THE SC11ANTON TRIBUNE SAT U liDAY MOllNINU, MAY" 5, 1894. EXQUISITE STYLISH THE HATS AT NEWMAN'S 303 SPRUCE STREET. All the Fashionable Shapes Trimmed to stilt tbo moat fnstlilioua WORK GUARANTEED. LOWEST PRICES LACE CURTAINS The most delicate fabrio prop erly cleaned at THE Lackawanna Laundry 308 Penn Ave. A. B. WARM AN. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue China. ISMS Haskell. 415 Lacka. Avenue. CARPETS BARGAIN SO 3. We Will Offer for a Few Days Fine Moquette Rup.t at $2 00. These Rug Have Never Been Sold far less Than $3.00. Williams & McAnulty 127 Wyoming Ave. NORTH END. Tha North End oorraajiondent of the Troth mads a imatake in regard t- the appointment of a poHOMBM from tbe Second diitrict of the I irit ward. ('. A. l'.-rrv, tbe mau arhnsa appointment to the puliee force whs confirmed at Thnrs lay eTcnintf's meeting of the council, nver nerved in the armjr of the United States Neither did he serve as a Columbian guardsman The similarity in. the names between I' r r v and Harry must pre'nmably be the canee of tlm mistake. aa Charles Merry was also an applicant. Tbe error in question hud the effect of confounding the matter, as everybody believed it waa Mr. Berry that whs appointed. Tbe misleading stst"innt, however, re ceived the unanimous approval of v cry body, as Harry waa decidedly popQ lar. Tha Exrelsor Athletic club, of Provi denca, gave a social at 1 1 1 1 ismM'i hall on Thursday night. There m it a Urge attendance, the hall crowded Tha most interesting feature of the event waa a waltzing content, (which was participated in bysii oonpttt The prizes given by the club wer onlqrje and costly. Thay won., a diamond ring and breast pin, which was won by Owen Loftus aud Miss Duggan. H ARGUING ELECTION CASES. What Gounael for Hutrhee Ask In the Carbondale Can Argument waa beard by tho three judges yesterday afternoon in Ibl Cat bondale aleetion eontest case. Attor neys Joseph O'Brien anil C 0 Dono van, who represent P. K. Hughes, ar gued that the sixteen votes which wen' found to be marked In a general ami apecial manner should ha thrown out. They also asked thst the vote of Michael McBonotlgh, in the Third dis trict of the Fourth ward, be declared illegal and that action on ona vota in each of tbe following districts be re considered: First district, Third ward; First district. Fourth ward; Second diitrict. Fourth ward. Attorney L H Burns, who represents J. J. Collins, opposed tha position taken by Attor neys O'Brien and Djnovan. In tha matter of tbe aon tested elec tion of John J. Flynn for the office of borough councilman of tbe Third ward of Olypbant.conrt discharged the rnlc to how cause why petition and proceed ings should not DD quashed and di rected that an answer be filed before May 21. MARITAL DISCORD. Divorces Granted In a If umber of Cases for Varloua Beacons. Decrees in divorce were ynatorday granted by Judges Arch bald, Edwarda and Onnster as follows: Angeline Stieber from John Stieber, for oruel and barbarous treatmeut. William Filbour from Carrie Fil hour, desertion. Christopher Mittan from Blanche Mittan, desertion, Mattie Webster from Edgar H. Webster, desertion. Abraham F. Crant from Martha Crani, desertion. E. Lizzie Dippre from William Dip pre, cruel and barbarous treatment. Laura Shaw from Thnnton S. Shaw, desertion. 