The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 01, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Beethoven, Wellington, Bismarck
Kings and Queens innumerable,
nearly all the minds that have
changed the course of affairs In
the world for centuries have been
to Carlsbad for bodily aid. Not
everybody can go even in these
times of lasi travel, int everybody
Ban have the benefits of Carlsbad
at a small on-t at home in the Carls
bad Sprudel M ater or the Carls
bad Sprudel Bait, (which is evap
orated from the Sprudel Spring.)
The genuine Carlsbad Sprudel
is a natural remedy which is AL
WAYS effective in all disorders
Of the Stomach, liver and kidneys;
for habitual constipation, gontj
and rheumatic affections it is
w ithout equal. Be sure to obtain
the genuine article, which has the
senl of the City of Carlsbad and
the signature of "Eisner & Men
delSOU Ctf., Sole Agents, on every
botl le.
The Spw-t Qic-'iom DitSttaaod Import
ant Mattn FjsmiI Up-in.
Si'eruil to the StYaafon Trihnnn
Fmttston, Pn , April 80. A epeclal
meeting of tlio town OOQDOil was bold
in tho Honk ami Ladder room t :tt
fUing for t purpose of h"iirinn the
report of tii" cittaena tontttilttee In re
gard to the pavioi end 'vrine of the
town. Tho lueetinir was called to or
ilenit s. 0- o'clock ty l'tesi iotit I .1.
John Be I.uw, on behalf of t'le e ni
mittee, reported thai in tbe judgment
of the committee they thought it was
the best polloj to Hpwr the town first
Mul the paving ;ifter, and in onlT to
properly begin lae work in their jn le
nient suggest-d that a sitiitiirr iiiut
ner t" employed to ascertain th
probible cost and prepare plaoi for
doing the work.
Mr. Clifford asked for Information a
to how tho committee proposed to do
the work. He claimed It whs all weli
and gnai to t ilk "worlog and pv
ing" bat how tbe money was to be
raised was th qaeetion. For his en
llghtanment Mr. Law stated tha', th
rnoneT in bit opinion vii eecoodary
consideration. That aftr having ob
tained an estimate the money wool! be
l'reaident Mnngm thought that to
engage an engineer and in t!i" event oi
no notion iieitiK taken regarding im
work, would eutnil u ontUy of
money, that In nia judgment tne citl
Bns wool. I n t car.- to pay.
Mr Harding coincided with Mr.
Law. Cottoeel for the borough, C.
Frank Bohan. took occasion to intorra
the cit r. "is present and council that
according to the law of the stilt the
council bed already reached tna b nit
of asaes4liie!it. He further stated that
the only way n:.dr the existing cir
cumstance Would be to submit the
question to a rote of the people To
do this, provide I it wa lesir- l to coin
ineno- at once, it would bo necessary
to hoi 1 a special election on an order
from the court.
After considerable ibsultory talk
Mr lionnelly more 1 that ttia ehairtn IB
ppoint a committee ot fire to confer
witu tha citizens' committee as to the
employing of a mitar angina 'T Tha
motiou was carried, the only dissent
ing Tote being Mr Kearney. Chair
man Kaagan eppolnte I the following
committee: Heap, iiennsgan. Lynott,
Clifford and llo.'iiielly.
H Q, Cooper next engaged tha it
tention of those present uv stating
Fittaton was d.lTsreutly situated thai.
other towt.s by h iving excellent out
lets. Alexander I'ottt-r, of I invillc, a
sanitary engineer expert, being i . r-- -ent,
was asked us to the general fea
turf a of a sewerage System, As tin esti
mate, all things considered, of the
prohable coir. Mr. Potter stated that
for an orlinsry liBO tho suit would not
exceed 08,800 a mile.
Mr. Potter stated that tha maps, pro
files, specifications, form of contract to
be used, basing his remarks on a towu
such as I'ltlstoti, would cost in th"
neighborhood of ffti)i). l)u motion
Chairman Mangan was Inatrnoted to
engage n conveyance to take the com
niitteo about town nnd point ont to Bo
gineer Potter the attitude of IbeotroetB,
Tha bid from the Klectric Light c in
pany for the wiring of ihs new onincil
chamber at fin was accepted, Will
iams & HcAnnlty'i MdoffyTO for the
f nrni tiling of shades and matting for
the hall, and that of J II. Kirbv nt 80
cents a yard, was referred to a commit
tee. Tne purchasing of furniture was
referred to tlio furnishing committee.
A. communication from the Lehigh
Valiey Railroad compmy in regard to
the creation of a new swer re
ceived and placed on file. Borough
Treasurer l.nrignn reported totheconn
cll that owing to a dispute in the ad
justment of certain accounts ex Treat
ttltr Houaer agreed to hand over all
moneys with the BXOtption of the
KUiouiit in dispnte. The a lid amount
be (Mr. Honset) would plane in tho
First National bank, or any other place
nntil such time as the matter wsi set
tled. Mr. Donnelly moved that the bor
ough solicitor be instructed to notify
Mr. Houaer to settle up; upon hit re
fusal to prosecute him.
The report of the committee to ascot"
tnin the cost of opening th proposed
alley at the rear of the bnilittnga on
the westerly side of Main street. The
committee appointed to mini" salaries
for tho different borough paid officers
reported they had agreed to diangrer,
preferring to leave it to council to de
cide. Mr. Kearney moved that the salaries
paid last year bo allowed to prevail
L at by a vote of 5 to 4
PnKVKNTiON is better tlian cure, ami you
may prevent that tired feeling by taking
Hood's Sarsnparilla, which will keep your
blood pure anil freo from acid taint and
germs of disease.
