5 TTIE SCKANTON TKTRTJHE-rnTDAY MOttNTINGr. MAY 4, 1894. THE SECRET (IN 8 2d ACT. They start a pyramidal stand. With bottles of Johann HolTs brand. A balancing feat they next will do, These men know a thing or two Of the Genuine Johann Hoff's Ma t Extract One dozen bottles lve aa tnnch strength and nourishment as a cut of ale, Without being intoxicating. InsUt upon tlte Ukm ink, with tlia signature of "Johann Hoff" on neck label of every bottle. None other is "as good. " EISNER & MENDELSON 00., Afents, 152 and 154 Franklin St., New York FEE LOST HIS TEMPER look Offense at Umpire Wagner's Decision and Hade an Assault on Him, WAS ORDERED OUT OF THE GAME Wagner Refused to Fine Him or Take Action Against Him for the Assault. Fee Pitched a Remarkable Game Up to the Ninth Inning We Lost the Game in the Eleventh on Errors HazMon had the satisfaction of tak ing a second game Iroiu Ssraston jes terday. It took eleven innings lo ds cide the battle, but the Mountain ( ilv lads were in the game to the faith, Manager Hanlon, who keeps an eye on tbs ilszletou playsrs ami liquidates tneir bills, was in forinr years a Sun day school teacher, an 1 when hs took his men ut to th para yeslor lay af terdar afternoon be preached for th -m a sermon. Willi the eon.'.uct of Ooa Moran rietnic vividly before him he eloquently proclaims, the gospel ol peace. He told them tbat if an erring brother smote tnem on the cneek to Should turn the other and nt their knuckles toward him. ibey prOH. lead to obey. lint man is a perverse creatare anil prone to give full rein to his tnmt.ar Thus it wa with .lick !". a'ld i id lo relate, he fell. Fee was he viitor.' pitrher.end enconrngsd ty the pl.nvlits of a dedication of his Baigbbcin ft Dt ( arbondale, be pitched aa if his life de pended on the Knnia. In the litst eigi.t innings only twenly-aevn members of the horn eluh were at bst and D ll a solitary rno had he-en scor 1. Fee smiled an 1 was j vm I was a splendid MUBfafltlOf, to him to thus administer defeat to hi mil mansger's teini. mrY t ANPi-D os rR. As he stepped lot the box at the beginning of the ninth he cnaidere I Ikf gttne BfoB, a it nolle I aa he faced Staltz, the first Scranton nt man For the first lima Staliz soc- qbbiibi in inianni mi nan ann annnatti i out a single. Hogan and I'atcnen fol- lowed with similar hits nlling the bases That is when Fee should bar dis played his coolness, hnt he didn't Massey flaw out to I imp y and Ultla Wetxel n Xt lined the lull out for taraa base in un saaaatmB, Baalitad by an error of Moore's, Stalin, Hogan and Fatrhen hail croated the marble, and tbe fliclal scorer credited thein with runs Westlake fonnd the ball with his willow and on Jordan's error reached second, aud Weetlaka acorn). DoMfl struck out, but the score had been tied and Mnuager Swift looked pleased Fee did not. There wns visible sign of beat nb. ut his collar. Hsr.leton did not BOON in its half of the ninth and neither did Scranton in the tenth, the side tielng retired in one, two, three order. When 1 ee went to the bat in tiie last half of the tenth two men Imd bOBO i tired and Contoy w.is on tirst. Fee 1 made two offers but failed to connect with the ball, and the BJBpUa railed aj third strike on him The decision was I Jnst, hnt it was plain lo be seen that Jack did not think so. i A8AI I.TEU TUB PMI'IKIt lie dropped his hat und started on a run for Umpire Wagner, who was ofli dating behind thojpltoher'a box. Sev eral playera anticipated Fee's action and made a rush, grabbing him just as he made a vicious blow at Wafner's face. The action undoubtedly caved the timpir from injury. Manager Hanlon waa on tbe field in an instant and took tha reluctant Fee from the scene of action. Ha was not allowed to continne in the game, but tbe umpire declined to line him or take any action to have him punished. Tbe affray will probably be. reported oflic lally to Secretary Dlddlebock tomor row. Jordan took Fee's place in the box and Pitcher John Ely stioceeilod Jordan in right held. The new pitcher has a deceptive drop and bad no difficulty in retiring the Scranton men in the elev enth without any rune being scored. In tbe last of the eleventh ou errors by Massey and Wcstlake and a long drive by Moore to left field, Hazen seorad the winning rnn whan two men wars out Tha score: SCRANTON. HAX.LETON. R. H. BO, A. n Kin A K Htaltr.. If.... I lhik-ari, cf . . 