76 Pairs Ladies' Op. Slippers for 49c. 6 Bros. Tos. Moire n j 1MB III Manufacture Benedict Millhauser's Anti-Friction Bearing Metal. IT HAS BEEN SEVERELY TESTED Seems to Be Superior to the Material at Present Used for Axle Journals. A Company to Manufacture the In vention Has Been Organized It Will Be Chartered at Once The Tests Made. Capitalists of this city are interested in forming a company for the manufac ture of nn anti-friction bearing which bids fair to revolutionize the use of the material babbit metal -now applied to car axles and journal of machinery. ,The new article is composed of celluloid, zylonite and other simlltT materials and is secured by letters patent issued in 18111) to Benedict Miilhanaer, an opti cian, living at CI. Adams avenue. Some of tbe prominent members of the board of trade are interested in the formation of a company, though the patentee has not asked finaucinl aid from that body. Two years ago a company was char tered under Virginia laws, and sinco that time 1 xperimeuts have been car ried on by the D-lsware and Hudson Canal company, Erie and Wyoming Valley Hnd other railroads. The re sults have far exceeded the expecta tions of the patentee and the gentle men connected with the enterprise. an I lliey bars elicited the interest of well known business men of this city, who, it is reported, will form a company for the manufacture of the bearing 011 an extensive scale. SKVKIIE tkst HAM, Bcgardiug tbe xoeniueiits on the Erie and Wyoming, this real was e I to ted because it has seine of the heav iest grades an 1 sharpest curves of any road in tins part of the countrv and gives the benringH . .' car axles the se verest of tests, A passenger train ws completely t. pupped with the celluloid tiearings and where only two coaches had previously been drawn over the mountain another coach was added to the train. ( irdinarilv with two cars it has been almost imp ossible to regain a minute "c loci tune, bet tbt train equip ped with celluloid bearings anil inclnd ing an extra coscn made up ntto. 11 minutes lost time. President John B. Smith has ordered number of the cars titled with Mr Millhauser's patent. 1 he iMaware and lladson company had one of ti e baaritnrs en a car wtil.-b was run I Lo miles 111 1.' ) days When the bearing was removed soarcely any wear was POrCODtlbtC With Babbitt metal it is necessary to ue t russ hltings those lntreste I say that with tl a celluloid article cast iron fillings can be Qted an I that the average outlay for bearings and axles will be reduced from :;:'. 1-.; to'-') p-r CeUt. mn ox mink i t m l- sts have also tri mad with the new peanut on mine pinups and ma chinery by Townseud l'oore K suits mow ihem t j atari 1 tha strain belt man the old artlele and thai they are not afTertel by sulphur water. I be M'.llhansT Ann-Friction liar iti company', was organised andcrtbc . : . iii a taw- .uU It . : .mental purposes. Now that the article is said by 1 radical railroad men ai d m ban i?s !o !) :i success, those interest I will withdraw tlm present rharUr for the pnrp se of organizing nn ler the lav of this state. Er'i-tsi laic of Ladies', M:si an I children's .shoe. Factory HOC ft) re, 411 lack's eve. DEATH OF MRS. kICrUHD BEAMISH A Youn Wife cod m ifcerWke fccctC Away Yasleidsv. Mrs F.llen I'.eamnn. wife of Attor ney Richard J. Beamish, died yest-r day afternoon at I o'clock at her home, Bit Franklin avenue, after an illness of several weeks' duration Mrs Beamish was about vt years i f ago and Was a young woman of many excellent qualities wbieti greatly en deared bet to those with whom she came in social contact Sue is survived by her husband and two children, th" y UOgCCI of whom Is but live weeks old. Mrs, Ivainiali, whoso maiden name was Peterson, had been married a little over three yarc Mi was a niece of Kichard 1 linen, suparinien I ent of the Western LTsion Telegraph coiiipsiiy in this city. Arrangements for the funeral have not yet been completed, lot the final obsequies will