THE KCEANTON TTtTBUNE THTltSDAY MOKNTNG. MAY it, 1894. Lacisum All Things Musical STELLE&SEELEY 134 Wyoming Ave. men QRADB WBBBB) Ml AW, BMERgOV, Other mares ORGANS AM. I KK I'. See the Shaw Piano from the World's Fair in our window. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD -use Tin:- SNOW WHITE FLOOR And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO 1111. TRADE BY lie Weston ill Co LEWARB OF COUNTERFEITS ! THE f-EWHNE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITUI3 G., B. & Co. firnrlnlol n r"iri fi'flne, Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. in 11 1 BOVaB kQUAHK DR. H. B. WARE RPBCIAMftT, EYE, KAR. INO.-L, AND THROAT. OFFICE HOURS: ffi&Wfk 35 WYOMINfi AVE. PERSONAL. O. P. Itogr-r, of Carbondale, was here VHitf rilnj. M W, Nevins. of Athens, w 9 yesterday in the citv E. J. (iilroy, of in lbi city. Pittston, wa yeitordny !!. K Appleman, thin city yesterday of I'lymouth, Tisttd Prof.or M. I). Md'awley, of No. IS (chool, in dangerously ill. Mr. and Mr. J. B, Sterling, of Whit Hnvn. ere at Um Valley house. S H. Taylor, of (Jneonta, N V , wan en gaged "ii badMH here yesterday. C A Wincheter, of Whitney' Point, N. V., WM a viaitoi hurt" yesterday. W. J. Wlkr and K. A. lUrnsr I wero nmont; the liinghamtonian here yester day. C. A. Evert, of liinirhamton, anil D. O. lyinliacb, of Wiuton, are at tho Valley Uouhh Jam Longhran, of Baalatne, wit nessed the game of ball at BogU park yesterday. John H. Faor and 0. I'. r.van, of Me hoopKiiy, were euKaK'd on business here yesterday. Mrs. W. H.Taylor is quite sasou'v ill nt the home of her rnothsr, Mrs. V. (. liar knr, of Madison avenue. W. A. Reynolds, "f Rinifhamton, and Cbarlee T. Btntlay, of Honesdale, are reg istered at the Westminster Mis Rath Uardner, Mr. II L deorffe, I). S. (iardner and Q. Dairy mple, of Mo OOW, ad Mrs. M A. (lardn.r. of Klm Lurst, were yesterday iu this city. Among tboaa regie tared at the Wvooia are; a. T. Searie. Honeedale; l. A (om tnine, KnoXville, Teen. I A. 11. Cochran, Pottsville, and It. M Kailey, Williamsport. ' !' - T. Uoyle, one of the proprietors of the Exchange hotel, Blnebaaton, and formerly n popular hotel clerk at the Val ley House, this city, was renewing old MQdaJlltUeai here yesterday. Superintendent Williams, of the New York, Ontario and Western railroad, is occupying the house of Mrs, Frances Bw an on (.'lay avenue, that lady having taken apartments at the Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, of Oxford, N. J., who for the !.t two weens have been visiting William II. Freeman, of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western laud departmeut, roturned home yesterday. Joe H. Hart, of South lietbleht'in, at tended the anniversary celebration of 1 be S-'cranton lodge of F.Ik last night. Mr. Hart devotes bis attention to booming the lienign valley Comet, which is published by the passenger department of the Lehigh Valley railroad. Managing Editor Thomas K. Doile, of the Athlete Publishing company, of Wilming ton, Del., is in the city arranging for tbo establishing hero of a branch ofilce of the Athlete, a thirty page moutbly devoted to out-door sports generally. The first issue of the paper in this city will be May 27. Recaption for Amnltur Photographer. At the reception to amateur photograph ers at the Young Meu's Christian associa tion this evening will bo seen a practical demonstration of the Ho Collodion paper and stereopticon views of the Gay lord mine. Sample dry plates will be dis tributed gratis and mauy other features presented to malto enjoyable an evening to which all amateur photographers are invited. Mtialo Boxes Exclnsivsly. Best made. Play any desired nnrohnr of tunes. Gautschi & 80ns., manufacturers 1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orrbest rial organs, only tfi and (10. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tunes. Stenographers Furnished. We are prepared to furnish business men with first-class stenographers by the day or boor. Expert bookkeeping a specialty. Ncranton Commercial Association, Lim ited, 426 Spruce street. PEANOS NEWS OF WEST SI Death of Mrs, Ella McKnlght, a Highly Es teemed Young Lady. TENDERED A FAREWELL PARTY. John D. Hughes Honored by a Num ber of His Young Friends Death of Three Young Children Rev. D. W. Skellcnger and Rev. A. W. Cooper Depart on a Lecturing Tour. Interesting Notes and Personals. The West Side offlco of the Scranton 1 RIB CM is located at 1040 Jackson street, where subscriptions, advertisements and communications will receive prompt at tention. Mrs. Ella MoKnight, wifa of George McKnight, plumber, died at her noma on Ninth street yesterday afternoon after a protracted illness. Mrs. Mo Knight was 83 years of age. She was a loving mother And possessed all the qualities which characterize a Chris tian. Her husband and three children survive her. Tho funeral notice will iipiiear later, Btbel, the 10 raontheold child of Mr. and Mrs. David V. .lonea.dled nt their home, 215 North Filiuore avenue, yes terday morning after a short illness. The fnneral will occur tomorrow. In terment iu the Washburn Street ceuie tl rv. Ye sterday K litis, the voting child o Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Evans, of 'H' Fourth street, died after au illness of several weeks. The funeral will occur toil ay. 'llio young obilrl of Mr. and Mrs. E l ward Ileal, of Hsndhsm, died at their home, and wai yesterday removed to the home of Mrs Meal's mother, on North Bromlay avena The funeral will take place tol iy. Interment will bo made in the Washburn Street ceme tery. Lfivlna for College John l. Hofbei left yesterday for EiStluau's Oolltffe. at I'oilghkeepiie, N Y , where he will take a commercial course 1)1 Tuesday evening a small party gathered at hit home on North Sumner aveuue where a liMst enjoya ble evening was spent. During the evening Mr Hugh" wis presented with a handsome fountain pen, the gift of his friend The presentation speech was made by Howell Harris, whe spoke feelingly 011 the IQbjtOl which hail brought them together, and withsd Mr. Hogbel success iu his School career. Mr Hughe responded nr.- My after which refreshments wre servrd. Cff On a Lc'urs Kev I). W. sksllener, pastor of th Wathbnrn Street Presbyterian church, ami Kev. A. W. OoojMf, pistor of the QaODtOO Street rnurrli, left yesterday for Owego, N Y , whtff llev 1 W. Skelleuger will tzblMl hie stereoptioao viewe giving an iiliitruti n of coal Kmt A. W. Oooptl will deliver an address on mining. Told In a F.w Lins. The remains of th infant child of Mr. ami Mr. John Sr.anman. of Hamp ton street, were interred iu St. Johu's ( atbolic cemetery ystnlav aftrno)u, v Father Fricker con lucte I eetvic-s in St. J line Catholic church. Tne Petri itic 1 irder of True Aui-n-ratm. No 13, hive r"ui"ved t the U- l Mane hall over Jerikitie', on Booth Main aYMiii" I.ntbar Lewis, of Ernea streat, who .'in bien M Albiav, N. Y . 1111 lsrgotng treat He nt for epin il diseaae, h r tnrned maeh InproTed. Dr. '1 homes Jenkins has return I from Albany, N Y. He will resile here perineiietitlv. Misses Lou 1 1 vne and I. n Meiiarrv -e the guests of their Mttio. Miss Minnie C'awler, of Lifayette street Misses Jessie ( lark and LiUI in H w ard, of Albany, N. Y, bar-, returned home after a visit with West M le friends. Ml Franee Ma i ln. of Plymouth, is the guest of friend here. Clh Williams, of Florenc Col , baa returned hi BM after a visit with friends on this it l Misi Amy Howell, of Wlthbara street, lias returned h me from King ston. Htnn S Harvey, of BalUtoa, wis a guest of frien l here yesterdar John V 1 II lain", of ('itaaMjun, and David WIIUMsI, of H i -t, I,, are the gueeta uf relatives on UbWtOBt etreet. UNDLRMINING T U FOUNDATIONS. Mies Leah J ,n OtJ-cs and Secures an Irjunc'lon. Mis Leah