0 EXQUISITE STYLISH THE HATS -AT- NEWMAN'S 303 SPRUCE STREET. All (he Fashionable Shapes Trimmed to suit tlio must fastidious. WORK GUARANTEED. LOWEST PRICES LACE CURTAINS The niost delicate i'abrio prop erly cleaned at THE Lackawanna Laundry 308 Penn Ave. A. B. WARMAN. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 320 Wyoming Avenue China, 1 1 415 Lacka. Avenue. CARPETS BARGAIN NO 2, We will offer Moquettes at 75C- for another week. Think of it A Carpet worth $1.25 fr 75c. The choice patterns are being closed out very rapidly. Come early. '27 Wyoming Ave. TELEPHONE NO. 55 I !. Union Transfer Company, Limit- 1 Bus line. ISaggagtt and freight rallstt fol ud delivered promptly. 1UT Franklin avenue. CITY .NOTES. Toe contributors of Lackawanna liiw pitat will boid a u .; next ilouday uveuinti. Tun ladioa of Dalton MiMundist EpUco pal church will serve their quarterly cliurch supper Wednesday. May -', from 8 30 to 7.30 p. m. The Lacliawaiiua Kindorarten assocta tiou will bold it annual meeting at tbe home of ( Vloticl n. At. Uoins, on Gay ave nue, next Monday evening. Tbe ('atbolic Choral anion wiil resume rehearsals this evening in 1 ollegK ball at H o'clock. The rehearsal this evening will be for tbe lady members only. The Vr-tier Literary association held a meeting .Mummy eveuing ami elected tbe following officers: President. H, & Smith; vice president, Cyrus V. Walteri; crt tary, Joseph Wagner; treasurer, I:. & Williams. John Bums, of Wost Market stroet, fell down tbe Kichmond shaft Monday even ing nt 1U o'clock, but fortunately escaped with slight injuries. His flight through apace was arrestod after he bad descended a short distance. In honor of theirlltth anniversary Srran ton Lodge of Kik will tonight give a social session for Kiks only. An enjoyable pro gramme bai been arranged and no fea Mre of Interest will be neglected. All lks are cordially invited. "Jn Old Kontueky," which made such an Instantaneous hit at the Frotbingham theater last evening, will bo repeated tins afternoon at " 30 o'clock and this evening t h. 10 o'clock. 1'ricea for the mntiueo will be: Orchestra ? cents, orchestra circle GO cents, balcony 3o and 2 j cents. The friends of Miss Delia KalTerty ten dered her a birthday party at her resi dence on Phelps street Monday night. Among those present were: Misses Liz zie Kearney, Mamie Durkin, Maggio Ruddy, Nellie Devine, Katie ItalTerty, Delia Noon" Nellie Kearney, Mary Dur kin, Mary .erty, Bridget bhields, Katie Flaherty ,ary Harrison, Mollis Onl Ingher, Messrs. Martin Weir, Michael Rsffer' iames Ratchford, James Pur kin, .ony Rnfferty, John Cuffroy.John Raffi T' gular weekly Bocial of the Young W- tVs Christian association was held nt tt. Arlors on Washington nveuuo last evening, and notwithstanding counter at tractions, a large number of young ladies were in atteudauce. Miss Uertrndo Mor ris presided at the piano und furnished en joyable music during tho evening. Tlio entertainment committee served ice cream and cake, and everything possible was done to render tho occasion aploasaut one. Ono of the forms of umuaemont in dulged in was what is known as the char acter game, an innocent diversion out of which a good deal of eujoymout was ex tracted. A council composed of delegates from the churches of tbe Abiugton Baptist asso ciation met yesterday a at Jackson Street baptist church for tbe purpose of or- taining to the Baptist ministry O. H. loughton, late pastor of the Primitive Methodist church of Taylor. Tho examina tion in the aftornoon was thorough and most satisfactory. The ord ination servi cos In the evening consisted of hymn; read ing of Scripture, Rev. W. J. Ford; prayer, Rev. D. J. Williams; hymn; sermon, Bar. Y. J. Collins; ordaining prayer, Rev. V. ('. Hughes; charge to the candidate, Rev. A, E. Douglass; bund of welcome. Rev. 11. 