.V ASOVE ALL OTHERS, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, In every disease caused by torpid liver or im pure blood. For Dyspepsia, Liver mid Bowel tlerungoments, and kindred ailments, noth ing npin ouches it as a remedy. PIERCE CURE GUAR ANTEES A Ott MONKV RETURNED, Mrs. Aciieua Vaw BU, of Hamilton, Ind., writes: "My friends said I would never bo biiv hr-ttor. fnp T hod ulceration of the bow- 5 eis. ny me una i nuu .: taken h bottlo nnd a v half of Dootor IMeree'g '.' n..A.. U...11 i i.i ery, the bleedlnir liad almost stopped. My aiv Ufc petite was (food, noth - V- JWT fecmed to hurt me ' , ,,T I U .. I ...... 1 11 1 . 111! 'lull- rnnnt n... , ...,l.,..f ..I ApheluVailb. p,.v,,rBi ypar9 hRVo passed and my euro le pi rmanent." GORMAN'S BRAND DEPOT UNUSUAL VALUES IN DESIRABLE WOOL DRESS GOODS Are among tlio pra ent iittrnc t limn at our . itublishiiitmt Ainoiif? the more promintnt stufTi are All-Wool French PRINTED : CHALLIES The ilosij;n nri tZONdloffly at trnctire aud were printed es pecially for tliii it-aeon's trade. PRICE 49 CENTS WOMEN'S Tailor-made Costumes The very DtWMl styles aud every suitable material. Worsted Storm Serge and Covert Cloths in choice mix turcshavu perhaps tho first lioll on popnlar favor. A Superb Display of Spring and Summer MILLINERY Comprising migniticent linos of Im ported and Domestic Qoodl in the verv lest abapc. artistically trimmed kud finished in the higlnst style of the ar. Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats and Bonnets In Leghorns, Laces, Fancy Strew, Av. Oar Fashion Monthly, JUST )UT D eribes and contains the leading fashions, latt dress material, stories, anecdotes, bum irons illiistratinii, val uable information, elevating and pleat ing reading for the borne. OIVLW AWAY to those who call for it at oar store. HEARD AT HONESOAtE. Kesri Wsife from Irving- CUM Waftad Upon Spin.' BriiEea ftvrial li rir srrantnn Trtbnn: Honks I) a IX, May On Thnrsday. M iv 17, at noon. Miss Smile E lull will be marri't to Mr. Andrew IS. Dntussore, of Mansfield, Pa. The cere mony will take place at the home of Miss Pall's mother on Halt street While coming down stairs at his home yesterday. W. F. Snydam stepped on a spool and fell, spraining his ankle. A horse owned by Henry Freund be came frightened this noon tod ran down Main street to Durlan I A Thomp ton's, where it turned. It was bronght to a atop by rnnnlng into an abutment of the (Jratity railroad. No harm was done, 1. E Tibbetts, wife and daughter, Miss Rena, left for Philadelphia this afternoon, where they will make their home. T. J. Ham has just completed paint ing an artistic poster opposite the Del aware and Hudson depot, nnuonucing the Kirmess for week commencing May I I. JERMYN AND VICINITY. Brief Notes of Naws for the Edification of Saturday Readers. Special to the ikrnnton Tritmna. J turrit, Pa., May 4 J. D. Stocker is in iew York on business connected with tho electric railroad. Mrs. Peter Simmers left yesterday for her new home in Houghton, Mioli Editor Kennedy, of Olyphaut, was a Termyn visitor yestsr.lay. The small boy is pleased with the bills displayed by O. 8. Carey & Co.. nnd there it no doubt that a crowd will greet the show npon their arrival here May 11. All the public school teachers from here will attend the institute in Arch bald today. Prof. E. D. Bovard will take part in the programme. The ttook in Wood Mancey't livery stable was sold yesterday uftemoon by Auctioneer .Stevens, of Clifford. The prices realized were low. Miss Nettie Griffiths, formerly of this place, died Tuesday of consump tion. The Interment was at Montrose. Dyspepsia and Indigestion In their worst forms are cured by the nse of P. P. P. If you sre debilitated and run down, or If you need a tonio to regain lleshand lost Hppetite, strength ami vigor take P. P. P., and you will be strong and healthy, ior shattered constitutions aud lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash. Poke Iioot nnd Potassium) is the king of all medicines. P. P. P. is the greatest blood purifier in the world. For sale by all drnggiete. .A, 0& 1T1 MODES lies ARCHBALD GLEANINGS. New Nowspapar Comas to Town Per itonei and Other Notes. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Arciihai.d, May 1. The funeral of tho late Mrs. Jacob Warner, of Sonth Main itreet took placo this afternoon. At 2 o'clock the remains were tak -n to the Evangelioal Lutheran chnrch where the pastor, Rev, J. C. Rudolph preaebed an impressive sermon from the tut: John xvi, 22, ''Your hearts are full of iiorrow, but I shall see you again, and your joy nImII no oue take away from you. " He referred in well chosen terms to the ekcullent qualities that graced the life of the deceased, and lie spoke words of comfort to the sorrowing relatives. The remains were laid to rest in the Protestaut cemetery. The pall benrers were George Lorenz, Anthony Bnbst, Henry and George Simon, Henry lllofsammer nnd Frank Vernon. The Daughters of UebeKah and the Ladies' Aid socioty of the Uer mau chuioli attended the funeral and lent beantifnl floral emblems. The family and other relatives also sent baantifnl llowers. This afternoon Drs. Kelly and Vsn Doren, of this plnce, and liurnett, of Srrantnn. amputated the right arm of Michael Dunn, which was wounded at Petersburg, Va , twenty-five years ago The doctors are confident that he will recover health from the operation. The first issue of the Arokbald Citi zen appeared this nftemoon. It is a four-page, twenty-eight-colnmn paper tilled with matter of interest to the people of this and the surrounding towns. Mr. Roth was one of a party that went snake hunting on the Moosic mountains last Sunday. They suc ceeded in enpturing three large snakes, one a monster rattler nearly six feet long. This one Mr K itli will disp ute of lo an institution in llarrisburg. The snake is said to tie oue of the largest ever seen in this vieiuity. FOREST CITY FLASHES. Little Locsls ' .l.y Compiled for Rspid Rsadtna fllstetaJ ttthe Scranton Ttitntne. Fount city, Pa., May 4 Pottmu ter P. Cunningham, jr , spent last evening with Harrick and Pleasant Mount friends and report an enjoyable time. Mls Ymnie Tucker, of C.irbondsle, spant Itst evening in this place at the guest of Miss L-n.i Reynolds and Miss Louise Wi stfcate The funeral of Dsvid Goodrich will be held tomorrow morning ! 11 o'clock at the Baptist church Bar, D P. Lappens. offleUtiog, InttraMnt at t ireen field. Attorney L P. Wedeman wis legnliv engaged in Curoondale today The Hillside collieries will be Idle to morrow. 1 be stone walks in front of the Ifetb olist si, d PrMDjUriM churuhet are progressing rapidly. Lewis Bevtn is luving a nest picket fenc- built in front of his property on Hudson street. M. .1. Haley is having built a substantial stone wall and tti erwise improving his property I n Had sou street. May the gxJ work tou tlnns The Rockcliffe Water compsny in tends extending their line on Delaware su tin Ison streets to a distance f 191 yards. L H Msy, the superintendent f the ruiupany, will receive Wdl for the work nntil tcniornw. This work will give employment to some of the nn 'inployed in this place. The company of singers that still produce ".I'ptliB and His DMghtw" in this ploce May A', are prsctinng faltb fully three tunes wetk aud are in t . ingrai il progftM uud-r the skillful direction of Profess'T J. Lnther Mm g 111 About 1.