The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 04, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    jujl feCttAftTOja TiiiiiUJSE JbHlDAY MOJttNINU, MAI 4, 1SB4.
All Things Musical
134 Wyoming Ave.
See the Shaw Piano from
the World's Fair in our
-USE Tin:-
And always have
Good Bread.
The Weston III Co,
Punch Cigars
B. & Co.
Carney, Brown 6 Co. MIT's.
1 l.k l.l llol -K
FECI 11 ; r.
Dr. John Burnett is H journinK at I.ake
w.ioil. N. J.
David Miller, of Wilkes-Ilarre, in nt UM
P. M. liillican, of Willcea-Barre, wu in
the city rsstestdaT.
Attorney I.. P. Vtteu, of Forest
t'liy, was h-re yesterday.
Daniel Byrnes, of ( arbondale, was a
Sciaiitim v i-it-t yesterday
W. II llain-n. of Hears Sc Hagen, in In
N'hw Y.'tlc city mi hosiuee.
Charles K. Mill", of Lake Ariel, was yes
tenlay enaed here on hu.iuens.
Mrs. F.. W, WestOS Ii visiting Jlrs.
Charles 8. Weston, or 410 Wrotuiaa ave
nue. W. II. Cuvne, of Aclm avenue, who
has I 11 in Florida for tlw pant six wetki,
has returned.
Marn: Duffy, rity editor of the Carbon
dale ti. r !.!, in visiting m the house of bis
mother 111 this city.
C. II. Demon has hen appointed by the
route .Mnif Teachers association to the
viee praetdeOOy Of batkswanna county.
Anonc ttai m who ndstsred at the Wv
omlngare: H. P. Northop, Tunklieanouii
n. a nnaon, riasion: ira j. Meaglar,
MajorW.U. Fulton, surgeon and Men
tal. ant i. A. 1 apwell, assistant surgeon, of
thi) I hirleent.i regiment, rotomod vester
day from Washington, D. i: where they
attended the annual meeting of th" An-
elation of Military Burgeons of tbs 1'inted
John MrOrath, who wan seriously til
for some time in Philadelphia, has no far
recovered as to be alii" to pav a vi-it to nil
parents in this city. Be will return to
Philadelphia on Saturday and again re
Hume Iih studies at the Cuiveraity of
Charles A. Kaiser, proprietor and man
' ager of the New York Ideal Opera coin
pany, is in tbe city for the purpose of ar
ranging for the production here of "The
czar and Carpenter," and "Fault)" the
former to be irivcn in Herman and the lat
ter in English.
The funeral of David Reese, who wai
killed in Ktorr'i mine on Tuesday, took
place from the parental hoiM on North
Main avenue yesterday. Tbe remains
were conveyed to the .North Main Av
enue Methodist Kpiscopal eliurch where
the funeral lerviee was held. Kev.
M. D. Fuller officiated, and was as
sisted by Kev. Mr. Davis and liev. Mr.
Kinter, The pull bearers were two
from the Knights of the Mystic Chain,
two from the .Starr's Accidental fuud
nnil two from Sunday School class No.
, 10. Tbe funeral was largo and impos
ing. On Wednesday evening the ladies of
the Epwortli league of the Park Place
Methodist Episcopal church tendered
Kev. Mr. Hawxhurst a plessant recep
tion on his arrival to take charge of
tbe congregation. Tim event took place
in tbe parlors of the church, aud was
au itnmensly enjoyable affair.
Muslo Boxes Exclusively.
1 Beet made. Play any desired number of
mnes. Gautschi & Sons., manufacturers,
JD30 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orchustrial orgaus, only 5 and $10.
Bpecialty: Old music boxes carefully re
paired and improved with new tunes.
Stenographers Furnished.
We are prepared to furnish business men
with first-class stenographers by the day
or hour. Expert bookkeeping a specialty.
ncmuiou v.uiniurci i mi niiswmuua, uiill-
ited, 426 Spruce street.
1 1 Foe to Dyspepsia
M NEW ItH'Elll
TLey Were Nominated by Mayor Connell and
CoBflrmed by Select Council.
City Solicitor Torrev's Opinion
Caused a Lively Debate It Was Re
ferred to a Committee for Consid
erationCouncilman Connell Makes
an Effort to Secure a Five-Cent
FareOther Eusincss Transacted.
Select council held a long and some
what noisy session Inst evening. The
first business was the readiug of a
communication from the mayor
nominating tbe uew patrolmen.
