The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 03, 1894, Image 1

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Have those fine
art series permanently
preserved. x.mqr
f g T
The Tribune
Bindery will do it best
and cheapest.
rp r? sr
. r r c mSS
it mm
Angry Hobs Swarm the Streets of the City
Beut on Destruction.
A Gathering of Six or Seven Thous
and Rioters Embark Upon a Mis
sion of Madness Windows Are
Smashed and Workmen Driven from
Their Posts The Police Charge the
Mob and Drive the Rioters from the
Furniture Works An Attempt to
Hold Up a Train.
J MOB numbering between 0,000
111 and 7,000 men aasein 1 led in the
IS public squares thin morning and
lTu marched ont, ua on rattarday af
ternoon, on a mission of distraction.
On Seranton avenue every window w:is
broken at tba Vnrit'ty Irou works and
the entire fore of men run out. A:
the I'pson Not and ilnlt works win
dows were broken, mart inery smashed
t'tul the men ilriven away. Twenty
live men were driven from the church
furniture work. At this point the po
lice charged tlu mob and drove it up
tlia hill on Jaoniogl avenue.
Police were tlin hurried to the
scene from all available sources. All
tt.e reserve force of police, Including
the mounted men. were ordered out
Many artests w,ra made. Oreat ei
eitcnant was caused all over the
southern p .rt of the city.
The mob, after moving np Jennings
avei.ue, reformed end were again and
again reeliarged bf the police. The
rioters had meantime raided a scrap
iron yard and armed themselves with
piece of iron. They were la a frenzy
of excitt-ment, and were constantly
nrgd on by their leaders to resist the
i Altera
an grrurivg obamb.
At this juncture a ! arc reinforce
Baal of police arrived on the ecene,
and another charge was ma te on the
niob with drawn clues. The crowd
showed flzht only for a moment, and
then their ranks were broken and
scattered in all direction a, The police
meantime hud ued tli-ir clubs to ancb
effeOl that many of the rioters were
foiled. The patrol wagons were loaded
with priaontra, and hastily sent to the
near-st station. .Many of the turn
threw stones and other missiles at the
police from the Abbey Street bridge.
Ti.ey were forced sway, however, aud
ran like sheep, making occasional
Standi to resist the power of the law.
While a j art of the mob were light the po loa at Keulh.iber's, others
made an unsuccessful attempt io bold
up a mail train on the Nickel Plate
road as it was pasting that point. The
train slac kned sp o I in order to not
nn down any of the fellows, but went
in its way unharmed.
The Ihlrtaenth Annual Meetlr.a of
Pennsylvania Undertake.
Piiii.a lEl phi a, Pa, May 2. Tba
hirteenth annual meeting of tbe r'u-i-ral
Dinotora1 Association of the
Hate of lVnnsvlvsnia began in the
rooms of th New Century club this
morning; Every comity in the state is
r'iireented by one or more delegates
The delegates were welcomed by Mayor
Stuart, the response being made, bv
Stat- Praaldanl William 11. Maxwell,
of Pottstown.
The following officers will be elected
tomorrow, the nominations having1
been msile today: President, I! Prank
Kirk, of Oermantown, Philadelphia;
vice-presidents. Junes Ljwrie, Alle
ghany City; U W, Day, Williams
town, and (J A. Miller, Seranton;
secretary. George Chandler Paul, Pnila
jihia; treasurer, J S Pearce, Ar.Jmore.
Killed HlmaMf JUcanaa His Decisions
Wr Q leatlnned.
PaDDCABj Ky., May I -Sensitive
Alfred McCnwIey, a Wapaitad citizen
of Canton, killed himself Saturday be
cause ball players "kicked" at his de
cisions sa umpire. Two local teams
went ont to practice aud IfeOawlav
tried to be arbiter bstween the two
His decisions proved nnsatisfactory,
precipitating a quarrel among the
members. MeCawley then berime ex
asperated, and, going behind the back
stop, blew bis brains out with a re
Prospsotive Bridegroom Seeds a Bullet
Through Bit Head.