-0 t'"lsv as the team o llstet A Dilph was standing in the yard back of their store unhitched, they took little liberty and ! shs I up Main street at a fast rate of speed I h"y sontiniied this speed until Mill water, a distance of three miles from here wss rea hd then Stl'lwater wa left in the distane nnd they wre rapidly nesring I'mondsle wnen caught by a party. Luckily no injury was dote to the boiMt and onlv a Whipple tree of the wagon ws hr"k-vi To ths People of Forest t'ity-I sir to rail attention to the fact that tiext Sunday. M ay il. the em. i oil ev tn gelist, Mrs (irsce Weiser Davis, will begin a series of special meetings, to be held eyerv evening for seyeral weeks in the Methodist oburch. We hsve not asksd cither churches to unite in this movement, BMMM ther is no church large enough to 00 nn raodnte two or three congregsti NM s: one time ; yet since it is Very likely that all Oennot attend the ssni" ovau ing, at the ssine tlni" we d-slre to ex tend every cordial invitati hi to the pastors and people of the othr churches to come to these meetings We invite Heptiste, Presbyterians, Con gregationaliste. Catholics and hpiso. palians, and those of n church at all. We want all to feel at horn" and we trust onr town will lie greatly benefited anil the cause cit religion .:vano i ny reason of these revival efforts We ask the prayers and symptthynf all pray ing pSjople an I nrge von to come ami bring yonr friends. Sinserelv, J. I . li' (IAN. Psslor Msthollst Chorott. a Cure for Hesdsche. As s remedy for all forms of Headache Electric Hitlers has proved to be the very best. It e fleets a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield tn its influence. We urge all who are allhrted to procure n lmltln and give this remedy a fair trial. Incases of habitual constipation Electric Hitters cures by giv ing the needed tone to the lwels,aud few cases lung resist, the use of this medicine. Trv It once. Large bottles only Fifty ceuts at Matthews Urns', drug store. ClARK'S GREEN NOTES. Intereitloat Paragrapha from a Locality of Buds and blossoms Special to the Scranttm Tritmne. CutU'S GRMkN, Pa., May 4. Frank Phillips will occupy tbe bouse recently vacated by George W. Docker. The fnueral of the late Mrs. Susan Vosburg was attended by a large andi ence in tho Methodist Episcopal church, after which interment was made in Clark's Green oemetery Interment of An Infant child of George Sisoo, of Providence, was also made yesterday in Clark's Green oeme tery. The annnal eleotion of trustees of the Clark's Green Cemetery association will take place in the election room in rear of Frnoe & Parker's store at Clark's Green on Monday evening, May 7. All plot owners ire voters. Miss Fanny II, Sherman visited her nncle, A. A. Davis, here on Thnrsday list. Mrs. William II. Swallow and Mrs. A. A Dsvis attended the reception tendered by Mrs. D. K. Freeman by her many friends of the Washburn Street Presbyterian church, of West Side, on Tuesday evening last at the residence of Mr. William Frink, Mrs. titlles Tinkbam is reported as much worse. Mrs. J. N. Bennett left yesterday for Bound Brook where she will reside. Walter Mathews and famiiy moved into their Maple Croft residence on Friday last for the season. H. C. Perkins, of Binghamtou, will speak in the Methodist Episcopal chapel at Clark's Summit on Sunday evening next in tho interest of the Lp- worth League. (HYP H ANT AN 0 VICINITY. Breezy Goislp from One of Scranton's Prospective Suburbs. Special to the Scranton IVOSMSl Or.YPllANT, Pa,, Mav 4. Attorney William Lathrope, of Scranton, was in town today on bnsinejs. Miss Jennio Kennedy, of the West Side, visitsd her sister, Mrs. A. W. Bensooter, at Curtondale yesterday. Frank Orchard, of Carboudnle, was a caller in town last eveninir Mos'pel services will be hold at the Young Men's Christian Union rooms notwithstanding the announcement made