The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 05, 1894, Image 1

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    Have those fine
art series permanently
The Tribune
Bindery will do it best
and cheapest.
j&fr. .
came ml win be Fonna
A Boy Overheard tliePkn and Revealed It to
the Police,
Providence Police Station Is Thrown
Into a Furore of Excitement and a
Larpe Force of Watchmen Is Guard
ing the Breaker Mulloy Was
Roughly Handled Until He Promised
Secrecy Robbery to Have Been
I HE police etition at Providence
was thrown into a inrore 01 ex
citement Thursday night by the
renort thiit an attempt would be
made that night to hnrii the Lefgat't
Creek breaker of the Pelawuie and
liuiiiou Canal company, and that dur
ing tba excitement a twig ot crooks
would burglarize a nntuber of stores in
lb locality.
The story was started by one James
Mulloy, a hoy, who claimed he ovar
ii ard a conversation between two of
the Kiinc, was discovered and aft'T
ward roughly handled by the two men
until be promised to remain silent.
I'p to lata tune the ail tu has been
kDOWll only to the police und the prin
cipal parlies concerned The atory of
the cane as told by the boy Mulloy is aa
thk diabolical run
On Thnrstay evening at.ont S o'elork
while he was going to his home at tbf
Leggett's C'reeK shaft from Providence
he overheard two men plotting the de
struction of the Laggett'l Oraek
breaker in the vicinity. They were sit
ting nuder the edit of the bank neur
the railroad, wunin 100 yards of the
shaft at the time and spoke in a rap
pressed an I whispered tone. Tbey
pasped eainionsly around, lest anybody
nujfhl be within hearing distance, and
in doing so ol served there was an in
truder on their privacy. Knowing
that their diabolical plot was no louner
a secret, they sprang on Mulloy With
the ferocity of desperation, knocked
him dowu and kicked him ami would
evidently have killed him but for the
lUUUlMM suggestion of one of toe nil -ham.
who miim ited that if to- I Mul
loy) would pledge him-elf solemnly not
to reveal anything he had seen or
heard they would spare bis life,
lie was glad to give the rtiiutred as
surances and went hia way badly used
tip und just as badly scared.
lie went immediately to the residence
Ol Mine Foreman F. V i nud de
i riled tte whole transaction. Mr
Kosa went directly to tin police sta
tion, accompanied by Mulloy, and te
ported the matter In detail to Lien
tenant t-pel Iman. Tot lieutenant pro
ceeded to the scene of all the excite
merit, but tould find no trace of the
would be lnr-tidnries.
At the shaft all was excitement, and
a d in or so of extra wntciimeu were fully guarding the company's prop
Mulloy said the ruffians Intended to
fire the breaker in several places, and,
when the crowd would assemble, get in
ttnOI g tin in aid (nek their jsicksts in
discriminate!- They figured on every
body having money owing to it Icing
payday at the Creek mine Mulloy
it' scribes the tw men as being tall and
thin, with peculiar hrnud-ritumod hats
of the 0OWlay pattern. They had their
features disguised to such an extent
that he conliln't describe them. Ac
cording to Mulloy, tns gang also pro
posed to rob Providence stores during
the excitement.
It is supposed they sro members of n
(rang of toughs that infest lliitch (tap
During the past winter several depre
riations were committed in the vi
cinity of Marvine patch. About two
months ago William lUrrington whs
I'll up abont 11 o'clock by two foot
pads near the Charles street bridge
and jfS taken from him. About the
same time three men, one of whom dir
tied a ehot-gnn. were seen prowling
aronnd the residence of Mr, Kosa, but
were foiled in their evident designs to
burglarize by the vigilance of Mr Ross,
who, with the assistance of his father,
pnt them to Might.
Last night the Delaware and Hndsnn
company renewed their watehfulnes
ut the breaker, notwithstanding the
assertion that Mulloy' story h is a
fishy odor In fact, it has been stig
grated that the whole matter Is a hoax,
perpetrated for the purpose of winning
the good graces of tho corporation and
lm 'I ntally securing a job for Mulloy.
On the other hand, the boy mav have
been honest in his narration, but tba
victim of the parties who used him in
the manner set forth, who told bim
thu atory merely to frighten bim.
