1 THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNING-. MAY 5, 1894. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, General Manager. rrm.tHn taii.t and wibklt in ScnA Tv. Pa., bt The Ihiuuni Publishing OnMit New Vork Omoa: TRtBirwi BtnLDrno, Frank 8. hrat. Manaohr. anlerert at tne Poitofflee at Ftranton, Pa, at Rtcond-Claa Hail Matter. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. SCRANTON. MAY 5, 1894. Citizen COXBY snrreudered to the law under proteit ami when all it over will be ready, no donbt, to take hii place with Corbett, Sullivan and the other great actors. Senator Quay's Speech. It ia aunonnt'Hil that the aerial ipeeeh Which Senator Quay ii now deliverins; at odd interval on the tariff will be the innst volnininoni and comnrtfhen live treatment of thii mbject from the protection standpoint aver made in thict country. It will, it is said, mass to gether a greater quantity of statistics Bnd a larger variety of digested argu ment, with evidence, than has ever before been presented in a single dis cnasion of this theme. In Its speclnl field it will be what the recent speech of Senator Jones, of Nevada, whs with reference to the free coinage side of the curreucy qnestion. This spoeoh, it will be recalled, filled 44S octavo pages In small type, exrltnire of an elaborate index, and comprised what is said to be the most csrefully compiled handbook of the free silver theory today in print. Very naturally the prospeet of hav ing sncli a businesslike treatment of protection presented to the OOOHttJ does uot please the Democratic theor ists, who are endeavoring by every dr vicu permissible under the senate rules to "choke Senator Quay off." They re ridiculing the speaker because of bis alleged lack of eloquence and hound ing Mm for bis persistence, but the tin milled member from Heaver pursues the even tenor of his wiy, sustained by the knowledge that though he be DO pretentious orstor, h has the happy fatuity of stating a purely btttiMM question in a plain light that admits ol no free trade legerdemain If as an incident to the delivery of his spe.eii he should retard the final vote on the so-called Wilson bill until many of it objectionable features liav been modi fied in obedienco to emphatic popular demands, it will not be a bad consum mation Wliile it would have been letter for the Uepublican senators, possibly, to have faced the Democrats at the very beginning with a challenge to pass the bill or finally concede its defeat, the new turn which the tariff discussion has recently tsken in the senate wi x ! leetn to hold out hope that if a vote can now be delayed for a few week, the whole miserable free trade scheme will be incontinently abandoned by its sponsers' in favor of a bill which will in effect be tno McKinley tariff re vised and renamed It is apparently Senator Quay's purpose, in addition P presenting a ciear ami lucid digest of the entire tariff question, to so lime his remarks as to btlp along the good work of iJemocratic conversion. W assume ihat he has reason to believe the Wilson bill can in this manner lie effectually scotened, and upon this as uuiptinn can cordially indorse his pur pose. Otherwise, a vote ilioald to reached aud tn uncertainty ended as sooo at possible, m It WOULD be a public blessing if all our county and state cooru ex-rcised the wholesome authority over evil doers that has come to be expected from the federal district tribunals. Tiif. Flnkkai, Directors' Association of Pennsylvania which met hero last year, was in snion Thursday tt Phil adelphia. One of the subjects dis cussed by its president, ft Frank Kirk, was the growth of lbs II iwer nuisance at funeral., and renewed argument w.s advanced in favor of greatly diminish log the nmnber, rest and variety of floral trlbuUs. This reform, like cre mation, will be of slow growth, but It seems to be a wise one. It is at least possible to urge the lavishing of anch tokens of esteem during the life time of its beneficiary, an innovation which would make things happier all 'round Nonsense Grown Dangerous. Hepresentative H, the I'opnlist Itatesman from Nebraska who has jnst asked congress to "devise means for the smployment of the Idle men of tho country, restrict immigration, start np the mines, increaso the currency