take place Monday. e 80c. CtV. Will bay a pair of child's shoes at the .1 llroc'. today. On lleaorteia' Mat Orange psd dried mid grated main s Ml Unit llavoriug for 1 akea BDd pad ilm'-. To make pretty plant basket get a largo wimsImi ImiwI and cover the out side with split peach stones. Varnish or paint and hang witii chains. In roasting meal the principal earn flimilil Is' to have it as juicy as possible, aa the juict-H contain both the nourish ment ami flavor. A cup nf cold boiled rice added In any griddle cakes or mttfliiis makes them lighter and morn wholesome. Keep a s'i k ormore of lime in an open keg in the cellar to absorb the moisture . are lu st washed in water in which bran has been boiled a qua.t Of bran in loose bug to 11 gallon of wu- tar. Home lionsewives say (hat the colorsof cotton fabrics will become "sot" if suit nnd water arc etnployed,;i gilla of wilt to 4 quarts of water. The calico is dropped 111 the water wliile hot, mid there re iiiairiM until it in cold. e . Men's Hoots. Formerly sold at aMa today at $1.25. I Bros. e - COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES The ( 'nngregntiotial rhurch eoiicreifa tion of Vandlinir applied to the court for a charter yesterday. Mercantile Appraiserdilgalloii has hand ed over his list of appraisements for town ships and boroughs to County Treasurer Powell w' " Is uow ready to receive t tin merca' .ax. Tlm will of Charles Aten, late of New ton, was ndmltted to pro bate vesterdav bv Register Of Wills Koebler nud lottera testa mentary granted to William B, Thompson. Arthur Long, chnrged with robbery, en tered hail yesterday in the sum of $HO0. Bis father John Lung, bocame his bonds man. Court yesterday made an order for the removal 01 M. .1. Jseary, an insane mau, from the county jail to tha Hillside home. A marriage license was granted yester day by the clerk of the courts to James Thorntou aud Catharine Brown, of Ml-nooka. Two Bold Counterfeiters Night. Arrested Last THEY VICTIMIZED MANY PERSONS Scranton Hotel Men Were Easy Prey for the Snide money Sharps They Came to Grief at the Coyne House and Were Pulled in by Officer Gleason The Money Is a Poor Imi tationAre Now in the Cooler. Officer (lleason at 11 o'clock last evening arreBteii two nun against whom thorn seems to be a alear case 01 passing counterfeit money. The men In question are both what might b termed young in years and are strangers in the city of Scranton. Kvi- deutlv they struck the town early in the evening, but while hero they were Very lndtUtriotll in shoving the queer and seemed to have had but little diffi culty in passing their bad money upon unsuspecting citizens. At about ten o'clock the pair entered the Coyne Home and call-d for the drinks. They tendered 111 payment for the sum" :'!, which was accepted by the bartender, who handed out the change without once suspecting that he had been imposed upon. The bill, however, fell under the eves of Propri etor Coyne, who immediately concluded that H v. a- spurious money. Ho said nothing, but when later the two young men returned ami attempted to pass an other bill of the Same character. Officer Gleeeon happened Inand placed the fellows under arrest. TOOK AltliKST OOOIiT. Naturally the pair were somewhat crestfallen, lint bore themselves with excellent demeanor, considering the kind of business they had been engaged in since they came to town. Both pro tested that they had done nothing wrong, but it was evidence of bad faith when tiny refused to give their names. They stated, however, that they Were from Wilmington, Delaware, which, oi course, nobody bOliCTCd, When takfB to the police station and examined a large quantity of silver dol lars and small change waa f. n 1 1 In their pockets. The bills, for tbe most parr, were presumed to b- bad 1 Inef Simpson and Srgeant Deiter spent some time in counting the money and came to tha COncloclOQ that the amount was about fl'.'