Jones, through her attor ney, rx-Ju lge P. P, Smith yesterdsv applied to court for an injunction re straining John Jerinyn and Conrad Schrader, from excavating under the bnilding on Wyoming avenue, occu pied by her as a millinery store, an I which i in the way of the construction of the new hotel Jerinyn The petition pets forth that Miss Jones leased the building in March, 1B9'J, for four years; that Mr. Jenny r. had full knowledge of the lease when he purchased the property from the Heed estate and has siuee hie purchase receive the rent for it.Y -sterdsy work men tegan to attack the foundations of the building and an applicitio 1 was at once made to the court to restrain them, Miss Jones claiming that she has a l"gal right to the premises nntil her lease expires. The preliminary injunction prayed for was granted by the court upon the plaintiff's tiling a le ud of $1,000, ami make returnable at !i a. m on .Monday, May 7. Mr. Kchroeder is the contractor who is excavating for the foundation of the Hotel Jermyn. TAX WAS NOT LEGAL. Judge AlcPherion Ho Oaoldas In Case of City Airsintt Kingsbury. Judge McPhorann, of L"banon. yes terday filed with Prothonotary Prvor an opinion in the case of the city of Hcranton against K. P. Kingsbury, which waa tried before bim In this city several weeks ngo. The city seeks to reeover a sewer usgegiinent, When the case was tried a verdict was directed in favor of Mr. Kingsbury, but a point was reserved for a fnture consideration. Judge Mol'hereon in his opinion siid that there was no dispute of the facta in the case. The evidence showed that the city by ordinance npproved In De cember, 1SHG. authorized the construc tion of a branch sewer along Brack court from Vine street to the main sewer on Gibson street. Attached to tba ordinanace at the time of its pas sage was a plan made by the oity engi neer giving the route and profile of the proposed sewer as running along Breck alley only aa fur as Pine street, thenoe running east to Forest court, thenoe along Forest conrt to Gibson street and thence from Gibson street to the main aewer. The reason for leaving Breck conrt at Pine street was because the surface of the 'alley was obstructed by a railroad yard, hut no authority lor such occupancy was shown. The sever, judge McPnerson said, was not built in accordance with the language of the ordinance, bnt with the plan of the city engineer, and the dispute arose because the property of defendant, against which the lien in controversy was filed, does not abut upon Breck court but upon Forest court at a point reached hy the sewer, The defense, that the lien is without force because the terms of the ordi nance do not authorize tho construction of a aewer along Forest court was, Judge McPnerson said. wU founded, and be accordingly directed judgment to be entered iu favor of the defendant, Mr. Kingsbury. NORTH END. Tbe members of Sunday school class No. 16, of the North Main avenue, Methodist Episcopal church, met last night and took steps to do honor to the memory of Uichard Reeas, who was killed in Storrs mines Tuesday. RoaHe was an esteemed and popular member of the class, mid his untimely d-ath has caused regret among his mauy friends. Forty Hours Davotlon. Holy Rosary church waa crowded with worshipers during tbe forty hours devotion, which began on Sun day evening when Rev. Father Mo Cabe preachedi an eloquent and impres sive sermon. It v Father Broderick was the preacher on Monday evening. His eloquent discourse kept those pres ent spellbound and seemed to make an indellihle imprei.ion on all who heard bin. Rev. Father Mangan was the preacher at Tuesday evening's service. Complaint A boat Mall Servlo. There is general complaint in the Second and Third wards on account of let imperfect mail service. It tak" twenty-eight honrs for a letter posted In Scranton to reach that portion of West Market street north of the bridge. There