THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAY 2, 1894. GORMAN'S BRAND DEPOT On account of the slump ill the Cloak Market in New York City within the last three or four days, enables us to offer many of this season's garments, Gapes and Jackets At a Reduction of 50 Per Cent. W IMEN'S Tailor-made Costumes TIip VWrst-d Srg and Covert Cloth Suit, whieh w arc hav injr such ii big merits with this season, arn maiiiifactrire'd xprrtsly for u nnd confined strictly to oar hons. thrby itisnritii: not only the highest sUulsrl of iiality, but THE PRICES IRE THE LOWEST THE WORKMANSHIP THE HIGHEST THE STYLES IID FIT PERFECT FOREST CITV FLASHES. Evnt of Ir.trt In a Llvtly Town R ported wlih Car Fpteial to tht BcttBBfM fYABBB FOMHl City. Pa,, May 1. An ics fream social will l hM in tho par lor of th? Itsiin. church tomorrow ( Wedn'lT evntung An excellent programme of music will Im mdtftd John & Hughea ru in I'lvmmtli to day. attendinif the funeral of liis brother thtld. H. K Vaughn, who hs bn Mr Krantt hookkewper for lome time patt, hat accepteil a position the Scran ton Truth staff. He will l tuo 'irutli reprcaantatiT at ( ' irbondnle Rr IJ. P. LtppkM wai . visitor In ths Klectno city today II P, Jobna tnada bnsintsi trip to Carbondale today. MUa Cora E Avry, of Carbondale. epent today pleaeantly in thia place ai tha iieat of Mitt Flo Allen. W. A l'rlce, whomovt-d from Scran ton to thia piaoa n abort time ago, has retnrneQ to bcranton. learing for that place today. Mr. l'rlca will be greatlv inissil by tha young people in thia pi are "The Light on the Point." waa pre sented by tha Ulaeeford company at Davie opera houn laat owning in a creditable manner. The "French Spy" is the nttraction tonight. "Combns tioo'' and "Dumb Ball," a double hill, will be given tomorrow evening (Wed nesday). Prices 10, M and .to cents Frank Palmer and Lew Kickfeller, of Susquehanna, were in Forest City today nud paid their lirtt visit to a eonl mine. K. M. Cramer, formerly n resident of this vicinitv, but of late of I iregon, Is visiting here for n short time HONESDALE GOSSIP. Ntwa of tha Day Reported In Crisp and Readable Items Fjircittl to tht Scrnntnti Tribune. IIonksha t.K. May I. OptD cars were nsed today on tha (Gravity railroad for the first time this season. Misi Mama Charleaworth, of Hcran ton, Is visiting friends in town, Louis Dsin returned from Now York today, bringing with him three butch ers who had juat come from Germany. Tha members of the Kioliauc club wero eutertained last evening by mutie from stringed instruments, which was furnished by four young men from Brooklyn. The club was ho well pleased with the musio that they have engaged the man to furnish mafia for a club dance at the armory this evehicg. Miss Mary Manner has returned home after An extended visit with Eas ton friends. Freedom Lode, Independent order of Odd Fellows, enjoyed a "Smoker" at their rooms last Dnring the curling of the amok a music and speech making went on. An enjoyable even ing was passed. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of 'Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had Con sumption and unit there was no hope for her, bat two bottle Dr. Kiug's New Dis covery completuly cured her and she gays it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Consumption, tried without result everything else thou bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery and in two weeks was cured. Ho is naturally thankful. It is such results of which these ore examples, that prove the wonderful eflicacy of this medicine in Coughs and (Colds. Free trial! bottles nt Matthews Bros,, Drug store. Regular size 60c. and f 1. Highest of all in Leavening Powef. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY PURS MINCED AT M I NOOK A. Oar Own Corrsipondsnt' Daily Dlth of Journalistic Hash. Special to the Scranton Tribune. HlROOKA, Pa., May 1. Michael Har nntt, of Miner's hill, left this morning for White Plains, N. Y., the home of his sister, where he will reside perma nently. Mrs. Alexandria Connell, of Clay avenue, visited Minooka yesterday. A championship game of checkers will be played tonight at Callery hall between Michael Thornton, of Pittston a Tonne, and John Washington Coyne for $2." a side. Referees, M. McDon ough and P. J. McNally. Tho number of oars runninc to I ireenwood has been redused nnd in stead of running every half hour they will run every forty minutes hereafter There will be a social in Callery ' hell tonight. i'.v Jttdfts Flandley and Mr, Munsev, land agent and surveyor for the Will iam t'onnall Coal comp:my. wero in this place yesterday viewing some land which has been purchased by Mr. Hundley. The tract nmounts to about 137 acres and contains considerable coal. The anditors of the township held a meeting Ust night in the hotel of Thos Mullen, of (ireenwool, to receive the report of last year's supervisors. Only half has been returned and a portion of the treasurer's report has bsen received. ork of opening and grading the upper end of llirney nvenue has been commenced by the residents of th tt portion of the street. Several large trees which have been standing in the road have been cut down and a lare portion of the bank that lined one aide of thi- road has been removed. When completed It will be oue of the finest streets in the place. Th question of attaching an Insur ance fund to the Tempvranre urn in, which was considered at the last (iiar terly convention in Green Ridge, ha been spoken of in this plsce, and !ia met the disapproval of the spiritual advisor of the St. Joseph's aosiety, who claims It a detriment to the s.iclety and does not with to tee anything of the kind connected with it. . - ARCHBUD GLEANINGS. An Entsiprltlna 1 -wn Wrlttsn Up In Torts and Nswav Style ,.-riol ti tht Sconton 7Vinia. A n 11 n a I h, Pa.. May 1.- Mrs. Jacob W igner. Of Ninth Main street, died at 1 30 o'clock this aflern MO Tbfl were few knew that her illness was of such a serious nature, and the announc -loeut of her death wat received with mingled surprise and FBfftt, Mrs Wagner wat one of the best known la titat of htr nationality In thu borough and hid many friends wtio will learn of her demise Bhi bad been a rvil dent of this place for nearly thirty years. She 1 survived by her butban.l and four childrtu, these are Frank, ll-ury. F.l lie and Julia Waguer. Tlie arrangements for tier funeral have not el been completed Mrs Wagner was a careful and Iti Inatriutit WOO AO, a good mother and a km I neuhhor There is much sorrow eipreised over her death. The cheering intelligence was given yesterday that the mines in tint vicin ity will lie allowed to mine an in crease of in per cent OTtl the output of last month. It is si long since any thing of this nature has taken place, that the miner are elatud over the an nouncement. A meeting of the Presbyterian cou gregatiot will lie held on V. IbJ evening for the purpose of electing triittevs foi the entiling term. Miss Jennie Hunter, of Main street, who has bten In the south tor several weeks, has returned home. Mark Price, of South Main street, made a business visit to Sarnutou