The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 01, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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On account of the slump
in the Cloak Market in New
York City within the last
three or four days, enables
us to offer many of this
season's garments,
topes and
At a Reduction of
50 Per Gent.
Tailor-made Costumes
TBS Wonted Serijs and Cove rt
Cloth Suits, Which ws are lur
ing inch a bin snoci M with
tint re:ion, are manufacture 1
expressly fur HI anil cod fined
strictly to our home, thereby
insuring not only the highest
standarl of iUHlity. but
The Newt cf On Day R"l iced to Local
goscsol i" (W Arraare rWetm.
IflXOOKA. l'a. Aiinl SO, 'John Pow
ers of Orantre, N J., i visiting I'at
Murray n Ctmpboll'i conrt thfi week
Miss Mary Flannery anl M J Wall,
of Ptttttoa, are flatting at Newoobe'i
this week
Allta Maffgie Iemrv, of I'ittarnn,
Is visiting Miss Maria Murray, of Mam
Contractor Potar llollOB of (Ireen
Wood, baa second a contract for the
lnyingof a w.tter line In Iu Shorn.Sul
ivrin connly, and will IssvS next month
for to ronitnonr.e liberation.
It ia mawrod that the Idaa of clean
ins out C'olib'e pond, wbloh aupplit
tliis jiIam With water, haa baan nbiin
dorreil on account of the high rate of
ixpetii attacheil to it
( twen Onnolly ia treating bit Mini
street residence to a coat of white
John I'gan, a atudent at Bt Thomas'
coll-'g", hna secured a position on tin
Times at manager of the ilinonka edi
(ieorge Sheen, of BifltT avenne.
leavei today fur SYractlts, N Y, hli
former home, to receive hif of a
fortnns nranunting to about $31,000,
whieh wna to become hia at the age of
21 yeari. It is expected that he will
inaka hia fnture home in that city,
Patrick Dolan. erect
Ing a new hcuae on Stafford alreet
which ia one of the Intett in architec
tural design. When completed it will
be occupied by kfagiatrata 1' P.O'Hara.
P. C. Connolly, Kverett Campbell,
John (! 'ill uglier, of thll plow, l'r
Ilonaer and Joe Davis, of Tayl r, and
Jim llutler, of Mootic, went yeitard iy
morning on a Milling tour and returned
biat night with a w.igon load of choice
Two Llvea Paved.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City,
111., was told by her doctors hl had ' on
sumption and that there was DO hope for
her, but two hot ties Dr. Iving's New l)is
rovery completely cured her and she says
t savisl her life. .Mr. Thus. Kger.s, lll'J
.''lorlda St., Snn Francisco, suffered from a
dreadful cold, approaching ( onsuinptl in,
tried without result everything else then
rxinght one bottle of Dr. King's New Dis
covery and in two weeks was cured. He
is naturally thankful. It is such results
of which thoso are examples, that prove
the wonderful eliicncy of this medicine In
Coughs and JColda. Free triall bottles at
Matthews liros,, Drug store. Regular size
Sue. and $1.
FOI K of lhet COUPONS, pr
HPnts d nt Tim Trllnn Kllrc, ror
ncr l'ni avi'inic mttl Sprurc tr'ct,
nUtttt tb holder to till tiio prtv
i if t n - u i)pitr:illf1to oiVt t-4
iiutribiititiK popnlttf booki
uniorif cur roitdcrn. 'I hi nlTVrft minis'
by 1'lits Trlbmio niunnj;fmant ar
an follnwit:
15 CKNTS anil Four COQpOni for
an)' vohinin tn llin ('(ihtm bun Htt
rleH. ! 100 ; totell riom.
20 CKNTS and Four Coupon! for
any book In lb" ltuj;by Sorlnn.
85 C'KNTN hiiiI Four CottpOBI for r.
any bnok In tlio Jinnl SitIi-h. SS
Little L:oala Penned in Snrqaehanna's
Thriving Town.
Special to the Srrimfoii Tribune-.