.Y The prisoners did not seem tool tiled to disclose their identity and Were locked up in sep irate Cells. After taking bis prisoners to th Ita ttoa ' Hi cr 1 ileason went on a tour of 1 nn 1 1 ciion. He fnun I lhal ta. men bad passed spurious bills, all of the denoni (nation of $-', al a nir.nW of places in town, tine wa left i.t the CoTOC house, loin Melvine got one. Oonm Cusirs another. Iw. 1 were left at the Conway house, anomer at U " Ci'y Hotel. llU' gins .V Wahl were salted and at aeverai 01 piaces thestnlfwaa scceptel jn.t as though it was nn A I article. Martin Bird seems to have la-en the only p-r son who refii- l to b" bitten T i men cams luto bis placo aud asked lor the drinks aud threw down one of the spun mi t. bills t- nay for the taBM Mr Bird was at one ttmo connected wtth a bank in Ireland and ac his lingers tonch 1 the money he dis covered its real cluraoter and threw Ibe bill back to the Bed. They then paid fur what they had ordered In good sliver money and left the nr .. a talk ati yk nn m n. Both of the men were under tbe la tin, me of drink wh-n arrests I The shorter of the pair feigned sleep tru- mediately after twing placed in the cell, bnt the other was quite talkative lie informed a i 1:11 I'.sk reporter that H W .s tl ill ol V a I '. IUS !. 1 he H as or Where h came In :.i 11 1 nl, ',. I to tula Volubly, however, sail to- Was (good parentage and tnat if hew, a convicted his relatives would ! mine the wiser The fellow is evidently very self-conceited, tut seemed, to rc alic that be had been cauM-tit In a ba I box. The bills found iu the j, issesslon of the men, as well as tlice pisardby them, were of a decidedly bad imitation Ml were of the It series of regular ail - yar ceit ilicates ai. I ; :i" iriinlier on e.i a of the M bills begun with the tignreV' The arrest of the men is liuportant, for that they are uperts in passing counterfeit money there can be ro doubt. s , 6-Bros. Today. f,3 pairs men's fine band sead sboes, laird and emigres-., f, 1 : 0 Ttir and klrl sr. Apart fn 111 Us oontfotl) the CtXAntnifl ndv.uilagos of tie cat and skirt style of ilri s are quite amnion nt to ks-p it in fashion. With it suitable DM may go almost nnywhero in a cat and akirt. The drossiest waistinata are of chill oil and is rn lace or moire antique A RBW WAISTCOAT. , but nothing looks nitvr Hum a ami la lirociiditl ailk wiiistoont w ith n li j;iln ,t. For street wear waislcoata are made iu (doth or piqno. A new waistcoat is dou ble bri'tiHtoil ami pointed in front. Bingle breasted waistcoats avo, howovor, Htill worn. For tailor made gowns cover! ooclttBgi Bergo and faced cloth are still holding their own in the world of fashion, tlio lhst mentioned being lirst fnvoirto. l'et rilled horse tracks are among the cn- rlosilies iistrihlited to Missouri. They are said to be found in the bottom of n creek In linv county m Eummer Term. Wood's Colleiro of Ilnsiness and Short hand will receive students for Academic business nnd short, hand course duriug tho sui.imer at special rates. f 131 Fairs Men's Shoes for OSc., at the 5 Bros. tods. QUEER POOR DIRECTORS 1EET They Take Action on a Number of Applica tions for Out Door Relief. THE PRERIIUMS NOT TO BE PAID Insurance Companies That Eliminated the Lightning Clause from Their Contracts Will Receive Nothing Until It Is Restored Home Com mittee Directed to Provide for the Furnishing of the