THE SCBANTON TRIBrorE-THUKSDAY" afORNING. MAY 31894 inri 0CiVniX ur DiMiiiwin. utuui-iA i iimu window glass. (IN 8 ACTS.) 1st ACT. The Samson Bros, now appear To show their strength and lack of fear. Men of muscle -strong and sound Just the same the whole year round. By the use of the Genuine Johann Hoffs Malt Extract One itnzon bottles give an much strength ami nourishment ai n ck of al. without being iutoxlcatintr. luHiat upon the Geni ine, with the signature of "Johann Hoff" on neck labsl. None other is "as good " Writ for pauiplilst E SN'KK & MENDELSON CO.. Agonts, 152 anil l.M Franklin St.. New York. LOST 1 FIRST C1E Mountain City Players Prove Too Much for Our Sluggers. FINE PITCHING BY JOHN ELY Cus Took a Violent Dislike to One of Umpire Wagner's Decisions and Hit Him in the Side with the Ball Ordered Out of the Game and Fined $5. We mourn our loss. Huzleton might have granted us the first gam of the season on our own grounds bnt rsry selfishly the Mountain City boys in sisted on appropriating it to tbom selves. In truth, Scrsnton played a listless giiiueut times aud the umpire was ag gravatingly uneertsiu in bis decisions And thus w fell. The grandstand at the park had been decked in holiday attire in honor of the opening of the league season, and when the two rlnbs marched on the grounds, beaded bv the l.awreuc band, afler the principal streets of tbecity had been paraded, th-ro were about 1.060 male unthusiasts and a lnrg number of lady admirers of the natlounl game present to welcome the pluyt-rs The clubs beaded by the ban I jiaasad in review in front of the grand stand, and after saluting the autiuuce dis persed for practice. Hxzleton's players pranced about the field like young colts and seemed anx ious for the fray Around the bunch occupied by the Scrantnn men the air sjtfOsd (o have a somniferous elTect an 1 indused that tired feeling. IMHUE WAONER IN Ct 'MM AND At precisely 4 o'clock Mr. Wagner.of Tiitnsqnn, sttired In sombre lilacs, atfpped up to the starting point of the diamond aud directed that operations besin. They did. Bighl here It might bo proper to re mark that Mr Wgner seems to lack the threx rmiaisllc vry umpire should possess, viz i A cnmpreheusive knowledge of the game, good eyralglit and nerve. He allowed every playsr OD the teams to snter protests at and took no notice ot the fact that si times from four to vigbt of tb Hszle ;on players were on the coaching lines. Both clubs suffered by bis decisions, but Scranton nnfortanately the worst. In the eighth inning with two metioiit (.'lark attempted to steal thir l but wis caught by Westlake, which wonM liar retired the side. Mr. (Tapir) said Clark was safe, and before another man could be retired Hulttoa bid scored four runs and climbed ahead of fccranton. In the third Inning the first rnns of the game were obtained by the BOOS elnb on srrors of Ely and OoafOV and hits by Wetzi and WestlsK la lbs first Inning Moran of the visitors was ut lbs hat and chaosod bis position from right to loft after the pitcher had negnn to deliver th hall He was de cUred out. and after much kicking by the visitors the game was played DDdei protest. VISITORS' FIRST RUNS. In the fifth, Hazleton mads its first runs, two in iiumner, on a base on bulls given to Moors, an . rror by Higglna, and hits by Jordan and Conroy, In the sixth, both clnha securnil two runs, und each was blank'd m the seventh, leav the scors a tie at foor whsn the eighth inning opened, Kevs was r -tired from Kothermel to Clark, and Biggins followed will) n base hit. Hudson Bled out to Kotlirr mel, and then Btaltt sent the sphere sailing in left field. On acconut of Hazen's inability to handle the hall quickly when It was returned to the field, the hit netted a run. ilimmiH also scorsd. Hogan I'opped s ball out to Kothermel, who threw it wild, and tbn sprinter dashed home. Fatchen went out from Conroy to Clsrk. ilorau waa the first batter for Hazle ton. Hodson pitched a hall which went