I THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING. MAY 5, 1894. 8 Lacisum All Things Musical 8TELLE4SEELEY 134 Vvyoming Ave. HlfiH GKADIi PIANOS WEBER, SHAW, EMERSON, OTBEB MAKES ORGANS AM. I'ltIf:E See tho Shaw Piano from the World's Fair in our window. GOOD BREAD NOW WHITE And ahvavs have Good Bread. KAXOTAGTCBRD AND FOR KALE TO THE THAU!'. Bf The Weston Mill Co, EEWARS OP COUNTERFEITS ! THE r.wvr. rorin ',n Punch Cigars HAVE THE IVITIAIS G.( B. & Co, lOrBHeiM rn Frh Cuar Carney, Brown & Co. MIT's. I. 1 II. 'I I -IJ VI DR. H. B. WARE SIM ( I IT.ItfT. EYK. BAB, NOSB AND THROAT. OFFICE HOURS'. tfoVoTaVJk 35 WYOMINP, AVE. PERSONAL .iohn Ktihlbach anil JoMpfe N. Welch, of Ilotiein!e, arc in the city. .lodge Albrijhr, of Lehigh rounty, will hold court in tl in city in xt WeOJL William O'Malley, a Wfllhea Dam OOO tractor, was in the en y yesterday on baa; MM. Profeeeor J. ('. Lange, who has been in Philadelphia for a few days, ii expected home today. Mr. noil Mm. T. C. Hoover and family have returned from Lake Helen, Kla., Whan 'hey spout the wiuter. (iencrnl Manager Archer, of the Scran ton Trio" 101, rornpitnv, i expected to re turn tho Bret of iii.xt week. Attorney M. B. ("Irr.atend of Herrlshtire, Wns hi the citvyctiTi'av. lie taotia of the IilirK litrhta .1 the elate capital. B. I). I'ettit, of New York, in vliittnif re laiive on the Vet SiiIii prior to hi do. partnre for Yorinouth, Nova S:otia. Profoesor B. K. Southwortb haa Iseuod in citations for a reorpUon Which will bi Bivon to a limited number of hi friend nnd former Mud. tits at hi new at.ii.li . in Powell's building on Monday evening. .a. BKITCHtg OF NEW POHCtMN. Appointed b7 Mayor Conaall and Con firm id by Council. Brief sketf nea of the threw polirptnan appointed by Mayor Connell an 1 con firmed by select council Thursday niht lira given below. They will assume their new duties the l itter part of tbe Week in the central city. Reese O. Jones is from tb Firat ward, Second district, lie la HOyenrs of aire, la 5 feat 0 inches in li.ight and welphs 1C7 pniinda lie ha boar) employed as a timber man In the mines of tha Delaware and Hudson company. Joseph A. Mears, W. T. Smith and Dr. W. A. Paine wero umong those who urged hi appointment Samuel K bloat is from the Thir teenth ward, atanda 5 feat 11 inches l.ixli. weighs S10 pounds and ia :!i yur old. He is a member of Company U and haa rmi led in the above ward oight years. William Connell, U. K Chit tendon, Captain James Moir, F. H. Wood. Colonl K. H. Hippie, Claude B. Pratt, and other prominent men urged tho appointment. Charles A. Perry lives In tha First ward at m West Parker street, and la judge of eloction in the Third district, wh re he has resided for ten years. Ha is 114 yaara old, weighs 100 pounda aud is C feat 9 inches tali. lie was recom mended by Finley R0s George H. Shlves, Uaorgo Griffin, J. A Atliarton, Andrew Smith and other residents of the First ward. The Vale of Mlnneknhta Is the title of a beautifully illustrated booklet recently issued. descriptive of tho Hot Springs, Booth Dakota aud the efll cacy of their water for tho cure of rheu matism, neuralgia nnd kindred nlseaaes. Copy of this pamphlet will be mailed free by W. A. Thrall, general pnssengor agent I IhlCMTO and Northwestern railway, Chi cago, Id., upon receipt of request, encloH ug ' 1 'ii stamp. e Muslo Boxes Exclusively. Best made. Play nny desired number of times. Onutsohi & Sons., manufacturers, 1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestrial organs, only gfi and $10. Specialty I Old music boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tunes. Stenographers Furnished. We aro prepared to fnrnish business men with first-class stenographers by tha day or hour. Kxpert, bookkeeping a epeoialty. bcrauton Commercial Association, Lim ited, 425 Spruce street. e . I A Foe to Dyspepsia t 0 FLOUR M OFJfEST IE Lot for a Parsonage Purchased by Washburn Street Presbyterian Congregation. WEST SIDE CLUB'S ANNUAL BALL Held at Mears" Hall Last Night and Proved a Very Enjoyable Affair. Members of the Club Remains of Thomas L Williams Taken to Tom qua for Interment Other Items of News in Short Paragraphs. The Watt Side office of the Kpuanton lBDtWl l located at 1040 Jackson street, where subscriptions, advertisements nnd communications will ruceivo prompt at tention. A lot owned by William H. Freeman, situated on Washburn street has been purchased by the congregation of the Washburn Street PreHOyterian church to be used us a site for the parsonage. The old church building will be offered for sule at auction on Tuesday and be sold to the highest bidder. It was erected in the sprinir of 186L Some time Bgo the building was badly ortoktd through a mine cave-in, and was condemned. Members do not re main within its walls without, more or less timidity. The new structure will be a beanty. More modern hamtiwork will be dis played, and it will contain all the im provements in cliureli building. The erection will start just as soou as the old building ia removed from the lot. Tenth Annual Ball. Gayety and splendor pre vailed last evening at the tenth annual ball giveu iu Mears' hall by the West Side Liter ary and Social club. The, room was tastefully drape 1 with bunting, while II igs adorned the wall. At U.ltO o'clock the granJ tasrcii was begun, and ibortl afterward the room wai thronged with a crowd of merry danc ers. Frank McLnin was prompter. The personnel of tha club is a follows: P P, Qrlfflo, P J. McAndrews, Jatii"s Bgan. atorrli Bmbery, James liurnett. Frank Oooper, John Hatf!ieyi H ) Jennings, John Durkin, (ieorge Limey, Willi tin liurrell, 1' rank (irady, James o.Mslley and Joseph DonntUy, Taknn lo TamiKj la. The many friends of Thomas L Wil liauis, of Butte "i ; y. whose remain arrived in the city on Thursday uiurrt nig, congregated at the home of the deceased's mother, Mrs. Mary Wil liam, of I.I i Aeademy street, at an early hour yesterday moruing. when the lutieral occurred. Brief services were conducted by Kev D,vi l Jones, pastor of the First Welsh t'ongrege lional church, after whicn I'mlertaker Will Price conveyed the remains, fol lowed by a large concourse of frien Is, to the ( etitral Htilroad of New Jereer depot, where the - 0 train was taken for Tamaiitia, where interment was made. The p11 bearers were Measr John K)ger. John H. Bey 09 kU, I'ryco Thomas and Liu lee Deokaf. Mr and Mrs Wil ltro Axon ftiirptteed A plea. ant snrj r:e party was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Win Axon at their home Thursday evening. 