The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 02, 1894, Image 1

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This Is Likely
To be a lively season and
it pays to read the news
papers. mntm
7jwi ;
sz r n n
As the Political
Pot begius to boil, watch
THE TRIBUNE for live
An Attempt to Iuvade the National Capitol
Grounds Ends In Failure.
The Hosts of the Commonweal Are
Halted on the Capitol Grounds.
Commander Coxey Is Hustled Off
the Steps and Is Not Allowed to
Speak Browne and Jones Are
Clubbed by Excited Policemen, Who
Also Strike Indiscriminately Upon
Heads of Innocent Spectators.
Wmbihotoh D C May 1.
IACOB 8 COXEY'S much edrar
I tige.l demonstration on bahelf of
(1 the "Commonweal ol t nnsi in
KlJ favor of good roadl H'ul llle r8
i uuintiou of national obligation! to
pay interest on ended today in
a tizzle (inite a ridicoloni as the prin
ciple iiuiiciut.l bjT tue leader of the
movement All told, about 800 BMP
out of lb originally promised ;iuV00.
inarched up the capitol bill anJ march
ed down attain.
In this 800 were included ill the un
employed of th capital who could be
dtumuied into supt'ort of the move
ment, after week' of olTortoa the part
of Coxey 's local Agent, and encourag
ing speeches in the senate from l'opu
lint senators. The local contingent dii
pereed after the oapltol fiusen was over
and only tb original 800 inarched
down into the newly sel-'eted camp
ground near au open sewr ciual
Coxey succeeded iu mounting the
first platform of the eastern front of
the cipitul, where h wm nabbed by
the police before he had time to begin
an address to the thousands of curious
people who had assembled about the
He w politely inform.'d he could
make no ste-ech at that place. t'oxev
said firmly: "I wish toeniera protest.'
"No, sir," firmly replied the captain,
"von can take no action here of any
kind The police were courteous but
very firm. Coxev then, bareheaded as
he wu. said: ''Well, then, I wish to
read a programme."
"It caunot be read here, " laid the
Coxey showed no inclination to vield
and he waa nncerstnomoosly hustled
off the itepa ont into thj middle of the
broad plaza in front of the capitol. lie
made no phyaical resistance, but pro
rested all the while and the crowd
Kath-red around him and obstructed
the way somewhat, but it waa not a re
balance but itemed like curiosity.
When the procession bad baited on
B street south, between New Jersey
avenue and First street, Browne rode
np and down the line waving his "ban
ner of peaen1' and making every effort
lO "i tain the plaudits of the crowd.
"What do yon intend to do?" de
manded a police sergeant in command
of the officers stationed with the army.
"1 propose to form my men in line
and march tiem np the Capitol steps,''
responded Browne, waving his banner,
and the sergeant was too astonished to
ay or do anything Finally Browne
rode iij) to (' .xey'a earriuge and leaning
over asked Coxey. "Are yon ready': "
Coxey nodded and kissing his wife he
stepped ont of the vehicle. Browne
dieiiirnnted, took off his big sombrero
to Mrs Coxey and turned to Msmie
CuXtt with, "Yon won't t e afraid to
stay here, will font"
Tbe girl nodded her head and Brown
and Coxey pushed in the direction of
the big white building. They wslk i
along beside the low stone rjnrspt sur
rounding the grounds as if seeking an
entrance, followed by a thousand peo
pie. "Jnmp over the wall," suggested
come one.
Coxey was quick to take the sugges
tion and he leaped ipuckly over the
parapet and made his way like an eel
through the dense thickness of human
ity to the steps of the capitol, there to
receive his repnlse as above recorded.
Browne followed, evidently with the
Intention of liaeking Coxey up, bnt be
came separated from Ins chief.
The mounted policemen, a dozen or
more, who hail been directed to attend
Browne through ihe day, heaitatsd a
moment as the two leaders disappeared
amid tbe shrubbery. Then a blue
coated officer whipped up his horse,
dashed across tbe pavement, over the
low parapet and into the ground). His
comrades followed and into tbe crowd
went this platoon, trampling flowers
and shrubs in their mid rush. People
scattered right and left and the fore
tnoit officer loon reached tbe chief mar
shal, easily distinguishable by his
leather eoat and white sombrero.