Rochester. Pa., May 2 This mor
ning Henry Hahn a well-known young
business man of Monaca, committed
suicide by shooting himself through
tbe bead. Additional interest is felt
in tbe case by the fact that he was to
have been married to-night, for whio b
all preliminaries were perfected.
No reason can be assigned for the
self murder. Hahn was 84 years of
age. well to do and widely known.
His intended bride, Miss Blanohe Hug
gins is frantin with grief.
The New Plant Employing 2,700 Men In
Homestead, May 2. The new 28
inch mill of the Homestead Steel works
was started up successfully yesterday
The working lorce was reduced from
8,200 to 3,700 men.
The changes in the department were
tbe causes of reduction in the foroe of
employes. The output will be in
Mob of 300 Men Tries to Intimidate tbe
Working Miners.
Ridoway, May 2 Sheriff Elliot and
fifteen deputies left this morning for
St. Mary's where tbe miners employed
by Hall, Kail & Co,, were at work.
The sherilT'.-i posse was called to pro
tect the men and works from the mob
of over 300 miners from the works of
the Northwestern Mining and Ex
change compauy at LVtgti mines, who
had marched overlaud six miles to in
duce the St. Mary's strikers to come
out. The latter had been given an ad
vance and bad gone back to work at 00
cents a ton.
At 2 o'clock this nfternoon the
minors assembled at the Commercial
l ouse in an open-nir meeting- About
150 miners are employed at St. Mary's,
and latest reports say tint about half
of tbem already have come out since
the visit of the men from Dngns. A
second cull for twenty-five more depu
ties was received at noon.
Wholesale liquor dealers have shut
down the beer supply at the request of
the operators, and no violence has yvt
been done.
He Ii Appointed Mail Transfor Clerk at
This City
WAaOnOTON, D C . M iy 2 -Ropre
sentative Hi nes, of Pennsylvania, se
cured the tppointtnout of J. E Hemp
sey. of l'ittston, as mail transfer clerk
at Seranton.
Mr Dempsey is the principal ofhvial
of the Trainmen's union in tbe Wyo
ming valley of Pennsylvania.
Coxey, Oklahoma Sam, Christopher
Columbus Jones, Browne and
Other Freaks In Good Spirits.
WASBmOTOR, D. C, May 2 The
Common Weal army is now at us now
ramp on First street, in Southwest
Washington. The ground is enclose I
by a board fence, an I along tlu south
tnd wool sidet the fanonaoanvaai wall
lias been stretched forming quite a
good awning. Under this a lot of clean
clraw bai been thrown and the maj r
ity of tiie mu are sheltered.
At noon Oklahoma Sim announced
the arrival of Christopher Columbus
Jones Three cheer, were giv.'ti aud
Jones rem ve 1 his hat an 1 entered
smilingly and Waa enthusiastically
received. Hreiuarkel that he would
not say much. "We are gaining confi
dence in the public," be began, ami
then said apologetically, ''I hope Ton
won't think I am putting on frills
ridin' roan1 la a cab vj.ter Isy. " Then
some one le gaii to sing "Miss J nea
OMM Bank, and Jones retired to a
A few minutes latr Mr Coxey en
terd and immediately began giving
orders to clesn up t h grounds Ua
evidently is fixing np for au indefinite
stay. Wheu aekeJ if he would agsin
attempt to speik at tba capitol. be re
plied that he would say uotblug on th
Carl Browne was down at the camp
early in the morning for a few minutes
only. There are quite a number of
MW recruits at the camp, including
one "accor llonlst," who ground ool
the most doleful airs to a numlier of
attentive listeners The men seem to
be contented. A ingle policeman ll
detailed at the rump
A Wllke.-Berre Apv.h.csrj'e Error Lia
ble to Product FVal Ra.tilU.
Wilkin-Bakhi', May J - - A drug
gist's miataka mar eu.e the death of
lisiiii 1 Carmodv, foreman of th Shel
don Axle works of this city. Mr Cir
mody suffered from nasal catarrh and
consulted Dr. O'.Malley, who prescribed
a douche in whii'ii one of the ingre
dients was potash. The druggist in
compounding the prescription mad
verteiit y substitute. 1 M chloride of
merrury. which is a p is motM drug.
