TI1E SCBANTON TRIBUTE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAY ii, 1894. 'Remarkable how well mamma looks and bow she has gained in nsh, Yoa houhl do the tarn. " "The loss of fliah is a triib. You think yon need not mind it, but you are gradually rutmiut? down. Do like uiiiuima. Use Carlsbad Spmdel Salt every morning boforo breakfast. It will increase your appetite and curt' you of that dyspepsia and biliousness from which you are sulTsrinK. Bo sure to get the genuine Imported article. No subterfuge. " TO BE TRIED AGAIN. Charles Boaenorancs to Stand Trial for the Killing of Thomas Nally. Fptctal tO the Srrnnttm ri i-i - Putston. Pa., May. 1. Charles Bosenerance, who was tried and ac quitted last week of the charge of in voluntary manslaughter in the court 01 quarter afSlloni for the killing of Charles Hjusn, hit widow as prose cutor, is to be tried on the same charge this time for the killing of TIioiuhs Nally, who was killed in the same manner. Andrew Qntno is the prose cutor. The case is set down for trial today The pfOMOQtiOO will be in the hands of District Attorney (iiinmin, assisted bv V. I. Hib'.is, and the defence by C. Frank Liohati and Jo'iu T. L-uuhaii. TO WCP THE TOWN. The CcmmltU, So Decide and S-nn the Nsosstary Contract. Ftenttt fo thr Scrnnlttn YViftuna PlTTBTOK, Pa., May 1. -Alter uiak ing a tour of the borough yesterday the advisory committee and uieiiiler of the council met la the Hook and Ladder rooms this evemug and pre sented their suggestions relative of making a map of the town previous to having it MWefOll, It was tna concen sus of opinion thai a map was uouunsary and after calculations made by En gineer Potter it was voted to have a map made The necessiry papers were drawn up and signed The ptice agreed upon for the map was JtidO. The nine ueceisary to com plate the work will be about four weeks. Til): I LOOO is the source of health. Keep It pure hy taking dood's Baraaparilla, which la pianllar to Itself, andsoperior In treuitii, soonomv aad madlctaai merit. BooD'8 I'll. i s ar" purely vegetable, rare fully prepared (rom Mm best ingredients. Twenty -tiVH cents. POINTED Pt NCILINGS. Of the Two Pmiton, Paragraph! foi Hasty Reading. i"ruit t tht flbraa&oN rYtseasi PiTTSTus. Pa., May 1 - James L. Morns, of this plaot, is now the tola uwuer of the Baateton Plaln-Spoeker, having purchased It at slierilT's sab Monday. Carter's scenic production, ' The Past Mali," will appear at Italic Hall 1 tin: sdv evening. The c 'mplimntary to the la ly friends cf the Blsca Diamond Ho and Ladder company, wi.l he held in Keystone ball tins atoning. Wiiluiu Kennedy, manager; William Sails glier, assistant tuaunger , Kl H-oht-.i l, Jamrs Gibbons, sr , an I M V Qntun, receptiou Oommittao; Oacar Lunch, master Of OOretnoniOS ! James dilations, jr , assistant msster of csremonies, have the matter m ehafgn. Mr. J. C. Manning, of Mm;- Ball book store, secretary of the Tn (' Wot Christian Kudt-avor union, left yester day morning tor Philadelphia to attend a meeting of the state executive com mittee of tl.o C B, to nuke nrranga ments with the trunk lines for special rates to the Internal! mal convention at Cleveland Dr. J. IV Itah 0U expects to leave on Friday morning mi an extensive south ern trip, primarily lo attend tne na tional convention of tha Railway -nr-geoiis' association, to lie held at Gil vestou, Texas QaMtte. Professor Stealer, of the West Sida. rill conduct the -x iiuination of the jraduatitig class of the Wyoming high cnool tills year. At about in o'clock last evening Charles Dsnniaon. a well known Went Hide young man, and a member of the West Pittaton Hose company, was quietly stroHiug down Itiver street, and when near the residence of Cord. C King he was app: cached by thro unknown men who seized blm and or dered him to deliver op his possessions. Tney each had their beads covered with bandkarobisfi to ennoeol their identity. Mr. Denniioii Informed the men that, bo IiniI no money or valuables of any coussquence to them, and made every possible etrort to get away from Man, but it was of no avail. They were bent on robbing him ami they threw him npon the pavement with considerable force and went through all his pockets and found nothing but a box of cigarrettes. There Is no elew as to who the men were Journal. A largo number of our Hebrew friends are in receipt of iuvitations to be present at. tha dance to be given by Oflanbolm'i orobaatra in Loomis ball. Wilkes-liarre, Thursday evening. J. Lew Wagner, of Plymouth, a candidate for the Republican nomina tion for clerk of the courts of Luzerne county, cello I on old friends here yes terday. Candidates James Waddell was cir