They were confirmed after an effort
had been made to refer tbe nomination!!
to committee. The main Hiibject of
wrangle, however, grew out of the
city solicitor's opiniou in reference to
the changing of the location of the
Liuden street bridge.
The uew policemen appointed by the
mayor are Reese (1. Jones, of the
Twenty-first ward; Samuel E. Sloat, of
the Seventeenth ward, mid C. A. Perry,
of the First ward .
After the names had ben read it was
moved that they ho refvrred to com
mlttee. The motion was lost and a
motion to cousider the nominations
was agreed to by a two-thirds vote, all
of the members being present mid re
ponding to their names. Tbe Domina.
tious were then confirmed.
A communication from the mayor
appointing police officers us follows,
wm raoaiftd : Captain of police, Rich
aid Edwards; first lieutenant, .loha
Davis; second lieutenant, Peter Zatig;
third lieutenant, Thomas D. Williams;
fourth (untenant, Michael BpalloaO;
sergeant, Robert Ditar. On motion
if sir 1, sner the appointments were
The opinion of City Solicitor Torrey
in reference to talked of change of
the location of the Linden street bridge
to Mulberry strset, furnished in com
pltancM with a resolution paaaad by
councils rcqasatlng it, was then rsa I
by clerk Lsvelle. Tl o city solicitor
stated it as his opinion that if the
change lu site Is made the city won! I
likely be restrain I from appropriat
ing of the bridge anv part of th" pro
posed loah of f.'.Vi.OOO. In other re
spects there is nothing to prevent any
change of site that Councils
may deem advisable by new
ordinance. The opinion is btsed on
the act of assembly regulating the
manner of increasing Die maimer of in
dettsdiiess of municipalities and the
ordinance and notice under which the
consent of the ponle wis obtained
The opinion proceeds at length to show
that no substantial change can be tn i
witbont making nugatory an I mean
tnrless tbe act of sstnlily
Mr KellOW moved that the opinion
be re'eired o the slreits and bridge.
OOintnittoe, This brought on the storm
Some of the m-iiibers could not see why
the opinion should b- r-fuie 1 instead
of being received and tiled
Mr RelloW gave his ressons for
wanting the i pinion referred to the
committee He di 1 not want it pigeon
holed. To bnild the brldfs at Mui.
terry street wonld cost U ien less
than tn bnild it at Linden ami eminent
lawyers wer of the opinion that tile
change c n. 1 li tin b.
Mr. R ail argned that there was
nothing to prevent the change, but in
cissit arofe mssio none of the 350,000
tould l use I. He doubted if the
people of H Vila Park would vol for
bridge at M i' berry street and ridiculed
the idea of loeating the structure be
twseu two great culm piles
Mr m in agreed with the con
clusions of Mr Roche, but Mr Clsm
ons x pressed astonishment that such
seutuiistits should be exprsssej !
did not like to be placed lutiiapisi-
tion of bbetroetiog Um bridge that
had been the hue and cry ever sines
the bridge at Linden street was first
agitated. There were more than one
thousand reasons why the change
should be Iliad
' (live ns one," Interrupted Mr lie
Can n.
Mr. ('lemons then proceeded to give
the dlfferonOO in the grades, length of
bridge n iinred at the two points, au I
advanced otfatt arguments. Me sail
people o( Hrd Park wanted a viaduct
oVCf tbo Delaware, Lackawnniia and
Western at West Laoknwanna avenue
mid that a bridge built higher up than
I. in 100 street would provide for the
people of llyd Park and Providence
A great deal more of talk was in
dulged in and the residents of Swet
land street came in for no small slur
of ctnsiire because of their "stiffness"
as one iiuinte-r expres ' 1 it Mr. LonOI
laid that J 1 .'l"l. was already demanded
for options and still that sum was Ml
A vote was taken on an amendment
to receive and fill the opinion an I it
was lost, it was then referred to the
streets and bridges committee,
wit rot city nnrmra,
Mids for doing the city printing for
the ensuing year were received from
'1 hi: BORANTOM Thiiicnk and the Scran
ton Truth and referred to the commit
tee on printing.
liids for grading Delaware street be
tween Washington and Sanderson ave
lines wire received from Max Phillips
and Muldoon - Howie. The former
wanted tl.llTJ 7(i and the latter $l.u:l7.