1 here was music, recitations and gaasai until a aaaaon able hotir. Tloee preeent were Mr hu I lira, J C. Moyer. Mr. anj Mr". A J liile, Mr. Ciara lisker. Mlaa Aernes (intuitu, (iussie Morgan, (trace Qood neb, Miriam Owens, Bathe Parry, Annie Bavis. Martha and Llfflta Fink. ( ese Hawkins, ( Jcrii" Wataoo, Caaala Tlmmss. Mtiiaie Jotiee, Bertha Wi -liam .'iwennie and M.irtha inftiihs. of Portal ''itv; Uaotga Trimby, I) W Phillips, Alf Huberts, J. W end Bert (iritmaii, Jacob Bistj.r, J Stewart Hardy, Jam L wis, rtiornfould (in' tiths, and Tommy Jenkins of K-ys r Valley Brief I'eme of Nri Miss Fannie Madden, of Plymouth, is the guest or Her brother. William Madden, of South Hyde Park avenue. Those who Intend to witness ths grand oratorio, "Judas Marcabaen , " to be held in Wilk-s Barre on May 11, will please leave their names and bow many in party at either Stslle ,V See. ley 's music store or J. J, navies' drug store, on Ninth Main avenue, so that arrangements can bo mads for a spe cial train at tho elm 'of the perform ance. AM. THE nrOLAS AUTBOM On Saturday we will Bice a book to every customer bnying goods to the amount ol ! 00. IfCAU d BaOEB Mies Mand Burnett, of Shamukiu, ia tSe guest of friends on thi side. Mis. W Chatnberlin and daughter, lira, Bam oe Able, of (Boson, Soaqoa- hannn county, are visitini: at the home of llsrid J. F.rans, of South Main ave nue Tho members of the Welsh Calvlnle. tic Metboditl church will run an ex cursion to Lake Ariel on June 'i Miss Sarah Morris, of North Hebecca aveune,lirst soprano so.oist of the Jack, son Street Baptist church, has gone to Mount Pocono to reside. Jerome Wade, of Washburn street, haa removed to the Baat Btda, wbere ho will reside ia the future. NKW PIlltSH OOOD8, Batorday morning we will open a new stock of China and faney silks; also dress goods, novelties, foreign and domestic. Mkaks dt Haobn. Mrs. Henry Thomas, of Hampton street, is confined to her home with rheumatism. Miss Louise Wiemer, of Washington avenue, and Misa Mamie Hamma. of North Hyde Park tivetiue, will spend the Sabbath with friends In Wilkes liarro The child of Mr. and Mr. I) W. Jones, of North Fillmore aveune, was buried yesterday afternoon in the n. . t . , . . . ivasiiDorn nireet cemetery, tierrlces wero conducted nt the home by Kev. B. C. Iluglies, pastor of the Jackson Street Biptist ennrch. Hotel opening and elegant free lunch at F. Warnke's hotel Monday after noon and evening, US North Main avenue. Mr. Eablemao, of Philadelphia, is spending a few days with his brother, B M. Kdileman. of Mnllien atreet. Miss J. Karoher, of Adams avenne, who has been seriously ill for aome time, is slowly recovering. Miss Jersie Lynott and Kveline Bircner, of Pottsville, who have been visiting friends on this aide for aome time past, have returned home. Attend the opening and free lunch at Fred Warnke's Monday afternoon and evening, 115 North Main avenne. e 5-Bros. fibre Store Today. 12.1 pairs ladios' line shoes for 11,00; reg ular price 11.50. Don't Mies It. Bboes at manufacturer's prices today, Factory Shoe Store, 411 LacVn ave. Thev Havs Gone Down That Is prices at Guernsey Brothers, NEW OFFICERS ELECTED. The Annual Meeting' of the Dunmore Cemetery Association. The Cemetery association of Dnn more held its annual meeting in the trustees office on the grounds yester day afternoon and concluded business for tbe year ending May 1, 1893, elect ed officers nnd considered improve ments, etc., for the ensuing year. Despite the inclement weather there was a fair attendance und the interest of the association was discussed in de tail. The report of Heoretary Beyer shows that the association is iu a flour ishing condition. During tha past year considerable expense in improvements was entailed and the grounds are now in a splendid condition. Notwithstand ing these outlays tho aooretary and troasnrer's report shows a balance of $2,718 10 on hand May 1, 1803. During the year tbe reoeipts amounted to HO 17. (13 aud