last Sunday. The committeo have arranged for meeting last Sunday, and the meeting Sunday will be conducted by M. J. Stone at 4 o'cloak, subject, "The Word of God." "Novada, or the Lost Mine" will he produced fit Father Matliew Opera house on Monday night. Rev. .1. R Ellis will preach nt the Blakely Bsptist church Sunday at 10.80 a m . on "The Memorial Fesst," and at 7..I0 p. m , sul jeer, "'Mene, Mene 'IV ktl Unharsin, or Lessons from Belshsz zar's Banquet 1 lull." A public debate will be held at the Young Mon's Christian Colon hall to morrow night (Saturday) Th ques tion is, Resolved, "That newspapers sre better educators than books," No admission fee will ho charged After the debate ice cream will bo served. Mr. and Mrs M ,1 Burke, of Park Place, were visitor in town today. ' Bellbllisr'l Feast" will lie per formed on Tuesday evening by the Welsh Baptist Chnreh choir of sixty voices, accompanied by s full orches tra. The following is tho cast of char acters. Belshtmr, King of Babylon .lames II. Williams Nitocrls Miss XI A Evans Daniel BbtMnr Price I.S'lv of the Court MisM. A I'.vsns Lord of the Court Joseph L liavis Jew ish .Mslileus .Mrs. .1. It. Urnwn, Mrs IV It. Hushes, Mis .1. Jones, Mins Maggie 1 .at s. Rananioh. High Priest... Thornas Brown An gel Miss Annie Brown Full Chorus of Jews, I haldlans aud Si I diers. PECKVIUF CtNCILINCS. Nsws of the Dey Erl-flir Chrnnlcltd by Our Live Importer gSJSCfCi IC flsS .V-fiinfua IVsMlf lVKiii.it, Pa., May 4 -Mr. and Mrs, Frank L. Taylor returned home laal night after vuitlug with friends for a couple of weks at VS'uverly. Lieutenant Jfttnef Gh Stevens' Post MM will attend DiftM services In a bo ly at the Baptist church on May 17. Sermon will bo pretched by the pastor. Key W J. I to it p.iskley Oonaell MO, Tmlot vder of 1 .1-1 Aiuerlcsn Michauici. re ceived thirteen new propositions for membership last Wedti' s lay evening The employes of tn (irassy Island, Delaware an I Un ison, will be pal 1 to morrow. 1 o 'lnai rrehansn the boy who wsi o badly hurt at the QrtMf shaft Isst Wclnesd iv. was taken to Lackawanna hospital y iter ley R. J. Taylor, who his been "pen ling the put wk with frieri la at Hones dale and vicinity, returned home yes terday Mrs. Cnarlei Miller, of Park place p nt yesterday wilh her parents, Mr an I lift S. F. White. II irpM lo Ue. I. 1 1 F , initialed two can !l lates last night Joseph ti and (isorge A Best sre beautifying their homs on Main street with a new soil of nslnt CARBUNMAU C HMR. All the Nwi t a Day Fp. ionised for Q klOb Feruael Mi in' I" tKe .Vriian TWSmts. OaOOVDAUi Pa.. Msy I Misi Not lie OonnboU, Of Hones dale. Is visiting friends In this city Mrs K. .1 Italaley and little onlgbtOf returned lust evening from a visit with the forinrs mother in Frsoklyn, N Y Tbe CorboO dnlo teachers will go to Arcbbaid Mmorrow fBnMirdnyj to st- ten.l the Im Itllte being held at that place l.y tile teachers of Jnimvu, May field, Arrliluld and Scott After a three weeka visit in Srranton, Miss Merrltta Donovan retnr .ed to this city this m irnlng Mr ami Mrs. I'.. J Mi-Hale are mourning tUe dea'h of their I - year- lid baby. Leo, who died this morning at I o'clock Funeral will be held Saturday afternoon. Toe first quarterly conference for this year was held this evrniug in lb" Methodist church. Kv W. Thorpe, preii lmg elder, waa present. -as--- ii ACCIDtNT AT M eY HE ID Joseph Nae'e Fatally Injared U.idar an O. W. Lio mvttve AWrnii It the Scranton Tribune. CaUOsTDAU, Ft., May 4 An acci dent happeue I 11.1 aftetnoun athint I o'clock, Iti tbl OolWto and Western company's yjrd at M n , ' 1 which proved fattl. The victim was Joseph Negle a res. dent of this city nnd em -ployed as operator fur tho above eom pauy at that place. H came out of the office