11. Harris; benediction, Rev. O. H. Bougbton. Anhsussr Buioh Bter. louli Loh man's, HI biirucaaw Moire SILKS Haskel HUB i Williams k McAnully L He Fell a Distance of Three Hundred Feat In the Bdkvue Shaft. BODY CRUSHED OUT OF SHAPE By Mistake a Car Was Pushed Into the Shaft and Ludka, Who Had Hold of the Frame-work, Was Dragged with It to Instant Death Trouble in Re covering His Body John Thomas Had a Narrow Escape. Albert Ludkn, employed at the foot of Dellevuo sliult, fell from the Dia mond Vein to the bottom, a distance of :!00 feet, nt 8 o'clock lust night and was instantly killed. Ludka, with a few companions, was at work putting loaded car of coal on thu carriage to be hoisted np tho shaft. There are four veins in the shaft uud tho Diamond vein is the one nearest the surface. It is fully J00 fset from tbe bottom, The men were at work in the Dia mond vein when the casualty occared. They bid a loaded car in rendiness to run on tho carriage every time it do icended. Tnis time the workmen imagined the carriage had conn down and accord ingly ran a car to the mouth of the shaft. Tbe carriage bad not descended and consequently tho loaded oar went tum bling to the bottom of the shaft. Ludka was holding on to tbe frame of the car, unmindful of tli? d inger, and he was swept into thu yitwuitig opening along with it. HE WAS FKAHFCLLY CRUSHED. His body was crushed out of all shape, every bono 111 it being broken It took a long tune to recover tho re mains of the wreckage in the sump of the shaft. Another man named John Thomas narrowly escaped being dragged to death also. When the body was recovered it was taken to tho surface an 1 convey 1 to his home at 300 Elm street, lie is a young widower, uhout "o years old, and has two small children. Ill wife died less than a year ai;o. Coroner Kellsj was notified, bnt will not bold an inquest until bo is notified to do so by Miuo Inspector ll.ewitt, in whoso district the fatality ooonrreih s CONTINUES TO GIVE EMPLOYMENT. U;ard cf Assocla'sd Charities Dt.Ue to Co.tlnue Old follor. The Doard of Associated Charities met lust evening in tbe poor board room In the absence of President EUppUi Attorney Uiylord Thomas uro lidau. Uluer present were Messr Keller, Cohen, Moore Secretary Israel aud Mrs Duggau. Mr Israel read the treasurer' retort Which sliowod the :aU balance of funds 0.1 baud to be ;l:l 111 Chairman Moore, of the relief com mittee, reported tti t tlwr are iron f ti to twenty applications daily for work, and recommend jd that BO MN or.lers for enip'.oyii.ent bo given out until the iu:.dot tr.e organlz itlOS are iu ltti shape. The report and rscom nandatloo were adopted However, when later on Mrs. Dag Kan reported thai able bodied wan were on the verge of stsrvation an I must b belpd tu some way, Mr Kelly more 1 that tl"d re appropriated towsr 1 giv ing out more employment. The m -tioa passed. Mr. Thomas, of the visitation 0OB tnittee, stated tint a meeting of ladi would soou be h-ld for the purpose of deviaing tua:.s to iucr-'a- the mem bership of the org 111IZ1I10U There were a number of additions to tbe membership reiorlol, Mr C en haviug alone sscurud forty live. Tbt rates are fV for life, ' sj BL..IR AND COMPANY CIT BONOS. They Aare to Pay a Bonus of 07,128 Tc'htwl'h A irunl Interest. lilair iV Co., of New York, throngh H. C. Sbnfer, of the Berastofl Hating lunik, wer the sner!iful bidders for I he IIIs1, 1 Hio issue of 1 p-r cent, school bonds Tbe premium bid is 7, I ' or a fraction mure than 6.M per cent In addition, Ulalr 6.' Co. agrea to pay ac crued intersst to date. Tne text two highest among the fourteen bidders were the IVnn Mutual Life Insurance cotnpitny, of PhiUdel phia, w! olid a premium of 178, and Harris ft Co., of New Yrk, who bid . 