Hood's Pit.t.s
gnpe. but act
do not purge, jaln or
promptly, easily ami
Eucklen'a Arnica Salve.
The best salve In tho world for Cuts
Bruises, bores. Ulcers, Salt Hheum, Fever
Hnrei, Tetter, ( happed Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and nil Skin Eruptions, nnd posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded, l'rice D6 centa per
bos. tot sale by Matthews liroe. "
Current Tt pies Boiled Down to Enter
taining I'araeraphs.
Frfcial to the Serantnn Tribuns.
PlTTBTON, Pa., April SO. Miss Mar
trarot Howe, of Liitliu, was witn dilli
culty eared from death on Saturday
last. While burning up some rubbish
In the garden her clothing took tiro.
Although badly burned, she will, it is
thought, recovor.
R. S. Mnloue, of Carbondale, is visit
ing friends hero.
Miss L:zzi Clcckner, of Tamnqita, is
visiting her cousin, Miss Bessio Lynn,
of Exoter street. West Bide,
Sam Browning and wife, of Scrnn
ton, are visiting the former's parent
Mr. nnd Mrs. V. A. Flock visited
with the former's parents In Avoca
Mrs. V. D. Evans is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Taylor, in Scrantou.
Mrs. Kite McKenna, of Wilkes
Barre, is visiting friends here.
Mils Oatlie Lydon, of Wilkes-lUrre,
is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lydou
on Broad treet.
llurgess nnd Mrs. Malonoy are at Lit
tl. Meadowa ntteuihug the fun ral of
Mrs Eitziaurtiu, who diod on Friday
last at I hat place
Miss Mamie Eoapp, of Waverly, is
Vialttttg friends on the Vrest Si le
Mr. Ford, the lady from nktrmau
who waa so terribly burned in a Hre
tome titno ago, has been discharged
from th hospital,
Mrs. Weltlake and children, of Dil-
las, are viiitiuir her mother, Mrs Btn
orv, on Montgomery street, West Side,
lrs L I'. Hurler, who has been
spending some time in Wilkea-Barre,
her former home, returned home y. s
tarday. Mrs Julia Bendrick, ot Boboken, N.
J., who baa been visiting friendt h-ro,
returned to h-r home yetterday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B Davenport have
r-'turned from their wedding tour,
They will reside with the former's
p ir-nK on Bister street.
J, A. Tonbill, who has been in Phila
delphia on a bntlnasi trip, returned
home yesterday
Mrs. E. I). Hoffman and child, of
Scrantou, who has be-n viei'ing rela
tives here tor tlw jmst week, returned
homo yesterdav.
Cure for Hondach.
Asa remedy for all fnrm id Headache
Electric Bitten has proved to t the wry
ts-st. It .-fleets a permanent cure and the
nioet dreaded habitual sick headaches
yield to its influence. V7e urge all who are
afflicted to procura a Dottle and give this
remedy a fair trial. In caeca of habitual
eonatination Electric Bitters cures by niv
niK the needed tone to the bowelaaad t.-w
rasat 1 mg resist the us-'of tble medicine.
Try it once. Large boltlus only Klfty cents
at Matthews Broa'. iimg store.
ArtcHBato Biganifiat.
A Brltfht Corrp n1nt'4 Dilr Rtauni
or t'sHlnK Evantt
pprnal t" the HcntHttm Vi ta.
AbchbaLD, April 80 Tha meeting
ot ibe property holders of Sooth Main
street bald In Wagner's hall on Sstnr
day evening for ln pttrf se of deciding
on the location of the street lines, was
not attended with the sum-ess which
waa expeoted to reeult from it Conn
cilmeo Jones, l.ane and HUck w-re
; resent, and in d a proposition to the
.iT-ct tnat a roadway of flfty-Bvo feat
MTOnld t BOO ptable to the c u 1 1 c 1 1
slm-s thev had no d"tir- to
trouble the property holders by enact
iug the sixty feet which the old
charter caiu for. Tbia was not ao
cepted by the property holders, Bev
ral other ptopoelttona were made, tut
none were tatltfaotory, and the meet
Inn adjonmrd irithont anr detinit-
action having teii tsen Tha con
dition of aflalra is rathar delicate, The
council it ui-lilted to give the traction
company a nlaoe on the street If the
tiack is 1 lac I 00 the center, there can
be no roadway unless tbe compel the
property ownera t move In their
fenoee, and it they place the trai t 00
either sile of the road those on the
other side will u joct, The time Is
rip" tor some one Who will straighten
tbinga wit i lattafaotloa to all the par
ties concerned.
Tnomas E iglisb, of Duumore, called
ou friaodi here yeeterday.
The oetoflice was more l on Sstnr
day from Ibe Broderiek bolldtog at
tiie npp r ir in bri Ije to l' iiaint. r
O'Ronrke'a own building beaide '
Thomas' chnrc'i
Mr. and Mre. J, D. Blocker, of .Ter
myn, visited friends hero last evening
William Cnrran, of Avc i, oalied on
friends here on Saturday efoolng,
The Christian Endeavor society of
tbe Preahyterian church will hold a
grand COOOtrt on the night of May 10
S in- of t tie most talented Vocalists in
the valley will participate and a pro
gramme of rare excellence has been
Crt'icinlra a V una Lsdy.
