The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 05, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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Heartily Indorse Some Great
Modern Truths.
Why People Wear Out Their Lives,
and Become Miserable When
There is No Reason For
Doing So.
Wearing oat I
That is just what a grant many
pie are doing, iney Know aomeining
la wrong, and yet caunot tell what is
the matter.
Did you ever think what a large pro
portion of American people is sick, or
at least, if not exactly nick , not well?
Something is the matter all the time.
llow many people of your personal
acquaintance are constantly complain
ing of being "so tirod," having "sucti a
headache, "of "uot feeling juit right,"
Hud a thousand and one other thing,
nutil it almost seem at if the world
had become one huge hospital lilted
with incurables.
What is the cant of all this 1 Cer
tainty it iH not a natural condition, but
on the contrary, is one that should
cans much anxiety and alarm,
The American people are proverbial
ly In a dnrry ork in a hurry and
leepin a hurry, overworking ami over
straining nature, and then wonder
why they do not feel well and strong.
One of the results of the American
way of "rushing" things is the Impair
ment of the digestive organs Indi
gestion is a terribly common ailmtmt
among all classes of people Thousands
of men and women cannot Assimilate
their food, and through lack of nourish
meat they lose flesh, becoming thin,
pale and weak.
It was formerly the custom to pre-
ecribe cod liver oil and other nauseat
ing preparations for this couditiou, but
doctor are now admitting that it is
unreasonable to expect the stomach to
digest these sickening remedies when
It cannot stand the most delicate foodl
strung medieatad wines ami bitter
have also failed, becaute they only In
flame the coating of the stnmach of the
atomacb, and make mutters worse
Drugs and medicines have hea proved
to be eiinally naalMI
The only way to cure indigestion and
restore the stomach to a healthy con
dition ll to giv nourishment without
the aid of the digestive organs, so ss t
give the stomach a rest This is a
common sense principle, and it ha.
given rise to one Oi tbO gTMteei dll
coveriss of modern times - u iinely. I'h
kols, the pre -digested food PcskoU
is unllko any other preparation thai
has been lutroduced. It it not a drag
or a medicine, but a pure atirchv food,
artificially digested As soon as it i
swallowed it is adsorbed bv the - -
tern, yiviog instant nourishment wit
out any digested process in toe atom
ach, In this way it gives tone an.:
slrngtn to every part of the syst .:.
aud enable other food to be p. rfecth
digested. Wherever 1'askoU is taken,
the symptoms of dyspepsia a pee lily di
ppOer, the whole body feel its reviv
lug influence, and MMolottn people
find themselves becoming plnrap an !
strong, lhe testimony of pal", thin
people who have taken PaakOla a.
thai it can add two povndl a week to
the wcigtit of ptOpU who have I sj
tl -a throu(h lack o( untntion
great point in favor of I'askola is thai
i'. is extremely pleasant to the taaU '
and agrseable to the most eeeltiV) 1
tt.. . Even children like to take ii I
and that I why it ftgrtM with t
and dors them so inncti good
Head this frank and truthful letter j
from a minister or the lospH :
Worth OtKTM, N Y t
April 14th, lS'.U. j
The Pre- Digested Pood Co .
M Read st., New Vork.
OmUkWItl In reply to yours of
April ViUi, 1?U4, lean truly say it is
piessurs to give to the world a testi
monial in regard to I'askola, for it lias
dene wonder for myself and wive Wi
liave taken 1 .I'J worth, less than thi
price of one visit from our physician,
yet it has done for ns what no doctor -prescription
or patent medicine hSTS
vr il" :
For ifi year I have suffared unto! I
ni-ri by a disordered stomach For
'ears I have ha l to abstain from meata
ut aftor one day a ua of I'askola hav
eaten meat or any other foo l my ap
petite craved with no ill r.'snlt.