Laat night, however, the vigilance
of the police was not relaxed and they
propose apprehending the men,
whether their intentions were evil or
The Exposition Buildings On a Bagging.
Nobody Wants the lot.
CHICAGO, May 4. All efforts to sell
the exposition building ns a whole
having failed, President DonnerHber
ger, of the South Park board, hue de
cided to dispose of them separately or
in groups. There aro a uuuiher of bids
for single buildings, and of fXi.OOO for
the Mnnufaotnrea and one or two other
These are apot cash offers, while bldB
for all tbe buildings have been on the
installment plan. Goff & Co., who bid
187,000, have begged off.
Conflagration Spreading at Packer No.
1, Fottsville., Pa., May 4 The fire in
Parker colliery No. 1 is gaining on tbe
men who aro fighting it, and there is a
likelihood that it will keep spreading,
despite tbe bard efforts of the officials
to keep it in one place. The lateat de
velopment is that the fire threatens the
workings of the Reading company's
Rear Ridge colliery, situatad acroas tbe
mountaiu in tbe Mahanoy valley.
The Lehigh Valley Coal company's
officials are doing everything in their
power to reach tho fire, but it has been
gaining on tbetn steadily, and the
whole underground workings of the
mine are in danger.
Many English Tourists Cancel Their
Passages to This Country.
TORONTO, May 4.-A cable from
London to th Evening Telegram eays
Amiotjicomont that auiallnox is epid
emic iu New York, Chicago" and other
cities of tbe United States, coupled
with confirmatory statements that the
Dominion government bad inipoeed
quarantine restrictions on the frontier,
has already had a visible effect in re
stricting travel in tho direction of
Six tourists. bookd for Canada, via
New York, canceled their passages and
the prospects are that tbeir example
will bo followed by many more.
The Commonweal Chief and His Lieu
tenants Before the Bar
of Justice.
Washington, May t -Jacob S.
Cox y, commander of the "Common -weal
of Christ; ' Oarl llrowne.its chief
marshal, and Christopher Columbus
Jones, leader of the Philadelphia 0OO
ting-nt of the Army of Peace, were
tried in tho ciiy police court today on
the charge or violating the luited
Mates statutes in unlawfully di.plav
lag a banner of davioa iu tba oapltol
grounds and in breaking shrubbery
and plants there.
Tho rase was called at 10 o'clock,
after a number of minor cases had been
disposed of. At that hour every seat
In the court room was occupied, and a
tinmb-r of people were standing around
the walla, but the chamber Was by no
mean crowded. Mr Andrew Lips
comb, formerly assistant district at
torn-v who had baas r-tain.d by the
defendants, waa enrronnded by a little
group of Populist ooagTwamea, Inoln i-
ing Lafe Pence, of Colorado, Bedims,
M Kansi., io-ti. of Minnesota, tod
Kern, of Nebraska. Colonel Redstone,
the local OeXvy agent, and Mrs.
Kucker, a lawyer and a Commonweal
At the afMrUOOa aession after some
delay a jury was selected end sworn,
consisting of the following persons- T
. J on, v. v. Haslet Orovar, t w
McUruder. WUIlMtL Hslley. painter.
W J. Iloltzolaw, builder. William
llalleuden, b'm dealer. John J. Inx
( colored i. bsfbafi John I . Crown, John
J. Lckhorn, real estate; it II Trailer,
stenographer; William J HtinUart
shoe dealer; and A A. Mrl.oskey
Aasistant District Attorney Muldow
ney then addressed the jury explaining
the charges against iUix y, BroWMftM
aod Joins, and tbe law applicable to
the charges.
Jsmss Harris an.1 O. tss Aihton Face a
Dyaaaalta Kxpimion.
BHAXOKO. Pa.. May 4. -Two miners
bad a terrible exjierisnce in Scott shaft
when for several minutes they stood
and walled to 1st blown to pieces by
dynamite. James Harris and Oeorge
Ash ton were standing an a platform
twelve feet above eight holts,
charged with three pounds' of dyne
mite. An electric battery at the aor
faoe is used to explode the dynamite in
tbe building shaft. The inittom men
j impad on a csge, and forgetting the
two workmen, tbe engineer was sig
nalle 1 to hoist.