Referred to streets and bridges commit
tee The committee on streets and bridges
reported favorably a number of ofdlD
ances, but did not report on the Roar
ing Hrook bridge ordinance, whioh
angered Mr. Manley, who demand 1
to know why no report was made on
the ordinance. A motion to tako the
ordinance out of the hands of the com
mittee prevailed after much wrangling.
The Linden street bridge wua also in
cluded. The vote stood I t to 7.
Concurrent business followed, after
which a-number of ordinances and res
olutions were adopted. Mr. Connell
offered the following, which was
adopted :
Whereas, The ordinance granting the
Scrantou Passenger Railway comrjany
the right of way over and on certain
streetn specifies that a 5 cent fare ah, ill
be charged , and
Whereas, Said company iinow charg
ing a 10 cent fare to the city limits on
tbe South Side; therefore, be it
Resolved, That tbe city solicitor is
directed to notify the said Scrantou
Passenger Kail way company that said
company is violating the provisions of
tbe ordinance and must stop.
An ordinance directing tne city en
gineer to make au assessment for pav
ing Pine street between Waahiugton
aud Clay avenues, block by block, ac
cording to the feet rule, was referred
to the paving committee iu conjunc
tion with tbe city eolieitor.
They Havs done Down
Tbat Is prices at (tuerusey Brothers,
Saturday evening: the Crystal Hose
company will have its annual benefit
at tbe Academy ef Music, wbeu "Tbe
Fast Mail" will be prodncad. Tbe
play is fiimou9 throughout the coun
try for the completeness and magni
tude of its mechanical effects. Tbe
production is under the personal super
vision of its author Lincoln J. Carter.
Special scenery is carried for the ten
complete ets used in the play. In the
second act a steamboat Is shown with
the boiler rooms and their intrieits
maebiii'ry, and the glowing furnuces.
The bout is blown up by n tremendous
explosion. aud thi wreek is going down
in mid river. Tbo great railwuy scene
is another of the unprecedented
achievements of their performance in
the direction of realism, A freight
train of fourteen cars is run across the
stage with an illuminated caboose and
a practical locomotive. The fireman
and engineer are seen at their respect
ive stations, looks like reality itsalf.
A mail train comes speeding by and
catelus the mail punch just as every
one has seen It do many times.
In the lust act Niagara Falls are
shown in all their natural beauty, A
cataract of real water is put on the
stage, and it boila and foams in the
most natural way. The soft moonlight
adds to the effect, and the scene needs
only the addition of the suspension
bridge to complete the elfeot of reality.
DeWolf Hopper aud his jolly clnb of
clever comedians and sweet singers, in
cluding dainty Delia Fox, (I race
Ooldon, Marion Singer, Samuel Reed,
Edmund Bantley, Alfred Klein uud a
host of other OOUli opora favorites will
occupy the stage of tbe Academy of
Music Tuesday evening. This is one
of tbe moat important engagements of
comic opera during the present seasou,
aa it is not only Mr Hopper's lint visit
to our city, tint also the premier pres
entation of his latest mi l greatest
comic opera success, entitled "IV.nj m
drum." which for five mouths crowded
tlie Broadway theater New York city
and vicinity, and which will be pre
sented on our local stage with all of its
original cast of principals, br Hunt
scenery and gorgeous costumes; In
fact, every feature that charaoien.-d
its first presentation will lie used.
Among the many Boreltlea offered by
the management of Mr Hopper's or
ganization is the appearance during the
second act of "Panjandrum" of Mis
1 la Fuller, a sister an I pupil of "La
Loie" Fuller, in a series of her dazzling
butterfly and serpentine denote, tot
ptnied by beautiful rainbow and elec
trical effects.
' Tl,u ll.iL. i-w- " .- ..ill.
- " ,,.,irj rr 4,11,1, IU . HH I
ench pronounced success at Wonderland
I -. . . V. . u- I . .