In regard to my wife. I hardly know
how to write ltcertnlnlv appaafa like .
a miracle. .Months paasad witi.
with no appetite and so reduced in Utah
and vitality wan she that we wen
looking for nothing but a
death. Iiat Providence, in the shap
of a little pamphlet tucked nnder the
string of a package brought ft :
neighboring town, and by me I it
upon the table with the remark "Here
wife is semething to cure your lUl and
giv you an appetite,"
bhe read it, anil said to me, "I have
faith to believe that If 1 had that Paa
kola it would help me,"
The next mail carried an order for a
bottle. The second day brought t
bottle, and she took the first dda
That was four week ago To lay ll .
can eat a hearty meal and of any thin,,
ebe craves, something she had not done
for months.
I regret we did not weigh ourselve
before we began to take Poskola , Inn
the truth is I nan no laitu in it ; so j
many things had failed, iiut you have
onr lasting gratitude.
You oau make m h ua of this teal l -monial
as yon wish. 1 do not send it
to obtain a supply ifrne, but beoauso I
have the good of my fellow men at
I have induced a few people already
to give Paskola a trial. When they
ehall have given it a trial, I will obtain
their testimonials foryou.
Hoping nnder God this endorsement
may benefit some, we remain
Yours truly.
Rev. A F. Bkehe ani. Win:.
Paskola may be obtained of any re
putable druggist. A pamphlet on food
andidigestion will be mailed free on
implication to The Pre Digested Food
Co., 80 Reade at., New York.
Criticising a Young Lady.
"She would be a pretty girl for but one
'-What's thatr asked Charley.
George Her face is always covered with
purple and red blotches,
Charley Oh, that' easily enough din
posed of. Used to ba the same way my
self, but I caught ou to the trouble oiio
day, and got rid of it in no time.
Ueorge What was it?
Charley Simply blood eruption. Took
a short course of P. P. P. 1 tell you, it's
the boss blood corrector. The governor
bad rheumatism so baa that you could
boar him holler clear across the country
every time he moved. He tried it, and
yon know what an athletic old irent he is
now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy
pointer, she would thank tbem after
ward. All the drug stores sell it.
Advertise in The Tribune.
Their Possibilities Now Unit Fashion Smile
on Costume Muiln of Aborted Materials.
Tho woks just poind have, ciiabled
many shoppers to oolleot at a couipsira
tively small cost "romiinnts" of cloths,
silks, chiffons, laces, ribbons and the
liko. Whom these "baxgain rcnniiints"
liavo been spli'ctcil with a certain amount
of regard for their possibilities they
maybe made to return with interest tho
money and time expanded in this pur
thaso. Tho truth is that today fashion
1 !
I !'
MfilUfe AC
ntoi'K OK faced CLOTH.
Is smiling amiably on the ciMmiio which
is made of Hill lull materials, giving
yon a ipeoiaj opportunity far eooompatsv
iug oleganoe from remnants.
You may make n skirt of cloth, a vest
f accordion plaited chiffon, with a lace
yoke, and the jaokt t, bodice ami sleeves
of cloih of a different shade and may
confidently hn to inlii'A'- si a.
Then, again, tho snort pieooof brocade
may 1h ntlliaed for the tan jacket,
and tho f , w y ards of lace which ymi
donbtloaa picked nputdat reduced olr
onmitanoei may be calculated safely
to form a roet, flounce IsBIWath a
baaojet of the jacket, which might lx
cut ill tabs, ;uid to 'rim the full sh ows,
Which, according lo the latest ft hies of
la modi . ore only to i full dow n to the
elbow ami to set dowdy to the vrit and
fall over the hands. Those frills of lac
over th" hands, which half OOOOl al and
half reveal, are eminently bamming
Thin silks mav N'sum'ssfullv used d r
dnaaing jacketa lined with nnn'a veil'
Ing There is no piece of luce which you
have bought tit the sales too small to
cotiideri d of use. It takes but few
laohta today to make the bib. that Lndia
penaable additioo t" our atttva, which
the kBger we aaam to know-the man
we wson to admire, the n a-Jin fortius
Wuv ptfhfspt not difBonll to find, for it
may ! discov red in 'he nnd- in able fact
that laoe at tbo throat imlvervillv I.