1 1 0 I'll. Ely. If.. II ll blllizcn. iu, 1 J'atciien. o, i Msssey, lb.0 Wetzel, aa.l V, . I .1,1 Beeec. rf...o KiUKioe.Mb.U 2 6 il ii Voran, cf. .1 II littoth'ul. aa u S 0 II U Moore, c.. I) i u ii iil.ioi.i, lb... I 0 lljordon. rf 1 i! WC'ouroy, 'lb 1 U in l o o o .Nolan, p 1 rtFee, n (I I ioi on. p. 1 u 1 OJ.Ely, rf...U Total.... 6 18 km a Total ... 7 18 S3 12 6 Two out whon winning rnn scored. Bcranton 0 0 0 II 0 0 0 0 6 0 0- ft Mazleton P - 0 II 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 ., Earned runs Bcranton, 4; Hazlston, 'I. 8ac- riflce bite Massey, Wetzel, Keesu, H. Ely, Jordan, Conroy. Threo-baso bit Moran. Stolen baaea Staltz. Westlako 'I, I. ami. Double plays Wetzel to Hlgirina to Massey, Moran to Kothorniol. Stru :k out By .Nolan, 1: Doran, 2; Foe, it; Jordan. It First ba , bslls-By Nolan, 2; Doron. 1; Fee, 1. Wild pitches Doron, Fee. Time-'.'.15. Umpire Wagner. OTHER STATE LEAGUE GAMES. At Altoona Altoona 8 0000000 2-4 Uarrisbnrg.. ..1 0202030 x-7 Hits Altoona, 7; Horrisburg, 0. Er rors Altoona, 8; Harrisbnrg, 0. Battor 5fs Queries and Cote; Sprogel aud Btnlnk. Umpire Rlun. OF STRENGTH. ACTS.) At Alleutown Allentown ...,0 1 0 0 1 0 f 1 10-V.I Kastuii 1 O0OO0UO0 1 Hits Allentown, 18; Kast.in, L Krrors Allentown, 0; Kaeton, II. Hatteries -Hon-ohne and tlilllgan; VVtlsoO, liillou and Sharp. At Pottsvllle- Pottaviile 1 o it n o 1 u ft ft in Headlug 1 l) 0 II 0 1 10 5-11 Hits-Pottsville. I'-'; Heading. M K.r ror I'otihville, l;Kesding, IS. llattenrs Clare and i'otts; Jones and Fox. N VTIIINAI. l.lUlll'E. At Haltlmore KalllltK.ro 0 I) 800030 S I Urooklyu 1 II il 1 0 1 0 0 0-- .' tilt -Itnltlmore. 1 1. Urooklyu, tf F.r- row Balriawre. tj BroMlyiLlfl Batter ie- Mu lmie and Holdnsou: liastiight uiol Daily, I'uimre-Hurst At New York N-w York ...0 OS0 0 000 1 4 Philadelphia..! U (I 0 n II 0 (I ll 7 Hits-New York, It) Philadelphia. f Errors New York, fl: Philadelphia. 4. Battarlaa WtstittiW and Dorta, Wey- hmg and l.'lroents. l'mpire Lynch. At Washington Washington...l 1 0 '-' I J 0 0 0 Boitou o 1 0 9 4 0 9 o 110 Hit WsaJilBftOD, T; Doston, ll Er rors -Washington, ft; 1 t m. Ii. llatter ut Usper, M lale and McOtitrs. Nich ols and Kyan I'mi.lre O'Rourke. At Pittsburg ntMbait i 0 0 9 8 0 0 0 x 6 Ht. Louis 0 00 1 0010 02 "It Pittsburg. 8; St Lonls, Errors Pitt.bnrg, J. st Lontt, 'J. Battens OMibtrt and Ms'k; Hreitensteli. and J.ucKle) l'mpire Melius.:-. At Cleveland - 'lev-land 99999919 1 Louisville. 1 00000 1 0 0 1! Hlt I'levelsud, 1.1. iNviil... 3 l.r-ron-Clevelaud, 1; Louisville, 8. natter m 1 M and C uuoi. M-in : al.J lirlrn. Vmpit" - Nwariwixnl Chicago va Cincinnati postponed, rain EASTIliM I. USUI B At W i Ikes-Bar re WUks-Barr..l I 0 l o a t :i o-to Buffalo 99999919 19 Hit Wilkes Harre. It. lliilTsl... 19 K.r rors W oa.s-harr, . v. buff aK V Bat tertesj Qaarlse, I itapAal in Waraar; 9ta(Uaud I'ni'iharu L'mj ire Snj d, r. At Blt.gbaUitou -I'.iuhamton 91TT9999 - Kn 0 0 4 0 '- ll 0 1 I 8 Hit -Ilihtfliatiit OH, 99) Kiss, H Kr ruts -Biniihiamt ".. I . , - IVitierlM I'slsnyand Frit.:, Stryker and K-rger I mp re linen' tier. At .Konnirneld ji v ,0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 x i 0 0 0 0 0 1 II U I BprisgfleM ,0 Hits Troy, ; nr.nefl. L I Krrors Troy, I; teringfli 1, Batter tea Doaavaa and Cablll, Vickery and lieaeslt. I iu; Ira Bant, At Providence rroviibuce 0 0 Kyraaoat u o lllie -Piovldt-nce. rors Providence, l o ii ll 0 0 0 0 U 1 I o f. Svracu, I Rl Kyra 'uae, I Itatln- riae SuHivaa and ii I inpi re -Daniel. u; i.i..' and ll ClINrS FROM f H t 0IAM0N0 Fcrantoti will ai.d tomorrow. day In llatlston today Tighe's w rk at Ortt is highly praised by the Pollnville pMrs Jaak Taa attack Hogaa aat thre times yesterday out of five lllliea t bat. The ,lmea Itoys and the Star Ma ball Blab "III play ou the Jumna Baft grouuda mi May 8. I nlv fifteen Scranton men handle,! the willow In the tlrai flvu inning 'lay's k IBM f teeter- Catcher and Second Baseman Charley shiiiehouse, of last soaeon a York team. "K""'1 w,th H"a-I"'g. vTood'i Baataaaa Oollaffa taam and tha iiign .