disbursements $1,398.01, leaving a balance in the treasurer's hands of $8,283 2L This balance In cludes $500 of a reserve fund for tho maintenance and improvemeut of the cemetery. The treasurer was also instrnoted to reserve $500 for the same purpose dur ing the following year. The assets at the present time amount to $0,810 19 Auioni: the proposed improvements is an ornamental fuuutain to be located near the gate house, for the purchase of which John B. Smith and Henry Beyea were appoiuted a committee. The grounds purchased from the Pennsyl vania Coal company a few years ago aud which extend aloug the (Myphant road aro to be laid ont in burial lots at an early dato. The supply for the new fountain will ba supplied from the Dunmore (iasaud Water company mains. The present officers of the associa tion are John B. Smith, W. H. Storrs , Ambrose Mulley, Col, H. M. Boies, Handolph Crippeu nnd Henry B -rea Col, Boies and Mr. Orlppen were mere ly elected to fill the vacancies caused by tho decease of EL C. Fuller aud teo Miller. Ambrose Mulley wa elected presi dent for ths ensiling year and.Mr Beyea as secretary and treasurer A vote of thanks was also extended to the officers by the trustees for the faithful ami efficient labors they have performed during the put Md former years in tha interests of the associa tion. Col. Boies and Mr. Crlppcn were elected trustees for ttiree years e R Hres ' Shoe Store. 110 pair ladiee' fine band sewed ehoes, button or lace, up or plain, for fj ,V' t,.,lny ae PANJANDRUM TUrSOAV NIGHT. Splendid Company That Will Produce It al Academy of Music. The succes achieved in other cities by lieWolf Hopper and hie j dly crew o( comedians and singers, in 'Panjan drum, has been tnc theme of OOBfOI M tlofl among i ur theater-goers since the announcement was made that the ItnUl comedian and bll cl-ver aesocl at-s would appear at the Academy ol Mnsic on next Tuesday evening "Pat j tndrum " is daacrlbaa as a spritfhuy, picture. p aid tuc.ful at line opera It will be interpreted by sucn Weil kiionu foolliirht favoritee as Delia Fox, (irace Golden, Marion Mtiger. Nellie li.iigla. 1. .me llilliarl, Helen Bereefori, Samuel Heed. Ed BOnd Stanley. Alfrd Klein, Louis r-.irader. Harry Par. due of the prominent features of "Paajandrant" i a storm at ee. which H sud lo ba the most realistic ever eeii on the American stage Another featura of the production will I the apjearaiice of Mim I la i uller, tbe noted serientlne and Ibulteiily dt.Cer. lO a series of her wonderful dance cre' atiuns. accompanied by brilliant rain bow aid electric light tffeota. Mim Ida is the si-ler and OBpil of La Lola'' Fuller, and is the dancer wim created such a furore In London. Pari Berlit, Brussels aud otiier Fuiopean e i.l n in h-r insrveloua dances e F r $J 00 LavHaa alayaat cloth up, Ueoad sine,ai uii.ei given away, at tUe . Hriw.' today. e 1 BOARD OF 1HAOE DOINGS The Manufacture C mmlttae Holds a Hiding The manufacturing c mmittee of the board of trade teet last evening for the purpose of considering several matters that came before them in the natural order of bnlnees Letti L Boatmin, ol the Clay Limp ick company. ss pre.ent and a.l draai ad them in behalf of tbe organiz i tion which he repre.ente The coiiipeny Ima never manufactured the article, but thinks it a good thing and woiil l like to locate in cranton. The committee is also considering propositions from a silk mill company, plush manufacturing company, an onyx table company, banquet lamp end other articles, and