FonKST City, Pa., April 80 Straw
hiita nremukinir their appenrance
John Mntey rode to Pecicville last
Thursday on his wheel in an hour and
fifteen minutes, a distance of fifteen
miles. Ho also returned on hia wheel
in a little longer time.
Station Aftent Thomas Cunningham,
of Hrrick, spent Snndny at his home
in this place.
Councilman William Watts was in
Carbondale today on business.
Miss Retta Gilchrist, of Como, is the
guest of relatives in Forest City.
Hurry Yowsne, of Beranton, Samuel
J. Jennings mid John H. llnches, of
this pine., ara angling for the npckUil
beauties in th'i vicinitv of Blkdola to
day. Druggist and Mrs. Joseph .Tanswick,
of Carbondale, ipsnt tho Sabbath In
this borongh.
The many friends of A. M. Weotgats
ar pleaaed tohear of his recovery from
his recent sickness.
Ontario and Western Station Ardent
George S. Dunn, of Jermyn, sp-nt a
sliort time In this place yesterday visit
Ing hia parents
Net vices were held in the Presby
terian church yesterday by Rev. Will
iam Jennings.
Miss Nettie Chamberlain, one of
Forest City's best lobool teaohsrs, re
mined her position in th" school room
tomy after an illness of three week.
Bpworth League tomorrow night.
Jeweler K. I). Bradley wai viewing
the sights and scsnes of Susquehanna
yenter.'ay, on one of his weekly trips
Tho funeral of Miss efaggia CojfU
was held Saturday at her late home on
Dandaff ttreetoi l o'clock, Eta, Kl
gar Campbell, rector of Christ's RpW
copal church, condnoting the terTioM
A largo noinbtr o( friend' of tho de
oeaaed were present, showing the
esteem In which Misi Cvle was h id
by them. The decorations were
very beautiful. Interment was madt
at Dhndaff.
Arthur May arrive 1 home from N'.'W
York city today alter an OOftOOO of
seVi w -elcs in that city.
Miss Jennie A dams, one of our popn-
lar school teacher, is spending a few
days in Blnghamtoo, N. . II r plaos
in !( eeliool was tilled ly Miss Wsti
The Methodists nre beautifying their
church properly by tearing down the
fence in front, and intend replacing It
with a lie.nitifnl stone wall The cor
ner Bt Dondafl and ttaio will ha
'hanged so as to lie round Instead ol
UOb a slurp angle as it it at present
It is alto report" I that a substantial
ttone walk will be in front of th-
I lag eton are eiso on the ground at
J. .1 Manning! building, to be laid
in front of I man's store,
A M iiliett. of t Hbaon, was a visi
tor in town to lay
The following la a cirreet schedule of
the arrival and ilp irlure of mails at
tie Forest City postofllce: Mall ar
rives from lha nort at :i Yt p ni , mail
irnvea from tha south at 8.37a, m.
3. IS and 060 p m. Mailt depart for
the s nith at S 18 a tn aril 1 13 p. m .
mailt depart (or the north at 8 87 a. m
A F.. Wheeler is on a trip to Jack
The lilatsfotil Cotndr OOOptny np
portinu the acci tiipiuhed ai'lrest. I. la
Logan, have opened a tl,r"e Mollis en
gsgement it the DatHi Opera bonae,
Tonight thev present " The Light on
the point " rhaonopany oomte blghl)
recommenill with preit notittt. and
the nriOM are witniu the reaoh of all.
10,90 and :i 1 cents. Tomorrow eve-
ing th" oomnany will preeeot th"
"French Spy Ech prforiusnc cori
elndea with a laaghabla frc Pro
feaeorj. IV 1 Wilson, thew -ll fain
i u trombone aolotat, late of uilmoto'i
t and, it with the rotapany
HAMlintON l.tMS.
Sundrv New N rt fr rn a L vlr Neigh-
b.iing Viliaae
Ffifriai to tm .Vran'.l Ti,n.
Hami int.'N, Pa., April BO The Bp
Worth leagil" OH Sunday evening was
i'l the lauds of Mrt C M Lorlng
ignite a tiumber were ireerit and
ninotig them teveral fn-iii nt of town.
Mise jMpiiie BlgeloW, Of Niagera.
Pa , is spending the waah with her
titter, Miss Ctara Bigolow, f the Baal
Mr. J M Nicholton, returned to
her home at KtngatOB Sitnrdav, after
an extended visit In tint vicinity
11 A. Ward, of BorantOO, waa In
town fti I y evening
II. F. Nicholton, of La Anna, Pike
county, having purchased the hotel
property, Mr. ilainhutou it preparing
to DOra into the BOOM recently Vacate I
by Dr. Stevens
Clarence Uigelow, of Providence,
spent Sunday in town.
Q w Bhnoni A Bon, of tbli place,
last week pi iced on their lit: between
their ottoa ami tha depot at Ariel tw
telephones of the Y. K. li pattern, and
they -ire ut present giving per.'vcl satis
faction. This pi ices llamlintnn on an
ecpial footing with the towns having
telegraph ( ili ,jt, at naaaagaa oao be
tent and received as well here as at
Ariel. It has been rumored that H il
litterville mid Sterling were to put up
lines to connect with this one, but noth
ing his yet been done. Simons o. S .'i
have th sal of I fie phones lor W ivi,
ami the neighboring counties.
MMM ' i
Newt of One Dav Causht at the Baee of
Irvli.B Cliff.
Sprint tn the Scrnuiun Trihune.
BOMMDALS, l'a, April 30. Harry
Skeelt and K I Yarrington, of OarbOn
dtle. and A W. Walkey, of Jermyn,
made a trip to BonaadaJo to lay, itop-
piug off at Farview. Mr. Walkey and
Mr farrington will open up a photo
graph studio at Farview this summer
Misi Clara Hall, of Scranton, it vis
iting fricuds in town.
(ieorge JautM mid John Abbott, of
Carbondale, pissed Sunday with Mr.
James' parents here.
The Kirmess commences May I I and
OOOtlnnaa through the week. The Pi
dian dance will bo an attractive fea
ture. 'Ihe bicycles stolen from Scranton
latt weeg have l een recovered. Orin
bicycle bad neon separated, parts of
which were found on two canal bo its
William Pennlman, of Ihe Plymouth
Tribune, paisel Snnday in town
News R-cord d b
Our Special
ffrircial to the tirmntnn Trihnnt
Pi c i; vi i, i.e. Pa April 80. William
fjood, of Wyoming, was Ihe tivat of
Mr. and Mrs Joseph York over Sun
day. A larcre delegation of Harppr lodge
No. 707, Independent Or ler of O ld
fallow, ntten 1ml the funeral of Perry
Parsoqs at F.u view last .Sunday.
A public meeting will bo held in the
Grand Army of tho Ropnblio hall next
Wedntlday evening to mOkt arrange
ments for Mtmorlal Day, Parties in
tereited r-j reiinedtod 1c bo prosout.
Ladies not SXClg led.
William and Arthur Denning spent
Sunday nt Forest City.
The Grassy Island Delaware and
Hudton breaker worked twelve days
and a half last mouth and shifted over
1,000 tons of coal per day.
Misi-es Grace and Lena Helmbold, of
D.inville, who has been visiting their
sistor, Mrs. Homer English, returned
home yesterday.
Mr. and Mn. Frank L. Taylor are
visiting with friends at Waverly.
Little Locals Concornlnir a Ltve Town
and Its Residents.
Svecitil to the Scrtmtim Tribune.
OLxTHANT, Pa., April 110 Mrs. Al
exemler Roberts und sou, Harry, of
Carbondale. are tho guests of Mr. and
Mrs. i: A. Watts, on the West Side.
Miss Mary llrolmon, of Scranton,
spent Sunday with Miss Mary A. Car
bine on Bniqnebanna street.
Mrs. Qeorga Wescott, of Green
Bidge, vitited friends in town today.
