The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 04, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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All the Fashionable Shapes
Trimmed to suit tbo most f nstldlous.
The most delicate fabric, prop
erly cleaned at
Lackawanna Laundry
308 Penn Ave.
A. 8. WARM AN.
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
1 1
415 Lacka
We will offer Moquettes
at 75C for another
Think of it A Carpet worth
$1.25 for 75c.
The choice patterns are
bang closed out very
rapidly. Come early.
'.27 Wyoming Ave
TheUnlm Trnsfr Cnmpanr, Llmlt'il
'Bus lln. BsxKagv ami frt-itflit Ballad foi
stid ilolivend promptly. 107 Franklin
Regular monthly mnetlng of the man
agers of the I'Olue for the Frlendlees this
morning at U 30.
The ItwInwaiH ami Hudson ' anal com
pany paid at the Dickaon and Von Slorch
mines yeaterday
Till am. imi meeting of the Hunmorn
Cemetery aeaoriatioii will rarnr today at
f p. m., for the election of trust i oa.
Mist I ..ah Haath gave her lecture on
Mtirrillo before the dirla' Friendly eoctety
at the parish building last evening
Principals of city achools met last even
ing m Attorney W. f-Uliee' offirr, to
discuss the needs of the ihff. rent
'I he lielawsre, IckaWsnna nnd Weet
am railroad paid yeaterday at LhaOodgts
Bailavaa, Oxford, Manville nnd Hampton
liilnee; tbey will pay at the Storrs Shalt
O. A. Miller, of this citv. was elected
vico president of the Ktno rai Directors?
association of tho state of I'snnaylvanla at
the thirteenth annual meeting held at
West Side Itepiibllcsn primaries w ill be
held one week from tomorrow; the Pint
legislative district nominating convention
Will be held at Ht. David's hall, North
Mnln aveuue, Tuesday afternoon, May l&
Mervine Thnmpton.a jirofasalonal strong
man. Is in the city. H is de.nrons of giv
ing an exhibition nf his strength, mid if
lie can get an enclosuro he will pull sgainat
any two of tho biggest and strongest
horses that can bo found.
The executive l ommittoe of the High
School Alumni association has decided to
hold tin' uuntinl Immpiet Tuesday evening,
.lime Hi details will he arranged at a
meeting to be held the evening of May la,
at the Young Men's Christian association.
The annual meeting of the Free kinder
garten association for the election of offi
cers and reading of reports will occur
Monday evening, .May 7, at S o'clock, at
the bome of Mr K. N. Willard.on Madison
avenue, instead of that of l.'ol. H.M. Holes.
The Indies of the Home Missionary Hoci
ety of the Elm Park church will hold a re
ception at the Elm Park parsonage this
evening from H to 10 o'clock. All ladies
and gentlemen of tho church are cordially
invited to be present. A silver offormg
will be taken for the benefit of the cbnrch
missionary wook.
Parties who have made Inquiry for free
jeeds for spring planting are informed
tho distribution from the department of
I 1. . M- -1- I . .
iigricuiiio e ni tvasuiugiua ia now in prog
ress. Kesldents of Lackawanna county
living at a distance from Seranton who
desire free seeds should address a per-ional
letter to Hon. J. A. Seranton, congress
man from Lackawanna, who has charge
of the sllotfhent of free garden and floWef
seeds for his district, stating the kind of
seeds required. The seeds are supplied
free by the bureau of agriculture and all
citizens are entitled to a portion while the
allotment holds out.
Aoheuaer Busch User.
Lcnls Lohman's, :; Bpruce l
Important Meetlnir of Physicians.
The Lackawanna County Medical so
ciety will hold its regular monthly meeting
lu coroner s room at 8 n'clorK p. m., on
Tuesday, May lo, 1MW. Dr. Burnett will
read a paper on "Ectopic Gestation aud
Slow Specimens," the discussion of wbich
will be opened by Drs. O'Brien. Fulton,
Connell and Gates. Delegatus to State and
National societies will be nppointod. Htato
society meets in Pbialdelpliia and National
society meets in Man f raocisco.