As tbe cage ascended Harris and
Asiitnn realized their awful plight, for
as soon as the men reached the surf sc.,
the operator would press the button
snd cause tho explosion. The Impf If,
oned men could give no warning, so
they prayed and prepared for death.
It requirea only a few mlnnlet for the
cage to make the trip, but the miners
la tbeir horrible predicament imagined
hours were passing. Their cries were
nn hoard.
Snddtnly the eignsl wire quivered
The operator had pressed the button
A terrific explosion ensued and the
miners were heiived many feet up the
shaft amid a mass of n eg and volume
of fire The heavy plank served ns a
barrier ngsinst the flying rork.
The miners fell to the smoking floor,
Harris being badly ent and bruised,
while his companion escaped without a
Official Call Imted fr ths Gathering of
Miners at Cleveland.
OOLUKBUl, o. May 4. The National
Miners' union offioera are today pre
paring the official call for the Cleve
land convention and they will be
mailed thia evening.
President Mcliride estimatea thero
will bo mho delegates in tbe convention
on both aides.
Army officers nre of the opinion that the
Indian as a soldier Is a failure.
Army ordnance officers favor a $10 000
appropriation foa tho safety of tbe powder
depot at Dover, N. J.
Congressman .lerry Simpson Is hotter
but still seriously ill from a combination
of rheuinntism and bladder troubles.
Secretary Herbert has appointed a hoard
of experts to examine into the armor plate
frauds, and insist upon work beiug begun
at once.
Lieutenant liana?, of the Fifteenth in
fantry, who killed Captain Bed berg, of the
same regiment, will be court-martialed
for the crime.
A rumor was rife yesterday that Jerry
Simpson, of Kansas, was dead, but last
night the report was denied. The jack
rabbit statesman Is poorly, but still In evi
dence. The owners of villas are very nervous
over the influx of tho unwashed, and extra
padlocks are being placed on hencoops,
tlood, broad-gauged bulldogs are in great
The invasion of the suburbs of Washing
ton by a horde of tramps has alreadv
driven Mrs. Cleveland and her family to
flight, and instead of spending the summer
iu Wasbsngton tbey go far away.
The Deities Fire Into an Angry Mob of Fe
male Rioters.
The Wives of Coke Strikers Make an
Assault Upon the Painter Works of
the McClue Company A Shot Fired
to Frighten the Women tCreates
Mischief Sanford White Fatally In
juredSeveral Men and Women
Among the Wounded, and Others
Believed to Have Been Killed.
S( Pa., May 4.
n K All) was nude by the wives of
M the coke strikera on the Painter
l works of the Mt Clue company t
U U day They were repulsed by a
number of deputies, who tired on them.
Pifleeu persons are reported to have
been wounded, several fatally.
Mr. White, the mine superintendent,
was very badly beaten iu the riot and
may die.
The riot occurred about 8 o'clock this
morning. The company male an ef
fort to start this an 1 other plants of
the company yesterday, and today the
women living at tbe plant determined
to drive the "black legs'' from work.
They assembled and with tin pans,
clubs, coke forks and brooms marched
to the cokeyard Sanford While, lalne
superintendent. Leting It. Roddy, the
bookkeeper, and a number of deputies
were on guard A ahot was fired to
frighten the woiun In less than a
minute the men living iu the lioness
r'ished In the scene. U nite opened
tire ou the crowd, that numbered 100
The affray occurred Wtween blocks
of ovens, and at the lint fire from
White and the dputiea three men fell
wounded, tine was shut through both
legs and tbe third in the neck It it
believel the latter Is fatally hurt
The women carried off the wounded
and the Inforlated men set upon White
and ltoddy, whom they seemed to re
gard a responsible lor the shooting,
lief ure a sufficient number of deputies
could be matted ai this point Sanford
lute was completely surruun led He
wat beaten over the bead ki. lafcad
down, kicked an 1 bruised about the
Ixsly. Hit recovery It dohbtfnl
I he deputies who could use their
ritl continued to do tu after the in.n
had Joined in tbe attack ine woman
was ahot, aud she Is aald to tie dying
ltoddy. tbe bookkeeper was one of MM
flrtt to be injured. Hit Wounds are
The physicians of the town wer
summoned to care for the wounded
White's wounds were dressed snd he
was sent tu Miners' hospital in Connellt
I Hiring the affray a big Hun had a
man down an I waa standing over bun
with an axe, when he wat knocked
duwu by James Tarr. one of the store
eierka 'I be shooting caused great ti
cttrmetit throughout tbe entire region
KIKTKE HThiKtlts no DOW,
Hr. W H t oie, the eompei, y pfcyejs
einn, states that Mfteen strikers went
dowu In three chargea ThfW Ho n
and one woman were rsrrlsd IT MM
ground quirkly. and when the mot
finally retreated, they two away at
least ten more Three of them were
left near the works Hue of the ws
shot, through the thigh. another through
both legs, and the third bad a bad
wound iu the groin.