and prohibit the issuing of interest bearing bonds without the authority of oon greas,"isa remarkably modest man, lite he would have included in his bill a request for congress to abolish the sincn bug, formulate a curative lymph for tubercnlosis, compound a process for the artificial manufacture of dia monds, ordain perpetual motion and rectify the eccentricities of the spheres. The one sot of requests is no more er ratic than the other, Only two of Mr. Bell's ideas come within tbe proper functions of government, that relating to immigration and that to tbe cur rency. The extraordinary prevalence at this time of utterly false and quixotic con eeptions as to what popular govern ment is or should be does not speak well for tbe thoroughness of our popu lar ednestion In civics. One of the beet leflnitions of the true functions of gov irnment tbat we have recently seen tomes from Colonel Robert O. Inger loll, who is certainly sound in his pol itical economy whatever may be thought is to bis theology. Interviewed with reference to Coxeyism, he said: These armies havo been produced, I pre rume, first, by hard times, by lack of work, mt secondly and mostly by a false idea of tbe government. These people imagine ihat the government is under obligation to do something for them. They think the, government is a source of wealth; tbat Ihe government can give money and em ployment. Now, the fact is the govern ment cannot support the people. The peo ple have to support tho government. The overnment Is a pauper and lives only on ihe labor of otber folks.lt collects taxes for Its support, not for the support of the peo ple, and the various officers that are llected and appointed have certaiD duties to perform for tbe people, for which they are paid, and the money with which they are paid comes from taxation. It ought to be entirely unnecessary to take such pains in tbe eluoidation of self evident truths. Citizens ought ev erywhere to have these fundamental principles inculcated in them, from bovhood up. No man ought to be per mitted to have a voice or a vote in the regulation of government who does not have an approximately lucid idea of what government it. Yet it is very ev ident these days tbat ignorance iu this particular is widespread, if not gen eral. The reeent long era of political pandering to prejudice and illiteracy has culminated, it seems, in the pre dicted chaos, which should no sooner be ended than steps should be instituted to prevent a recurrence of similar epi sodes in the future. The ignorant man and the venal man must be eliminated from our electorate. We have, as a nation, fiddled and danced to the kind ling fires of our own possible destruc tion; and now tbat we begin to per ceive the danger it Is tirao to stop fid dling and get down tostern buaiuedi. General Harrison need not worry yet over newspaper rumors with re spect to 1896. In tbe dull days of sum mer, the space fillers of the metropol itan press will probably have a uood deal to sav about his future, but It will not affect things one way or the other. The next presidential nominee of the Uepublican party will be chosen in the regular way, in obedience to the clear wishes of the massos of the party, and will be elected tecanse the people will want him. Definition of Prize Fights. In a community where much atten tion is devoted to prize lighting ami much more to sparring for amti-n-ment's sake, it is interesting to have clearly fixed in one's mind the exact legal difference between the two Judge Uordon, of Philadelphia, in charging a jury, recently defined th law in tbe following explicit fashion "A prize fight is any fiatic eneotinter in which violent blows are ttruck for the purpose of reducing tbe physic il strength of the opponent, to injure or harm him In anr way by such forte, provided thsy were to receive any ps cuniary benefit or any money was wagered on the result either by them selvut or other parties, or if any oth r persons were to lie ben, fitted by the Outsat If tht encounter w is one In which mero skill, mre dexterity was employed and wiiat was to be doiit w it not harmful, meiely light tone ties, and th.re was to be DO money wagered on the rvtult and they worn to reoeiva no ben. fit, it would not be a violation of the law." It it to