other ennceras, all of which are anxious to locate Iti BoraotOO on . i of the facilltUa alforded. All this shows that tbe board of trsde ia alert and active, and that Scranton is still in the line of progrve sion se REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. Some of Those Who Will Attead from This Bed of tbe State Arrangeri'.uts are being perfected for the transportation of the delegation tana thts end of the state that will at tend the Hepublisan state convention at llairisburg on May 21 The intention Is to have tha delega tions from Bradford, Wyoming, Sus qoananna, Pike, Wayne, Lackawanna and Lnzerue meet at Wilkes Bsrre and proceed together to the state capital. T hose who have already Imeti selected as delegates from this county are: Sec ond district, Major Lverett Warren ; alternate, Dr. A. J. Kolb. Third du triot, P M Pranell, Dalton; alternate, J. Willis Heeso, Taylor, Fourth (lis triot, W J. Bobnbtnehl, Olypbaat; alternate, Thomas Cosgrove, Archbald. The dnlogatea and alternates of the First district will beeb eted on May 15 Among those from this connty who will go to Harrisbnrg to be present at the convention are Lieuteuant-Uov-ernor Waters, Judge It. W. Archbald, County Chairman D, W. Powell, Hep resentativel John It Farr nnd H. K, Beck, Prothonotary C. L Pryor and Attorney F. W. Plaitl The Pastors' Union. The .MaV meet 111'' of the IWnrV tinimi of this city and vicinity will bo hold at l onng aieu s v urisuan associatlou room. Wvnminir avenue, on Aliuuhiv euuelee next, at 10.30. Colonel H. M. Boles will nililruD. file tneetillir ill, thannilnB .liwlaa movement. The Moody meetluga will also no coasiuereu, All the Popular Authorc. On Saturilav We will irive e himlr i,. ery customer Duy lug goods to the amouut of $1.00. Mbahh & Hiuitw Dr. Gibbons, of Now York city, will be in bis Scranton office, 441 Wyoming avenue, every Mon day from o iu the morutug until U iu the evening. NOTES OF SOUTH SIDE Citizens of the Twentieth Favor Public Im provements of Various Kinds. ANXIOUS FORJSEWER SYSTEM Think, However, That They STiould Not Attempt Too Much at Once Veterans Will Decorate the Graves on Memorial Day Changes of the Schedule on the Street Car Line Other Items of News. Tbe calling together of tha citizens of the Twentieth ward to aonnd them on the newer question panned ont well enough to aee that the projeot met with favor from them. They are even will ing to go further and uudurtake tbe bottermeut of their avenues und streets. But, while nono of them are objecting to the resolution introdueed by Select Councilman Connell at Thursday uight's meeting with reforencu to tha paving, guttering and llaggiugof I'm ton avenue from Brook to Brock streets, they have raised the point that to be gin such operations Immediately would be mi unwise step for this reason: Sup pose Piltstou avenue or any other street of the ward be improved within the next year. When work is started On the sewers the streets will be ripped up. The proposition then is to build the sewers first and it will bo possible to struggle along for a few years yet with the present condition of the streets. This, from circulating among many ttttiMMOf the Twentieth ward, appears to be their sentiments. V, 111 Decorate Graves. The members of F.zra (irlffin post, No. 139, (irand Army ot the Hepu bite, ot tbe South Side, as is their regular annual custom, will visit the cemeter ies on this side where any of their comrades lie bnrled, and hold Memo rial I iy scrvu-. s over tbe graves of their depart. I OOmrsdan All of the Binmbora ol the pool living on Ibis side will assemble at the PlttOtOO AVOBOA oemaMry at 0.80 on tbo morning of Memorial Day md have cervices there. 