to day. A rnnaway car on the I daw-are and Hudson culm plane created a gfMl deal of excitement yeaUrday while It continued on Its wild cireer. It fright ened th carpenters near the fo l of the piano would probably have done the same to Mr. Ilatt-uberg when it crushed against th company's office, hut for the fact that th it gentleman is a veteran and therefore not easily scared Th jtr caused the chimuey to tumble olT th oflKe Rev J C Rudolph visited his charge at Pncehiirg this afternoon. PENNED AT PRICtBURG Current Topics DUtMSOd by Our Ituitling Rsoor'tr Niciat tit tht Scranton Tribune. PUOIBORO, Pa. May 1. David Reese, it Voting man, 1? years old, who resided with his parent near tti Mar vin shaft, was crushed to death yeaUr day between tti tiumprs of two mine cars iu Storr's mine, where he was em ployed as a runner. Miller Farhinger will resign his posi tion as clerk in W. K. (iriftin's store this week, lie is about to embark in other business Mr. and Mrs. P. H. (iilgallon. of Scranton, called on friuuds in towu on Sunday. A lishing party will leave DieklOO during the week for the streams of Sus quehanna: When they return we will believe their stories just to oblige them John Houck, of Lancaster, and R Lyons, of Madia, Pa , are stayiug at the ('antral. Oscar Wontacoit, formerly or Rich mond store iu Dickson, has been trans ferred to the branch store in Forest City. 'squire James J, Logan lias been called to arbitrate a vnry difficult case between Mrs. Peter Race and Mrs. Mil ler. Wa hope the 'squire's sound ju Ig nient will satisfy both parties, Luke Magnire, of Prlceburg, sn nouueos himself as a candidate ou the Democratic ticket to the next county convention. Jobu K Miles, of Pottsville, is a vis itor iu town. Any news items, personals, etc., left at the residence of John A. Murphy will receive prompt attention. mien Baby wnn Mek, we gnvn her Castor. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she liceame Jllss, she cluinr to CasUiria, When th hail Children, she gavothuui Uustorla, Baking Powder JCRMVN AND VICINITY Varlou Topics of Iatrtt Intslltgently Becoidd for Hurrlsd Rssdsrs. Sfi$tUH to the Scran tun 'Vioroie. JBRMYN, IV, May 1 -R D, Fellows, accompanied bv E. II. House, addressed a small audience in Repnhlican head qnnrters last evening. The meotint: was not properly advertited, very few having heard that Mr. Fellows would be present. A. W. Walkey, our enterprising young photographer will opeu a studio at Farview this trimmer. C D. Winter is in New York. J. O McCarty, representing O, S. Mains A Co. , was in town ysler lay making arrangements for Mains' mam moth shows which will exhibit on the grounds near the Ontario and West rndopot May 11. Remember the date, May 11 John Pellio and Will c'oleman, of Scranton; F H. Bailey, of Waverlv, Pa., nd J X. Edgerton, of Carlisla. Pa . were Jerinvn visitor yesterday. William Hrougbal, of J atrest, it con fined to the bouse with rheumatism The stock of Liveryman Woolruancy will be told t private sal, and not by the sheriff, on Friday morning The item was an error In yesterday's paper which Mid that Bharlff Fahey would dispose of it. Mrs. ('. V Stanton, of Carbondale, visited friends here yetter lav A public meeting of the Women's Home Missionary sity will be held in the ptrlors of the Methodist BplfOO pal church this afUrnoon. Tne pro grsmme will intsrest vou. I it hoped MS) will have a largl attendance J I Stocker transacted business in Scranton yesterdsy A regular meting of R tub brook loilg will be held tomorrow evruing. Work in the initistory