be regretted that Judge Gor don did not elaborate hit meaning in the nte of tbe phrase 'pecnnlarv bene fit." If thereby he purposed to include medals and tropin!, at well as fixed stunt in actn.l cath, it It obviout fiat his definition would iirsafter outlaw all such tournament! as that recently given in tint city by the Kiceltior A'h letic elnb, in which "violent blowt" Were certainly "atiurk f r the j nr: of reducing the physical strength of Ihe opponent" Some of tbe bouts in thii tournament bordered to near to brutal ity, ss that term ia commonly under stood, that it would not bt worth wlr.le trying to dittiugulth the difference. It seema to ua that according to Judge Gordon's ruling these vntertai in t are hereafter placed clearly outside the pale. sa Ihk Btrnpurknura spaaa flllen of the mother county are to hs congratulated upon the extraordinary and nninter rupted tnecets of their s-bme to In flate the ceutot of Wilket-Iitrr- by t iking In on paper the surrotinling towns between 1'iltttou and Natitlcoke Any man with braint and a pencil can fUnre this grand plan of conqueat out so Ht to get anywhere from .Vi.iMX) to 180,000 new population without the Inst of a man. Such are the peerltit victor ies of peace. For a man who it declared br lev eral able newspaper editors to stand absolutely not trie ghost of a chance, Fighting Jack Kohinsou OMMfttM to prove a vrv energetic oorpts Kverv letter ha writet endt with tbe chrfu I intelligence; "I am g mg to win this fight." And if pluck gets its due re ward, he will. WHAT ONE Woman Sees. 1 hope it doesn't happen often I mean the defeat of the .Scran ton team. My employer eaine In horribly out of temper Ti.uradav morning and la fact he isn't right pleassat to live with yet. I'm awfully sorry it happened. If that stupid bate ball clnn of nri knew how all the type writer girlt would nterly adore it if only it would keep on win ning, it dons seem that the bOTI would have male an extra .(Tort We were evtry una of nt so glad that the Scrautoti olub really eeemed to be something thii year, for as long as it kept on winning our employers would be obliged to hurry off in the after noon and we could close tbe offices early snd have the remain der of the dav to onrtelvet. But to lose to Hszleton wss tough. Mr. Jones-Smith didn't make an at tempt to go to St. John's Field Thura day afternoon and tays he doesn't think be will attend to any more this season. Isn't it horrldT You atk if I go to see tbe gsme. No, thank you. I see enough of the lunacy of man in the of fice. I have no desire to behold Mr Jones-Smith, and all the other official high mightinesses divested of every shred of dignity they possets dnring business hours, and to have my illu sions as to their importance dispelled by hearing them yell like Comanches when there isn't anything to yell about It is base ball that helps to nuke the hard times harder. I've been studying it all out. There are a ntainber of women of my acquaintance who have had to cut down with their loe cream sodas and new gloves on account of the money their husbands spend nt base ball games. It's a sin. It must be n dreadful thing to be n man on account of the bnrbering he must undergo. I've never thought much about the matter until lately, since that building on the corner of Washington avenue and Spruce street took to spreading all over the tbe side walk. Hitherto, when ebanee and con venienee has led mn punt n barber shop, I've always lookod industriously the otber way; it seemed so immodett to gaze in at the gbattly row of men with their heads hanging off backward at a more or less perilous angle, and with themselves in a more or lest state of dishabille; but now that glass bona on Washington avenue really obtrudes Itself so importunately upon the passer by that perforce one mutt look in, whether oue would or not. And, deal me, bow tbe custom teems to growl Men are very vain creatures Just note the eagerness with which they flock to that particular shop to get shaved and to lay themselves like o many corpses before the view of tbe populate. How In the world a mail can serenely sent himself and appear to fall asleep, per chance to dream, while a person of whose ancestry and hereditary traitt, the victim must of necessity be ignor ant, stands