as, ingiii, .Y.ii 11a proiuc'"! again lo
night Tomorrow afternoon there will
Iw a matinee and on Stnr lay the pircn
will have its last presentation
Several streets of the Booth Side are
laid out in ungainly fashion Along
Prospect avenue the present lines in
come places wonld. If prolonged fnr
enough, run the street upon No
mountain. At other polntt the I loot
drawn out Would transpose it to the
Leokawaoi a ri? r. This, is alio true i f
Beteh, atepla, Hircii and Locnel
streets, and of Stone aveuue. What
causal this troublesome result see mi to
bo a disparity of opinion between the
en gin eon of tbs Brook Land tompeay
and the L kawanna Iron aud Me. 1
company. F.acu gave se, arete Unas
snd the streets suffered In MOOOOOOaOC
Now b'lfi companies have agreed ap n
( ouaty Purveyor A. 11 Doaniag, who
is I. use straightening , i.t the tangle
City Engineer Phillips. It oo-oporeuosj
with hltu, and together they expect to
be able so 111 to bring order out of
chaos after a half-Tear c arduous task
The oo no oil man of the NlMtoMtk
ward are only too anxious to get tbe
inatter righted, that at ordinance rsn
!ai introduce I for t'.e mi rovement f
I these street As it stands low, it Is
no', practicable t influence any legis
latlou tending ill that direction Until
the lines are first settled between both
land oom paoiel
Irjured In Mead )W Drouk theft.
Stephen Kenavey, a young man who
lives with his mother on I hurcU ctret.
MlnooCs, met witu a peculiar and par
l. pe ee.-i us see i J eii t e.tar lay in ir n -ing
in the Meadow Mr . ik shaft He is
employe I aa a laborer, and was lu the
act of putting a large chunk of ooal I
a load" ! car when the niece sllptied
from hi in and he fell, on of th- sharti
edget cutting a deep gash four inchs
long aud two Inches deep in hi left
thigh, ten Inches above the knee. A
large mnsclnof hi leg was savered and
about half of his life's blood, poured
from the wound. Dr J ,1 Walsh was
called and sewed up the ugly cut, be
ing obliged t ) ilia a tooralquel to stop
the flow of blood and pfsrvant the loes
of the young man s life. If mortifica
tion does not sat in there is ! ; of
saving th member, otherwise amputa
tion will be necessary
Shorter Paiasraphe
The Women of the Hickory Street
Presbyterian church ha a prayer
meeting yesterday afternoon In the
evening Ascension services wr con
ducted at toe chnroh by the inetor.
To commemorate th- sixty-foiu'tli an
niversary of his birth the fnejds of
Aselm Albert, of Stoue avente. as
sembled at bis residence last night an I
a very pleasant evening was spent
The liadenser Choral society, of which
he is a member, sang numerous glees.
Refrsshmentt were served at midnight
and the parly left for home
, Joseph (iallagber, of Montana, is
visiting M. 1. Judge, of Pittstou ave
On Saturday we will give a book to
every customer buying goods to the
amount of $1.00, Uiam A Baobm
The "Coinmercial Drummer" Will be
staged at St. John's ball on M ly 2J by
a company of local talent. The pro
ceeds will ba for the benefit of Jolio
Siglin, of Ilreck afreet, who has been
idle since the beginning of last winter
with rheumatism.
Charles Gallagher. Minooka corre
spondent of I hi: TBtBONa, lias charge
of the snbscriptiou agency of this pa
per iu Minooka.
The Welcome dancing class of which
William H Walter is instructor, closed
its season after u six months' term last
Monday evening. It was a grand suc
cess. The managers will now give a
grand bop every Saturday evening at
Oermania hall.
The board of auditors of Lackawanna
township is requested to meet this
evening at tho usual place.
If a recommendation is in order it is
suggested that residents along the
streets that are napaved uss the garden
hose to settle tbe dust. There is no
city ordinance forbidding it and It
would confer a fa"or on those who have
to use tbe highways a good deal.
Saturday morning we will open a
new stock of China and fancy silks;
alio dress goods, novelties, foreign and
domeitic. Meaks & Haoen.
Call for tbo Convention of First Legislative
District Convention.
Remains Will Be Taken to Tamaqua
for Interment Owen D. John Will
Assumo the Duties of Alderman on
Monday Peter Smith Committed
to the County Jail Other News
Notes and Personals.
(The West Side office of the SniANTon
aKlapifl Is located at 1010 Jackson street,
where subscriptions, advertisements and
tommuuioationt Will receive prompt at
tention. Blow is the regular call iseu ul yes
terday for the First legislative district
Repntiljcan convention to nominate n
OandldatS for tbt legislature to sno
eefd Hon. John R, Farr, and also to
select a delegate to the statu conven
tion: Pursuant to a resolution of the Republi
can committee of the First legislative ills -
trict of Lackawanna county t Republican
convention of said distrlot will be held in
St Iiavids hall, North Main avenue, ou
Tuesday afternoon, May If, 18'', at li p.
tn., for the purpose of nominating a candi
date to represent sal I district in tbe legis
latu re.