aud was crossing the trsr'i. when no engine backed down upon Mm, knocking him down. The whoils passed over bis right leg near the hip and over his right arm near the elbow. Moth members were nearly severed from his body. Doctor Jenkins, of this city, was taken on an engine to the scone of the accident and attended Nugle'a Injuriot Tbe Injured msn wss brought to the hospital in this city, where he diod shortly after 7 o'clock this eveuiug. v1ien Pithy was slek, we gave her Cartnrle. When she was a Child, she crii-d for ('listeria. When she Isvame MIm, she clung to Cantoris, When she had Children, she gavolheui Cantoris, Beecham's pills arc foe biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. 15ook free; pills 25c. At drustores.or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. WINOOKA FLASHES. Put T.i in Rgady Reading Matter by a Bright Correspondent. Fpeeial to the Scranton Trthun'. MtNOtiKA, May 4 Martin Coyne, of (Jilmore avenue, who is employed s a driver in the Greenwood mines, got his finger cut off, Thursday, while sprigging oars. The remnants of Thursday s sina.-ump of Albert Smith's frnit wagon were gathered up this morning nnd taken to Moosic. The much needed repairs on Main street culvert has begun, which wrll greatly add to the safety of vehicles and their otcunants. The previous con dition of that part of the road was a menace to teamsters snouiu iuir horsss become frightened by the street car. Tho Big Six. under the management of Tom Coyne, is a good club and is awaiting the answer of the layior Electrics. The Old Blues Rise Ball clnb of Corny Hollow have been re-organizsd and are making preparation! for a game with the Stars. William Gormaly is uiauuger. KAUSTEAD ITEMS. Brief Paragraph Concerning Suiqua henna County People. Abccfol to tin ociwtfon IWonnc. Hai.i.stkai, Pa., May 4 -The Pro hibitionists of Siuipiehanua county will meet In convention at the court house in Montrose May 19, to nominate can didates for the following offices: Con gressman, prothonotary, jury commis sinners, etc. At a meeting of the Susquehanna County Medical society held at Mont rose. May 1 The following officers were elected for the ensuing year President, Dr G. M. Hillateud; Vice preiident, Dr. A S. Ainey; secretary, Dr lUlsey. Miss Mande t'radall, of Susquehanna, has Is'eu visiting friends in town. Mias Sadie Harris, who has been pending the past week here, has re turned to her home in Biughamton. Mrs. Lucy Wtlmot In visiting friends in New HUford as - Prrsntnr.'i ptiaiaaei Internite. Tits Tiiiiu nk will soon publish a care fully Complied nnd i las-lll-sl list of the hading wholesale, banking, manufaetiir tug and proles. mi, a: interest of N-ranion and vicinity. The edition will be bound in bnb form, la-autif ully tllustrate.1 with I le togravure views of our public bull I lugs, buaitiisas bloeks, streets, etc., together with portraits id leading ritir.ans. Ho - work has ever given an equal rap nnntnnVon of Bernntonn nwnji tedna. trie. It win is- an tavolnablc otposftion of our business res ilirree. t-s-i.l to persons outsid (BO rilr, Copies of this lianUni. work will ailfACf new nimers and tn an nnequallel dveriiaement of the rily. TTie rircn lot ioO l-1 ii a plan that rat,n t fall of good results to IkOaaf OOnOtf SOd a well as ih - nt v at large. BnprocontoilTso of Ton Tuntnti will call upon TnOOO ItM sun are nrsiasn in this sdlltOO sud riplaiu Its nature more fully. Tbnoe dmlrtng vtewe of their reaideorea in no-edition wid pieiss. 1 avn notice at th . ftlre. What Causes Pimples? CV)gfftC of fJxf w.r- r MMtfcl ti tbMte t- - , mU itb m hum or oil) luatli-r. I ! 