke tumbles downward and water flows up hill. Unurr a vat.ii aot of congress li censes to soil liquor shall not bo given to auy establishment within the Dis trict of Columbia located within 400 feet of a churoh. The law Is peremp tory, and the excise board of the dis trict, in enforcing its proviions, has juat canceled licenses to fivo of tbe leading Washington hotels, iuclndiug ( 'ham Merlin's and the Shorehain. Great, of course, is the kicking thereat, but the law is relentless aud congress is apathetic. There seoma to bo no other recourse, therefore, for the thirsty Washington lobbyist than to choose new aparlmout or elsa rely on a "growler" service. Now Speed tbe Bridges. We have received the foil owing com munication from a correspondent who is evidently out of patience with the current ellort to joggle with the Sweutland Street bridge: "1 would like to ask, as a voter, if tbe present view taken by some cf our worthy oonnoilmen Unit an open intuit to the voters who so jtisily mil with M large a majority passed the vate for the liinden street and Botrilg Brook 1 1 i !es. The question us to whether .Mtilberry street is superior and of more mo to the public than Linden I", it seems to me, a qnestlon, un worth f cf dicusion Linden is a street suited iu every way for a bridge aj proach, and will Always bo the direct route to molt buildings of im portance and pi i" of nmin-inetit, while on tbe other hand Mulberry street is of little use to either BorantOO or Hyde Park people. It is a surprise to many that a few are allowed to cause the delay of a public necessity, of so great Importance, bv desiring a chauge that benritt no one but tin m elws Lke l oxer's armv, may lata detriment to our city's prepress Im crushed and the good work, a tbe people intended It, allowed t proceed. " It is possible that no insult is intend ed in the present ellort of certain conn lllllleti to divert tlie new blidg from I. iteb u to Mulberry street. Tbe effort is more properly dictated by shIIkIi consideration 01 by an Indifferent sense of obligation Is the electors leceune they wanted. Linden street and Uo other. But in either or any sontingency, we do not think our correspondent need become alarmed, 'lha Mulberry street project DOffOT hail substantial lUDpOC I behind it and tonld not now succeed under auy circumstances It is indeed time, however, to end SO much MM ease iu tins matter ami get dowu to business. Tin' people ratified the bri I ft project upon the representation that tlie twin structures would be built at promised, within the promised time and at the estimated cast Leery 'lav of delay impairs the likelihood of hav ing these promise consci-ntloiisly ful filled AM"N'i i i iih; reasons why citizen r.f the United Mate should feel satittied with tloir e iiutivs prosperity under a protective tariff and not go off on economic (kvltrking is this one sup plied by (htfeti, the eminent F.ugllsh statistician: During the period from ISM 5 to 18018 American and German tniort hav eti increased I ' pr cent., those of Lnglsnd only 13 per cent, and those of Franc only B per cent. Meantime, in export w gained M per rent , Franc 1 1 er cent , F.nir land only 10 tier cent and Mermany less than f pr reut. LrT 01 gel together now for the new Wilkes- Barre. iVrorrf. 1 1 ttiug tired of the old one, eh? " " e 1 No Double Standard. That is certainly s ipieer c , million of American morals when a man wbo bus proved himself until to o trusted in the company of any honest woman, a mail who, With ml a iiialtn, ba be trayed the daughter of a friend, de ceived hi own wife, cast disgrace Opon his own children and heeu a profane lion to tbe religion which he he uied as a cloak to hide tbe rottenness of I Is rl life, may wit a impunity atk tbo pnblie, to trnst him in a public rela tion, where the temptation to fraud aud deceive is many times mill -tlplied. It U certainly a strange error in the general comprehension of BtOral Btandards when William ('. 