culating among the politicians last evening. At the regular meeting of the West Pittston school board, held Monday evening, Ullie following resolution was adopted: "Resolved, That the hoard of directors strongly recommend that all the teaehsrs and pupils b vac cinated! in strict compliance with the ordinance of town council, passed the 2d dry of April, nnd the proclamation issued by the board of health the 10th day of April; and the principal be hereby instructed to urge the necessity of immediate compliance." The merchant. No ad Bad. llig art Hind. Oar.rtle, West Union, Iowa. . . The most beautiful eight in the world Is to see a family gathered around a hearth stone with the head of the Household read lug the local paper -paid for in advance. Jitv. 2am Jones. Bueklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum. Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 5 ceuU per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. A CHAPTER ON PUDDINGS. Borne Recipes That Are Commended as Be ing Good, Sliuplo and Inexpensive. 1 'What shull I niako for dessert?' 'is the question which comes to mauy house keepers every day iu tho year. Many fall back on pie and seldom make pnd dings, partly because of habit and be cause plea are easily made. So aro pnd dinga, many of them, and they make a desirable, change, especially in thewarm Weather, when wo do not Deed as much fatty food. With a view to being help ful several recipe:- fron.eVood House keeping are here reproduced Let us begin with an applo batter pudding. The ingredients are a pint of milk, a pint of flour, 4 eggs, a table spoonful of butter, a teaspoonfnl of salt, a pint of pared and sliced apples. Beat the eggs, add milk and other ingredients. Stir in the applet lightly. Bako in a buttered podding dish. Serve with cream and sugar as soon as done. When applea are gone, then come ber ries. Many varieties make gixsl pud dings and dumplings, especially gsse berries, whortleberries, r;tsplerrics and blackberries. Here is a recipe for berry balls: Roll out biscuit dough, cut in squares, put n spoonful of berries on, bring corners together, place on a but tered tin. Melt a tabli spoonful of but ter, a heaping ipooafnl of sugar, one half c upful of hot water. Hip over the squares. Sprinkle with sugar and bake, For lsTry charlotte till a buttered mold or bowl with stab' bread crumbs. Stew a quart of berries, strain through cheesecloth, sweeten, heat up again and pour hot over the bread em ml is. Press down, cover and set In a cool place or on ice. When ready tO serve, turn out on a flat dish and eat with GroaiU. lu summer, when eggfiuid milk are abundant, oust aril and custard puddings can l quickly made and ale palatable and easily digested. A custard can Isi made in live minutes and baked in half un honr if the oven la just right. The se crets of baking a onstard and not having it watery am lip, to have fresh eggs ami milk t make it of; second, not to have the oven too hot; third, to place the dish containing the rraetard in a tin pan holding h.it water, so that the on tard dish will not come in contact with the hot iron beneath it Tile custard should not be out of mind from the time it is put in until it is out of the oven. Try it with the blade of u knife, and if it conies out clean take it out. Sam tunes a minute too long baking will siK.il it. llorch..uiil mi..I I Of ('"Ida. Old fashioned horebotind candy is very good for OOQgfas and hoarseness. Boil an ounce i f dried bofthottnd iu a little over half a pint of water for half an hour. Strain, add m arly 2" pounds of brown sugar and Isnl until hard when tested. Poor into greeted panai a small porcelain lined kettle is the beat dish to Oaa in i king, although a bright tin baain will answer. The hands must be well buttered before working. To M ike a lis OaSSlSSi Bent 8 sggs s. parately, Take a cup fa of sweel it, ilk, into one-fourth of which stir a teblegpoOBfal of flour. When the milk boils, stir In the paste, add a little suit and a tablespe.nful of butter and fat it OOOL Take 2 table- ipooofalsoi minoed htm, a Uttfaefaop H'd parsley and thyme and stir with the yellows, then all the well beaten whiten. Have a well Hr-a-sl skillet and bake in a quick oven. Henri MogfeSi An exchange say - that fine boney muf One are made thnsi Bifl together lj pints of flour, 'j toaepoonfnli of baking now derand a hall teaspoonfnl of salt w..rk in 2 tablesps.tif uN of butter, l-at and add 8 eggs, a tenenpfnl of boney and n half pint of milk, (hike in a hot oven. mags VeSWI Want In Htmw. It is a whim among Hi., fair sex just now to make birthday prawillts to one another of a cup and nWOST With a skii thrust through