The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 07, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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(IN 8 ACTS.)
ONE CENT Connolly & Wallace
A Word. J
WatiH of all kind runt that much, ex-
rept Situations Wanttd.tvltich arc inserted
i I i n
th ACT.
Here you see another position,
But you must bo in condition.
A system with a splendid tone
Will always balance itself alone.
By the use of the Genuine Johanu Hull's
It exalts the entries, etituulatee n
hte nnd tltla digestion. It MB M nsed
Matchless ua n Ionic iu convalescence
i irehnsera are MlfBad against imposition nnd dis:i;pointntnt. Insist niton
tho (ionalne, which must Lute tho sinatore of "Johano If .fl" on the natCl llbol
KiSNKK & MBNDELSON Co.. Agenta, 189 and 154 franklin St., Now York
Scranton Loss In Fourth Consecutive G?ime
to Utzletou.
f m I x
And a First Class Second Basoman
Could Also Bo Utilized at Present.
Kinp Kelly and His Allrntown Team ,
to Play Hera Today- Strong Team
Organized for the Young Men's
Christian Association.
The Scranton BAM Hull olnh is mak
ing n glorious i-ifi.rt to keep its poattion
at tho tail and Ol the SUto league. At
Hailoton on Saturday afternoon Mar
tin Swift's club from tin city nffafod
its fiurlli tucctssit.) defeat. 'luora
torts of tli gaum at telegrar.htd to
tliit eity titled t .at MM fMlH of Ike
gnmn wait duo in ti trreat BMIVI to
tho rocky OOnditiOQ Of the U.'izleton
grounds. From n rareful perusal of
tlin detailed score it would appear that
the loss nf Saturday's g in at l e
waa doe to the rock. v ball put up by
the Hcrantutia. With a crowd id" men
WBO are mi p ted to be gool ball play
era, ranking ton errors in one
game, it in foolish to make
any excuses for the loss of
gina Ther are ioiiih lamentably
Woak BpoM in the Seranton clnti. not
nl. IV in the pitcher's box and at second
bono. Upon tba payroll appaaraUta
names of pitchers Hudson, lliran,
l'launlgan and Nulan. With the ex
( pti u perhaps of the first MRMd
tv.irler none of the iitiartette now
drawing salaries is speedy enough foi
Serauton' State League club. If
.Manager Swift doe MOM nulling and
Sec tires a couple of g od pitchers the
treasury of the local club will le en -itched
considerably when games lire
played at liogan park, lietter pitchers
mi l wore giuger la the playing. Mr
Swift, mean more money for the stock
holders. Considerable interest is manifested
iu the toning today of Mikt K-lly and
his Alienlowii team With Kelly will
be such well known National leaguers
as vise, klnlvev. Wood, Pat Hrowu
lag, Milligaii. I.trkln and Sweeney.
Si far Kelly and his men lnr paftetod
Mat ou) defeat sVftof being walloped
ty th supposedly weak Har.let.ius, It
would be much after the fashion of
Scran ton's Ims balliaW to turn around
and defeat Alleutowu. That would be
n delightful condition of ntftirs, tint
ore ibe locals capable of winning a
git ui".
Serauton is well i -presented on th
Princeton team. Arthur OunaU-r is
playing his well known steady and re
liable game at thir l . Jo o Brookl and
Ward are haying a warm rac- for the
noeition of short stop, with ltrooks a
good way in the lead, an I "BaMtM
Williams is patting up s rattling good
Tallin btdtlnd the bat
The prospeets ar- very good for a
young Men's Christian Association
team this summer. ProfeOaor WtAton
fn Bntnrdaf had a number of his bant
play-rsat work at llogso Park BjraiQtt
the Anthracites, and the Yonng Men's
Christian Association team was yieto
riuoa by a score of I J 'J The Young
Men's Christian naOrilllallllTI teaiu in
eludes such capable players as Owens,
Brooks, Mnlnlf, I'.itienle-ud-r, Jones,
1-iavis. Mclioldrick, White Mini Allen.
The team will probably be ngm-nteil
timing llie stllliuier vaeatlon by a v. ral
of the collegians from Scranton who
ure playing on Iholf university team.
The progress of the Scranton team
penuantwsrd is marked by a falj tin I n
tnl hut apparent retrograde move
ment. Saturday's Stata league gamos re
anl led as follows:
At Hszlcton
BanMon oaooo3flo-T
Si:ranton no o 0 1 1 o (I 0 'J
IIH lltJhlnn. Scranton, 7. Er
rora llar.letob, 'J; Scranton, IU. lialtern-s
Ely and Moore; Modioli ami i'atcluiu.
Umpire - Wagner.
At llamaburg--Harrtsbnr;,'..
. .0 B 2 0 3 0 0 S 114
Altoona II 0 I 0 I) i 0 8 0 0
Hits- llarrlshurg, 16; Altoona, la. Kr-
rois uarrisnurg, a; Aiiooua, li. uatleries
IS-aban and MMk West and Cote.
Umpire Rinn.
At Keading-
Beadlnn o o r. o i i o 2 o-n
PnttbVlile 1 1 0 a 0 I 2 1 0s
Hits- Heading, l.'l; I'ottsville, 81. Errora
itendiu", 4; rottsviUe, i. (latteries -Klmtiall,
I n and tioodhart; Llack and
Potts. Umpire -Ketrilr.