outside of the plate, but Wagner called it n strike. Moran lost his temper and picking np the bsll struek Wagner in ths slds with it A storm of hisses from the giaud stand and bleachers followed the action, and cries of "Pat bim out I" echoed on all sides. Wagner ordered Moran ont of the gain and fined him $5; bnt Morsn re fused to leave nntll bis manager, Mr. Hanlon, requested him to do so. The angry plsysr bad a bat in his band aud waa about to mako rush for Wagner with it, when Captain Hazen stopped between them and foreed Moran back towards the bench. now THE 1 1 A Mir. WAS won. Land took Iforan's place and struck ont. Clsrk was given base on balls and Kothermel Hied out to St alt. Moore followed with a single and stole second, while Clark was sliding to third. The latter was plainly ont bnt the umpire said no. A two-base bit by Conroy, base on balls to J. Ely and a bit by Henry Ely Immediately after ward nsttsd four runs and gave the Visitors a lead of one. Scranton succeeded in again tying the scors in the ninth, bnt wliin the visitors went to the bat a three-base hit by Clark and a wild throw of Wotzsl's let In a ran and the gsmo was lost, John Ely pitched a splendid game for the visitors. Hodson was wild. Ha gnve six men bases on balls and was ,M t bard In th eighth. The details of the defeat are: HAZLETON. II. II I'ii. A. I It II I o A r n talis, if.... i I I I'M. Br. if. llonan. cr..2 Hateasa, c .o Mnnwy. It, 1 Wetsel, .'.! West's Ibl Uoesn. rf. .0 Higgliia,t.J Hi "'i, p.U c Haasn, sii. n u 0 Moran, ef. .0 i OlClarlr, I wtoth'sl, ss I 1 liMoori-, C..2 t O.lordon, rf 'i 2 qOoaror, 4b I - W. Ely. p...O U I.Mtl.l -f II II il a I II a II -(I I II u 4 o 1 U II i ; 0 io roiai.,., s ii sflfl s I total.... IJ v Moran il.vlaru.1 out. Uuo out when win ulna ruu .-r .nt.-ii 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 3 1 I Ha.h'ton I' u 0 0 2 2 0 i 1- i in in-1 Baal toss, I Two bass int wtaL Coaroy, Three-bass arts- lloKiin. (lark. Bom run Stiilm. htiil.'U bases staiti, Bogaa, Patehsa, fwran, 'iMrk. i 'i. rin-i. .M,.,ri'. .Lilian .Sa.-nil.',. mi- nii.viii'. strmk ont Br Hodson. i: Br It First baa on ihIU Br Hodson, ; Elv. :i. Wii.i lilti-liin Kly. IWoJ lull Moore. Tluio-2 20. luiiire Saguar. OTHER STATK 14001 HAMKS At Altoona AltiKiua 0 100001003 liarritburg.,.,1 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 HiU Altoona, in. llarnsburg. 7. Er rors Altooua, 1, llarrisburg, 5. Ifatt.T-fea-Wast and (Vte; Meauy and biuluk. I'uipire Rlnn. At Pottsrtll Pottsvllle 0 (l il I 0 7 2 0 oll Iteaitlng 1 0 It 0 0 0 0 0 0-7 ffltS PottSVUJl, 11; Heading, 15. Er rors IVittsrllls, 3; Hustling. 4 llatterles -Armstruijr. PottS and r"oS; Km, BoadS SJSd Both. I'uipire Ketrlck. At Eaaton Kastou 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 All-ntowu . ..0 0 1 1 0 3 0 4 X U Mils Basjfc u, 0; Allentown, s.'U. ti. Allentowiu 3. llatterlee UllluD aud r-harp, Kilmy aud sfUligUi RATKMIA1 UAOOI At llsltlmore- Haltlmore 1 '2 0 0 3 0 0 llrooklyn II 0 2 0 0 0 0 Hits Italllmiire, 12; Jlrooklrn. rors lialtlioore. 0; ttrooslrn. L 1- f o 5 Kr- 0 liatli-r MS Bmsra and llolilusou. Htemaud Kiu low I'mpire-Mage At Nnv York Nhw Vork... toll PkuadstpbJa.,1 o 2 1 Hits Now York, 0; Errors Nw York. I: 0 0 0 1 1-8 10 110-7 Philadelphia 10. 1'bilsdolMiia. 3 Hattiries-RusiK nnd Parrel, Tjl..rand roan i iniiirt' i.yuch. At Waahlligton Washington. .0 2 11 o n n 3 1 x I Uoetoo I a O 0 0 0 il 0 04 Hits-Waihitigton, pi; UosUid, 4. Er rors - Washington. 2. U.atou. 8. Itattvr- 11 Maul and McUhlre, zoll. l uiplrs Hurst. DtlVSttS aud I lau K-TFh I4UO0S At Wilkes-llarr Wilkes-llarre. 0 1 4 2 2 0 0 0 413 Hu(Talii 1 2 0 O 3 I 1 0 1 V lilt Wilke, Harre, 12; llutlal-,, 14 Er rors Wilkaa-Marro, 2; liuffal . 0 Mai terlea Kwisn and Wartmr. HufTer. I'r Hiihsrt ard Boftt l uipln- Miyder. At Uloghsmtou MliiKhamtuu ,0 1 0000300 3 Erie 2 3 0 u S 0 0 2 x-21 Hits-lliiighamton, 1. Erta, 21. Er ran Wuhamton, s. Erin, 2 Hatti-rlee liCMCk. Howve. Illark and Hirrrit, Hern d m ami (unit n t'mpire Huentbsr. uTIII K UAMRS ri.AVRU At I'rlurelou Prises ton i o o 1 112 x 12 LaMgh. 