218 60. q'l'he original isiu 1 of bonds was 150, 000, of which $2'J,000 was ssstiuird at par by local people last fal I. '1 hat this investment will prove a paving one is obvious Thev wer.i thou enabled to secure Ifeffli without premium owing to the flnani'ial scare. Th other firms who bid for the bonds 101 Parson, Leach A: Co., Jones & Co. . Street, Wykes & Co , W, J. Hayes A Sons, of New York city; Saylor iV Stan ton, Fnnrtii Sreet National bank. Shoe maker ft Co , H. R Major, Kiiuitable Mortgage company, of Philadelpbta , It. L. Day .V Co , Doston. ' ' m - "in Old Kentucky" mntiueo today, TWO DIVORCES GRANTED. Erstwhlls Loving Couplss Havi th Mar riage Xlsa Dissolved. Two divorces were granted in conrt yesterday. Fred E. Pratt, who mar rtt I rah Button at Llnghamtou, July , 1H00, succeeded in having the mar riage tie dissolved. He is u teamster by occupation and lived with hi wife at Nicholson, Wyoming county, bnt now resides in L-high township. The ground on which the diTOTOI was pro cursd was that of desertion, the wife at the time of her departure taking with her the family cow and sundry household goods and property. Annie B Robinson, wh.ise maiden name was Carrie N. Parker, was also granted a divorce from Nathan 13. Robinson. The couple were married nt Waverly, Feb. IS, 1890, and lived to gether for six months, when Itnhinaun took her back to her former bnUtfl and left her there, and afterward rofnaod to provide for her. Jealousy on the p.trt of the husband was the c tuse of this conple's trouble. Ho is now in Illinois. BEAT HIS AGED WIFE. Mrs. Mary Eachmsn Enters Complaint Aftainst Usr Husband. A warrant was isauol yesterday by Alderman Wright, on comnlalnt of Mrs. Mary Bnchman, agod Tti years, of Rebecca avenue, who alleges t'mt her husband, Herman, beat her and turned her out of door. The case was beard by Alderman Blair, who held Bacbman under $'200 hail to keep tbo p Tbe evidence showed that both parties to tbe aait are affected with temporary incompati bility. "In Old Kentucky" at tbe Frotbingham. LIMA'S AWFU DEATH IN OLD KENTUCKY'S BIG SUCCESS. The Great New York Production at tbe Frothing-ham Tbeater. "In Ohi Kentucky," tha play that enj yed such a lviuarlcable run at the Academy of Music, New York, during the present tiieatricil season, was pro duced for the first time in this city at the Fiotliinghaui th uier last evening before a 1 irire an lUne-. The scenic effects of "In Old Ken tucky" are about tiro most raalistioand lab rate that luve v.(r tjri seen upon any stagn in Scranton. This is pr 'icularly truo of the BtOtldl tin seme In the tirst act and the Luxiugtou race track in the third act. Tne produc tion in its entirety from a scenic stand point, is marvelous. The audience was wrought up to a high pitch of enthusiasm and there were frcqtiijut enoorea and curtain calls. One of the big hits of thu even ing was the appearance of the Wood lawn WbaofdoodUl, a famous band of colored boys, averaging about 1" years of age, who play in excellent style upon brussacd make as creditable a allowing as many moro pretentious musical or ganizations. The wing dancing of the pickauuinies was received with much applause, A oompany of first rale prforurirs interpret -d "In Old Kentucky." .Mis Luuta Bnrf. in tho role of Madgj Briorly, a (lower of the mountainous region of Kentucky, mad a ,moti favoruhle ImprOMlOD bv liar cbver aot ing. Edward Holland was manly as Frank Layaoo, and Uust.ive Frankel gave a good representation of a OOlorod servant. "Iu Old K ntucky"is cor tkinly cue of the strongest aud most thoroughly interesting plays that Borantoniani have ever bad tbe oppor tunity of witnessing. The plsy will be repeated at the Frotbingham thoater this afternoon at 2,80 o'olock and tills eveuing at 8.13 Thu prices for the tuatiuee will he, orchestra, 7 .'