coming I. ace. ., may !a- ttaad to form
the popular vok". Whioh shall be trans
parent for an evning An h i" be won
at home, while it nenrfffjl but a small
i quantify to farm the lace epaulet-, and
but two yards will mfflOO f Of that full
laoMM!lar roundthe shonldera which fo-
daywi-rall tbeeai ly ''Victorian berthai "
Are yon tho fortunate jossrv- r of a
little g-rl? If so, you can tise th- 1 agth
of two yarda of faeod cloth. It will
malt" a perfectly plain froek, rnt squire
baoknad front, pluitM Into Uie waM
with brac es and a sash of black watered
tibbon, ami it is w .m over awhile lawn
oamieole with large Chwihaldl ileorea,
made with a yoke striped with inaerti d
an l lonka, Qereisa hanceforeciniiny
for ail moth r-; The camiaolji an- to lie
I C' .Itriv.s :; f . length I '. i ' l.c.'i
i cry. whii'' tho !t:n:tisl anotuit required
j by U'io frcck toll its rWS tale of thrift,
cud of c ;irs Lie' c. 1 .cation of color
I way he v.uii I ; Irfialincly eiWflfll en. in
I with black riW ns, navy blm- with
hcliotr pe old r At and tan velvet
ribboM Th ch lioa is infinite.
ti o auik x Dftafe,
Hot milk is a regularly reeaignized
drink in MM of the irii,an caft- It
is aturwi In BOOp With asau . r, and tWO
lump-: of (n:g:,r always aononipat.) it
Tliu (Link several things to coin
mnd r, siin-e it has none of the d
one qualities of tea, cotfoo or alcoholic
drink-, and it ie actually an excelh ut
remedy for tibtorders of the t una h
arising from certain form of IndtgOl
Iti-i i.- fur I'r no I'le.
Bte-iv naif a pound of pi - m a very
iittle water intllhoft; r"iti rratbOBtOnea,
n.eet-n unit add gradnally to tlio well
i".i'en whites of 'J aggS Una a plate
with erntit, n'ld when nearly baked a '.d
tho prniie atid bake aU-'.t tOjnJmttes
A!fjr In Hlerea,
A new Par:-: sleeve is qnite u novelty,
MmWning as it dots, the flgOt and the
puff, h !- cut all in one, but for muT"W
width ntatetia), nob as n.k, the extra
width can be put iu separutrly. Very
amaii plaits, piaoadone on the top of the
other jvrfia-e this fnlli,i'ss to the size
new Paris ri.ijkvb.
neoessary for oompletiug the seiun, which
extends from elbow to wrist. At, the
armhole fho efrn fullness is put into
plaits, back and front, t he remainder be
ing gathered to the required size.
The short, puffed sleeve is still the
popular shape for ordinary oveuing
wear. IJall dresses have no sleeves to
apeak of. Many are made with manly
n (dosuly fitting bnndof ribbon by way
of u sleeve.
Hints to Ifoiuekecpers,
To roast small birds fasten the heads
undor tho wings. Lay a thin slice of
pork on tho breast, of each bird and a
pieoo of bread underneath. Hottst in a
hot ovon.
A lump of soda laid on tho kitchen
drain pipe will prevent the pipea from
becoming clogged with greaso; also flood
the pipeH once a week with boiling wa
ter in which a little soda is dissolved.
In packing boUles or canned fruit for
moving, slip a rubber baud over the body
of them.
(m m " H
A Beautiful Belle Broken in Health,
A Journey Through Europe.
A baatttiSal American lady had grown
pale and thin, "The belle of the season"
was tired. Each passing winter had found
her in tho forefront of social gnyety, and
eai h t vcurring summer had tossed her like
a straw from city to seaside, from seaside
to mountains, and from mountain to
country. It was very pieaanut while it
lasted. There were balls and dinners in
the winter, with host of admiring friends
to hear witness to her social triumphs. A
black dhinal duy came when she was forced
to admit, even to herself, that her intluence
was gone and that she was merely a belle
of the past. She was no longer beautiful.
Flesh aud blood and nerves had stood the
strain es long as they cuuld, aud then they
went to the wall.