0 0 0 1 0 1 n 1 j 5 Hlt l'rinrton, Hi; l.etiiith, 7 Errors Princeton. 7; lbt.'h, h Hattprlni Alt man and Williams, Howie and Uct.'inng. CUNTS FROM THE P I AM ON U Scranton will play at llazloton on May 4 and A. Multz smote the ball only once yeter dajr, but that four bases. RSSSJS, W'et.el and Higalns did not play thi-ir uaiial gain yetTdav. Dwyer of the Y'ork lub of '03 ami Seranlon club of 'III haa Isrn signed by the Easton rlub. The rilltll 1 anrl flfvtrl. n,,U. - J talmal their usual quota of interested on lookers yesterday The base ball club of the Young Men's Christian association will play a nriBllos game at llogau park hatnrdny afti-ruoon With due respect to Mr. Wagner, of Tanaqna, srs must s.iy u all candor that bo is not a surcoss as au umpire. I lu must either improv or quit. President .lames Linen, of the Eirst National bank wumui Interested siaM-tator at yesterdsy's gsmo. Thirty years ago Mr. Linen was the crack amateur player of tins cltv. rb Dnrraa Mase Hall club challtige the Electrie Haae ball club of Taylor a name at llrlck church grounds Saturday at '.'.no p.m. Answer through this paper John W, Thornton, captain. Three ex-S'crantou jilayers were with the lla.leton club yesterday. Thoy iirel'ltober rs and Canter PietdOT (lu-. Moran, of last year'! Scranton club, and Shortstop Hoth ermol, who woro a S-rnnton nulform in 1802. The High School aud St. Thomas' Col lege clulsi pluyeil a game of ball at tbo Driving park yesterday. There was much hard hitting uud considerable loose Raiding. The High bebool club won by a soore of 90 to 35. SOME BORROWED BRILLIANTS. Siv Vorlr ODinmiTrinl-deerfftrt'. It Is high time for the bellicoso Phil Thompson to bo burnishing up bis gun. That verdict will let Breckinridge out in the matter of yielding to the Income tax iniuutty. We are beginning to suspoct that Zolln Nlcolaus' press agout Is taking a loug needed siesta. Miss Pollard finda that she is going to encounter obstaolea In the woy of cashing that verdict. Approaching Democratic conventions will have a tough job finding something to indorse in thta administration. It is easy enough to credit Uoxny's state ment that he never reads the uewapapers. If ho had he would have more common sense. It la possible that Corbet may restore the financial parity between this country and England which Henry Irving did so much to upset. BCRANTON. Imitating Ground Glass, Plain aud Figured. IIow to Sluiulnto llaiaSll Glass. Tho following suggestionB, reproduced from Tho Household, may Ixi found use ful perhaps to some one who hits n win (low which looks out on an unpleasant prospect, for awindow in a door or for any window when ouo wishes to see out und yet not bo seen. To imitate ground glass dissnlvo one fourth of a pound of gum arabio in n pint of boiling water, then add enough Whiting to mako it about tho consistency of stiff paint Paint the inside of the glass with a sponge, taking caro to mako us smooth and even as possible, Yon call have markl if you wish by lay ing a ruler across and marking them with a sharpened slato pencil or pointed stick. To make the glass look like figured ground glass, paint the glass with demar varaimh and lay on u piece of figured lace or bobnirf, as it used to ! called. This must lie tho whole size uf tho glass. When dry, give it two more coats of varnish ovi r the la-i. This can lie washed f jrr plirlnglasj Another way is to Wash the glxss with a solution of epaotn salts, salsisla or glauls-r salts, which will erystallizo on tho glaa and have a woniU'rfully Isaiitifiil effect. I'ut the salts in an earthen dUh and add enough hot water to barely dissolve it. This must 1. applied hot with a soft brush. Tho throe mutoriala will each give a different appearance to the glass, so that different panes of the same window may be d 'eoratcd ilitTt rentlv. It is said that windows can Is' easily painted In imitation of stained glass. Draw y.iur doeign on ihiisx und then paint it in the Colon you wii-hymir win dow tu i-. Tins Is in mii ill fw a pal lei u and can be used as irften its de.