-v'oooia, win piay onii ni ine driving Park tomorrow afternoon. Sicretary Inddleboek aaw the opening game at Potleville, Hit abmiM htra mu hia man Wagner umpire at S ranton. At the lwginniiig of the ninth there was every Indication that llaleton would abut tia out. Kae I. .at hia head and we were saved from that diagrara. 1'ntll the ninth Inning but four bite were aerursd by our alnggnra off Fivt'a de livery. In the ninth he was touched up for live eltiglcH and a triple. The club that attempt to admlniator a spnukiiiK to the LlBSTUB hnblra, lla.letou, will tlnd that it bna a big contract ou hand. They play with n vim that la re pealling. The Anthracltna," of tne Weat Side, and Mm ball team of the Young tlen a Christian association will play at llogau's park tomorrow aftoruoou, commeualug nt 4 o'clock. In the eleventh inning Jordou, wlunur BBeded Fee iu ii." box, achieved than miiiKaliln feat of atrising two men with six pitched balls. A succession of drops did the work. The present State league is believed by many to h the equal of any lme bail or ganization Iu the country, ttafamaaarc certainly equal to those played iu tbe Na tional league. Umpire Wagner's work yesterday shoul d improvement, but it needs con siderable brushing up yet. He should make the playere understand that be meaus what be aaya. Two nlnoc from Wood's college played their first game of base ball yesterday Af ternoon on tbe James Boys' ground. Dor race Fuller captaiued one team and Harry Christy the other. The saoru by innings wns aa follows; Fuller's nine. I 0 2 5 1 d-lB Christy's nine 0 114 1 6-16 Hays the Bethlehem Times: ''The man agers of the Bcrantou club have reached the conclusion that newspaper Influence is the first thing to be songbt after and are treating tha press of tbat city generously. Respectfully referred to Manager Kelly," There baa been a lamontable absence during tbe past two daya of the onergy and vigorous playing tbat tbe Bcranton club displayed iu the exhibition games. To their lethargic condition is due, more than anything else, the two defeats they sustained from Hnzleton. This is the way It, looks to tbe Hazleton Sentinel: "Wilkes-Barre's ball team, which the local fans look upon as the crnck-a-jacks of tbe Eastern league, bud bard work I to win its opening game on tbe borne eroiinils. It was badly beaten mi Monday by the Scrautou Biate luaguurs." Dirty ball pln.viD must t.n instantly frowned down by the offiQMI of the State league if the pupuluflty of the national game is to be maintained. Wagner is a poor umpire, but t bat Is not a reasonable excuse for John Fee and Gus Moran using violeuce toward bin. Such conduct us they linvo been guilty of in this city dis grneoM tho ball tield. The following instructions have been is sued by l'rofident Young to his umpires in regard to Out balk rule: "I have called your attention to rule 27 aud impressed upon you tho iuiportauco of its strict en forcement. It is also equally important that your rulings should be uniform. The patrons of hnxo ball eujov base miming, and the iiust tlagrant violntiou of this rule imiHt bo Stopped, The pitcher should bt permitted to step out to throw to any base, providing he flrat steps directly toward the base to which hn intends to throw and makes uo forward deceptive motion what ever with either aim, foot or body to de ceive tbn base, runner, Any motion which does in fact deceive the base run ner, whether intentional or not, Ik balk. The rule is clearly made for the bate run ner's protection and to Hhield and Improve one of tbo bust and most enjoynblo fea tures of the game." Eucklen's Arnfsa Balve. The bent salve In the world for Cuts Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Ulimiin, Fever bores, Tetter, v'happml llauds. Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and poal lively cures Piles, or uo pay requlrou. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money rofuuded. l'rlce iiS ceuts per box. 1 01 sale by Matthews Blue, FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Btecka and Bonds Nkw Yulik', May i. Except in the rse of American aiigar the tendenrv of prices at the stock exchange was dowuwurd Bnar flnrad for mi iksj abarai iu a fraud total of tMt 000 shares. The stock opened a aiiudn blgber at lOflW; roas to lOByjaod rlo-ed nt 107,',', All a. live demand lor re fined sugsia aud i ii ruble WubiOgtOB t umors combined with bull manipulation led lo the rise. The other industi lala were drill. The railway llat was Weak tbroBfk, out the pleasure DBiOfl moat pronounced in the case of stocks now iu pro BBH of roorgsnizatiou. rear of beavv aaseameuis accounts fat the liquidations. Among thcae, At chison, Northern Pacific, preterm!, t'ulou Pacific and New England weie tn. ait pr. ui Lent. Atibl-oti d,''.lned 1',, Northern Pa. i tic, preferred, . I'niou Pacitlr, 1, aim Neu F.'. gland, It. K,adliig wa prtBBtd for Bali owing to the hreai ened fafBBlBMrc Of the property as lull u and by the general iu i !w lioti'l holder' c mm. Use of tin rlt. LoatlVtUB and NasliviHe fell IU, St. Paul, 1: Bjriinglon, IKiB ll Ulaad, ', The market m al- vcrsely lannanasd ht the shipments of 1 .' e Id t. day ai;d a belief thai sb, ut c4ta0,0N additi,ial wid be exi rted on Batarday At taa eloaa sugar ai ncwa atrong. IksMUwaf list showing a declin ing n ndency. The foil snBff OOmptBM tah.e shoiriBf the i!a ftu.'tiialio'K in aeliVS to'ks uiplll n i n- '. I a l v t La Bar A Foliar, clock brokers, UI Wyomirg aratiuc ien Hwu- ty Clos lti(. est -: t. Iji at. V I m UN iio" eat (1 M M UN Itaia I Li si . lit' M :S . ne 1 -A4 ,! Irs ll a 9M Am Tot. Oil. Am Sncsr I 4 A T.A V r I H Can.hrt. I tl 11 I I ''4 is 1 . leav, Njj i K r ir IV I MM iMt tm m i "4 M 1 . :s ml li.S .J rii.c. B N. W ..lie u B. g ai I hie. Ilaa. :3I 0.1 Ht I, i ol . h a-S.Yal B T D. U IT" i.. L. a w Ii a 0. t trie a. it. en I.V Shore L AN Manhattan Mia Pm Nat. L.atl S Y t N I . . V. V. I'-nlral ' A W . V.. h. M W. 0. . C. Co .'."rth Pm Hi it:. Pa. pi., ' u.al a Kt, "all ItaalllSif 1. - k lalai. I. . It. T.. hi Pcol T . i ' I . . Taaaa Pee,,. t to n I'a Is.- . . Walauh b . . i . m ' i ,UM . IBM l . . M . i" I ! a" .'H b.'H a . 191 :' "S ! a of s H" It m M IT M 90 MU m M M m : E ats . i, irjt ,, i i u la. Wscbwc Vi 'nlan W, aj I. I. i. BiBBBrS Or. in a -id PirvUmai. miBIBBt. Bta I e IsflBViag qaola t is are M Bbcd an I I m cte-1 dai t by i.a Bar A Fullar.clurk brokoraltl Wyuiain ava Sue. WMK AT ' iM.r,iny il, Clll Mr Jn'y. te Ht.l i, (OU s. II to joy eu B I.ooaat I .,am rjURN, Oiarnlbg Highest I ..woal I loainn OaVTl I 'peuilig II . I UiWiart CI. I'.. Ilk qaininc , II'. li. ei : I katlnc LAUD. I 'penlng llHlin.1 toweat CI alllk HP KT KIH.H. oininr II la-bast bawsat , Cltaiins -'' t h M'4 reu ' . I.-., Itll KM si h H9J in 17.11 Irs Jtn :i Tin tin M lio c.i i. ; mt Ml Tin N) fM r.: .: Bf7 t.. set i.i , Nw York Pr. duc Mar Nkw Yi, iik Mnv 3 Fun n Held toady. V iuai I Mill, Ifa. higher.cloainr steady, No. 2 le.1. atore and elevator, Dn'e'io ,. , afloat, 91ia99lej f. o. b., 9IKb99m&I ungraded rial, MafiJc. ; No. I northern, 7ua704C.; options vteie very dull ami closed aleady. No. 2 red, May, fkl'.c ; June, lUiB.! July, IL',!.; August, rtii ,c , Heptotntier, I P . c IVcKiuher, 9n i OMR Iltlil. tinner, No. 2, 4:'t'c ; eleva tor; 44, afloat 1 Opttl ns wen, dull, cloalng flrni Mav, 4,i'4c ; July, 11 Oats hull, lower for mixoi!; options dull, tinner. May, SSUfu.; June. ;.,.: July, 8. i,c, No. It while, June, 40s,r. ;,pot line., N J Ok4M4c ; No while. H,c. ; No. 2 Chicago, 4'Jc.; No, it. Suc.;Ko, while, 4u)c. ; miked we-tern. 41s4'Jc; white do., and w Intestate, 42jt!lc. Bri.K t 'all, steady. 