. Avenue.
lAil!!rr P fiiLftn,,!!,,
Nlllldillo 01 IY1UHI1UHV
Following a Custom of Several Years, They
Worship at St. Luke's,
Cceur do Leon and Melita Command
eries Attend Church in a Body and
in Full Regalia -Address Preceded
by the Regular Evening Service of
the Episcopal Church The Re
marks Made by Rev. Mr. Israel.
Following a timo-honored custom,
the Knights Templar of Seranton at
tended Ascension Day services in a
body and complete rogalia at St Luke's
cburcli last night end listened to a
forceful and eloquent address by Rev.
Rogers Israel, rector.
(.'uur de Leon Commandery, No. 17,
and Melita Commundery. No. 63,
formed In Masonic Temple at 7.45
o'clock and marched to the church,
where the address of the evmiug wan
preceded by the regular evening fer
ric of the Episcopal churcb.
Following the order "uucover, " the
hymn "Onward, Christian Soldiers,'
was sung in processional. Durlug the
service, the hymns "All Hall the
Tower," "For All the Sslnts, " "Rinn.
CrOVyi'd witli Light'' and "Rejoice Ye
I'nre in Henri," and the anthem,
"Leave Us Not, Neither Forsake Us,"
were snug
The ohVrtery wns for the Associated'
Oari'ies of this city.
Rev. Mr. Isrsel Mid, introductory to
his address; "It is wttii u sense ot
great responsibility, v't with a sense
of great i.teasnr that I address von
this evening, si. nil with eordiality
and tenderness consider for a short
time the responsibility that rits upon
von as an organization. "Bishop Cox
i vs: "This day ovrludes the g.ritns
circuit thronjjh whieli the S )ii of Ghd
ran his course " t'ontttining, he said
Years sgo men trntnM .1 at the thrnght
of death and looked forward into eternity
with shuddering and sorrow, tiu now,
when men consider the ascension, they
know there Is a spiritual lite and n
h;irr, Ct i body. It matters not whether
described as of flush and blond, or without
Ile.b and blood, spiritual lite we know
will be foand.
The asct'iision of the Son of O al was not
th- first; th Old Testament tells of how
in the pnlriar.' lav "Eaooh walked
with (tod " This and other asceiisnnia
metered to the ou grauil, groat usceusluo
v. lien Ood t""k the a.c.o.,e, ' rSt into
Bis realm, th-- model of manhood, toiler
the perfect man of all n:i, the model
man of all eges.
What was i hrist on earth' The minis
ter, the servaut of men. Kven in his last
earthly noun we find Him beading IW re
the dtadpiea, waahiag thir ft.
from the very toaadation of the world
the men who serve I'l.thl are the men
who seelf their fell ws welfare In Alal.
N,eh, Aorahant, let, Mow-, tvtmuel and
David are man who tato op their,
their h one, their influence to serve O A.
ll.e baler f the r..i ; tie ages w..r.. n.e-,
who were oonsecrst.'.l tn Mat forsaking
Tory thing to teaok, tend eu pteM to
fellow men
WberO did yoat own great order arise,
sir heights? Tli thre greatest niiiit ir
irderoofnll gs were founded on life
wholly ilevote.1. wulrl a..d aarredly, to
ii mister to their fellow men and to as
pif to the lowest of positions ( i help a
Dtuthor Tbeee men, whose enccors
yuii ar, sworn chastity and self denial.
Iivas CXiSlsri RaTlD To 000
Why did Luther and others bi are death
and rehioiutsh ate lal position 1V. iii.
they hived Qo4 ato Weelef c old have
occupied auy patlttl h at Ifea hau is ,if the
i.urih ol hnglanil, lint gave iuni...,r ;.,
Inloialiatn lis among tliti buiuhle and low-
lOOMOl Hie most rapable men of t -
lav are men of rhnrch mission who aspire
to rv in the inioii.iest spa ,t .
I lunger and a desi rati n of dod a eom
mands i oiifroiil us lu gmug up oursrlvisi
nhollr to th ruah tor wealth, p, wir
and inll ii nro.
As ludin.iuals as well a a aoriety you
all. ull lals.r to inak" every man a brother.