Women's Build- The poor board met in regular sea sinn yesterday afternoon. There were present Messrs. LangstafT. Oibhons, Williams, Tropp, Shotten, Murphy ami Mrs, Swan. The meeting opened with a tilt over the question of insurance, in which Mrs. Swan and Mr. Oibbons were arrayed against each othor. The latter triumphed and was correspond ingly happy. Then came a long Hue of applicants for out-door relief. As each took the witnesa stand he or sho was subjected to a vigorous cross examination by Sec retary Lynett, whom long experience has made very expert in drawing out from the applicant such information as the board may be desirous of obtaining. The usual tales of want and woe, some false, more true, were heard, and the worthy rendered such aid as the DCTB bers thought proper tO confer. Superintendent H-erncr reported that the new btil ling for women is nearly ready for occupancy, and on motion the furnishing wa, left to the home committee. A number of bills wero approved and ordered paid BlTKItlNTKMil NT'-l HKI'ollT. The report of Superintendent Oeorge W. Heemer, of tue t inn an I alms house, was read and approved It bowed that the number la the aim house at the time of the lust mnntnly report was 169 admitted dnricg April. It; bom.!.! lied, I . remaining, 168, of wnoin 1 18 are males and 1 1 females. The report of 1 1 it DoOf Physician V7, A il'aine showed tho nuinber of his pntlents to have O-en K . BBBOCt of visits. i;s c.ises of insanity ex imine I, I . deaths. 1 l he report of Benjamin. F. F.vans, reai ient physician at the alma house aul Insane hospital, suinmarii-d IC follows: Number of prescription. :'.ii amber Ol sane persons treated, males. femalea, '.'s. insane, gealet, tSj fe males, '.M lotal anmbcf of patints treated, 118 Num'.-r of patients in asvlniii April 1. 1891 IBS: received In April, 4. discharged, I I dal number remaining Mv 1 ;-u. til. I'r. W 1 LWOae'a report revealel that ha had ros le KM visits. Dr. J. A. Ilaaley made 78 N Itber reported an deaths All of Ihe rep iris tMfej order -sd receive 1 an I j Is- '. 00 tile. ollil I. M V J-TtUst Ssrr.-tsrv l.intt siated thst s 'ms , f the insurance companies desired that the electric wires In the pool farm dwellings be placed in approved c ndi- l:on l-'ore liisuraiice ar is sue! 1 ne matter was referred to tue home c .mmilti- I lie s-cratarv aUo re; irt I that csr tain of the c intiaiuea with whi )h in had len plael had rstnrnsd the p., iflrs with the lighimng clanae stricken out I la motion it waa decid ed not I 1 approve the bills of aaid a :n panlcs for aremlBCM uulil the light BIB) i lanCC Is res: . t la motion of Mr Murphy the fire men of Dnnmore and Scranton were . 1. 1 :'.. 1 (1 :.i tbe payment of pr MOB! pour tax. Ibis being the Usual custom. Attorney Scrsgg was instructed to wuhdraw ttie nr- ptions li.ed In th" rase 1, f Winifred Ikmghertv. decease 1. aa there was no desire on the part of '.'.-hard to Impoac additional hard shi uion her all ler Tbe meeting then resolved Into an informal discussion of a proposed v. ail of ihe memters to tbe farm LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE vBcm respofaCbee let as, aloea) acre Caul from Mr Dmy To all l"rien . st (l.e lire-.! IP a- Tbe execntive committee baviui: charge of tl, Sunday rloai-ig moyement in S-rau- ton thanks PS OSl n rdlsUy He mnltnudr of lieltirrs including s yrrel hundred a? be have cloced tbatr plai aa of taasajsees no Haas day. toi ti . ir CM cragemeai and co-or atlon That which in lie- beginning was problematic Is now demon. 1 ration. It is evident that badaCM men at thlaritr. In all its M ...