1 laaCati I'.i.M Firm, I i I Mrais QajBt, steady; middles, nominal. I, ARn-l.iniet, steady: western rloaod at , ' ,. .Mav . loBBd at t; K; July, f 7..V); re fined, quiet; contiii' tit. an, In, Mouth Amer ica, fs.rir,, compound, lll,a(ll4c. I'nilK Moderately active, steady; meas, llflTtali BinTkii Moderate demand, steady: western dairy, new, 19098,: (lo creamery, now, IUal7c: Uo. factory, new, ',isi'j,-. ; Elgins, 17c; Imitation DreaCQcry, liaite. CtrBBBI Fair demand, Inn; nnchanged. BaOB Hull, weuk; slate and Pennayl vauia, ItellKOJ western fresh, lOalln; southern, Vnltyic Philadelphia Tallow Marhst. Fiiilauki.I'IIIA, May 8.- Tallow was dull slid unubanged. Prices were: I 'i line city, in hog-heads, 41)0,1 prime country, iu barrel-, 4J8c; do. dark, in bar rels, tjfOil caken, f.'.c ; greaae, 4,c a Two Llvea Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, III., was told by hnr doctors she had Con sumption snd tnst there was no hope for her, out two bottles Dr. King's New Dis covery completely cured her ami she Bavs it saved her life. Mr. Thus. Eggors, 13U Florida St., Bau Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Consumption, tried without result everything else then nought one bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery and in two weeks was rured. He i.a naturally thankful. It is such results of which these are examples, tbat prove the wonderful elticacy of this mediciue in 'Hindu snd Colds. Free trial! ttoUlo at Matthews Bros,, Drug store. Regular siae 50c. and fl. ONE CENT A Word. rFVlnfJ of all kinds cost thai much, ex cept Silunf iotu ll'ii)ic(,U'iicn art inserted Situations Wanted. TA'LTuXTolsrKr ' lioapor liy n middle aged woman of good address Apply I2M Lnsernc Htrent. QITUA'MON WAN i 90 SOUNQ MAN. (L ci who has had sxperlsnce as a land and mine surveyor ami In gensrsl snBlnecrlait work, deaire's poaitio'i; cxpecta Hiiuill salary at lirnt; would like un interview. Ad.ltSBlBol I m), Tuiikhauii.a k, I'll. UITUATIoM WANTED YOUNQ MAN PJ would like poaition-olili. r in Mt.ue or of l'n c: oiid penninn und will try to please. Ad dress (' A. I! , n,l a Bromley avenue, city. citpation" wa.ni'p.ii a woman i' would like to Ret work by tho d.y at waNhiuK ,r eieaning, or will uk. wuahiiiK home. Address MAHY HON NELLY, 72 Orchard atrset Agents Wanted. UMNTEIl MAN WITH LIFE AND FIRE Insurance experience as solicitor in I.sckau imiia OOBntyi --l ladiii'.iin..nts to rikhl mull. Address llLVi'Jtl Hit building, Philadelphia. Pn. Wanted To RenL w f ANTED A HOOD BOY, 12 TO 11 years ut Tribune bindery. For Rent. you Kent- F.io'ii r, "wi u, fprnIsheu I rooms; delightful location Sll Waslnnir ton avenue. V) ken r TBREI BOOMS. KltoNT on J aero, , ,1 Hoor, over N A llulbert a BaM tors, 117 Wyoming aVSMOa, frmn April 1. Iu quire in the Store. 'I'u LK1 1 Part o fc-.o, 'rri:v vi-'ius or all f three hundred foot of Yard room slung railroad. Apl4y ai MS Frauklia BVeBttSC T, Hi N I stupe x" "11 ri HNIHHKI) l.. ii i.roeii Itiilua at r.- t Very deslra- rle l,a-at..n and ou reasonable torma. Apply t. f t BBTTLKTOB or U H WcniUKLV to phi, can baUdtaf For Sale W Ann's- KuKNAI.K Al.l'lH'l W .MH IN. Impure ,f A C Nettletoii. Common w.sltl, bud link. Waslnnsloii ..vim.. M III! bTOHI Pn . KALE In.puro A. C. t tottleton, A'aaliington avenuo, Coitiinon WOal til building. no IAL1 v PAEM OT BIOBTT ACR I mm ar.l one-half roibw trom ll.lt jn ea !