degree DUNMORE OESCRIBEO. Nwt of a Iiay T.rssly Rpnt1 for Uilok Ptrustl. Nirtnl tQ tht NrriaPo Vilnlnr. DcRMOU, Pa., Mat l Tii rapidly increasing Attend OM at tti poblifl schools it it thotigtit. will necessitate ll eiilargeinht of I til ' of til school I miliums atid the building of others. The present accommodations are luad q late nml the teacher too few ScbcMila 7 and I are especially ovr Otowdod, Mbolan bein,' crowd I three in a seat T'HK TRItOVI corre spondent ws ats ir. l by good oatkor ny that llapi to improv the present con litions would bi tsk-ti at mice, an I by neit term the tdOOAtiOOAi fa ctlitiea will b greatiy incrd Su pAriBtoodaol wllliani ha a)m iit- gested thai many l.igner tirauches l introduced. making It posslbl for scholars to tak a college preparatory conrte at our sc'io I. Thomss Protbtroo, for a number of veart untie foreman at the CttpAJI OfOTA uolnerv, hss acctpted a poaiti ui with the new inining company whicb will locate near the icr breaker The new compary will mine tti coal remaining in the old Filer Working and will slto erect a washery an I sjm arat th smaller stzt from tha old BpMOOf .tunp. Fr.sli mdk cents pr qtnrt, 21 quirt" i Pilmer's. M Mrs. j l nristls visiting relatives at TaabhABDook, Pa Thomas Palmtr has teen rctink tome han laoine new signs on bie-splac-of butiness The Lsdies' Al l sosiety of th Prt byterian tbnnh will b 0d a t ciai in th cbu.cti parlors on Thurtdiy even lag I he ladies bave all euviebU record ns enlertaitien and U'i M should stay awnv. - AKOUNU AVOCA. UterOattaf fits . t News C n-p l1 by Brsesy Wrltr. fytnnl F ISs n 7VlMnt Av.e a, P , M .y 1. -Mr. R 1. r' Atkinson, of WOWOOf ill, died at hei lioiiie Istt evening after a severe attack .f rbtoiBAilim I1 1' s i wis aboai 4" vesrt of age and It survived by s husband and one daughter. Tlie fuu ral Ml 1 III (run lit will le made I a 1 1-1 The hose house of lb Avoca Hotecompiny, N. 1, will be told l Bight at SOOlioa mid a larger huuai will I erected in II pi 10 A party wrs hel l last Bight at tin new reside BOA Of C tiolius OeborBA Ot McAlplli street. DaBOiBg and gain-w.-re kepi up until lale in ill evening The Missionary society of in Ling cliff.' church wiil iiiGt at the bOOM " Mrs Divid M. itou on TnurtJav after noon IVter Dnning.iti wa severel) qtleeZsd Sbolll the hips 111 th Ling cnlle mine on lion lav. The wall which ts tieiog built aI0B ihe ere k is almmt completed II M Harvey, who has bsen pastoi of the I'nuiiiive M tho list church h.-r. for the pas! er, left this morning foi Oneida. N. V Mrs. BfAO DA?!, who was taken to the W UK' I ll.irr DOSOital last week, died on Monday. She leaVAA a husband and oue oblld lo in . urn ne loot. Miss Agnes Fi. .muni mi is the as sistant pOAlBliAtTAAA A little sou of Martin Curley lies daugeroiisly 111 of pneWBOBhk HAUSTEAO PtNCILlNG3. Partifrspht of In.rtt ft i in a Sus quehanna Town. filarial to the AtaNHsfOA 7Vi7hi.. HaUBTBAO, Ph.. May I -The hous. on Main street occupied by Mrs SIikm it receiving a coat of paint. Remember the address tomorrow night in Railroad Young Men's Chris tian Association hall by Miss Mary Crosby, the noted hymn writer of New York city. Mrs. Mary Miller, of New Milford, is visiting her daughter, Mrs B, M. (isxe. Miss Fowler, of Uiiighnmton, Un popular music teachnr, will be here in the future on Monday instead of Fri day. CARBONDALE ITEMS. News of a Sultry Day at Reoorded la the I louatr City. Pjwcial to the .Vcranlna Triftiiat. Carbonhale, Pa., May 1 Arrange ments have been completed to the of fect that U P. Dodge, who has beeu connected