-trial departments and of every trade and r fcaanui, favr the rest day, and that the people are lint divided nub niieieiice to Us ptot.s-tioa. Ihe move ment, which started With a puiiNanto Ne ipcci crerj body's rights aad opinions and yet move to a definite result, has not swerved from its purpose a hair's breadth from Its beginning F.nough of .crltliism and vituperation Inis lavn stirred up t give it health and I III paal II ea, hilt II, e tnls.llea of foes have fallen 10 the ground without leaving a inai k. It has m t I'ceii a movement of Cranks it fanatics, nor a rrtiaaite againl snv class of men or kind of Imalnese. Ita keynote i protection to the American Mile bath, and Its plea Is that every man needs one day of rest in eeven believing III the siainiliiis of thla platform the eiecutivn commit ire invites conformity to llielaw throaghoat the city for tomorrow and every recnrrlng Babbath, aseoriag thcec wlio keep within the law nf its support and promising to those who challenge the law all that the law ran do to vindicate itself. F. A. DnNV, Scranton, May I, 1M4. Chairman. 100 ii i,..i i . Juat As good us those mentioned nt the 6 Ilroe. ' today. DR. C W. INGHAHAM. rtsmarkabln Rssulta Obtained by Him In th. Treatment of Pulmonary Ii,s . In another column will be noticed the announcement of lr. '. W. Ingraham, nf niiighiimton, N. Y, whole to be at the Westminster Hotel, Scranton, Saturday, May 5 lb, Ingraham has madeaspecial study of lung diseases and his treatment for con sumption is probably the most auccessful ever instituted. Asthma, a disease which has long battled the skill of our best physicians, is cured by his method in more than ill) por cent, of case, treated. Indeed not a single failure Is recorded where the treatment has been faithfully carried out on the part of the patient. These results, which are wonderful, in deed, aro attested by numerous cured pa tients, Ladies' and dents' Razor-Toe Shose In patent leather and russet. Common wealth Shoo Store, Washington avenue. 00 New Drsaa Ghioda. On Satnrdny morning we will open a new stock of China and fancy silks; also dress goods, novelties, foreign and domestic. Mkahw & lUuEX, Dr. C. C. LatinAcn, dentist, Gas and Wnter company building, Wyoming ave nue. Latest improvements. Eight years in Scranton. CO BRICKLAYERS SCORE ONE. Five Firms Agree to Tay Forty Cants Per Hour. Arthur Johnson, recording secretary of Bricklayers' union, No. 18, is au thority for the statement that many contractors havo acceded to demands and are paying forty cents per hour to bricklayers. lh firms who have submitted are Harly & Flynn, Griffin and Tnttle, Scranton 1'ire Brick company. R. T. Aswell, H. E. Moore. CITY NOTES. 'The Galley Slave" will be seen at Won derland this afternoon aud evening. Don't forget tho Hon Ton Social club's (active Turners) socond annual May hop at Turner hall this evening. Thn frame building at Washington ave nue and spruce street is being torn down to make way for the business building Mr. .Meara is to erect. The sale of seats for I)e Wolf Hopper In "Panjandrum," will commence at '. a. 111. today at the Academy box office. Checks will bo given out nt, 7 a, m. Tho drug store, of Chaiiucev Fowler, at Carbondale, was closed yesterday bv Sher iff I ahey on an execution iu favor of Mrs. 1 anuie McCartney. Mr. Fowler's daughter. A lecture by Nathan Vnlaver, under the auspices of tbo Jewish Culture society of Scranton, will he given torn1 rrow nt 6.86 p. m., at tbo Excelsior Social club rooms. Mine Inspector Blcwltt has decided that an impicst is not necessary in the case of Stanislaus KinOWekL Who Was killelat the shaft Tuesday night, as thcunfortu- n ile affair was purely accidental. The