Vou, sir knights, vrarrlora, t 'hri tiaus.
orgauued son years ago t protert pilgiuu.
you are still boundmi
Thsy Will Attand tha Conclave al PltU
birtfwilh Thslr Wives
I hi Monday. May '."J tlie inemhera of
the noainiaadafitl of the Knights Tem
plars of t-crantou. Cart ..ii lale, 1'itlaton
and Wilkes-Harrc. sccoinpsnl! by
their wives, will leave this rilv for
Plttehurg to attend tha annual conclave
which is helJ la th Btookjf ( it v
I her will las about one liutid red Sir
Knights in tli party which will leave
here in Pullman cars at U ,!J on the
morning of May It, arriving in Pitts
burg that night. Thai parly will re
main In Pittsburg In attendance at the
irlave omit Wellies. lav evening at
i III when it will start fur Washington
A visit will also be pud to i II I p not
I omlort and Baltimore, the party ar
riving in this city on th return t rip at
il 01 p. in. Saturday uight, May 21,
Pittsburg rotnmandery No 1. has
made lavish preparations to ontertain
the visiting Sir Knights and their
wives. Monday night there will be a
reception nl the Monoiistshelu House,
and Tims, lu)' afternoon the ladies will
be driven to points or Interest about
the city. At night they will be enter
talned at tlie Monongahela House and
nn Wednesday there will be a steam
boat excursion to the runnus Carnegie
Homestead Steel works and the B Igar
Thompson Steel works.
Among the Sir Knights who will go
from tins city ar : Past Commander
Joseph Alexander, jr., W L Connell,
Major T. F. Penman. Charles McMul
len, Charles S. Sesmans, A. II Holmes,
F. L Brown, J. B. Woolsey. A L.
Francois, E E. Ted, J, T. Frsar
Themes J. Flitcroft. C L. Van Iltis
Kirk, W. R. Williams, W. Haydn
Evans, John M. K'iiuurer, VlOlOT
Koch, Frank Barker, Ezra Browning, A.
J.Colborn.jr ,S A. Adams, W A Deao.J
Curt, 0, M. Truman, Cap! .in John
Horn, Ji L Chapman, R. A. immer
man, H. 11. Archer and John (). Me
Asltie. It is expected that the Seran
ton party will be r-inforcd by elgh
teen Sir Knights from Csrhondale, ten
from Pitlston and twenty from
All th Popular Authors.
On Saturday wo will give a Imok to ev
ery customer buying goods to the amount
of $1.00. Mkaur St BAonr.
It Was Hld Laat Nigh: In Lucas Ball ,
Oraen Rlda.
An enthnsiastle meeting of the East
End Republican clnb of Green Ridge
was held lent evening at its rooms in
Lucas hall, at Sanderson avenue nod
East Market street Alexander Aik
mnn wss chairman of the ovonlng and
Evan Treharne secretary.
The ch'irman introduced George
Okell, who delivered an enthusiastic
address. He was followed by ex-Mayor
Fellows, who spoke for nearly an honr.
Mr. Fellows dwelt on his candidacy
for congress. Henitrks were also made
by Alexander Simpson and Mr. Aik
mau, chairman of the evening.
The East Enclnb waa organized on
March 9, nnd la composed of seventy
Bemben, A bait dozen candidate
wore admitted to liuuiuliorsuiu last
The following members of the club
annonnctd themselves as candidates
for delegates to the First legislative
district convention on May 15: Samuel
Oakley, Third district, Second wiird;
Kran Trelinrne. Third district, Second
ward; Sydney Cbttppell, Third district,
Second ward; Kojjer Evans, John Ojle,
Thomas J. Watkina, Third district,
First ward.
A rising voto of thanks was ten
dered to the speakers of the evening
and the meeting adjourned.
Like Thoss Precadins It, Successful lo
Every Detail.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Elm
Park church lust evening gave another
of the suppers which have been so well
patronized during the winter and
spring. Bnppsr was served from 0 to 8
o'clock. Fifteen tables were set, each
seating ten persons.
The ladies in charge were: Mrs. K.
P. Henwood, Mrs. I E. Suvdam. Mrs.
L. Weed. Mrs. M Norton, Mrs, Chattel
Schlsger, Mrs. 0, 1) Jones, Mies
Sehlager, Mrs. J. T. Porter, Mrs. R.