1 m! ( 11, tfl rntrf f tin- Mtitpla la rx. a I'la. klirail. fVih, nr rontfmr. Nzturr will i...t m UctUn of thr pnrr In ttifitHiur loof , Wot, Im1 11 i. t' I'll, 1 1 11, willtrc rr-lnrM, lairr in or rtiMtt-r lortini, lrt aki or 1 oitxtl. tlir lui; MM 1 mi l ami ihr .r i oiiir UMira Iim Tlif rr xrr ihmnM of ,hrm ptr in th far lltMs any OLM r lnh i luli lo Uoua 1 1 tc f,;-J Ly iH ln l -t uir. What Cures Pimples? The otily rrlLvM 'rrinitlv ami cutt, hro Is. I Jui lo . .1jt1lulnu1.1l hiiiuof, Is Cuticura so.np. It ronuins 1 mill .Msirtlnn f rt nn'lt i, tha jrral gkli Mk, slm li nial ksi it M .li.lia lltr I- us M it) Uiallrr as u lorviia at ItM PMSMIM nt Itir .itrS. ll atiiuiibtra Hi, .lntf i.li rlamls mil Kits to health? srthllv, rwliu-ra inrliiiiiiaii..n. .s.Uir anil tirala ItrliiNsI ai l Mgkl Wtt niiliminil IFslnrra Ihr akin to Its original 'irllr. Tin, is ttu-sr. n t ol lis noiiih'rfnlsiH'orst. Kof liad lonijilrSHitia, rnl, rnugb baiula anil sbairksis nails, li . iliin ainl lalting hair, -alv ai.'l nut i'"l . .1 , - 11 1 . 1 m ; v I il I .111. .lira It la wonilrrfiil. II Is MM mg, nnrlftlnt; ami lsntlfvlnc lo A cfir hitlirrlo 111, Inn-amniig n inrtlira (or thr skin aiul MHplU NWi Mir gmM 11 ai. tlM MMMm4 salrs ol all Otlirr skill Slut i iilii1rlloti svla. holil tlin itlin t t'i- .irl.l. IH'firu Inn i. tap 1 ma. (our, Silo I"? inrtors, lloston. Women full of piins ache nn J wcakni'sscs ftnJ lomfort, sln-ntli nnj nnrwcj itnllty in Cut ii. urn I'laMor, the first anil only pahl'ltllffn. nirM'-slri'nKlhcning pii 1. r ulun all cKc fail. N. A. HULBERT'S City Music Store, - 'l Ml Ml a. n l.t.i.'. KTFINWAY SO ii hi 11 iimvniERi hi '.AMI II ,v II Mk hi I Ll. a UAUUH in PIANOS J 1 a larva stock of flrit-olasi ORGANS alt sum, hi iti 11 wnisii mukic, 1:10, i;iu Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. anc Adams Ava. Couui House Uuuaiib. All kinds of Laundry work guaranteo 1 tUa belt, Mr. W. U. Hcffner Alvira, Pa. After Typhoid Fever A Running Abscess Discharges Pieces of Bone. AIIHopoClven Up -But Hood's Bar saparilla Civos Perfect Health. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: " Hear Sirs : I hail la-en a luffsrcT for nearly threo years ami had doctored during that time, l ut without avail. I had given up all hopo ol ever reentering my health. At tlmos I would rather have died than lived, hut now I urn thankful that I began taking Hood's Sarsap.v rilla (or 1 am now as sound as a dollar. I was Afflicted With Typhoid Fever, andanahseess formed nil my right side above the fourth rib. The ItrangS part about this was the I iet that it did not open for sii mouths after I: appeared, although It pained me continually. Alter II broke it fsfamt a riiuiilng lore and 1 was compelled to wear a bandage all the time. 'I he do fori told DS that tlM only way It could be SUM was to have an operation performed HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES and have the rlh taken out. elainJng Uiat I had hoi.e disease, Inssriiui-li as four pleees of bone had t.een ills' harmed (nun the sore. Before sjlv Ing myell up lo th" iloi-tors I dei'ldeil to give Hood's Sarsaparilla a trial, although I had Imt little faith thin It would do me any good, t used It stili-tlt sccordlng t directions, and be fore I had uvsi thres botUM I B"i; .n to Fool a Choose, sed hr tlie time 1 had SSCd the fourth fmttle the s- re on ni l le had healed. It Is now neaily Uiree iiuuths slii'-e the eruption closed and I baVC DOt ttC least fear Of ll etrr bothvrlng me sy ,ia ll.sst'a harsaistrllla Is rertalnlv a gem among It' di Ims. 1 1 DM cured BSC and II will cure ottWa." W. II. IlKrKNm. Alvira, Pa. . HOOd't PHIS WW livrr Ills. i-.nisii, ,n..n, Mlinin!iri. Jaundice, sick lirnlai'lic. Iinlljrstiiia Dr. EX Grower Ibe PbllidMpliU Specialist, Ant M swui.