And electing n delegate and an alternate
to the Republican stare convention to be
held at llairisburg on Wednesday, Mav
n, is'M
The election of delegates to convention
will take plaee at the regular polling
places of lln- districts on Saturday after
noon, May I-, Is'iJ. between the hours of
4 and 7 D. tn Vigilance committees will
govern tbenuelvee secordtmly.
The election districts are entitled
representation a follows:
1st ward. 1st ills ... a IthWard, M dta
1st ward. I'd ills .
1st want, .lil ills, .
'.'d ward, 1st Oil .
:M ward, fa die
H ward, J l all
H war I, Ith 41
'.d ward, au die
.11 aid. 1st ih
Ikl ward, lu 0 s
tth gird, let dis
ttti ward. U ale,
i,i .a -i.i a.-
I Mhward, 'd it
1 .Mhward. tth die
! i n. ward. 1st die
2 t ill ward, '.'d die
I I (ill ward. 1st dm
I 14th ward. M ills
I Uth ward, 1st die.
1 Uth w ard. M d:a
i imhward,,
i list want. 1st lu
lst ward, M die ,
1th ward, llh dls l Total Ill
Ma ward. 1st il is . '.'
Jon II RlTUOUt, 01 airman
Att-st Ants U Bva, aeseaaary,
Will Be Interred Todav
The remsina tof f hotna Williamt, a
former resideut or tbis side, Wbodlsd
recently Hi Hutte city, Montana,
reached this cltv at '.' o'olooh yesler lsv
tnorntnr. tjndartalter I rire conT'T. '.
tbs body to the home of th- decease I'l
inolher, Mrs Marr Willlauu. of l.'ll
tcademy Street An Itnpreeeive prayer
service was hel l a, the home last even
ing oom men ting at 7 o'clock and was
attended by tho many friend of th
family H-v. Dav.d Jnnee, psatnr of
the First Welsh ( oagtSgntMOal church
offleiated. The remains will t taiin
toTntMOJM for Interment this In ru
ing leaving ou Ibe 8 10 Jersey Central
train A large nutuber of ie r- :,.
from allasrStlllS atteu led the sa rvic-s
last evening
Will Take Cha'ge tt OfTlca
On Mon lay morning next I iwn D
John, alderman-elect of th Fourth
i warJ. will aaoin the duties of his of
fice. The rooms he ' as clu eu are on
ttu second fl -or of pi'i North Mam av
enue, tbe t la' recently Vacated bv
Alderman 1 ram AldermSB 1 'rem re
tiree from l.'s magisterial duties with
a i lear re' ord, and ti e reaped of those
with whom ! has had dealings. Mr
John will make a oepafell offj 11 ,
r smmtt'ed to JH
I eter Sm.tb. th man who was sr
rested late on W e It... lay evenint by
Oana table Tun dtiv Joust ou warrant
sworn rut by John Iriegle, Wat given a
a heating yesterday by Alderman M
L 1. air of the Fifth war I The ObtrgO
is assault and batterr and was BUUSOd
ti.r. tgh trouble lsstwen relative
Smith ettackssl Qaiglc by throwing
l. nee at him, au action which Dm.
latter would not tolarata. Bmlth was
held in hall to appear et ronrt. in
default of which lie was m ; '. to
tbe county J ill.
T d In a Few Lines
Miss Kstle li lgi-nin, of Ararat. Sus
quahauus sounty, is the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Tin. mas F Mu. leu, of North
Sumner avenue
Mrs Jan Klwardi, of Wilkes
Herre, was the gueet of friends ou this
side yesl- rday.
Edgar I. Hughes, of Moa toots, is
vlntlng friends mi this side
John L. Williams, of Acalemy
street, has r tumel from Tainanu
where he bad been making arrange,
: inents for the funeral tt hie brother.
The funeral of Mrs Ella MtKoigbt,
wife of Qeorgo licKaigbt, ol Ninth
I str-et, will occur tomorrow morning
st 10 u'l h ek Services iu the Wasu
buru Street I'rcsbrtenan church.
The tenth annual ball of the West
Side S. eial club will be lul I q Mars
hall this ev tii. i,'
Al l. Tilt IVrn.AH At'Tlli ih-v
On Saturday we will give a book to
every cns'ortier buying goo()j t,, t) e
amount of $100. MiamA Ho, in
st Ottilia's Ladles Total Ahsti nauet
and Iletievelent society will giva an tl
ttrtalumtnl and social iii Meara' hall
on May 10 Elaborate preparations
are Icing made and a first class pro
gramme will be rendered.
