4 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNEWEDNESDAY MORNINtt. MAT 2, 1894. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, General Manager. Prni.iswin ii v ii. y Axn svOEKt.v n Sons.- TON, PA., BY lUK '1U1I1UM FUUUIUIKO COMPANY. Nr.w York Orrict: Tuibcnb Bdildiko, Frank B. Brat. Managsr. VntcreU at thr PoitafflOl at feranton, Pa., at Second-CVuii Hail Hatter. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. SCR ANTON. MAY 2. 1804. The U1T1ZIM of Wiikes-Barre may bo enthusiastic over Browning, but they can't piny ball. Curtailing Aldermen's Fees. A decision just miula by the commis sioners or Daupbiu county threatens to curtail somewhat the fat fees hereto lore extortoii from a suffering publio by not over acrnpuloua aldermen, bat promises to give aignal enoonragement ti ths rnformatioD of our petty court evstem. It bad for yaara been the prac tice in Dauphin county to collect fees for priso;irs who had usen bouud over to quarter stsslons court and then dis charged. The b itbit of throwing such eaten into court, ueedless to say, took rapid root under such fiusncU! eu oouragetnint; and court costs mounted up frith a rapidity out of all proportion to the increased amount of real justice dispensed. The commissioners of Dauphin comity last Saturday decided to insti tute a rttform Unexpectedly soma of these numerous bills wer submitted to close scrutiny and found to be wholly without warrant in equity, A rule was nude that hereafter fees of this kind can only bn cnlleoted four times a year, on the Wednesday following the regular session of quartsr sessions court, aud must bare beta ilrst cerll iisd to and fud with the prothonotary. Th" adriint.tge of tins restriction lias obieflr in the fast that It is a tirst step toward rtuttiog a need m) chsrk on in ordinate perqaiattM In itself, the ru'.e may not imount to much; but prophet ically it Is significant. If there is on iroblaiu at pretaot be fere the tax-payers of Pennsylvania, aud particularly the tax payers of those portions of I'ertipylvanta iu which mixed racial elements abound, it is the problem of purifying the pstty bcal courls. Whin men possetsing small or tio knowledge uf the law cau, through infimnce or "pull," leap from potilious of obtcurity into tnsgistrscies paying larger inoMBM tbau are enjoyed by senators of the United Stafi.and thr ply nit!: impunity th arts of the dem igogue and the psttifogcer, at the community's expense, it is time to in quire sericuily into th) wordings of such an iniquitous sysUin This is not laying that all aldenueu ars rascal; bat it doee mean that if all alderme.i chose to be rascals they woulJ hare an easy time plying a reacil'e tradj Whatever tends to limit present oppur tanitlM for rogusry in this branch of the judiciary is dsssrving of encour igtmsut aud general imitation. At TUB Amsrieus elnb dinner iu Pittsbnrr, last Friday, Kepreientativj Jack Robinson was seated next to Wal ter Lyon. When called npon to speak and iu answer to some playful allu sions ty the toastnuster, he responded by clasping Mr. Lyon'l baud, remari ioj as be did so: "This is a free coun try and everybody haa a right to rnu for office, t ut 1 wish to nstir that staunch Keunblican and worthy g n tlauion, my opponent, that, if the con vention decides against r.ie, I am will ing to go to every cress-roads in the state to help his canvais, and my f ace will show not a ripple of dissatisfac tion with this decree of the par'y. " This is the kind of tslk that baa the I roc ring to it. An honest tighter fotre no foe and chriihts un malice when fairly whipped. It is to be regrett d that all participants in this prelimin ary discussion of candidates are Dot dispossd to emulate Jack llobinton's manly spirit. Needed Consular Reform. Chairman