(cents; orchestra circle, 50 cents ; balcony, 85 uud "5 cents "In Old Kentucky" at the Frotluugham this afternoon and evening. MR. CARTER'S RECITAL. Listened to by a Brilliant Audience at fclm Park Church Mmc. Bl.iu velt's Superb Sinking. The organ recital st Bin I'ark cnr.n h latt evening, conducted by (i orgs 15 Ctrtor, attracted an uudienc" that 1:1 numtiers, culture and unthusissm has rarely teen aurpawad iu the LHtory of loeai musical entertainment'. At 8 o'clock everv seat was taken r SO ml tned auditorium and whet ,Ht8. IS, Mr. Carter began to play the utrgbotto from Btothovott'i socond lyapbony, tuera must bava boon mora than 1 100 auditors within sound of tti eiqals Itoly modulated tone of tha vibrant pipes By way of vnri ition irom tha delicate BAjfBOallalioa of thil largo etto, Mt. Carter nrlu led ti e opening titiiuber with a fautitsie on t..e E.ui Path memorial chimes arranged t binoalf, in which tu DOnai llll com binations on thesw melo lion- be.U w r so faithfnllv reproduce! ou the organ si to aztita g. nersl surt rise. A descriptive Mttg, "Tne Rift," by Pinantti, introducing Richard Tb.nnts (Llew Herbert) whose baaaa voice has seldom, If ever, been heard to better advjntjge lie was well rinforcd by Mt i ii .. r' 10 (- ui s'llm -nt. i lab'y in the ti. under craih crroen ! . which w.is so admiral! in its vensiiiii.tu 1 . he. .ting gradually as It di 1 upon the sultry stiui sphere a almost to docolv tha audience into believing that a real storm bid gat rr t aod I rokn witii out. Bv reijnest. Mr ( irur followsl with variations of "A'inl Lenrlo. " The appearance of Miu- ll.suvei. was th signal for applaMMO, which SQOmad reluctant to field veu to tb Hsagtoof her marvelous voice. Upon i .-r lint ppe .r.n in Scranton this gif e i soprano hil won a ivsriu place in the m of loc.il mnsic lovers, tioth by rOaOM of her sMgOittooMI liOgiQg mid also through tho fairly aS(OtolU gr.ic aud spriglitlinaas of ber man ner. There eremed last venuif, however, to be au extra daintiness to her suille, and doub y brighten d in recognition of a WOMNMsM wnic.i became little less than a positive ova Hon Mine, lll.i ivelt sang a difllcnll wall, song by (lotinod und followed ills with a vivacious select'oo, "Fal lib . Fnllah," by Yen dr S;uekn, Later In the evening, after giving DaoUMf' 'Uavpr.' 'Aw. ike, I direst Maid-In, Mm, blauvelt acknowledged a rOOail by singing au ecstasy and graciously reappeared after a lOOMd encore to forg- aud clinch her hold Upon Scran- tonlaoa bv a rendition of the hallad "Comin' Thru' the Rye" which seetne I literally incomparable in its daiottheoa, verve uud purity. Half' "Excelsior" was tbe vehicle by wideb Alfred Wooler and Mr 1 hoiuss conveyed the blended IWOOt tins ef a ten t end bars dno; (luilU in. mt's fnneral liurch, w ith the seraph's chant, enabled Mr. Oaftfl much f Hi ther to evidence bis tborongu in istery of the organ, and Mr. WooiOI followed by rtqtiest with Buck s "Foil Not Ye. ) Israel," adding ' Mary of Argyle' whsu most cordially recalled Mine. Blauvelt's last appearance was iu com pany with Mr. Wooler In the soprano and tenor (loot, "A Night in Yeuice," which bad been preceded by au i x trnordlnnrlly artistic interpretation by Mr Carter of The Shephsrd'a S.mg, with Pilgrim's chorus, from Ttnn bauser. II every souse tbo recital was a complete success. e 'ln Old Kentucky" at the Frotbingham this afternoon and eveuiug. OPENING THE LEAGUE SEASON. Thsr Will Be a Pantd and Other Evl dsnoea of Enthusiasm. The management of the Scranton Bsse Ball team has planned for a gala opening of th" State Lsugu bOM bill senson here today. Ibe Hiizletou aggregatloD will bo tho attraction, and with the homo team and the Lawrence bind wiil paride the streets at 2 o'clock. Tno grand stand at Hogan park hss been appropriately decorate 1 with hunting and flags by S. J. Fuhrmiti. Ladle will be admitted free, as ou every Wednesday (Lulies' Diy) during the season, aud if tno weather is fa vorable there will no doubt b a geu urous sprinkling ol tliu genii t sex in the grand