At AllentowB
Allentown 8 0 0 (I 0 0 0 0 0-8
Ksstoa 1 I I (i ( 0 0 0 0-4
Hits-Allentown, 10; Koaton, 0. Errors
Allentnwn, 1; K.sston, il. Batteries Uono
hue and UilUgan; WilHon and simrp.
The standing of the eight clubs
comproraisiag the Penaaylvania 8tate
league up to dale is ns follows: Any
one with a perverted vision will ot
servo that Scranton leads the league
w. i,. j'. c. w. l j. v. a
1 riakiirs. 4 I) l isaii
: e .- - .JK0
K.sston I : .I'M
Ila.lstiiiL. 1 a l.om1
jUlontowa.S 1
PottsvUle. 2 i
aiiSeraiiloii.O 4
Altoona... 0 1
Bnnrtay Ball Oamen.
At ChlcBgo
Chicago 0 001003 00 t
Cinciuuatl....2 0011 110 0 0
Mali Bxtraol
nutritive power,
improvi-i the nppt-
for man, woman or child.
r.tiwTS rr.oM many diamonds.
Bartnnn will join Altoona today.
Laebanoa, the az-Wilkaa- Barrean.canght
part of a fcauie for Brooklyn Thursday ami
mritle three erroia.
No paper naa yet da rod to apolojflae for
ineh rowdyiitu ai was aaea in this city
'mi week. Ilase hall must remain a rc
s table snort,
Popular "Ulllv" Parks has resigned ss
manager of the Kaston dub and sold his
.utiirt, owin to it disagreement among
t ie- -1 ck holders.
Hugh Jennings, Ponner, formerly of
Wilk-s-H ure, nnd McOraw OOOtionato
pot op an Infield gam for Baltimore ti'nt
is literally gilt-MfCd, Hngh Is flobiing
finely, but net balling up to im lieet form
There is every itidicntion that olio or
tWO Of the BMMtOn players ought to he
1 1 re if tii'-rtt is any deairs to mam
taiu the state laagna and make the games
lit fOT decent ei.eti attend, the rowdy
players must M dJM harged or iqnotOlMd. -llamaburg
Mranstngnntha wotkof the two alabs
in the recent n ttsvi I Raadin series, the
i'nttsville I'hronicle 'utemts that Kesd
ing was betMi .imply Lecaa -e she
syilenaasloallj outplayad, emi that the
work of Larry Retrlck as umpire main
mam fair ami Impartial.
sys the tfawa-Daaiari "ITnuirai who
nte assigned in PerMOM understand what
is eiect-il of th-in aed they geV Tii tk0
i Ivis accordlti: v " We iloli't know atmut
at They rex-. i.hI t., n tur. man It
and in partial; on t tba only umpire wLohas
rel ise.i up tiiae raqnlronaWai was Carry
KOtrlck, and Wilke-tterre kicked ou
' Eiag Kaily'aadni.rert having reached
the nnetlaal stage, it aaasaa tlass to rise
is in n nalilon. Tha appaadad etr irt
credited hi the All-utown trailer to Wil
ham Jtrotne:
King Keitv he la vary Wie.
I'ete, he's ale ays BrOWniag!
.Milhgan -aid h- Wood K i roy,
'r stop Ins txy II. h rl.. wiling.
If any Body ntttat be dons
it tuual b. P iiolme.
At night BtVa I Jtiao. in the park
With two lllll, girls in blue.
The Hor-aa more I think of it
nir boys nannot ba beofl
'llowy they soaked tost Ksstoti rlnh
It resllv was a Treat.
If it coals Mnlvey fifty cents
At araatret u Hallow,
And nwaanai it ceils l'.fty-flv,
Ab, what will it t Igoaallai
The sncrwe of tbe t lypliant- ander
bill campaign la tba Hrlaware aud llud
siai directors ..rgnni.-ale n Is assuiiil
PrriTtai kata haan reaalied fia nMtn thau
tsro-UUrdl r tha entire capital
This m-ans that the nw Issue -f ats-k
will ls dkMaihnaad at par and not waterel
to J.
B " '
T. II. TavL.r's monthly letter makes th
point that "with the total anthracite aoal
tannage f.- iiftu sraaaa tin. yoni
: , 1 1 0,000 uIl r JK per cent bse than last
yaar, aad wltli the prici that the r-
man.der 'f tl - tear will show a fallioa
ft of at least .t.iai,nisi tons mere, It w nil I
em xj'dirnt ti attempt 0 BSstartttM
at this time any res.rgaultalien plan for
Itessluif. If tiie fending ol two yean'
OOnpana, aim-untlag to only ah nt (A 'as',
ia' w nil that was n- -a-sry tn ba en
abled th c inpany to sell 110,000,000 or
tla,0 10,001 Collateral Trust Boa do, thus
paytag off the hoatiag debts ol sii kinds,
theiernn redy BO 080 roiirlnh.n, and that
is tha future of BtnMng does not oVpand
ii to- ability to hod nourfh idlUsteral In
y off ita p'lwnl fl lating UVht, hot iim
th. ability In tho fMnra la earu BJoMont
money 0 pay the lucreaasd flxetl
b n i
The PhfUdafphia Dally Stockholder,
which antntns relations with
the Whleuer F.lkins syndlcste, doetaTM
that the Heranion l '! tie Tracll m
ileal "Is believed to h off only
i I II
The Cambria Iron works will resume
opetaliuns m n-nrly all depariments this
week, giving employment to over 4,issj
The breaker at the t'onuell Coel Co. 'a
new mine at Ii.iryen Is rspidly Hearing
rompletion. 1 lie shalt liae reached
depth f 'JKI fe. t ami tho openings at the
fOOt of the rhaM have already le'on made
from Hih William A. colliery, the two
ihnlMOoMg connected.