When Mr, OttttOOy applied the rem
edv it ate away the nieinl.rane of thu
nostrils, causing the patient tbe most
intense agony and rendering him abeo.
lutely blind for several boon. He is
in a orltical condition aud his recovery
is considered doubttul.
Their May Dv Dm mstratlons In
France Were V.ry Mild.
PAHS, May 2 The mod era tO news
papers doolaro that tiie propooad May
day demonstrations upon the part of
the Socialists and others through mt
Prance were failures.
The Radical and Socialist newspapers
BTgOS that the proletariat in avoiding
governmeut prov ocations has IhOWU its
Three Dotted States eenalors have died
within five weeks.
The gold res-rye wis again invaded yes
terday, hi ending at
Government expenditures during May
exceeded receipt by almost ,5imj,000.
PrasJdOOi Cleveland made a brief open
ihg addres. yesterday at the npeningof the
annual convention of the Association of
Military Surgeons of the United Slates.
Lisbon's board of health declares the pre
vailing malady to be diarrhu-a,not cholera.
All the housed of the French missionar
ies at Slam havo been burned, and the
missionaries maltreated and imprisoned.
Three raced have been arranged for in
connection with the Mediterranean Inter
national regatta of L899 to be sailed in
(liters of amnesty by the Hermans have
been contemptuously refused by Witborl,
the rebellious leader of Damaraland,
Insulting remarks concerning Russian
officials has sent Hector Ahhvardt, the no
torious anti-Semite, to prison for three
mouths more.
The Brazilian cruiser Repuhlica will
herenfter be known as the fifteenth of
November, ami the Aquidaban as tbe Six
teenth of April.
The American straw hat is now in great
demand in England, tbe London made ar
ticle being, like most English manufao
tures, heavy and ugly.
The pope's coming encyclical, it is said
will Include a dlscussbu of his action in
reference to tbe American Knights of La
bor and the Satolli mission.
A party of eight explorers are impris
oned in a stalactite rave near Iionrlacli,
Austria. A sudden flood prevented their
eHcape. Parties are trying to rescue them.
They have been imprisoned since Satur
day and are without food.
Two Persons Killed in an Explosion In N.'w
York City.
The Front of a Store on East Twelfth
Street Blown Entirely Out by an
Unexpected Explosion Leopold
Geneau nnd Louiso Floorman In
stantly Killed-Many Others Seri
ously Wounded The Building Dam
aged to the Extent of $10,000.
Ntw Tome, May 'J.
n N explosion that ahook some of the
big bnlldtnga on Broadway blew
Ul ont the Wbola store front of the
UU building 61 Baal Twelfth street
thil afternoon and set fire o the build
ing. The wracked building was th
cleaning and scouring concern of C
Jolly & Son. Bondna usd in their
bnaiUOM CatMed tne explosion In tbe
Tire that ensued two persons periabod.
Four more yver burned, on of them
very badlV, Tbe building was dam
aged 10,000
This is ton list of casualties Den),
Leopold Geneau, 4'J years old. I.tuiae
tToorinan. I ' years old.
Is Hired, Bmil Mason, M years old. of
Jersey Cltv Heights, badly bnrnd,
will die; Leon Badolr, very badly
burned about the face, bauds and
arms; Jean Haptl.te Iwoirarron, badly
burned about head, neck and hands.
One other workman was less badly
mime I
The factory is a five-story building
The explosion occurred nt an hour when
both these streets were crowded with
shoppers. There was no warning of it
A in Iden deafening erash, with the
sensation to th ti on the next of
a t low tbat took one's bresth away, t
those nearby as if they were lifted off
their feet, nd the street waa covered
glass, cnslied to minute atoms and
raining In a perfect shower on the
Fire s' through the wrecked
front, and the next instant burst from
farf empty window spare Tt.e
shrieks of men an 1 women, frighteue I
au I hurt, filled tbe air,
A dozen crawled upon the fire aOOOPOa,
fleeing for their lives. A man with
clothes ablexe ran out of Him ball- la
mollshed building and staggered blind
ly toward Fourth avenue llehind
Bin anotuar erpt out of tne
cellar and still another. Policemen
ranght them and extinguished the tire
When the smoke cleared away to per
alt the firemen to look down, the loiv
of one wae lying under the broken
glass skylight on tlsoaldowntk vTkoa
it was possible to reach it, tne firemen
went down an 1 brought up the bodv
It waa I lentlfled as that of QoaaM
lie lay within three feet of the lsn
zine tank that had aipio lad
The firemen went down agsin an 1
f oiud the laaly of Louise Fioorineu. or
Fleiirmann Mia was not employed
down there, tut on an BpgeM tl "r.