1. Breck inridge tuav plead, not without gaining the of many pertona. that bit private life, in ita recent exhibition of insufferable Immorality and deceit, should cut no figure in the public con sideration of his fitness for oftkinl honors. Tu this false idea we owe onr politi cal scrudals, our Tammany conspira cies lor tbe acquirement of public plun der, our Tweed regimes, Murphy "ma chines'' aud all the long catalogue of official dereliction that has made our jsilitics a jest among cynleal observers Unless wo are ready to surrender the decalogue nnd to accept as untrue that inpired standard which wo enll the Golden Rule, It will not do to perpetu ate ths false idea that onr measure of moral responsibility may mean one tbing for public servants and another thing for private partners or employes. A morality thus divided cannot stand, inevitably it must reaoh the lower in stead of the higher level, Inevitably tbe corruption which exists unchecked In positions of public trust will iu time Induce similar debauohery in private relntious of business Wo do not wish to be regarded as too pevere upon this man of great genius and experience when we insist that ho cauuot, with safety, be re-employed by the people of liexington district while he maintains tho defiant and even haughty attitude of his present canvass for rr.eornination. The man who hat sinned, however grievously, but who honestly repents, in the humil ity which makes no boast of what bad gone, before, may In time be forgiven; but tho vain and stubborn sinner, glorying in the nerve which could plan prolonged deceit an J gloating over tbe ability which binds friends to bim despite their better judgment, may not he exonerated from punishment with out disorganizing tbe entire economy of morals. If thr appointment of Mr. Dempsey to a clerkship oau reconcile Mr. 1 lines to the present postmaster general after all the hard things the member from Luzvrne has been saying about Mr. BUsell, ha must be exceedingly sus ceptible to placation. But reconciled or not, Hines will not land bis candi date in Kingston. Those who oboose may stick a pin here. The FAU.i'RKof Mr. Ratbbone, Repub lican, to carry the Third Ohio district, in spite of the fact that it is normally Democratic by reveral thousand ma jority, was caused largely ly personal uup pularitv. Republican should not take many obanor uext lall on weak candidate-!. Too much is at stake. T of the Stage. If the dramatic construction of Dau. L Marl's latest play, "A Daughter of Dixie," which comes to BoratvtOtt May :!1 nnd S3, equals the fhttoriOal efful getito Of M;. Hart's pros agcut, then) can be no question of the play s snccesa Witness tMs exoerptl "A conservatory filled with tropical plants, from which tloats tho odor of rosea and jessamine A spluttering foiinlalu made pictur esque by the glow of calcium light. Adjoining thli a parlor of white and geld with a brilliantly lighted stair way. Tne plants of framed by the artist's art form u picture ot rare beauty. TbrOOgh the window of the DOaaervatory tho pale light ot the moon Is stealing, it struggles for supremacy With th red gl'.)W from the fire in the picturetque parlor grate. The soft tinkle of the guitar i bear I among tbe , w hile from overhead comee the inli ne of tht dance It it GltH Clay bono'l birth lay aud h)f frlondl are mUbnttng tne event As the mtnic iimh and fallt on the balmy Kentucky al." (he comes, a vision ol loveliness, dowu the stairway. '1 be sound of bat slippered feet is heard on the tile than lug and the OOOOSd aot of Daniel L Hart's beautiful drama, 'A Daughter of Dixie,' begins.'' a Mr. Harl's Nr'siiP u friends will be please 1 to know that his renown as a pi n w