At 1 o'clock today White was suffer
Ing Intense agony and his recovery w
yet a matter of doubt Ho Idy is be
lieved to have been fatally Wounded.
1 he affair has OBQaad the most intents
excitement here It is feared the (or
elgners will revenge tbe death of their
eountrymen and that this is but the )
ginning of riots in all parts of tbe re
glon. It would not tm a turprlse to the
people here should the strikers resort
to the use of dynamite to blow up the
Superintendent Wnite wss tsken to
the hospital here, audit is thought will
not survive I'.wing Koddy wss also
brought here and cared for. The for
eigners were carried to the adjoining
houses and cated for by lira, lingers
and l ettore.
Sheriff Uichards, of Fayette county,
haa gone to the scene of battle with
forty men armed with Winchesters,
and has already arretted thirty per
sons charged with beitig implicated iu
the riot They are now on the way to
I'niontown jail.
Cosnki.i.svii.i.k, Pa., May 4. The
situation is very alarming in this sec
tion of tbe coke region tonight. Mobs
are assembling In the Vanderhilt re
gioti at the Mnyer plant, preparing for
an attack tomorrow morning. The
formidable display of deputise in tbose
aectiona laat night frightened theatrik
ersand they conclnded to wait a more
favorable opportunity. Tonight tbey
sounded the tocsin for the renseemb
ling of tho mob and the atrikers nre
gatbering at the points agreed upon
Tho companies have armed n large
force of men anil are fully prepared to
repel any attack. The Duubar Furnace
company will attempt to fire up Hill
Farm plant in the morning. Their
stock of coke is exhausted and the
works must be fired up or the furnace
banked. A largo force of armed men
will go to the works at midnight. The
workmen will go to work at 3 o'clock
iu the morning, bnt no trouble is ex
pected before 5 or 0 o'clock. The Dan
bar strikera have been the most deter
mined in resisting the attempts of tne
operators and are sure to make an at
tack if Hill Farm ia fired up.
The painter riot has stirred up the
foreign element, The Hiina aud Slavs
are maddnned at the slaughter of tbeir
countrymen and have become blood
thirsty. Tbey have resolved upon re
venge. One of the lenders admitted
this evening that the no at bloody
semes of the atrike aro yet to come.
The excitement is almost as intense as
that which follewod the death of Paddock.
White Caps Olve Alabama People Fair
Warning of Their Purposet.
IilltliiNiiHAM, May 4 About two
weeks ago three negroes wore lynched
at TuHcnmbia for barn burning Tbe
negross were takeu to the county
bridge, which is over the Tennessee
river, and there made to jump off.
Their necks were broken. Following
this lynching of the three negroet. a
few mornings since the penplo of Tut
cuiubia found pasted upon electric
poles White Cup mottoes, which read
as follows:
To the people of North Alabama Many
dark dccai have been done In your sec
tion, such as burning, stealing, etc., and
have been dotiu at the expense of the
White Cap organization. We never bud
any organization iu North Alabama an til
March and now it numbers 4s8 in three
Counties, of the best people in the state,
and we are here to stay and to try tu pro2
tect the property of our people ainl do all
the good we can. When the law Is too
slow we take it into our own bands. We
have just thirteen on our docket to go aa
the three did latt Saturday night. We
have thm on trial In our court aud want
just a little more evidence. Take warn
Tho Financial Situation as Discussed
in Dun & Co.'s Weekly
Nkw y,u!K, Mav I R. (. Dun A
Cos. weekly roflaw of trade tomorrow
will say: It is now, as it haa been for
nearly a year, the amaaataaat of Intel
ligent observers that the l'ntted Statea
auffera Ml little from reverses which
other lands tbsre. but which fall uv- r.