before him brandishing a glittering weapon in dangerout prox imity to hit throat, is more than we women can comprehend. Suppose you are a millionaire and the barber by trade is an anarchist in belief, and sup pose he it in favor of equalizing mat i ere. which in his mlud seem to be awry what ii to hinder him from be ginning on you? Did it ever occur to yon what a fortunate tblng it it for so ciety that barbers do not seem to bo imbued with socialistic sentiments and that tbey are seniible, quiet folk who do not go around stirring up reforms iu which blood and razors are prominent fea ttiies? Not quiet, did you savt Ob, well then, talking doesn't smack of bombs and Walking delegates. How ever, 1 do believe that barber shops should be provided With scream like salouns, so tbat we can't see the pro cess that makes our adorers beautiful, any more than the one which makes them silly. It's a great shock to a fas tidious girl when she carelessly glances in at the window to there behold a listless, costless, collarless, wild look ing individual engaged in the procett of being biikily powdered as to his viaairo aud perfamed at to hit hair -and to realize that he it her pet ad mirer, who always appears in such im maculate array, Men are very queer commodities (Maybe "commolitwa" isn't exactly the won! I want it meant something that is bought and sold, doesn't Itt) They are more angelic in some retpicts than are we. We forgive ami don t forget, hut they both forgivo ami forget It any other woman hat injur- 1 tie, or particularly if we have injured any otner woman, we can tunic at her, but we don't want her around in our way ami we don't make mucu ftis over her Men are different Tney have terrific rowt until the air it bine, but lot) don't lay it up against each Other in the ltast. They simply go right on in a few da thereafter at if nothing had happened. It it a lovely trait In them and it a sort of a cbalUnge to th pea a. nmt I., t me tee, can 1 not think of .n illustration Oh, yetl There are Control lei Welsh atil ex Controller i n its pa oo. . . e Talk about feminine' enrintity, it it nothing to that of a man I don't sup poos a group of wonea ootid ba found who would lltttn around at doors to hear what a iter rhsiubtr teeloa of a teiiool committee wit about WoBtn liko to iiear matters ludlvidua lly, tut in t co e -t.v.ly No woman wav.a an other to knur that th w laid b guilty of applying her ear- to keyholes tad as for sitting down on the dusty tloor and spoiling hat good olothea (or the take Of Terhesnug something?, the Woiildn I dn it. It Is a very bai exnuple for school controllers t n est F.'iu If the BOM things on the other tide of the door Were anting t Uiething which was vitally Interesting. s Kepubiicani are silly creatnres at tinea, i'-cante thty believe Ibis to be tbl r ear and that everything log belongs to Itietn, th.y fancy It won't do any harm to all want to run f r of tics and figot for It. too, if anybody Offsets thai tio r ought really to go a little tlow, tou know, as they mav yet get overheated and that any w.y n ui ight Im a good thing thing to 1st tome of the other fellowt have a chance iiti.r.N W nk. a S THE CotFee Cools. The aeleelion of I, nit S. Megtrgee. oily editor of the 1'hllad.lphia Tim-1. president of the Psfl ami I'encil club ami brother of lWruar I and Frank Me gtrgee of this city, aa one of the etce preat Unit of tbe liiteruationsl League of 1'reet clubs, the naxt annual settton of which wl I be held in Philadelphia, ii a double tribnte, first to Mr M-gsr personal popularity an 1 ste Ifldlji to the organization which be repre sented. 'I hoe who have been privil egod tO 00 joy the hospitalities of the Pen and Pencil OlBB of Philadelphia do not need to be tol I thai that fraternal body of brainy men is a model organ ization of its kind. Since It has occu pied itt hsndsoine new home at I0M Walnut street there hat laseu nothing surpassing It in Ihe (Jotted Stales, either in material OOOTenleflOea, quality of membership or rules of government It wm in recognition of this excellence toat the International LtJOjgllC of 1'r-aa clubs, to which l Frank sqnier was tbe local delegate, selected i'hlladtl- plna for itt next place of meeting s Speaking of this selection calls to mind a kindred subject in