Realizing that the youth and beauty of
her life bad come to an end, and knowing
how hopeless it was to doctor shattered
nerves and a worn-mit constitution, she
took up the oroaton threads of har saddeaed
exi-tence and sought 111 some BOglOQtOd
corner of Boropo lhe rest aud quiet that
nature so peremptorily demanded.
One October flay, three years later, the
lists of Hteumship arrivala contained the
name ,if the broken-hearted creuture who
had once been the social favorite. In
memory ol happier dayn, some friends
made haste to rail DUOS her. Among tin in
was her cousiu, who had a young phyai
i mn s belief that l is skill in medicine
wmild cure In r. t'pon entering the draw
ing room, he wa greeted by the most
brilliantly beautiful woman that he had
reu for year. Me gazed in dnuib sur
mise. Could thm l his c iKiti tin
ruiliant creature, with round, d form,
Issue step, st urkling ere, and above all,
a complexion umr charming than lhe had
ever possessed before It Was impossible;
Sad yet lhe was Uughiog merrily.
"If it Is indeed you," he said, "one sign
will i.ot fsiline." lie looked at her search
inglv. "mir -ig'i I s fulled," she taid, "my
frerklos nt" gone."
"Beeoty ipota of ths it si! gone
Thee VOU ere indeed a stranger Mvcall
i in raia, I uin here t.i cure nil IllVslld."
I am truly a stranger, for I am new
throegh ut in mnol ai d tndy I have
almost been fiom agsin "
"Yoa muat have discovered the spring
of eternal youth."
"I have l.'sten well, and I will tell yoo
tin aaorei SOB may remember what a
wan and biokrn- lown creatine I was
wl.i-n 1 an'.d g M bye on ti neamor three
Mara ago. I ws on my way t" Befope,
in Ike hope of benefiting n list little haailli
i had left. I aanld not hope to reaaii
Mv doctor lleeonraged At his iat
vtait be co!e nt me, talked at III".
P' unded 'e fhx.r with hi can, berated
my relatives, my bringtug-up. the itateof
i lety which rennltteil aurb things t..
n.e tn puss nt.d had n . I ft nn-. 1 1.- r
rtetUa at death's dec, ItO inure late
Ii. nra f r m, no poors danring, BO nc re
li t ... l J, I,' I'll re .mlu'estlble fm-1. I)"
eidlrmeni no iiothlt.g VVhni n physical
wreck In appearance I was yon know.
H in Uah jeara slid diapoailluli, toad
' " , at J the Iradlttoos t I mi fstnlly, as
well as my own tastee leading uie to be
tl.e gayest of Ibe ga 1 bed ' and niTse'f
pre Boa te rely old an i broken dowa m
heatth Well, a batige of scene sud air
uoa'd do Die s me guo.1, and. If I abstain
from all that nisk-a life plessnt arid i; t-r
i-ating, l might hope i" oonUaoe to lle
m. re dead then alive, for a good many
years. 1 did t"t unit aee the gslu in that,
(tut, to go ou with the at i r On the
tesmei l fe l 111 with soma acqpataiaaot
vi.n were g ang 1 1 a place aattrd Uerlehad
Ih'y a-sfl me to g" Wttk then,, si.. I. s
sse place was a g. ad aa another is n , I
went. We reached srlsbn.l al the begin
mug f the regular season, which is tea
Isi of Mar, and I staved lafOOft the
satire eeasoa. aatil the lslof Oct tr. it
-eetned e DO the CUStOm there to drink the
mineral welera, at, 1 more b- a.iae it wa
the cuatom than from any Ideas tbat Uie
waters would do me anv gm-l I lgaii
taking the wsters myself, for leek of
aomellllng better to do I eqtll mrsi-ir
. eh lav with au eurtt.euw are mug, and
j. ined a long line of men and women from
nil pane of tho world on the way to the
aprtan, The largest, the hottest mi I the
Ust known of the springs ws the S ru lei,
and naturallv I went there. To be In
t'urlshad and not drink the watera of tin
Bprndei Is to be out of fashion; so, out of
iiieic force of hsbit, I drank.
