2 THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE -WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAT 2, 1S94. THE SECRET (IN gr: D I i ii Otr. ACT. To some things we've got the key, Jahann Hol'fs Malt Extract, see? After such a splendid showing Tis a remedy worth the knowing, Be nr to obtain the Oenuinu, and do not be Impose J upon by the num.r ous substitute offered as "just its goo." The (letmine Johann HolT'. Malt Extract must bare the Rifntnre of "Jo tinnn Hull" on the week latiol nf evfry bottle None other is Kenuine BI8NEB A MENDELSON CO., A.tmU, 102 and IM Franklin St New York GENERAL NEWS The East Side Electric railroad from Wilkct-Barre to 1'itteton has reached Port Griffith. The latest in regard to wh.it route the cotnjnay will use to Port Griffith iit that they will lay on truck on tho mttn road and a socond track on the road beini: opened through the I'eut srlTania Coal company's ground. It it said it if the Intention of the company to run several through cars daily to Wilkes-barre 0Tr thin latter route, and lb former will b UstiJ for local traffic Ex-United States Senator Patterson, from Mitllinton, who represented Bontn Carolina dnrini; the carpet ba days, called on Governor nnd Corporation Clerk Van lyke at Ilarrnburg the other day. II ii the promoter of the Pennsylvania Traction company, which propones to run its road from PbUadaU poll to llarrisbura. They iulund com mencing operatione in I'nilaiWplii i, branching off the main line to Wat Chester and other pointi in that lo cality. Tl.ey have purchaaed the entire Luncaiter system, ami will run fpuri ' to Ephrata, Lititz, Manhuiro and otnr I neighboring towni Mr Pntterioo ii considered one of the ehrewdeet alec- ! trie projectors iu the state, and ha boomed a :. amber of roads that haTe proved a big paying investment. Tub shipments of coal over the Hunt ini;don ami Broad Top railroad la.it week aggregated ."", tune, ajMiuit 47,504 tons for kbecorrwpondlng period last year, an increase of f.40l tons. The shipment from the Broad Top re gions decraiued '.1,107 toim, but tlice from the Cumberland region Increased 18,868 tone. For tb year to Ut st orday, shipments decreased 87,704 toua There hkS. says the R c rl, been s great deal of rumor recently in regard to the reauscitstion of the long talked of Willieuispor and Buighamton rail road. Sever alley officials were in Montrose and vicinity recently, look ing over the route, which has all been eurneyed. From Montrot. eonth the narrow gauge would be widened, ex ten led up Bowman's creek to eounact with the Harvey's Like branch, which runs dlreet to WilUamspurt. All that would have to be done to eo:inet i Williainsport and Binghamton woul t be to bnild about twenty miles of roid from ilsrvey laki! to Tunkliaunock, widen the narrow gauge, buiid a'ltlier i fifteen miles from Montroio to (Quaker I lake and rnn into Dingbhiuton on the I truck of tbe State Lin road. That ! road will be built in ih-i near futurj to connect the cities of Wiilianisport an 1 Biugbamton is iii( certain. The rnnnlng of pisseoger trains on the Wilkee-lierre ainl Eastern railroad will begin on Monday, .Inne 4. 1 wo trains to and frum New York will be ran eeob day. Tim first will leave WllkSS-Barrs about 7 o'clock iu the morning ut.J the seciiu'i about U in t:n evening. BASE Mil GAIES TESTESDAT. NATIONAL LKAUl'E, At New York New York 4 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 x V llnltimore 0 0 'J 0 0 0 0 I 1 4 Hits-New York, 12; Baltimore, II. Kr-r.