The horse of tho officer struck
Browne and the shock threw him to
one side. He dodged behind a tree
and the officers lost siirht of him for
an initaut. People turned this wiy
and that way to escape the half mad
dened horses of the police. The off!
oers became confused and excited and
some of I h. in drew their oluba and be
gan striking light and left. A dozen
heads were cut and bruised in a mm
Browne attempted to escape by mak
ing a detonr, bnt the officers followed
close behind. He dodged between two
carriages in a roadway leading through
the grounds. In self protection, men in
the mob seized the bridles of the hones
ridden by the policemen and Attempted
to push the animal back. The polios
seemed to think that this wag an at
tack on them and responded with their
Brown became wedged in between a
line of mounted police and number of
officers on foot, and when one of these
tried to seize him he resisted. A shower
of blows descended on hii ihoulderB.
Brown fongbt like a tiger, ehonting
out that be wis an American citizen
and bad constitntional rights. He was
seized by several officers and pushed
through the crowd.
Old Christopher Columbus Jones,
lender of the Philadelphia contingent,
attempted to rescne Browne from the
officer, and it is said that a number of
Coxeyite assisted him. The old man's
silk hat was jammed over his ears In a
jiffy, and he, too, was placed in cus
tody. With a mounted officer on each
side of him, their Hands grasping hit
leather collar, and followed by more
officers with Jones, the sensational
leader of t'.ie commonweal forces was
dragged off to a cell iu the police sta
Just before they entered tho police
station officer Bttamliaa pissed his
hand over Browne's hips and pulled a
small revolver nut of bis hip pocket.
YA'heo arraigned Browne gave his
name as Curl Browne, date of birth
July i im. at Springfield, HI., and
his occupation as that of a journeyman
artist. He had 17.88 in cash, several
medals aud a gold watch. When the
officer was asked what tho chnrge wh.
he replied- 'Disorderly conduct, and
us for myself, why lie assaulted me."
Browne wa not charged with the as
sault, however. The pistol, he claims
to have taken frrm one of his follow
er, as he has strictly enjoined them
not to carry weapons of anv kind. It
was a miserable little affair, unloaded
and broken. It was perfectly useless
and no charge was preferred against
him on this ground.
He was placed in a cell and bid noth
ing to say except "1 am going to let
the American people speak for me. "
When Jones wax arraigned he gave
his name slowly and distinctly. "Chris
topher Columbus Jones." hi age as 59
aud his occupation ae that of a pump
builder. He bad only 78 cents iu
money, a paper of pins and a knife.
When ask'i 1 to talk he said: "The
press done the whole of it " He then
sai l the Lord's prayer to himself and
laid, down on his bench in the cell, re
fusing to say anything else.
When Cox y, undsr police escort,
psssd out of the eapitol grounds to re
join his army the i.arty was followed
1 1 at least 10,000 people and the of
ficer snl thoae with the crowd who
prsed in front made the pisssge a one.
Finally the police and th-ir charge
reached the had of the procession i.n
I! street, dir.-ctly iu froutof Onograaa
DIM springer's residence. BetBaboAy
set np a cheer and thousand joined in
as the hea I of the commonweal pnaheal
hi way toward his carriage. The mob
liehind and the thouand more on B
treet pushed eBgerly toward the ve
hicle, in whieb sat Mrs. Coxey with
their little baby in her arms
Coxey finally manage 1 to gt into the
carriage and the crowd ch-r-d him
iigaiu and again ' You will have to
surt this precession." cried ont a po
liceman. "Speech, speech, " came from huri
dredi of throats, and, rising iu his pha
eton, Coxey started to apeak, But hi
voice could lie heard hy a few only, eo
he waved bis band for the procession to
move on.
The eommonwealers wbo had trsmp
ad more than five mile to the capitol
to find their plans frustrated, meekly
I followed their leader ana were con
ducted quietly to their new camp on M
street, between First and Second
streets, southeast.
'i lia new camp is as dismal and bar
rnn an acre at enclosed ground as MQ
be fonuil anywhere within the district,
and the inn ponred down its hot rayi
upon tbe unprotected army with con -sideribla
warmth. Coxey retnrned to
camp MOBt 9.80 p.m. The men were
greatly fatigued and is soon as ramp
was rt ached the commissary opened
with a dinner of bard boiled eggs.sonp,
bread and water. '
nut. for iihowne.
Ahout 0 o'clock tonight Chief Mir
shal Browne wis released tr in the at
tion house on a bond of MOO furnished
by Mrs. Klizsbeth A. Haines, a dry
goods dealer in Washington. Browne
waa not In a pleasant mood when he
went to the clerk's dsk to receive the
articles taken from him when arrested,
and to questions heniad enrly an 1 nn
satisfactory answers. Hi was not ills
figured by tbe handling received from
tbe police.
He went to the home of Mri. Briggs,
who was willing to go on the bond of
Chrii'.opher Columbus Jones, but was
not permitted to do so on account of
ber property being encumbered. There
he took dinner and was almost lion
ized by a party of admirers who hail
gather .1 ab .ut. He subsequently went
to find Coxey to mike a report.
Jones is still in hi cell acting in a
tragic manner when approached, and
refuses to talk.
A Farmer 8hot WmU Sailed It Ilia
Window In County Antrim, Ireland.
BELFAST, May 1.--A farmer named
Gardiner was shot dead yesterday
evening while seated at tho window of
the kitchen of his farm house at Bally
havistock, County Antrim.
The murder is believed to ba of agra
rian origin. One of Gardiner's neigh
bors has been arret"d o i suspicion.
The mine fire near Ashland is under
Artificial ice will be largely used this
summer iu K.-adiug.
There is a woman ernhalmer iu Allegheny
(Jlty, Mrs. Jennie Wood.
DUtrlrt Attorney Flood is nfter the jack
pot slot machines in Herks county.
It is announced at Susquehanna that a
new railroad . . soon to be built from De
posit to .Syracuse, N. Y.
Storekeepers In I'ottsvllle are flchting
F.vangehst Kice, who attracts customers
away by preaching in the streets.
Qovemor Pkttiton yestordav appointed
Mrs. I, 0, Miiiiee, of Lancaster county,
and Miss Ida M. Mck'ibbeu, of Allegheny,
notaries public.
The weekly crop report of the weather
bureau published give details for I'enn
lylvanln ns follows I Oralu, grass and
fruit prospects promidng.
An explosion of gps took place in the
Wyomiugcolliery near Wilkei-Uarre yes
terday. Reese Price and John Ilugbes.two
miners, were fatally burned.
One hundred men employed on a new
reservoir at Lancaster struck yesterday
afteruoou for shorter hours and higher
wages. All work has been suspended.
Frank McCune, aged about .15 years,
jumped into tbe canal at Mnrknt street,
tlarrisimrg, and was drowned. He is said
to have toll several person that he Intend
ed killing himself. McCude waa a niolder.
Delegates to the People's Party Convention
Have Lively Sessions.
A More Disorderly Gathering Never
Assembled In Harrisburp All Dele
gates Wanted the Floor at Once and
Many Uncomplimentary Romarks
Were Exclianged- The Only Woman
Present Acts as Secretary Greet
ings Forwarded to Coxey George
Rhey Goes Home in a Huff.
r wonld be difficult to iinsgine a
more disorderly convention than
that which iisnmil.led kere today
In the name of the People's party
of Pennsylvania to nominate a state
ticket. It seemed impossible to keep
the delegates in order. All wanted
the Hour at the same lima and fro
quitutly uncomplimentary things were
ssld alxitit each other During the
morning session, which wa consumed
in preliminaries. J. Kid Leslie, of Mo
hleesport, was in the chair. He
dioted n political revolution lung be
fore, (898
The eertariei of the convention
were H li. Birr, of Beaver Falls, and
Miss Nellie t'ulck, of Suequshanua
county, who was the only worn in
pres'nt. About 100 delegate were
present, the majority coming from the
western and northwestern OOttQtlaa.
Tile chair appointed is a committee
on r-solutions George Hhey, Weit
moreland; George W. DstWIOO, Bm
ver; K. K. Tomlmson. Bucks; J. A.
Welsch, Lswrence; C W. Miller,
Crawford; V. A. Lotier, Montour, M
Clair Thompson, In liana; and J. K
Hughes, Clarion Committee on per
in men t organization and rules were
also appointed, and after (ending greet
ings to Coxey at Washington with tbe
Iiok that he wonld "receive a fair
hearing for the principles which you
have so nobly advanced" the conven
tion took a recess for dinner.
It wa 1 80 when the ileieg.ttts were
again ready for business, but owing to
the leisurely method of the absent
e untnittees it was 80 before th- 0M
vention wis regularly organized. Dr.
ii i Moore, of Clarion county, wai
elected permanent chairman, and the
temporary eecretariei were continued.
1 Here was a row m the rotninittee
on resolution and George Khey, of
Weatinorelind, the chairman, left in a
iiufT and went home The convention
wrangled over the committee rt .rt
for two hours and finally turned It
down. Then the retolution of the
Williamsport convention were revise!
and sent forth a tilll year's platform
Tney reaffirm the I imahi convention
deliverances, demand the election of
president, vice-president. United Slate
senator a.d p.tinater by direct
vote of the people, demand a graduated
income and inheritance tax, favor a
uniform system of text baiks to be fur
nished free in the schools, demand a
law making the mine bos of coal
mine a state officer to t pud by a
levy upon the output ol the la 1 lie, and
fever state ownership of coal mines,
endorse the resolutions of the BlMfa'
convention at Coluiuhns, demand the
exemption frm sale for dbt of the ac
lull homestead and demand that all
tax ible property be aseie 1 at Us cash
value and pay an equal mileage
fUMfWlM' rEAlEFt'l. I'l.ANK.
This was the platform as finally
agreed npon. but au hour later George
Warfel, a delegate from Huntington
county, had this plank addod "That
the foundation plank u love thy neigh
bor ai thyielf. "
It was now late In the afternoon and
nomination of a ticket was demauded
The candidates were ohosn by secret
i allot and after much effort the fol
lowing ticket was put in the Held: For
governor, J. T Ailmati, Juniata
county, lieutenant governor, Jerome
B. Akin, Waahinaton , auditor general ,
A hraui Louder, F. ie, cc rotary of in
ternal affairs, W. M. Desnar, Berks,
congressmsu at large, Victor A Lotier,
Montour, aud B F Greeinan, Brad
ford. A resolution was adopted expressing
sympathy for the coal miners and in
viting them to join the People's party
A strong effort was mada to forae the
nomination of Congressman ;Sibly for
(ovornor, but his friends would not
have it. A telegram was ruid from
Sibley stating that his only deaire was
to serve the people aa a private citizen.
Chirac That Armed Dspatiee Prevented
Miners from Striking
PrtTaBtrm, May 1. President Cairna,
of tbe Miners' union, says that forty
miners employed at the Washington
(.iu mine of Osborn a Saegnr, who
wished to join the atrikers, weredriven
from their homes on Saturday and
compelled at the point of Winchesters
in tbe hands of deputy sheriffs to go
into the pit to work.
One man, John Kisco, wbo refused
to obey the order, was inhumanly
Air Cairns contends that, unlikely aa
this story appears, it can be proven,
and declared that suit will be brought
ngainst tbe deputiea for felonious as
Carter, Utah's Hobs. Crlee To Arms!"
and Leads 600 Tramp.
Salt Lake, Utah, May 1. Carter
nnd hii baud of 050 men left the city
this afternoon, All negotiations with
the Hio Grande Western railroad hav
ing failed, the journey waa begun on
foot. Carter mada an incendiary
"Should all peaceful supplication
fail to bring relief," shouted Carter,
"then I say to arms. We will endure
tyranny no longer. I desire it under
stood that we will not fail in tbe ac
complishment of our mistton. Wa are
Rotng to Washington and no power on
earth can stop us very long. There are
o.OOO men in Utah nlona who wonld
spring to arms and to our defense at a
single word from Carter."
An Aareimsnt EfT'cUd Between Em
ployes and Officials.
IfontlATOLn, Minn., Mav 1. The
strike on the ( Ireat Northern railroad,
which involves 0,000 employes on its
U.TOO miles of line, an I which haa sn
peuded traffic, both freight aud passen
ger, for two weeks, is over.
This was accomplished by adjudica
tion of the employes and tbe road
rather than by arbitration, the court
being a joint committee of the repre
sentative of lending business Ofganl
zations. By the tin ling of this com
mittee, the strikers gain nineteen
twentieths of the points made.
Coal Creek Miner I- .... I Against the
Ttnneasee Penal Sieve.
Kso.wit.t.i!. Ten n , May 1 All the
free Coal Creek mil.ers went out yes
terday, leaving the ouvicts at work
The strikers now re due that the con
victs can supply the summer trade and
there will be no dem mil fur their ser
vices until after September,
The strikers openly threaten to free
the convicts again an I trouble may
follow. Precautious are being taken
t y the state autuonties to prevent an
Mayor and Officials of Des Moines
Endeavor to Starve the Tramps
Into Leaving the City.
Des MulM-s la. May 1 It was evi
dent this morning that a game of
freeze. out d to be played wtwrn
Kelly's army and the people of Dee
Moluea, In which the chances seem to
be against the army 'the chance to
si-ixu a train or charter one at reduced
rates are daily ffecraaaiOf, and It seems
probable that the army Will ultimate, y
t.e compelled to accept the ttindlng of
fee of the city to tranapofft its baggage
by wagon to Colfax, twenty-atx miles
The mayor tbi morning, in accord
ance with a resolution paeaad by the
city council last nigl.t, notified General
Kelly to move hi army out of town
I he general sr.illed when the notice
w:ts read to film and Slid tmlhl-ig
Msyor Hill admits thst he knows no
way of driving the army away except
to atsrve them The snort rations at
tMBP this morotng and the hostility of
the local ofli' tals are dueciiraging indi
vidual members of the army, who are
qnletly preparing to fUaarl
General Kelly i being lionlr.d bv
the Populist an 1 reform element of the
city aud enjovs the situation im-meus-lv.
Tins morning at 10 o'clock
he lectured tiefore tne audience of
Drake university at the rnpiest of
President B Ayleaworth. who is a
Christian socialist of a radical IfM
and thia afternoon and tonight he I.-.
lured in the Grand Optra House at
g 1 prices of admission
Kelly may go to Topeka. Kan , to
lecture within a dav or two He has
received an offer of $ Vh for an add rati
aud dislikes to let it i aes.
flla Thouaend Dollar In Greenbacks Are
Wn minuti'N, Dsl . May 1 Six thou
sand dollars in greenbacks were stolen
from the safe of the Adam bpraM
eompany In the baggage car of train
No "'.HI, on the Delaware, Maryland
and Virginia railroad, near Harrington
yeeterdiy afternoon. Tba moiaf was
from the National bank of Mil ford to
tho Philadelphia National bank
When the train reached Harrington,
where It slot, G'orge K ilelgh. tin
baggage mat tat and IZpraai agent,
went ahead to cut off the engine
When he returned the ssf bad nan
unlocked, the money taken ami the
safe locked as before A few months
ago the same safe was lobbed of 100,
There ll no oltle to the rubber
Ortr 10,000 maaoni and brlckliyers of
Vienna are out on strike.
William aator ( hauler, the American
explorer of Africa, ha readied Cairo.
Tba Popt BM given .i) to the Nl
tloiial church at Moiitmartre, France.
The Anti l'aruellite party ha received a
coutribltion of ll.hoo from Maasachuaett.
It Is now declared that "oo persons loet
their lives yesterday at the Hilda IVdh
bridge accident.
The Welsh Church Disestablishment bill
passed its Ural reading in the bouse of com
mons yesterday.
African enemies are reported to have
poisoned liatnho, Lohengula'a brother-in-law,
aud bia whole family.
Kdward Norman Kobinson, of Ssn Frsn
clsco, Cel.. died at No. Portmu .Man
sions, London, on Saturday last.
A bomb exploded In the police offices in
Ancnna and Leghorn yesterday caused
much damage, but nobody was injured.
England dees not expect (lermauy and
the Uulted State to yield their hainoan
claim-, said Sir Kdward Oray in the house
of commons.
Five Spanish anarchists, who tried to
kiUUeueral Martine7. Campos, have been
sentenced to death, aud four to life mi J
It is reported that King Alexander of
Barfta will shortly go abroad for several
months, and that his father, ex-Klug
Milan, will act aa regent.
A bullet, red probably by a fanatical
Kossuthist, entered the compartment of a
train next to that occupied by the Arch
duke Josef, on his way from Budapest to
It is stated that 84,000 Chinese have reg
istered, out of lu5, tlllt) iu tbe country.
The first quarterly payment of interost
on the now f5H,(i00,IKK) gold loau bonds will
be made at the troasury department todsy.
Tho bouse Indian committeo hns decided
to restore to the Indian appropriation bill
the provision for the superintendent of In
dian acBooln.
Fifty clerks were dropped from the
records aud pension office of the war de
partment last night and of the 1 50 em
ployes remaiuing probably not one will
remain the Hist of next month. Tbe dis
cbargee are due to tho practical comple
tion of the work of tbe office.
Coxey Fever Prevents ihe Transaction ol Busi
ness In the House.
The Usual Resolutions Expressed
Upon the Death of Senator Stock
bridge The Circus Outsidei Draws
the Crowds from the Cileries of
the House -Business Transacted in
a Very Formal Manner Throughout.
TBE session of the senate tolay oc
cupied only tan minutes of time.
The death of Senator Stock
bridge, of Michigan, was an
nounced by bis colleague, Mr McMillan,
nd then tba usual resolutions expen
sive of the sorrow of tho senat i wore
offered and unanimously agreed to and
the senate as a further remark of re
spict to the memory of the deal leg
ator adjonrnad,
The force of Cox-y as an attraction
was manifested in a unme t manner iu
the hall of the home of representative
today. Instead of the usual attendance
III the galleries tnere was lull a handful
of spectators on the benches. Tne
inarch of the C.ixeyites IntojttM grounds
and up the hill drew to the aoatb por
lion, wneuee they colli I be easily ob
servd, nearly all the member of the
houae, whose comment upon the ap
pearance of the ' army and upon the
luetic! of the police were aa varied nl -most
as the nnmber of snectaiors
While this was going on outside, tba
pro, endings in the bona Were lmit
pnraly formal.
'Ihe conference report upon the bill
to protect the game and 1 Ird in Y--1-loWatoni
park was read and agreed to
ihe t ill pr. pared hy t e I' rk-ry BOm-
mlatlaa raormnlilng the accounting
branch of the treasury department,
abolishing tne second comptroller'! of
fice, was presented to the house to
getner with the re peril ol the c uimi
sion, and exjasrls accompanying it, and
made the unfinished business before
the committee of the whole.
Tba death of Senator Storkbridge, of
Michigan, together with the action of
the eviiat.1 thjertOO, was anio n , ced. and
after the sdoptiOfl af suitable reolu
liona,ti motion of Mr Burrow, iltep ,
Mich i, the bouse at 1.8ft sdjourued.
Intruder' Boots Ftu k Out and Re
teals! Ill Hlilinc Place
Mn rots, Dal Hay i Attrsrtsd bv
the ig-1 of a piir of tavita protruding
from under a table on the MQOnd Moor
of Qaorga il Haifa store, in this town.
late Saturday night, a elerk gave an
alarm which brought Mr Ball to th-
idare. There wa a nun In the i, ,t,
and the intrt:dr proved to be John
lhllman, a young taan nf the town,
who had been regarded with sn-picion.
Mr Bill procured a sarrisge whip
and gave Hillman a terrific lashing,
which the young man accepted with
ut a word for evrl inmate Then
his o at was torn front Ins bsck. and
tne rsatigation continued until Hall's
irm waa tired, when Hillman w.
kieked and lashed into the street
Hall gave him sixty minutes in
which to leave town, bnt h departed
at once, driving to Harrington and
tikiug pnisage on the norili-Uunl
Norfolk e i press
Th Wind Tral with f . I Pore
Dem lihliaf Home In Iia la h.
Tf.wkkana, Ark., May I One of
the hear . at hall and ram storm that
ever visited this ttetiofl struck bar
yesterday afternoon The wind blew
with cyclonic force. The greatest dam
age is reported at Parks, four miles
west of here.
A '.i-vear old son of v. J, M Mc
Doagal, ptor of the Methodit ohorob,
was killed aud the residence ol W ii
Blocker was blown down and he was
fatally injured A number of other
residences were swept away. The
Methodist aud Baptist churches Were
also blown into splinters.
The storm traveled from southwest
to northeast, and it is feared heavy
damage WaadODO in the timber region
north of here, which are not reached by
4 MMl
Fast Eaprsse Ovei takes a Fralght Train.
r n Badly Shaken.
w iti egaf Iu tk$ Srraafaa rvfaiaae,
TUHXBAXHOOK, May I, A wreck oc
curred on the Lehigh Valley railroad
this afternoon between Wyalusing and
No J. the fast express, ran Into a
freight. Tbe pilot of the express tram
was broken off The passeugers on the
express train were badly shaken, but
none were serionsly hurt. The traitm
were delayed four hours on account of
the accident.
Lancaster Detectlvae Ai rests a Son of
the Notorious Kx-Outlaw.
RsUDIRO, May 1. - Detective Pyle, of
Lancaster, nrrested Jacob Buzzard, son
of Abe Buzzard, the ex-outlaw, and
Harry Hower, iu this city thii after
noon on the charge of burglary.
Both are cigar makers and wero em
ployed iu this oitv. A number of ar
ticles alleged to have been stolen wero
seized at Buzzard's home.
The B. and O. Carrie His 810 Mn from
Columbus at One Cent a mile.
Columhus. O , May L The Galviu
wing of General Krye's army left
Columbus at 8 10 last night oil the,
Baltimore and Ohio for Benwood, W.
Va., 181 miles east of Columbus.
Tne railroad compauv offered to
carry them at the rate of 1 cenl a mile,
und the trades assembly raised by sub
scription among the workingmen of the
city nbout J'JT.'i,
Gnlvin obtained forty-fiyn recruits,
nnd the regiment numbered 210 men
when it filed through the city to the
depot, where between "i.OOO and 6,000
people witnessed ita departure
Tn Case of Defeat tie Propose to Strike
PlTNBURO, May 1 National Secre
tary Treasurer Patrick McBride.of the
Uulted Ulna Workers of Amsrioa, ar
rived in Pittsburg today to confer with
the district official. Ho -ail tbat if
the miners shall m defeated in tbe
present struggle, they will strike as
often as they are able until thsy finally
secure living wages, Nothing has yet
been learned as to the remit of bis
conference with the district officer.
More men will be laid oil' by the
Pittsburg and Lake F.rie railroad
within tho next, few days on account
of the railing iff in business because of
the strike. The uight operators at
many way station will be compelled
to quit work until the striko Is ended.
Supposed to la Faun! Rlddona, Who
Etcapad a Yair Ago.
BaZLBTON, Pa , May 1. The ikoleton
of a iiirl, supposed to be thut of Fannie
N i l. .ns, who escaped from the alma
hiause a year ago, was fonnd yesterday
hy a party of engineers while surveying
a line between Blavk Hi Ige au 1 Tom
blekea, Tba DOOM were found In a swamp.
FmuuU Biddoai wut Insane and, al
th ngb large parties searched for her,
be was not found, it is now supposed
sue starved to death.
Meeting, of the State Council at
H.irrisburR-rOffieors Nominated.
Encourapmn Reports.
II i MM i to, May I The State
Council of tne Order United Amari-
oaa M-ebauir convened in annual s
sion thl morning in Chestnut Street
hall With Mate CotasHor Dittil. of
Pbltadeipbia, in the. chair. The con
vention la tbe lsr::est in attendance of
delegate in tbe hi-tory of th order.
After tbe maatlng wai oalledto or
der Key. Mr. Fleegan, nf PlainBeld.
mailt) a prayer. Mayor deli Tared
the address ol woicotn. in which he
bid the waiting represent stives a
hearty weloom. to the eapltal city and
wished tiiem auceeae n their work.
The following nomination of state
ffi era for th aliening year were ma le:
l .unellor, Hubert N. Johnson, of Pitta
lurir.vire councilor, 11 I) Holstein,
of lUrrieburg. A F Cttoui, of Phil
adelphia, secretary. Walter Graham,
of Philadelphia, treasurer, ChsrUs 11
Pertch. in luetor. James Walker and
Mr Mver enmuier. W C Hilligea,
L W. Murtx and B. H. Kverelt, pro
tector, A (t Ithinan, A. P llarnumi
national ri reaentativ. B A Noppl
PniladelpM. Llward Pastori. Hiu
btirg. The following places were
D eased for the next convention Plnka
deiphia, Caam baraanrg and Scranton
Bat uiraguig report were presented
by the vsnoiis stale official Secretary gives the autalxr of councils
III load standing now in the state at
880, with a membership of 17,084
veii new councils wera organised
luring the year and t, 850 new meuibers
added Membsrs to th number of
1.844 wi re lost aud 1 1 "i ipplloatloni re
J cted.
A communication was received from
sixteen of the twenty-. : r tincill in
Delaware Ooaoty asking permission to
form nu amalgamated Auiericin neao
cilion It will ba 1 tomorrow
Tba Amerieea Protaetlva assiciatton,
of Philadelphia, alaoNukad for tue ap-
! Intmant of a aommlttM to conter
with committees of otlwr patriotic or
ga'i' ition in Philadelphia for the ad
vsncemnt of Atnencan Interest
This communication will also be con
ildcred tomorrow.
It Pernm Vlalbl to lb Tlac-p to
TMa Latitude
QkirgTA, N Y, Hay l -The new
Australian comet, which ba recently
c otne for enough uonh to be viible in
this latitude, was o hearted by Profes
sor Brooks last nijjht in right ascen
sion 7 hour :t- minute, outli declina
tion "i degree hi minute
Ti " couit i large, round and unite
bright, telescopic und without a tail.
It is moving about three degrees daily
in a northern tarty course.
World's fair stockholders will ;rot Piper
cent, dividend out of the $l,4.'sl,0lH) cash
Max .Indd, consul to Vicuna, Is homo on
a furlough, and 1 tired of his job, but he
won't resign.
in a tit of daapondaomr. Mr. Mini.
I'roblecek, aged :1, of hnloklyn, set her
bad ablaze and hurued to death.
Tba mnrderal Kontgematy CHbba, t im
Baffalo lawyer, is yet unraveled. The be
lief is that elthei a woman or an angry
husband killed the man.
Pol bravely ihootin Thomas Dovery," in
his attempt to rob a tram at Wadilngton,
D. C, Uuard Kdward Mills was given a
gold watch by the Fulled States company.
Herr llanchhaupt, leador of the Sanon
Conservative party.
At Baltimore, yesterday afternoon,
(ieorge W. Absll, owner of tho Sun.
At Chicago, III., Major Joseph Ivirk
land, the soldier, lawyer nnd writer.
aged 04.
Dr. Long, a prominent physician of
Cleveland, Te'in., wbo waa found dead iu
a sleopor at Atlanta.
Jndga Young L. (1. Harris, who had
given largely to educational nnd religious
work nt Atlanta, (la., aged 811.
Wamiinotov, May 1. Forecast
for Iftrfaeaftiy: For Urn
nrasurivaHia, otmroUvfuir dr
llfiiir.iifin, jirtilxtbhi ftilhwnl in
Ihe eirniiiii hit shower e,.nee ...
Ma eWt0i ontticeil MrMtfa, Far West
ern l'ennstjliania, aMtMTI cooler iceaf
I '
Excellence Well Known
Designs Exclusively Oars
In add tion to nur regular linoflk
i'or 0B8 week we w ill (.Her
"The Princess Gown" at 98c,
Also, three special numbers in
Cambric Corset Covers at
15, 23 and 35 cents eacl
Baoqaea and an elegant line of Snizfl
Waista and t'lit'iniset tes.
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave,
Maltese Cross
And OaK-tanned Ix.ittier Uel'ani
H. A. Kingsbury
S!3 Sprue St., Scrnnton, Pt
Lewis, Reiily S Davies
I.s.llea show frleti Ts our ei.r.n. ?. ? Mfl
ami an aHoae, aad so enthostaatla sre they
over their WII HllSHS that one sal la sure to
la the means of making another.
114 Wyoming Avo.
Wc Examine Eyes
Free of charge, If a dootovf
is needed you are promptly
told so. Wo also ruaranteo
a perfect lit.
Great reduction in prices
of Cut Glass and Silver
ware for one week only.
The Jeweler,
408 Spruce Street.
fl lv