What she was doing there tier em. . -
ers could not I m agin a
Whether the doad were killed by the
hock of the explosion or afle;srl
burned was not ciear. Tne bodies were
They Pri-ea- Bcau.e tl.a '' cutore Paid
$11,000 to ColUct 81 14 OOO
lilill".: t d;T. Conn . May -' The In
vestigation into the managaBaol of ll a
P T. Parnnm estate is to be begun Fri
day. The nine heirs of the late P. T
Hsrnuiii received as their share of the
income from the estate last voir $d O'si
The gross income was about fill,""',
and there is dissatisfaction am mg
oine of the heirs witn the manner in
which Kxecntors Fish and lliucks are
managing the estate.
The last report of the ex-etriors hss
not been accepted iii tiie probate court,
claim la-iug mide that expenses are
wholly disproportionate to the reoeipts
The report of tbe executor. BhOWt tlist
it cost fll.Ksi to collect f U.UOO. which
came to the estate last year.
Cllntou Barnnn Seeley, the favorite
grandson of the dead showuiau is push
ing tbe investigation.
Plant of tht Vila and Lock Company
Totally Destroyed.
YonK, l'a , May '.' The plant of the
York File A Lock Ua, was entirely do
sti I, by fire this evening. Loss,
fl'yxtO. Iusnrance, (.'tn.OUO. The ori
gin of thu tire is unknown. These
works employed 10iJ men and were full
of work
To-day several government jobs were
tested and approved by experts, but
they are now among the rulna. The
works will bo rebuilt as Boon aa pos
It la Three Million If lies Away From
Ue and Doing Rapidly.
Wasiiimiton, May 2 Assistant As
tronomer George A Hill, of tba Naval
Observatory, last night sighted a large,
bright comet, jnst above the south
western horizon.
Acoording to Professor Hill's calcula
tions the comet wae 3, 000. 000 miles
from the earth and going from us at
tho rate of about 5,000 milee a day
The comot is believed to be the Gale
comet, discovered at Sydney, N. S. W.,
a short time ago.
Working Ulcere Stoned and Beaten by
the Wivee of Alabama Strikers.
Birmingham, Mny 2 The coal min
ers' strike is again assuming an ugly
aspect. There have been two manifes
tations of violence within the past
twenty-four hours. On Monday night
while J. Deb Hopper, owner- of the
Little Warrior mines, and a party of
men who had refused to strike were
returning from work they ware fired
upon from aoibub. As no one was
hurt it is believed tint this was merely
a warning to the men to quit work.
Yesterday afternoon Sheriff Morrow
received a message to hasten to Wylan
with a posse. On his arrival there it
was found that while twenty men were
returning from work tbey had been set
upon by wives and daughters of the
strikurs and severely stoned. The spe
cial guard who accompanied the men
dared not molest the women for fear of
precipitating a riot, and for that rea
son the sheriff was called upon. Sev
eral of the men wero b dly bruised, but
the arrival of the sheriff's poise quieted
Assistant District Attorney Wsllman, of
New York, to Marry ihe Prima Donna.
New YOWL May 2. The engage
ment of AsHlstiint District Attorney
Wellman, of this city, and Miss limine
Jurh, which was rep irted a mouth ago
m ii il then waa denied by both, was con
firmed yesterJay by tbe gentleman. He
said thai the day of the wodding had
not yet been fixed.
Miss .Inch, who is at her summer
home at Stamford, Conn., met Mr
Wellman last summer on a steamship
returning from Iv.irope. Miss Juch
was born in 1861, In Vienna, of Amen
can parents, and studied under Mine.