Lewi-, Mrs. IteeseU. Iiroolts.Mrs Wil
liam McClave and Mrs I. F. Megargel.
Among tlie assistants were: Miss
Nettie Henwood, Miss Norton, Miss
Edith Norton, Miss .Anna Book, Miss
Mnbel Sehlager, MmElith Hill. Miss
Stewart BtmjMOn, Miss Leora Lewis,
Miss Luella Peurce end Mis (iertrti le
Paw, If any, ohureh societies in the
City have raised larger amounts nf
money or appropriated it to better ends
than the Ladies' Aid society of the Elm
Park church. T:ie parsonsge lia been
entirely furnished by th-m an 1 tli"
carpeting of the church is from the
proceeds of the Isdies' (Torts.
Pleasant Reception Given in Y. M.
C. A. to Amateur Snap Shot
Artists of City.
The reception given to thn atnststir
photographers at the Young Men's
Christian BatOClatlM las: night was
well attended bv photographic enthn
aotata nf both sex-a A Very inter-at-l'ig
programme was enjoyed, mcloding
exhibitions of pnoto .-rap1 g nperatne,
ti e I ;kl i of p'ctnree, I lt. vil S'l
impectlon Of the suite of a at 'm-Mite
to le davotad to the ns. of amsteur
ph dogrsp'iers.
,;v 1 1 W. Skllengr gveast"re
OpttO u i Kbibitlon from views take i hv
Lb utetistit Btlllwall an I M-asrs ( nam
berlain ami Lindaajr,
Following nn exhibition of grmuast
ics liv a tnimls-r of aasoeistien athletes
snap ahOU were taken by l! isli light of
th men, singly ua I in gronpe.
Morns Kuhn, of the Ilotvpc n
pany, gave a developing! v.bmrn a i I
toned by the llo prooaM. Mr. llnlwsll,
of the Si-rant a Ph itographera' I 'I'.'iv
company, an ! an assists ,t gave an 11
tartatlng in oir.tlng exhibition, and
presents 1 WO dry platat to those in at
' . v.itors highly apprcistl and
Were loud In their pre's of the foaog
Men s Christian association for a lranc
Ing so popular a pastime It was the
v i Hat of all that nothing was larking
la th four dark r oin. lOCkatl and
printing and rooeplioa rooms to mak
the pr j-ct a IOC N '
A meeting will te held Tr.tirslsv.
May IT. whni li s BgfaBlQsl PbniOgTa
pher's Bapplf company will gift ,
loiln.-r i ver.-l k'US as a priai f,.r
lb b-t d.-yeloj iii n,i nf gfrmp I h
llotvp.- t .mtiii.v aiII elv , Wort i ..f
suiipliss for th ntt i---t doVi o pmeiit
Among thore ir.siit were Dr. Mrat-
ton. J Nierson, Caarlee (renter. I. '
Joliss, T S. Jones, Frank I'iiillipi, Mi
LiadeaT, of ti.e llooala Fow ler emu
psm, s i I Mr Weissr, of the I Ii .
Maiiufacluriug company.
t.ia. (STATE V ,
Pr D.'itr Uought at Fh.r ff s Hals br A.
LUf In Doubt
Alderman right ami a jury nf In
lltl' St Vaster lav lie.ird th CSSB of
Ambrose MnlUy against Oaargt II
Mio-mtaer, wm h will I carried to
Prosecutor .Mullev allogea tint oil
Jan 8 Ii- purchased at ehetllf sale tha
t r party at Hub's Haad. nacapied bv
the defendant, and that lie gave BbaM
maker the required three to Ol til's lit)
tics to Vac tie Tn defen oinl c it:
tinned to occupy the house and ths in
quasi resulted
BHlon 1 .wife of the defendant, makss
afli lavit that the properly leling to
her under title from (reorge K Clark
gad (ieorge W. Hoale, In a deed rr
cot le i Dec. Wi.
Tha jury found the complaint as
staled nnd allowt l the plaiulilf if,.)
datnsgse. The ease will be spp. sled to
the common pleas court.