Morgan of the senate com mittee on foreign relatione and Bellamy r'lorcr, a member of the houte commit tee on forsign affairs hov, with the approval of their respective colleagues, co-operated in tha formatiou of n bill which is expected, If parsed, to exer cise a br-ntficnl InfloODM upon the quaiity of our diplomatic representa tion abroad. Tba till provides for the erection of a non-partisan commission comprising, iu Addition to the secretary of state, two senators and two repre sentatives, paired politically, caid com mission to have anthority to place the entiro diplomatic nnd cttimhr servir of the United States, below the grade of ministers resident, upon a non-par-tiran, merit basis, with experience and fitness, as evidenced by suitable exam inations, made the only requirements to appointment It it not expected that the bill will receivo immediate approval. Two great obstacles intervene. One Ii the fondness of partisan workers for berths in the oonsnlar service; and the other is the lack of a law placing all these consuls nnd consular agents upon u graded salary basis with nbtolutely no side perquisite! in the form of clerioal or notarial fees. At it is today, many an office worth only a few hundred dollars in salary la good, under expert manipulation, for an annnal revenue of thousands. The consul-generalship at London was at one time worth, alto gether, more than tha pretidency of the United States, while those at Paris and Liverpool are not much poorer, in point of revenue. Bo long at these in ducements beckon, it will be difficult to get the consent of the practloal poli ticians in congress to a bill which would rnla them and their friends off these inviting foielgn pastures except npon demonstration which few could give of real fitness for the work and responsibilities involvsd. The first stop, therefore, ie to abolish the fee system in toto, substituting therefor moderate graded salaries. This done, it will not take long for publio sentiment to compel the adop tion of the balance. The idea Is rapidly gaining converts that if It is worth while to have a consular service at all, It is worth while having a good one, and net ont whiob. it the mock and by play of the trained diplomats of Eu rope. The duties of an American con sul or consular agent are today onerous and important. In a high sense be is an international trade agent, lie is on of Uncle Sam's "drunimrtrs," If he bo bright, full of tact and thor oughly up to date he cau swing a vol ume of business nnd prestige worth many times ins taltry. If hs be a de crepit party haek or an indolent party pensioner, ho can do an equal quantity of serious-nnd irreparable harm. The profession of diplomacy, as a profes sion, requires talents of the highest or der. These cannot be expected to de velop themselves between qnadrennial politicsl fluctuations at home. Whsn a man gives proof of fitness lie should be retained; when the reverse, dis charged. Politics should play no part in the decision. TuEC.UJSEof constitutional govern ment generally ie thu gainer from the fact that Joseph II. C'boate has con sented to preside over the deliberations of the New York stata constitutional convention, whiob convenes next Tues day in Albany. The work of this body will have lasting significance tbrougb ont the country, and ths ioflueuce wielded by Us chairman, in the appoint ment of committees, as well as in his individual conference, will do much to determine the convention's success or failure. Coxcy to the Rescue. The approaou of vx--y to the capital has supplied an opportunity to the re portorial word-paiuters of Washington which Is thus pictures. ii-ly improved by the representative of the Aaaoslsted Press ! Citizen James Slecher Coxey, com-tniiudor-ln-chief uf