stand Invitations have been extended to councilman, municipal offlbotli the ju diciary and county officials to be pres ent ; iu fset, everything has been ar ranged to set the base ball wheel roll ing in nn auspicious and appropriate manner. Tbe series with Hazieton will be con tinued here tomorrow aud at Hazieton Friday and Saturday. Don't miss ' In Old Keutucky." Ladies' and Osnts' Rsnsr-To Shoe Iu patent leather and russet. Common wealth Shoe Store, Washington avenue. That Is prices tt Uuernser Brothers, BfilCUf STRIKE Opinions ot the Contractors and Workmen Are Pieson'cd. IS DEVOID OF ANY EXCITSHEUi Guilders Claim to Be in the Dark as to the Justness of the Strike and Say They Will Not Be Crippled. Men Aver Less Wages Are Paid Here Than Elsewhere Building Operations Quiet. Bnt little excitement attended the strike of Bricklayers' Union No IS, yesterday. The men had waited until B late hour Monday night for an acces sion from th bniider to their demand of 10 cents per hour.instead of 35 cents, us paid in the past The bricklayers claim that in noi'i boring citie their trade is paid -10 cents, and to ask S.trantnn meu to work for less is an injustice. They aver that they will bare no trouble in keeping workini'ii from other cities away until th" light is settled. , It is said that the buildlngstagnntlon of the winter and a low ebb of building ventures doting the year hill some bearing in producing tipj strig. . One of the idle np'n saul to a TninuNE n porter yesterday lint tho uaiou had vervrcascn toex; '-ct to bring the move ment to a successful Issne. The men do not believe that rou-onion bricklayers from small countrv towns can DO in duced to leave their families and some to Scranton At all eveuU, it is uot believe! that men from country towns will consent to supplant their fellow laborers when a strike is on. Nitlr is it b-lleyed tlmt workmen from the cities will corao here to labor for a 3j POnl scale. WHAT CONTRACT' iH8 SAY. Inqniries made by a Titini'SF. re porter among the contractors and bnlldati Of prominence does not raveal any iilsriu on tnelr part One of the most extensive builders of the city said yesterday afternoon : "Considering tii rasa from a fair itnndpolat, the s:ik u nnwarranted and will not b inooeoifaL Ws have obmitUd too Igher aooieol wages than la jottiflabi forth reuson that ev. ry Ban, arbether prnflciont or other wise, has been reoslvlng the sm wages If w j-ii! I rlckl.tyer their just dncs s"m of their, would not arn more thanSSoenti pr hour and, on thootbr band, many would rece.vs iO conts and MMBOOVOB higher. "At this lime there ar nn large building ventures In progress and t.-ariy nil t i t i j .'. . ..f . irly i eon work have icea eompleted, eoai qoently we shall not bs trippled. KU ways Anting tt. rammer sia n bnild- ersc.iu find pleotf of work and pay.ng work, too OOtti lo the eitv at summer reeorts aud ooon try to.v.ic" 0 WHItK VOI Si.VIR . MONTH v '1 plans lort.n new high echo 1 I nil ling will not b oinpi!l to. nearly a mouth . thera will b auotber nt i or th ted are in. and still an other month before the work will be startel Mr Jertflyn In no hnrrv lo commouoe work on tht n ill h del stru ton Conaidartng all tbane thingai la ' lonotHoo with th fet that th own ers generally ar disinclined to have bnlldiaga eroctad, I don't se how the men expect to hold Nt Neither to I pswealvetha tru- riars of the strike tiles, explained t'y th ilinp! state 111 -nt thv want mrr money " Bobatantialty in sm opinion was x . 