with the Lewis house ut Liinghiiinton for nim years, and is now general manager of the Craadull house, to become the proprietor of the new Hotel American. Mrs. Dr. Van Doran, of Arcbbald, was a visitor here today. The funeral of the la'e John Phillips will bo held this afternoon at 3 30 o'clock from the residence ou Wyoming street. Interment will he made in Maplewood cemotery. Bennie Morris, the 5-year-old son of Captain B. E. Morris, of the Herald, died last nigbt at his home in Provi dence. At the reglar meeting of the Carbon dale Poor department last evening aside from other business transacted, the following bills were ordered paid: Kin nack Bros., funeral expanses. $25; Delawaro and Hndson coal, $27.5); John Devine, supplies. $2.30; P. F Hughes, supplies, $23.2d; Lyneh & Uronsou, feed. $33 50; J. B Shannon ct Co, seeds, $5)1)1; purchase of lots and digging graves in St. Rose eemetery, $18. KEYSTONE ACADEMY NOTES. Nw of Intrtt from Fair Faotory vlll's Inttltutlon of Liarnlng:. Niiecinl to the Scranton 'Aiouae. FaOTORYVILLV, Pa , May 1 DAvid Cur, of Joriuyn, spent Sunday at his home. (i. W. Slocum has besn spending n few days at his home in Seranton. Professor D. I) Harm on spent Sun day with Rev. Ford, of Oreeti Ridge. Professor E K Hulley supplied the pulpit on Snnday at the LHptist church of Waverly, which is still without a pastor. The young msn are quite enthnsiai tic over the idea of having the athletic field in good condition, and are lending a helping hand. The fourth annual banquet in honor of Principal Loomis will be given ou Friday evening, May Is. on week ear lier than previously arranged. The plgl readings contest of th young ladies given on Friday evening wat In every respect a grand success The house was filled to oyerll iwiug and nearly all present were Iree to state that it was the best contest that had ever been held at Keystone academy. After much deliberation the judges awarded til pri.s to Mist Delia Cole nisn. with honoiuble mention to Miss Kthel Carr. COVERED HEAD & NECK Bcsema of W orst Type. Beboolaaol Society Abandoned. I ' II PBsttt Would be Belief Cuticttn Soon Put An I Mid to all goOerlBgii yerlnee I wa three y. irs oil I hire lwen In. I with Ki etna f tht ret hi It at i k I I SSB Usee ranpltslj ovi sate trini i torts ol n. t ii ll.'S'l Ii.. n.ri-.l lo mam very talnenl pnysM tans, dui i'h bo savsstsbie ressdl Bostsasael ui bead SM uuusof thick erab that woOM run and blsl, end IB tummri would belosraeh wofte: no sen looked is ihoagh tin t troold uu on. I i . " 1 1 I in.! In si li. I ..r uiiiigle with s.e. leii as 1 1 . .... a., n no I'll I I. u i i ones Hi it seats trottM i a leiief) suHtnai And it. turn until I hit lU knew hit I" do 1 got I SlJ I i ii. i as RKMKSUBt thl h.if .Nauan lat jtrnl M a.-. ..i.liiitt i dm i IRNM, and I M !" i twin lows arvetl sr tanenriiE irosn u iottidi UlSejUM 1 lU'lftli-ht II "t.'-l 41,' I lrie.1 the i . Ol d.sUir with f ill little relief Ni man (ii n atlRKM. 14,i7 ueorgeBtte! l- i B it. WAS IN CONSTANT AGONY I tme seJfseel fross a tnere attack f what ISOAlM HnirlgO Tli" disease r I an intense t.iirnme and II. Iin tt tins tin I fit lat hill rest iU ..r oigtit. i ri" ha enre.1 me entirely in a l. w ekt. IiuertuUj teivtuleelel ll tot llkeitr-'iihle. (Ills III I r. I eilaas BsAtA -n. Mu b. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS OlraMoa of e,n mp re. Mi l I onslllUt UW I ut lumlelu USeSAi I Ptts, OtlS ' as, ist. l I TTSa lal 'r. net rt, BotSoa. I'lx tee," Ins -! free. ! t'i" nsb ail a Oe.. Heir. ii. . Kr..i I l I ''' ACHING SIDES AND BACK, II p. k, -liie. ah 1 titrruii a.n ftii'l oTfMlMMM ralTrl In MM mlniit I ibsj ( ullrtiro. A A tie rilrr. 