"Hlie would be a pretty girl for but one
'What's ihatf aakad Charley.
iJeorif. Her face is alwa) s covered vit!i
purple and r"d blotChsa
(.'barley-lib, that's easily enough da
poaed of. Deed to be the name wav my
self, but I caught on to th" trouble unit
day, and got rU of it in no tuns.
ueorgi What as itt
barley Smiplv blood eruptions. Took
a short course of r P.P. I Ml yon, it's
the 1h)s nl-iod corre' tor. The governor
bad rheumatism so bad that you could
hear him holler clear across the country
every tune he moved, lie tried it, and
yon know what an athletic old vent lie is
now. If somebody would give Miss Daley
a pointer, sh would tliank them after
wards. All tbe drug ttoree toll la
4) i
Th Mint Intsrettlia Nw of Ihs Pl-v
nr ritv Bilih If Ripirtd.
gjwttl te f'i abroaloa rritMaa.
OABBOKDAtiBj Pa , April BO Sunday
evening at ! IB o'clock occnrre l the
deatii of John I, Pbllline, ot 78 Wyom
ing street, nt the age ot 80 yars. Mr.
I'billips wa born in Nova Scotia on
July 18, 1888, and three months later
was brought lo thta city by bis parents
where he hue since resided,
Deceased is sutvivod by his wife and
two daughters, Mrs. liurr, wife of Dr.
A. E. Uurr, of Scrantou, and Mra. A. N.
Liftus, of this city. Euneral notice
will be made later.
Tomorrow (Tuesday) evening nt 7 80
o'clock the Endeavor mission, which is
situated in Simpson, will be organized
into an independent i'reabyteriun
church, subject only to tbe supervision
of the Lackawanna presbytery. At the
n cent meeting of the presbytery held
in Tunkhannock. Itev Charles Lee, of
thia citv; Kev. S. C. Logan, I). D.,
LL.D., of Scruuton; itev. P H. Hrooks,
of sWilkss-liarre; A: W. Diokson, ot
Scrantou, and Dr. EL Ottmnn, of this
place, wre appointed a committee to
take charge of the cerentonii-8 attend
tug tli organization. Rev. Charles
L-e will preside.
On Thnrsdny morning of this week
at 8 o'clock at the home of Mr. and
Mrs Wi E. Friable, on Wyoming
siroet, will occur the marriage of their
foster tlanehter, Mish Letta Heeman, to
Dr. B D. vanderberg, of Haatlnga-on-
the-Hndaon. On leaving here the
couple will go to Westport, Mass., re
siding there until taking their depart
ure for missionary work in a foreign
Beecham's pills are fot
biliousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick head
ache, bad taste in the mouth,
coated tongue, loss of appe
tite, sallow skin, when caused
by constipation ; and consti
pation is the most frequent
cause of all of them.
Book free ; pills 25c, At
drugstores.or write B.P.Allen
Co.,365 Canal St., New York.
Burdock Blood Bitters
!s a purely vegetable compound, possessing
1 rf"i-t resulatiua do were over all the or
jgane of the svatetn, and oontrol'laa their
secretions, it also put ins the blood tuab
All tdood humors aud diseases, fr.itn a com.
Bon iiniple to the worst scrofulous sore,
aud tiiis ooubined wiiu its unrivalled fa
gnlatlag, cleansing and purifying influ
ence im the secretions of the liver.kldneya
bo ri ll ;o d s'iu, reu.'r it unequalled as e
cure t r ad diieates of tho
Prom one to two bottles will cure bolls,
pimpltH, bl itches, nettle raKh,c-uf,teitr,
and nil I he Kimple ftiriuK ,,f nlcm disease.
Prom two to four bottles will oare aalt
thrum or er.ema, sbiBglaa, erytiiailas, ulcer-,
abscesses, ntttning sores, ant all skla
eruptiona It is noticeable that sufferers
(ruin skin
re ueariv always scare va ted br iat.iier-
itchii:. but thl qulrilr subsides on the
reinoral of the Jnmasn bv B il II. I'asa
liitfoii to graver yet proval'r.t dlseeeOt
such as MTO' swellings, hiiBurs and
v bav.i ondeuhted pruof that from three
to six bottlee used Internally and by one
ward app nation dilated If thkm u
hrukeai to the alVerted parts, will effect a
sirs The great mission of It. It Hutu
re; lata the liver, kidneys, Isiwels and
hie d, io correct a iduy au i wrmia t. .-.
kf the etonaeh, and to open the slnloa
ways of tne system to tcurry off sll rlngged
aa. I leefeMone, allowing nature
ihns t.i aid rex-orerv and rein 'V.i with ut
Bad Blood
I :v. r ci.u.plsuit, hllloilaasat dyjM'psia.
ilea beadeeae, drepsy, rbejnuktnei, aioi
every epa m ' leaeae an-iugforu dis
order, d liver, kidusya siouiacs, b-ial
s' d ii a We (eavaatee very bottu of
it i' I' Bhontd any pertoo he AVieatte
Brd ati. r eelag ti i't bottle, w win ra
fend tlie niuuey on apple atinn iMtraosaUr
rr by Irltsr. We will also be glad to sand
loailmoalale anil laferatatloa privmg tim
rffeeieof B B. B, In the aeova a anted di
leaai , i n tpaUcatl o to
roaTBH Mfl Hl'KN CXX. Uufalo.lf.T.