1 v 1 tt.er l.ti k- Tbe only large structure now bu 1 1 Ing la that t th corner of Lin Ian and vfaahingtOO nfwno, Havens .t Williams. conlrctor Mr Will lam aid yoatoiday that th brlokworh g ing on was owing to a c inlrsct he Bad wit'i John Dsvis, of (ireen Bldge. Mr Ditvi and In son wr slon t work there yeiter lav; if h sernree a I ditiooal help it will b by paying 4d oenti an hour. A handful 4,f iabo: r wr at w r yesterday; thev ar BOt laolodod Ifl tbo mcr aee ilemauded and will not be Called OO'.. STtTMBKK y MV.N OCT. Don rod Behroeder. Peter stipp, a Bykee and Calllhan liro arethecm tractora who refnee'l tho mantbai- iti"iisl 5 Bonta per hour Scrnt"n rjol n No. 18 Is of the In tarnatiou.il union, an I is not 0OBOOl Bd with th Lab r Fe leratloii The file r ar: President, William Jobs eon; yloa paoBtdoot, cnri sh,ii r. financial cret iry, Mic al I corresponding secretary, James I) lau treasurer. Charlr llur The number of men who have quit wi rk is bntWOOn Sventy and eigiitv, Th refusal of tha bricklayers to con llnne to work has stoip d the progress of several small buildings ab.au the eity EVERYBODY WANTS BREAD. Th Boat I Ron Tno Uood and Can B Had Well Poor. Thousands worry along throngh life without appreciating th gret bo-,n of faultless breail. (lend fl ur aud good hak ing are th first reOjOtattOO) BOto can t seen at th store of Iloran Mealy, Dnn ni4. re, where Miss Young, of Hoeton, is giving au exhibition ilaily of not ouly what csn b tl ne with good Boar, hut by giMxl baking as well, lloaud see sinl taste the delicacies. iii S i Tbe POUaroVBroekmrtdge trial is ended for the present and the eminent iMuusel BC4uitted themselves creditably. Hut her is ii pool live assertion written by Miss Pollard's leading attorney widen ought to interest the people I f Scrauton more thsu oven his closing speech, because It Is of practical utility to them. Tne statement written at his office D4 cember, IS'.H, read as follows: Dr. John Hamlin, Y. S Dear Sir It gives uie plsnreto testify tothobonofli received by mv horse from youi treatment ot th air tOOWl volt have convinced me that ''hunt dentistry" is a v ry important part of the own ol raltta ble horses and can be olien useil to iiu prove b4ilb their rotntort and C4ndltion. Y'-nrs truly. Cai.okron Caiu.isli. Dr. QamrlB la permanently located here In Si taut"ii and I c jndnctiug tho only M-iiMititic shoiiug and veterlnaiy deutistry ui the cily. a . Soranton' Ituslness Interests. Tn Tnnon WlH BOOB publish a care fully compiled aud classified list of th tending wholesale, banking, manufactur ing aud professional interests of heron Ion erd Mclnity. The edition Will be bound in book form, l)4nutifiilly Illustrated with pbid4igravnre view of our pnbllc build ings, business blocks, stri'cts, etc., together with portrait of leading citizens, No similar work has ev.x given nn equal rep resentation of Hcratit4in's many inilns trle. It will beau mvnluublo tZpoattiOB of our bmiuoos resources. bml to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will nttract new coiners and bo nn unequalled advertisement of tbe city. Iii circu lation Ib on a plan that cannot fail of good results to tho'ocourornedas well an th cliy a1 law. Heproseutaiivesof The Tuiuuns will call upon tuohe wuoan namks nro desired In this editiou uud explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of thoir residences in this edition will please Laveuoticeat the cfUce. THE FAST MAI. SATURDAY NIGHT. Will B Olvn as a Enefl. for Crystal Hose Company. On Salnrday evening ''The Fast Mail" will be pro lucetl at tbe Auademy of Music as a benefit for tha Crystal Hoso company. It is one of the most Miiccesifal rtii -road and sce nic melodramaa now lio furetho public, L. J, Carter, tbe author and manager, has contrived to weave into a cousisteut story nearly all tbe good points of tha sensational drama. The ellmax of each acl io strong euough to sustain n whole plav, yet so well graded are the features of the piece that one view witii increasing interest through the five acts the murder and the clever trick with tho grandfather's clock in the first act; the Mississippi river steamer, its engine room show ing a practical fnrnaee, and the explo sion with "complete