Manual F id ns Will Opsn Tils
Ofllc Tomorrow.
Tht couiiuiasion of John Filzum-
moos, the newly sp,Hiinted alderman
of the log Mil ward, urnved et the pro
ihonolsrye (tiice vi-storduv noon
Later in the day Mr Filr.slmmnns tile I
bis bond for the faithful perform me
of duty and the same wis approve ! I
court, the bondsnun are Juhu J
lir iWD and l'et..r -igler.
Alderman PitBstmmoM has rented
the rooms over lliilleirt's Music store
on WyominB avtm for an office and
will have the utiis open tomorrow
morning for the trans iction of elder.
mimic business.
Scrsnton's business Intsrests.
J 1111 i ill 1 it N K win soon publish a rare
fullv compiled and classified list of the
leading wholesale, bsnkitig, manufactur
Ing and professional interests of Seranton
nnd vicinity. The edition will bo bound
lu book form, beautifully Illustrated with
photogravure views of our public build
iiigs, business blocks, streets, etc., together
wi ll portrait or leading citizens. No
similar work lias ever given an equal ni
refutation of Scran tone many nidus
trios. It will be an invaluable exposition
or our business resources. Sent to
persons outside the city, copies of
tbls hsndsome work will attract
new comers sud be nu nnequalled
advertisement or the city. The rircu
Int ion is on n plan that cannot fail of good
results to those concerned as well as the city
at large. Keprnseniauvet or 1 HE 1 iiiHnxa
will call upon tiiosk WMH RAMI
are desired in this edition sud explain
Its nature more ruuy.
Those desiring viown of thoir residences
in this edition will please 1 ave notice at
the ollice.
Ladles' and Oants Razor-To Shoes
lu patent leather and russet. Common
wealth Shoe Store, Washington avenue.
PISCO-In Seranton, May 8 18!4, Ralph,
youngest eon of Mr. and Mrs. George
Sisco, aged 8 months and 21 days. Fn
i i i 'ii ot their residence, Mil Breaker
street, on Friday, May 4, at 1 p. m. In
terment in Clark's Green cemetery.
It Is Progressing More Rapidly Even Than
Was Expected.
It Was Made Yesterday by Colonel U
G. Schoontnnker and Colonel H. M.
Boies The Grades and Curves Arc
Easy and the Quality Insures a Good
Road Bed-Will Be Finished by
August I.
Colonel U. G. Schoonmalcsr and Col
onel IT. M. Bolts, members of the con
struction committee of the Elmhurst
Boulevard compuny, yesterday went
over the portion of the road so far
graded with tho contractors and engin
eers. They wore delighted with the rapid
progress thBt has boen made since
work was begun less than a month ago.
The boulevard is now graded from
Elmhurst to Nsy Aug, a distance of
thl o miles. Tne grading of this strip
of road is not entirely completed, but
wovk has progressed so far that it can
be driven over.
At Nny Aug thsre is a break for some
distance where nothing has beon done
as vet. Another force of workmen has
attacked the mountain side at Green
ville where the road will swing around
In graceful, easy enrves. 1,500 feet
bove the Erie nn I Wyoming Valley
tracKs i roin mat pi int on the road a
plendid view cm be had through Lg
gett's (.rap.
Th workmen are rapidly cntting
heir way along tho brow of the moun
tain end within a wek will have
reached the point fnriug this city.
JNxt week work will begin at Arthur
iver.e, the Scrsnton terminus of the
lonlevard. and will he pushed ahead
ontil toe two forces of wo.-giiieii inert
iitidglng Item the r.ipiditv with
wiiu-b the wot,; ha. progressed thus
far, it is safe to s iy that it will be " in
Met', before Aug. 1. the date on whici
the eotitrsct -v the company rnnst
turn tue complete I boulevard ov.-r I
tli rompativ
( olon-l I', is end Colonl Sc'ioon
maker found tt, it th construction of
the roed wss not so difil'int vn a it
etued on n i.e.- fr nu lie pr-liin.nary
surveys. Hi grals are all so easy
thin a nors can i limn tio in t a i i v -. y
rste or spd without mucu exertion.
and th curves, rsperiailc those on the
mom lam In t - VlelnltJTOl (rronv1ll
are such thst thr will not he the
ligbtet dsng- r or diffleoltl in round
Ing them I ,iev . rv to giye var:tv
lo 'r ill -ire i v ,i c-.ang lamiigape
"Very now an I then.