'I he cantata entitled "The Royal
Victor," was repeated last evening in
th- First Welsh Baptist ehnreli under
the leadership ol William VV. F'.vans
A large audience was present, and (hi
juveniles tconittod themselves nobly,
Th solos of Morris Thomas were ex
cellent. T H. Jones, T. H. Dsle, Daniel W il
li nns an I D W Powell returned last
evening from Schuylkill connty
The mule choir under the leadership
of Lewis Phillips rehearsed laat even
ing In St. David's ball
Alderman T. T. Morgan, of South
Maui avenue, is ill.
The old folks' concert to be held in
the Sitnpion Methodist i Episcopal
church on Thursday evening nxt
promises to be an nnqnalfteil ineoeet,
Among the many who will participate"
re Professor William W. Joues, Minor
Warden, Misies Rachel Joues ami Cora
Storm, Howard Davles, F. P Byor and
Wallace (4. Moser. Tlie entertainment
will be followed with a maple augur
feait and a social.
new uRFss aoons.
Saturday morning we will open a
new itock of China and fanev silki;
also dreis goodi, noveltiei, foreign uud
domestic. Mears Haoen,
A Vocallon Ksoltal
Will be given nt Trinity Lutheran church
r rlday evening, May 4tb, by Prof. L. F
(.'oraingloy, representing tbe manufactur
ers, assisted by Professor Rockwell aud
lending vocalkt . of this city. Tickets i.5o
Beadlestoa A Woersfs and BaUanttnse
Alee are tbe best . J. WaUK, agent, US
aeeekawanua areane.
Undor this heading short letters of Interest
will M published when accompanied, for pub
lication, by the writer's name. The TniBUNK
will not he held rusiousihlo for oyinioua here
Those Street Car Changes.
Editor of TllK TniBDNE.
DEAR SIR Xd your ibsuo of yesterday
morning was a notioe from tbe Scrantou
Traction company to tho effect thnt after
8 p. m. the Nay Aug cars would run half
hour trips till 11) o'clock and the next car
after that would be 10.40. With a party
of friends 1 had been atteuding a reception
at Park place; we got off the Providence
car nt Putin uveuue and Spruce street at
10.81. and waited for the' Nay Aug car,
which came on time; but after wo were
all sooted tbe conductor informed us that
his orders were to wait until the perform
ance closod at tho theaters, which ho did,
keeping 14 passengers waiting IS minutes!
Was this right on the part of tho company
after announcing the car would leave at
10,40? We think it was unjust, find Wt
know there would bo no car till 11 o'clock
we would have taken the Laurel Hill Park
car and reached home earlier by walking n
couple of blocks. Uut arter waiting for
tho Nay Aug car and getting seated in it
WC did not think it advisable to change.
Wt wonld be glad if yon will publish this
letter and also call the attention of tho
manager of tho car company to the fa-t
that It is not the right thing to do when
they announce a car for 10.40 to keep pas
sengers waiting till 11 o'clock. Au extra
car for tbe accommodation of theatergo
ers would be tho proper thing. Yours
truly. Rl CHARD llinliNa.
im Qttincy avenue, Beraaton, Pie., May
-ev .
DR, F. Out WUn, thi Philadelphia spec
ialist, hsa now it-turned from nn extended
southern ti ip, and may be consulted at his
parlors. No. ."ill Bprsoa street, Scranton,
LVmple Court building, upon all acute and
chronic diSSSSSS Of men, women and chil
dren. It lias been noised about by one or
more persons that Dr. QrOWST publishes
th names of m cured patients. This is
not so. Everything is strictly sacred and
confidential, and no one patient knows
that another i- l-mg t. eat- I. The doctor
baaalwaye made this principle a lasting
and sov. -reign one, and fe,-( that it is due
to eyery patient. OfflOS hours, daily, 0 a.
m. to p. m. : Buuday, 0 to ".
Jl ST received large
U import order. Many
aew novelties. Come
while the assortment
is complete.
Large Line
Sest Goods
116 Wyoming Avenue.
. . Jblll Jju 1 lull
T II K HI 1 1 I in ii at lit.
Miicceeeor to A Culcmari.