chango of scene behind a enrtain of riing smoke," bohind which is seen tho wreck, us the curtain f nils on the second net; tb "life-size" freight train, with its real istic engine and sixteen box-cars, with their familiar lettering, followed, at tho close of the third act, by "The Fast Mali;" the dugodive of tbe four.h act, and tbe thrilling incidents and hair-breadth escapas which tako place there; and then the "full front view of Niagara Falls, as seen from the oen ter of Supeusioii bridge," upon whioh tho final curtuin descends. CITY CANNOT EXPERIMENT. Judge Archbald Sols Aside the Ap pointment of the Viaduct Viewers. Reasons for So Doing. In nn opinion linuded down yester day Judge Archbald aat aside the ap pointment of viewers to nsssss dam ages that might be . - I by the con struction of tb viaduct ou Wast Lackawanna avenn?. Th- matter came before tbe conrt on petition presented by West Lacka wanna avenue property OWMfl setting forth that th appointment of the viewers was illegal We qnot th following from Judge Arcbbalds thoughtful opinion on thnbjot. It la conceded by the city sollrltor ttiat what has bean dooejls merely experiment al, that the city ha in no who bound bene If to mako the Improvement, and rnty simply dmp it without move at any time it seems best; In fact, tbo Idea confessedly t to test the matter of probable damages by the application of these viewers before going on With the work Tha may be a metier of witdom, but th qnestlou with ua is wkcttor au uncertainty of this kind ran be tb basis of legal proceeding to aesess damages. Th set under wLich applications Of this kind are made cer tainly contemplates something definite and certain. Tn argument that the city BUY have a bill of damages which she will uot foal thntsbecsn pay BBUSMSBe I ;x rtnittrd to experiment in this way and determine their amount in advance of n p aUtlve de cision to mako th ImptOVOsnOlll. can have B0 weight In C' ustralng the set of as sembly. Hot even tb: BOlBt if thuritv ss t" make it can tv practically effect wl under the present pron-ious of l he ., fM hy the .eveuth eectivn o.' the act, tbu city may within thirty ilays after th r- tne VtOWefl la any case repeal the ordinance, and discoutinne tb procaad mga and tbaecape liability for anything bnt lb cneta, anil the actual damage, if any. inflicted. Ilare i a ("niplet rebef f. in excewMV mintages by ryon of any rny injpr .veu. nt, and if tt be rouxt unceesary for resort to It m in j resent insUue After au I rdlnauce hM neon duly paaed, t.d avail.l a meut of viewer n.sde tbernnd r, tt I rquallr aval.! e a. resolulioli Would b l.i fn no further with three pr K-eaidiugs. and that the (act that tbi BMaaO ..f relief I a two pr.'Vlded rourluaive.v shows that sa a nBwteaatal cwur wa cjutm 1 ' I a that which is before u. As etUBBOS w rc .gn th necessity of this viaduct, aud we iruel that BTthlBg will ten aly - 'an I In the way of its peedr rooatracthiu. Hot a Judgr We leel c onpe le.l t.t say that t',r Is no suf ticirnt BOlkMI of city c Baajtll .to wrraut ii, nad that tb proceedings' must be t set le Th rule i mad abedut and the pti tien and all prO'eetdiuga t hretitid"r are .' ' a-i and illMinseed at lb- cot of th rr 4f Krant u, tb petitiooeri. INJUM.O IN V V BROOK SHAFT. tl. ma Tb tna. ef u.e Win Bide, Sus tatafl Fractursd Arm. At 7 o'cl"c' I : eveu.ng Thorns Thomas, of lb (lirfleld avenue, sus Ittnod a frnntOte of th rlht arm an 1 a nnmbat of btnlaai by a premature xpliaiion In th I'm Hro k shaft. He w is a miner employed on th night shift Mr. Thomas was taken to bis horns whore he ronnieed mrgieai attention. The Hffuslc! V. tndow At It I Jimitb'i liasasr cauuol fail to at tract all paaarrs by. Thousands of copies of the great song milled, "Only a hreatm " are ery artistically arranged m the large ceuter win .ow, "with a prima donnnb the anntat la the act of singing Mi. Dl la Kni, for whom tbl song Mas written, will sing it at the Aradsutv (tf Mask la th- iqtera "Panjandrnui," Tues day, Ma B If you desire to familiarlxe yourself with tl song baforeban I call at tne baaaaraad got aoopy, fr.