'I hey will then proceed to the Herman Catholic cemetery near No 5 and bold services there also The religious ex ercises at Pitt n Aveiiui cemetery will be led likely by Hev Augtiit Lattfe, of the llica rv street Prsebyte nan church, and at the Herman Cath olio cemetery by OOO of tbe clergymen 0( SI Mary s Herman Catholic church Street Car . The change on the South Si le line In the leaving time of the care requires that a lillle information be given. 1 here has 0O been auv materi tl cbauu la too aobodota eiaepl tbnl three c .r. run every In nr. one every twenty min utes, in place ot four cars. The cars for Minookt Isave every forty inmates, instead of eaeu half hour. Fka OK nd last car f' r Mtnuoka at night lettrs Lackawanna afOOM at 'J J" After this no other car teavea un.il the last at 10.43 The last car for the Sooth H la leaves the avenue al 11 " i Coodeneed Toplee '1 he regular Sabbath ex-rrieea at the men a i nr.stian AoaaotMion n (Ba Will occur tomorrow afternoon at I I". D'OlOOk, I lie fai eral of stanislana Klnowski, who was killed In the Bodge abaft, was Isrgely attended jeelerday from the i i me of bis mother, at o; r..m eirc-t. Intarmanl was made In Mi ii .Mike Pol ish Oatbollc rem i tar Aid. Till POfCLAI At TlloRa i hi Satnr lay we will give a book to every Bnatomsi buying gooda to the amount of $1 (SI Mkaii II.,is Ihe fntieral of Mrs lUvid N'enls, of t 'eJsr avenue, will Im bald tOOMTOl afternoon Kelativss from ton west are alpaabad M arrive this morning. Morning and evening eervics wi,l be hld tomorrow at tbe Hickory etreet Proa by tar Ian church. At both .err . the potior, Hv. August I.ange, will preach, Miss Jcsde Smith, nf Suith Wash ington avenne. is visiting friends in W ay mart Charba Hnester, of (Vilar avenue, is making an active campaign throughout the county securing b legatee Sl. l nr.vs u.i.ii'S Saturday morning we will open a new stork of t 'hina and fancy aiika, also .Ires goods, In. Celtics, foreign Slid domestic Mi i. A II tin s IINDEN STRUT BRIDGE. City Bntlneer IMUtpe Hae Completed Ihe Survev fef IBs Heme City Bnginaoi Phillips ha oomjplotod the survey fof the Linden street bridge and in accord nice witn previou under standing haa sent for ( hief ; igmeer Thompson, of the BOnatf UOtlOO depart -incut of the ( entral Hal I road of New Jersey, and also for Chief Engineer Swift, of the Delaware aud Hudson company. These gentlemen desire to go on the grounds and look them otai before building operation ere begun. Notwithstanding the echeme that has developed in favor of changing the location of the Linden atreet bridge to ilulherry street, those having too mat ter most in charge do not look upon the movemcut as DMOg of serious conse quence. They state that the bridge will be built on the Linden street cite. e CRVSTAIS BENEFIT TONIGHT. The Attraction They OfTtr the Pabllo Is the Past hi.:.. Tonight "The Fast Mail" will be glvon at the Aoademy of Music for the benefit of the Crystal Hoae company and will unquestionably draw a crowd id houe The scene of Nisgara falls. In tho last act of "Tbe Feat Mall," la the grandest piece of really mechanical Ingenuity ever presented npon the stage of any theater. The actual soeue was so impressive that Lincolu J, Car ter Immediately determined to pro duce in his pieee, "Tho Fsst Mail," and with such gratifying