RiAl 1H 'ii' H.KTX
The shale on to mountain side Is
much tiiter ;i in was aspaotad a', l
wi ajlfe a roadtod thst In a al.ort
time will ! n hirl as asphalt and
quite as dry, with, tit the accompany
lUg duel.
lie BMmbefl of th eoriktrtictjnn
ri.iiirT.ttts.-s w). i .r, ut ovr th r tit
oc : itr ar tithoelestto ovr tha
outlook for the Ion erar 1
Pollution Caus.d by I f, vat Swsr oe
th nut
Smltsrv Polioamaa Hark yitr.Iev
Ibeonerad t! at the swag frmi a r w
f h l.s b-l i iguig to , uiea -,-nlJr
and liwtd on lb Waal sole of Webs
ter avren- rlow Mul'rry stre-t.
mptled into the vacsnt lot across the
trert .
Dr. W F. Allen. halHi ofilrsr. was
nolillsd and will today take step to
have th aalaaMa it alished
I be fior risli.g from the pollute I
I I ran be dateetad several block
awsv. and the m- uinu.titl refuse is
rrportal as a m- nare to the good health
of Hi residents of th vicinity.
Ilowsvsr. the matter la not altribut
d tn any ngllgenr on th part of Mr,
Oohlagar. Wi.u th wr was built
It waa aipapta I that a city eewr would
be located th-r and a c iWMMtll
Pram I itip d la a HpUndld Mar.nsr
bv h Tin, k C, mpaiir
QaOTga R 1' Vimdrlnd stock
OOUpaai lOOred a disliurt dramatic and
irtlitie alt laat algbt in "Tha daiiy
.sliv' It was tn,t happily cast mi 1
tha strong net, of which it is pr
llfta, were given with gratt Tlgor and
it le a drama that reqniree finished
acting and caret nl and artistic treat
mint Snch it received last evening et
the bands ol Miss Komd, htiai Fuller,
Miss Tanaaat, Miss wuiett, Pircy
Uadon, wni D. Oorbatl and ai f.
"The llslley Slsvs" will le repeatad
this (Veiling at Wouderlsud ami again
tomorrow afternoon anil eveuiu,;
In the mattar
mm Henry Tbr
rccirt directed
adoption Issue.
of th adoption of Penj a
MM by Dr. B. H. Tbroop,
thnl a rule for decni' in
Milton McKmner. of Jortnyn, a l.aeks
wauna count) prisoner ho did tiniest
the Raatarn Penitentiary for arson, wss
discharged vestetdsy.
Tlie three judges of l.srkawsnna counly
continued to hear lu argsiment court
y, denlsy, but no casea of g noral public
iniereat were disposed of duiiug the day.
Clrk of the Courts .1 II. Thomas yes
terday Issued marriage licensee to l.ukarz
I'snlo, of Pnrv.n, and Anna Zkrip, of
Sciaiitoti: Michael MoDottOOgh and Mury
Hyder, of Seranton, end Peter Csrdroas
and Marin Vunngusz. both of Dutnuore.
S i
The demand for students is good.
Miss Vira Decker is with Hunt .V t'on
nell. Miss Tcrths Pwnrtz has nccepteda ltKrs
tive position in (iecrgia.
.1 11 I toed has secured a good tKwtlon
with Megargel & Connell.
Decree D. linger haa a very desirable
position witb the Car association.
Mbhael MesHtt has a good place in the
counting room r the (Huh store.
Professor VYIiitniore has organized two
nines and the interest in base ball ruus
.loseph Silverstone, with the United
Slates Tanning company, is a prodigy bis
friends may well feel proud of.
Pat O'Connor, the efficient stenographer
for tha Hendricks Manufacturing com
pany, wsh at the colleg yesterday.
Tho summer session is delightful, the
sttendance is good, and a spirit of pood
cheer runs through the whole Institution.