-i .tail ,f TnclUh anl 'l oian 1 ttjal. klMH uar laninatiaiiUr lucaUsl Temple Court Building m 1 IPHI r st.. SCRANTON Wbua Uw tuar ba robsoJUd LlAILV AND t M'A. Tha IWt.'f I, a (raylnaU ol tha fntvrraitT el Ivnnarlvaaia. loeMrtf tasMMtrMe at t.).ii.. an. I tnraxry at tin Mrdlooi hlr 11. rat 1 kwa if rhftadrli.bta II to aim 1 Ins Ts'y 1 tnr .i Ihs Mrstiro t huur I'ra. Aas.,tatloo. an waa jNrslrua a&4 ' lursron tn rliM ,.f tha moat Bntrd Amsrlraa tM ItonkM I. a ilsU roinxi I.lhlr ImlorsaJ I ihr -.d , , .1, ., ra.rf l'Li..lsl(.hta anl htw .-rk. It's mauT vrars of hoanltal nprr'anoal o- i aaim this rn.ln. I t'tivsi.-.sQ Msq a'aiasm U fs-rras-iir dugiua anl tiat all nn m ia 1 I ilMM sritb tba ;n : f.aHrrln a'l.'i'saa, ami l is I.i. k eumlln u Hm stai- will am I. 1 a UW ' ar.-rt anv inct.rstilr nsA I lis I SI I Mini III III I 1 ll I II vratAKwr.ua 01 roi o vt 1 1 1 un llTouli.v.. 1 M n lii. i i.;i .y y.i .r phval elan rail t-isin tl J , tor mu! tai rxam.nr-1 m rum ins aural rao-of ,Nrv'i-is 1 MMiity, rrolaat. M Nir aiarrh, I'.loa. I'amala WraJioam Affis li ina nf lbs gar. Ky. N s and Thr at, Aathma. lmafiras Tumor. I an-ra-s a 1 t"rl i i Hi .4 srrry BaStni rU oa 1 1 nltatUin 111 F-i.lisb anil Irariuan Krra, srbirh il.a.l Is couaularisl aaoratl anil atrintlf coutt II. 1 llaL 1 1 Iloo.s 11 V to U I'. .. hall,. auuil.il. ll a. in, to i . 111. Third National Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, - $200,000 SURPLUS, - $250,000 Tills 1 nil. oflVra to ilrpoaltori rvrrjr larlllly uarraul. il l, tli.-tr Inilaiu'rs, boal llraa an l rrsioii.lt,llty, hpi rlal allrnllun Klvrn to bualnraa ae rouuta. latlataal i ui.I on llliiv ilviioalta. WIMIAM COKHmta PrrsMrnt I.I l). II ( ATI, IN, Vlre-I'rralilrnt wnii vi 11. I'txK, Caaklaa DIBSOTOBaV 'William Cannall, QaatM . Alfrrd iiuu.i Jaiuea Arolilmld, Hrsry llrlln, Jr., Wllllaiu T. kuiltli. Lutbir Keller. Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, Tlin Spooiallst on tin Eye. Hondsches snd Nervousness relieve!. Latest nnd Improved Btylo of Eye Ulassus and Uieutaclus nt the Lowest Prlcoa, Best Arttflolal Eyas Inserted tor fj. 305 SPRUCE ST., op. Old Poet Offlca. siimiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiitiiifiiiigifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir EverythingpoR Everybody AT The Fair 4.00402 Lacka. Ave. "Always the Cheapest'' Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Notions, Fancy Goods, Infants' Wear, Cloaks, Curtains, Boys' Clothing, Boots and Shoes, etc. GRAND OPENING OF OUK New Millinery Department FRIDAY, SATURDAY mi MONDAY MAY 4, 5 and 7 riiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiniiiiiifiiit'fiitiifiHiiiiiiiR NEW Hand-woven Carpets and Rugs 30x60 inches, $1.75. Smyrna Rugs All Sizes Easels Screens Basket3 Tables Va3es Shades Beaters Sweepers Hassocks Rods Pads Fringe Plush Cord Gimp Tacks KERR & SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. With an Eye To secure more patronage, in addition to our already extensive trade, we have de cided to inaugurate the following Gift Distribution to all purchasers of Worth of Goods u j or over. J? Worth of Goods S I4V W Of OVer. WITH EVKKY ai I Sideboard WITH KVKKY BEDROOM SUIT WITH EVERY Parlor Suit This advertisement must be presented in order to secure the above gilts. This GIFT DISTRIBUTION hold good for cash or credit sales. Goods delivered free everywhere. se LOT 9x12 feet, $15.00. Coat Hooks Towel Racks Card Tables Brass Tables Music Racks Bric-a-Brac Umbrella Stand3 Rogers' Groups Curtain Poles Picture Hooks Brass Tacks Stair Buttons Bead Portieres Eamboo Curtains Step Chairs Blacking Boxes A (iift of a 100 piece Pinner Sot. a of nn Elegant American Onyx Finish Clock. ', A line fruit subject in J.ntiiUO i and IVame- 1 A Pastel iu Ivory and Cold. Env I pire Frame; sometLiii"; new. 1 A henvy pair of Chenille Portieres I in all colors.