"As I expected, the drinking did not
make me feel any belter ami I consulted a
physician. He went over my cu-e very
carefoUy and Baally asked me if I arlehed
to place myaelf under his care. I had to
.1o so; I was ill. "Very well,'aa:d he, 'ion
will please continue drinking the Bpmdol
water as you hsvs been doing,1 There was
no help for it, and 1 went on as before,
taking the water regularlr, although I
seemed to lose weight. Hut the physician
kept meat it mercilessly.
1 I w as a long time at it, it seemed to me,
end then, to my great surprise. I begun to
gain in strength. This was BON than I
hud looked for, but It was true. I felt
belter, mentally and physically, ami above
nil, I began to gain in weight, I seemed to
lie an entirely new creation. My old Mesh
had Iu some mysterious wny entirely ills
appeared, and new Reehwes forming In its
place. Thi i was like a mirncle, hut I
hardly dared to hope Hint It OOttld or would
continue. Hut it did continue, nlthoiigh
slowly. 1 felt that 1 was pnssing through
a new stage of growth. 1 gamed in weight
pretty stendily, and, after u time, 1 felt
much strouger. At the close of the season
I might have imagined that I whs n young
girl again."
"1 think you have found the spring of
eternal youth," said the young physician.
"Hut do you expert to retniu your present
health and freshness without living most
of the time In Oarlabadr
"As it would he inconvenient for mn to
go to the mountain, 1 make the mountain
come to me. Iu other words I carry the
famous spin. h i Spring around with inn
The imported Carlsbad S'prudel Salts, in
powder form, is a most excellent sub
si Itnte for the imported waters. Although
I am fully restored to health, still 1 am so
fontl of the waters that I drink as much,
01 nearly as much, as though 1 were nn
invalid. In the morning, before breakfeat,
I tlis-olvo one-half toasponnful of the
powder in a glassful of tho Carlsbad water,
which is sold in this country in buttles
brought direct from Carlsbad. In Carls
bad I found any number of people who
habitually added the salts in powder form
to the water from the spring, in order to
give it greater strength. All persons can
uot go to Carlsbad, of course, hut they can
scrompliah as good resuluhy using the im
ported Carlsbad Waters and Stilts hero nt
home. I would ndvise you to try a few
experiments for your own information on
some of your patients. It will do them no
1 1 ' 1 1 1 i. ,' j svp ,
harm, in any event, and it, is pretty sure to
surprise you with its good results."
"It is certainly worth consideration,"
said the young mau.
"Poi haps 1 shall find the opportunity to
make the trial that you suggest. Mean
titno I must again congratulate you upon
your recovery. 1
Somo weeks later the young physician,
much impresaed by tho wonderful Btory
that ho had heard, began a series of ex
psriments with the Carlsbad Mineral
Waters. As bis cousin hail predicted, he
was greatly surprised at tho result. The
diseases treated were mostly dyspepsia,
constipation, gout, rheumatism, melan
cholia, and ailments of n similar nature,
began to grow brighter mentally soon
after beginning the treatment, and in n
few weeks, they felt an exhiliratiou that
they had not known for years. In cases
of -h j it the patients soon lost tho
heavy, dyspeptic telung and 1n course ol
a few week they were able to choose
their hill of fare to suit every vargary of
their tastca. In nil of these eases the nc
tion of the salts in powder form upon tho
skin was strongly marked. Imperially
was this rase with persons hnviug dull or
mottled facos as the remit of hud diges
tion, Under the stimulating action of
the waters when Deed with the additlou
of the salt, the skin would exfoliate fre
quently, thus cunning the complexion to
bornmenmch clearer.
Me found that the action of the Carls
had Suit, iu powder form showed clearly
the peculiar raloe of the water for medl
ciuttl purposes. It Is not a mere purgative
as might tie supposed, Imt it is an alterna
tive auileliininutive remedy, In Its action
on the human system it dwolves tenac
ious bile, removes all unhealthy growths,
allays irritation, neutralizes free arid, and
Oleosa the vital oraaoi in a sound and
healthy oonditlon. It due this by adding
nature, and nut by sudden unit exceaaive
stimulation. In its effect upon the stom
ach the water ss well as ilio Cuilsbad
Sprudel Halt (powder formi causes asooth
lug, alternative action ou the nerve of
the atomach Thia ense the increased
appetite that lelavsrtabl noticed after a
stmrt course of treatment, aud also the
feeling of ri mfnrtal.le warmth that
spreads through'. ut 'tlie entire bodv. Hy
its letrodocsti in Into the oiroulataoa of the
sisiem they ri rrect manv morbid decom
position ot blood snd lymph.
It will U seen fi . casual glance at
the a.-tiiii, of srlshad water and the
arlabsil Bprodsl slt in powder f r in, that
tl.e eurative results are otttalaad in the
simplest sud meet natural wanner, fte litst illssolrea ami ahaorlw all tough
andobui nous aecrrtmna. and Immediately
thereafter bagleeto both) up the system
Willi new health end strength. A In
bunding 0 new house on the fonndstiona
of an 1 1 1 one, it builder first clear away
the old rubbiah.s i the i arlslaad Water and
Bpmd I ait sear away the rahMahaad
aaaomalata I ai-ett.nia of hi haalth.
i:. anpetati scters of sew Itfs and
Urangth ia thru built upon the renewed
The Carlsbad Waters and Sprudel Salt
are N ounug to popular in tin country
that dish. lie. t persons l.aVe fOUbd it pro
nth M pie a ujou the market b I
Bpradel salt; bat, to mke sure he is
rrettlag the gaanlaa Imperssd arttcka, the
pnrefcasor anonid i carefnl to bnv Liy
that wt irh tsars the nam
Moadolooa ., gan York
Istirl, who are the tola a,
railed States for Ibe pn
i nrlstmd BpHnaa The psm
l y this house i;it a gre,t
- of K
t ity,
in the
al of la ten t
ar -)s. I, and
lug Information concerning
will bn mai'ml free upon a
Per aals by ail reputable
Cesy,ni i d-ns.d.
' i'i s a f.'i.niny Vt.Jifi
Cap Itol - i c greaa C., y ,
crow ils fOJlfaeToo - r nflict ri
tioricnitapee - latlai wMialaalt i
Seeds and
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
i in TAIL
fValof Ihn tioat utiallty f ir rtmnoatli" naa.aml
rf all sit.., di'livarial in any (.art A tba city
al jo 1 prlra.
OnliTs Msft H mr "ffli-is
no. I is. l rOMINO K BMOBi
Hoar riinin, drat flimr, Thlr.l National Han,
crarnt by mill or tslspbaos to ths mm will
rsrstra proaipt Mtsayuo.
t I". ml cuiitrai'tH lll In. mnOn for Uii sain
sml ilulivury nt liui kwliout (.4.1.
Hotel Waverly
FnroiKan PtS& FirKt nlass nBr attaohod
I'Mmii lor llurnner Knaol a Tannhimisor
N. E, Cof, 15th and Filbert Sts , Mi
Moat Aoalraliln for rosl'lents of N.K. 1'onn',
ayhanla. All OODTSDiSnOM tor traTolers'
M anil from Hroail Htroi t atatii.n and tho
H clfth ami Markst Stmi't station. Do
lrulilu for vlnlting Korantutiluua and poo
tie iu Hid Auturaolto Kokiou.
Dl A An n ABA ASS INi'snciitljcursil
I OdV, unds r ensrsntr, bstkml by WWktiJL
I rnilive imi snd lUO-psfs bink. ill'ilttrstsd from I
I lirorromisi.ilfliirsd,frsi.byniall WhnnHntRprlnfi I
I snd Msrsnrrfaii, Our Mnsle Remedy lll
I'Klltlnly rum. Hills kSSWll I'll.. CSIrsss, III.