Levi Patterson, of Carboudale, was a
visitor in town yesterday.
The Adonis Dram.itie club will give
the first presentation of famous melo
Irama, "The Lost Mine," ut Father
Mithewop'ra house, Monday, May 7.
Hurry Wright, U. B Witncott and
Frank firebird, of Carbondale, were
visitors in town on Suud iy.
Miia Jennie Pergnton wai a visitor
iu the Bleotria t'lty today.
Miss Alice Sweeny, of Archlmld, vis
Ited bar cousin, J. W. Snoeny, on
Lackawanna street yesterday.
The grind sacred cantata entitled
"Belshaistr'i Feast,'' will be prodnoad
at Father Mathew Opera houte on
May 8.
P. ,). Coleman, of M ihanoy City, ia
ihe guest of frlendlOO Delaware street.
W F. Durke, of Providence, was a
caller in town on Saturday evening
Mrs. John Lrent, of Wilkes-1; irre.
was the guelt ot Mrt William Matori,
n t ne West Bids yestsrd iv.
Mrs S .1 M ittbews wis a vititor at
Scranton over Sun lav
The Ladiss' Aid society will m-'et at
he home of Mrs U MaSOO on Wed
nesd'iv afternoon.
.1. V. Ken Dad y, of Scranton, Wag a
c iller in town yesterdny.
The Yjung Men's Christum union
has decided not to bold any tn ,ro r-an-lty
'. rotlonal mtetlngs for the pren
Dr. J. J Walsh, of Booth Scranton,
was aaller in town sod iy.
Mist Minnie Mason, of the Wast
Side, was a vititor at North Scr.nton
A very IntsrasUng phonograph con
cert was giv,. i iu to' 1 i gregatloaal
church by Pro feasor Boyor, of Lshtgti
ton, before 4 Ure audience.
B, N Kennedy made a business tn p
to beranton i" I iy
Miss Ms.-t i linen spnt the Sabbath
in Beranton
S Swingle, of North Scranton, circu
hit, I lin ing friends in town ye-ir lei
A large uumtrer uf the voting people
spent tha day in the WOOdf in aoftftO of
trailing arbutns.
The Ancient r l-r of HibamlatU
will give a picnic at Mila grove on
J uhe 7
Ihe F.v.irn buildrrig ,m Ltckswanna
street is Bearing aotnplatioa and will
tw raadr for ocoupanoy by the iattr
part of the wsk
J J CXMalley, of Oarbottdnla, tpent
the pst wek i i town.
MlM May McNirol waa the guoet of
M si Fenuer, at Scranton, over Mundey
ouNMont o-.y 0011 G.
Affilrt cf the Hour er Our Kretar Bub irb
T-iae'v Dii'ine-d
gaeeist fS the .sr-ia'.,a Tei'.',
Di RMOU, Pa., April II -J'Urt Ki
wortn LsaifW will u dd its regular
monthly meeting at tha Metholitt
Bptaoopal obnroh tint evening. The
most Imi or tan I f store and one that It
Onuilog Immsnae intereet it the debate
on the resolution patted sometime ago
"iUanlvesl. That 11 company baa a
groatat Infln nan for eui thsn bal
literature.' I he matter will tse arguad
bv several young men of the s .ritv
Bvorybody will re- tTsleomad
Now go to Eoropa, Drngglsta J n.
Boos a Bon 1, ti t for only f : i
M si 1 ertie L-e,of Avoca, Is VKlllDg
at l'--tr Bi Igls s
Mr. Mo ire. of Sonth Cmsen, is vis
itmg bis brother, Srsretl Moors
A party ws hold at the boni of
Henry Krsuee Bitqrday evening tn
honor of Mr- Kraosss birthday,
Stanley 1 1 tinea, ol Hawiey. basse-
Bep I h p- lion with the I'rie an I
Wyomlog Valley raili l
Fresh milk 'i cents per rjrurt; ?l
quarts for j-l 0 1 Palmar a,
Ihe Bem bar I f lie borough e to li
inspected lue borough on Saturday af
ternoon. i
Newt of I alerts! IS he Inhib.tanta of a
I. veiir D t oush
Sjiermt in the gsfalea rWawas
Tatloi Pa., April 80 Mrs Barnas
and Mit Bsaloy, of ll la Part, visited
Mr. and Mrt. W. H UotdOl on Sqd
John Welkins announces blmelf a
candidate to the Republican OOOutjP
conventl Mi. James Slovene and UagO
F. Evans, of the I'rue, also announce
theinseivot dslegatt to tha Third leg
islative convent i ii
John Msdlsr and bride are DOStl
Iroui tn ir wediiing trip ami Have gone
to boosekaaplog on Main 'ret
Kit Johnson, of Peiiobtoot, is being
entertains I by Ray Morgans, of Ui
Tie mas o .Ioiv, ( Forest City
pasd Snnday in this town
Biebard Williams and bride, of D ir
yea. visited relatives bars on BUttdty
Qwlllym Williams, of Ltflln, was
guest of friends In this barOOgh 00
Friday night Colonel Bira Ripple
will Isotors on "Bxpsrisnoet In Ander
sonville" at the l'nce Library iewoota
tii .ri. Brsrybody is invited. Ailmis-
i on free.
The Willing Workers of th M dho
dist Episcopal church will meet on
We Inn lay at tli a home of Mits A'ina
The managers h ive pnrelnse 1 a larg
invoice oi special sososry for tna pros
iluction of "Confederate
rink on May 84
Spy at the
The Daughters of Am Tic will pl c
a flag on the Pvue school on M iv BO,
tl d tlie Patriotlfl Sons of Am rrica on
tile Biblty school the same day.
'I he Ballroad ball club will cross bats
with the railroader! of Scranton next
Saturday morning on the Riverside
grounds. Manager Bauttaol of the
home team is also eiileivoruir to ar
range wirh Manag r Oliver Williams
of the Clerks for a game about May 18
A. game between ids two last noma I
clubs wonld be a battle for blood.
Ihe hrst game of base ball of this
season was played n-r today between
the Electrics, our horns pets, mid a
dub the M hIoos. The "pels" batted
and fielded finely, ran bistis like a d-er,
SOd '-von the game by a score of IS to
9 Everyone hu i reason to feel proud
of the Electrics, as they are a gentle
manly lot of young men who will yst
make a record upon the diamond for
Evtntt of Interest in Springtime Ks-
oorded for Hurried Rsadert.
Special Iu the Scranton Tribune.
Jrpmyn. Pa.. Anril Hi) Fred Hart-
noil, of Dantnore, and Mr. and Mrs M
J. Lloyd, of Olyphant, were the guests
of Jermyu friends Sunday.
Ihe sermou preached before tne OJu
Follows society Sunday was i model of
excellence, and one of the most appro
priate addressee ever delivered before
any organization in this plaoe. The
lojt was 1st Samuel, 20th chapter and
23d and 231 verses. Subjset, "The
Love of Jonathan for David,"
Mrs. Ciroline Maynard ii ill nt hor
home on South Main street.
The stock in tho stable of Liveryman
Woodmanser will ba sold by Sheriff
Pahs on Friday next at 10 a. iu.
Editor Bonody'l story now running
through the column of the Press, D
attracting much attention for its num
erous strong points Being u talu ol
the coal regions, it is particularly at
tractive to the renders iu this section.
Workman are now engaged in exca
vating lor the pipca to be laid through
the cemetery, li ia expected that the
work will be completed this week
Tups will be plated in different parts
of tho ground i so that lot owners 0SD
have the use of tne wat-r at any time
The retail grocery store of W. H.
Swick is closed on account of the illness
of the ptoprietor.
Mine Boat Avery has just placed a
in-w tigu in position over his new hotel.