right has attracted the attention of seversl noted dramatic critics to bis opening production at Wilkee-B irre I'roinineut among these is Chailes UooiohaVU, of ti e Detroit lo o Press, who haa rapoatedlj predicted m print that Mr Hart would In time become tht most ItiOOOaaf nl end frtll Ameri can dramatist since tbe halcyon days of Bartlty Campbell Tin (Uttering jOdgaMnt has been reinforced up N this . ccki hi by a telegraphic order from Mr Qoodsaall for a box at the Ufand, in tV'ilke Parte, ou the open in,' night He will uialie the entire trip from Detroit for no other purpose than to wrile a criticism of Mr. llarl play. e A (thking illustration of the linatn ial uncertainties of stage ventures i given in the history of "i 'Id Ktntii.-kv." the lively Southern drama recently pro doped at the Protblnghejs Tho suthor, ( liarUs Daisy, an inipeciiriioni Journalist, hawked tbe pl.iy about lb country, meekly enduring the jibe aul per of manager wno declared that the play was "rot ' from beginning lO tod At last a Milwaukee Iuli4r a few month ago was Induced to give 1 i lid Kentucky" a trial at a date when silro'iio were e ir.e mil I ui:i wee dull T i the surprise of all the I iai ei i sri initeiitaneoin sncoe ltl.t tlreedy played to a huln of over 00, and next season it will l reduce 1 by four different corn; am on the road While "Old Kentucky ' ha traveled the highway! of success, many promis ing plays and atari have been hip wrecked Usu what sbonl 1 have boOS plsl 1 e Adolf Ritchie, who ws at the head of tbe Algerian company, oat her backer nearly f.'o ooo. Kalh rine ( 'Uinmons. who pTOTCd a tir.l. eott Buffalo Bill over ttS.000 Law rence Mauler lost o,iHJU on bit short tarring tonr. Hairy Phillip dropped O,800 0 ' 'raw Patch " Tne "I.tugli ing Qirl" went to Frisco and came hack with fshod oso 1 he "old Sildlsr eott lit owner ftld0Q James T Power it ssld to have loot over flO.OUOoo "Walker, London " The "Voyage of Snr.stte" cost Mr Freneh flS Osi pa. In e Hall suffered to tne extent Ol o.000 for her experience at liarrtgaii'a theater L K Dtoekwefl wnt behind OTtr fi.OOO 00 ' Maine an I lieorgia " Besie ponohin loel over (i.wi ou her starring venture. The stage caresr of De Wolf BODtstr. : the well known comedian, who will ! appear at the Assdemy to morrow evralug In "Par jandrum," dalee back almost to his infancy. When a Ial of II years he formed a dramatic com pauy among the hoys of hi own age and gave creditable performances in his father' harn The prise of admis ion charged to these entertainments wss thirty pin or one penny. Hopper belong to the famous De Wolf family of OoaatOtioat His mother form erly -Mist itotalio D Wolf it on of tlie most charming of M compliihed musician aud a brilliant conversational it, and of tour is quae proud of her son's rapid strlds in the rase for fame, although at the be ginning of his struggles for histrionis favor she employed every argument to discourage bun in what seemed a bar ren ambition, iu the hope that he would ultimately beenm a lawyer, ft ft s At tht beginning of hie stage career Mr. Hopper waaa msmlier of tbe F. F. Mackay Comedy company, playing small part, and during his oonuectiun with that Organisation he created Hie juvenile rolo of Mils Gordon In an adaptation of an old German comedy by Air Mackay. In Ihh be was a mem ber of the famous Madison Square Theater compatiy, and appeared at that pretty playhouse as Pittacus Green in "llaael Kirke," iu Hie tame company with pretty Annie Russell, who played tbo title role, the veteran actor Charles Couldnck, Mrs. B, L Davenport, Syd ney Cowell, and William Morris who has since becuuio a lending inun. Hopper's first success in comic, opera was in the "Beggar Student," when his admirable interpretation of the role of General Ollendorf made htm a general favorite. Hi solo, "In a Mo ment