- Iie.a.iare. I., t.aranna ,! West. r:i rsUroad Klrst elaa (ar-n home with never lallbW Sprlaa nstrby. two barns. b,--I and BOlt food orell lld Will Is ao.d idieap. term om . Address B F VON BTOnCH or IHAA E..I.1S. la I ton DattaBB Lckaaarma roan typa. I I.E F"V I. MAVCKli. KlilIlT : r 4iv lso hr wn lecei.rn far .', ala Ai piy to Id Urimtha. iw Kuk wt II street nil trroN f 1. Una) Ki'K HALF. IMvPIKK OF H. eeurt si. ll ,-I.t,l..e, C.Utt tmuae, of lie C.ai a L 'ii --A 1. ' s' UK r ani BJsaata J tt Morri-e ara rA)i. rucit BBaFFtELn JB Iok '-a i.r. ' ' 11 A NUM. . It Mil , ; Mt - A lasaring , rang groro In Msbj on-; talao yeanjr in , lo ib.rida Addlao tf h. s 1, n " i.erlT nrrooati.t in t rolu tbo otai.iro H H B NStTIXTiiN, lak Ilal.n. Fiorlil. Monty to Loan. . i , , I 1 1 N 11S I IWMT ' u, u r. M mmmi II imhMi a. i.i ...,. , .., t . ti Uowi AlBiaaai. Ml tstsisi an .as Specie No' less. i'u. M a 1 mi in is., oi iiir. i.r 11 .. r . . : i!,a ... . ..rr t,.- tn ! r I'uan re lll i b.,i ot u ,r m.o. .i, tno iri'tt As ' r 1 .tl P re . f. r tb Vr tt roe rssri tn 1 1, fax U Miliar, t .! n I r r ira tke moating Hi .at,, at iifs m i n i e, rotary. I HI. lilKK'Tiigai P .let I III.' I..' ltuO. T A " I I t the Mas . i ur iioio r a. i ... r-lois U, ami h. It. (It. a ll a tle-i.-.' as ro- i II w ATI S. So- tarv 4Ulro,l by lao IHI ' s m'ai, mVftinu hf tiif. i "V I Ill-it r tie I... kttali', II I to sll -I., IOa nitl a, 41, lay III St., I.a lug tbo ah lo.t j betw.ea th. BSVBBB of s and tueloeb in . In t'laci directors to amend I t law. at I t Iranaa. i an, h ,.tbar buslneao .a ma) pr, p ily .oni. bd II J i.F.i BUI i jHKUt, Bo, re. art. NiVtipb un suMisAi ion - f it "f" U , r. at tha Hem. stile Balsjlaj and I BBB aSBSIlMlllsl of kCBlb BnfCBllSB will lake blaee Friday eronlng. April tt, l.'i afior llaliaaeliu. ll , r.vB.ar tn.lb. . JAI I'IIF Mil. I. KB ! rotary ll. ASK HiNiae r-AMPMl.l.ix, MAIM 11 ix. as ..tr , belied or roia uad al Taa 1 nisi as i me- Uul work H. ae.in.bl.. I ri. to MEAL HCKF-P. I AN HB HAD IT III . in. -ir .... atr.at ai d I'rsokliu ate i.ue Tsrenty n. a! li.at-U tut- fABi k.mJ IslaC Is ard lecal I'm aii: or Patrick j, i'iiam i.aik I 4 of tha I ugb . f Taylor Ue, . -aa.nl 4, UsTB .4 BslBMBssBtrataaB iiim.ii tb. alsivn ,a,tale having lean grant. . I loth" und, isigmsl, sil BerBoOC hating claims at demand against tbe .a.d O'tate will pr.tarnt 11,. o. -r j e,y i,,.,i , t , en i Ilea.. Inn-I tad ttierrl., will pbaae makti I untallate pa, mailt BO HANNAH i BASK. AdmluUlratrli. Taylor, I'a Ji ills v ji Mi ins. Attorney lor ICatatc I'ropoeala. v-. -v-- wv- -.- - tstt3rraiefaetat. tSatasaaasas SKAI.Hi I'k'illiStl.s WILL MK ItK caiv.it at the nllbo "f lb" Illy Clerk, Kcranleti. I', imsyh aula, until ,:DU o clock p in . Tboraday, May l"th, ism, to ai t curbateae. lav flagatono stdesralk and lav pavod gutters snd furnish material and l.it-.r Iberefor. at the Bona., of Hi- Kt.-e ctar Kiiifin.i KsQBB coin puny. The w uk i- t,. la. don accordance n ;tb plan aud ss ideations i.fClty Kugiiieer, BM under hit direction lilddars shall on does IBS sum of tweisly live dollars, cash or r. -it, fled eheek, with each proposal, aa a to ,i ii .. t., , inpl itli pr, .sl if a wat ,1, tl the eeiitract. In eaae the bidder to whnin the t ontra. t shall have la-eu awarde.1 BBBIM to sserntea eoatNot for the work within ten days from date of award thereof, the cm loaiiro ac i inpanying In , proposal .ball be forfeited t . lh I'll v of n.-i anion Tin - .-itv tcsei vos tho riL'ht lo reject any and all hi. la By order of city eonnulls M. T I.AVKLLK. City Clerk. Ul'.AI.h'l. I'lfiPOS.M.s Wll.l, UK tj Delved at ti,e rn.-e of tbo ni, dei slimed until Monday. 