1 ti trtt iu 1 yi..) i a.m i-K I Jhi:t. N. A. HULBERT9 City Music Store, - b lOhtlMU AVtj et;iA:.;oA hi i ivn x Mm lift Kl II lUtolHKIM am KKAMt II Htl k Hit i.i. ,k ii t KH PIANOS I v k r ... soak ORGANS mi si i , in Hi ii sNUlttht ait mu, no. i u: B RICK DRAIN TILE, FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW, VITRIFIED. FIRE AND COMMON B R I C K Best in the market OFFICE: Blnghamton, N.Y. FACTORY: Brandt, Pa. Brandt Clay ProductCo Mr. James It. Bond l'hlladlphla, Pa. Muscular Rheumatism Sciatica and tho Piles Adds to the Sufferer's Misery Four Bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla Effects a Wonderful Cure. "C. I. Hood It Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Oentlmeni Asaresiilt of tho memorable blitttrd of lUreb, im, I contracted muscular rblumAtitni ; at that time I was enuaced on a Jnhof ItSMBiltting In FtalBBIld, N. J., and II was necessary lor nie to wade through tho snow to th building, a new residence, In which we were working For eighteen monthl aftei w uils I was laid up with muscular rheumatism and sciatica. 1 then Joined my son lndaw In Denver, Col, where I was MgAged In steam llttlng and engineering, and when: I eomncncec to Uke II". id's Sarsaparilla fur my rheumatism It cured me not only of the rheumatism snd sciatica, but also of outward piles, from which for thirty thres rears I bad suffered A Thousand Deaths. Previous to going to Denver I visited the i oivcrtltyol Pennsylvania to be operated upon. The doctor pronounced my case etonjAOOa 0 th bOWSlS And tOS worst he ever saw. He re fused to perform an nperatluu. saying that after haviai tulleieil so many reari It was SOt worth while that I thmild die at that late day from the efle.-tj of the kiille, and die 1 would If he uted It, No Man Can Concolve what I tillered for thirty-three years. I tried all torts ol remedies and treatments, often without Ihe slightest relict Four bottles of H ..d vn ..ii .. ..; , i.. t .,) ,, .,,.,( ,tl, cured, both tlie piles and rheumatism,' Tti HoodV'-Cures IBt trace of rheumatism which I feel now Is a little sturnose when the resteer changes, ami as I will be ;.l years old In August that It hut incidental In my aye hi, , sjBpIS tUte inetit .f (acts." .Unrs K. ll,, mi, 5 West Norrlt Street, Plilladrlplua Pa Mood's Pills hi ore gftt ll!s. mn, . . .'. ... Or. K. Grower m Pciiid'iDaia SptdtNtl, led Ml ..l.te. itotal Kn.ll.h aal ler I Hi'.unu, tn.aautltocatl Temple Court Building n-1 gpitfji i sr SCRANTON, o..,. B seseaileJ DaU.1 and II lAt. el I 'Vv"'" 'At a S'l ista uf ta t'titreny ci I enns) iTsais, nrsserlf demoostrauir of t.V ""' J ''ry at tb Neillci hlr ti V Steal i i ,. oc niUadelphta II b also rsiy , tmttr ,J ts. o i hlrue Aaa ut: , ud at lo.-lsa and S It thief . 1 tho rnrwt b. t.-l Ainr n iman li.wi'it.K roine lii,rhly p.. I irpl " .rf I'lu.s l'i til s-il Hi- m y resrs of horll ritairtcooe a tht thts ssrat phi SSSlss SM nrg.m t i ''""T Jtafl m sn 1 all d.f rm M SJM t . with the QMtS ftatterlas aeo, St hp l.i. h SkillJIsg in the lt- uA .l w blm o accept any Ineural.le rsx I i in i si , n ii , mn i; i . i , i u r ii U I k I . Ill 1 1 1 Mi sits it in IryieitisT int txren op iy yo ir phvl esn rail upon the J., tor and m riamined He cure ih ., rat tsavawof Nervorai UeblHtv r rata, (ltd Borea 'rfh, I'll. K.inaU WeniH. Affo.i) as of lb R.r Byt N . roaiAei lfi.ea '1 mn . 