n n n
It is said that Coxa BtOOtdl Co., owing
to the fsct thnt the demand for small
sized coul is far in excess of the output,
nre seriously considering the advisability
of erecting several washeries in the
Haxbton a ist net. In order to reclslm
thousands of tons of chestnut, buckwheat
nnd rice coal, which now lie embedded in
the old culm banks In the vicinity of old
lluck monuttfin. Experienced mine work
ers maintain thnt. the big culm bank that
,ie h.-i n standing o'i the liuck Monntnin
Irani during the past twenty-five veers is
the prize bank of the region, as no slate
picker refuse waa ever dumped upon it,
and they predict thai it will yield from BO
1,0 70 per cent, of pea, buckwheat, and rice
coal. It is aNo stated on good authority
that washorins will bu erected at Sandy
Hun, Ecgley, Pond Creek and Woodside.
The Uazletou Sentiii' l thinks that the
individual eperntors of the Ihigh region
are anxious to see a bending foreclosure
in order that they msy snapupnomo of the
lino collerlce iu the Mabanoy region.
The probability of a general advance in
nnthraolta Ooal p. on Juno 1 is so gen
erally recognized iu the trade that dealers
and large consumers hsve been buying iu
anticipation. Them Is somo shading of
prices in New ork, but tho OOMOBMOni
do not exceed 16 cents a ton. All tho com
panies seem to be involved in the rotting.
The proposed advance on Jnno 1 will pro
bably make actual prices ubont what the
present circular calls for.
Coal trnfiic ou the Sunbury dlviMon of
tho Philadelphia and Erie road, Is very
heavy at present. The coed is loaded at
the: Pennsylvania's leased colbiries at Win.
Pens, Milnsvillc, Morea and Nanticoke,
and is brought down over the Huuhnry
dfnaieo to Pottsviiie and Ikon irsjiofotian
to tho Schuylkill division and shipped to
Philadelphia, New York aud other points.
Au idea can be formed of the trallic w hu:h
on an ay-rage of 8,800 coal cars pass down
the line, through I'ottsville, every month.
Each car hits a capacity of 25 tons, which
amounts to a monthly shipment over this
lino of Do, 000. Ou au average, 4,000 empty
coal cars pass westward over this division
very month. Ou the short branch be
tween Nescopee and Pottsviiie, which is
fi!i miloa in leugth, ten crews are givou
steady employment.
Bncklon'a Arnica Salvs.
Tho boat salve in the world for Cots
Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Halt Khenm. Fever
Sores, Tetter. Chapped 1 1 an .Is, Chilblains,
Cm ua ami all Kkiu Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or uo pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money rufuuded. Price U5 cents per
box. For sole by Matthews Bros.
Stooka and Bonds.
Ni u YORK, May B. The qnietnde at the
Block exchange was disturbed just previ
ous to the close of business by a sudden
tlmp m American Sugar to lOll'. At the
opening the stock sold at lnsalOlli. All
sorts of rumors were put ailoiit to account
for the break. Boma had It that tho trust
will not gut what it has been looking for iu
the shape of duties, from the senate, hut
this is uot generally credited. The opin
ion in the best iiiformedquarters is thatthe
hull oliqoa bad,t00 much company aud to
day adopted measures to reduce its follow
ing. Tho other industrials uenkeucd with
Sugar, Chicago (las reacting IV Whisky
I.H, I.ead 1. The railway list exhibited
strength at one time and rose t to M per
cent in the early trading. When Snirar
broke, however, the improvement noted
was lost and the market left olT Very ir
regolar, although the net changes were
merely fractional either way. Sugar,
however, lost for tho day and was
tradod iu to the extent of 61,700 shares In
a total id 104, 400 shares.
The following oomplnte tame shawimr the
day's fluctuations in active nto-ks is supplied
tad revised doily by laaBar A fuller, mock
broker". .:i Wyoming svenu-:
Open HUh- Ixw Clae
lug. est. eat. big.
Am. Cot. Oil
Am innr. loui l"H4 irci, Jit.u
A. T. n.r IK M nw IW
Csn.Hu Mm Uh f t Hu
Cen. N. J l'Nt. U. li, 1 -T .
(Me. A N. W fit lost, -"i, )
U H. g nU vvt 7
Oble.Oaaj IMt OMt w mh
c c 0 St. I. .
tioi . Hook. vai. t. in rrM it n
.1.0 11
t.. u a w P ;ti ;ii zvu bt.
i ....
a, k. c
tek- hhore...
Manhattan. . .
l"Wi. UM HMM ,r"
i e4 1 14 11 4V
Mih. Pas !
Not, Lead ti
M.V. .'.. OM
M Y. (Antral
R, Y.. 11 . W I s
w. v.. h. w
11. a. 1 . 1 o
Morta Ps
N.irlh Pue. pf IH
' ireaha ttl
I "as. Mali
IH m
is '
-t 1
lb 1 Hag v H 1 U r,
I lalaad ' . p,
It T t, y
as! 1
U I ml tU fcVAA Sit, aiu
r.i .vi ,., nS 1 R ITN y.
l-lss IV me
Dal 1 11 10c ;st MM 14
m a: . -a p-
Wt ' era . iihiu tr. "Ik Ml
w . At t. I lH ITS fJH NM
A. A bl pf .... ttfv, tlrt !,
Cbleago Ural
mars M
1 a'ol Previalnna
5 : a U-.wkoj nr.ta
ihrti ar" oypltsd au
rr . 1 la .- .1 I.