of Raptnre," was one of the pro nounced bits of tbe opera. Genevieve Keyiiobl:i, a stunning Knglith woman, was in thnt company, and Rosalba Beeeher, a gypsy-lookiug beauty of generous build and fascinating man ner, who has since married a rich New Yorker, as well as W. H. Feetendeu, tbe sweet volcod Boston tenor, and Mark Smith, a general favorite, were also in the production. Mr. Hopper's starring tours have heeu very success ful, and he is today one of the greatest favorites on tbe Amtriean stage. With a single exception, all the principal people who have been aasociated wltb his past successes appear with hit com pany this season. Labor vs. Labor. 41(000 Uazrtte. Hi- 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 : , . ! nf frt nneh an "J M(,U -HOI" V Ul extent that iron mills are forced to close uown ror laclc or fuel, tlirowing employes out of work, tho coal strike ceases to be a contest of labor airainst caoitul aud be comes one of labor agaiust labor. DO not be deceived. The following brands of White Lead are still made by the "Old Dutch" process of slow cor rosion. They are standard, and always Strictly Pure White Lead The recommendation of Atlantic." Beyrcer-Rauman." ' Jewctt," "Davii-Ctvunbers.'' 'Fahuestock," "Armstrong A M'.Kelvy,' to yon by your merchant is an evidence of his reliability, as he can sell yuu cheap readymixed paints and borus White Lead and make a larger profit. Many short -sighted dealers do so. I ob Couta.NallMal Lead Co,1! I'nre White Lead Trains; Colors, oae-poaed caa n a pound lo .1 l end aiel mis your own pauii . Havre Haw sunt iaeetars at iisni hiiiu hades, and iiiMilrs the U,l j.juiI lli. i il l.i KiS'll le III , , vtni Seed us a jkaui ,af,i ad f,n oar tlr on aunts and nfer-card, ne; It will probably tjv. )w a a.ju) dulUis. NATtOMAL LEAD CO., New Voia. Large Stock Bottcm Priccc & Co. 422 LACKA. AVE. AYLESWORTH'S aliUU J iiiM. sVkU U The Finest 11 the Cify The latest improve-l fnr tilshiau etui a panlM for kee, in,; Mat, I utter and eRga ' .' I H ii mlii Ae Baby Carriages, Refrigerators AND Cedar Chests 6c Connell 131 and 133 N. Washington Ave. AHTONEHARTMAH 906 South Withlnqton Avenue, Omtrsctor nml liulldnr of QoCMVetS Kleugititi ('iicr niorln, ntate Itiitt.-r su.t Csl Ulna NVnt 1 -Hits drlnlnp. Orrlip msy hs left at '1' tt t'rnlt, ill suit A Co, Main ml Rvan Kreeis, or at Srrnntoo HtiiTn watte Also K.niii'lstloriS, (Istorna Msb Wlrx Tunnslsaoii ColBiw. K1hIi,j U,t Usnlou Vulk WANT a Anctrannn Ili'ary K. Millur Siiiro wa tin An intra flim "t'hlckcrlnK"niiam I'lano lTfi A m inn) liiilni'H Hi t. Hipiiird I 100 A ir..i Morer Brothers Square l'isuu..., so . (frsKl Fir th A Peine Sipiarn I'lano 78 A K""' rlopboela Miiusrn t'latm 50 A vt iy uikhI IkMbm I'iann t'o. Wslnnt (tpilKlit 1(0 A very R("l WIipoIim:Ic 1'iirlirtit Plsno.. ISO A vory irond WlieoUmk Uirlnht Plsno., 15V ami CLEMONS GUERNSEY BROTHERS' HEW STORE, rianos GOLDSMITH'S O BAZAAR YOU WANT A NEW DRESS You've settled that question in your mind already. And after seeing the new dresses in church of late, you've about made up your mind that you cant get one too soonbefore the prettiest things are all gone. It's only a question where you shall get it. You want, of course, new spring styles, new combinations new colorings and new textures; in fact, you want a large va, riety to select from, so that you will take no chances in having something old palmed off on you. We iLre tlie People And everybody knows it, that always are the first to show the latest productions from foreign and domestic looms. All-wool Silk and Wool Novelties, never shown before, just opened. New Brocaded and Striped Sewing Silk Grenadines; are very scarce, but we have a large line of them. Japanese, Chinese and Lyons Silks, in all of the new and beautiful designs, at popular prices. French Wool Chillies, our