the handle. OH UKolOMd table linen Ih.Ui china and silver are seen to thebet advantage. If a bit of color H liked, it may be intr.e dnoed In center pieces and aw fats for the bread plate, 4he oUve dish and doiliea. A teaapoonrnl of gnnonfajtoa teaoop- fill of water for cle.ining jewelry. Filigree butterflies monnted on trscn ulons sprays and attached to hairpins are g favonte ornament. We have taken to sealing our letter . even in tins age of haste, and lar.'e sticks of many colored waxes arc set in -liver tops, which form a seal and os-n to dis play a reservoir for the live minute matches. Silk 'and wool mixtures are again in favor. The heavy white and ecru laces now in favor and embroideries in opai design-. ImUdjting lace, will Im- used for trim ming drews ,,f spring and summer. Cure for Haadath. As a remedy for nil forms nf Headache Klet trte Hitters hits proved to bo the very best. It effects a permanent rare anil the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure h liottle nnd give this remedy a fair trial, n CaSOS of halutual constipation Electric Hitters curee bv giv ing the needed tone to the lsiwels,Hud few rases long resist the use of this medicine Try it once. Large bottles only Fifty OSatS st Matthews Kins', drug -tore. otjrbi Bad Blocd. Cl'KI S Bad Blood. I HKS Bad Blood. I have been luirnrlng ten years with Kryalpelas. llsvs tsken iliH:tors inetliclnes and E stent medicines of most all in. I,, but none seemed to dc mu any good. 1 llimlly mads til. my mind to try Hurdona Blond Bitters Have used four bottles of 11 B B , and thins myself entirely cured Mas N .1 McCatlv, Service. Beaver Co., Pr. Purifies The BLOOD. DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN Qualified Veterinary Surgeon, Over Thirty Years' F.xperloneo Practical Shoeing Oraduuteof the American Veterinary OotlSgQ Tim treatment of 1.AMKNHB8 and cthor tin jjedlmonts In the movements of horses every afternoon. I.amenndslea animals examined nnd pre scribed for free of ehanjatevorf Monday from 1 toiP.M. HOPE FOR DYSPEPTICS A Natural Food Tliat Does Not Require THE WAY IT IS DONE. How Mixing With Fruit Acids Digests Food Before It Is Even Taken Into the Mouth. Natural foods are as a rule insoluble. They must be dissolved before they can be absorbed. Digestion is the dissolving of food in our mouth, stomach and intastiues. It is done by ipsciej ferments prepared by special organs. A great deal of energy is used up in digestion. Well people can spare the energy, sick people cannot. Peonle who have not sufficient energy suffer from indigestion. It is plain that Paskola, which is an artitically digested food, will save a sick person a good deal of energy. Artificial digestion is the dissolving of food outude the body by the same ferments that dissolve it inside the body. Paskola is a fattening food mad of grains and fruit that has been digested in this way. It also aids in the digestion of other foo l. Sick people need all their energy to get well. They should take Paskola. Thin people spend their energy in bnsi nest or other cares and worry Paskola will make them fst without giving their digestive organs anv work. Paskola la an ideal natural fattening food. It is uiors. It is natural tonic food that does not create faise new energy but helps you to husband wliat yon have. Any one who readi the thankful words which follow will be convinced of the surpassing worth of this great artificially digestive food: YYkston, N. Y., March i, 18M ThePre-lugtsted Food Co , 31) Heads Street, New York. tlKVTl.t M. Yours of recent date at bsud. 1 bate given the patuphletn to dif ferent pereona as requested And UuW let uie add that 1 l ave BOt changed mt mind any in reference to the up. i lot value nf i'nkola, not 1, it is doing Wonderful Work, Not only s it running and crystal like Iu appcarai.ee. but Us rtti Is felt Bon everv day since I com- u. ci. cci using tt. I take It aooordlng to directions, bat what m tiii more, I net sad of its being nauseating and nnpfaaiant. It is dellci.au. I tbittl also that I'ask .la needs little advsrtisesasat and tm testlgaonlats, as t will be sccepte.1 ..u its mn merits, this bring eu flit-iuii t to convince the BSOSt ekep Ileal after a trial of s day or two at I. ncet I lay it is a feed fully rapshia i f doing even di .re g. .si tl.au f r nba h it is adver ' tiaed idrejMiia I eonsldsr It simple duty to tell what It Is dolag for me, that the dmmvery may bo secenraged nd asxned ol luasarvw ons value. Keepsrtfiilly Jills. R P ( ASV. BinxiWOB, M J. April 11. IWM. The PreDigeeted Food On., M Rends street. Saw York. in mi iv seu,g r,,,ir advert laentenl of Paakela as flesh furmihg f i son- c'u Irsl