shonld at least be two mail deliveries. Loit His Clnth. Morris Simons, of Rtvmnnd onrt visited the North End Monday evening for the purpose of selling cloth in tiie form of patterns for ladi-' gown. He met a man named Nrv wh agree I t assist bin In the work and Simon I surrendered the cloth to him. Neary dpsrtd on his minion, and w is- n returned the cloth waa missing Simons demanded payment an I Neary Wlltd, Then Simons itOTOWil an I threatened, tut all to no purpose. The tdscid smile of indifference that lit up Mr Neary face wae annoym,- in the eitreme S iu mi reported the muter to tbe police and daclaraa that if lie cannot get proper legal satisfaction be will wreak summary veneuce on Neary Minor Nw I'ms I R Hob. n, 't V: Mar ket street, has returned froM Pittston, where lie aut the last two weeks. The Keystone Literary end Dramatic rlnb is going to stage a four set drams, entitled, B 'Unl by an (lath.'' at Com panv II armor la the near future Mn Nattie Davit has rtarnd home after visiting friend at PitUlOO REST FOR MOTHER'S TIRED HANDS. Heady l.le I Intl.lns I ..r I lill.lrru la Ne 1'rell etui IneiiieaaJvajt Il is t) manrl that UJ neither will spend time in making the garments for her fOMg children, when tbnr enure wardrobe an li obtained ready made -and r;l made at so reasonable a net. Ihe ihihlr. i.'s tlothllag shown tills se.t.ll Is Mi. ,1, . pratty, tad nook of it laiaipiilii Bl i or piuk and white etrqmt .u UTTI.K lilltl.'s hi MMl t: 1 II' 0 K. trimmtsl with ruftlrs and hie collar, may Is- Isiilghl to go with little boy' fain y suits, le-ides the usual w hite embroidered ones, while the suits lln nisi-lves are shown in black, blue and drab, trimmed with braid, tbe jai k-t Btlng made hort enough to allow the light waist to appear la-low It. White lawn apron rnllbsl around the armliolc and with riblsun run through embroidered Is-ading about the low ne. k and tied In Ikiws on the ehoulileranrea nov elty for small girls, while the display of frock and cout for very little people Is dainty in tbe extreme. I here are fine ging Ltam driMH nwaatad on a w hite embroid ered yoke, with a la-rtha of while embrolj cry falling over the sh. v. . charming, old fashioned little gow n- of w lute corded hum Noh sprinkled with tiny colnrvd tb.wars and made with full Ixxl ice, skirt nielHlee. es mid 11 wide nainsook sash, white Marseille coats, with Cnpta, Isith trinnfed with wide embroidery, ;a:d MhtrwliMd sunlaumi ta, vi ry perky in tne crown and flaring is the brim and prettily embroidered. A le-iuti-tifill dre'i for a 4 Man old c hild is of bright n il cashmere, It 1s gal harad Into a tndted yoke of the same mats rial and has verj full sleeves galbensl into a bund at the WW, Full IpaniaHl of ciifhrnere, linely i-mbrolil-ertsl with white silk on the edge, hang Over the shoulders. The fashion of dressing very little girli In short sb evisi and low necked frocks, at least during w arm weather, has again come around. It is charming to see the soft lit tle necks and anna uncovered, hut gowns made iu that style ought always to be pro vided with n giiirnpe, to lie adjusted at the first hint, of dampness or falling tempera tnre. An illustration la given of a book made of blue and white figured nainsook. It is mounted in box plaits on the pointed yoke, which is made of bands of blue and white insertion nnd surrounded by n ruflle of embroidery to match. Hlue ribbons are fastened at the under arm seams and tied iu a DOW at the buck, and blue bows adorn the shoulders. Jl'Dlc 0B0UJR. Cleaning (.las Olohc. To thoroughly clorm glass globus Hint have becomo smoked and grimy souk thorn in mudcrutoly hot Waiter iu which a littlfl wurthitigstaiti has been dissolved. Thou put a toaspoonfitl uf powdered am inunia in a ian uf lukewarm water, and with a hard' brush scrub the globes until tho smoko stains disappear. Rinso in cold water thoroughly, when they will bo