MnrlO Oalll, Sh made her del u' at
Her Msjanty's Grand Italian Opera.
London, aa Fillna, in Thomas'
''Mignon." Three years later she;
came to this country and ropMtad
her success s, .is prima donna of the
American and Nat: ul Opera compa
nies, and aa the hea l of the .Inch p
sra company, of late sho has confined
herself to concert work.
Mr. Wellman is a wi lower His first
wife, miss Bdltk vVataoO. daughter of
John 11 Watson, ex-prelderit of the
Columbia Hank of New York, died in
June, 1898. after le.s than a year of
married life. Mr Wellman is himself
an excellent mtiici in
The Vienna Soi i.i U M.ike a Noise,
But No Further Trouble Forty
Thousand Dispersed by Rain.
Yiksna. May 8. Forty thousand
Workingmen assembled In the Prater tav afternoon f r the pnrpona of
I ling a mass ui'.ting, but jul as the
spanking aonamsaoed it igau to rain
heavily and ti e meeting dispersrd.
Thai crowds returned home, and
j-ered and hooted at the pelloe ata
Ujoamd along the routes of mar 'h The
police, according to instructions, paid
no attend ui to the insults, allhnngh on
all previous occasions of the kind they
have retaliated With sabre charges
The crowd sang" S ciallsl Ming, an I
hailed before a numhar of pahilr build
ings, ii iahly the police koadq lartera,
where they gave vtnt to their feelings
in hoot anil hissea. They finally die
parsed ipietly There was no rioting
during toe dar or evening
In the provinces everytning was
quiet throughout the day In Prague
many organisations marched in pro
cession, each msn wearing a re 1 cock
ade and having hi uiotith gagsed with
black gaur.e as a alga that b . t ad been
coerced into tflMOa
There was a sei ir ui disturbance in
GrNtl last evening, caused ny the po.
11m ordering that no rltg. be carried
in parades When the police attempted
to enforce tbe order they were received
With a shower of stones. They then
made a charge with drawn swords,
wounding syersl men. Tn of the
poliejaattn "r cm with stones. Tne
mob was finally dlsporaad by troops.
Thirty-three arTSatS were male
a -
Pre.ld.nt MePrida Save ihe Supply of
Pltumineaa I. Kip die Diminishing
(oii'Mhis, O , M.y .'-A letter to
President John Mriiri te, of the Tinted
Mine W-rkers, la tea that oool that
ei .ti ; ; 1 Ir on I Utah ir- IhrM
weeks ago is being shipped back for
consumption here, and that wood is
being burned in many steamboat boil
ers at St. Louis, two strong indications
thai the supply of coal is growing
President McKrl la estimates that the
numtwr of miners now participating in
the strike exceed 160,000, fully HO, 000
of whom could go to work tomorrow
on their own terms if they wished to
do so.
Conduct of Ihe Matron of Lancaeter
Ho.p'tal to ba Iuv.atlgatad
Lasi asThK. Pa,, May J Under the
direction of Governor Pattison. the lo
cal hoard of charities is investigating
sensational and seandalons charges
sgaiuat Mrs Webber, matron at the
connty hospital.
She is charged with extreme cruelty
to the inm ites, many of whom are
aged, and of scsndslous conduct In her
management. The investigation is be
ing held with closed doors
' e i
Hunlocka Creek Visited By a Disas
trous Conflagration.
Wm.keb Haruk, Pa. , May 2 Hotel
Prlngle and three houses adjoining at
Hunlocka creeks wsre destroyed by fire
The origin is unknown. Loss, $11,
000; partially insured.
The green worm scourge has appeared
iu northern Uerka county fields.
Surveyors of the Pennsylvania Traction
compauy begau work at Coatesville yes
terday. John Pitzslmmons was appointed alder
man of the F.ighth ward of .Seranton yes
terday by Uovernor Pattison.
Charles Shendel and Samuel Heard have
leased aud will erect a big breaker on coal
lands three miles south of Tainaqua.
Thomas H. Johnston, leading Urv goods
merchant of liuutiugdon, failed yesterday.