All the Rage.
i buy a
g it nl one
I AST VIM: be bad nved too
J 1D bought Ihiiiso worth 11850
paid 1300 down, gave a mort
ptgo for l650t Today ha ii
iniitfs ii.s followai
Real saved
latereet on dq irleaia
Taxes Kiel repsira
Net atftng on rent
Bated on naUry
.'W J
. M .') I in vi
$;si M
Ut iti
Toitppl) on tv rttf-iirn f:M
Ul U t i ion "in rot it v, ,r. tm(
hovM will bi fret ftron dtbl ami i ilufttJ
Ituvi' ft Imint iii im y mtit.'
OE1 1 N RIOOS ll III .iirr.11- for
hOttM I Inn A, loill Ii.ivi i t't citt ly flu
iNhi tl ii In tuit lful I. lit. ivblcb tlu-y ollt-r
on tMiny pAJ uirnta, at S18MI
( nil ul ttii'lr ntllrt hi'tu t'cit Unohlnutmi
mnl AfJetnu n OlUf atriM'L
Eureka Laundry Go.
Ccr. I inden St. and Adnms Ava.
I CI 111 Hot'SK mvl Ana
All kinds of Laundry
tht best.
work yunranteeJ
Lost Manhood
and vlcnr qulrkly
ulitly .iil.sluti,
llllliliiii Itenii'ily. Willi irlttnnMi'rMBtploriira. HoiiJ by
UA'lTllbwa bilos.. DruggifiH, eernuton. Pa.
I Wan In R,m-
I CtlVe Bi''lrft'Jirantir, ha'ki"! ny 9 H (JQUO cak.evl.
I Pitflivf iwtanl IftO-paga 1 mk . ilhitrnlwl Irom I
I life-' ui ifi le - '.- I nrr by mail ' v in ii Met Rprlnga I
and Marcurjrfail, n-.r WViftir RnmftdV wilt I
pnaitivnly euro. 100k ilflKni ll . I Mn n, hi. I
Hie above brands of flour can lie bad at any of the following merchants,
who will accept Tin: TrIBONI n.m'u OOPPOM of SB on each one hundred pounds
of Hour or BO On each barrel of Hour.
Kersntoe t, r Pr , WaaUncton avenue I
Ho ,1 M.-ln Brand.
Iii:nuiiire -1' P I'n.'.i. Ho'. 1 Medal Bran 1.
Dnnmore F. 0 Stanley BnperlsUve Brani.
Hyde Park Oarson g Davta Waabburn st.
Gold Medal Brand: J aaph A M. ars.Maiii
aveane, superlative Brand.
Oreen Ridge A UHpencer.Oold kfedal Brand,
J, T. Mi-Halo. Hnperiativa
ProvkUnce-Pennar 4: Cbappelllf' Main av
ii lie. nnperlatlv HraodiC J Qlllespla vv -
Market etreet, Go d Medal Brand
Olyphant Jansaa Jordan, Bnperlattve Brand
Pas-kville SbaflVr a k. t r aapsrlatlvi
Jertnyn 0, U winters aOo bnperaiatlve
Arcbbald-Joaee, B mps at AOo.. I Med d.
Carboqdala B s cirk. Bold Medal Brand.
Hoiieadaf. I N. I'.-..,.- a- i o Uol l .Me. I ,
Muiooka M II. I. M-. il..
KOIlll 1 1 : N
all.V i it
I i R HPKCI all
.11 .si i"s KNOIilMU
s l sii ;.
M IKSU slli H s
I ' G. i l.h
I litis
m m ii i m n
s ii.s
in I. lows
HOKfltS N.tll.s'
g 111 s I.I M
I I I riMO M
Wholesale an 1 retail dealers' in WagOOcMketV and Ultcksmitus'
. ! ' '. O'1'-
I a it. a 1 11 IM. oo .
1. r sale by JullN U. PBfUPa l'harmaciat. cur. Wjumiui; Ave. and Fpruee SL,
rrsni- n. I'a.
. Ak f - IH. a.OTT'8 ma MT BOY At, PILLS and take no other.
1 ' Sr 1 1'r i. . a I III! ... r I... a. U In In Inr . ink
VSV. . in: I'M I m IILMHAMd., - 1. . . i..i .1, Gk
I .., I.. i ii m.i i- ii.,,Cb-,.i. 1ST faaa A ma as.
s Sons'
Mni.ufrtitrcr f Ita Ollttltl ll
1(X),(KXJ Bbis. Per Annum.
R You Guilty?
Are you foolish enonih to buy on
credit V
Are yon silly enoacti to make good
the bad debts contrartoil bv people less
scrupulous or lees honorable than you
If you buy front a firm that giree
credit, von can't help yourself or save
yourself from it
We offer a way ont of the iliflieulty.
We sell exclusively for caih and guar
antee yon a Having of 38 per cent, from
tho average jewelers' prices in this
Denier in t iniii"iiU, Wati'how,
lowt'lry, K c
Cor. Fenn In and Fprnce St.
Ladies Who Value
A refined complexion must use Pozioni's Pow
der. It produces a xoft and beautiful skin.
roni thK P, Tribune, A'oe.,J!Si
The Flour
"CiiK'AOO, Oct. 81. Fhe first official
announcement of World't Fair di
plomas on Hour has been made. A
medal has been awarded by ths
World's Eair judcei to the flour manu
factured by the Wnsbbnrn, Crosby Co,
In the great Washburn Flour Mills,
Minneapolis. The committee reports
the flour strong nnd pure, and entitles
it to rank hb firat-class patent Hour for
tuuiily nnd bakers' use."