Good Men
Good Clothes
a SO a
NE of the strong
joints of Tin: Trib-
im s equipment as a
lirst-class printing es
tablishment is the fact
that it has a superb
Bindery, thoroughly
supplied with up-to-date
machinery and
managed by skilled
workmen, f or neat
work promptly done
and at prices that are
fair and square, it has
no superior in North
eastern Pennsylvania.
Preserve Those Pic
tures Don't Spoil Those Mol-
The Tribune will
promptly preserve any
I I a
I tne nrr eertpc t .nr.
hased bv its readers
at prices especially
moderate, 1 1 will make
special rates
binding of any or al
parts of the
World's Fair Series
America Illustrated
Moltichrome Series
OrAny Other Series
And do the work so
thoroughly that you
will simply he de
lighted. FOR ALL KINDS
1 ' .aeBMasxeftr
W rem rwrrriSI
The Bliove brand of flour can be bail at any of the following merchants,
who will accept Tin: TnibUNK Fi.ocu coupon of 2.r on each one hunired pounds
of flour or BO on each barrel of flour.
hrrnnton F. P. Price Washington avonu i I
worn .' i .ii a iirniia.
Dunnioro-K. P Price, Gold Medal Rrand.
L)aiiniorii-K. D Maiiley. Superlatlra Urau I.
Hyd Par k Canoe M peels Weefehora Bi
Hold Medal llrand; J seph A. Mesr. M.iin
SfaBM Suiwrlalive HraniL
rtreen Hi.) kf A L.Sieticer.t lold Medal llrand.
J. Ti Mo Hale, Huperistive
rroeldaaee reaaer At OhsppeltiK1 Main avie
nne. aperlstlee bread ;Q J OlDeeptSj w.
Mark-t atreat. (lold Hadal llrand.
Olj-iihiint .lani.-i .Inrilan. Hiiperlatlre llrand.
PsefcTiUe ahaffaf ft SnperlatlTo.
ilennvn -C, U. Winters A: C i .sujum alativn
Ari lihald-J nies. Hiiiiiaon Aj C, . (),,lil Medal.
Carlsmdala II. s Clark, Onld Medal llrund.
Ilonesdale 1 N. f.nter r sol I M.M.n
M.Mi.. ka M ll. UtsUsi
III K 111 IMoMl
s NDERgl N s N(;i.isil
.11 sii-s i NOliUH
I 111 si I I I.
iii IKSK BH r.s
soi i si EEL
s n.s
III I.I ()U s
HORSE V lll.s
RVMBlsli nn u i i i a nno-i
Bittenbender &Co.,Scranton,
Wholesale suJ retail desler' in WsironinskerV
Then rtq hundreds of young uwn snd yotug omen In thii
country wlin Iium' i1i.mk1i1 ability, but tiny hue never Ixion
wskstMd up.
Wood's College of Business and Shorthand
H.i" boon an lospustlon to
arc Urod nf ItUaCtivity uuil
eonc to the ( oiie -i
OMMON I NGL18H 11 nli
III I i ll Ksl
aHoRTHAso ooi it..:
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been1
Scran ton,
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers,
(ioinTiil otli i. M'KAXTOV. PA.
i.y mall iwiia!.! Wlt'i
saJ ii... asui
iFORENDAf TLR USING .a Uisr. i Mn si KJUtTl IUOOO HaaoBla Teiiiple, cuicaoo. iu.
ror Bale in Soraaton, l'u .by H. C. SANDERSON, Dnigeiat, cor. lYashlngton
liirl SnritCK strict-.
isawaMi aMaK'Unfcsi
cta i WK. am
IMi tune,
Ltli Ld
- 1 nvxv nml
pcMil i
MKiU m. t ion 1 rro f rhurpo, and ihoro xer.o huiabcjf rr acivrrti: mcat' h
tbont it. AnTfOOfl ngM or phrviclnnran put it up fur yon. u ororvthinfi isrlaln and olmplo. All
1 ivk in return is that u will buy arrimlt quantity of tbo r. . j.- n mo direct or ad vino your
frtendnUt 1h!mi after you noeivo tho recipe nnd(oothiv there lunonnn.i nor deception. But yoa
cn ,in tu vim nluutoihouL this. OoniiOODdMMi strict! v coritMiMitiM. nnd all lttors pent In plain
fcalcd epvoloiK). Hncltwc Btanip If cimvcDteuaa.