7 i p ni , May 11. I-I for the purchase by t bo hcraultui Board of Control of ufac 1. la (oti i eornsrand two adjoining tho ulot to tve nlamt I ll fe t front by IHI iu depth, for t'leaiteof a profo-'d a -hnol hou-ie. to BB I. oat, d ,n thai icctioo ol tbe Nineteonth ward louudnl by llircli and Klni streets and tho K i IV. V It It tia-ls snd llliicber svenue Tha Hoard resorv-s the right to reject any or all bids Bv order of the Board of C ntrol. Et'HKNE 1. FKl.LoWH, Sec etary. City Ordinances. IM1.K OV COMMON COUNlTI NO. 117. I I -.tl Amended in Select Council Msrch 211, I -..I, AN OBDINANCE To prevent the erection of sharp pointed pickot fences in the city limits Section I He it ordained by the Heloct and Ciimtiinii i nunciis of the City of Scranton, and It la hereby ordained by the authority or the stinio lb.it alter the final phm-iico of this ortiitiuoce and its being np proven by tho mayor, it ahall he un nwlul for any person orporsona to htivo c rue tod or built ou their property abutting on any street, avenue, court or place, a fence made of Iron. troM, or any other material that shall hnvo shsn' pnlnled picVets, which would etulanjrerthe lives of the traveling public. Hoc. 2. If after this ordinance finil Irecotnea law, uny person or persons shall cauao to !e Sreoted a icaoa witn pointed pickets as de scribed In Section I of this ordinance, and the Bulldlnr Inspector shall bo informed of the same, the said person or porsons shall bo liable ton line not exceeding one hundred (flUU) dollars. Sec a, In the event of this rrdlnanre Imcotn In, a law, the t it. Clerk shall Inform the pub- Connolly & Wallace J Inspect our beautiful line at the new prices. FOUR GREAT LOTS. Note the change: $10 CAPES NOW $7.50 15 CAPES NOW 10.00 20 CAPES m ...NOW 16.00 25 CAPES NOW 20.00 These special lots include our entire stock below $25. It is useless for us to dwell upon them. You know the character of the garments we carry. Stylish. Perfect-Fitting. Well Made. CONNOLLY & lie of the same by having It Inserted for three daya in two of the dallv papora A, proved April I! IS114. The foregoine ordUiancnia pub'.iahed Iu j.ur snanoa ol rssjalrsmeajs ol Baotlon I. Arflolo n, of Act of Slav ML i-v am! In .uthority con leir.sl by tkction .,1 ,a d oniiuance M.T LAVEClI City Clerk, r-cranton. Pa.. Mu t PILK OF COMMON COUNCIL, MO. as. AN ORDIN'ANCF. Providing for the Planting of Transient Ho tall Merchants In the Cttl of Mcranton fUTIon 1 u.t , rdaln-d l.y tl... Sal.-. I snd Common Councils of th" Cltv of Scrantou. and it .. hereby ..rilaiu.d by I, a authority of the same. Hut b.nosltor vol j e un wliatliar principal or aent not ..linage.! in a la rma neal baetnecs la lbs Ctly of -cranton. l.utun l. r mt' into, beir'iiiiing u r desiring lo begin a I rasas at ret ill lsssin.s Is ihoiTtyof s,-ran Ion, for the sale .,f any gi.Mia, wares or mer handlso what .never, wbethar tha same -hall tm repreoonteu or h-ld forth tn bo bankrupt. ."Slgniass or aboBl to .(uit busluroa. or tat gcsjds danaetl by fire, watur or otherarl a, or by aii v at aellvs or cotiaptcn-,111 advertisement hata.a-var shall tak out a license for the same tr ui tiei 1 itv i r.aturrr Tneamnunt f said ticoiise I ber.by Oiod at V ive Hundred V dollar per month BM SaM 1 c ne to be rea wetl inoathh during the ct t.tmuaio-e of said oaleai; and uia,n failure of said pwrooo or pereuiito e.:ure boouse boor ihey aha 1 be (Inert in the um r ot lev thn one hundred llltl d',.lar III - tny pereon falling ! takoontall e:'e or refuting to pay the liceuse tas re- asm 1 B BBotl sasll initio an bail as r..i,tc'. Pill,.',. fe' u.er.t ibarsi f, t I rl.ouo.1 .n lb llortl , .1' tlt , est. a 1 tn mi thlsnrdrotn. a t aoctli B first ,f inn ni llnance wbo a to any of the pr vo, .ns there f. inly upon the passage ut : I. ..: 1 l'h the ur linan e pastel la and on Ann! 4. l .,01,. .r Mayor r Bis flM.i sa il lavi. was la 1 Itv 1 lerk with (s'thbraaebee ri city en in, Isvi, was pres. 1 totl 1 , W 1 of tbe City .,f rt, ronton. I prove! and tbat a Aard timed to tl,. oh1e of tbe ut s pruvai , s M dieap. r val Cnd r hoc I, Car L 1--.,. ,,r lli.so s ,e torned within fift.en d.r fr,, . et'otat., a bocosae a law M T LATIUal, dty tl.rk F. rant, a, P. Ma) I lovt Tb. foie.elng ----- 'jnTtTBslI in pur snaiiee of rrrjtilr.io. at, f Bes i ' trto-b-s Bl BBtCatMaya .see and y ai.lb. riu con ferresl I . lssartjtB.1 cttcsMordlasSsee M I I A t LUC i IBS C!eik. taraaV 1 . Pa May 1, lasi ACADEMY ol- MUSIC, ATURDAT, MAI ft Lincoln J. Cartar iirtn! --n !r I'r .loci i. a. The Fast Mail M Id IAI. s( KNEHY: Fiirkt of Ih, !'