th Good RoaOS Army of the l.'omuiiiu wealth, -.adding on a rickety waon iu the center ot the Bright- WOOd Driving park, waving aloft Ins At plot I. nt to one of the mmt, cosmopolitan and extensive SOdiCDOCi ever gather I Iu Washington, announced tills afternoon that the greatest march of the Blntoesth century had been accomplished. The march had been accomplished, as (.'itizmi t'oxev tali) but iMouJmg was In pitiful contrast to the masting of the thousands of unem ployed that its projectors imd prophesied, Three hundred au I a half of miseraoly dressed, woe-begone, grumbling, out-at-the elbows and run-.lowi-tit-ib-heU specimens of humanity, wbo bote attr.k ii g tb'itign tierhajM nndi'servii.l rs!..o lauce to tnefaimliur genu tramp, uiarcnnj into the park, led by a wbetiug apology for a baud, pitched testa uud etretebM themtelvee in the sun. It wi thus be s-eu that OitiltB James Mscher Coxey, in addition to re ceiviug the down trodden millions from the relentless clntch cf a besotted and ricg-ruled congreti, hat come graudly to the rtlhf of the dstpalring Washington space filler. What with congress droning over tariff bills, QrOYtt abutting himself iu with his grief and uveu BiUy BlOM good fo on ly one outburst p-r dsy, the lot of tl.e alert correspondent wss getting anything but exciting. We are thankful to Coxey. Person ally, be it becoming something of a bore. But in bis w finance upon the capitol correspondents ue has been singularly refreshing. lie has il lumined an otherwise dull an 1 luster less routine. Thu lsTitMH' Harritburg Patrr' has brought out its periodical cry that the ticket likely to be nomiuated at this mouth's Republican convention is a "iirknf of the bossos whicn uo llepulw lican has the tetueritv to break." Of conrse the Patriot la insincere, it knows full well that boasum In any odious sense was never further below per err.ong Pennslvsnla Itspnbllrans than it is today. It knows eqn.llv Wf II thst the voters and nut the boe-.es of the party are miming tilings tojsy. But, having; got a:ck of Paltnon boss 1MB and llarrity boesism, the Patriot merely wantt to divert its disquieted Bind by fan. yi ig it preeives t..e em: evil in the enemy's ctmp Yet what's the use. Democracy in this common wealth is not to le benetittxl by such weak nursing. Its disease it altogether Deyonl reach of 1Mb tepid medin ment. Betidee the dodge It old, bops lettly, helplessly old. Is as Am.Iloiis.ny court room ths other day Judge 1'orter administered a sharp rebuke lo a clergyman who had. ill Pri tiftifti 11(7 r, t. m ff Ida vtilluva ll,..tl - ",.f. ' ' " .( . 4 ' U,., 111,1.1 ened the judge with the tangible die plesture of voting insmbert of bit c u gttgfetiOBi and intimats-d that deftr enee to Uie mlnittei'e sacred otlice aloue prevented the court from meting ont exemplary pumsbment. The cast is happily, of Infrequ-nt occiirrenoe, yet it offers salutary instruction to those mistaken miailtorl who toinstimet uie theif great aud honored calling at a political club whereby to frighten im pressionable officials. No one is dis puted to deny any clergyman the right to exprete hit personal convictioas on any snbject whataosver, but there is decided objection these days to the occasionally vnconntersd policy of con necting the ministerial function into a willing auxiliary of boss-ridden politics. Foit ia ministry which was not ex pected to survive its christening, the Hosebcry government eeenii to be do ing remarkably woll. I'liititK m evldeutly a growing field for a Keeley branch institute In near proximity to the sensts of the United States. Voorhees fiad his lngallt, and Tur pie would do well to profit by bis ex ample. T OM REED at Pittsburg. The speech of Thomas I!. Used at the Americns club dinner at i'ittsburg last