heavily hero than anywhere elae. The
past week has seen events which Would
suffice to cause or to explain much dis
aster, strikes of nearly all bituminous
Coal miners snd r ike workers, with
j numerous riots, strlkea of miny thoiis
and men in other employments, stop.
I page of many manufacturing World In
c itiseqnence, arrett of traftie on several
great railway, by lawless proceedings
aud the tramping of dite mtontvd man.
In all numbering seversl thousan 1 to
ward the Mtioaal capital In the hope of
controlling legislation.
The lowest price ever known for
wheat, and aim at the I west ;r s
ever known for ooramo,utte as a
whole, exportt of over ( m
gold Instead of prlncte, and the fall
of th trsasurv gold reserve below the
fpsi.ism issi limit, are significant of
widespread dlftlcoltv Yet tbe volnmn
of bntinees It but II l per rent less
than a year ago, tome directions
signt of improvement appear even
i ow, sn I tn. sublime faith of the o
ple In their fntnre is s own In the gen
eral belief that ttrike and disorders
will ijuii'kly diitppsiar
Favoriag wetther hat brought adit
Uaaroaaaga la raportt it to ooaallHaa
i f winter wheal and as In acreage in
r ir u and cotton H it also important
that the prices of Iron and tlel pro
duets promt, lly advance In answer to
the stoppage of MtM w..rkt through
ttrlkes. since It Indicates that the re
rent LB) Tnveiuent in the apparent de
insnd wat of a nletanlial character
At l'ltttburg, Chicago, Philadelphia
and New York prices have generally
advanced lUsseiner pig hat advanced
71 cents to fl. steel billets $1 to fl U
and plates and structural Iron and steel
and wire r ds srs ttronger
Money markets have BOt been dit
tnrbed by the large outgo of gold,
which w.s taken mainly fr m tn..
treaturv throngti redemption of notes
Continued ti w of nntinployed money
hither is not a sign of health, lo r the
i ut. i of g..;. ol ,.( st I'.,
cents, or cotton st 7,11 centa Kxporta
of i r.. In. ta are declining, though in
April U per cnt larger than Inst
veir. and th- decreaas in imports is tt
sr cent The moat , nr. uraging sign
is tht marked decrease In liabilities of
lirma falling, which wre only ll,44 1 1 1
for the last week of April, and for four
weeka 18,701,700, I he failures this
week have been II In tbe I'nited
States against Ml last year ami 8.1 in
Canada against 17 last year
Kentucky Cossyliss Htsrt for WashlnT-
ton In a Rig Balloon.
H Mil. "I'-i i no. Ky . Mav 4 ( '. Peter
Springer, a Mexican veteran, and a
Coxey enthusiast, with a half doin
companions, left here last evening for
Washington in a balloon to join the
I'hey look charts, enmpaasna and
maps along with them to direct their
course They took six dsys' provisions
liquid and solid and will land as tbe
balloon needa refilling and take fresh
atarla until the j mrney it finished.
Springer has secured an experienced
aeronaut to pilot them safely to tbeir
journev's end, and eays he will con
Ml $1,000 to Coxey ou his arrival at
Italian Oipheus Acquitted of the Charge
of Abduction.
WlUM-BAKM, Pa., May 4 liocco
llallateno, the Italian organ grinder,
charged witn having abducted little
ECddy llrothvrton.wbo disappeared from
his home in Ashley ou January HI, wat
acquitted by the jury thia evening.
The trial lasted four days.
Forest flros aro doing great damage in
Clinton county.
Mice nibbled matches In T. Podabowts
ki's store at Heading, and started a 11,000
l'rofessor 11. Q, Hunter, who has been
principal of the Hirdsburo schools for
twenty years, has resigned.
Veterans of the gallant One Hundred
und Twenty seventh Regiment had n camp
tiro Inst night at Steolton.