-ired. Posten it to theoutsiiio of the glass and cogj from it on the inside, just as yon would trace n dmign on tissue pajar. I'se varnish colors to paint the glass with, as they are transparent and give much the i fftvt i f stained glass. A sepa rate brnrti must bo used fur o;ich color, and al t. r the w ork il tlu-y must U well w.islu-il in tuns'iitine. This win dow will admit light, but cannot Is looked through from tin' outside. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stocks and nonds Ni w Toai, Mav 2 Speculation st the Bteefe BxehangS was v.-ry trregolar today. At th crossing the Industrials wer de pressed M sales for the loug aud abort ar roiints nasal fell l. I .. h-I. ( hicaiio ' iaa sud Winskoy also scored lossce at this time. The railway list was di ousted aud fU off J t. IS. LontfVfll sud Naabvllie lusding. Ths f ill wini SSaaMMl taMs aburins ttis day 's fluctuations la aotlva stocks Is supplied sad rsvtsed dallf hy Laiur a rafar, nosh liruknra, 121 Wy..mlnf arrnaa: ()iu- Huh lxi ar III.' . list Mil Oos l". m I i-N, Ml II t, IM Nl tll ' Am. Tot. Oil Sin s.isar a t. a s. r Can.Ko. Dam, N J........ ctMe. a N W. m H y . Oats Haa. c.c.C a st. L I .OI4 as 1 14 I04 i; urn. . I .' im IS M - ' ' li'S I I Col . H,"k.Val St T H. a II i . i.. a w D, a c. P Irts I. K. (to I jik- Sbre .... i. a n ManhatUn Miss I'm Nat. Isvl N. I.4.V k S Y Central.. N. v..i) a w n y..h. a w. r . Qj o North Par N.iM'i IV. pf.. (iruaha Par Mall Hoadlaf M - k Island. ... K. T B4 Paul T , V. a I .... . Ttss a Ps... I 'i -. I lS '. " ' 1SH - (S I2S . .1114 IN m . Ml . Ml 4U IMS Irs lil 42 "V la. Ml '"1 s 3 IS '. IV M sat 11 , m ,l( 11 1 ' ir. Its 4 'S 3 1SU p .V It '4 l"T4 1T l as sen sssfk, '?t ' '-I S Is s IS, rs 1 . MM 1., 1 Hi i t, 9 f.l l V 1 H ITl H l"S I iiinn Pa In.- Walh WrsU-rii Villi. 11 w ai.i m U r. pr Chlcaso drain and Provlsloas. a sivo. MaT 1-Th foltiwlng ijonta tlonsar ai.iplil aut e.irrnotr.1 dallr lJ Lat Mara tuilar, su-k hr..krs.l:l wjraSMHl era Dur WIIKAT Mar Iff Opening !'H StU Silt Hlnl &a lt4 Sltj Uiwast &;u m a4 1 Mstas !'i is n Oun. (Mining irv, rv sj Higbast. K', e.ii, Ixiwset s.h isS Ml Otostas Ms 1 OATH. (ipanlof H -el, lllufi-.t fe, vi, rf.ii liwat Mj ' H l cimliis S .vl &' OlDlll Ml IM 1, . ii'irb't Ml i' .... 1 1 1. . 1 r..' ( loalna m 122i Hit I.AIlll. fTnssias M 7 :m Hlsbeat. M id "I" Uiwsat ... i ;is u; cii sing :o ;io ::u H' It r urns Otaiiilns SSI Stu M2 Hlshrst Ml 1 1.1 U-.1 1.. ! ei Ml iVmllig Sin tV, SKI Naw York Pn-duca Msrkst. Nrw V.iiiK. May 2 -FlAoa-iull, weak. Wheat- Inill, ".c. lower, rloatug weak; No. 2 red, store and elevator, tVir. : afloat, (HHni!lse.: t o. b., 6tafle. 11 1. erailil rMil f.Tur.'ij K.i 1 tinrlkurn CiWSe.i options were fuirlr artivn, rinsing weak. Hii'ic. below previous low record ; No. il red, May, (Vi)jc. June, d1ms liilv ll'JUr..- Ailillst IhlVr Sj.iileiiihi 64 v"-. Dseataber, BBKs i.OKS Dull, firm; No. 2, 4c elevntor; 44 anoai: options oun, ont . i steady and unchanged to c. up: May, 4HU- July, 44We, Oats liull, stesdr; options ipiiet, easier; May. asSaJleriC.; July. !lo.o. hinit nrires.' Nn 2 l i ., Nn H whit.i 4IUe V.. Chicago, 42fl; No. X 4l)c, No. 8 white, II ',u He; mixed wostern, 41n42c; while do., uud white state, 4' Hkkk Steailv, firm. Tirii.-sii HKrr Inactive, (lrm. Ci'T Meats- (Julet. steady: mlddlna nominal I .AUII I Julet en- U-Msl.ipn .