perfectly white and clean. h TV NOTES OF SOUTH SI Little Willie Muldoon Weot to the Base all Park at Diamond Flats. HIS PARENTS' GREAT ANXIETY They Thought He Was Lost and Made Diligent Search for Him Joseph Keneller's Ingenious Device Death of Mrs. David Neuls Her Funeral Will Take Place on Sunday Aft ernoonShorter Paragraphs. Eirly yesterday morning Willie, the 6 year old son of Arthur Muldoon, of Genet street, was missed from home by his mother. She inquired throughout the Twentieth ward, but could find no trace of the boy After he had bis breakfast he wont out to the street and began to play with other children, who oouldgive no information regard ing th course he took when he left them. The police wore notified, bnt to no avail. The boy had disappeared as completely as if tho ground opeued and swallowed him. lie was dressed in brown knickerbockers and a whito checke 1 waist, but had no hat or shoes on. Tbe anxiety of tho parents who were distracted at his absence, was relieved last evening at 7 o'clock, when he was brought home to them by Will F. Clifford, who on returning from the base ball game found bim in the Diamond Flats near the ball park. He told bis name and Mr. Clifford took him in charge. The appearance of tin) boy waa Iu Heroin when be was being brought home. He was coated from head to foot with dust, and might lead one to infer that he wae a real, Mesu and blood picka ninny. Uae of Pneumatic Tub for Crutch. JOMph Keneller, ot i'llteton avenue, who la oblige I to use a crutch, ingen iously diverted the pnenmatic to uie. He saw that a pneumatic rubber cnth ion could be use I in the arm rest on the top of tho cruteli.and male a trial, which proved istiefaclory. Keneller 'nt a model to the patent oML.j at Washington and wa rewarded v ester day with a reply enclosing letttrs pat cut on the invention. Already lie ha bad Mattering otters from manufactur ers in that line of goods, but has not decided to sell any part of his right as Dastb of Mre. David Ne ils The long lltoaat of Mrs. David Neule, vtim was atMicted w. tn Ilrignt die -as of the kldi.evs. end d yesterday Witb death. Mre Nanll came to this country from I termsny forty veer ago with her husbsu I, and w,.tild be ' 1 years old on eWptatBOH Jl. sue was n 1 ue. ( ftrttttan women an I Wis re arer led etliiual ly by all her neighbors Her husband and three children, Charles, Petef P., and Hannah, 11 ft? tier 1 lie futi-ral will Uke pi ic at 2 80 Sunday afternoon. Rv. A ignst Lang, of the Uiakory street Prveby lerlan ohnrsh, wlli conduct the bnrul s rvice Interment will La made iu i'llteton Avenue cemetery C h iter 1 are raphe ma Mrl'ree, of Ho.ton. who wa called bre to sttend th funeral of hi cousin, the late Patrick J. Crane, will ret urn to lav at 1 :t 1 Mis Mary Qaolflold, of Irving ave nue, will leave t day f r tbe convent of Um Immaculate M-art in Carboudsl to entr ujkiq a novitiate JanK, th. 1 year old son of 4 'f ledalid la n(T,-rl ntr f i-.m. i ft . matory rheumatism. An IS-taontba-old chill of Daniel llalpiii, of L u-tm street, is eo a: 1 ,t .-atb is liable to occur at any lime Kmil Smith and (ieorge Wina, jr . ..r-. aop rants for SaUgatM to the 'oni Kepu iicaii foonty convention fr ,, tbe First district of the Nineteenth Ward J e pb 1 tawald, of PlttatOO afenn. aalled jraatarday for Otwauy for a v all n f It. lee m Mtbl I b.-r- will ba ft Metal gathering at the home of A J Mullerig, tbe Pitts ion avenue grocer, tonight, m honor of ,ia guet, Messrs. Dih-rtv, Philbm an I Wftlftb. c.oisiiis from New York J M l irt.'