Taylor Judge A Co., Gold Kedal; Atherton
A Go., Superlative.
Dnryaa Lawrenee Store Co., Ooil Melal.
Moosie -John McCrlndle, Sold Medal
Pitteton M w O'Boyle, Oold Medal
t'lark's Green i-'rai e a- Parker, guperlativai
Clark's summit t M Sonne, Oold Medal.
Iialton s 11 Finn A- Smi, Gold Medal Brand.
Kieholaon- j. F.. ilnrding.
Wavrly-M. W BUaaA Son. Gold Medal.
Fa. t r villi. Charles Gardner, Gold Medal
Hop bottom N. M KtanABon, Gold Medal.
Tolivliaina Tobybanat Laatfb Lumbar
l o Gold Me I d Brand
i ;. midst, .r- I- A Adiiu. G II M" Ul Brand
.V v i.i A elements, Gold Medal.
Lake Ariel James A Bortree. Gold Medal.
Forest City J L Morcan ft Co.. Golil M I il
SI'i lKS
sii i i, SERINS
HHI I S Illins. St HI.W
h HIM Rl
i So ih WRirrr.s
Mtei ; al I aSNI in aHh.i aft,
k i i Mtl tras Mi . i. m i
ll . . ' i v w.ts r
Let M
I t--
l lli I- ! f ...U a-..
TliTilaat. 1 Ma,
The only eafa.aure and
t liV-l'i J laale riLL
orrerid to Ladiea.
ictally recommend
to married Ladiea.
Mill 6c
131 and 133
11 Washington Ave.
We have placed on sale
our line of Ginghams for the
coming spring and summer.
Finer Goods, More Tasteful
Golorings and Lower Prices
than ever before, are what
will recommend them to our
Dlt. U. KUUAH UK AN lias rouioved to till!
ypruce atrt-et, hi-innlou, Til. (Just 011
pusite courl-huune bqusie;
It. A. J. i-ONNELL. Oftlro 'M Waahinatoa
Kraucku h drug store. Itosideuce, lS Vine ut.
Uiiic-u bourti: lO.iSJ to 12 a. m. and ' to auu
B.UU to "i.'JU i. m. Bundny, I to 3 p. in.
j)K. W. t. Al.LUN. Office cor. Luckv
Is wanna and Wasliincton lives. ; over Looq.
ai d sliuu store) office hours, 10 to lii a. m. and
f to 4 p. m. ; evenings ut rwddencu. 01 N
alilngtou ave.
I III. CI.. UttY. I'nictii-ii luuiied to Hie
U easos of tho Eye, Ear, Nosh and Throat;
office, lii Wyuuilug avo. BsaMWUIfi m Vius
I tit i, M GATES. It'S Wimlnngton Avoiuu.
M Offico liours, s tot a.m.. l.:iuio J and
to 8 p.m. Residence Mi Matlisoa avi nua
OHH L. WBMZZ, it. 1.. office, .c; and l
tl Commonwealth building; rosidenco "11
Manisonavo; otBethoUM 10 to 12, 1 to i, J to
f; Sundays 2.80 to 4. evenings at residence. A
specialty uisde of dlwanes of tho eyo, ear, uosa
io.'I throat ami gynoeology.
.-I't'ltiiH. Veieniiarv Surgeon, Ueii
tanry a apactaltri tola nMNautt ot on-
Voterlnary CoMen. O'lli-n. 4JU Spruce
I Telephone No. 11.12.
LA li KIW,
M C. KANCK'B Law and Colleetion ul
lire. No. 1117 Hnrnt-n t. imNHll. '
Houn. 8 riinion. I'a.: collertiooH a meel.iliv
throoabonl PeOMylvanlai rellnljle
ehls iii evi-ry county.
I IWriUfa & ii, attorneys and Coantel
lots at haw.
LouiniomVeKltli hulldnii
Walnnt:toD ave.
w . II. ,l-i e.
llollAl I I H ir.
w H Jaescp, Jil
neya and Cnnnselors at Law, Iteiiiihlicau
bnlldlnc, Washlngtoa ava, Beranton, Pa.
liAriKKhiiN A- Ml.rii, Aiiorni-vs uol
J Cooneallors at Lniv; ollkeso and s Lll.rury
Luildiua. bc.-uutoii, Fa
BoewttVL n rrrasoa
William a. Wilcox
tornevs and Cnneellora. Couiinonwoalth
winding Rooms It, to an I :l
' f. BOYLR, Attornev-al Law.Nos 19 and
vl a o. iii.rr i.uiiiin. waehlngton avenue
Hl.Mll M SHKI.1 Law in l'ri.-a
baUding, IM Washington avenna
,'HANK T OKKLL, Attorney at Ijiw. lo.iro
oai Exeaanga Fa.
MILTON W LOW BY, I Att'ys, W Waahing
CH TON BTOBCH, (t..iiav.( H s.iuar
ia.MF.sW OAKKoKD, Attorney al Law,
l r.-.iiisSii, L andMi Commonwealth b'Fg
BDGaB, At..rn- al La
i OOea, mi Bor -t . Bei in toe, I a.
A WATBCS, Attorney at Law.
Laekawatma an s ranton, I'a
P SMITH Coan Salter at Law. i irtl-a.
rooms M. A, M l ommonwoaitli bnlldlns
l F1TCHBK. Attorney at Law, Coin
n wealth bnuaina Beranton. i'a
C i OMKOY8, Bl gproiwal
ll Kl.l'i.i ii.l.l-.. Attorney .Le ana navM
t!al.s on real eatnte Seeurttjr Sii Hpruee.