Ths Peat Is Non Too Good and Oan B
Had a WU a Poor
Thousands worry along through life
without appreciating the great boon of
laultless bread. Cinod flour aud good bak
ing are the first requisites; t,oth can bo
seen at the store of Iloran & Henley, Uun
more, where Miss Young, of boston, is
giving an exhibition daily of not only
what can be dono witb eood flonr, but
by good bnking as well. Go and see and
tnste the delicacies.
Run Down by a FsssecBsr Train and
Will Probably Die.
Patrick Uogan, ot Breaker street, a
miner in the Dickson shaft, was struck
by the north bound Delaware and Hud
son passenger train yosterdsy eveuinjr
at 7 30
Hogan wss walking on the track and
was in the act of stepping off the Pro
vldenoe bridge when the train strnck
Ho was pushed ahead of the pilot of
tho engine nearly 100 feet, when the
train came to a standstill. When
picked np ho was unconscious and was
taken into the Providence depot. Dr.
Sullivan was summoned and found the
man in a very weak condition. He is
not expected to recover.
UOgan is a marnod man. about i
years old and has a largo family.
Stamp Cancellor Stark R migns and Mr.
MoDonona-h Sucsda Him.
Stamp Cancellor Stark hss resigned
the position to which be wss recently
appointed by Postmaster Vandltng,
nnd will be succeeded by Thomas Mc-
Donongh, who is at present the Federal
building janitor.
William Roche, who has beon alter
nating day and night clerk, has o-en
made permanent day mailing clerk.
He Disappeared Nearly a Month Ago
and No Trace of Him Has
Since Been Obtained.
Nearly a month ago Michael Egsn,
sged ahont 1!", yean, a local hss- ball
player, living with bit wife Hnd family
on Sm'h Wyoming avenns, disap
peared from horn late at night and
nothing has been sesn or bard of bitn
1I was on of th beat base ball
players In the enmity, and worked In
the mines for a living. H lived verr
happily with his family, snd was not
addfatad to exeaaalva drinking habit
Tn morning of the night on which
he was last s-n he told his wife that.
owing to tho dnlnes of wnr'.c at tli
mines, he would go to BaaletOO and
seek a position on th ba ball team
thr. He returned, liowevr, at supp r
time, and v-rv much lntoxi -sted. H
visit,! his ol t haunts and it wss nearly
10.80 whn be y?-r.t horn afsin. but he
slaved only a few tnt'itltes. going out
arain without saving anything t his
wife n ivas r been aa in sin1-.
i'ssn h id nearly two nnnths'pay
coming to him at tne Dodge muiee.
woere h worked, and did not draw
nv of it. Nithr did he procure or far as it is known, any m inev
( on in. v I i ls-. to juv train fr
If h interi led going awav
llia wif is aOOvioOi 1 lhat he is dea 1
She says he most h ive fallen In the
rivr or met wim foni play
- -Of
Oa of
th 'r,H?rily Tt-sMtn'.
North End of Ctiy
T. lwsrd I'nce. a wU known an I
popular (iren Ridg resident died
Ai '. -sdar at his home. .' I'.rkson
aveona His funeral will occur at
lock tomorrow 'trn n from He
Atbtirv M"i dUt I'.piaeopal church
l:itrmnt will be ma 1 in Forest Hill
!?ll is survived by a widow a' d liv-
children, Mrs J L. Uoor. Mrs. A
W MrKr, Lotus J. I'rlee, Bdwil F
rue aud Waltar R. Prisw Bdwla t
ia poHag taller at tha Thirl National
bank , Walt'r Is a bookkeeper at tha
DtflM Depoall and Iicnut bink nnl i,
Iraanrai f th Berutoa Baaa nn ia-
r ,n
The decessed was lorn in BharTala,
,. and cm lo sVaarioa la 1851
sine whn he has been continuously a
raaidsMt, LTnUI 18TI h w u m
ploye of the Lackawanna Iron and
Coal OOOtpMf Since Is. I" ha tero
iiistula-r of the turn of Speuc-r .V
I'rlee, who stsrtl tha 'iren Ridge
Ir. ii works
Mr PriM wis a Methodist and a
member I f van, us organizations
Ttamarksbl 1 s Ob atnrd by Him In
lbs Tratmnt of Fulmorary TMsr.f
In another column will be notlc.-l th
snn, uncemeiit of D 0 W Ingraliam. of
Miughamton, N V, who la to be at the
Westminster Hotel, s ran ton, Saturday.