week was very inadequately reported by the press news associations. A pe rusal of its etitiro text convinces us that it is deserving of morn genarsl pnbllr-i.y than it has yet received, Fol lowing are some notable axoerpts: America is too great, hnr resources all too mighty, for even the worst legislation and most incompetent rulers to destroy. What the country needs is not repress ive, but developing statesmanship, con servative, preserving tho rights of all, but progressive, making all that is possible out of our great possibilities. What Impoverishes the mill owner Im poverishes the mill worker. You cannot divide nothing. The apple mutt be grown even for the small boy to get the core, and nobody ever bad a cut of Ush until be waa caught. Under the fierce light of our present con ditions we sen things more clearly, and begin to realize that the simple pro gramme of thn Democracy to reduce prices and wages together has come into collision with tho eternal verities of the world, aud must go to piece. 1 have said that there might be some consolation to be had even In our dis tresses. One consolation which 1 Uud is that the men who sell their service-', whether of bruin or muselo, will learn that they are the uunrdians of iheir own fn tore, aud tha- before ihev begin the striiK ele for a divi ion of the profits, th-'y mu-t Drat see thai there are some profits to di vide. tee Mr. Reed's only reference to the sil ver question is a gonural one, t'Ut in teresting as evidencing his concurrence with ex-Presideut Harrison as to the inevitable future of toil vexing coin uge problem. This is what he Mid: What courso the Republican party will pursue to obtain international bimetallism, which we must have, I cunuot vsnture to predict, but I am confident that thu wis dom which has guided that party safely nnd securely through oveu greater finan cial questloua than that will, when wo have the power and responsibility, be fonnd to be still with us for the great' glory and advancement of this country. One can imagino tho hearty cheering which greeted this manly expression by the distinguished speaker. When 1 I. ..k on all thut Is transpiring today aud witnete the wild uurstt uf the people, the crowde moving to and (ro Lnrdly knowiut; what thuy wunt the n solves, but mittintr, they kaow not bow, tho prosperity to which they have been acOOStomed all their Urea: whsn I look on this nnd the, misery we have face 1, and Ale yet to face, and thinking Hellishly, 1 feel u seute of satisfaction that those who hiive made all this irmiblo haveg.it to fnco it. Hut when I think of it iu a hr-iider spirit mid remember that most of thosu who suf fer are Innocent or sorry, I rejo'.c-j that the dettinietof (his country are so soon to be handed ovr to that stannch old party which, while it hssoflon fallen short of the highest excellence, has always hsd that saving common sense wuich has led It, sooueror later, but always surely, to tha paths of safety and honor. w a For this coueluling excerpt we b spejk an extra d"gre of attention : ilud any one of tho eloquent inn who two years ago proclaimed the Republican trothl to listening inn tituues.j anted Iu the colors o sorrow and taduess so visible to day to every eye, tho future of the Repub lic Just as we see It At this moment, hit ni. it partisau auditor would have had no alight tenet of she me at what ho rubiU Well bare thought was the causeliv-t exag geration of mere party fervor. No oue Oration was ever de.iverel which told In prophecy one tithe of the tiory which is his" ry today. It is uot the (Mat r-i.