latest and last importation for this season, just out. Wash Dress Goods. Oh! Such a Variety Consisting of Foo Chow Pongees, Sateens, Swivel Silks, Dotted Swisses, Crepes, Creponettes, Bengalines, Ginghams, Dimities, etc., etc. A stock unsurpassed in variety, newness and cheapness. AT NOTION COUNTER Victors With the New Valves Out of Sight Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 31 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CREDENDA, 6ENDR0NS, And a full line of Boys' and Girl.' W heels. We are male ing extremely low prices on Set ond hand Wheels. J I Ul 314 Lacka. Ave. Fountain Pens Fountain Pens Fountain Pens 6PKCIAL F R A FKAY DAYS A Guaranteed Foun tain Pen, regular price Si. 50, for 198 Cents Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Enrjr.wcri B17 LACKAWANNA AVK Dr. Hill Son Albany Dentists Pt tvth. .!): Mt srt, JS; for B"U1 rW and twiiii arnOjoat s la tea crown sua brldirs work, cull lot irlms sni rrfcrcnees TONAI.UI.V, for latrerting twth without iaIu. Mo stber. No i . OVKK FIBST NATIONAL BANK. n u11 1 lAMQjp. Rpn IIILLinillUVX Ul IU Piano or Organ Cheap? LOOK AT THE LIST: A very loud Bhonliijrer Upright Pisno.. OROANH. A Miison .r Hnmlln.nonrly tii'W.hlRh top, iiniibiii read..! Aii A. K, Chase, nenrly new, high top, iloiitiln rwrl A Chicago CottaKe.nearly ih'W, hlfh t"i'. ilnulilo rsl A Worcester, nearly new, high top, . i .... i . i - i m 7b 60 60 ui'iiow I "1 . . , 224 and Organs at Wbolosalo and Kstkil, on Installments. Bpeolal Halt Street Tea an 1 CaxatiTe Tolltt Sia;n. 9c pr box of tbree Baffled S Ik UarWs, with Uiiliicil ami Silver t.'lasi; usual pric, 00c Special Sale Trice, i$ CtNTS. WANT THE LARGEST Amount of convenience for the least expanse. WANT TO KNOW The secret? It lies in the S3 Alaska : Refrigerator. We have Many Styles and Sizes. GLOBE SHOE STORE Reliable Goods One 1 rice Satisfi let i i 1 Guaranteed 227 Lackawanna Avenue EVANS & POWELL, Proprietors. FIRST MORTGAGE 6 BONDS OT Tiir. FORTY FORT COAL COMPANY. A limited ramb of tho itliovc iKiml' are for njile ;it pur anil ;ic crued interest bj the (0aaOWin partiea, from whmn ropies of Hie iiiurttrafce mid lull taformAiioa tan be obtained: I! W. Mullifraii, tVdiim- He eon d National Bunk, Wilkos-narrv, Pa. W. L.Wntson, Casliier First Na tional Hank, sHttttOn, P. J. L. PoUn, CsVlhV r IVople's Savings Hank, IMtttatoti. Vw. A. A. Hr.vdeu, President Miners' HnviiiKS Hank, Pitta-ton, I'a. And liy'tlie Heranton Saving Hank and Trtttl Company, Trnstee under the Mortgage. T. a AthertOD, Counsel, WILKES BAJKBB, Psi. A Standard, nenrly new, high top,doulilo ruod. 40 A Shuiilngi'i-, nearly new, lilgli top, dot est reed And about 28 other ttood second hand or k'lllm. "-'i to ItiU, , , '1'healiovo collection of Kecond-lmnd Innrii incuts are all in nood order, fully guaran teed, the greatest bergaius ever oflerod In this city. Call and soe thorn, lustuliuieuts or discount for cash. WYOMING AVENUE, SCRANTON, The ireat Marvel of Dental Science Anassthene A recent discovery nnd the solo property of H:r;;::i k Wariell, DENTISTS) 316 Lackawanna Ave. WHAT J O. SF.AMONR SAYS ABOUT AN.VSTHKNE. Ir. BXNWOOD t WABOBUl Afirr kavlaa; eleteo t-ih seeraotesl st n sittlasj by ibjo selateti notlied, 1 sm Ooeaos it sail rely tatloleeies i i ovety J, O. SKAMO HIIIIISltlHIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllltlllllllllL' DO YOU REQUIRE I ACCURATE aaMssssMPMsaakaaaMSMBOMatBBjaaa TIME? wk h vrm it. rnuiiMf! I! nvnwuck. LUniB U. UWIU Ave. SH Siiiiitiiiiiiiieii!iiiHiniimiNiaiK AM. Bf'ST VAKIKTIEU. ONION SETS And nil kinds GARDEN BEKDS in bulk and in piu-k-nges. Pierce's Market PKNIM AVE. America H- HI M I li I I I'M il III v KVF.BT MOTXD PLACI IN AI.ANKA, i iii. I MM li Mills AND HNXICO. HVK N I t II l lis UN III I ; 111 N TKM. U N CKNTS ANU UNH COUPON I OH ANY MIMUKU. CEED POTATOES