Executions amouiitiug to il7,000 have been
For writing an improper letter to a
Philadelphia girl, Johu H. Brewer, of St.
Peters, has beeu held nnder $300 bail at
After being presidsnt of Heading's
board of health for twelve yeara, L)r. 14. A.
Rhodes resigned and Dr. A. B. Dundor
was chosen tb succeed him.
Dockery Commission Tt lis How Many Clerks
May Be Thrown Cut of Employment.
The Learned Members Have Discov
ered That the Army of the Unem
ployed May Be Increased by tho Dis
missal of a Large Number of Peo
ple Who Are Employed in the Gov
ernment Service Resolution Di
recting an Investigation of the
Browne Clubbing Is Referred to a
WasHrSilTns, May 2.
TUK discussion of the tariff lull in
the ssuate today was not marked
bv any of tnu.e exciting inci
dents or Important announce
ments that had characterized the de
bate on recnl days Mr, Lodga (lltM.)
did mako a fruitless etTort to goad the
Democratic senators into a display of
temper, but they remained calm and
stolid, taking no notice wb ttever of his
The Kepubliean policy in regard to
the bill was outlined by Mr Lodge, so
far ss he was authorized to outline It,
in the declaration that the Kepubliean
party would welcome the responsibil
ity of defeating the bill, or stopping
its passage, and that discussion of
ey-rv item and a vole on evarv item,
would be insisted np m Mr Lodge
was followed by Mr. Squire, Washing
ton, in a speech in which tbe bill was
denounewd as a political and commer
ajtl monstrosity. No action was taken
on the pen ting amendment, and the
senate at S.48 adjourned.
The ltockerv commission today sue
reeded in passing thr ugh the house,
with but one dissenting vote, the v
nnth of tbe list of bills reported by it,
four of Wfeiah are now laws. This was
MM most comprehensive and Imp .rtant
measure prepared Jy tba oouiuiission,
pr ri II g for the aCwiiehing of tne of
fices of commissioner of customs and
second comptroller of toe treasury an 1
devolving their duties upon the audi
tors. Bjl the changes proposed, a ssviog of
200,0k) a jeer in clerk lure an 1 una
aallanaons expenses is nnti itpnta. 1 Put
this will not . . etT-cl at once, for the
work of the department is first in be
brought up to data and this will re
quire eolne tune and the empl uie:it
of an additional f. rce of clerks tempo
rarily. IWfore adjournment the house en
tared litem the cunsiderstion of tne
river and harbor appropriation tnl for
the year en ling June it i (800 I'.erly
in the dey Mr Johnson iDein , Obi
fere I as a matter of privilege a raooll
ti n directing the r.immittee on public
buildings a id k'r in, is to investigate
the assault ma la by the police on the
capitol grounds ve.ter lav up in cill
rens, which was said to have been . rue
an I unnecessary, aud to report to the
Speaker Crisp ruled the resolution
out as preeeiitiriajejn question of pnvi
lege l..ter Mr Johnson IntTOdnotd
the resolution in
it was referre I
action. Shortly
bouse adjourned
tbe regular war, and
to tbe committee for
after S o'clock the
l ght That Won d have fnnlra d tb.
M dem Ootil Bug
Pun io 1 1 itu, Mav I. Tba work
men engaged in eonntlng the hftv in I
lion sliver dollars that lie in the rec
ently opened vaults of the mint had au
exciting experience yesterday after
noon Ihe bags have rotted .o much that a
dam wae built across the vault to pre
vent the sliver from rolling out in case
the bags sln nM hurst A uumler of
workmen were on the mountain of sil -ver
r.sterday afternoon, and directly
beneath the wooden dam as its base
were several clerks. Suddenly a bag
beneath the foot of a man above
burst aid disgorged ita con
tents. The men on the silver
iu notnln started to coma down. Tba
bigs broke suddenly by the dozens,
and before the men in the Vault conlil
realize what was coining, over 100,000
silver dollars were pouring down upon
them, a veritable cataract of prttiottl
They jumped and ran, for there was
no knowing but that tbe millions above
might follow. Fortunately do one was
caught in the flood and no one was in
jured. a
The Ex-President Ralterates the Stats
msnt That He la Not In I r i ,
Cincinnati, May 2. Ex-President
Harrison, who is iu the city attending
tbe annual session of the Loyai Legion,
deuied responsibility for the Harry
New publication of yesterday, saying
he had only seen the young man once
iu months anil only to casually speak
as hs passed him. For this reason, he
said, he did not believe Mr. New had
been correctly quoted.