t" teet tie- menu i f ymir rrpara in n f. r my littU gul tin. ti now four yinm if ami !. always beau th.n and puny In (act, has tw, n under Ike 0. ctnr'tcare fr..m tartb. Ilef.. r. the fltst Is ttls hs l ten c m Slimed I discharged tt.e.l. M as I SOitl r- uch a marked aad rapid rhai ge for in tx'tter, ae aba in raia.llr gaining In f1-ti . Her little fac, i.nie . tbiu and romrlaaa, la now n uudlug up daoy, and 1 notice a pink lint on ber cbeokt thai I never un before. Paskola it worth its igbt m gold. Vm U Mil t ta. I'siknla nut Is i.l.tatned of anv repnteble drnggiai a psmphiet on' food and digestion will tea malle i free t M i . , .. .. , . I . . I . . - I on n. ,'.. ... "i i.r in I. - e.,nii.i; Pood Co., M Heads street. New York An Kisr n Pants s bey tn a Weal Chester icbisd nt m ths following eaaav on "I'anU ' last Fri day ''Panto are nHsde fei m.-n an I net snan made ret panto heo a man pants f. r a wi man and a w.m.an panta for a man they are a nail I f pr.t Surb pants deeag t last long. I'anl arellksm. M0S0S they sre tbluei In bat xeathei and thicker Iu cold. The roan in the moon rhangee bis pants during tbs reitpOS DoW t yog go to Ike pantry fat psma, you may tss mietaken. men sre often miatskeu in panta, neb lideiai.ee make breeches of promise. Thar lias treu murb dsMMek n as to whether nnta aie ingular or plural tgesM tnie When men aear panta tin y are plural, and wbeo ther .1 n t wear anv pai.ts it is singular. Men go mi a tear in their peats aad It la all tight, but when the pants gel un a ItttM tear It Is all wrong." Cascens m -t rl'sxtiT Mi . Aerse EIITilOL INHALER CATARRH HEADACHE'SK paef if 3. 1 ' ' I VaF cQfr ' t'alSa. Here I ,. .. .. Insure, BrsiBehHIa. i II I I I I 1 I It I "it i i,,if tm. ftneMrit.i.l v t rr-wr . i i-mr e , i"" - " it' ."stt i n 'r r- i onllnuftl I I'lTerlgi IVimngrnl n.. htiifii''tliinfTirn('f.)..r mntis-y rffurt 1.1 Vt i-r. ftO rll. Trill, frs-ie Rt Ilr'nmiall ftititfcl.Ti il it, a i tw MM, 1. D. gtiliil i'.-, T.m Lc4, C S. i MPNTHfll 1 ' 1 11 1 iff tti rttMdi tm Rhuiiiu'"'t H'ri, Murni i la nrierr.ii .u VH Prl i r C ." i I . n t I ' 1 1 DAI U Fur nl ) t'v MAtUMWl iir.., M.TgaMi HrtM and Every Wom.a: Sometimes needa a reli able m. inly regulatu l medicine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, t re iimropt, safe anil SSStalS In reanlt Tlie gSS . bv. I'eal s. neviT .lisnpis.int, sinl auyntieo "(I. 1'oal Me. II. . i i'l. , l l. x.land, O. lOU to JOHN H. PHHn l harmaclst cnnier V, yi.niuiit nvcuus aM Bptooi atrejt Borantnn. I'a. The (iKNTlXK X.'w lluven "Mathushek" Pianos E8TABLI8HBD isoo. Nev York Wnrerooms Xo. 80 Fifth Avcnuo. E. C. RICKER & CO., Sole dealers in this ssotion. OFftOB-IU Adams Ave., Teleihone B'Pd'u For Delicacy, For purity, and for improvement of the com plexion, nothing equals Poxzoni's Powder. lA Hat sT rv SUPERLATIVE Hie above brands of Hour ran lie had at any of the following merchants, who will accept Tin- Tiuiiusk kmh-ii coiton of 2fJ on each ons hundred pounds of Hour or .M) on eari, barrel of flour. Icrantnn F, P. Pr.ro, (lolil : . Iir ,t, a Washington avenue i Paansrs -1 P Prloa, Qold ktsdal Brsnd. l'liiiinnre-i-" L) Vanlsy Suptrlativs llranl. Hyds fork carsoe A- Davis, Washburn st. QoM ktsdal Brand: .1 e.ii a Mears. stain BTSnaSb Superlative Hrsu l "i" iteige a UHpsncai Qold ktsdal Bread, J. T. Mi Hale, Super itive Pro via n oa .Feaner chsppeit. n Main av. aas, superlative. BrsadjKJ QlUaspisi w. Market street. i)0u M,.,, Itrand Olyi.lmnt .lames Jordan. Superlative llrand. Peckvuia-shatfer 41 K-U-r Bnperlatlvv Jeniiyn-f, D Winters ft (',. superaiativs Arehbald Joaea, s tnpa m ft Co., Uold Me.i. Cartsmdala K s Clark. H..1.1 Medal Hrarnl. Itmesdale I Ni Foals' ft CO Hold Mela Miuooks M II. l.iv.U" k w inon HI, tt Iv OlA Hi 'M s I I It I i it t spi ciAL BANDI FtHONI BNGI I8H Usui's i NQLUH tl M RBti rJOHSI.' BtiOKB WlliKl a RI7H1 l"l: I.K TIHK MACHINERY BIMIINU s'l i BTKKli x n li s Ul I l ows IIOH8R Mils I I. AMI I I HIM. Bittenbender&Co.,Scranton, W kolaanle and rstuil dsalers' In Wagoninaksrs' and Ulacksimtas BUPPLTM Rot R. Re DADWAY'S si READY RELIEF. I ll IMIIlMI AHUMIIIMl I si In uen t ine-lic.n.s I ti psin se .', . t avtltsu-bs lattlct injqry .a, Ike syl.n 'plain. Morpbtna. (W if .f'-rm ktbar .. ralos ami I h'..al stag i a n by 1air.yiae the sense "f nSfOSytjM. '.be pell-I.I e'l.f Ike .f fssllns. T'os u a Baet SySs4fs live pra.-ties. it maaVs tbs rnipi-'rraa sh its Dp. sal es'est f rei 1 1 " '.rssks 4 en tbes-.taaa . Ilrar aad toseh, a-""1 .1 ri.a tinned tn fi.r a Isr.flh uf lime, kills Us nervae and produces Iv-eJ or irtoeral psratjr SIS Tier" Is n. nsi"essitv fnr natnc these qnesr ta'l afents vbsn a p'SNtlrarsmsity ll Balt VsAVe UI.AlY UCLlCr sill .1 p tbs mm i ru istln. i-s n qui k.