Car . HiUr. au-k I
Iliaiit. ..
reaaSrSalXI Wfixmua at.
fad a
' .
I s
I kllirf
' 1 "Ud
' 'itniie
ft slue
i "iiiie
IPsbMrt ,
1 l.tng
' hnie.-
(1 ing
-11 ui kilt
' ,
-' ,
I to
1 B
m n
: at In r.u
M Hi m
:ti m iv
I .
Naar Tetk Hnslnca Market.
Nrw Visa May - Cutis I mil.
WlMaal lotll, MM lWrr,tlotnf nMaatf,
S'o o r 1 ., ,,,, rUvator. aiS,M, ,
float, aWUaaVWc.; f o. b nlatt.",. . aa
ItnOjOfl re.. .'.7ro- . No 1 n-rthern. Tfit-a
!"Se., ntitlnns were very doll bat steady
at mo, aselaai; Mot s rod May, at'Se. .
July, ftl'.ii. iBRMMBBMR, ''-. DaMMtw
la r. rt.aj0
UntMl Qnlst, easier. Nn. a, 4,allr
BMSraAor) tt'.atl ., ajlnavti options were
dull and low er , but rioting ateavly ,
Mai 1 kit . Jul). II'. e
(liTai-l s srtiv., firmer, epi' ri'.
ijinet, eaier. May, MM . duly. V.Ve tsjKit
i rleea . K. I Air. . No v white. 41, at- .
No i Chicago, Fie , No. 40c.. No. I
uhlle, 41c. initial weatera. tUaMBtMJ.1
white do., BM wliileatale, 4 .tt.Me.
bit - bteady, iiniet,
TtRRCRO I'.rrr-'.t u.-t.
1 1 1 MlAlfl - IjjaMt, stesdy; middle
Pong -innet, tendr
I 11 H net, steady, state dairy, new,
I'Jalir.: do,, id, lol4r , erramery, new,
llalTo Pennsylvania Uo., Ilallc. . Western
dairy, new, lUel.W , do. creamery, new,
lal,o., do factory, new, (MatallO.; rifc'lits,
17c : Imitation creamery. IIal4c.
Curssy Oiitet, tirm
la - DnU fancy e'eadv; state and
I'eut.aylvanltt, ll'iallVfO: western freeh.
lOMJallOM.) sooibern, Jit,.'flc.
rhPsd-lphla Tallow Mark!.
PHfi.Aiiri.PHiA. May i-Tnllow waa
dull and Oiicuautrml Prices were
Prime city, In hogabead. 4',c; prune
ii.ontry. in barrel -. ,e go dark, in bar
' r..l. .11... r. . . . ...... a 1. .,
All ArttffM(,i BMpOJf
An ailvertl-etnent we- liwrtial iu a
weekly nt'wsitatier for an orvnnist and inu
eir teacher. Amunx the replies was the
fbl l at ny "Sir. I notice your ndverttoo.
j raenl fi r an organiat mid musle Use bOT,
I lady - r uentlomnn. Having tv-eit Nith for
several yean, I offer you my eervl'-es."
I fhlladl Iphia Tall.
One nt a Tin Ma
(lie n: !!. ; . .11:1 ..irb-,; rain tropapn'ter
fin drtorsy pools with sn bMSBMHM chime,
Till, lot an 00000, ere tho cloudlets arallor.
One at n tluei the shimmering sunbeonia wan
der Adoun to earth frotn roniler r loinlt-ua elltne
'Till lowliest mountain tops are smlt wlthsplen.
One at a time tiprM.trs the master builder
Btona upon ltQXkw, with boon hands agrime.
Till sbtait abft the turrets that bewilder.
One i,l a time the shuttle swiftly flying
logl threoil on tOaaad like thmi sof tliroli
btug rhyme.
Till gloWl the tapestry with hiirs midylng.
One at a time each patient, mute endeavor
Is fork'tng eharacver august, sublime
III soula whoso lutlueiioti shall be fell forever.
- V. 0. lUchardson.
All BVbO.
Those who have used Dr. King's New
liiscovery know tts vnlne, nnd those who
have not, have now the opportunity tn try
it, Pre. Cell on the advertised Druggist
ami get a Trial Bottle, Free. Head yoor
untie) and address 1st II. K. llucklon It ('si.
OblOagOj and get h aample boa of Dr.
K'mn's New Life Pills. Frt as well as a
copy of Quito to Health and BoQaahoM
Instructor. Free, All of which i .warm
teed to do von ;rnod and tost you nothing.
Matthews Bros. Drugstore.
Situationa Wanted.
1 V man, aged i.7, who lots had years' expe
ri-iiee working ina batik. Best of refereueo,
and bond, if desired. Address box 4111, Tuuk
bannock. Pa.
v keeper by a midillo ngetl woman of
good address Apply I'JH laizerne street
O who has had experience as a land aud
uiino surveyor aud In general engineering
ork, desires position; expects small salsry at
first; would like an interview. Adilress Box
I'd. Tunkhaniioek, Pa.
P would like position either In storo or of
flee; Rood penman an I will try to please. Ad
dress c A H , 1st S Bromley avenuo. city.
aired woman to do house cleaning,
scrubbing or Washing Atldrists, J. H. C,
41.1 I'hirreenth at.
U' ANTF.ll -PiMI I'liiN S l l.KKK BV
middle a'-d man. Can speak llussian.