- ! r a ! wt -, em ! l;n Ugj bnt In an aimless way. toward ti e capital of the MliOO, It is Ml the mills running ou La.f and i; jailer time aud no lime at all. dt capital piles! up un used at the centers of trade, nor veu la ta' r tinemp!.. ted for naarlv a year pact, which completes the saddest portion of the Plot ure. To me the sight most odious of all, Is the utter inability uf the poop's to retch their own lnstrutumts and to Compel the fulfillment cf their own will. Here in a country where government by the people was fondly hoped to have found its, meet ami lutes', expression, thtpev iple s em to la-powerless to c i.:r. I'h r -legislature, and to correct by eober reflec tion thu mistake uf the most thougbtiest dsy Id Amen, an lmtiry '.Ue tiey when the preeenl congress aud th present ex e. ntivu were chosen to preside over tee unhappy deatmies of the Cilueus of tut I'mted States, LIVl JOIIlNCi OF POIITICS. Hatter's two delegates are for Lyon. Secretary Steward tarried Hacas county wub a who p. Ollae l. Price ri I have Warren county's tuppcrt fur the auditor gnneridahlp. Robinton defeated I. yon at the Warren c anil primaries AioD'iay. alter a tpiiitd battle. Senator Showsller, of Hutler, hat with drawn from the canvaaa for secretary of internal affairs. lodge Harry White, ot Indiana, bts three bitter Republican oppeuents in h s Diiht f r a recom nation. lodge Bt 01 00 toe refused to let tbt I ; lie hold etria's Sta'.e i-.'oveu-UOO in t!.elauphin Couaty courtroom. Sena;. .r John H. Hrown and ex Senator K 11 I: bti ns are baring a sklrmlth for the congressional coutereei In Weetmore land Kepreeenta'.ivH llurdick. ef M 'K-an.wiil be a amlidate for the tesikerahlp next teeeleoi hot toe proj. Lets say it trill oe i eaa. r aitou. Formal aanoaccement la made cf tha rot dldaey nt I seer 1 Baud, ot Luxarne, for the Itepoblicao nomination for or phan's court judge. H' reeenlalive Ira F. Vanstlel l, the Heaver coal . peral. r, and Jar eb Wrrt.,t BUl be rrnommated by acclamation Uolb are txpeneoced and useful legislator. The state delegate from Wy inxiai Ctiunt.f will Vote tor C lonel Stiiwart for lieutenant governor. II haa at los-i twenty-Qve sure, and perbape mere to ciint. Tbe cas again'. I SBOtj Commissioner CI arles Allen, u( schnvlktll eou-iiv. wh... elected at a HetiuUloati, flopped over whsn It came to dispentiuic patronage, Lai bn quashed. Captain Johnson' friendt now claim tuDWieut flelegetes to defeat Judge ( lay ton for re-noiiiinatiou in Delaware conntv, iu tint of Clayton's strong but disreputa ble backing. B P, White, t.f He Hrighton. and H. P. Stone, of BtiOfOWOttW, are candidates for the teuatorial uomlnalion in Senator ijuay's district, tho Foity eixtu. (Juay it nuii-comuiittal. The bit fight In scbnylklll county en di In i, draw, with a s.ight balauce of vtc i. . H the auti l.oreh tide. Roblnsou cap:cred two delegates and Lyons our; but u ne were instructed. Re idlofl ha a large and aud Juicy Coun cilman's scandal ou her hand. It Is charged that four rouncilmeu offered to approve a certain sewer cotnract for a consideration ainoiintiug to eUoo J. Au investigation has been ordered. Senator Tom Stewart seems to be a can didate upon tho Keneral principle that if there is auv likelibood of a factional scrip betweeu the other filows, tne party will want him as a compromise. U has. toi some time, been th dark horse iu the lieu tenant governorship struggle, and la uow mentioned as au excellnt alternative Iu casu Mi Uonell and Uulf get too spirited la their struggle for th aseoclste place with Ualuiha A. lirow. Meanwhile his great popularity is constantly brlngiug him rapid accretions of strength audit it wor'".i while to seep an eye on him. As convention day draws nigh there is renewed preparation among tb. fthful. The L chiel, at Harrislmrg, shelter Colonel Sieiwart, who will Watn his lieu tenAnt gubeniatorinl boom in room lis Msjor McDowell, who will dUBMOO ic water from roomt IU and 1H; Fighting Jack Bobueon, who will entertain hi friendl In n si.ltr of npartmenti on ths sec ond floor besides Chairman Ullkeson and Secretaries Totterolf and Rex, of the state committee, ex-Collector Cs.oiwr, who will bs merely an "on-looker In Venice," Hon nral Heeder, of Katton, Representative Kooht, of In ion, nnd llurdick, Of MrKean, ex-lteprsentative Elkiua, or Iudiauu, ex Senator Sbnwalter of Uutler, Candidate QUet D. Price of Krle, Candidate tieorge P, Huff of Wettmoreland. ex-'halr t in vs. u. nuurews, riesn rrom bis senatorial victory In Crawford, Journal Clerk Fred Pleitl with a party of friende from this city and uumerons otbor prominent Re publlcsns. At the Commonwealth the Hastings contingent will unfold its tent, escorted by Colonel Jaraec H. Lambert, of tho Philadelphia Preta, the entire Phllv delphia delegation, which hat eogaved thirty rooms, Lieutenant Qove.rnor Watres, Major V' arren and other friends from Lackawanna, Editor Theodore Mar, of Pittstou, a victim of the Delamater In feeliou of fonr years ago, sind many others. The Commouwealth will irlsu shelter Wal ter Lyon, ex-Adjutant General La.Ua and Henn'jr Boles Penrose. At other hotel's there is a corraspoudlng demand for 'ac commodations, and enthusiasm Is obvious ly mounting higher each day. N paint the best is the cheapest. Don't be misled by trj'ing what is said to be "just as good," but when you paint insiot upon havin" a genuine brand of Strictly Pure White Lead It costs no more per gallon than cheap paints, and lasts many times as long. Look out for the brands of White Lead offered you ; any of the lol lowing are sure : "Atlantic,'' "Beymer-Bauman." "Jewett," "Davls-Chambera." "I'ahncstock " Armstrong It McKelvy," For Colors. National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors nrc sold in one-pound can?, each can MOO sufficient t tint K peanut of strictly lure White Lead the ileMred slude; they art in no sense ready-mixed paints, Lut s combination i t perfrdly pure colors in the basdlStt lolm to tart wrtctry Purt Whitt Lead, AKood muny thousand dollars have been saveil pruueily-uu tiers by bavin our b.,uk on panning Uml'rw ar1' Send usapusul card and tel NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. We are Headquarters for Everything in Our Line. REFRIGERATORS WATER COOLERS ICE CREAM FREEZERS HAMMOCKS and BABY CARRIAGES A large liae of New and !ruti ful (food, all Btiitablo lor gifll. Coarsen, Clemons & Co. 422 LACKA. AVE. A YLES WORTH'S lie fir.es t in tne City Tba latest lapfOTOo' for Dtl itiKt ami tiisralci for Noaipg eot, bmtoi ti l W sonilng Ate FIRST MORTGAGE 6 BONDS or THE FOiiTY FGRT COAL COMPANY. A lituiiej DQjBbaf of the aboTa bonda are lor sale at par aud ae anted Lotaraal i tha following : parties, from whom coplw of the J niortp.i.-e an 1 lull inf.ruiatiou run be- otrteinadi K. W. Mulligan, Cashier Moron d rTattoael Beak, VVilkaa-Barre, lV W. UWelaoB, Caahler First Na tional Hank, Pittstou, Pa. J. L. Poles, ( asliier People's Bevinja Hank, pittstou, Pa, A. A. Brydtm, Praatdanl Miners' levtefi Hank, Pittaton, Pa. Ami by the .S tanton Savings Beak uml Trust OompattJ, Trustee Ondaf the Mortgage. T, E Atkertoo, Counsel, W1LKB8 llARKK, PA. WANT a Piano or Organ Cheap? LOOK AT THE LIST: Aimxtra fins Honry F. Millor Squaro llano ' , $)T5 An i Hi , linn "i'hl.-k r .-'-..- . IMann III A kimmI llaiues Hrotui-r hiUjn- I'.ana.. lio A xuud Moycr Bruiliers 0.0010 Plaoo.... M A irnod Flrtli & 1'ond Siuar 1'iano 7 A u'"d l'liiplionla Hiiiar I'lano W A very good lootOO 1'iano Co. Walnut Upt ight 1110 A I .-ry good Whoelock Upright l'lan.i.. 1st) A wry li.iod Wboelot'k Upright I'iuno . l. GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW STORE riants ASK YOUR GROCER STOWEES CSXelCIOUQ, MILD XJGaA.. OXTH.3KD ABSOLUTELY rtJr8.B HAMS. LARD. EVERY HAM AND PAIL OF LARD BRANDED. pn TflppLiEB THE ST0 WERS PACKING co SCRANTON, PA GOLDSMITH 1 en thousand copies of this popular new song is now being given away by us to everybody free and open handed. You are not required to purchase any goods in order to obtain it, but simply step inside and ask for a copy and it will be cheerfully presented to you. The music is printed on the best enameled paper, and the front page contains a full-tone portrait of Miss Delia Fox, for whom it was written, and who will sing it here in "Panjandrum," Tuesday, May 8. Goldsmith With the New Valves Out of Sight. Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our ,14 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, "JSJSs (j hMJ h 0 IN bi And a full line of Iioys' and Girls' Wheels. We are mak injv extremely low prices on Second hand Wheels. IVl. II Ul SH Lacka. Ave. F1NF FNftRAVINfi OS mm Ofesst i e ww - Wedding Imitations, Announcements, Reception and Visiting Cards, Monograms, Menus and Dinner Cards, Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Enr,rvers. 817 LACKAWANNA AVE N.B. Wo uro offering a new edition of tho Book of Common Prayer, well bound in tlolh. Two Copies for 25c. Single Copies, 13c. A vory sood IhOolnfsr Upright Hiano. ORCANS. A Masoti 4 Mamlln, nearly new.hlgh top, '. iloublo n-J I An A. 1). Ch ut, nearly uw, high top, I qpOOeONOil I A ChiOago Cottage. narly new, high top. donbld rOOO I A WoivesUr. nearly now, high top, I (loulilo rood N 224 1 n urn 1 mu. m Jl UlillLLlnlllUU L and Organs at Vnoleaale and Retail, on Inatallnioiits. AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH 'S $ a Dream" Brothers & I ENAMEL WARE I For ONE WEEK ire Will sell Enamel M are at the following unpre- oantBtad price : . Tea and Coffee Pots ONE-Qt-AUT. 40c. TWCMrfUART. 47c. 1HRF.P QfAUr, 35C. A!-o lrisdeu ami Preserving Kettles, Sauce Pans aud Pott Wash Dishes and Tea Kettles at equally low prices. ! GLOBE SHOE STORE . Reliable Goods Oiil' Price Satisfaction Guarantee 1 227 Lackawanna Avenue EVANS & POWELL, Proprietors. Dr. Hill Son Albany Dentists 14 wn. liJO: tssrt eetj M: fee PU SMS SOtl tSOtb will. ut sla'at, rallwt i-rou a4 triJt in k, rail for i rie ana reirnoi TlN ALOTA. fur eitroiiu t)Ui ithaut I sain. N o etber. No ga. t f. lll--l M l ION A L RANK. Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, TU Ppirlatlst on tb Eya ni4aohs an.l Kerrouaness rcllv4. Latest and Improved Style or F.T Ulassx ami Spoctaolw at th Lowt Prlcoa. Bt Artlflclal Eyas uisrtd fur J5. SOf aPRUCE ST., op. Old Poet Office. A 8tsm!rd,narly new.hlgh top,tloulil rood 40 a MMQietar, Hjerly new. high top, doublo rred Si And aOOOt H Other good second hand or gans, $ to ftsi Thn aboTO collection of Second hand Insru nieiits artall in good ordor, fully gusran tead, th greatest bargains ever offored Iu this city. Call and se them Installments or dltcoMnt for cash. WYOMING AVENUE, SCRANTON. BAZAAR Company. 60c. 70C. The (i teat Marvel of Dental Science An&sthene .V recent discovery nnd the 6ole property of 11 MISTS, 316 Lackawanna Avo. WHAT J. Q. SEAMON'BSAYS ABOUT AKJMTHlrTK, IRS HI'MVUIIIi t WARUKU: After h.itlut vlesen teeth rstrarted at una alttlug y th painless method, I iro- ooooee it sotlrely eatleatetavv in nrj oaattietUotb J. o IXAMONI uuiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu DO YOU REQUIRE ACCURATE TIME? WK HAVE IT. EDWIN G. LLOYD 42Ivtck i s 3 S SBIIIillllllllllllllllllilllUIIIUHIIIIH. EED POTATOES Ikf ALL BK3T VAR VAKlETiaS. ONION SETS Aud all kinds GARDEN SEEDS in bulk and in pack- Pierce's Market fENN AVE. America 16 BEAUTIFUL FICTl'RCR. KVKBT . NOTED I'LACE IX ALASKA, TUE UNITED STATES AND MJtXICO. FIVE NUMBEUSON THE COUN TXB. TEN CENTS AND ONE coupon mm Attn nl slbeh.