.i of Liver atreet, wa vesterday appadotad district sina.rui lendrnt of the Metropolitan Life I isur ac. c. tnpany AMlstant ( ity Engineer!) J BtftlftJ Staked QOMI atreet tsstween Si,,,,, and Irving sveuues yeitvrJsy after nuen. a , COURT HOUSt NtWS NOTES ' Wb Of tlieCotirta J. II Tboma yeter dav granted marriage ho-u-e t 1 fcrftw) . e , iron iiaiiiiga-"U-ihe Hudson, end Eleanor V. Ileeman of f'ar b .ndale. and ( hurl-, Noack aud ( aie II. Sayer. both of Scranton. .lame Walsh, ocued of burglars y,. terday gave bail lor hii ADIMaUnSfta at rourl lei I... . ' . . ' " '" 01 sio, iui.jiis I jU lefts te c inmg his surety. The bond of Detective Daniel W Sweeny in the sum of aa,00t with Frank 0 B ppencer as surety, w as yeatarJay approved by court. OonH yeterdav order I the following triinsfet of licensee made. Ho'el, K. .1 Bnitb, Fifth ward. Bersatoa, toJaaapb K Hughe", restaurant, Mary Muldoon, Kiev rata ward, Hcranton, to Andrew GHbblln' hotel, (ieorge lletlwig, Kir.t ward, Un k eon (. ity, to (ieoigeN.moaki. A V. callon Rcial Will be given at Trinity Lutheran church Friday eveuing, May 4th, by ptot D. y ( ordingley, representing the manufactur ere, assisted by Professor Kockwell and leading vocullati of this city. Tickets BBc A a ruing. l'i rlinps tbo poorwt OpinJot) of music M roefttion ii Httribnttd toaoaitaiti cxcidleiit miisti-r bnililor in nil eastern city. This man had sent his son to col lege, where the young umn UOftlled 111 musical accomplisliiiients. In course of time he aniiounced to his father hia Intention to bteotiM ft musi cian. The father objected vehemently. The son begg. d and at lust wbh affected to tears, declaring thai bo should never be wppy in any other calling. This melt e the father's heurt, and he exclaimed: "All right, do as you like, bnt don't yui ever i-oinearuiiiid,grindiiig your ur gftl iu front of my house!" -Youth's Con pa n i ut Murhied Chocolate Cake, Om and one-lialf cnpfuls of whito sugar, one-half cupful of butter, 11 gm erinis half cupful of milk, 2 ; cupfuls of rlouj., o teaspiKinfula of baking pov dcr, (eftten whites uf 4 eggs. Flavor With ,-uiiilla. Take uut a cupful and add to it 6iblespoonfulH of grated chocolate moistoied with a little milk. Puur a layer of the while batter into tho baking pan, thin drop tho chocolate batter with a spoon in Hpots and spread tho rest of tho whilo batter over it. Frost with chocolate frosting. LETTERS FROM TEE PEOPLE (Under this heading short letters of Interest will be published when aceompanlod, for pub lication, by tin, writer's name. TheTKIHUNK will not bo held responsible for opinions hure expressed. Bv. Mr Stewart Vindloated. Editor of THI Thihunk. By a vote of the First Baptist church, I am requested to send you the following for publication iu reply to an item publiehed 111 your issue Maroh cO, 1S94: At n regular church and business meot ing of the first Baptist church. Wator street, Pittston, held April .'10, 1M, the following preumblo and resolution wae unanimously paaied: Whereas, There was a report circulated and published iu various papers stating that our pastor, K-v. B, 11. Stewart had split tbe church and been requested to re signed; therefore be it Resolved, fhnt as no such action was taken and that tie charge published is falBo iu every particular, We as a church denounce it as untrue; and we request that tins preamble and resolution be pub lished in tlie ScBABTOa TmiiUNE, nnd a copy of it be sont to tho ministerial con ference. At the same meeting, by a regular vote, the church luvitcd K-v. B. H. Stewart to continue bis pastorate with us, aud most of the salary Is subscribed. W. U F.vans, Church Clerk. Fittston, Pa , May L Pn. C. ('. Laihacii, dentist, Has and ater company building, Wyoming ave nue. Latest improvements. Eight years in Scranton. Dft. K QUWIB, the Philadelphia spec laliit, has now returned frui an extended southern tiip, and may be consulted at his parlors, No. 811 Spruce street, Scranton, lmple C.iurt building, upon all acute and chronic diseases of men, women and chil dren. It baa been noised about by one or more persona that Dr. Grower publishes the uames of his cured patients. This is not so. everything is imotly eaerad asd confidential, nnd 1 i ii.imtn l-..,.-.. that another I being treated. 