Polish. Slavic, also English. Address, PETER
MASi.YAU, Box g, Pecivlue, Pa
CitUATToN WaNTND - a Woman
Ci would like to tret work by the day at
wa'hlng or cleaning, or will uke washing
home. Address M Alt Y 1" IK NELLY,
TJti 1 hn h o d street.
Agents Wanted.
goods by sample to the whol-s tie nnd re
tr. 11 triMle: sell UO -ledit to every Lumuens man
or Ann; liberal salary and expenses paid; po
Btloa permanent r-'or torms address with
stamp. CENTKMNIAL Ml'ti U MiUau
kto, Wis.
it so. :oe axpenanoa as solicitor in
1. 10 Has mn. 1 eonnti . e BMOOMnantB to
1 K-'it 1 1 a 11 A Ire - 11.", Jl Bet, building.
PaUadaloMa, Pa.
Helo Wanted Female.
' ar av. imaw
Apply to John I'hillipa,
for Kent.
X)H RENT TWo' n tNIBHBT) RfHtiia
I for llM b ns.'Ve.e.Ti.- Ith il- of Imth
IM Franklin avenue.
V'tdt UtN t Ui.ili. Wl LL 1 1 BdjiailKD
r rotaaai sMHsjnafal axaMaa RMwaahana
ton avenue.
''' I.K.r foi A TF.ltM OF TEA Rid
I I . it or ad of tltrw hnialrxl fas : - t ard
I railroail Apptf '.t Kishkltn
st sooa
' i
Rld atr"t Vi 1 1 destrse
ol- loe:i .u ami -a ri-SMiiialile t-rn.a Apply
to r' t NKTTLKTOM or O H. sia)I1ii tr.
krvMteart Wsilitiiag
PoYiilJ M I .'III: AlllllVKI. TIMe
I avsraiog with a rsrhiad of heron; (bt
from I Ml M I n en I- eti at BM alah. a.
1 M itay iateid Osssrt.
lBulr-.if A t IT Ills, a. i. nimai
WMlth l.ulkllba. Washinal"! aiHuai'
' I lilt aTuMI run MALI In , tore A I
a Hi It. I. tn. Waahingt'SM at-biM, Commoii
wealth I ill-ting
H)B ' Ai.l. KAItM ' I t l.iMTV At MK0.
I taae and ra,-half nill. from (tatlaa on
tne laalawae-- laehawanna wn-l Wtra
railr..1 Firat OUoi f aria huavaw with a aw, mt
faiha aprinir n-arby. t wu lavrtw. foad .and
Mn fund orebard w III U w Ul . hnwis I wrtna 1 11 f Vi'S riiHCII r la
1 l.i- sisoaters, l'ait .n. Lai
1. ust. Fa.
I't'h ati.r. rt'Wi. MANUHB, iu
r laartrta t f I o alan l.l. wit l.a-te'tii aajwa
'r bat. bo g Apply to i.d tlrirrtba. he u.-t
a-ll at ra 1.
I C. W PS aard S.., iarl oot'twr 111, I
frwrsar la trat 1 aaMltasa ui Mm
ahaag Ad.ire, u a lapv, itni. 01 I-. Pa
KKNT TW.i 1 1 MH.I.Ii 1...
ilaht llotiae kta-ping With uae . f l-ath
le Fraekiib atwune
l).lK..S F"K SAU INvjI'lllf. t F It.
I H ' net 1 et art tn.iira.lKr. cosirt
h. ow .a n t"1a.
i. I BALI M-ACaa fAltw, OTia's:
I and atMuOM i U. HI1W1 lgl.l i
1,-idt BAIJI tR RI( II A N(ll I li -1 H vH
I k ju pwi -.i A laaar, ,a i aa . "
I rren.lea i - t r.-lu. tl as 4e1 lalwa I ear j tto
ii - laraajfa sostten In ivi.u M a
M i ll r.rn.S l-kwllwlwa rtoriOS
Specla Notlcea.
a T A ttrTTIVil iF TIIR HlltFiTi "Ita 1 if
f lbs Nay Ang Falla an. I nknnl K nM
vard rjotpei.y it waa r --a. raal that a niwltng
uf the at. a kh'-hlaSra laf tailaail to lolltwaa- at
tko general HI as of ibe -..n,i.- 1 r.. M
Hepnt.lksn lei I Una . n ib atri dar-f.luua
a it ih. t-tt a. tea- an taaang4uM or
awaajanovol oi tba jaraojaaaM ksaraaoja ol Ina
rapilal !oek f aaia o 1 namr ! m f .101 1 .
.yfti and thai I ha a r-lair la- and h M
1. M . 0 t-i ui gie aotl 1 11. f aa r
Utiiredbylaw T II WATK MV,
Bat t-tary
y-1 mini Dtna rir.i riN'i tur an
t total tnaiiiti tA the oMafcholaWs ol tba
FniTIOsn - i.e. ainl Water t utnpaoy will Ua
h ii at thu Dataware and Raoaea fjaaalOoos-
pai.) a bolMIng, 1ST Franklin atenae, Oerati
Co Fa a' I a in Han kV. Vay ;. 1H u
eMi t oAVwr to - durias tb unautttg year,
and tranaa -t any other hiiafueavi that njy t
B. F ATHFHTt'N. aacr-Ury
BOtaaliM .April A Uot
I ulhul -ra of to- l.w.k .mwniia ll.apital
-111 1- krl.l ol, the Sr. 1 V nolsv In Mat , I...
lug the lh mat 1 latwen the hours ofs and
',.,,-l.Nk l I l eleel llrr.-torw, til amend
bv lawa and l tianM4t aueh otbwr t.uaiie a.
aa may pr-p-rly eaOM laaf-.ra It
J i.E" dlilF M-tEl.K. rVcrwtarv.
ajOTICR THE NtikltN ATKiNH I . . tt 09
i 11 era of thai ilarmanta BnlldiiiK and
t..all aM a tattoo of South HcrsOloO will Ukv
rla Fi idat evening. April 1SV4. after
irsllsaetlnK the rev'alsr liUatllesa. .lAl'l'HF
Mil. 1. 1 K, Sea r-tart.