-1......I . t I7.6U; city, 7a7kc,; opticus. May, $7.8.1; .Inly, gT.OOl refined, quiet; continent. (M-'i; houth Amorlca, c -.tii. compouud, o,aoic. rOBX Hteady. Huttkk- Hull lower; state dairy. new, lfal7c; do., old, 10al4o.; do.. creamery, new, IBalTc; Hennsylvaula do., loaliC; weeteru dairy, uew, 10a inc.; uo., creamery, new, I naive.; uo. factory, nsw, :n I2e. . Clgius, 17c. t Imi tation creamery, llaMo. Chsksx Firm, moderate demand, nn changnd. Eui.s (juiot; irregular; stato and Pounaylvanlu, ll'i'allSo; western fresh, Ha; southern, llKaKiJic. Philadelphia Tallow Uarkst. Pnii.AnKi.i'iiiA, Msy 3. Tallow was firm with a fair demand. Prices were: I 'i iino olty, In hogsheads. IKe.1 prime country, lu barrel, IKO.) do. dark, in bar rels, 4 ' i,c. ; cakes, 5 'c. ; grease, 4 c. A Handsome Complexion Is one of tbo irrenti si cburms S woman con pousess Poxsoni'a Cohplkxion Powdbb gives It. mm H nnfs of all kindt cost that tnucA, e.r- re;i( Situations WanMLvMek are savssrtsd FRSS, Situations Wanted. - VVVVWVA.1. .-.-Sw- -www WVVW 1,1 ANTED- A ouslTION AS HOUSK ' Itesner hv a middle aged woman of good address Appl 1204 Luzerne Ht root. CITUATION WAN I Kb YOl'Nil MAN. 21 O who has had mnericurie ns a laud and mine aurveyor and In Kunersl engineering work, dusli-ue nositloa: sansetS "mall aalary at Hi st; would like an interview. AdilresB li l 4, Tunkliaiin.ii k, l'a. WIILATION W A N T K I ) V O U N U MAN IJ would like position either in store or of nee, roou pvnmuu inn! will iry to uease. jiu 'Irras C A II , 1 ill s llnmili-N avenue, city. SITUATION WANTED A I.ADY O ISaehsr wishes IO do tutoring during summer vacation. Can prepare pupi's tor rollece in all branches except Ureek. Wlllgo with pupil t country er seashore ir nesiren Can Imgin June I. Six voars' sureessful ox perlence Si-o 1). W. tlftoWN, attorney, GuU Bpruco street. WH'l ATION WANTlHi HY A HOY 17 C yuara ot aire, with fan id neat. on; willing io uo most anything Call or suitress u L... .'i-fli llaj rnoii avenue, city. WlTl ATli'N WASfPIl A WOMAN O would like to gut uurk by the day at washing or cleaning, or will take washing Home. JVIilrt-f MAIil UIMMfcl.l.l, 721 Orchard strwt Agents Wanted. W'A.vrai mas' H itu i.ifi: AlTD run: " insui aneo SSBS1BSS as aolli Itor In l.inkawaiiiiH county, ;--l ladoesBI iints to right muii Addr 1123 2 11. t. tiulldlng, Philadelphia, Pa Help Wanted Male W A.N I KK-W 11.1.1 . 1 1 Woll Kbit; UlUH I " man 5.i u,-,.klv. :' to 10 today Li. U TIP 'M AS. I.dirary tnnl ling. ANTI.H A SIMILE MAN To IHtlVII " tuis, Ai jily In? I-isi.kliii aumii... I MON TltANhr i-.k i .1. between uau.l lOt.slay Wanted To Kent. U'ANTr.H SMALL HOU8I uH PLAT ' ly y ung martini r-.uil-v within lit tesn mluutva of court hoossi rent Sot higher man jia. A.lilreas lloi 22, Trilmna elllee lor HenL vGBiiirilOHr. n Lackaw anna I Ave. Inuulro of IILNKY Kni.Y, 421 l. kawauna Ave. noK HP.NT IJOIIT WELL PI HNWIKl) I ns.ins, delightful l' alion oil Washing tun avonua. l.MIt MCNT THKE8 IfKiMS, FRONT on 1 fl.sir. ovsr .N A llulU-it s inusin M ne IK w i .roing ar Cus, fr.uu April I. In ii th st.irsv T o LET K.'ll A THiM i r' YI.AKh. Psrt is- all nf thr.- timet n-1 foei ..f ttA ! in slong railr I A;;4ral MStrank.ia avenue. 'i"o rent rrou assd or ryairuH-D 1 ball on Oman Bidg.' stre4 Vrry d ir.- lie lorall.-li so l ell raawinat'le trrm Ami I. I L Nl Tl l.l.Tii.N ..r C llipulill. all I illl lln.' Would. Vt for Sale pOR SAI E CHKAP I M T iRg WAOON 1 ami 1 l.uggy Ol-ullul. W KLnKT Uuu more s TucK FOR KALI rWKM r- pi vt: I stoek fur aals sbarnauf V i . ; i t aialoa ilaure if I.I at a sCHANToN i UMalKHClAL A N,Uasltd, llalio i ii i iii,- '.' . Sprm Mr-l U'AH'iN Pi'KSAI.K A l.lotIT Wao.'N. Ileollrn .f A I Naltl.tia. l aalth hiillding. Waahingn n avatiua I M 1(11 sTi'Nt: li'i; i M I ,-ilr. A. t " S'ttlelon. VVashlr.iiU.ti aw-uuit. I uiuii,ul waalt.i Pillldlng L'l'K xAl.k A r AIIM ' ig 1 IlillTY a. Id s. r wlir aiel - .I... !.;' u -. rioin 'aUn u:i ths Isatawar. La.kawanns and Weatrrn rsllrisxl I irsi alas-, farm h. with a narar failing siirlas sasarbt, tu barns. g-"l ' ' nr.-iiar 1 W ill ha iUI haan. Terius AddnsM II f V" iN ST.iKi II r lAAC M LIS saaSSSSnffS I- kav si.i rinilitf. Pa OK HAl.R KOMI. MANUKK, I loll I lairr.-U f -r Uii . also hr an k-nhern . frls'l, i Atl.r P 1 .nr.lh. I'V It. . k aril sir.-. I. niMKT 'N FOR BALI IN'VPIItR op H. I H ' '--i ii. .s.tirt U-nis:raihir. i.mrt iHiuae, r II Clay a..