" Attorney Honeral Hansel is preparing :.'n
staio tax rases, which will bo tried this
month m the supreme court.
Nearly 8,800 Pol and an paraded at Shen
andoah yesterday in honor of the 100th an
niversary of the adoption of the Polish
A flenrti.ih nogro attempted to outrage
Utile Miiggio Miller in the Pottatown cem
etery while sho wan planting (lowers upon
the grave of her brother.
Representatives of Christian Endeavor
societies of tho Presbyterian chnrch of
Pennsylvania met yesterday in Ilarrisbnrg
to effect a better organization
His Cold, Convincing Statement Upon the
Tariff Issues.
Our Own Statesman Produces Sta
tistics to Back Hia Arguments that
Fall with Dull, Sickening; Thud
Upon the Ears of Democracy.
Members from tho Solid South
Wander Away from the Sound of
His Voice.
Wamiinhtun, May I
Fi IR abont two and a half hoiira to
day there waa nothing to be
heard in the senate chamber save
the monotonous Ironing out of
coluiuua upon colutnna of figures col
lated by Ninator t.lay, of Pennsyl
vania, in illustration of some proposi
tion iu his speech against the pending
tariff bill, varied occasionally by a.uns
remarks of his own or bv extracts from
nawsptper or magazine articles on the
subject of the sugar trust. These were
rehearsed in the hearing of about a
dozen senators, some of them by Mr
,buy himself, and this rest by Mr
lallmger, who acted aa his assistant
As Senator Sjuire. Washington,
thought th st there ah nil 1 lm more
senators present to hear these interest
ing readings, there waa a call of the
senate, whim resulted in gathering a
ijnornm, and over, frotfl the goal rooms
and committee rooms, but at that p .int.
the Democratic asnetoia seemed to
think that they had had enough "tar
iff debate'' for the dav.and so a m ittOD
to roc-o I to ei'cntive business wss
made an 1 agreed to Barlitl in the
proceedings the amendments in rela
tiou to the income tax which had betn
agreed upon in the l-m irratie confer
ence of Thursday were presented, and
laid on the table The senate at I I '
adjourned until tomorrow.
lly steadily pursuing consideration
of the river and harbor appropriation
bill from the beginning of today's ses
sion nntil an hour or more after the
nsnal botU of mJ .iirnment, the bouse
finally disposed of the measure and
started it ii us wty to the senate. A
number of changss were aiale m th
Items of appropriation, having be-n
agreed to by tbe committee, but all of
the prop. 4 amendments uuklig In
creased appropriations, aave oue. were
lefeatel That was olTered K Mr
KM la. ilem . Kv and lie reased from
S.i 000 to MM, 0IHL the appropriation
tor impr ting lock No. '.' on (ireen
tlver. Kentnrkr
Representative Stone iRep , Peuna.
filed II e views of four menilvrs of th.
minority of Pie aoMBjitta 0 judiciary
aa to the status of BaoH to revised
statutes, requiring the deduction ,.f
members pay fat tne time they are ab
sent, except on sr.-ount of IllueSS Mr.
Hey i Rep, N Y . not agreeing wltn
eilher the msj nly or minority, waa
given leave to present hie views M.n
dsy An evening session was he'd for eon
I deration of private paaaHM and r
lief billa, at the conclusion of which
the house ad jour net! until Monday.
1 ' e
Lsalngten Peromee ttie Mecca rf Cbeati
Fnltticleae and Correspondents.
l.i viv.t.iv. Ky.. May 4 -In anticl
pa Ii of Colonel Ilrecklnndge's cam
paign for renominstion for rongr aa,
thll city is rapi liv r.'.liug up wit!i p 41
ticians and newspape r correspondents
'1 he excitement is intense and there
are alreadly signs of arrioua trouble
among the factlona
It waa rumored today that Senator
II. Igsa, editor of the i ibserver, had
threatened to hold Editor lIoOT I
ipanatM. for any attack hia paper con
t, ilncd on Hodges defense of Ilreckin
ridge. K.ditor Moore had the senator
placed under S00 bonds to keep the
The women of Lexington will b ont
tomorrow morning with the following
To the voters of the la-mocraur partv
The women of Ixingtou aud Aaalaad
distrn ts protest against the re-noruitialion
ofW. CP, Bfaodtinridge for oongreas, As
you are the voters, we trust that you will
refuse to return bin as vour represents
tive. By todoiug you will best subserve
tbe peace aud progresiof human society,
which, from every quarter, calls foi this
right and action.