results aa to be pronounced perfect by the thousand who have seen and compared it to America's wonderful natural waterfall Little by Little. Little by little is it that mankind has learned winlum. Little by little that he has learned to understand bunsc lr a nn individual. Little by little that ho has lea nn d to recognize tho common brother hood of mnu, and that it Ih education aud environments that makes possible the heights and depths of man's mental nud moral being, which exists In such stnrt i in. contrast everywhere around us. Yea, the above is history, but tbe rate Scrauton people learn of Hamlin's science iu shoe, mg aud veterinary deutintry and the treatmuut ot laincuess of huiees, beats his tory, aa it wore, out of sight. e 71 Pelre Men'e Celf Bkln Shoee For 11.00 at tho 5 Uros.' shoe store today. e Beadleaton ft Woent's and. Ballantine'a Alee are tbe best. K J. Wavuu, agent, W Lackawanna avenne. e FUNERAL OF JAMES O'MALLEV. It Will Take Plaoe on Sunday After noon at 2 30 The body of Jamea O'Malley, tbe young machinist who wai killed near tbe Jermvn atation of the Delaware nnd Hndson Canal company Thursday night, was taken to the home of bis mother, Mrs, Honora O'Malley, at 818 Washington avenne, yesterday morn ing. Coroner Kelley empaneled the fol lowing jury which viewed the body: George Schlager, P. E. Timlin, Martin Bird, J. H. Bonner, M. J. O'Toole and R. J. Bnrko. The jnry will meet nt Jermyn Monday night to hear testi mony. It ia supposed that O'Malley was struck by an engine while crossing n bridge near the Jermyn station and thrown to the turnpike below where he was found. The cause of death was a fractured skull. O' Mai ley was 22 years of age and a very highly respected young man. He was a machinist by trade aud went to Mayfield Thursday moruing in search of employment. He was a brother of M K. O'Malley, of tbe United States Express company. Hia funeral will take place at 2 30 Sunday afternoon. Services will be conducted at St Paul's church, Oreen Bldge, aud interment made in Hyde Park Catholio eemetery. Mls Grace Thnmaa Surprised. A surprise party was given in honor of Miss Grace Thomas at her home on Provi dence road, Tuesday evening, May 1. Those who attended were Miss Delia House, Maggie Powell, Katie Mulbery, Anna Place, Anna and Lizzie Pescock, Mary Kills, Anna and Laura Helihng, ( nr rie Miher, l'.dith Miller, (irace Mattuln, Tillie 1) einpensy, ( arriu I tweus, J, (J. Con nor., Will Anderson, (ieorge Lorlmer, (ieoino Mlllott, ('. Lattrop, Fred Lorlmer, R, Ward, 1( Vale, r steward, Mr Hill. V. Melbery, Mr lieWitt. Mr, (infferty, .1. Miller, L. ltutr.,C. Thomas, Mr. Oloytln, 0. Place, Fred Bright, a. Bright, George llnght, I'red Moore. . Raw I Tt Everyone goes or Inqntrea for the Factory Si Store. Ii ', l.ack'a aye ee lid a u 1 UU JUG - J u Neapolitan Ware? It is the Most Artistic ever made. Baby ges If you want a good car riage you should sec them. . M MM M -e-J T-" kilwl 1 .... br . J Best Assortment. CHINA : HALL i 1 1 116 Wyoming Avenua. "nn PERFECTION ' nn MSI FLOCK M m i OILS AND OLIVES TBI KIN n I EXPORTED, TEAS AND COFFEES T7LL LIKE OF THI BEST FANCY GROCERIES FERRIS HAMS AND BACON C. DITCH BU RN Hucceaaor to A Odrman, 427 LAtKA WANNA AVB WHY DO YOU DOIT? Why run all over the rlty looking fnr nol.l (lnllara With one llUU'tredan 1 ten 'elite Worth of a"ld in them' Hut roil wtll mine very deaa to it it ir v m will call at tha rutu place, BrtM your dollars - rfold, .liver and tjreeii latcks to A. W. JURISCH Ml PI i I