1)1. ASK liiinKs. PAMPBLKTR. MAO A
1 tines, etc , l.tind or relamnd st Tus
THinrss olll.e. ttsilek work HeasousUa
I rlesa
Ml AI, 111 KF-TS CAN Ml HAH T Hi
.orn-r i-prucat street aud Franklin ai
mis Twenty luoal oMROM for t-'al (i.ssl
fcranton Wholssa e Markat
PrRAriTog. May 4-KariT aan Paci
ni 101 to in! a; 1 is, per lb., 0a7s.: evap
orsled siples. lla'V. per lb.; TorklaB
prnnsa, sole.: F.ngllsh t-nrranls, ja:,le.;
layer raisins, B.TIaTalOl nmscatels, ll.itsa
I.411 per bug; new Valenciaa,7a-e.
par lb.
llgAK Marrow-fats. IS. 7.1 per bushel;
mediums. ft.7Sal.tKJ.
PsUB tirooa, 1. ItlLM per bnshslispllt,
B.60aa,flO! leutelg... to He par potnd.
POT ATOMB 75 to i&A per bushel.
( MIOII llermadas, crates, f'l.SOaS 2.V
Ilr ri KH I ."m. to lUc. per lb
I ggcan lOalHo. per uv
Ban froahilltUn bi
Pooi.THV- l ldckous, dressed, 12 to 18c ;
turkeys, 1!! to 18u.
MRATs-llnms, He.; small hams, lljajc;
skinned hams, lOo. ; California hams,
S'jC,: shouldera,St-4c.;bellles, S,"4c; smoked
breakfast bnoon, lie
1 M0K10 Baav OoMidaa, HXc; sets,
lRWc: Insldes and knuckles, 15o.
Pokk Mens at 18j short cot, $18.
Labd l.naf (n nurses at Me.; In tabs,
'"te.; In 10-ponnd palla, '.'', c: loft-poond
pails, W'c.i B-poood paikv ins. pr
Hkbf Choice sngar cured, smoked beef,
FLOtm Minnesota patent, par barrel.
M-IOairiOi Ohio and Indiana amber, at
tM0; Uraham at MtnO. rys floor, at
BccrgWRBAT Flooo 19.70 psr owt.
ran Mixed, per cwt., at 04a
Unaig-Kye, CM.; corn, 47 to41M, oata,
4Aa47c. per bushel
ltvic r-TUAW-Por ton a'3ol5.
I I AY $15 to $17.
Advertise in The Tribune.
Inspect our beautiful line at the new prices. FOUR GREAT
LOTS. Note the change: .
$10 CAPES NOW $7.50
15 CAPES NOW 10.00
20 CAPES NOW 15.00
25 CAPES m NOW 20.00
These special lots include our entire stock below $25.
is useless for us to dwell upon them. You know the character
of the garments we carry.
Stylish. Perfect-Fitting. Well Made.
City Ordlnancea.
1 resolutbin of comninn OoWMU of (ity of
neraatoa, Peon a., pnssed April il', IRM, Bottel
Mherebv given tb.n an ordinal.--, entitled
'An Ordlaonea providing for tha bsros of two
bni.dred and nftv thousand oolUra o( City
Honda fiar the j BrpoBf of erav'ting hrlditea
and procuring approa.-b-s therefor, and pro
yldnig for tn redamptloo Ihiraof" was m at g sutstl meeting of OMBB D
Council April U 1 m. n,8 f,dkwlug is a
draft f the Urdlnanra
Pu t or thi ooinroa covvettj No i, im.
Prerldlnr t-rr thebsne of two hrindrerl snd
Hit , tbonaaod ilo,rs of city 1 1 nds for the or . 1 1 ii-,k ,i i,ir, a m l pr. aripg
apt r. ach-a theref .r. and providing fur the
redemption thereof,
MRHKAS, by rrrrTlBiBOB entitled "An
orelnsiicii pr.ividing for imrea-mg therity
debt for tlto pi.rjaawi.f leilFlioi Indues aud
suhiBlttliig th- qotation St ik h increase to
thevite of th- l nn th. te., " approved
the fourth day of January MBA It la provided
I at Ua otts debt shall h in. rvaax! by UM
Isatio of lainda In tha sum of two hundred and
fl'y th.eiaan . 1 paMtOOO HI) .! II ira 'or the pur
p,aw of constrea.Ur.a- a leula-e ..y,r HM Ijieka
wsio.a rival st LaMao attoat and a hrtdge
0 n h suns' Bfooj from taroca street io
front street, together Ith the pnrrlaseof
BM It rigk' of s 11 g.,t IwrwosMiry f.a the
tOab appr--S' uea tai asll MfMtaa, suojeel to tbs
aeaant of th- el.-. 1 .r ..f 11,. ,-ity of K- rantonto
aueh tn- ' ana
iM'li llFl'OAa Ai
i ti n 1 1 an 1 In
anral mnnMpal
tla'b dsy of F.-lirn-I
- . ' r- - , l.-l in
a' y.