-tits MR sai.R C an I utaaaSIa ACKk IAI4X4, STOCK J U MIEirlKLU. s . i. r . - aa COR SALR i II KM MANOK fiiK BORAJI I '.--u elwp.lti V l-af.l,.- i rl.. .r In r. sslng In liru-lui-tton and .slur .narlr In Ihe , raogr ar. In I'VteLta Ad.lraa P P. Nhni.rroN. lak . Il.i-n Pk.rxu Money to loan. M NF.Y TO LOAN ON PIRRt HURT gar rttj Presieiii J mi ft mi ntun ILflaa tVROWR Atshrasf. RR Rptnssi l-.m bpacls Notice. pHR ANNUAL Mr.ETINU ol hie l. aosasrs I tas Leases try --.- in ,t Dsxtatsr win i h.M at their oSBea oaths sri m I rldar. Hat 4. HOI at I s I kSI p av. tor la aWantea ol uuii'-n t ssrva f..i ' l i - . ! . ! I Ml 1 ill. , i, 1 Qeorg W Millar. laSSaSS I and thr Iranas, tlon ef aSSSh "th. I husin. sa aa uiay nab ba Itrs th ss4iasj. iipnky BRTEa. . ewratarr- AT A MP.ITIMi nl I UK I'lltKi-rORSOF thr Nay Aii Falls and Plmhursl p vsr l i oinpaiiy It was raaolvsal that a BSxsxsal ..I the 't.-eshei-rs l i-all.-.l t- i-.n. t the general . HI nf tl..- . uieao). iumlu Is, Hi-iuilill. an luill llng. on th Mh day , f fMH A 1) I'M. lotaht m tlia approval at diuppi ival .d Ih.. pi..i .1 lin-r.-t-e ,,f th eapiliil abK k . ( .sill fr uutJJiOi t.., and that the s.r rrtary 1st. and ha ta, herrhy dlns trsl to gl.e nollre tie r.. if as r ulllrod by Isw T H WA1K Ns, Meratai LiTOCKUOLItRRc MKKTINU ills an i mill Bass tins nf Ih sTcaihnnwers ot th Provhleliee da. an.) Walor OQaSpsai will Sr held at th Dtawsr sad Ranaea Caaal Ccsn pan) 'a Inilhlliig, If, rraukliu avauue, Hi ran t.ui. Pa. at U a in. Monday. May r, Iswi, g elei I tin era to sel m during tile ensiling y, ar, and transact any other business that may bs H. K ATRRRTOM, Bs.rn.ury Ki-rauton .April 1. 1KM MOTH THE NORINATIONS FoH OF- is III i rs of tin. lo i uiaiila ho . n i.n.1 Lean nsavlatlon of South srranlun Will take plsrr Friday nvrnlng, April 27. I4. after trsnsaotliig the regular business JACOB F. MII. 1. 1 l(. Se, retail BLANK liiu.Ks, l'AMI'lll.1 IS MaiIV lines, el. , li-nind or ri-l-otiinl at Tiir Tarll sa utile... Quick work. Heaaonalila A I PAL TICKRTS ( AN UK RAD IT 144. Ill conn i Sprue sir. ot and Praiikllu av.. nue Twenty niuul In gets for S&.VI Hood tahls hoard. Propoaals. (JEALKIi PROPOSALS WILL III-: Hi; O at the oltlce of tin. City Clerk, 8.'rsnton.Pa, until III o'cl.M-k p m. Thurs day. May 3.1. IV'I. To graile I lelaware street In tw.ou Washington aud Sanderson svcuin a in BOOOraaaOS with plans and sin cilleatlons lu of the city engineer. F.seh Mil shall bn bcoih pankw py elah or certlllesl -hwk In tlm aim mil t of two hundred dollars. In ease the bidder to Wheal the c.Hil i ai t shall have lieuu awarded refuses or oralis to execute a contract for the work within tB days from date of award thereof, the saclpirars a. . ouipanylng his pro posal shall l. forfltd to sb lire of the city of Bersnton, The . It v rescrv. tho right to io ect any and all Lids Hy order of City ( 'ounells. M T. LAVELLE, City clerk. Kerimtoii, Pa , Apnl 1SV4 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL 1)E HE eelved at the ofllco of tho City Clerk, Scranton. Pennsvlvnnln. until 7 :,W o 'eloeS p ni.. Thursday, May 10th, IHISJ, to set curhstoiie. lay DsgStOOe mil. wall and lay pavo.1 nthSN and furnish inati-iuo aud lalun- lBrtor. at tho lloiiae of the Excolslor Knglno Hose com puny. The work 1h to lie done In seeordaaoe with plan ami specifications of City F.nglnwr, and under bis dlrucliona Hidden shall en' close the mm of twent) tlvn ilollurs, cash or certified check, with each proposal, iih a guarantee to comply with proisjsal If swarded the OOBtraet. In cose tho liUlrlor to whom the contract Bball have hcou awarde.1 omits to executes ooutraot tor ths irori within ten days from date of award thereof, theenclosuru accnmpnnylng his prnosnl Hhsll bo forfeited to the City of Scranton Tho city reserves tho right to reject auy and all bids. By order of city councils. M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Connolly So Wallace Inspect our beautiful line at the new prices. FOUR GREAT LOTS. Note the change: $10 CAPES NOW $7.50 15 CAPES NOW 10.00 20 CAPES NOW 15.00 25 CAPES NOW 20.00 These special lots include our entire stock below $25. It is useless for us to dwell upon them. You know the character of the garments we carry. Stylish. Perfect-Fitting. Well Made. CONNOLLY & Proposals. CEALEB .eiyed proposals win. na aa elv. il at tin- I'- . of Ih.. ,1. , 1 -, . .! until Monday. 