.'. M.I . Niagara I' alia by tnuoe'ilgbt, ilb I, . In ui.ai . 1'itlra: Work lag Kngire ar.,) Tr ksjrBll Ht with Ulnmln eud i atosat th., iHit, I ts I.a-; .t K tor '"si-e and -Uamla oi K i p I e loii aud ollwr Ureal Il.-ah.mt. PrlaSJ t : H aud 3 coats Hale ,.f seaM t'lOu.Ttiurt'l.y ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 8. DE WOL.P" HOPPER And lit M"t rv Min,'ftaf. prinlintf tho tafyaoM CuinW.' 0Hr MM is Panjandrum IMrect from the llr. adway Theater, New N ..ik I H I'RICfS II M si , fl a ,d I .. Halcf eeata opan.Hatur.la. May a. Vn.k rommanrlng MOM DAY, Al'ltll. SO Wonderland Theater Co. Monday, tcksday and Wednesday The Magtullotnt High I lass Drams, THE DANICHEFF8 With F.legant Scenery and F.fTe. Is, Magnlfl oent Oocturaeo, and th full BtracjajtA of the I Vmpany. f. Buwod by the 11. aring Comedy, AM UP-TOWN FLAT I'r.sente.1 In their Inimitable manner by W1L LET I At I Hi l.tr. THCKSDA Y. HUDAY AMD SATI'BDA Y The Sterling Old Ever-Welcome Drama THE GALLEY SLAVE ADMI88IOM. Ill Oil IIR SO I'l'.NTH Pertortnances . very sfternis,n, except Mon days mid Thuredeya, at 2.8U, and every ovou big at 815. Donra upon at l.JUaud 7.00 f M Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The Specialist on tbe F.yo. Hoadsohos nnd Nervousness reMovod. Latest and Improved Btyla of Eye OlsHv.es and Spectacles at the Lowest 1' - Boat ArMflcl.tl Eyes inserted for Ji. SOS SPRUCE ST., op. Old Post Office. For Delicacy, For parity, and for improvement of the com plexion, nothing equals Poixoni's Powder. WALLACE 209 FURNITURE BEST WORKMEN. LOW PRICES. MATTRESSES At Factory Prices The Scranton Bedding Co. Cor. Adams and Lacka. Aves. DID YOU KNOW? That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A larg6 variety of new pat terns to select from at Mercereau iluT I. At ItAW "No star was ever lost we once have s2on, We always may be what we might have been," A M A PPY PATRON OF THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. HOW TO MAKE MONEY Tlioroarfl hiitiilml. of younn men mi young women la thU country who hsic Iplendid itliility, but liny lmvo never bean miktiiiil up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Uiis lafH-n an inspinition to hundreds of ytrang people. If yon nro tiiiil of in;utiity niul want to do something tangible, Collie to I he College. (OMMOX 1 M.I.1SH t'DLUSfci III MM SS ('Ol' IDs K horthajiu oouium WHY NOT Soe our FIFTKKN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Bed We sell Furniture as cheap aa any house In the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. Hull & Co. 200 AMD 207 VYOMiHG AVE. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ BCRANTON AND WILK R8- P. A HUE, PA, MANl'KAITUUKKS Of Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AMD PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office. SCKANTON. PA. fa j niall prepaid. W llh ,a-a...titaairl,fntt,t,,.v. or rt-llioalfhr money. oCFOHi AlDiif"fEBIISING.ii.'oOi-r. Addrea. For Sale in Soranton, Pa., by H. C. aim ai)fi;co Bireote. WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. Repaired and Upholstered. & Connell NN t A . i.. i. F E WOOD, Proprietor. MEPVI?. SEEDS. rla.S tor.r. tllaarrona ill.- ciiM-a. aimlias Woak Meninry, Loss of Brain Power, Headache, Wsk.'fuIneM, Losislanhood.Nlithtlr Kiulsalona, StrToiini,,s,l!dratnssn.l lOMOl PQWST In Hone rail vo Organs of oldierrex caused by OTeroxertlon. youth Ail rrw1. excossiTe use of totinoc?. opium or atliaulents, whlolilesd to liiflrmltr, vP supiTMIiin orlnsanltT. Oar liccnn-iuil In rest pocket. Ml perb,ii.rpri., a order ne sri'so a wrlrion sTwaraoieo to I'lr.Milsr fsao. Sold hv u 1 1 '1 nitulsls. Aali for 1 1. late Olr.'Hlsr froo. Sold by all druoslats. As ll for It, taSO .NfeitVM OFKli .. Masonic lcmplo, Cbiuaoo.IU. SANDERSON, Druggist, nr. Wablnjjtoo