He reiterated his ott-repaated state
meut that he was not talking about, or
thinking of the next presidency, and
that most certainly no one had been
authorized to speak for him on the
subject. In fact he was giving his
mind exclusively to bia law practice.
Next State Council of the Order to Be
Held In Soranton.
HAnrtisiitnta, Pa., May 2 At this
morning's session of thu state Council
American Mechanics the following of
fleers were elected: Councilor, Hobert
M. Johnson, of No. 200, Pittsburg;
vice-councilor, H. U liolstein, of No,
85, Harrisburg; council secretary
Walter Graham, of No. 109, Phil
adelphia, council treaaurer, Charles
H. Kurtz, of No. 8(1. Philadel
phia; Council Inductor Jaeob Wnobob,
of No. 373 Big Run; Council Examiner
W. C. Hiilegaa, of No. 149, Reading;
Council Protector A. P. Uarnum, of
No. 8C0. Philadelphia; Representative
to the National iCouncil E. A. Noppel,
of No. 47, Philadelphia.
The. reporta of the national represen
tatives were submitted today and con
siderable routine business waa tran
sacted. This afternoon the state council de
cided to meet next year at Seranton.
This Time tb Bogua Explosive Is Found
at tin Recruiting Offloe
LONDOlfjj May 8. A supposed bomb
was found this morning at the entrance
of the reoruittngofflca, Spring gsrdens,
this city. The bomb consisted of a
screw-jointed cylinder to which a part
ly burned fuse was attached.
A man, apparently a foreigner, wear
ing a heavy overcoat waH seen loitering
about the spot some time previous to
the discovery of the supposed bomb
The "bomb" turned out, like the
"bomb " found yesUrday in the Guild
hall, to lie harmless. Nevertheless the
panple are becomiag alarmed at the fa
cility with whieh ancb artioles can be
deposited in public pisses.
Municipal Elections Show Remarka
ble Changes Democratic
Strongholds Overturned. tod., May 2. Munici
pal elections were held throughout
Indiana yest-rday. The only cities not
voting ware Indianapolis aiid pvans
ville, which operate nnder sjecial
charters. Terra Haute elcts the whole
Kepubliean ticket by m g iri'ies rang
ing from BOO t . 1 61 i. a. Kepubliean
gain on Mayoralty ol BOO Union Hjr
gives the U'ual K-pubiican majority
Bedford gives a dean sweep for the
rWpnbtloana, South Hand, usually
lemoeratic. go. Kepuolio.u on the
'utire Ueket by (00 Qca baw gives a
cleen sweep, with Kepubliean majori
ties of fratn BO to :0)
It is nsu. iy Democratic At Valpa
raiso, where tb liemocrate hs I a ma
jority of 100 two years ago, KepnhUcau
tnaj mi. a range from 79 lo it1"'. At
Kugomo Ihe Republicans win by
largely increased majorities ltrazil,
usually close, goes ll. publican Law
rencebtirg, usually Democratic, elects
the entire Kepubliean tlakat and
three . ut .f five eouncilmen.
!! ft ".J Mich ei:r. usually
D'lnocratic. both goi eavily Republican.
Richmond elects all Hepuhlicslis by In
creased in .j rules, aa doai Kendall
ville, liloommgion, Frankfort, Andar
OO, Munich, wreeu Castle, Klwood
and Marion.