funeral of .Mrs. John Irving, of Phelps street, occurred yesterday moriiiug. HCT. Father Ooldoii read a requiem ma.s at St. Peter's cathedral. Interment was made in Sjit Park Catholic cemetery. (hsirge M Bad Is tend yesterday purchase 1 of .tames .1. I.awler his handsome residence on Clcyavennc Th- consideration was 115,014. Mr Hatlatead intends to occupy it as Ins reddeBOC 111 the near future. Property owners on the west side of Adams avenue, between Vine and Olive street", have ad led to tin-beaut v nf that thoroughfare by erecting iron fences and a ddlng the plots in front of the houses. At tho Uallroad Young Men's Christian as. 01 nation saiuday, O. 1. I'shlemsn. An drew Wisentlue, M .1 Sweeny and M. F. urrv h ill have charge of the :i l', p. m. meeting. I lued stngllig. All Welcome. The Arrhbald Viten. a hands one 7- coluinn ipiarto, McNulty ant ''oonell propri-tor., ha maoe its apM.arance. i he I aper starts off with a good display of ad m i-p ir. a- ! ti. .1 le is elite 1 111 it bright and spicy manner. F.llxaboth Yendall, of Jermyn, the in sane woman who was taken to the county jail for making thrOCte. was re noved to I'anville Insane asylum yeaterdar by Dep. n y sheriff John J l lanaghan. assisted by K- ear John Oaffney of tbe jail. I'atrlrk llogan, who waa alrnck by a Iielaware at d Hudson tram at Providence Thursday night, died fecterday morning fn m tua ln;orla. A widow and SCVCO chiMr-n anrvlve bim. C roner Kelly does not think an li n'.iest nere-ary. !v. Warrea ' Partrtdgs w.n preach bis f ,'irth annual sermon at the I'enn Av- saae Baptist chnrch ocj isunday. The ca m It the fearth aaaivsrsary of tue pastoral in Scranlon an t the exrcli anM be of nn usual Interest, with apecial n : - by an a ig'-i -ntec choir. Within a few wka the 1 I aiiamst the I'liiCblrure I ch ir h i.t w l a t. a tl. 1;ri uh :i la ant i until rt li B. Alherti erday tri m OtaarasvUlsL n returned vet N Y., where he the piivllc-a Uis. Jean Mie, of Ike Ns-nn I 1'resbyler isi i barca ccjeir, w.i repeal the cocc by --iltvat.. which she aa; one Sabbalh .. v Kt, lug. "1 1. Uaca Is It tan. ' st bCCJsM r w m rninff s asanrwy a-id in the evenir.c ai I'r Roblaaon'a lectare on "Mary" she wi I sing ln a beautiful aacrtM song. An InteresilDg aertice will be held at li e rang WCCaeci a ( hri.'.ian aaaocialloc. ronma tomorrow at 4 d ' ohen Artl, :r Wllllaasa, Jr., arttl give a miesionary ad lna. 'Hie service a III be open CO all y iiOC women in the city. The readiii,; li n it t n : tsmas and periodica. -c i i- . 1 fr. :n e'cl .ft Tl.. di si mate n of the ICCOad at the orie nt Saturday afternoon traatplag toora on- act th tian a dealrlr the V telltdll ear.' esc eaj the Toamg afea'c Chrlc MCiatl it ' list 1 mountain. ThCM t Jote ltd Dart will pleas.- be at ting Hen's Christian association re J o'clock, as the part y aril I at 0'..r. the weather eboald be uofavorable The Wocseai Mime If lecioaarjr coctct ne t at Ibe Llin l ark raonage last even lug and , ; .,- a ver v Uasant time I. ght lefresltinei.ts wrre serve.!. A silver i ffering was taken at the (KMC an 1 netted a lirst nra for the SOCjety TlkCaa who aa- uled Mrs I'esri In eutertaliiing were Mrs. J II. Porter. Mrs. ( barlea Schlager, Mrs. .1 .Vc.Vi.iiltr. Mr.. F K. Wood, vi-s MerenBaad htlcc aVIIth Itoctoa. An luteresting debate was held at tbe raeasj ol the locmg ktea'a Institote last anrht ea the sabj ct. "BcanlTesl, That the lev movement has Ix-cn a ben. Ill t,, ihe indii.inal world '' M. t. O1eotc held op the afhrmative and dosepb MrNaily the negative. ThC J'ldges, .lotlll J. Vsrley, Thomas Mdloiildnck and Jouu llrogaa, ib. kled in fav r of the negative I'n r to the debate