Now Hotel Avery may bo found by iha
weary traveler Without trouble
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jack, who
have been spending the winter with
Mr. and Mrs. S D. Darts, lsriv this
morning for their home at Gardiner,
A cull hat been extended by the St
James Kpneopal church to the Rtv. C
llowells, of Btiot Clrir, Franklin
county, N Y ihe bithop has been
commnniosted with, an i as so in as be
Sanctions til" arrangement, Mr. How
ells will bs installed
Newt itueirst 1 m a oeQaehauua Rlvtr
M-rioi to ihe senates 7w,uae.
BaLUTMAD, Pa. April 80 Flora
Joiiiison haa returned boms from vit
iting friends in Bit g -snitori
Frank Bpaoldiost, f lhnghsmton,
wit in town on Saturday.
Miss Laaalty spent Ba lay in Blog
N ii Major wag in BloghaAtoo on
Sstnr lay
Al Jones has mov sd Into hit honeeon
Chaee arsons, vacated bv Mn 0 Rs.
Tsaebars' i ting at Hon. s li
Chase s on Fri lay evening
( oit .g meetiog on Priday araolog
i? 7 18 it ;h- bom of Patar I. dr on
' em story Hi i
' rgS iiDrien spent Suodsy In
Mr and Mrs M .1 Colligan, of
Scranton, are cmj frlsn is in t iwn
John ciuue, of i srbondale, who has
been slatting ins uncle, .1 iteph Iruthln .
in this place, his relume I Ii une
Pfofaasor J S aYdami and wife, of
ilopbottom wtrs visiting irtoadl la
tow to t V
Mrs F. r Mwood, of I Corl N J.,
vrited friends in town oo Saturday
Wlanla Tloglsy spsnl Si.nlay in
l.aKSM e
Mr.. IUv A Wrigbtley, Of ( srvar
ton, who bat leu visiting frien Je in
tow, has rolsraod home
Rev Jo' n Diviee. of I'.inghamt in,
bsa ecoepssd a oall t bao ma tho pat
lot of the Haptist church, an I will en
ter npj'i duly next unday
I ipapslt and In tlftetl in
In their worst forms ar carts by the
ose of P. P. p, If a re dsMUIaUa and
run dosrn, ir if roo i.e-si tome is ragalo
fssh and lest tppttttOj strength sr. I rig K.
take I' P, l'.. and vou win i strong and
healthy, for elialtere-l OOOttttOltOOt and
!. t manli -I P. I' I". il'rictly Ash. POba
Root east l'uiiu n is the king of n
seed let aea r p. p. is its graataal hiis-i
purrflsr in the SToriiL Put sale bv ell
Oes Veto Thst Is urs.
Next November the people will
the vrtomg.
lo tl'-
IV'..-, te. I V SSt ('" I W I'M" ttba
Whru gM 1 1 hn I. she erstd raf i vc.
When she 1ms -eras Mist, she rhing lo 'est. sia,
v- lanshe luU Ckfl ttst sljr aeseUiriu i stur1
City Music Stcre,
M l " lV Y .t sr-
Hit 1.1. A ll.Vl I U
aii hii:, KXii, i.n:
Atlantic Refining Co.
Miiiiiiftirturi'r-i ami lalini hi
Illuminating and Lubricating
Linseed on, Nnithas ind Qoao
lioes of nil gradoi Axle Grrsaao,
Pinion (I reuse gad Colliery Com
WUUdj also, a lnr'0 lino ol! l'ur-
raffias Wax Qandltt
We nlsn hamllo tli Fnmous CROWN
ACME OIL, too oniy fnniily Bafety
buriiiniJr oil in tho market.
Offlro: Coil lixclinriiro,
W urks at 1'iuu Urouk.
After the Grip
Sick, Lifeless, Dull
HcaSthy, Hnppy, Llvoly
Thi3 Dccldod Chansr,o Brought About
by Taking Hood's Snrsapnrilla.
C I. Hood 4 Co., LowslI, Mass.:
"Osntlemsn I wish to certify to the follow.
Ing facts: My Utile girl, LiUt May Cuthrle,
had a severe attack ,,t the trip, ami got smne-
srbst better, but she did not teem to get right
well fie- lingered along from day to day, poor.
Sisal and languid. Ws COOSOttSd a leadum
physician, and he said It was the Atet of the
;rip still about her. We pave the nurdkltie he
ordsred, but -he mtsisil to tt
Moroand More Delicate.
he eoald searesri cut sorthlng, and what little
'he did Is'se IStBMd lo do her lie fOoii. Btt was soft and not aeallhy, and she wai
Ittlphl and dull srlth DO AOUdtlOO, We were
rsrj muck eonssrosd shoot her. No rasdkriDt
seemed to have any sffSCt until ahoiit two
months uiro we cotiiiiiem e.l to give her I hind's
BarsaptrlUa, She had aol taken half a buttle
btfora tha bsgan to eat bsartUy, ami we eooM
sc a decided ebaogs In her. Ttday she Is lo
the full aOjOrOtoOl "I
Perfect Health.
Ilr flesh Is solid, h, r appstttS gOOd nd ebeekt
rosy, her sleep sound and relreshlnu. and btt
HoodVr Cures
spirits hlsrh. hhe Is (nil el lite, mid ti inUchler.
out as she fin bt All this Inipnaement was
'loiitfLt ahei.t tiv taklinr lliwl'i KArttuarlilA.
iy wile j.tnis w an iii" i:. re.-.irni
i -Ine si the hesi In the eorld fi
mil tn ' hit lit iiiitir. Her,
S It Pe sum lo IS)
... l, . .. . .. .
tills hell
dug up the
Hood's Pills its all rtr Ills
bthousaess tsiiBitttt. stnar basdaf he. Isjtlgastloo.
Dr. EX Grower
rtH Pttlidelphli Fprfhiist,
And I.:, ...isr,-! .urtuf gsUStMl en I flet
saaa rmrslttsaaais ass nsriasaaslli" luealeil
Temple Court
i i- Im. f.. -ii uk! L
tll.t ASI
The !. sot Is s s't I at tns I'nlTersilf
tf 1 rnii.rlr.aiv luraaes-ls ! n;enslraUr at
I J- . ... s. l ,e,j . i .. :in . - Mr
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a . .-ti il iid rat il) astaa aad
It rhlrf if Ibu BsSOl BS t.-l Amr.e'i
nan I .jdt; ectrres S.,'My atd rs
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Kesr V rk
llu many
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yers of h-e- e-.-ea
rra '
ann diseteas :th tiit mm! flst riafi aa
tad : M.h 's n lli slit- will u.,1
til w tllrt. la sr. elt snr IneiireMe ,
I Man li n Hi I. -1 n. i ii
nrikM" 'i ,i m. si i i ntrii
IfyiMirisve aaeo ClTel up If yeur I tirsl
fit: rsll uium the a.- t.,r tie! Is sxtJuihe.1
lie rurse ll-.e worst rtiHwof KervoaaDl If
hr-Mi Mil 1 tl.srrh, l"e, gOOMUl
W-akiiMts. Affe. ir nt Sf tb Ksr. Ki. .se
snl ' Asthms. Ixtafiiosa. TosastsV Qa
sets and Onrylss ef sesri aaasripllos i ,
sulUlloa Id r.n.'lisfi su,l ilermsn I rae, arblst
thsll -i constilereU sasrsd en , trur'.i,- I
Set tisl
i Mes Rasarw I t M, la w I', n. lien,
Snielisi, 11 m lit. 1 1, ' p in.
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
State aaeal Pah St . lam. rsilr,t tm
th. Cent H roller .,1 r lie , ii 1 1 naan
I.I s t 1.1 I v
I onus I.?lii.:un
lltrrdrills ii,7.