'an fsn i .4 Crl'il-snf rrii.t d.erii .n I'-. a rn'ta'lon In F.n..ih aad BerBslB PreB wlueb i tit ti seaAMeesd m. rl sad ttnotie tool BsbMaI re.. Noon 'i vi. to w r. i. DsjUj lumiai i B a. ta. to a p ni. Third National Bank of Scranton. Matoeaoal Ph :a . I BOA, oattoj for b Iks I'iroiier hi the Co i roai i.i -oi i.i i I ClM" 1 1, erili ll I i lied Hal Bosiils.... nihil H..I..I" 1'Hiiblni; lli'ii". promlasai en l . I it u ion- in in i . I i reosavof ItBA fSOSB IlitnkN (! Bi.? no HIT kl an.otni oc . Ill, ATI 7.-, s.u:i n IM.I , 7 i.oo on ?oh tin ::i . Il. i.i ' 1 1 I '.'ll... 1.10. All I 1 Mill lilts ( ii pi at .. aino nnn on 140 000 Oi nil Imii im 71,000,00 104 SO ,., 1 , 56 1 nun :. i ,000,00 ' ISO 00 ."ii i"- Dadlvldod ProBte,, I Ireolallitn Ilvldas1i l npaiil. ho post Is.' line lo llaillii W ll 1 1 All ( IIVM I.I, I.I U II I Al I IN Mill I M nun Preside! I Ii l i ...lilent. II I'l l Ii, I ashler Oils William CoBnelL Ooopm II ( nil 1 1, Allnil llilliil ' Mil.'. An liliuld Hen rj Hi Jr. Keller. William T. v it, Lotbor This hank nflbro In depositors eyery facility warranted by Iholr balano, imsi nesM and responsibility, Bpoelal Bttentloa (Ivea to imii . cminta. Interest paldol time deposlsa Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM 1:'1'I"VS f-Vsnblec. Pimnh Liver Molet, Bliekhoadt, 8unburn auil Ten, and Ms itoroa tho skin to its origi nal in'stincss, pToduciiiK a clear aim neaiuiy rom-U . .. , C..nnn.l'.lW T ln &ii. ii. r.ii.i iiin men i. tiu preparations ami perd i ily hartnless. At all iruggista,ur mailed lor SOds. tkml lor Circular VIOLA 8KIN SOAP l simply lnmrarsosMn tt s thin purirflnt Sosp, uaeiinRarl Ihr tho tnllet, mid without t rlvnl tot tbs mirntry. Abeolutrlr pun. anil delkat medi csud. AMniwiiti, Prlo IS Cants. G. C. BITTNER A. CO., Tot.eoo, O. For salo by Matthews Bros., Morgan nros.aud Morgan & Co, . A - .M KjJtadt Ibi- JV7.-S ); nmiinnmmiiiimiiiiitiiiiuiiiiHiiiiiiHiiiiiiHiii,iiiuiiniiiiiiiaiHrj EverythsngFOR Everybody AT The Fair 400402 Lacka. Ave. "Always the Cheapest'' Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Notions, Fancy Goods, Infants' Wear, Cloaks, Curtains, Boys' Clothing, Boots and Shoes, etc. GRAND OPENING OF OUR New Millinery Department FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY MAY 4, 5 and 7 siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiic.nnninnuinnniiniiHi J apanesc NEW Hand-woven Carpets and Rugs 30x60 inches, $1.75. Smyrna Rugs All Sizes Easels 8creens Baskets Tables Vases Shades Beaters Sweepers Hassock3 Rods Pads Fnnjjo Plush Cord Gimp Tack3 KERR & SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. ij BtywpliRjf t b dflBH ibmSIbbbBbsmIsibBBi A mTiTi With an Eye To secure more patronage, in addition to our already extensive trade, we have de cided to inaugurate the following Gift 1 Mstribution to all purchasers of - & 7 IZ Worth of Goods I . M V D or over. ,i "f 11 100 pi,',,c DInnet s,'t' A Worth Of Goods I V tft of an EHegnnt American J J or over. Onyx Finih Clock. WITH EVERY Sideboard WITH EVERY BEDROOM SOIT WITH EVERY Parlor Suit M-si , . i ins advertisement in order to secure the GIFT DISTRIBUTION hold good for cash or credit sales. Goods delivered free everywhere. LOT 9x12 feet, $15.00. Coat Hooks Towel Racks Card Tables Brass Tables Music Racks Bric-a-Brac Umbrella Stands Rogers' Groups Curtain Pole3 Picture Hooks Brass Tacks Stair Buttons Bead Portieres Eamboo Curtains Step Chairs Blacking Boxes A One frnil subject in JAnthivie i tak and (ioid Frame. A Pastel in Ivory nnd (,'old. Km. )iro 1'iaiiii'; sonu'tliinir m w. A heavy pair of Chenille Portterci iu all colors. must be oresented abovp tn'fihi. Tln"