All the gas belt cities show increased
; -bl lean tuaj Titles Nw Albanv,
n.ually 1,000 Democratic, elects every
i: pnbHona but nn. councilman, and
Seymour, another Democratic stroug
hel I. g ana Republican Lafavette goes
Republican with a gain of I 0,
Makara if Itf.m.l Maohinee Arrested
at Mt PI. a. an-
M T. PuMsvvr Pa., May i -Thfirst
attempt lo introluce dynamite In be
half of the coke .truer, waa frustrated
- ' lay A week ago Superintend
Ml Ram. iv. of tlM Bonlbwoat railway,
ra-aived rellsble information thst the
atrikars intended blowing up his oom
panv A ah. ft at Morewood
Mr Ramsey con.ulted with SherilT
M t'ann and. aa a result, suspected
psrties were put under surveillance,
whirh ended in th.m today
while putting the finishing touches on
boia be in the woo Is st Band Hill, half
mils north of town aud less than a
mile from Mm shaft, wblok the infernal
machine Waa Intended to destroy to
night. The prisoners are Edward Davis and
William McCracken of this place and
two foreigners Davis and Mc' rscken
slain t no v hail no hand In making the
bombs and were present by accident.
Haw Mi la at KonttUea Damaged $1,
250 OOO- Several Matinee Injured.
ToCteOK, May 2.-The enormous saw
mills of thu arsenal at Mourillou were
hnrnasl laal nigi.t. Fire lasted three
honrs sn.l did damage to the amount
nt$l,S80,000 There was great daager
of the hie extending to the ahip-build-ing
Several marine were aerion.l in.
jured. The origin of tho Ore is un-
snown, An otbcial iiiiulry has beeu
Hlnietar Thnmas Oeta a Qiod Dinner
and a Big l-s!nt!n- st Stockholm.
BlOi UOLM, Muy 2, -At the farswell
audience whicu the retiring United
States Minister, the Hon. W. V.
Thomas, Jr., had with the kin today
his nmjeaty proatntad Mr. Thomaa
with a lif.. size portrait of himself la
colors, (iiitH an unusual honor.
Mr and Mrs. Tbomil dino with the
king tonight at the palaoe.
a i
Ki-S'uator and Mrs. Henry L. Dawes
celebrated their golden weddiag at their
i'ittsneld (Ma.e.i home yesterday.
Allmny Hapnblioani flred lOO gnns to
ceU'bruto Kettiiiu'coutrol of thu city gov
an man! for the first time In teu yoars.
Harry S. New, In tba Indianapolis Jour
nal, puts Benjamin Barriaon iu the field
as a full-tledced t'resideutlul caudidate.
Following tho trial of Indianapolia cor
mptlon cases. Juror Armstrong was ,,
to prison for eighteen months for seekluir
a 12,500 bribe. B
For hurling an inkwell in a Minneapolis
court at a dangerous wituess, .loo White,
charged with murder, was put U hand,
cuffs for the rest of tho trial.
The Stannton, Virginia, jury In thecaaeof
Lawrence Hplllor, the negro charged with
the rape nnd murder of Lottie, Kowe, fouud
him guilty of murder in the first degree
and he was spntoncod to hang June 8,
Wasiiinoto?i, Mav 2. Fuvrcwtt
for Thursday: r0r Kartrrn
nmnst'iiiia, irnernlfi fair ifur
iHi Thursday; northwest winds
tirannina ttaWflHl i..,,.
f'eiinsianio, fair, tcarwirr, south winds.
Excellence Well Known
Designs Exclusively Oars
In addition to our regular lines
king "Till: BEST NEW THINGS. rt
For ono wt-ok we will oficr
"The Princess Gown" at 98c,
Also, tlireo Bpeciiil numbers ia
Cambric Corset Covers at
15, 23 and 35 cents each
s '-'l'i-s ami ;,!icl. int line of Shirt
NN iiistM ami Chemisettes.
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
Maltese Cross
And Onfc Iwrntd leather Boltinj,
IL A. Kingsbury
an int
III Spraca St , Seranton, Pi
Lewis, Reilly & Daviea
In Kusset Slioesn
114 Wyoming Avo.
Free of clinro-e. If a doctor,
is needed you are promptlj
told so. We also guarantcx
a perfect fit.
AH SILVERWARE and Damaged Ooodl
at Arcade Fire will be aold at
SO Per Cent Below Coat.
The Jeweler,
408 Spruce Street.
We Examine Eyes
1 J. Ml