Attorney M. A Mctiiulcy de ttrefcj and aleqaeeil Delegates from tins region who will at ti ml llie ilrai.d Ixvdge of Iv,, rites at Fair Haven, Yt, neit Tuesslay eveulng are Jehu Henry l'h in e, from ltolart .M.tiis lodge, Joseph Wiglev, (mm Thomas JefTer son Uslge; Th . ni It Joins, and Thomas Samuel, from Hyde I'ark bslgea, J and :i re.pectively : Morgan II. Williams, t'niCt-. dence lislge, No. 3; Thomas Owen. Taylor l.dge. No 7, lirand Treaanrer II. I'. D.V virs, of the Weal Side, nnd i irand !Secretar 1 I'. Thomas, of the North Kud. They will leave Tuesday morning In a private car via tbe Delaware and Hudson. Anhaueer tun h Baer. iuis laibcain'a. Mb Hpraccaii ac B i : . i tut I, Jewelry t se in t from. EI;YTIMN(I new. E R R I Nl IS iu new styles. UN in and see our new store. Y OU are welcome. S TEELING Silver Novelties in ,'reat variety. W.W. BERRY Jeweler 417 Lackawanna Aye, Best Sets of Teeth, $8.00 Including th painless extracting cf teeth by an eutirely new v Mca, S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. Itto WYUB11NU AV iv ME8HKS. Burtt & I'atil fine water colors exhibition and sale, nnened Thurs day at Stewart 'a gallery. Young Men's Christian Association building, and was largely attended by the art lovers of (Scran ton. Lovers should take this opportunity by calling and looking "at this collection of water colors as they will be on exhibition for three days more. Art gallery open evenings until tf o'clock. 3 IMPORTANT FEATURES TO CONSIDER In Buying for your Summer Needs, 6 rice We have the best or evervthlug that vou need in our line. If you have a want In Ulia direction wo can easily supply you. PRICES ARE MORE THAN REASONABLE The coining week we shall makes ipcelcl display of Knamul Ware and have some rare bargains. There will be bargains in the HOUSE FURNISHING Department that will tion. ho worth your atten HENRY BATTIN & Co. 128 PENN AVENUE, If you want anything New. Novel. Cheat,, call on us. We can probably supply you. OSLAND'S 128 Wyoming Ave. Wo arc now dlgplgtying a fine line of Hosiery lnt" rTTON, BILK ami LISLE THREAD. QuantVa Style and Pi OUR $8, $9 and $10 Lines OF Men's Spring and Summer Suits FOR QUALITY, FOR STYLE, FOR FIT, FOR FINISH, THEY HAVE NO EQUAL IN THE CITY. Every purchaser to the amount of Si .no or over is presented with on the Beautiful Parlor Suit. EI 1 k SB 137 AND 139 PENN AVENUE, Complete Outfitters, SCRANTON, PA. S. L. GALLEN. the ::t 3H:r:: here eoresents Razor Toe Last, latest styles in Banisters. BANISTER'S PRICES are paying elsewhere for inferior goods. BANISTER will give you MORE for your money than any Shoe House in the city. Patent Leather and Russet Shoes in endless variety. BANISTER'S, LAST WEEK We booghl oftwo large mwinttaoturersthelr entire line of Ledtes' SUITS, CAPES AND SHIRT WAISTS, wlli(!l M offer for ONi'. ia.iv at tirst cost, or about 30 PLR CENT, lew than regular prices. MEN'S HATS AND FURNISHINGS In our Millinery Department we show the most com plete line in the city. We estimate that our $2,500 Distribu tion Gift will hold out about Two Weeks. Separate Wholesale Department. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. LOOK AT THIS We are offering- for Saturday and Monday a 40c. trimmed Sailor For 19c. Also a Black Clay Worsted Coat, with moire trimming, latest cut, worth $14. For $6.00. You can have your choice of 100 Capes and Coats for $2.98, Worth from $7 to $15. Don't miss this chance. It will last Saturday and Mon day only. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. NEXT DIME bank. han a c E USE misters ne. If vou want the Footwear trade at are a little less than yon Cor- latoa!!Ml(,!.m5 hm