I KILLAM, Altornev at Law. IJl) W
1 s etniubt avenue. Beraalmt
writtnn atld ai-knou 1... I... J u
BBOWN1NO, Attorney and N tary Vuidlc a)
l mm .ti w ealtli H'llMlt, .
at HOoi -
i ton. I'a it.-! r. t.) and iria foi ix.llea
or bastaaai tboroaanli tiaiaa roaac ehildrea
Cataloaua at rust
Hrr Tno s CAVSt
WAtTaa 11 Bubi u
sad BeboeL Ul Adams eveous t'
r eaivM at a.i tlmm Hatt tern, will i
i.auiui ii. aareaoo Deatua, Nil. us
k v
rpBl Rl PI HLIi Ban
J r-.alti.t. will nn lou n
tad i.' in Ae
til ll.'V .ill bl.,1... .......
and is.v v u Utter . t. Piv. nt than any
other lasoctaMoa I'a'l ..n B N ('AI.LH.N
M il. I'n e flank hot I na
ski ua.
' B CLARK A OX, i-.--'. men i ,
V". and No, ram men. st..r Hi Waahlaatoa
i aa; ir.-n h'.ua.iAai North Ham arena
M IRI l l.l i .
OB KiriLTrBU uV l.aekawanna irNM
t K'H' imi I'a n anal r ..f Win s,.r,...
Iintl imvii IMiii: T.
'I'lIK NM-lVI.Nim. UTtll Wracauna
I sr Kih.ip. healed wlib t.s.m a.i mod
si a Imprevamonte (.' M TauHAtt. Prop
rpBi BLR ' A ff. tat and 111 Praaktln ar
1 n-ie. i reaeooabl
1' Zirtiira. l"rorletor
W ti. BCHINCK. M-PSfer
fiitaonth irtreot, una til .-I east of Unsulwiy.
at t inon ripiar... N.-w Y.-rk.
Amrrtran .lan. .! .'i per day and upward
lo 'I HK B u i-.
n pian, .g's.l
nmhu liar ui
1 is.n
L t
da) and
pltad witn th
1' II I OYVF rreerletoT
y-i ranton houhb. near i l n pa
asagwr depot fVinenrtrd na tna European
plan. 11 run Rock, Proprietor
(1 . i' . r. 1 1 1 ll. lie- mi ..' an
rouipp! hotel .0 Allentown. Pl
1 ., I- V hM ,1...
BA N D i KNTH AL 1 n kvr goal and ti
: ....
Pinvrn. Proprietor,
IK II I 1 I I Is
Mavi?- ft HolJPf. Architect ituoms 21
2 and Sfl Oampoa Wealth I td'g, Scranton.
1,' 1 w.M.l Lit. Aiclnt.-ct. Library uulid
I , ina V vomliibi aienu serant.m.
l,' L BROWN, Ar. h P Architect, Trie
I building. IIS Vashington Av,oranton.
Mini 1 1 1 iMiii.
balls, p'Hiies. psr'.e, r-. .t:ois. wed
biinira n.l cu rt work furnUbod Pot ternu
aiblre It J. Hauer. oondoetor. 11." Wyoming
ale . over Hulbort's numi.- .t .re
luioie.r. s and l':m.' Fauk tuddlo.-,
Beranton. Pa
rappln-, envelop, piper bag, twin.
Warehouse, HI Washington aw. Scrantou.
l'ui il.s i.ivi BY. IU3 t'apooae sveana
I Pint elaaa oarrlatee I I. FOOTRsAat
PRANK I'. Pitt iw N a io. WHOLE
I sal, dealers m w Iware, Oordifa and
oi. Cloth, f9D W. Laekawanaa aveaas
ZRA F . N N ft M'.'.S. build. rs and eon'rac
d tore Yar.u Comer Olive st. and Adanu
ave ; corner As'i st. and Pone ave.. Beranton
IS THR BT ST. (let prices and
see tha furnace and be eon
vineeil. A full line of HKAT
I US, Appello and Oatize Door
,"liy tviutt time,
I'll '.' XV Ul it
thlet ItirnrniRtlnn itn1
V..1' .
iKBr.RM. Ana i,.Mllu iMir lulvcrltsiiii' cittrh ittwiiit ll. Attv ilntctflrl t-itn nul It ill- f'T
ml simple All I ivtk
I rrmwly itself of dip, all rowly for iUM?,hut nm tltt ah yttu nliwnlRKit this. All ItMitrti wnl MWlM.
T.Oe BART E8, Loch Box ML NewDwaer, jteghgU. Mich,
Ant'.irneite ro.-il mind exclusively, insulins
cleanliness and comfort
ma lAnu in artauc rr.n. 1, isoi.
Trains leave Beranton for Pittston, WflVea
Ilarrc, etc.. at H.lo, D.1S, IL80 a. in., 12.LD, 1.1)0.
.'tis),,, u,os p. ui Bandera uj a in.,
LtttaOO, f.lOp. m.
For AtlaatM City, 8.111 a. m.
For Nun- York, Newark und Elizabeth, S.H)
(expraas) a. m., UMO (express witU Hultnt
parlor carj, a U() (ixpromj p. m. Buuday, S.U0
p. m.
fob maccb CHtnrn, ai.i.fntowv, Bbtbh.
RCM, BAtTOS and I'iiii.aiiI.LI'IIIA, a. m..
IU0.8eA WO texojiit Philadelphia) p. in.