'I he doctor iihs always inane tins principle a lasting and sovereign one, and feel-, that it ia due to every nitlellt. O.Hcn hunr. .lailv Ha m. to I p, BX I Sunday, i) to J, ' ' 1 1 . Rearlestoa ft Woaiafa and Ballantlne'e Alas are the lt. E. J. N lmu, agent, H 1 ieuJiawai.tis aenn. WHITE CHINA 1 ST receive 1 large ! v import order. Many j new novelties. Cornel! while the assortment I is complete. j Baby Carriages Large Line Best Goods DINNER, TEA AND TOILET SETS. CHINA: HALL WE1CHEL & IILLAB 116 Wyoming Avenue. D PfTIIlN" II Lu 1 lull i Hi in II it in i. MAUI OILS AND 0LIVE3 TBE F1NK9T IMPORTtD, TEAS AND COFFEES PULL LIST, OF Till-. BB8T FANCY GROCERIES FLRRIS HAMS AND BACON C. DITCHBURN Hueror to A C.ileioan, 4)7 LACKAWANNA AVE WHY DO YOU DO IT? Why run all on r therii, looking for fold dillrs il one hunilred n I left aaftta' worth ol sold in tli-m Hot leu will ,-oinn v. rr rbaie to It it it rpa will call at th rlglu. pli-,i. HrliiK your dellara iruld, stiver and irreen backs to A. W. JURI3CH tSB si'in M si i i i i, for your BaOftei In id ttrt full falne BIG) n B, I 1 1 : i lltMH, IIMIIMi T tCKI I . I I M : il i Li BY, DOQ COLLAR!; vi, ftpOB riNG OMODH, The VU ToH erRIBj lads Bjcycjea, tire rm, alo r.-iialred nt sle.rt Doie .-. Key Hums a inenlalli Qtre bm a rail DR. C W. INGRAHAM OF B1NGHAMT0N, N, I Specialist of Diseases of the Lungs, will be at the Westminster Hotel Satur day, May 5. Dr. Ingraham is the orig inator of the Ingraham Chemical treatment for the cure of Chronic Pulmonary Diseases, particularly Con sumption, Asthma and Bronchial Troubles. Consultation and exam ination free. Hours: 10 A. M. to 5 P.M. Handsome line of Long Frocks and Sacks, made from Fine Grey Clay Worsteds, Vicunas and Black and Blue Cheviots. Custom Tailoring at Moderate Prices. Martin & IDelany Clothiers and Custom Tailors. g3iininiiiiiiniii;nin;i iiimiiiniiii iiiitiiiiitiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig 1 the Fflghinnl 308 Lackawanna Ave. MILLINERY 1 A new lot of 1 1 ATS just re 1 ceived. WORTH 98c TRIMMED HA'f s, worth 2.7V I K1MMED HA TS, worth 111 IS '1 RIMMED HATS, worm in 00 'l RIMMED BATS, worth $18,00 Ladies' and Misses' Spring Jackets and Ladies' Capes in endle33 variety. lace: curtains Nottingham Curtains, worib 0 10, for Nottingham Curtain, worth fd 50, for. ... Nottingham Cartaina, worth S SO, for .. 1'oint Da Renaiaanoa, worth so, for..... Real lirussel. worth ISO, r... . .. All styles in riiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiititiiimitiiiimiiimiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiS Dunlap spring style on sau; Sole Acnt, 205 Lackawanna Ave. DON'T SKIP THIS. T HAVE the fnnt llneof awnatpr in tOWB .lua1 t'nuk i t it. an all wool I hnv's sweater for tUtr); u wool men from : 'k' to f .in. All i-olnrs Florey & Holt Y. M. C. A. Building. 222 Wyoming Avenue YACHT GAPS All the Rage. Will buy a wry good one at THE CELEBRATED OHMER Are at l'menl th Mmt Popnlar anil Preferrad tj Limiting Artist Wererooms : Opposite Columbus Monument, 20S Washington Av. Scranton, Pa. Hats CONRAD S 2 OUR PRICE, 25c. ...Onr price, $1.25 ...Our price, $150 . . .Our price. $4.75 .(Jur pnoe, Jb. I ..41.35 .. 1.75 2.75 .. 8.50 .2 i.00 Sash Curtains. mm The Stanley Combination Suit An All-wool. Double-breasted Saitfes vears olil, with TKA PANT and C.r to match, for ONLY $5 Clothiers, ffeiter&furnisfiEr Suits CanAC Jackets For Women Sell, Soil, Sell, is the order of the day. FIFTEEN Imported Vhy JaoketS, Cni Btj 1 and W ork tho host of the tailor's art .V reduction of 50 Per Cent. Bee this oiler log of Qigh-olaaa Jackets. Your size is hero. CAPES n Cloth, Morie Silk, Covet Cloth and Lace. !iry stylea and prices that will please you SUITS Printed Duck and Serges, Striped and Spot Patterns. You ought to have one. ITxc price, $3.50 to $7.50. 6. W. Owens & Go. Cloak nnd Suits Milkers, Court House Squara, i