7 is) p m, II iv II l- n for the paraaass bv Hm Icrasto Board of Control of Ihr.M. Iota (one mranraud two adjolnlnir ), the Plot to IDufoei front hy lie In depth, t of the site of s prspesec school bons. to b l.s ated In that section of the Nineteenth JOBdd hy llirch and Elm strwta and tho E f " - h tracks and Hluchur avunua The Hoard n-sorres the riuht t-. reject any or all Bv ' rder of the lusird of Control. I I 1. l.M . Ft.LLi.Ws. he. notary. City Ordinances. CMLK OF CoMafll'olN'JiXTT! I 111 In s. 1... 1 1 -, iiinell V u 1 . )i SB lW. AN OBDIKAJICI To BTSTSal tha ersctlon of plckat r. aces In the city limit. BStleB I It- it ordained bv th Baiai t .ml 1 ' mm 11 r. Lie iLofthal'ity of Mrranton, and it U hor. hy ordalnad by tho authority of ... same Thai after thu final of this oruinan.-o and its l'lu aa pniTtsI by th.- mavor It .1 .11 T.. aZ. awful fur snv pna a ori-raons U hay era. ted or bunt on lb- Ir prop..rl abnttuui on any sir, t. ainiu.-, art or plaeu fVnco BSdSI f ir. n. oo,1 . r any other mat. rial that shall ha i.i .harp lannlMl pick. ta. which w mld auawr ma iivna or tha trsnUaa BabHSi ' it after Ihis or.llfiaa.-M hu hi law any isir n or ncra ns sln.ll ana i. ro a f.-t. . with I.- nt.-! i.lxk.i. a. nl,i m . t, ,n . ,at thi. otilinaiica, and tha . . ei. na 11..1.. -. i ....... I,, ii, f. ,minj f the in.- th said lorsoti r intnn si . II I., u.l.u 'o -. I.... t sa J:i.k' buuitrad iflUU) loilara. .L-i J. In the e eat ..f tlin. . r.l a.... . .... in, s Uw th.. i t, ChxH -hall UU riu tb pab l of th. tame hv havina ;t i. i.wl f... ti. . SaSS In two of tha .tally paper. Al prorad Al l li i IBM. The f.,rrf.Hns ordinance is puhll.h.s) In nur nan. e of ii.oi r:io-nt. f s.-ti.. i ...i.l. I. of Act of atat U ,s l, , ,h ri-rr.-d by Sr s of a .1 ordlnana M I I av i I i.i , it, o,a. Scranton. I"a . May l ism pnji o oomioii obcitcn no. AN oklllN'AN'i'K ProtldlBB for the I.I. el,., lot .1 k.. tall M.r.-hanta In th.. rfty of Vrsntoa Hs. ill 1 lu it i n ih. ...I I sxasas Ursa ils ..fine . iiy of itstauwn. an-l It .a hrr.-l . rda'.n.d hy tl authollti of tha sail. i Hist liel. fill rml) Is. - i, . hetll.r principal ..r a.-, nl not , ugw-.l in a ivsrma lit li.l.lbMS 111 the I III f. laot.rf. l,ui... I. r ma-tatn. la-trui.lunoruVurii.viu kn. . transient retail bsBBBatS hi th. i Ft ot S rsu ton 1 i the sal. of sal ir.-.l. sir. i,i - - nae.ll.' ahalMisiar, L- Ih.r tl,.. aauie shall i lal.l.aantisl ot h. .1 luitht. U. anlsi.esx .,r ats.ut to unit hoalliaaa. or of .-...hi !.iua.-.l I y Ara. water or other.)-, or I v any attrM-t . .. r . . s.soi u u a.1 . ertlaaiiKsot i. . - J. ......... ,i 1 n el.aa f.l tlia sam.. rr. ui the illy Truasnrrr The amount t said Ii .uaai. her.i y fl,.t .1 n. itm I... i f'sui .1 liars ti l month sn.l said l i . - ri-u.wvd dur Iaa th.. , ..i.i.n.i.11. . af SMS sali., an.) upon fallura . f BSM Br n r ira- nsl . a.-ur ll.nnia. ha .? they shall l-a tlii.d li. th uuj le.t has than umi huudrtd lli' dollars ha. X. bUfg U taleoutal! en ..r rtaJuatn-1 . pay th. lleanse tat r. by Bawtiun Sral ..! ihl. orainaii. -. wh I mau vi.iuyia any I tie or. t lalgSJS thi-rvf. diall m conti. tlou l. flue.! n.,i I ts.i, , ,. rloastrad !. 1 -liars, and in default .f n.v t Leather aith cuasa. to las kV .1 SJ the .-..llUtf tall Uot SUM,!,!,. thlrt) Alnlaa "I' I Hit 1. the 1. ...... t this ordlaan. . ta- illy t'Wrk .hall i I It. I, th. Mlna la a., ontaln alth la. I I,. i, l t . rtift that this -rdtnan r passisl l.-ih hranrh.s ,i . it v . ouucila ami , n April 4. waa pr.s-i.tadl.. W L roi.n.11, Major f th. illy of a. rant si for hi. ffl. . 