aTRBBT, ami net full value for your money In BIOYGLR8, PIRE ARMS, PI 8 H IN Q I ICKLE, I im; CI TLKRY, Dl KJ i i ILL XKS AND OUNBRAL B PORTING ;ooiis. The VIOTOH WtlKF.t. Leads lllcyctee. Ilru arm., ete., repaired at short nottWi Key BtMni a .nnelalty. tlivn me a call E. ROBINSON'S MAY Bock .". Beer TODAY. Magic, Mirth and THE Hindoo Handkerchief Puzzle Wo have engaged PROF. VERUELO, the Celebrated Hindoo Musician. Exhibitions daily in our large center window from 30 to (J.30 P. M. and from 8 to 9.30 P.M. The Puzzle Given Away with purchase of every Suit of Clothes or sold at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Wyoming niiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiii iiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiimniiiiiiinniiic IU! Fashion 308 Laclciwanna Ave. ! Millinery i Department. Just opens I a new lino of Sailors S which will be cold below prices. :-. TRIMMED HATS :: Worth f.' Tl for It 21 Worth S. SO for 1175 Worth .; no fnr -, :J W( rth U 00 .'or 5 75. LACE CURTAINS 5 The largest and best assorted line g la the Siats from the oheapest to 8 tha best B ityea, worth $9 Mforfl S to stylee, arortb f ; V for 78 Z 1 i vie. real Iti uncls, from $1L50 8 to a pair. S ' 1 -tv.es ln.h Point from 1 00 S toT"i." t. all and sr.r. TIIP.M r.iiii(iiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiimiitiiiiiiiiiiii.i:nr Look In The t trees kt eecanrg I itosrai WUkea iiarr.. haa beea here; WK have lewn here: we are here, we n 'I be here. Atrain we say. look tn mi ua ami If we rann t b"W vou the tlne.t ii 1 1 ii 1 1 in o aroki IM. OOOteO, Bad a recce J of mere hie pole sales than anyothcr nrm la Use elty, we wni lake ill to the .he. PLOREY &1 K L,T M C A BUILDING YACHT CAPS All the Rage. Will buy a very good one at THE CELEBRATED KHMER PIANOS Ar at Pp'Mtit th M-vt Pfycnlir ind I'refrrrfd by Lt AllHg Af I lata Wrroo.m: Opposil Columbus Monument, 200 Wnshinyton Av. Scranton, Pa. -V-I lACK'AVLvOqi( CONRAD'S SONS Mystery & Delany Avenue. Cloak Department. I Ladies' Capes in Bine, Navy nnd Erown, Worth 18,00 for 1.89 Worth o.08 for l.SW Worth Id 00 for 5 96 Worth is 00 for 8 W orth 83 00 for 12 00 Lni;es' and Misses' Jackets Must be sold. Now is your chance Jackets worth .f 00 for tl M Jackets worth B M for I 08 Jackets worth I J OOfor 4 25 LADIES' SUITS WorttflO N for 0 Worth '.(. "si for B T8 Worth II. 'i for VJ I Frill FREE! A Novel Exhibition. PR' it CBA& QOLD EAGLE, "Tho. Papal King;" will rive a marvelous exhibitiouof FANCY PAPER WORK In tha show windows of CliLLINH 6H BACKET r from :i to 5 and 7 to o P.U I'rof Gold Eagle will produce from inoota ot paper wonderful deaigaa in .. 1 rets. Loi ters, L.mp Sbadea, Birds, Oaatlea en 1 articles beyoud mention, cutting the paper with his finders; no nlferr h. ars need. An original pxhl' b.ticn fcr jour rnlf rlainaicnt. i i.me enJ .... sui carry away a souvenir made by tbe profeasor aud alio a suit ot) rlcthce from onr store which will' please you Clothiers, Hdters,&Jumishera' r Suits Capes Jackets For Women Sell, Sell, Sell, is the order of the day. FIFTEEN Imported Clay Jackets. Cut, Style and Work tho bost of the tailor's art. A reduction of 50 Per Cent. See tliis oiler, in" of High-olaM Jackots Your size is here. CAPES in Cloth, Morie Silk, Covet' Clofh and Lace. Ji'my styles, and prices that will please yovA. SUITS Printed Duck and Serges Striped and Spot Patterns You ought to have one. Tho Price, $3.50 to $7.50. 6.W. Owens & Co Cloak ami Suits Makers, Court House Square, nsn