which Scran totiiaiit are even morn intimately con cerned, liy common ,t the new F.lkt' lodge room on Franklin av-nu is literally the finest iu the order, with out a tingle exception If. therefore, thn grand lodge of F.lkt, wbich it toon to attemble at JameatOVD, N Y , da ires to emulate the rare iliaeernm ut Of the International l'reat cinbt, it should unanimously decide to meet In Scranton next year This would be no more than a just recognition of tbe -n terprite of a lodge which, although only five yenrt old, hts contributed to tne order not only the finest home in Elkdom, bnt likewise a greater nmn ber of new members than was a Imitted by any other lodge last yer. If . snf lien nt number of grand lodge delegates csn be convinced beforehand what Scranton possesses in way of induce ments It is probsble tbat the bid wbich four delegates shall mske will not be unsuccessful. Tho directors of the Wilkes Harm base ball club will make a serious mis take if they permit the private busi ness jealousy of any one official to put the whole club in the attitude of boy cotting a newspaper which competes legitimately with another newspaper in whiob the official is question is in terested financially. An attempt has beett mado to ostracize the Wilkes Uarro Times, a bright papr of large circulation and earoful in its bass ba'.l reports. This attempt, it is asserted, was made at the instigation of tbe pro prietor of the Leader, who is also presi dent of the ball clnb. The same petty trick was tried in the same petty fashion last year and wan properly re sented by newspaper men everywhere. The fair minded men who comprise a majority in the board of directors of tbe Wilkes -llarra ball club ought, in self defence, to overrule this dangerous kind of miimanagement. Tbey will lose money if they don't Two of a Bad Kind. Chicago Journal. Indiana ought to bo proud of the two grand old Bourbons that represent it In the United Hlates senato. There are times when it seems as if Voorhees was match less in bombastic nnintelligibility, but be. fore this becomes a settled opinion Ttirpie, in some turgesceut floor! of rodomontade, compels conviction that he is the inex pressible word-swasher of the universe. Indiana ought to retire these rival sena tors to a museum or an asylum for incurables. THERE is but one way in the world to be sure of having; the best paint, and that is to use only a well-established brand of strictly pure white lead, pure linseed oil, and pure colors. The following brands are stand ard, ' ' Old Dutch ' ' process, and are always absolutely Strictly Pure White Lead "Atlantic," "Beymer-Bauman," " Jewett." "Davis-Chambers,' "Fahnestock." "Armstrong ic McKelvy." If you want colored paint, tint any of ihe above strictly pure leads With National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are told In one-pound cans, each can l.cinu sutlicicnt to lint pounds of Strictly PUTS WhltS l.-ad the desired shade; they arc In no wnse ready-mixed paints, but a combination s-'f Perfectly pure colors in the luiidn.nl lorm to tmt Strictly Fart Wake teed. Best) us a postal card and get our Uolc oa fauns and coloitard. Inc. NATIONAL LEAD CO., New Voik. We arc Headquarters for Everything in Our Line. REFRIGERAT0R8 WATER COOLERS ICE CREAM FREEZERS HAMMOCKS and BABY CARRIAGES A Urge) lint of New ami BMHtl fill io-.iN( ejl suitable lor ;iiN. Conrsen. demons & Co. 422 LACKA. AVE. , 71 nr err;:;: T T VI - "V The Finest in tne Cits. Tti UtMt lmrr.T1 for t.lsMnjti and aparatui tor kavpint; ratal. tmltr n t gt'a I II liniilil . Baby Carriages, Refrigerators AND Cedar Chests Connell 131 and 133 N. Washington Ave. AKMEHARTMAN 906 South Washington Avenue, Contractor and builder of C'onornta Flamrlnfr, ('oiicroto BUkjIw, lotti, llulter ami (Awl BliiH, Vivt Ollam dricl up. Orders may ba left at Thompson Irtt, Will ams A Co. Haiti and Kynmi 8tr.eM, or at Scnuiton Wove i Works. Also Kjunilationa, Ciaturna, Fiab wire Tunuulud Collin Flawing for Onrdon Walks. WANT a Piano or Organ Cheap? LOOK AT THE LIST: An extra line Henry F. Miller Square l lauo $17S An extra flne rhlck,.r'iiig"S(iuaro Piano irr, A pood Haines Brothers Htitare P ano... 100 A Kood Mover llrot horu nuare Piano. A K"d I'lrth Si Pond Square Piano A gaMi Plnphunln Square Piano A TWygOM