Bt t oraiina,i I- tlie M l.-.-t ai-1
Coiiim-- t .-iioclls f the eliy 1 f rWanton, and
Ilia hereby er.a.-l I y tke sutl- ritv of tha
aallia tlisl f., t ' .1 )ir,.- of ta istr art llif a
lire's- over the Laeaawaaaa rlr at 1.11x1.-1,
Mnaat. snd s bridge orer Hosrlu bcatk fr .tn
r ro.-as1i-t t.. Fr nt Una. 4. t.ayati r .in
taa part baaa f an A i Mat of way m..y m for tie- Ural aMr La. tt, aao.l
I r '.. a the .an.
ige. ine laane or -ity eorira.B b nds
tha sro-ant f tw . harnlred and flflv tbon
annal 1 4UASgJ.ts). aV41ai a is bayety aatkssrl mA
Skald la.lola .l.ll ! .f tiled.
Ui -iaan.1 .1 '!. Ml dofi MM,
p-pa att he-l and shall 1.
t -11.
"t.a-lli a . aul.ura.1 aud fl'' ) I U. let hi.if a
atel -hall la- aagnr.1 hi the Msl ol.alel Ueaaaal of
tlaa City shall he af-t-.l dnlr UtaMwobytaa
lly Clerk lb .1... of the las, is shsb aa
.( 1st. A. I' I-1 and I bar sballtas radaa a
at b. aa beralnaftor siaa .fled, and slisU bear
- tt... rat- r ska Pr eeal est annant
're.. .4 sll 1st Iks. Ity aa- Ulng tha paTRlant
at tn. taiue. Ina utsrw sball la.
elr. utaal hy lb lllbograt'bd alsjnalura of lb
Mayer and ahall ! iaia'1.. s.-tiil anniullv
.SI III. rtrat .11, ol 1-e . lo'a-r and .1 !,- st
the oOVai u !Im t It) IrMeuIrr o llo city, a?
a. rsnl. a
f Bstd lads shall la. redeemable In
tba or. Ur i f their I urala-r saf.Jlo a tit
jfaa 1 1- in- Mans. Jims Mt n
l I. leJ o lu. ... Jul.. .1 i'
Not II! t. I it., loslte. Jute- l-t la. I
Hoe Ml In 9B larbistve. Jaae 1st MM.
a A, -aet la .kail ta. hssofd in arenrd
at.caw.ib th i r. , ataaa ol an Art aatlll I
An A t taiula
Ml tb.
ai -f n
si I t
tha Indel te.t
ridiag tba. isdetap'
I taw ny t- i -it.. f..f
IBsriia. apptot.l tb- I lie teew
of April. I'll
a sn A -t nttt
ith da
Sft.l ala.. BtMM r tn.- t
a 1
t : iiroThinia for lb- la-.-ri. i
mm. -nt ot , -.ii. a -r in., tnir.l Ita.
I ir ivtd Mat li. A 1 1 IS, and trie a,.ri
auelHaltaauta ami autste! mants of ssal act
I RtsVl la.tala alutll be d I In titled
Tba Bridge laaa,' and shall t ; i ....! f r
aaaelytbat ', twrk and dult ilitat ttel
seslad aa pr-tl.lsd In aactta-b I of tbis.aMi
. Tlie an t tl.e (Ity ll-rk r
he-rt.y autb mo I., aad an. I dlaaaw. I .alt
laiads Ut pr awtla f aaM a.M anal dla awl
bi I" past at tb.i til) li a-.. a plot slssl
br law Tti-y may dla-ae ,.f them In hull or
n an. h quantities aa funds may Bt latiaalad
fl r tba tSwrpoaa Mr Vbl. h aal la.nda BR au
tb-rliaal b la. laSUa.1
W. S The m-be tbt 1US be rall.'.a
fr -n Ibe rUs ol aaktt bonda ahall be and la
Breb) am r pn iisd fur lb it net meting of a
bi BatOat t'o tjk'kawabtia rivet ll Lsl hn
street and bridge over Uiasrmg broal ftom
Oprttee airwet ta Pronl atrwsl. laagwtner with
the pur. haae of au. h right M wayattwt M
ni.ei.wssr) for the Uaii ;,p;.y. a. I, .-a to said
bridges The sum of oat hna lr.-l snd
IWtBl i tls Ibouaavid . tl.Voli no delMrs ihsll
I- h-Ul for 1 1, 111. I III. f He ,,,, ii ti.el
1 ridge and a-onrlng the apt.r . b tb. ret.,
and th atim -f one nnadr-4 and twrntt live
tl ou n I 1 41 Vim, tk. liars alisil I- baM for
the bnlldlng Of the brblg" ut"r tb.. bearing
br.a.k si.-: ;r.ik- i !. appr.aa-lias -hrto
protnMd. that If eltl.-r o said t.rnlaaw aud
il appro. h.wj , an ta, rutuplet-ly paid for at a
i.eaannithsn bafoft named, BB balnn eef
the .r.av,ts of Iheaale of aald I. -nds may 1st
uassl In th- e. natioetloti and a.-. itrlng ap
proat hi-a for taa other of laid brldgt. Any
surplus of th pn. .a,da of said homls hu o
may remain after ih aabl bridges and their
approaebea have bviin fnllr paid for ahall be
; o I i.l ti.e an. nn. duel prot I lad lot Ilia
redoiiitdlon .f sal.) bonds
a,- . Eor ti e pntia-as of paying the prin
cipal and iiit-reat nf said ta.nds there la here
bv- bat lad for the . sr letHonall property Us
BOM for city ptiriKaea a tai of -nr atel. no
lesth mills on the dollar of valuation, and
etery vstur I hereafter Hi rsshall be lerie.l for
ate b purpose a 1 1 sultti n-iit to -.jual eight
is pai , aai -I in.- lam hereby autiioil d
(tec s. Th.ifur.daraallieilfromtheasleoftlie
said bo ils shall bs paid lab. th. . R treaenrv,
andlherily treaaaisr, UiuiS)orot Ute eitr
slot the city lontr. lUr shall oatm tlmaaid
funds to tw immediately plaiaal at Interest In
three Itanks of thia . ity to be designated by
tin in. pi t Ing and k' eplug (n nitlma lotimw
an ispial amount of said funds in tach Ot the
banks au designated. M T IjkvtbLK.