Why run all over the rity liaikliif fur col I
billari with one hurntr. -1 .111 1 lri ... nta' worth
or a' -I'l I" theial Hut you will ror.u, Mr
-lose to It it it y oi will oall at the right alaesk
Hrl-u- m.i.i .! .hi . I, -ih.T au-l
haeka. to
l.t aPittri: nm:rr, nn.l Ket full value
for your BSOQi y 1 i
I isiiisc; l ICKLB, PINK
n I i-i RY, l' )0 ( IOLL Its
A M I I M . K VI. MPOK1 INti
i i I -i
Th-- Vli "I i 'It WHICl. le-mls
Bicycles, Are nrm i. BC&, rtrpatratl al short
notice Ks Bttiatast slty. QlvemeeoelL
DR. C W.
Specialist of Diseases of
the Lungs, will be at the
Westminster Hotel Satur
day, May 5.
Dr. Ingraham is the orig
inator of the Ingraham
Chemical treatment for the
cure of Chronic Pulmonary
Diseases, particularly Con
sumption, Asthma and
Bronchial Troubles.
Consultation and exam
ination fre8. Hours: 1Q A.
M. to 5 P.M.
Magic, Mirth and
Hindoo Handkerchief Puzzle
Wo have engaged TltOF. VERUELO, the Celebrated
Hindoo Magician. Exhibitions daily in our large conter
window from 3.30 to 6.30 P. M. and from 8 to 9.30 P.M.
The Puzzle Given Away with purchase of ever?
Suit of Clothes or sold at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS.
Martiri & Delany
Wyoming Avenue.
JIlllllllltllllllllllliiEISIiilillil IlillllllllHMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIUI
.OS Lackawanna Ave.
A new lot of
SnSHMSE HATs- w""n I--'' darpriot, $1.25
TRIMMED MAVS, worth l r, (,r prioeTH50
tR MMI.H HATS, worth $9 00 OurpttOS $4.7
TRIMMED II ATS, worth 18.U0 (nir prics, a 25
Ladies' and Misses' Spring Jackets and Ladies'
Capes in endless variety.
Ifottlogbaa Curtains, worth 1Q0, for
Nottingham ( urtains, worth $ I B0, for
N'ottinu'ham Curtains, worth 8 50 for...
I'omt l- Hanaisance, worth iter
Uesi Bruaaals, worth fvi, r. .
All styles in
UDTC T the
ajHiYiO 1 lAll, HATTER
Sole Agent,
205 Lackiwanna Ave.
ilrenelee -ininic tn town: WQhSS Bar re
ass been here; Wm aara beet hers we are
l,..r.., ITS srtll Ih- b -re. Acaln we say, laoh
Il en ta a id If we cannot show emi th" ftm-sl
lias el mimi i.i s ami nroaYi ing
QOODU, in I a worit of inure Merest sales
then ear other firm hi the sirr, we win tsk-
riU to the show.
All the Rage.
Will buy a
very good one
Are at rrrnent the Mutt Popnlsr anil l"rfrrrd by
Irf-atlnic Artlsia
Warorooms : Opposite Columbus Monument,
200 Washington Av. Scranton, Pa.
Look In
HATS just re-i
. . . . 8.10
2o. 0J
Bash Curtains.
A Novol Exhibition.
A.uif. will fivn a marvelous!
In ti show windows of COleLntS
BAI RETT from 3 toriand 7 to 9 VJL
frol Oold r..i(,'i will prolines frotv
ibests ol paper womlerful designs ia
reee, Lstddera, .Shalee, Hilda,
Castles and articles bevond mention,
euuiufth ;.-r with bis flntjersrno
hi Ifs r shears naad, An original exhU
b tion for i0'jr ontrrlainmoiit. t om and
I carr) away a luuriair aedi
bv the profss.sor and also a suit of
clothes frjm our itore whioh vsiUv
please J u
Clfa, Haiters,a.rumi5iicra
For Women
Sell, Sell, Sell, is the order
of the day.
Imported Clay Jaokets, CuA
Style and Work the beat
the tailor's art. A mluctdon
of 50 Per Cent Soo this offoa
Ing of High-dun Jacketa,
Your sizo iM liore.
in cloth, Morie Silk, Covef
Cloth and Lace. Many styles
and prices that will please you.
Printed Duck and Sergvst
Stnpi'd and Spot Patterns
You ought fo have one. The
P"ce, $3.50 to $7.50.
G. W. Owens & Co.
Cloak and Suits Makers,
Court House Square..