- of charge. Y u are not required to purchase am good becau the firm cheerfully gives u atvay. HAi rri H Steam Carpet Cleaning and Feather Ueuovuting worke. Carpet taken, cleaued and returneil th same day. Tele phone, 17".' sis Mulberry street. ' B I A I IT' I, Jewelry to se lect from. E VERYTHING new R R IXGS in new styles. l .V in and see onr new store. Y Ol" are welcome. S TKRTJNG Silver Novelties in great variety. W.W. BERRY Jeweler 417 Lackawanna Aye. Best Sets of Teeth,$300 Including tbe painless extracting cf teeth by au entirely new pi.- S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. IttO WYOMING AVJi Notlo. The New York, Ontario S: Western R. R. Co., will stop the following trains at the crossing opposite the new Base Ball grounds: Train 808, south, leaving Car- boudale 3. 34 p. m. ; train "07, north, re turning leaving Scrauton 4.60 p. m.; train -00, north, returning leaving Scranton 0.10 p. m., days games uie played T. Flitcroft, District Pnssouger Agent. New Beater and Dossert Maker Makes a novel and useful uten ti that Is unex i elled for beat ing cjrRS. whip pint; cream and mnkitiK any or ill kinds of cakes, cuttardi, iltc. The best assort no nt of USEFUL HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES HENRY BATTIN&Co. I2G PENN AVENUE, BCBANTOK'H BOC8IHOU3 splciaLISTs NEXT WEEK we will have bargaina In Enameled Ware that will be genuine bargains. OSLAND'S 128 Wyoming Ave. We are now displaying a line line ol Hosiery tn COTTON, BILK tad LISLE THREAD. $15 Goes as far in buying a fine Dress Suit this season as $20 did last. Vv e name this price because it is one that many like to pay; you certainly know by this time that we've proportionate values at $8, $10 Our showing at $15 is a grand one, including all the fit and fashionable fabrics in strictly tailor-mada garments with a style and finish about them which no tailor can improve upon. Not only is the price quoted about half what a tailor would charge for the same quality of suit, but there is also from $3 to $5 more value in them than $15 will buy in any other storj. REMEMBER, every porehaaer of Hen's, BoytV or Children's Clothing, Shoes, Sato or Oent's Furnishing Goods to the umount of 11 "i . r, is presented with s ehanee on the BEAUTIFUL PABLOB 81 ITE now on Bzhlbition in our window, fin CLOTHING & SIDE 137 AND 139 PENN AVENUE, Complete Outf.uera, SCRANTON, PA. S. L. G ALLEN. THE c:t Represents Banister's new Razor Toe Last. If you want the latest styles in Footwear trade at Banister's. BANISTER'S PRICES are a little less tban you are paying elsewhere for inferior goods. BANISTER will give you MORE for your money than any Shoe House in the city, Patent Leather and Russet Shoes in endless variety. BANISTER'S, LAST WEEK Wo bought of two large mauuiacl urt'istiieir entire Hue of Ladles' SUITS, CAPES AND SHIRT WAISTS, which we will offer foi ONE WEEK at lirat cost, or about 30 PER CENT, loss than regular prices. MEN'S HATS AND FURNISHINGS In our Millinery Department we show the most com plete line in the city. We estimate that our $2,500 Distribu tion Gift will hold out about Two Weeks. Separate Wholesale Department. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. We have bought a large sample line of Coats and Capes -For: 50c. on the Dollai and we will sell them for the same this week. So if you want a nice stylish garment for little money, come before they are all gone. IN OUR Millinery Department Wo are showing the latest in French Novelties. Come and look through our stock. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. NEXT DIME BANK. .00 and $12 here ca!!!.iANLNW),Sil31 tm