IMgatdj The Women of Islington.
A Solid Banking House Ia Forced to Sua
psnd Operations.
Srdai.ia, Mo.. May 4. Tba First Na
tional bank of the city, one of the old
est financial Institutions iu central
Missouri, failed to open its doors for
business today. Notice, signed by the
officers and directors, was posted. The
bank haa a capital of fJ50.O00 ami was
supposed to have a reavrve fund of
Iheeanse of the atispension is attri
buted to a loss of bniintM brought
Bbont by the publication several
months ago of a false telegram from
this citv stating that the hank bail
Political meotings in tho Harvard Col
lege buildings have bean forbidden.
Alexander K. irr lias been elected presi
dent of the New York Chamber of Com
merce. Despondency from ill health drove Cars
don Ktndy. a wealthy llaltimorean, to
shnot himself.
Tho appearance at Ilaltimorn'R Citv hall
of Paul Kurtz, a farmer, ill with smallpox,
threw city olllciiils into n ferment.
On charges of tampering with rnllroad
telegraph wires during a atrike at Cedar
Kupids, Ia., (Irand Master Ramsay waa nc-
The crew of the foundered English
stenmer Valletta, were picked up by tho
Norwegian bnrk, Liberie, thirty miles olf
Novin Scotia.
Mrs. t'lnra Sherwood (who didn't hvo
with her husbamli and George Hay were
drowned while boating ou tbe St. John's
riyer, in Florida.
An Offer of Work Rejected bj the Brave
Washington, May 4 Dr. O. P.
Oehring, of thia city, today addressed
a letter to General Coiey stating that
he had sixty nerea of land at Columbia
park, three and oue-haif milea from
which he wished to have trees aod un
derbrush removed and streeta opened
up. Ha offered tha park nan camping
place and would pay Oeneral Coxey
S00 for tne use of the army for thu de
sired work, which would take aeveral
weeka to accomplish.
The offal was made in good faith and
the Commonweal leader waa inclined
to accept, but ltrowne was unwilling
to move tbe camp so far from Wash
ington, ao tbe ctTer was declined.
There Was No Bklrl Dance at Moss
Falr'e llanifltiu.
CmMTgB, S. C . May 4 Moat Fair,
colored, was hanged in tbe jail yard
here thia morning.
Tba execution was without any aea
eatlonal features.
Larpe Force of Men Armed to Pro
tect the Works in the Van
derbilt Region.
0 HITBtierfttU, Pa., May 4 The
prompt action of the companies Iu arm
ing a large force of men at the worka
iti the Vatvtarbilt region prevented a
riot there this morning. Tus mob that
closed down the Fort Hill works yes
lorday morning remained in eamp all
night pr-paring to att n-k Paull and
Nellie. When they learned that an
army ot deputies wsa patrolling the
works they OOOOladed to delay the at
tacli and dispersed
The leaders say the strikera will ns
sembla again as soon a. the deputies
are withdrawn Tne men at I'ort BUI,
who were forced ont yesterday, re
turned to work this mnrtuug IBOM
I tlelv after the mob bad dispersed
and sr.- u v working under protection
"f fifty Winch. stars The formidable
display of Wlaoaeatara at Moyw also
discouraged the in oh of strikera there
an I they dtepafl 1 at midnight.
At no Una ainoa thatnk,i waa in
augurated has violence teu so imrni:.
ent .s at present. The wholesale evic
llO I C .ntemplated next week, sn 1 the
attempt by the leading companies to
resume tomorrow or Monday, are sure
t reault lu violence. The leading
OOnpantea. say they will atart unless
the Ralney w Tks are close, 1 d wn to
morrow The Ilonbar PuffMOO com
pany will trv to start at Hill Farm
tomorrow morning
Tbe ck- in the v rds will not sup
ply the turn. icee ni re than two days
aril as thev are unable to secnr-i cke
from the other operators th.y must
tire up Hill Farm or bank the furnace.