.Sunday, On o. Iu.
For Loan SaAJICB, OCBAH Okove, otc, at
B 10a. in., li.:lp. n,.
For Ueadiii);. Liduinnn am' Iliirrlsliuri;, via
Allentown, a. m., lino, 6.00, p.m. Bandar.
iM p. in.
For PottevUle, s.uia. m.. l'2 :in m.
KeturniiiK. leave New York, foot of Liberty
street. North river, at I'.IO f. x press) a. in..
1.1", IM 4.1Knxpress with liutlut parlor car
p, ru. Btraday. 4.:m a. m.
Leave Phludelphla, Beading Terminal, 9.00
R. in . "-00 und 4.H I p. m. Sunday, ll Ti a. B.
Tliroiik'li tickets to all points al lowest ratea
insy be had on application in aavanos to the
ticket agent at th.) station.
11. t'. BALDWIN,
t B. OLHATJ8EN, Ageti
Hell. Slllt.
Commencing May s. BK,
truini will run as follows:
Trains leave Kriih'o Btnwt
Station, Scran ton, for I'itt h
..... urni i. ... u ...
ay rrij) "i",i.i''.,-",
W W af i
B f r and 11 i p. m
Alf I"'' '' York andl'hlla-
' delpbia, n 00 a. in., 12.10, l i'b,
2 :ts. I ir. and 11.80 p, m
F'or Honeedaje 1 from Delawar Laeha wanna
and w.itero d -p)ti, 7 O), KM, In Io a.m., 12.0U
m., 2. 17, A. 10 p. in.
For Carbotxaale and Intermediate stiitione
fi.40, 7 0n. H.n, lu.lO a. m . 12.00 m ,2 17. 3.Zi.5 ,
t.'JOand RIM p. m ; from Bridge aUeet Depot)
1U3 a. m.. t.ltand ll ''! p. m.
Kant KSpreas to Aib.iiij, Saratoga, tha Adl
rondaei fiouninins. Host in and New England
points,) a. in., arnv.n,' at Albany lata
euriitova 2.30 p. in , and leaving Beranton attf
p m.. arriving al Albany atd.Wp. m.,sara-
ion, i. ii pl ru
'I M onll iir.
aim 15 'hto'i. i . i a. ra
i route betweeothe wnl fields
Die LeadinC Tourist.' K.iiita
ainl h"Ntti
of America" to the Adirondack Mountain re
sorts Lakes Qeorge and Chemplain, Montreal,
Ttme tallies ihoarlne loeai and through train
service between statf ns on all divatlaes Ilela
ware and BndSOO Ifttem, Day he obtained at
all DelaWaro and Hudson tn-k.-t o(1i. .
Becond Ytco 1'iosl lent Gen. 1','ia-i Agt.
1 e IB, 11, UBt
Train lea res Beranton for Philadelphia anl
New York via. U A- H It H. at II a.m . 12 IU.
LH niel 1 1 a p. in v in D . L. A W. k. R, tiUO,
in ll n a nt, and L i n, m.
Leave !-. ranton f..r I'lttatnn and Wllkss
Barre ri D, L A w. u. it , e oo, 0i,ii2i
a in . 1 at 140, 0 07, w v m.
Leave Beranton for whits Haven. Hazletoa,
PottevUle and all potnU OO the Beavnr
Mel .v an l l'!.. braiirbea, via K. 4 W.
V . 1 Ml a. in i a I). ,v IL It K. at K a m.
2. 1 I It p.tu, via D., l. a W. K. K., aoo, -.os.
II. .Ii a in.. 1 :t, afiO
Leave B. rant a lor Bethtabeen, Katon,
Hi .. ling. Harn-Lur and all tntavtvedlata
point- i ia 1) .V II it. R . I a m .12 10. Z l 11. ti
ii in .via D , 1. ii W. K U..VU0.S0B. 11.20 ul,
I 10 p in
Leave Bcretttoe f. irTunkhanno'-k. To wan la,
Elnnra. Iih a. Qesieva and all Inter msdlata
point v.a l. II k It. C a m. 12 1" at. I 11
P at viali UAW B It.. tOS am.. I. 'Hp m.
Leave S. -rant, ei f ir K. lnitr. Ruffal'i. S'l
Sk-.ira I al'., le-trolt, Chtoaeo and alltiolDK
.t v.all II k. k. 17 n.m.,12 lo. ill. 3'i
. in, via U L W. R. R. n:A Pittston
Junrtion, no. a m.. l.uj f. p. u, , v.a F. Yv"
It U til n. ro.
For Kiin.ra and th- w.-t via Balaataaes via
D, 11 i: k 105 a.nis I10. IS n, m . r a U,
LAW RhV, ,s iks a.m.. 1 (land i.'C p BV
Pullman parlor and sleeping or L, '. halr
aara ob all trania between i.. Ait Janotloooe
Wilkes ll ii r- and New Y' .rk. l' ip da.
Kudalo and Sosian-lou Iti tdbre
Hi-. .LIN H WILBOR.Oea Bnpt Beat Die
CHA8 s. LRE UeaPaai Agt, I'hlhi.Pi
AW NONNIMACBKR kaa't Qjn.Paaa Agt,
South I', -l. : :u. I'a.
Traina le:iv.- B.-r.M- n as follows- Fxpresa
lev New York tad all points Beat, I v. ua
t lh, mi ami M0 m . It . and . M p. m
Eipree for Kaaton. Trenton, I'h.lad-lphla
an. I UM s..u:h. 11a, "00 and V 5o m ; 12.ii
and I HI p m
.-i ob't n mi l w.'iv atation 2 40 ;i m
Tebyhaaaa aeooouBodatkm, Slu p. m.