-r vtlh.eit snUdlns tfca least lUnssr In sitbsr Infant is ad alt It instantly supa is,, m , t et'-raria'lnf pains, allaia '.artamtnatl.ea aid seros ci.nxes Uona. hei-er ..f the birifs gl Ml ssh H w la. nr etbsrgl-n.ls.iC ra i U 'He lostoteralies f R -I'HAIN.S, I BI'tsKS IA KAi llR, PAIS IN TUl.rilL.sr 'ill 81 DM, HfAD A' UK. T'eiTltA'lll "Jt N I'TltrH PAIN a few apt IVaKer.s a - ! ke tuaxir.oaua Ins lb" gain I.. Instant I, M t rilKS AMI PBl.Vr.NT8 Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Inflammation, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, llhenma' Ism. Neuralgia, Selattra. lam beget sreMsesjel the getafcs, Palei in itac a i keel i iMksv The application of the KEAI'Y UKI.IF.F to hi part Of parts where th dimculiy ut pain exists s.'.i afford tase and eonatsft ALL 1NTKKNA1. t'AlSai'AINS IS WAV. LH OB roMA.ru cltAVI's SI AH VfjL KOU'R BTOklACB, NAt'SKA VoMIIIMi. HRaHTHI'RN NgltVOl'sKKHM, -lit: l.r.aHSl .-s ,s. h III. U A. ll'.l.lAUUli'llA, toLli.H.ATl I. KM T, PA1NTIN0 MPRLLi are relieved Instantly and quickly cured hy I sit nf Internally a half t.' a tsaapoi.nfu) of heady Belief In half a tumbler of water. Malaria, Chills and Fever, Fever and Ague Conquered. There ts not a rame hal atfent In the world tbal will cure Kev.'r and Ague, and all other Malarious. II ll.ii. ,. ,,t!i..r I' ..vers, unlet l.y RadSmy PtUs,S0 .I'lkkly as MdWag a Heady Price 50c. pr bottle. Sold by Druggists. DADWAY'S for the enre of all disorders of the Stom ach, Ller, Howels. Kidneys, Bladder, Ner vcua lllteaaes, Headache, Constipation, (ustlveassa. lniilKeaslon, llyapepata, llll- lonsness, Fever. InflMsaaatloe orths How sis, I'lles nnd alt ilerailtemsnta of the In ternal Viacom. Purely Vegatabls, o -n-tnlulus mi ntsrenST, minerals or ni.l.i: TKKIOL'S DBUOg, Pr Irs firc. p er box Bold by all druggliita, or on rncnipt of price will be sunt hy mail. Htii hiixiis for One 1 1, 1 i . t RAbWAY & CU. Si Warren St.. N. T. Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. Cetmt iioi.sk BguAita. All kinds of Laundry work guaranteed tbs best. iron We A'. F. 7Vi6une, Aoc.f.Wl The Flour Awards "Chicago, Oct 31. Fhe first official announcement of World's Fair di plomas on flour has been made. A medal has been awarded by the World's Fair judges to the flour manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co, in the great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. Tbs committee reports the flour strong and pure, and entitles it to rank as fir-t class patent Hour for family and bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL BOM s x U AOBMT& AND GOLD MEDAL Taylnr-.lu.l4te A ('.,, u..d Medal; Atherton At Co., Superlative luiryea l.swr. m e stnro Co . (I., Id Medal, Hoc -John ktoCrlndls, Qoldatadal 1'ittStnn M. W I I'll vie, li.. 1 Med a! Clark's Ureeii-Frace A" Purker Superlative. Clark s Hnnuait - f M. Voung, Qold Medal. Dal tOB S K. Finn A- Bon, Ould Modal Uraul. Nli nolaon .1. g Harding. Wavrrli M w Hi ss Son. i o.'.l Med.d. Fad ry Villi Charlue Oardner, Hold ktsdal Hopboltoai n. M rian ft Bon, Bold ktidal. Tobylianns T.byhaiiai a Leiiiu Lumbjr Co Hold Mwlal Brand Hoe d-n ro s a. Adams Qold MeUi itrand. M . ...v i.:,u-e A i 1 -.t., i ,, l.i M.lal. Lake Ariel Jam.., , II. rtree, I iol.l M-dsl Furt-atClty J. I.. Morgan A Co., Hold M-dal H lOOft WBEBLfl lis PKllfOI III Its M'i ki;s r.ivi S.II.KI, IKBIIfl it It. IPIKJ s III S HUMS. h( Hl.W Mil HIM 111 Baby Carriages, Refrigerators AND Cedar Chests Mill Sc Connell 131 and 133 N. Washington Ave. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Trices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. Dl'ITER HUM: CO., ne'e, capital, $l.oo,0lW. in si m ini gfloH in THst woltl.w. UA dollar . iir.d in d dollar eora.d." Thlil.ndlea'rrnild French llonRnla Klrl Itut ton Hoot delivered free invwbsre In Ibe I S., en receipt nirasb, Moneytiriier, or 1'oital Nolo liw It .Ml. Knnals ererv wav the boota rold In all rrtsil stnrai for $3.60. We nukn this boot ourselves, IhsfOfON s irieir- onfrr the Jit, ttyf ana irmr. and if any ons Is nol emtstled will refund the ranuey or send another pair. Opera Ton or Onunon puss. widths Q, D. Hi K KK. I to 8 M1.I hall i. Smtlyourtltt; SMH Jit you. Illuilrattd Cats logno FREE FEDERAL ST., . I BOSTON. MASS. llICSSJhSIB'B at'MSl ,vaa;ss v .x. IMrtl IBafil s Cfl IWRflLV IsfC tawVSAWAWA',: a naaai .mnsBe'a flcUTCD Kiuxr fsr7W3 uut i i-ii unuc ui SptHal tm$ to DeuUn. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PMT8ICIANI .tMi SUKVr.UN.1 )U. II. EM1AK OK A.N bus removed tuiilii x 7 tjpruce street, Sciuntou, l'a. CJust op posite court-housu sjquara ) I )H A J. co..N DLL. oitli-o afl WnsiiiU(;t.m A- avonuo. coiner ripruci street, ovor I ranclio 3 drut; sturo. Kesidonce, ?i Vine st. Oflicebntirn: iO.91 to V2 a, m. and 1! to i ana 9M to ,.;) p. m. Buuday, 2 to 3 p. m. 1)1'- W. E. ALLEN, office cor. "Lucki J wanna and Wasliiinrtou aves. ; over Leon ard Bhuo store; office hours, 10 to 12 a. m. and a.- w p- m ' eveninirs at rSSldenoSb oUU. n ssblajton avo. rK.CIa EKEY, Practlco limrtod to L)i x' esses of the Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat; office, La Wyomiuit ava Residence, ia Vine street. l)U,,!iM- UATES. 125 Washington Avenuj. XJ Office hours, 8 to I) a.m., 1.30 to 3 and . V g p.m. Residence liny Madison avenue lOBUj U WENIZ, M. . Offi H and i J tommonwoaltb building: residence 711 Sladutonave; nfflcn hours. Id to 12, 2 to t, 7 to S; Wundnvs 2.80 to 4, evetiinire at residence. A speclulty made of ilitoaaes of the eve, car, uosj and tliroat and nynnonloirv. gTEBIWABT 8PBOEOII& if 5S "J Veierluary Isurgeon, Uea J. llstl'V II StH'ClaltV: ,11 ,,,.,1.1,.. ... . tistryn specialty; uold med.aliat .if On. tarln Vauvtnaee i nllegu Office. 1.1) tstirucu street Telephone No. 1 7112. I. WW I. ICS. I J1 t.kA-,i'1iS Uw Hml Colllfltlon nf a . tica No. 817 bprucu et., opiiositi Enrest lloust. Btrsnton, Pa,; collection! a specialty inronanont PsnasylvanUi reliable oorrssoood- ents In every county. I IIA.su Attorney, and tu.u.0T tf , P -ouiiii,,nealth hulldiui VtaobiugtoD av w. H. Jshsi p. llottAct: K Ha srri, W H Jmqdp, Jr. rXTILLARO, WARBEN t KNAPP, Attor y Dsrsand Ooansslorsat Law, Bapnbiicaa litiildimr. S aahingtnn ave.. Kcranton. l'a, IJATTfcKMo.N A. WlLi oX. Attom.-n ,,i i Oraaesuora at Latwi offices o i.d I Library luiidma. feraaton. Pa Koswri.t. H rATTittso WILLI s M A. WILCOX A l.FKEl) 11 AND, WILLIAM . I HAND, V .1 turner, a-. d f'.uinsell.irs, L'einmonwoaltb oaHdlna It. ...in, n, ai ,,,,) , It' K. BOYLE, Attornor-sl UAw.Nos.lt and . :'U. Hurr build, ni. Vashiugton avenue HK.NUV M. SI'K.LV Law offices In Pnci building, I2U Waahitigtnti arenue. I. 'IIANK T OKSILL, Attorney at Law. ltooui I a. i nM Elchange Hersntoa. Pa. "''''W'W-'-"'WKV. . Atfys. m Washing GH VON BTORj II. . b.iiav. t 11 ,w", lA.MLsW OAKFOBD, Attorney at Law, I ne.ins S3. r ami M, Con I wealth bTg VJAMl l.l. w KUOaH, Attorney al Law. I ' Ofllce. 817 siuriieot , Hcrsnton. l'a. I A WTATRICH, Attorney at lw. CJ I I. Lackawanna ue.. s, ran ton, l'a I) H HMITH Coanaellof at Uw. nffl.-e. 1 . r...ns '.I. U, 'si Common Wsaltb budding is PirtHBB, Attorosr at Uw. Com-nnnw.-a Hi bnflalBg, rtciaiilon. I'a t. I OMhilVs Kl Kprues st I H UCPU iii.k. Att. raw Lous Ms ' 1 listed on real estate security. SpnKn I Kit. I.AM. Attorney at Uw. IJj t . omlBCSVaan, S, rant m. nAVE YOUB DEBDg AND atOBTOAOM writtin ami acknnwl.sU-..,i DI J v BBOWN1NU, Attorney and Notary Public -'-s.tr. i . ' . M HUIII s lt""l. Or THE I.At'h'A'A A.N: ln r.rstarsaai haSM . ., I ... - e J si .i suoroiiKuir ira.u. txuiirf cbildrea l ala.ua as at rc-,ue; Hrr TnowAs M i ass, waltbs ii Beau. M iss Wont KHTEU S Kl.MiEBHAKTKN nl K'faooL li.' Altai. ..... ... I. elVeil It a.1 times. N. It tern, will A. ' DrTNTlaTs ' i.aUhaui. Inirgwo iiuuti.t. No. ui s . u romlas n. jj Hi HA rfilN, ..m-e ( . ,t Etehaaas I ii ss 'PHI Kt.Pt lll.li ' savtasi and I. Ass-. s sisuoa wul loan yoe ssensi so .-H-ier t. nn. I aun w yen bsttcr n luTestment than any ',' s..4ti.,n Ca I n S N CAI Ll N I't It. 1 ' li r Han build nv t I ls. ii K ';.AKK '" His lass Florists v . SOd narsSi yilllO; (tore Its Washington enui; gren !. as.vl.tVi Norm Mam avenua; t. '. ep...,. J 1 f Iv OKANU I Nil iN ;i.tio 'irsva Broa VI I I. I . Ill I Ns. I"s Kt -FTI'EI, Ursawanna aren-ta t s r,r,t,,n. ! manuf'r of Wire Heresns ikii KU AND RK8TACBANTS 'I'lll. "IMSI.VMU Wrm I ave goo aiatsg Wtttl .tenm; all mod arn jmprevaassats c m Tat aua, Pi r rrW ELK CAPS, IS atsd 123 Franklinavs I aue bat.-, reaaonabta. P y.ir.n sa. Propria tor t l-MJ."M bit BOI Fl. ' W 'I HCBgNl K. Msnar-r sttteean strsata one olook sass ..( Hroadway. - - . ...... ,-,.," ..rw in r a. An erloaii plan. ISrjo per day at d upward t H'VNE HoUeg, karvnaaa plan; g... V roniiia Opaa day en I night, liar ui I lied altO till lest P II. COYNE, rrotrtetnr SJi HANT'N HUt'HB. otsu l L pas i . scngi r .! ist Conducted on the Baropaas v s'i'.i njusr". ...-w O IL I ' .' .on no' .. i cpneiur i ' It A b 1 1 i ENTItAL Tna .ar,i.,i and bssl I s s.Miinpsl note : and :.5u pat day I hotel m Ailsatown, Pa ; ratal ... .1. rCTOa D, tUnsra, rrnprletnr. HI II I I I I Is ItAYIs HOL'PT, Arrhltscta K.-.ius :t i I ' 2a and 2S I "Mi icon wea.t h b ld g S. rantert ,"" 1. WaI.I1. ll. Arcbitsct Ubrary build I s ing wtromlna svanua. Bcranlon. .' 