I ailed -isles Hon, Is 00,000,
Othei Roads tfa.571
llftltSlllK House 10,074.
rrenilnins on V, s Itotots.... im:i
Inn- rtasa I s In usurer 7.000
pue h mn Uaaha soH.tin
.el. 111. inn
S 'JlH.e.Ml.flll
urnliis ,
I llll,lr,1 I'l. .Ills
I ItYHststtes)
Ill, liloluls I i,,iltl
tlVMI to llMike
.. O'leoonono
., NO 000.00
M. I Mil mi
nil. mi
... l.MU i. mi i
Oil. .1 nil. ;,n
s r -''- " l
Mil I MM roNNn.l, fresl.lent
i.i ii ii aii, in. rica-rresldanl
WILLIAM II IU K, (ashler
WlllUm Doaoell, OtMtSM If. f'sllln,
Alfinl linn, i jHiuet Arrlibald, Hear
Bal In, Jr., Willi.,, T. Mn, in. I.ulliar
Tills I pil, olTers lo depositors every
ferintv sfarraatasl i- lhatt halannaa imi
bets ami resiiousiiiiiitv.
gpeelal Mtleniioii glvaa to OOstosss ae
eeuata lotOrost iialdtsn Usaa degoslta
Cosiplsiion Preserved
viola mm
Removes Fraohlct, PlmrrVt,
Uver Moles, HlaoUhead.
' lil T.. an,l J
tturj tho sl;lu to tia orlgl- aA e'UOjn
mil in-slme.s, jirndiiciim n '.- Sib',iJ,$
clear and heultliy cim-wfp. If T
plcilon. Piiperlortorllin, o' " .
ireiurntUniH nnd Potfectly hnrrnless. At ml
(lrujajlsis.iif uiallcd lor 50i ta. tkrud lur Circular.
VIOLA SKIN 80AP I"-P'T InfemrsrsMc u s
illn irlMsg em-)nsle.t !Sr toilet, ao,l ellh-nr s
rivsi li Ao nurMry, Asseasstr teie sat sslasao aas
Aldrunlna, Prlea JS tnfs.
4. C. BITTNEB & CO., Toledo, O.
For salo by Matthows Bros ,MorgaoBroatod
AIoikuii a Co,
EverythingFOR Everybody
The Fair
400402 Lacka Ave.
"Always the Cheapest"
Dry Goods, Ladies and
Gents1 Furnishing Goods,
Notions, Fancy Goods,
Infants Wear, Cloaks,
Curtains, Boys' Clothing,
Boots and Shoes, etc.
We will h?.ve lively times in our STORE
MONDAY, APRIL 30. Every twentieth cus
tomer will rsceive hi3 or her entire purchase
Free of Charge
Last Monday 1,286 purchases were made
in cur store; if the same number are made
this time, it will result in sixty purchases be
ing given away during the day.
Japanese R"ujs
Hand-woven Carpets and Rugs
30xG3 inches, $1.75.
Smyrna Rugs All Sizes
406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave.
With an Eye
To secure more patronage, in addition to
our already extensive trade, we have de
cided to inaugurate the following Gift
1 Mstrifoution to all purchasers of
& 7 SZ Worth of Goods I , .,. ( .
V O or over. il piece DinnerSet'
dT Worth of Good3 a pin of an Elegant American
ssar'satP or over. I Onyx Finish Clock.
Parlor Suit
This advertisement must he presented
in order to secure the above gifts. This
GIFT DISTRIBUTION hold good for cash or credit
sales. Goods delivered free everywhere.
9x12 feet, $15.00.
Coat Hooks
Towel Racks
Card Tables
Brass Tables
Music Racks
Umbrella Stands
Rogers' Groups
Curtain Poles
Picture Hooks
Brass Tacks
Stair Buttons
Bead Portieres
Eamboo Curtains
Step Chairs
Blacking Boxes
; lino fruit rabjeot in Antique
ak ami (iolil Frame.
I A Pastel in Ivory and Gold, En
i pire Frame; gometbing new,
, A licavy pair of ( lionillo Portiorcs
tn all colors.
n"'tfa'1'' ' aWeiHi, ajOj),,-, jEi, j tjtt-' re,Etsfav t srfl