4p n isi anJ that April V isw aras r oru.t lo in.. . ih. . of Uai lltt (Wikwllh ut approval .it disaptit-tal t'n.l. r rWe 7. lit Ii at of Mav .'I iss or-tin ain-a n l i. ... li. i : Ironiilat. sri.Utl. n Is-, ulue a la of pre M T LAVrt.t.K. tlty Ctark. i s nt. u. I'a . May I liVI I I te. IBS ordlllSBCa H. BBBSBBBBi in our uaie . . i r. .ini. n..-:, . ; ti. i. .1 Art.. I. i i ta h ) ii is. .n t t.y authority e..n l.rred I, ISBStWB I efaald ordtaaaea at i LAVK1XI Clt, Clerk. SI rant I . I'a . Mar a I'SH ACADE MV OF MUSIC. ATVRDAT, MAT iv Lincoln J. Carter tlran.l S.-anlc Proluctlon, The Fast Mail kPICIAL M'HNERY Fllcbt f lh Fast Hall I Niagara Falls sal III ..llll.'li. 11 llll I... III,., ml.l Ih. .1 I O L. Ia Raaia an i PrsMtt Cara with lllomlB ated 1'ab.ssw , the Dago Lhy; Itualiatic liner Si ena and Mteamlstat P.iplnsl in and other (treat Kealiains. Prloaa . : Ht and cents. Snla of seats , ens Tluir .day. Week rouimemlne MONDAV. AFMt an Wonderland Theater Co. MONDAY. TUE8DAV and wed.nesuav The Msunillceiit llli l lass Drains, THE DANIGHEFFS With Elegsnt Scenery and Etlet ts, Msiinlll cent Costuniiia, and the full strength of the I impany. followed hy tho Kiaring Comody, AIM U P-TOWN FLAT I r. K,-nt.-,l o, Ui-ii ininiitsii'r maDUer by W1L- TIUTRSDAY, FK1DAY AND SATURDAY aa Bieninir um aver-Welcoin Drama THE GALLEY SLAVE ADMISSION. 10, 20 OR 30 CF.NTH Porloi iniinces every afternoon, except Men days and Thursdays, at ML aud every ovou Inn at ".IS. Doors oponat l.aUund 7.C0 I M ANTOHEflARTHAH 906 Sculh Washington Avenue, Contractor aud builder of Conoroto Plana! ns. '-.""crete Blocks, Potato, Butter and Coal 111ns, Wet-Cellar dried up. Ordors may b toft t Thompson & Prstt, Williams A Oo, Main and Eynou 8trista, or at Bcrsutou Stove Works. Also Poundatlous, OUtaroa Fish WIi-h Tunnels autl OolUus. Klasslug for Uardun Walks, WALLACE !09 FURNITURE BEST WORKHEH. MATTRESSES At Factory Prices The Scranton Redding Co. Cor. Adams and Lacka. Aves. DID YOU KNOW? That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at Mercereau :IIJ7 LaV KAWANN V AVUSlIli "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A M APPY PATRON OF THE RICHARDS LUMBER GO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. HOW TO MAKE MONEY Tlii-p' nn' hundredi of young mn and young wossM in this country who bftVC Qllendid ability, but tlicy have uever bet'9 wikflntri up. Wood's College of Bosiness and Shorthand Una an inspiration to h umi rods of young people. If you nri' Und of iiui thity aud want to do axuut'thiug tangible, ronm to tin' Collre. common BNOIilSB tXVIIVt BCaUNBM u um: HORTHAN1) to, MB p g W0QD( proprIetor WHY NOT See our FI BTEEN IX LLA B Solid (k Bedroom Si tr W soil Furiiitiiro as cheap M any house In the country that in tends to ivt honest value for the money. Try ub. Hull Co. SOQ AID 207 WYOMING AYE. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ HliANTO.N AMD W1LKBS-BARKG. I'A , 11ANUFACTUBKRS Of Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. MANHOOD sumimim or in-innuy. iiT mall oreiinlil. with r.. .. .1 Ska. Ma. . rtrunLHNl Ar ItrlUiirTU .nooiuer. Auurosa hkiivf: nkkiwu., Muiuinio ivmpie. ihii auu.ilu For Sale In Scranton, Fa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Dmrgist, owr. Wajhlngton and Suruco streets. " ' r SK2 4VE Repaired and Upholstered. LOW PRICES. & Connell General Offloe. BCHANTON. PA. RESTORED! NERVE 8EED8. This nn 'i rfui futr utUffct tnrnrK nil MffffMI ! prm9. Hui-h ii w r-tk Memory, Low. of Hmln Power. 11ualarln, WnkefulnoBi, LoitMiinhoMl, NUhtly KmUilomt, mmanMi anlrftinnnntl lOftOI power In GiiormUvo Ofttant of either mi cauted bf overt' xortlon, yonlliftil rrr. exrt'MiTo use of lobaooq, opium or etiniulanta, whlcbloau to lullruilty, 0n tun M oarnoain TM1 pocuci. ei pr mix, o iur .. u SS orrlrr wt) arlve u written vanriintee ta caro l - i ...... I.. . f . ... .1.1.1 K mt ..II ,t.,,,..-.- 1 .h S,.rl ta ass
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers