THE SCRA1STON THIBUKE-TUE8DAY HORSING, MAY 1, 1894. EXQUISITE STYLISH THE HATS -AT- 303 SPRUCE STREET. All the Fashionable Shapes Trimmod totult the most fnstldious. WORK GUARANTEED. LOWEST PRICES LACE CURTAINS The most dedicate fabric prop erly cleaned at THE Lackawanna Laundry 308 Penn An. A. B. WARMAN. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue China, SILKS ! J 415 Lacka. Avenue. CARPETS BARGAIN NO 2. We will offer Moquettes at 7 SC- for another week. Think of it -A Carpet worth $1.25 for 75c. The choice patterns are being closed out very rapidly. Come early. '27 Wyoming Ave. TELEPHONE NO. 525 Th Union Tranafar Crmpanv, Llmltsd 'flus line. Ba(tg(jo Dt freight . I for and delivered promptly. 107 Franklin avenue. CITY NOTES. elt Monday in Labor Day. btate League base ball season will opes tomorrow. The Orean RMfO Uuu rlub will hold a egular met tlug this ifti.n,'. The Delaware, I.nckawanna companr will par at the Arcubald, Continental IN Hyde I'ark, today. The llourd of Associated tharitics ag-nt was yeitcrda) a plied to frnid by Lj i men and two women. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Waft Mi railroad will pay at t ti Archbald, Continental ai.d Hyla Park uiliu-a today. The Womeu'i Christian Ti'inprance Union weekly mooting will he held till afternoon at 3 p. m., at .K fcpruce street. The annual meeting of th Lackawanna KimltirplHen aWOClatlOB will fm held DIXI Jlonday at the resi itSOi of 'olouel ELM. Uciea. Mayor Connell hat llfBed tba rmincil resolution providing for taU repairing of Newton turnpiko. Work will bo com menced at once. County Treasurer D. W. Powell hn sold to Dr. L. M. (Jatea two lota on Linden street opposite the com t house for SJJ.OOJ. The lota havo each a fruutage of 81 f out. The membership tickets for the Sacred Music aoclety are not complntml, but a'.l the chorus will meet for rehearsal this evening. A numberof the cliaracterj are expected to be present. An article appearing in yesterday's Tin BUNS stated Incorrectly tbat a boy named Docker was held by Alderman Ballay for tba robbery or s 8 aOO'l store on Albright avenue. Uo was dis charged. ''In Old Kentucky," the big Now York success, will bo nt the Frothingbaui the ater tonight nnd tomorrow afternoon and evening. Price fur the Wednesday mati nee will be: Orchestra, 75: orchestra circle, 60; balcony, US aud i!G. The West Bide Woman' Christian Tem perance Union will nest at. iif rooms thu afternoon at 2.80. Subject tor discussion, "How Should Parent)' Train Tueir Jhd dren That Thov May R-come Useful Citi zensf' All ladles are invltod. The regnlar monthly moeting of the Girl's Friendly society will take place this evening at the Parish building, 828 Wash ington avenue; and that of tuo Women's Guild at the eaiuo place on Wodne.dny afternoon. Full of members nt each 18 requested. A history of the Indian wars published In Boston, March :.'!, 1C77, It on exhibition iu the etore wiudow of Kvnns k Powell, proprietors of thu Globa Shoo etore, i Lackawanna avenue. It was purchased recently at the Express sale by (ieorge W. ilones, of Franklin avenue. D. W. Powell, county troasorer. paid yesterday to the city treasurer the money rtceived for this year's liquor HcenRes,7H, SM.52. L.Rt year the amount was 84,(iS-l.-60. Tba decrease of , 7,i:iri:i is explained in part by the financial depression, end many failed to assume tlio licenses which tbe court granted. A pocket book lost by J. T. Fahrenholt, jr., containing 125 and tickets to the valuo of a like sum, all belonging to the Crvstal Hose company, was found by Murk Hall. He shared the find with Harry Lcstor. The bore are about 10 years of age, and, being uuable to account for a disposition of the money, were held under JJuU bail for appearance at court. Anheuisr Busoh Beer, tools Lehman's, Vtb Spruce Sh NEWMANS Moire Haskell Williams k McAnulty BODY FOUND !N WOODS It Is Supposed to Be that of Alexander Fraatz, of Dunmore. HE DISAPPEARED MOUTHS AG9 Body Discovered In a Lonely Part of