-re, New York, 1; Hal t luioie. 8, BsUtS rift I.eckin and l'arroll; Mc.Wahon end Koblnson. I'miiire-I.yucb, At Philadelphia Philadelphia... .1 0 2 0 0 0 0 Huston S II ti 0 1 O liiis I'hiludnlphia, -, liostou, rciis Philadelphia, .'j; Bostou. 8 o o- a ii x 7 U. Kr llatto rifH t arsi y aim ' llii"iit; Luvett nnd ilerrltt. Umplrc- llurat. At ClnctDDuti CiiictuDtl....U 0 0 1 0 1 1 3 00 1'ittBbtiru 0 1000K40 0-- 7 IIitH-t'mcinnati. 9 Plttaburir, 18. Errors-Cincinnati, S; 1'ituliurv, K linttu.-- l'arrott aud Vaugh, K l lieu und Mack. l nipire t-nmie At Ht. Louis Pi. Louia 0 0000000 00 Cleveland 3 1 'J 20000 x 7 Hits St. Louis, 8; Cleveland, 10. Kr rors St. Louis, 8) Clevulsod, Z Batteries OlMMD, Hnwley and bucklny: Clarksuu and O Cuunor. L'luplre Jkuade. At WMliingtorj Washington g o 0 0 00 Brooklyn o 0 0 0 09 Hits Wnnuinjfton, 3; Brooklyn, l l rors WaablDgton, 1; Brooklyn, 0. Batteries-Stephen Biiil Mcliuire; Slmrrott nnd LaCliuncc. Umpire Stagu. The Kiime was given to Brooklyn t the end 01 the firth inning by tbu score of 0 to 0 bi iauso the Washington team refused to abide by a decision of the umpire. EASTKHN LEAGUE At Wilkes-Brre Wilk8-Barre..4 0 a 'i 0 2 0 214 BurTalo 0 0 4 2 0 U 2 1 0 0 Hits-Wilkea-Barre, 14; Buffalo, 14. Kr rors Wilkes-Burro, 2; Buffalo. 4. Bat teries Cjuurleg and Warner; Uoffer.Slaglo und Boyd. Umpire Snyder. At Bingbamton Biiigbauitou...O 6 0 1 1 o l) 1 317 Erie 0 0002204 08 Hits Binghamton, 10; Erie, 17. Er rors Bingbamton. '.!: Erie. V. Batteries liolan and Dowse, Healy aud Uerger. Urn- pire uuoutiier. At Springlield Troy 1 0 8 1 4 0 0 1 x-10 (Springfield.... 0 001 1001 14 Hits Troy, 13; Springfield, 9. Errors Troy, 7; SprincUeld, 8, llatterieB-Meakin and Cahill; Vickory and Loashy. Umpirol Hunt. OF INDUSTRIES OF STRENGTH. 3 ACTS.) I laM-l-aO I I ZI Emm GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. State lesguo season will open today. llartninu, of last venr's Johnstown team and lately ,f Philadelphia, has accented Altoona's terms. F.wmjr is Hatting the ball as hard for levcland this yuar as tie did fur the Uiante in '87 and 'SO. Jerry Deuuy appear! to bo rtLt in line again. His werk on Louisville's third bug so far has been above the standard. The Union Base Ball club challenges the Pounders to agumoof ball on Uauitnoti'a lull, a week next Sundav. Auswer throiigii this column. fony Mullsne struck out eight of the Bostons tu one game of the repent series at Itaitimo'o. This is the strikeout for fhc season thus far. This will be ladles' day at the ball mrl;. Eaon wsdnssday during the season has tioen selected bv the etockholders us a special ladies' day. Kobinson, the ritcher of the Pawtnrkit (R. I.) club, n ab.'iit the only colored player now engaged by a professional club consisting or wLito players. Joe Wright, the famous home run hitter of Eaaton last year. Is keeping un Us r- ord at Hamburg. He made a bonier on Thursday an 1 rep. a;. .1 the trick I'rulay. The games pUtVSd between State and Eastern league clubs have ahown tl at Lbs former organlsatloo is as strung as, if not Itn DgSI than, tbe latter HarrUburg Patriot. The average salary of National league player- is 18,080, ( 'n the average salaries are not M nigh as they wre three or four vears ao by 10 per cent., but they are more uniform. TbSTS have been three shut uts in the National league season already, with the sea-uu only a week old. Looks as though tl" itcher Ciuld stand it to be set buck another foot or two. The 0MMettent8latl league has expired evsu bafore the uaswn began. Tbe cause was the ap.lhv of Bridgeport and Hart ford In supporting teams, as without Ibsat cities a successful circuit could not be made up. Tne other foar cities liait al ready signed niOKt of their i layer. New Haven may carry an la dependeut team on the co-operative plan. This is what tbe PhUadstpbiS ljS1SI ssys: Alleiitown lias a v-ry evenly bsl a need learn, one-half being veti-rans and ths oiitsr balf jonagstsni llalvsy, Wood, Wise aud IQUIgM appear to bo in as Itne fora Si UtSf ever were K-lly anil LsVklB ne.-l a little mere praotio to put them in good haie. Of the youngster two pitcher are goo I one: Sweoney. tb short stop, is a ersckerjack. and Morn and ' assll i tha ei.tr-.ders, are also above tbe average mm jr leaguers. AN LVLNT UJNti RtMEMBEREO. It Orrur Wbaa a OIH Oats Her l int t' c-ning Deeasj Tbe llrst evnmg dre s of a young girl Is a Very important thing, at least to her, nnd should Is- chosen rap fully wdh an o to se'.tiug off her youthful freshness and the avoidance of an air of maturity. It Is a pr at mistake to put ) oung girls in thick sius and satin and smother the kinipllti- mm rR.i r. . xin - MrtiP die i HKll FIBST EVEN I NO (iOWN. ty that is their chief charm under a load of expensive muleiiuls Unit lb imve tteitlier the years nor experience to carry off well. China silks, embroidered India mull, airy nets and all sheer, dainty fabrics are suit able and may le Irimmeil with silk or vel vet rlbliuiis nnd Ilfjli! luce. If jewels aie worn, they slmiild be of the simplest. The most fastidious taste dispenses with them entirely until the Ingenue stage Isp.i .mil. It U nlso much the best form to have the corsage cut only half low. An extremely pretty gown worn by a girl of 17 U u latu wadding riotpl Ion was nadt of ,iain white silk muslin, with n full walsl'.athered into a belt, the neck being cut down but two Inches all nround and shirred with n little heading The puffed sleeves ivnehed to tbe elbow, and a few sprays of smilax were the only ndornmeut. This unusually simple attire gave the youuit girl, who, although pretty, was rather heavy, a delicacy and re finement of appearauce which a more eny oruta toilet, such on she will have to wear In two or three years, would have put out of tbe question. The gown of which n sketch is given Is not so plain as the one just mentioned, but is iieTerthelass simple und appropriate enough for the average young girl. It la of embroidered silk muslin, pale green in tint, made over u silk lining of 'R same color. Tbe full muslin skirt hang) 5 era bell skirl of the silk, around tbe bottom of which are set moss green velvet rosettes at regular in tervals. The full bodice is gathered in at the waist under a belt trimmed with velvet rosettes. The neck is cut, square aud is sur rounded by a shirred ruffle or to muslin. The sleeves, which extend almosf lo the el bow, are very full, and over the upper half velvet straps are tucked, ending In bows and rosettes. White gloves are worn. JUDIC CUOLLET. " AS) W FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Etocks and Ponds. Niw York, May 1. Realizations on a liberal Kcule in Ara-ricau ttngsT had a ten dency to weaken the market lot stocks iu the early duliug. Sugar p nod slightly lower at 105 anil thou fell to 104, this wo- the heaviest decline, the other industrials receding about l to . The d op in Bogar brought in refresh buying oniers uotwitli stundiug the heavy realizations, and the stock moved up to 1059-4, re-act ed to 10i; and left off at 105?;, a loss of for the day. Transaction were just 50 per cent, of yesterday's big total. Leud wai the weakest of t'ue group. Chicago Gas on a nioderutebusin-ss gaiued about a point, selling up to Co. Tne rail way list whs not affected to anv great ex tent by the Industrials, held firm until just near the close, when there was u spurt in tbe Orangers led by liurlington nnd Qolnov which gained . St. Paul was advanoed to 88(, Hock Island to 0'J)i and Northwest to 100, Heading was a Weak spot, falling from IOtOl7Kal8 The junior mortgages wero also heavy on the talk of large assessments. Lucka-WB-.ina declined a point iu sympathy. Mis souri Pscillo wan iu demand and moved up IV Western Union gained 14. The market closed strong. Tbe total sales wore 21 1, lii'J shares. The following complete table showing the day',, iliictuutlons in active storks Is siidlad and rnvisiMl dally bv Lallar A t aller, stock bi l kers, lil Wyoming avouuo: Open- Hljh- Low est. "1 104 14 51 linw UsS m m ,.sV. Clos ing. m H mi m ciils ing. . 81 . Mm . 51 . Ill est. Am. Cot. Oil.., Am Sugar...., A. T. A H. K... fan. Sa , fen. N. J ( hie. A N. V V - H. O, Chic. Oas. a. o.o Kt. 31 I08M M 61 111 h'.i M li.it. US4 go I -., Iflt BM in ' tm issij MU lifi Mi i ol . llock.Val. A T. I744 II. A II i txH 1)., L. A w lei D.erO.F -j:h Krle Hi (4. E. tlo KM Lake Shore ISM I. A: N f' r.i4 IMi ?5 1 ., SHl, ISM. Oil its ial 41 ISM Kuit tr.u in 411 li-'W DuQ IBS .. - v IH4 Msnhattau Ulsa. I'ac Nat. Lead N. Y. A N. K N. Y. Central. ... H. Y..O.A W. N. Y..8. A V... V. H. f. Co N'erth Hse sfortb Pas, pf.... Oinaha Pee. Mail Heading Uoes Island .i-.'i . i" - ll . m WJ S . i i hi4 II', nt(i IVsj IfM . "s m !l 'M sJ It M mt Mm iu (ill, ml 'M lv iru mu h!4 I'l MS l N . I -4 8 "8i lN a 85 . IS it.T St. Paul I' . f . 1 . A ! i I'ni .ii l'a.'lec wabssh p Western union . W, L, r, w. a u b Cblckgonrain and Fravlalou. raHTott. May I. The MtOWtaS (loot In us are supi lied an 1 e rr-t.sl dallv by La Ml A 4 uUr,tock tirukr,Ul Wyomia SV as. v. !I!-AT. M.r a EH ""t as H - Mm aes MM I 'I5 MM Ita TlS :ia tit .'n'r. f,.l, I ii 4 ivrn bvo au i.. :.: ;i . Tie m . ej i ! 3 l U Is ! KM - i Onenlng lilglieat. ... st 1 1 silng OUHK. I i nning Hlht wast I I :Cg OATH. Oiwning Hlgheaf. I onset t 1 lng opening Rfa st : i w..t i -.g I.AUII. "(e-nng Htghistt livsat f I lug SH HI ItliU. OiMuitng lllgbwt Lowest Closing III 715 St: hit u uw Tort Vt d-ir- v. Nr.w Tom Mv I. ft? Dill, weak. WiiXaT- iciat, lower With optl (!, clo. ing aty. No, I re I, atom and e.avat -r, uie.; niluai, ' .i1 v," . D v. ' Ka i..pe. aagnMHa re:, wawa: .Nh l noriu rn, 70", c.; option wit fairly atliy.-; ale: No. 8 ral. .May, tic; June, S3o Jaly, Mlbl Augoit, Ma, Septemtatr, Uc. . I In i-llils-r. '- . c loBHhu.l. lower, cloalnt Heady; o, 2. 43.S43,1c ; el.vator, 44'v,a4',c afloat; o, ;i !. er dull anil irregular, unci 1 to Jfc dfcline; Mav. 4Jc.; July, iic ; Spi.-inber, 4.'i .1a4c lATN-C'iiet, firm, oaUOM flrai, fairly active; Alay, SS,r.: Jona 37Wr Jolv , So. nh.te, Alay, twWo, Ipol So a 414. N.I. a Wilt.'. 4. ii: , S . 2 Chicago, 4 i4.''-4e.; No. J, Inc.; So. .1 while, 4k . tnnid nrteri..4la4'.'.ir.i wblt do, and whileaUte, 4U45'c. nr.i r ii'iet, itaadjr T IMC! n I iar i nil. it Mian ymet, steady; ralddl, nrtumal. liAlD-Qatttj city, ;:,c.; Nay. AH; July, I'l".. rtiud, quiet; cir.lin.-nt. -.v.'., oth America le."1!. couipouud, C,o1c. I onK -Fair iiemaad. BvT-Dull ana weaker; stata da rr, new, !al7V : do, ,dd, loal4c: do., tmmmy. aaw, iisv. ; Paaaayltraala , wisii-in iiairy, new, loa 12c.; do., trram.ry, new, 13alsc.: do. factory, new, 1:141:1, t mi - Utiju creainary, llaMC t inn-1 .1 EB, fall iletr.sn l. Boos- Quiet; faaflr, firm, stale and rlvasta, UValfM, g.ioee, ..ait,-.: wo., urn frasb, ll.vlljja, duck, UaJoc.; koulheru, VjalO ,i 1 b'.laiUlphla Ta,.ow Mark.C riiiLAnri iujA, May I.-Talhw ws firm wuh a fair demand. Prices wete Prime city, to hegshn.v!, 4T.o . pritM Country, in barr.lv C , uu. dark. In bar-re,-, ; ,c. , cakes, o tc, gresw, K. Tha Duey Ad. i'amr, lAiniton. How doth the ii tin b . ad l-tnploy earn shining minute, And sLow.thouth trude la quoted "bad," That still them something m iL a . Va'in.h . Batearaa. A'ar,ii!i Citu Joutnat. Unci 8aa Ottht ralaa neoded revenue if h would put the house of represent tives under a lent BBd travel. 11 1 fm I HIU or Lews of Flesh, or a Hack ing Cough, reveal a condition; not a Uioory. Bm&Cthing is wrong. Mako it riRht with Scott's Emulsion U10 Cream of Cod-llvor Oil, which restores a healthy col or, builds up flesh, stops coughing and gives strength. Physicians, tho world over, ondorso it. Don't be deceived by Substitnles! Prerenid liy Scott A r.i-ss- V V .-t- ,. .-, , Help Wanted- Male. W A "1T.II-I KMIU 1II, A( k'MMl'I'll lilt vv hool Carriai'i A orke, cur. West Lack av". and HeTetltb st. Agents Wanted. U RANTED MAN WITH MPE AND PIKE Insurance experiun.-s aa aollcitor in I.urkawiiniui county: gsjd Indueoiaeuu to tiFll1 Jn,mP; Address 11.5MJ Bot. building, l'hiladclpbia. Pa. A PALE FACR comes from poor blood. Your blood needs to be enriched and vitalized. For this there's nothing in the world so thor oughly effective as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, Children who are weak, thin, pale, and puny are made strong, plump, rosy, end robust by the " Discovery." It s espe cially adapted to them, too, from its plosi BtrtMittVi ItotanppePtriiy, restorative ton ic wu.eh builds up ueoded Beah and strength. In every blood-taint or disorder, if it doesn't benefit or euro, you have your money back. Dr. It, V. Pinter.: Dcor Sr-I will ray that I used the ". Medical Discovery" for my little girl, and i ll is entirely well. I cannot praise your medicines too highly. You may resi assured that you will ulways huvo my euppoi t. Postmaster of -dWoii, Perry to. Term, ONE CENT A Word. Il'nnfs of nil I. i'ihIs con (ia( tniicJi, er fr; Siluat ions antid,ulikU are inserted PUICK. Situations Wanted. P would liko position either iu storo or of (h e: (rood puiuun und will tr to please. Ad- legs f A II , I'll s. Itrouilev avenue, city. sJlTUATION WANTED BY A illti As A 1 nurse, or m cmI gill. Addles I'.'. I WW street. Cily. By CITUATIOM tsatther w WANTED A I.ADY wisles to do tutoring (luring summer vacation fan prepare pupl a lor eolle,-.- in all brum he, , rpt tireek. Will go witli pupil to counir) or a shore If desired, fan lgin .lune 1 Mix wears' sueiessful el perloaoe. Hue 1. W itftoWX, attorney, 5tM ' l -ace streot. wiTfA i y C years of itg WANTED HY a HOY II to do must anything, fall or addrea D I... sv I'at iison svense, It; Wilt a i i s rED A WOMAM w uld llln. to k-.-t w,ri by the d t Washing or cleaning or will take washing bom Address It A ft Y DONNELLY, T:i Orch ird tret ,. Allll FllTl, 1,1 llltf (or Kent. LU 1.1 SI - I II K t siMs. UKNT , '.N A third Mi. ir SJt Wyomlaf avenue. 1XH HI VT UOHT. WELL PtTRNIHURD I raon; delightful localiuu Ml Washing ion svenat . no8 RJENT- THREE Rtiohtli . BONT ON :! r .o. i .S A Uullwit'e luuala t"r. i IT Wyoming ivii'is, from April L In IBJn iu the store ' I '" Lei iroB a teem or rBAMtu A pr: or all of thre buu.tnst fit of rard r-m semg railroal A, .4, t :arrLklla insM Rtn hTcitr. ajflntiH rrnviMiKD J Bail en I. reai Ki.!5tr,-t .r..la.:r. II n and on raui.abU Umiv Apply rvrt rrnv ... c a Uooohl-l' t. 1 fc-re talc I iTU, .lore wacena. tei-I k- :n aud 1 a. I ur i xv u . ut M , I .ack. wanna Car 1,'oli -AI t:-i III AK arnltl W A,,-iN A and 1 uii.tfr. iniir.' iiLjHULW. tXMKT. Uuo- tJT"t K KU (SACK .hare, of iV i.t ii1m '. at a low nurelf -l I at o .SC KA T O N 1 ' ' M il E K 1 A I . Il.o Iminllii 1. : Wl M V i T I tk for Mle A8 S.Utnlled. . si roes tr..-t in r KhAI.E I. WAUllX. 1 niinou 1 , 1 re of a 1 Sett, wealth lui'iklinsi, Waah'nxt. n ' run -r'M: roH baui ' Nvttietea, vv.hlD!.n a oa.it'l Illlli.llU lire A. '. . Cutuinon- noi IALI a PARM OF KlUHTT A CXI 1 en and nu half mllaa from H.lTjn on tha Delaware. I.K-kawnaa and Wa.-.rn railroad lir.t elaes farm hous uttafierer flliBa' rrln "a.rliT two barn, tr.asl laad sap, rerma I Of 1-AAi ... k. bmm M. . Addr.-a. II K i.Ssii(i RLLI8 aiecuu.ra Daliou. I f.ei.tv Pa I .'nil 1 vl! i'V . JAMI r Urr.l. for t4i .la" tr trn I for luil' h ng Ap'ly to Ed lirlftltl e.dl atrr.it. . H HIT :h.rn 1 a-ira 1)11 tBTON l-'K sM.I INVi KI I II Cajakja, SBUfl Unoi;raihi r. Li u. or 4 10 Clay aveaaa or 11. X' ill 1,'OK BALE - OK AC Kb I and uUnatla .' M III Bl r nve Ali.M, sUK)k BUEFrtELD, ij l 11 IALI 1 It I l HANOI Folt Ht llAV I too prupartr- A bearing oraBf (ruv tlon ainl alio. tMrl il n Ptortdj AMr.n f E 1 llrlen. Ki.iria Sped Notices. rpHI VNNI Al Mi l NO I ' taft M the rl.ltrr Dunnnrn will b. held at th JT ei Ii. on Friday May I. If 1K I HE I.11T "ry ai-o latlou ol it their oflli , 00 Din I. MH at J i.-k trut..re to errve fur 11 m , tor tbr air' three yeara Ir rU 1 . r,-. W. Mu lion of tu I. otbi r fore the ium ting "r.i 1 . 1 ii,i,.r .,1,1 1 Bad tha trnlMae n-a s uiat coin be IISNRY RF.YKA. 'i'reiary. T A 111 IT1NUOF THI IVbKCTOI18()P tl - Nv An tall. and Elmhunt Boat :ird ronijisny It eas rwadreil that a inw.ti.,.. 1,1 II t --.l.iM..r, Ial rall.sl lo nnr.n. UM kuni-rsl . ttl-,. of the SUUlUBBJT, roan pi Ropoolbaa bulldin. on the Ml. davor.luue A i i-ii. to taki Bspan 00 flu approval ot :. MM 1 al of th) DPOMtd Increaee.if tha 1 il'ltil 'I'lk 11I .til r. aniany from iS, IB I I.. Bad thai the wrrelarv be and he U li . ri in 1. II -. t,a t , uin. ii ,t. .. th.-rts f r- qavad ty la. T il watk N'st Secrrtarx . v- i' ' Kiiid.iii.ns ifirriNo- the ijj l ' nl HHi'ttll.' of til.. .(.,. khnidar. .K. ProviileiM e I'aa ami Water Company will he h- Id at tin' Delaware and lludtun Canal ('..,. p.sny a Imildiiin, T Franklin n .-;, -..-ran t.m. Pa. nt v in. Monday, May 7, lnn. t,, el. rt O0cfl to ..-n il iluriiia the ensuing vear Bad traasact an) otaar busweas that may bo presoutcd. B. F ATRMTOM, becretary Scranton .April I Is'H lJ- NOTIC II. I. l lll. NOMINATIONS POD aR rs of the i" 'i. i -X lliiil.li.,., i nan Ma. miiiw ui raiiivo r-craniiiQ Wi. ; hlae Prtday eveuing, Aiirll UM, after tramactiiig the r.'KUlar tuaitieaa. JACOB F M 1 1.1. 1. H. nerretary. ULANR BOOKS I'AMPIII.ETM MaTia : i fatauin odkot .iwi.a, i-ll- , UOIITl.l Or relSlUTHt at Tiir (Julck aork. RlHMMbM II. ' s MEAI. TICKETS CAN Hal MAD AT Hi nratt Iprtle atroet and i'rankllu ave' line Twenty ui.-al tii-kuta for 13.50. Uood lill'le lioat'd . Propoeal. nwwwvx, CEADED olved 1'KoroSAl.S W1I.I. UE HE. Mt tllii otll'-o f;f 111. I I'll,- I 'L.I, 3 . iiiihi i.ioi-K p, in, fume pa) . Mas U, IWI, to Tsd Delaware ftreni b txvu u 'iisiini,,n nnd Sand, rum uviinucs iU a.Tordiiii, xv, :, ,,,uh and s., illin turns In f. tneolw anpjnstr. Kaoli liliUhnll ho urrom. pun l"il In- nisli .,r ..rtifleU ilim k intlieaniuuiit oft xvo Imndri'd dodnrs. Imvisn thu hiddur to whom tho c .ntrarl hlnill Uuvn lan awardud rofuaes or m to esei'ute a BMlMa. for tho work within ti n day (ran dato of award thoroof, thu nm-losuiv arcouiiianylna Ins uro- linsai snail tx rorfrtted to lb hm of fnt rlty of Borantoo. The city rasarrw tas right to k ji'i t any and nil Mils. By order of Cily Council. II. T. CAVKU.K, City Clerk s.tiii ton, I'i, . aim il lsisi- ' CEAI.ED i'Rol'OSALS VIL, " lli:I(K. I Mlvcd at the olllrc of tho City Clorlt. Hi-rnnton, la, until 7.U0 oVInpk p. m Tlmr- d iv, May in, UHto (niwin In cily of Bma- tmi u i liiiinii al Hi .ioniiiu for thu nao of the rliu.iniz 1 1 oa noiniiany. Bidders aUall nu-loao wuh eaoh iiroin.il th g jiu of llfty dollars In rash or ci'i tillod rhiTk. 1-1 caae the Idddnr to whom the l ontniot shall havo been awarded omltst nta ct ntraci In acoordans M iiii jiroMisnl within ton days from data or award thereof, thu eneloatire BOCOCnpaniirfl his iiro posal shall ) forfeited to the use of tha city of Btfaaton Bidders shall furniah thoir own spBolnoaUoLa 'I lie rlty reserves tho 1 irbt to reiect any in d all bids. By order of City Councils. M. T. l.AVKI.l.E, Uty Clark. Bcranto". Pa April .8, 1W1. 1 Connolly So Wallace Inspect our beautiful line at the new prices. FOUR GREAT LOTS. Note the change: $10 CAPES NOW $7.50 15 CAPES NOW 10.00 20 CAPES NOW 15.00 25 CAPES NOW 20.00 These special lots Include our entire stock below $2. It is useless for us to dwell upon them. You know the character of the garments we carry. Stylish. Perfect-Fitting. Well Made. CONNOLLY & FURNITURE BEST WORKMEN. MATTRESSES The Scranton Bedding Co. Cor. Adams DID YOU That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat tern., cf Sterling SILVER 3P00NS and FORKS for an equal weight.ouuce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at SVIercereau 1 U KAW "No star was ever lost we onco have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OP THE RICHARDS LUMBER GO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. HOW TO MAKE MONEY Then' are hRfldndl of yORRg mm and yoaag TromtRI in thii country who Lave I pie nil Id ability, but they Lao never been arukfiiexl up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has bMO la inspiration to hudPOdl of JOQRg pwplt, If yoa ore tirtil of iiuuliity aud vant to tlo houittliiujj taujjiblo, come to the ollc-'o. COMMON I m.i.ish COORSB Bl BlNRSI Ol RUE BHORTUARI) cM