Boston Piano to. Walnut tl pMgfit A very (rood W'heeloc'k Upright Piano.. A very BOM Wboelock Upright Piano. . GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW STORE, Planes GOLDSMITH'S 9 BAZAAR "Only a Dream" Ten thousand copies of this popular new song is now being given away by us to everybody free and open handed. You are not required to purchase any goods in order to obtain it, but simply step inside and ask for a copy and it will be cheerfully presented to you. 1 he music is printed on the best enameled paper, and the front page contains a full-tone portrait of Miss Delia Fox, lor whom it was written, and who will sing it here in "Panjandrum," Tuesday, May 8. School Children's Day-Saturday, May 5 From 8 A.M. until noon, when every child will be presented with a copy of this beautiful song. Parties residing out of the city will be mailed a copy by sending us their address and a i-cent stamp. Goldsmith Brothers & Company. Victors With the New Valves Out of Sight. Our new Bicycles an? now to he seen at our ;,I4 Lacka wanna avenue store. VI( I,IKS- SPALDING, CREDENDA, GENDRONS, And a full line of Hoys' and Girls' Wheels. We are tnak' insr extremely low prices on Second hand Wheels. II Ul 314 Lacka. Ave. FINE ENGRAVING Wedding Invitations, Annonncements, Reception and Visiting Cards, Monograms, Menus and Dinner Cards, Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Engravers. M7 LACKAWANNA AVi; N.B. W( :iro offering a n'W edition of the Book tit Common I'm it, wi'it bound iu doth. Two Copies for 25c. Single Copies, 13c. Dr. Hill & Son Albany Dentists Pet teeth. SJI0; tet eet, V: for gold caps anil teetli without plate, called crown and brldgu work, call for price and reforanoaa. TONAI.U1A, for extracting U'tQ without pain. Nu ether. Mo gaa, OVER FIRST NATIONAL HANK. A very good Shonlnger Upright Piano.. 125 OROANS, A Mason & Hamlin, nearly new.higli top, double reed,. $ 50 An A. R Chaxo. nearly new, high t"p, double ree 1 75 A hicago Cottage, near Iv new, high top, double, reed ,. 60 A Worcostor, nearly new, high top, double reed 80 224 J J, U, WILLIAMS 4 BRO and Organs at Wholesale aud Retail, on Installments. WANT THE LARGEST Amount of convenience for the least expanse. WANT TO KNOW The secret? It lies in the Alaska : Refrigerator. We have Many Style3 and Sizes. GLOBE SHOE STORE Kc-li,'il lc' Goods rice Sat is. fact ion 227 Lackawanna Avenue EVANS & POWELL, Proprietors. FIRST MORTGAGE 6 BONDS FORTY or THK FORT COAL COMPANY. ...... . ... , A limited unmoor ot mo aoove hnnria km f,.r a l tvir mill .If. crucil interest ty the following p;u titf.s( from whom 00pt of the mortgage and full information can Ik- obtained: K. W. Mulligan, Cashier Second National Rank, Wilkes Uarro, Pa. W. L. Watson, cashier First Na tional Hank, l'ittston, Pa. J. L. Polen, Cashier People's Savings Bank, Pittaton, Pa. A. A. Bryden, President Miners' Savings Hank, Pittston, Pa. And by the Scranton Savings Hank and Trust Compaiiy,Trustee under tho Mortgage. T. H. Atherton, Counsel, W1LKES-BARRE, PA. A Standard, neat ly now, high top,doublo reed " 40 A rdioninger, nearly new, high top, double rood "5 And shout 20 other good second hand or gans, $25 to ftlu. m m , The abovo colloetlon of Second-hand Inaru inenta are all In good order, fully imnran teod, tho greatest bargains over offorod It; this city. Call and see them. Installment! or discount tot cash. WYOMING AVENUE, oUrtAJW 1 UJN, Guaranteed 1 la- GrNtt M.irvel of Dental Science Anaesthene A recent discovery aud the solo property of Henwood k WardelL DKMISTS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. WHAT J.Q, SEA MO N8 SAYS ABOUT ANyESTHENE. rRi BBNtrOOOA AlllFT.L: I r . , t . . i . . . M. . ... . . sinne.1 at , one .mi,,,. i,y ii.,,iniess method, i pro- no""1" " "'Orely satisfactory In every partl.ular. J. a. SEASONS 3f llllllllllllllflllllllf llliaillllllHIi: DO YOU REQUIRE ACCURATE j TIME? S WK HAVE IT. EDWIN G.LL0YDT.ok Iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiin CEED POTATOES W ALL BEST V AH VARIETIES. ONION SETS And all kinds GARDEN SEEDS in bulk and in pack ages. Pierce's Market F-ENIM AVE. America 10 UUnDVl PICTURES. EVERT NOTED PLACE IN ALASKA, TBE UNITED STATUS AND MUlXICO. FIVE NUMHEKS ON THE COUN TED. TEN CENTS AND ONE COUPON FOR ANY NUMBER