I he blowing out of tbe furnace will
BO tail a iosa of several thousand dollars
Tne Fnck company is worklug at
S illhweet. Jfo'l J aud I. Moorewno.1.
1 tut. .1 and V illey. I mly three or
lour meu sre working at'lhe Penny
royal mines of the H iltimore and I bio
aoapany Ooal ia baiag shipped from
W-it irginu to supplv the passenger
englnea. The freight tralli. u badly
.. - e
A Lep ef Htmpsn Cord Eradicates
Jake Brown and His Titles.
JwrutON dTT, Mo, May I. Jake
Brown, alias John Colemau and a half
dosen other names, was hanged iu the
jell bare this morning at In 4d o'clock
for the murder of Franklin Macklin,
a foreman in the penitentiary
The con I. one I man and his rigl.t
name was Joba CManuui and that he
waa born near Memphis, T-nn., about
forty years ago.
The Trsaanry Emp v and No Money In
Bieht to Pay Intreat on State Bonds
AtTBTttt, May 1 Tbe treasury of
TXaa Is today without a dollar for th'
first tune tn twentv years Its balance
has ranged from - 1 t
lt'fore the end of the year there will
be a deficiency of sev. nil hu.idred
thousand dollars, and it is doubtful If
the state will be able to meet the in
terest on its bonds, amounting to $ I 000 -000.
e -
Theodore Warkley Rescued from Jeddo
Mine at Huzieton.
Has untoii, Pa.. May 4. After baing
imprisoned twrtiitv-four hours in the
shaft of No. 3 Highland mine, near
Jeddo, Theodore Wuckley waa reached
today by rescuers and brought to the
surface uninjured, beyond a few cuts
aud bruises
Wackley was a miner and waa
OIQght in the shaft yesterday by a fall
of coal.
Must Stay at Home and Entertain Guest
HaIUSBURQ, May 4. The Silver
Spring Ftshiug club expeeted to have
President Cleveland as a guest tomor
row, but ho was compelled to ferego
the ontmg by reason of the disturbed
condition of affairs at Washington.
L. Clark Davis and William H Moo.
han, of the Philadelphia L'-dger, are
here and will be the guests of the club.
Cardiff, Wales, and vicinity had a sharp
shock ol aartbqualM yosterdny.
Speaker Peel, of tho BogUatl houso of
coiuniotis, will soon retire, it is saiil.
Italians nre warned at a WarktDgtBW'l
council not to emigrate to tho l'ntted
States, Owlog to the hard times.
While iWatOhlng a cricket Kiimo at llat
tersoa, .lohn Hums, tho labor member ol
parliament, was struck in tho face by a
ball and severely hurt.
Washixhton, May 4. Forecast
for Saturday; fvr JSnifirw
'I'linsifninia, fair, varmrr in
. .is', ri, imrH, .iWjaie u.'ti.l.
Fur HVsferii Vonisjfraatn. partly
cloudy, ti'Ui iai'r, south wimls.
L. .1,
The Great Popularity of Cnr
Louies' Shirt Waists
Prows thai tbey are correct in
Style ami ,iialily. They font,
prise Plain and Fancy Silks, Lin
ens, Cheviots, Lawns, Percales, ete
Ate of the best, la Style am)
Workmanship, ami Include "The
Kin Waist," in I'auntleroy,
Plain V,'liit , ( :in ;liaii.s, Percale,
The "Mother's Friend"
Waisl ami ont Special mouse
Waist at :.h, the greatest for tho
none .
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ay?,
Maltese Cross
And Oak tntino.1 It!ior Hcdanj
II. A. Kingsbury
St 3 Spnce St., Senitii, Pi
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
In l'Tls;s;i.t Shoes;.
114 Wyoming Avo.
-VS. Jist
We Examine Ejes
Free f charge. If a doctor
Is needed yon aro promptly
told so. We aluo Knarantoa
a perAot fit.
All SILVERWARE and Damaged Gooda
at Arcade Fire will be sold at
so Per Cent. Below Coat.
i w
I. . I E
The Jew2ler,
408 Spruce Street.