Rll THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ BCRANTON AND WlLKtS-BARHIi l'A., IJANOKACf UBKfla OP Locomotives and Stationary Engines, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Genurul Ollice, SCRANTON, PA. g rJ"iiiiiiiniiior limanltv. Jhy mil I propaiil. With trnar AlllX. ae-rra tiaiun ' r r 't"l '.untanuar icnua nii.nooiiier. auumiii asii'K hki.im o.. iisoiiic Timiiie. Liucaoo. ill. tor Sale in Hcronton, Pa., by H. C. wid Suruoe streets. WALLACE 209 Repaired and Upholstered. LOW PRICES. At Factory Prices and Lacka. Aves. KNOW? & Connel) IN v AYKNI F. E. WOOD, Proprietor. The most complete medium-priced FOLDING BED in the market. Hull & Co. 205 AM) 207 WYOMING AVE. TJERVE SEEDS. Till, anadarrai r.ur.1) gutv .i.rdlii.umall n.r...n. .11.. I! -en. nu ll II:! Weak Memor. l.nta .if II rati, B..M 11, i ni. hf Wuliiiriiliia.a I)"! Mnnliooil. Nmlitljr hUSMOaa, NsriouurH.alidraliiiixlloiitoI i nil,--.if i-ii 1 1 nl ( Iras in ol' rlthni ynxraiirii-i by ot.m inarttim. youtlirul arrtn-i, aieemil.'e Ult! Of toliROCO. OlilUlll or lllli:lil..nU. Wtl It'll ll'Hil III IliDrillltT. I .11- ran bo carried In vostiaickot. ! par box, B lor aa, a a.'. i lir xvnglve w u i-lttan suarontrn to euro 1 O i-llllir 1 ri'H. -.illil III LI II UrilKIHI.. HI. Ifl II, I . K l! SANDERSON, Druggist, cot. Washington WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court House. THE FROTHING IIAM Tuesday and WoUnejdajr ovua UJ 1 I und Wednesday matlnew Ml lmt IN OLD KENTUCKY Tlio (jreateat aueeoss In yturt. Dlr M 'tenia alx ruootlu' run at tha Arademy ol Mu.ie, Near York, to parked house.. TLv lull Kew V.irir HMiuaM in ...t..- . -. -..wj "... ii' . aiPi?i5n H'lbJ1 : "'eof ic.u open. t f owell a Saturday niormuu. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. BATDRDAT, MAY 5. Lincoln O. Carter Orand Scenic PrvJuctiou. The Fast Mail SPECIAL SCENERY: Fl.jiht of the Fa.: Mall: Niagara Fall bp ruoonlil,ilt.wlth,0,lB(tla. practical w,.rk- 1 ; - i- -ht ars aith 1..UU.U.- si tb J U'T-; "olwtic H var '.r-aV,...; -t-vr Frleee t, a ,v and .onts. oienn lliursday. Hale of lest Monday, tursdat and WRDMM TliOlairnirtc'nt High Claia Dram, THZ DANICHEFFS With Elagaat en. tv and Kty v ... o. s-.uiup. n,i too rull .:rei.gthof th pant, f -l owed by the R, arlng OWMdj , AN UP TOWN FLAT . !' :'?'' -niniitabi uisaner by W1L- - t llV'tk.lf, TRTJMOAY, Friday and KATCIDA1 -'Hi- sterling ud Evi r-Welcom Drama THE GALLEY SLAVE ADMISSION. 10. to OK 30 CENTS IVrtormaLCae every afternoon eieept Mon day, and Tkwadap t tKL and every evx-u- m - mmim ., a . . . .... ,yJI M Dont Fail to Attend the at the Driving Park JULY 4 ALL THE SPEEDY RID ERS WILL COM PETE. Booms 1 and 1 Commonwealth Gld'g, tiCRANTOX, !.. MINING and BLASTING POWDER :ade at the MOOSIC and KU8U DALK WORKS. I.i niin & Band Powder Co. ' ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, Fuses for explod iuc blasts, Safety Fuse aud RepaunoCheniical Co.'s High Explosivei AHIDHEHAETHAH 906 South Washington Avenue, Contraetor and builder of Conrreta Flagging, t'onoreta lllocks. Potato. Buttar and Coal Hina, Wet Collars drlsd up, Orders msy bo left at TliouiiMoa it lratt, WUliaius A Co. Main and Kyumi Btrt-ets, or at Scranton Ptovo Works. Also Foundstiou, Clstarua i i'jb Wlru Tuuuela aud Couliu I'laggiu tor Uardsa Walk I W - eommnn -liv MOKDAT, A Pill I. 30 Vonderland Theater Co. Bicycle MQOSIC POWDER CO