1.. BBOWN, Ar. h It A ; Price rant. 'it. 1 I ulldm.' 1211 M Ksblngtn Av. MIHTKI I t Nl HI s li AI Kit s nlti HEfTKA Ml slo Kuli l.alK .ilcnics. tarti.. rec.-i.t.-ina we.l ding and Ooiici. it work tiirnl. bed Kr term, aililtes, IL .1. Bauer, coinlii.-tor, 117 Wyoming ave . over Hullie: t , music storrt. nOHToN U SWAKTS WlloLESAldt hunbwX t and s Diiuo Bank building, geraatoa. Pa. V EUaRUEE BROTHERa, PRINTERS it I supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twlmt WarebeuM. 1JU Waabingloa ave, Scrantoit Pa. I.Vio'lK.S I.1VEHY. IM.I Capons., avenue I First ela.s .-srrl iges i I. I Oi 'TK, Agt Funeral Director and Emkalmcr. IMIANK P. BROWN ,v en. WHOLB I sale dealers in Wnodwnro, Cordage ami (Ml Cloth. .SO W. Lackawanna ivenn... LV.UA FINN A- SONS, builders and contrac Cj tor,. Yard,: Corner OllVl St and Adams ave.; corner Ash st. and Pane ave, Scranton THE Thatcher S THE BEST. (let prices nnd see ths furnace and be con vinceil. A full line of IIEAT FRS, Ajipello and Oauze Door Hsnges. CONUN'S HARDWARE PITTSTON l'.V. iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililiiiiiliillllliiiiiiiigiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiig AMERICA I I COUPON NO. 54. 3 .Spiul or bring two of those coupons, difforwitly numboreil, S w ith Ton Cents. anil get one of the series of sixteen uiit";uilieenu S photographs. Nine numbers now ready. Muil order8,l5e. 3xtra. nBllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllllllllllllllilllllllllUMIIIUilllliUifUllUUr RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF II LEHIGH AN0 SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively, iusuriu cleanliness and omfort. TIMK TAIILE IN SFFKfT FKB. 1, 1S9I. Trains loavo Scrautou for Pittston. WOkse. lfarre, utc.uts.in, B.fi, li .io . m VIM, 2.00, . 7 2a, 11.05 p. iu. Sundays, V.u) a. in., 1.00,2.00,7.10 p.m. Fur Atlantic City, 8.10 a. m. For Now York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8 11 (exiiress; a. m 12.30 (expross with Bulfet parlor car.), 8.30 (express; p, in. Bunday, 2.uJ p. ni. Foil Maith Chi nk, Ai.i.f.xtown. Hethh. I!.1:,1, '-.As'ro and I'iiilaiikli'IMA, 8.10 a m.. U.J, 3.30. 5,10 (except l'biladolpuia; p. in. bundar. 2J0n. m. For Loho Brajioh, Oceas Grove, etc., ad 810 a. m., 12.;Up. ,. For HeadiiiK, Lebanon nnd HarrlsbnrK, via Al.entown, s,10 a. m., 12.3U, a.UO. p.m. Sunday, -.10 p. m. For PotUvllle, 8. 10 . m., 12.S0 p m. H' turninn leave New York. Uxit of Llborty ff1, rlvrr, at :uo rexprsse) a. m., I. in, 1..W, 4.30 (express witU Bulfet parlor car J p. m. Sunday, 4.311 a. m. L''" Puils'lelpliia, Reading Terminal, 9.0J a. ni . 2.00 and I gl p m. Sunday, li 27 a. in, llirouirli tickets to all points at lowest rates may I,., had on application in advaiieu tu tb itinia,,,' m) BlaTl' n. P, BALDWIN, Qsn. Pass. Akuul J. H. OLHAI'SEN, CrSB Snpt LELAWAKE AMI HUH HON RAILBOAD. CouiniencinK May 2S. l'.'i trains nil run as follow.: Trains leave Bi lde Stre.-S Btstlpo, Scranton, for Pitta. srsvj s.11'". " lino uni t.-, etc.. s in, mm MM 9m '-('. W m 0 1 " it, mi AC' for New ark and Phil .- ' delphia, 8 00a in., 12.10, I 25. 2 .1S. 4.18 and rtij p. ui. For Honssdsls (froin Dalawara, Laokawsstia and western depot), 7.0J, 5.jj, 10.1Ui..m., I2.i1 ui., 2. 17. 6.10 p. ui. F..r Cai linlale and Intertn' diara stations. n.40. 7.0U. s.;0, 10.10 a. m.. I2.nn in ,J 17, a 2,1,;, Hi, 1.30 and g.gt p D9 ; from bridge Street Depot, tOJ a. iu.. 2. Land list p. m. Fast express to Albany. BaTstofS, the Adi ri ndack Mocntains, Boston and New Knlan 1 points. 5.41J a. in., arriving at Albany Lf,i6. Saratoga gJO p. RL, end leavlmr Scranton at I p iu . arriving ut Albany at S.M p. in., Sara son, 12.'m a. in . and B ton. 7.00 a. m. Tie-only direct rout.' Let we.-u the coal fleldi and B..etuti "The Ieailini Touriste' Boats of AmiiicaM to tbs Adirondack Mountain re sorts, LakseOsorgeand Cbaiuplam, Montreal, etc. Time tal.lis showing local nnd through train SOI v i' e between station, on all UVtatoOS Delas ware and Hudson STStsm, may be obtained a( all Delaware aiiddludsoii ticket .nb es. H. II. YuL'Nti. J. W BCKDICK. S'. "iid Vice l're-.ident. (leu. Pass. Agt. I ElllQa VALLEY KAiLBOAD. J J I i n ii, left. Train bav, Scranton fur Philadelphia nn 1 New York via. 1J A: H K. ,t s a.m. 12 11, US sod U.St p. m vUR,LW. B. 11, o oU, aos. llJO a. m., sod LjD p. m. Uavi Scranton f.r Pittaton snd Wilkss llarre nail., 1, St W. H. K , 0.00, S08.112J a. iu , LIU &. (A ii 07, s .ts p. m. I..ai- S. iai,! .11 t ,r lute Haven. Kazletoa, Pottsvilln and all pi.inU on the Bearsr Meadow and Pottat Is brsnehss, via E. At W V . '. I 'ii. m . v a ll. .V 1L H. U. at s , ul. 121 I 2.. I l.i p in . v:a li . L. v. li. K.. isiiO, s.oa II 'JJ a in.. I 80, IU p in. Laasva geraatoa t..r Bethlehem. Faston, Raiding, Harn-l.urg and all mtermedlat i K,mts mil .v II It. 11.. - , m .12 lo. 1! .is, I1..1J l. tn .via U,H W. ll. U.,o U0, IB. 11 20 a BL, 1 SO p in. I ...ave Serwiton f r Tii-.khvntn. . T"wsn 1 1, Eluiira. Itba a. ibneva and all interm.sli it.. pom's via D. K (..:. ; ,,,..1: pi and 11 ii 1 j.. iu..via D I., g W ll It., .is a m.LOOp ni. Leave s ran:, ,-i f. t lb- lie.tir, HutTaln. Nl ! agara Falls, D. trntt ChlnagO and all point. west via D .V II !