May .
It Inuraham has tusd a special study
of lung dlseeeee and his treatment for con
sumption is probably the m .st succeasfnl
ever Instituted.
Asthma, a d seas which has lone baffled
th skill of our liMt pbTsidaiDa Is cured by
Ills un til 1 :i, n, ,t ,.v, V Je-r cent of
rases trestrd. Indessd Dot a elngle failure
u recorded where the treatment baa been
faithfully carried out on the part of the
These results, which ar wonderful, In
led. ar attested by numerous cured pa
New Drees o rde
i la Saturday morning we will open anew
stock of China aud fancy silks: also dress
goisls, novelties, foreign and domestic.
" Mkslis A. IIaoKsj.
iiinimsr Term
Wood's ("ollegn . f II isine-s aud Short
hand will receive students for Acteun
biisini- snd short hnd c. use during th
summer at special rate.
km -Tin
L Jewelry to
lift from.
VERYTllisi; now.
INGS in new styles.
UN in and see our new store.
OU are welcome.
TEE LING Silver Novelties in
great variety.
417 Lackawanna Ave,
Best Sets of Teeth, $S00
Including the painless extracting
cf teeth by an entirely new process.
S. C. Snyder, D.D.a
1B6 wio.MI.NG AVIi
The New York. Ontario & Western R. R.
Co., will stop the following trains at the
crossing oppoMta the new Base Bull
grounds: Truin 208, south, leaving Cnr-
bondale 8.84 p. m.; train 207, north, re
turning leaving Sornnton 4.50 n. m train
200, north, returning leaving Seranton 6.10
m., aays games are plaved.
T. 'Flitcroft,
' District Passenger Agent.
Makes a novel
nnd useful uten
si that is unex
celled for beat
ing eggs, whip
Ding cn-nm and
making uuy or
all kinds of
calios, cu-tards,
Tho best assort
ment of
NEXT WEEK wc will have
linr;riiiis in ljinmcled Ware that
will he genuine bamiiii.
128 Wyoming Ave.
o tre now dlTptsying
it line lino of
Goes as far in buying a fine Dress Suit
this season ns $:o did last.
e name this price because it is one that
like to pay;
by this time
values at
Our showing at $15 is a grand one, including all
the fit and fashionable fabrics in strictly tailor-made
Tarrnents with a style and finish about them which no
tailor can improve upon
Not only is the price quoted about half what a
tailor would charge for the same quality of suit, but
there is also from $3 to $5 more value in them than
$15 will buy in any other store.
1:1M1.M1::K. every jitin luser of Men's, liova' or ChUrlrenN
Clothing, Shoes, Haste or Gent'a Fnrniihlng Oooi to the amount ot
II or over, Id presonted with oJutnot on the BEAUTTFTJL PABLOB
3Un r. now on exhibition in our window,
Complete Outfitters. SCRANTON, PA.
Represents Banister's new
Razor Toe Last. If you want the
latest styles in Footwear trade at
BANISTER'S PRICES are a little less than yon
are paying elsewhere for inferior foods.
BANISTER will give yon MORE for your money
than any .hoe House in the city, Patent Leather
and Rn$et Shoes in endless variety.
We bought of two large tnanafotarert their entire line of Ladies'
SUITS, CAPES AND SHIRTWAISTS, which we will offer for
ONE WEEK at thst cost, or about 30 PtR CENT, less than
regular prices.
In our Millinery Department we show the most con
plete line in the city.
We estimate that our $2,500 Distribu
tion Gift will hold out about Two Weeks.
Separate Wholesale Department.
We have bought a large sampli
line of
Coats and
50c. on
the Dollar
and we will sell them for tha
same this week. So if you want
a nice stylish garment for little
money, come before they are
all gone.
Millinery Department
We are showing the latest
in French Novelties. Come
and look through our stock.
138 Wyoming Ave.
next dime bank.
you certainly know
we've proportionate
and $12
and VtaiflJ