Eapr aa tot Btnghamtoo. Oawaain Blmlra.
Corning. Hath. ImnavilK Mount Jlurn, a .d
Bnffalo II .'i '.' Ii a. at ad 1 24 p. m.. m.ikmg
1 loee coaoeetlooa at IbitTato to ail piiuta in thj
West. Northwest and iv-inhwe:.
Ha'h aeaoatai stati.'n. LB) a. m.
I ihamtoa and way etattoa lit. p. nv
nli noleon and wav nun na. t r p ul
Hiiitfiiatiit.ei and Blmiri Bxpraaa ad r T;l
Kxpraos for 1 ortland, Byraena ta-webM,
I Ctiea and Richfl.ld Spring. BU a m. anJ 1.21
I P m
It ,ar. Bll and s 20 a ni tad 1 21 p m
! lor N..rtloui.l-rli.n l l'ittut .n. Woke, Rirro.
Pltm 11th. H..-.n;l.urg an t 1'ai.vdle, making
ri.e. aaanectloaa at Morthnmbscbind for
Wi liamaport Harrislmrg, Haltimoro. Wash
laitua andlhe Bouth.
Korthnmb ruvid "id tatermedlats atatmn
1 1 1 Hi n alel I ! ami ilOT p m-
Kanueoke and Intenaedlala itattooa s3
and ii-'1 a in Plymouth ad mtermedlat
station I An and aafp. at. .
PoBmaa prl,.r and MaeplnB che on all
agpreaa trains . , ,
r..r detailed Information, p-ket tim tallies.
anil. I'M. 1. smith, ruy i.eaei omc
La kawannaavena or depot ticket oSm
It T in DIYItON.
In KBtel Jaaaari BBtb, 1894,
North 11. .mnl Moiuh Hound.
.'im -.'ii? una .tie mM tea
r- 3
V. ci'i'i 1 j
r Mine l.' Sve 4 M
! k n y Franklin s: ,, ...J 7:14
7l0Weal (tod street ,..,l.. ItW
7i' Weebawken .... .... '
i' m Arrp Leave m .. r bj
r 11
r 0
', pi
7 r.
r. '
I 16 llauci ' k JilliOtloh S in
:) is
III! '
Hancock 1 fi ir. .... I 11
si. 11 II2I1I ft IS .... iet
rri'si".i park r. si .... 2 "1
t'oino SSJl ...J SII
Porntelle Its ....Ism
Belmont 1 is . .. 2
Pleaaant Mt. lis 1 01
Inl'iidnle fi. .S .... 3 00
Forset city 7 n a 'i is
7 11- p a
;i ""
ll . IS 21141
curb iiidu e I 7 24
IM. 1 .11
S4.,'.2: 11 bin
r i. r.
Mil . i n :w
6:V.; t It'll
l h ie llildge
Pet kettle
Idi 1 11 nil
p-.u idenos
I ark Place
set am mi
:i n M
f, t.i
; :ii e.'.s .1 4.t
7 10 10 01 -1 11
7 43 10 OS' 3 M
7 4s 10 in 3 St
7 g 10 M 4 04
7 :i4 10 I7 4 U7
7 M'. OS 1 4 10
S K' 10 M 4 14
S 02 1 0 2 4 17
so 10 so ISO
tr. M i 1 1
. a . . . e
v me
11 41
ti aw .i ''
11 1
si: .10
fi. :n 1
11 ir. 1 v
11 1
11 1
11 1'
II 1:: fi v.'
e io .-"iii
r ui ma m Leave nti
4 Rt sir a
" Mi hiiliis i nil dnlli c.-i 't Sunday.
I ihrnlBee that trains stop on aurnal for pas.
i angers . . ...
Additional trains Ii tve CarboiKiau for scran
ton i ii' slid 0.15 P- ui . arriving at Sernnti'ti 1.50
and 00
Leave serantnn fir Fsrhondale A SO and S.M
arriving at i sibindsle at T ,-tfi and '.l.l:. p. m
reourc rates via Ontario a Wettarii before
pttrDhaaltLg tickets and asvs uioncy. nay and
ISlogt K. pi e-s i" tbe West
.1. C. Aiidcrsnn, (ten. Pass Agt.
f Vlltoroft, Dlv. iu-. .scrantou. Pa.
Train leave Scrantou for New York and In
termediate liolnt ob) Ibe Krie railroad at iV'-Vt
a m. and ll24 p m. Also for llawley and
local point at il K, 0.4.'. and 1121pm.
Trafn leaving i 4 . na. and 1121 nm.
sre through train to and from linncsdulo.
Trains leave for Wilkes Harro nt6 ion. m. and
I II p. m.
MAN CURE yourself
nmiit'y ami lu-nlth with "iltx'ttirs" wnultTfnl "iiiT-
tMf notflOsV mo., wtMRi I Mill fat'iiii fon Mtr.K Um pwsonpuoii
MM 11 piuitciilitrscr k iu' (vrtulii nMiHtly that In ft tMmplott! turp
ni M.iniL iih'ii. I'liri h Ml TWO w KS i mmiu
tin's, rliittitu nlwsiilntftv I It 1-1 1 " titul ttirro 1
in ivturn Ih 1 1 v vitu Will tmy .1 -iM uiiantlty nf the