city Clarlt,
Sersntoti. Pa.. April 1J. lsw.1.
Roams 1 and I CommonMealtti Uf
Made at tho M0081C aod BU8U
I A I . I : WORK8.
Lafflin & Rand Powder Oo 's
Electric Ilatteriss, Fuses for explod
ing blasts tkifely Fuse and
RepaunoChetnical Coa't High Explosives
Lost MnnhAiiil r.'itrT-!-?!:.r
" ' - at aiBMIIHVWH
kfht ly I'liimionff
surely nirsil by IN
wtrWi ti
" greet
dd by
laod Rotut'C
kUriUBWS Bltbs.,liriigilsts. acriinlon,l'ai
v Wirt, Ina. .sua loanra
At Factory Prices
The Scranton Bedding Co.
Cor. Adams and Lacka. Aves.
That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat
terns of Sterling SILVER 8P00NS and
FORKS for an equal weight.ounce for ounce,
of your silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved free. A large variety of new pat
terns to select from at
Bom .mi KiniTliN DOLLAR Solid
Oak lurnlrtxim Brjtl
Wl RflO Furniture aa flhllp ita
uny liouae in llm country Unit in
IfioU to gdtti iiti)ist vnlut' for tho
inoiipy. Try tits.
Hull & Co.
.05 AMD 207 WK-IIBG AVE.
IIINlftl), ntaAHTIK'O ANU ortlRTI.Mi)
anuftrttirM at UM WipVlkVMMa Ml.L Lu-
rtiu runiity I'.t., ami u WU
i ii M-tM
General Agent for tba VYyuiuliag District,
118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa.
Third Nat lor I Rank 1 1. ill Hug.
i t .. IIS
TIinK FOItH. PlttsV n. Pa
JOHN II -MITI1 SON. riymnttth. Pa
K. W M t I.I.I' i A N, Wilkes (lair. Pa
Aleuts for the Itepauuo Chetulual lout
pauy'a High Kiplostva
DR. C. W.
I .Specialist of Disoases of
the Lungs, will be at the
Westminster Hotel Satur
day, May 5.
Dr. Ingraham is the orig
inator of the Ingraham
Chemical treatment for the
cure of Chronic Pulmonary
Diseases, particularly Con
sumption, Asthma and
Bronchial Troubles.
Consultation and exam
ination free. Hours: 10 A.
M. to 5 P.M.
Repaired and
& Conneil
And Him Mrrrr OOMDaVfCfi (MntI' th
(trtlr i.s fonitV t iirr. Sin-t-tacl,
Direetfrom the Bronrlwsy Tbester.
New York City,
f RH EMII .al, tl, :i and He. Sale ot ssata
K'CX-ll H, tl. :i
a Sattinlsy, May f.
Week commaurlng MtlNDAY, MAY 7.
The m.att suceesaful comet!)- ever written,
which had a continuous run of over 1..V0
nigliti when first ptOQwCOd Hi London. Kug
la .-1 A rollicking, rscy )lay. brimful of fun
(tOOl sturt to Unish
Ten Cents
Will Is. the price of admission to all parts
of tbo bouse. ON AKTF.KNOONS
ADMISSION F.VKNlNttH, 10, 00 OK 80a
Perfnrmnnecs every sfternonn, escept Mon
days nnd Tlmi s.lsya st 1,11, and every even
Ingatn.lA Doora upunat l.ikisnJ 7.00 P.M.
Removes Frtekles, Umplss,
Livar Moles Blackheads,
Sunburn and Tin, and re.
stores the sklu to Its origi
nal hwtiiiess, ngnnolng e
.1... ... .1 Ix
tHtMII mill uiaiMi) i om-
plexlou. surxriortosiiince'
Jropsratlona nnd OMnoUf barmlc At au
niisla,orallcd (orMcls. Pcud for Clroubir.
VtOkA 8KIM BOAP U slmplf BaeaooaMi as a
rtn partf) In t'.aii, imrqnalM Sa tha t.Mlat. sa4 a Shout a
lltal Iht IS. nttesrr. Jttuelsvlr eurs toil J.-Uss ; well
asus. stduiau. Prloo 2i Caoh.
G. C. BITTNER V CO., Tot-too, O.
For sale by Mattbows Br ot, Morgan Brotatnd
Morgan Oo.
W W JSf -