Ask for DR. MOTT'8 FEHnTBOTAL FILLS ami tatn no other.
ISSend for olrcular.
byC. M. IIAUHIN, Hi,itti.i,
Vol Bala
Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa., May 4, 1894. i
Send this coupon, with 10 cents 5
in cash, and get four of the marvelous
j Multidirome Art Gems by far the
greatest offer of all. Mail orders 2c extra. I
from the AT. 7. Tribune, Aoe.t, ISSX
The Flour
"Chicago, Oct 81. Fhe first official
announcement of World's Fair di
plomas on flour has been made. A
medal has been awarded by the
World's Fair judges to the flour manu
factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co.,
in the great Washburn Flour Mills,
Minneapolis. The committee reports
the flonr strong and pure, and entitles
it to rank as flrst-claas patent flour for
lumily aud bakers' use."
Taylor Jadae & Co., Gold Medal; Atbertoo
& Co., Superlative.
Ptiryea jaswrenoe atore Co., Ooid MedaL
Moo-i. HeCrindle, OoldMedeL
Pittston M. W. O'ltnvle, Hold Medal.
Cterk'e Oreen Freee S Parker, Bnperlatiraj
Chirk m summit - K. M. Tonne, Hold Medal.
tialton-S K. Finn A- Bon, Uuld Medal Brand.
Nii'bolsou-J. E. HnnliDk'.
Wiiv.rly-M. W. Ill las ft Son, (lold Medal.
Fa'-t iryvillo -Charles (lardner, (lold Mi-dal.
Hoplioltoni N. M. Finn & Sou, Hold Medal.
Tohyhanna -T'lhyhanici ft Lehigh Lumbar
Co. Hold Medal Brand.
gon)dahoro-fl a. Adams, ciold M.-iai itrin'L
Moaeow Ostse apConont (told Medal.
Lake Ariel Jamea A. Bortree, Hold Medal.
FureatCity J I.. M .rtioi ft Co., Hold Medal
tXLI s
in r.s
ah 1 ii.ackstuitns'
vant to
of young people. If yoa
do soinctliiti,; tangible,
F j. WOOD, Proprietor.
1,1. wnaSsrlSl 1 ffssS"
SSI. SS In rsr Sll Irrinl, ills
aai mi, Ii s Writ M(.nnTT. I.i's nf llrsln I'liwrr, Hi'S'laclir. WakiMulnpss,
I ...i Maiihnmi. Ntaitit i y MsTToainsss.alldjalnsaMloasol powsr
ratlTsirraanaof slthsr sazrjasaad Sj OTsrsxsrtlon, tafial rrrnra.
rii'csxvauaa nf i nhacc. "Iiliii'i .r ailinulsnis. wh'i lili'sil 10 laBrmltT, I JPS"
('sn I trnrrliM I n I" i. fs i,Trni,raw,
a a riiirn nanwHSMana
. cir. nlsr frro. . 1.1 hr a 1 1 UubsIsi s. Ask f rll.iass
muncy and honlth Willi d - ion1
t'rful "CUrtV
. !:i n l will hi'iil riil.i-: tho rr.vnini.n of
0 ri'Mirdy fi-r I lin prm-ipt ):iht imj euro of
Nipiitly Kmiftnion?, .Nn mius "Woaktirm in
It) of rOU& men, urimrrlr. Jripotrnt V, ind tn tlllaWft wcnk,
'iinii(f nrriLTi. sTnrcii ill 'I o . re Us. I Srt 1 I ! . i ; n n-si r i -
b U.Hunirerlonl. ltoXA137,A Inlon.M ieli.
Tho only aafe, tare an4
reliable Female PILL
ever offered to Ladiea,
especially recommend
ed to married Ladies.
Prlio fl.UO per Doii noi.-a ir lf.,.0O.
C'levoluiid, Ohio,
127 Avenux.