(. U. (.01 ...tiL 12 in.'' 1 . 11 8 'P in. i I' I. ,v W. K. K. and Ihttstot Junctioo. s us s m l-UH p. in , r.a E W. , 11 It.. tU ts ni. Tor F.im r and tb, sr ist la lalaaaoev vti i'. at ll ilk no. a.tu.. 12 iu.s 1 1 p. Ia . v.a D, L W K it. ,&( a m, I HI and M p nv PeJUnaa parlor and slasplog or L V. chair ears on ail tram tietweeu 1. .ti It Junction Wiik.- Barr and Niw Tors. PI, Had Iphla, Buffalo an I Snspeti.tou Bridge BULLIN 11 WlLBUB,U0 supb East Div CHAM s. m: ilea Past ,w t. PaJhv.Pw A W NhNNI'.MACHKU .V.s l O a Pan Ag south BsthletMrn, l'a nElAW KK, LACKAWANNA AND v. I rTTRBN RAll ImAD Trams leave BcraOb n as follows: Fxpreat tor Niw York and ail points East 15' LAO, kit, S I) ami i a m , ;2 .5, and I 50 m m l. vpr.es : i Uston. i ronton, PtuudAdpass a:. I las South, id's a.UU aud V 5i a. ut; 1251 . 1 SO p m W a-hnis't-.n and way stations 140 p tn. 5'"i.)bauna ac. oii.m. .;aii..n. rt lu p. ul Bapr as f. r Htnghamt n. OsWagO, Eltnlra, Corning. Bath. DansvUla, M soat Itorria aiid Buffalo, 12 in. i 1.', a. in and I 21 n. m.. making close connection, at butlalo to all points iu lbs West, Nortliwet and Souihwct. Ila'u seeooua fatten. B at a in. bn gtiatnt. u and way stations. 12 37 p. nt Nt. Tiols.in an I av state. ns '.lap in. blughaii.t. ii and Elnura Fipre.,. iOf P.01 Kapraaa far Cortland, Byracnaa, OsweM I't lea and lli.htl. 1 1 springs, 215 a m. aud 1.21 p m. lth,ca. 2 It and s g in at . I I M p m I.r Northnmbstdand,P1ttaton,W'tIkai Barr. Finn. .nth. blooms bnrg and Dan Tills, making rtraa ooines'tKins at N .rtl.nnil.-rlan.l for Wiiliam...rt, llarriaburg, Ilaltim Wash- uiat-'ii and Hi" South. Nor Minimi, rland .ml lntxrmedlato stations. SUI. S.'sl a Be anil 1 ,11 and 1107 p lu. NanUooki snd latarmedlats stationa S.0S aid il.i s n Plrmoath sod iutcruiedlau .tat i ns. L50 and ass jt in. Pnllrnaa parlor ana .lis ping coaches on all Sanfl trail... Fur detailed Information. ockct tltn tablsi, etc . applv t . M. I. smith, city ticket utBei, a.- Lai Lawaiiitaavcmi". or depot ticket ulU.'s. i I! tTIN I'll v,tj. In I ll. M J miliar) Vsih, I OflsL Noril. nminil. aniiih Hound. 02 (04 lls ton got . Stall ns ?SSS 9 V i a a. t 9.3 9 3 Tmltis Hslly, r.v- y, ifpt Sunday i ! s Arrive Ceavs a a i'. N Y. Franklin St. I t" West nd street .... in weebawksQ .... a Arrive Leavsu s ,.i lO I' M . 2 08 1 i;, lliiiic. i , .I.r L'tlcu i. ... llunc . k Si .... 2 II 5 IS .... 2 21 11 '.e. .... '.' 1 Sill .... 241 I. 4 ' 2 .VI 6 45 . ..ll H SMV .... 3 nl stai light Preston Park Cotao PornteUe It. Iiiinut l lessaat Mt, I nl . labile Korscl City cai bonds s w int.- Bridge Mnynrld gensra Archlb.iht W liitou peckvtUs Oln I unit. Dick- Ml Throop Providence l .nk Pisco 16 AS .... 3 llU 7lKp 0 A M I IS .'4 I l.i f, 34 27 e Is 13 IS S.M VI2M1 41 6 H 27 111401 f. I.C n 32 W M t3 41 S4II & 20 11 n ti n 11,11 H ff. j .-. I'" T 31 V ,'', g 7 40 10 1 2 .; -d 7 4 io 06 s s4 7 4S 10 10 11 N 7 '2 ,,i S 4 04 7 A4 HI 17 4 CT 7 :n 10 SO 4 10 s is) 10 21 4 14 s ('2 io a: 4 it SO.Mo.30 41 a wa a r a ii 2 1 1 2S o' 6 '211 Ml ft. 1 .1 I v 6 111 4V II I 11 I 11 I fS 111 If 4 .12' t 10 4 V, n iw wranioa P Ml' , m Leave Arrive All 1 1 ln run dully except sunilsy. f signifies Ibnt trains stop on sl,-tiul for pa OBgern Additional trains h ave iirb.ind;ilo for scran, ton i. io Htids, is p. ui., arriving at scruutou l.si Slid 7 0.. Leave seraaton far caruonaals iso an4 s.si arriving at carlsmdsle at 7 M nnd 'J.l.s p. in. secure rates via oiniirln a Western bi'fore Sin-chasing tickets ami save uiouey. Day and Ihgt Kl press t ii the West. J.C. Anderson, den. 1-ftss, Agt. T. FUtoron, Dlv. Pass, Agt. Scrunton, Pa, I7BIK AND WYoMlNd VALLEY RAIL' l KOAD Train leave Scranton for New Y'ork and in termediate points on the Erie tailr. ad at lllai a m. and Ut p. m. Also for llawley and local points at rt 3,a. 9.4.'i and 3 24 p in. Train leaving nt H.4T a. in. and it 21 p.ro nr through trains to and rrom HottSStfaS Trains leave for Wllkes-Barrs utS.IO a. m. and 1) II p. 111. mi a : --. : r . . -. - T r ni I s i ... l ", 7t ... isa 7 SI ... ISM T4.N .. 12 17. ?:... 12-ti 7 gM .... 12 2'. 7 9 .... ni n Tl .. tlv II . I