the Mountain Near No. 4 Breaker by Hunler Nicholas Klein Coroner Kellcy Will Investigate tho Case If He Discovers Any Evidence of Violence. The much decompomd body of a miiu was found by Nicholas Klein, ft hntiter, yesterday afternoon on the inouotiiiu above the Nos. 4 and I! breakers. He reported his nhanlly find to OlUo-r Matthews nnd Coroner iCelley and a jury repaired to the eceuo about D o'clock. From papers found in the dead man's pockets ho is supposed to bo Alexander Franz, who disappeared from DoomOft about three months ago The spot wher t the body was fonnd its at the very top of th mcuntaiii about a mile from the .No. "1 breaker, Wfiioli ll llie nearest Inhabited locality. It-irdy shrubg and hugo Uouldoid cover the ground. F.ven hni-tsrs in St'ircih of came hesitate to visit the Ipoti Mnd, But for the two dogs of Klein, the li vened bones of the gruesome ball luight have laid undiscovered for years CORONER'S JURY SO.ECTKD, The jury impaneled on the lukteii oomp led of p. 0 Khl:ht. w. v. cut ford, William Mettbews, l,. J. Ifslrio, Janus 11. Kelly and Henry Bums Alter a hard climb attando.i by many f ill nnd halts for rest, and piloted by Kloiu, they rtscbsd the boily. It was lying (a08 downward with hanls OQtstrstshsd aud AppnreiiMy fallen. Flya and vermin ltiretl It. Tba hair had grOWD to several inches in length, nnd 11 wal tho opinion ttint toe ii lv had rted thrs tor several months, though the dect tupcsition rendered the period doubtful. Any thing (art bst a cuirory examina tion was out of the question. Tbs prty was inppltofl with m under taker'i slab, and loading the rstasini upon it, tartcd ou a luboriaui descant to tl.e breaker. s Todsy Coroner Kel!ey will carefully examtDt the body, au 1 if any evl dsOOM of violeue 1 are discovered, an intopty will be performer!. '1 be man ha 1 on two suits of clothes, a bfOWn suit over a light on. A black derby hat WSS found a few f et distant. Papon fouud in it eot poeksl 000 llsted of a p:iss book Issued from Swift's atore nt Dunmore, aud au Italian society oard in aa nveiope ad dressed ''Cells Harmond, County Jail," A further examination 0i nld rot be made owing to the ptissnoa of vermu MYSTERY 01 IBM CASK. As yet, Frau'.z's preSSnOS iu inch an Doluled spot ie au nnrx; I lined mystery, nnd uiuy r main to. nnlest tue oorooer't exaainstion of the body and clothing today rsTOtVll a clew, aqnlriel msds nt Dttonotl la: tiigui throw but iittleiigut on PraOta'l bittory H ha l trooble with ir.s wife an 1 l!:ey had 1 . e: liv.t.s. jurateiv f,.r tome time. His mind was not ooasld ere 1 sound. His occupation during a portion of kit winter wai that of it miner ECFOHE ARGUMtNT COURT. A Namb't "f Caasa Wats T lipjiad of by the Jjdsna TaStO div f Judges Archbald, Uuutter aud l'.l warns, sitting on th tenc!i In nr.-n- i mint court yesterday, dis; cted of the following cases i Kule Absolute-Knle on comr.nttee In ' lunacy of Jxremish liuck to Bis au tS 1 co;int; Mullieri i - Ob, ag.nutt Thomas !'. ; Junes, rule to open Judguu nt, Lmarot I aioynr stalest r. i . i'uiij, ruie 10 ani'-no. Bale Discharged iJeaa Ward agutust Mary J. Ward, rul fer decree in divorce; Olsn Wme oompaoy agaiaat T. B, Hroc. rule for JaJsment. Off Llt-I!dti4iXeator egs'.nst 1. .'if. Kearnuv. i xcvptiont to report of auditor; Tottle A; Wnteler agalas: R. A. IIh.k :. rule t" o;ien judgme d; I'nited Svnritv Lifn Trust OOttpaay against Paul it Weitzel, A. J. Uari&ft Adam atiliSQ Bad Jacob Hrotcbert, rule Tt judgment. Coaiiansd K, a. Rolbsrt against W, K, Hell, nil i for a OSW trial; B. O. Npeuctr against W.C, U:ley ami Anu E. Ptley.two rntci, rnle to strikeoff judgment as to Ami j I'tlev; I" ..k and utners ag Oust il.u- ory J. BbrgoedoxeaptloBS to rale f or e irurity; li. D PbuTipt agaloas Jared P. Phillips, rulo for decree 1l divOTC i; eice;i- Moaa to appeal in grading of ngatroMi harsh KobihHou Bgatntt John Robins n, rnio for d acres In dlvaroei K. a. Herb against A. 1L Hauschmuyer, rule to open judgment. bottled Ackertnan BtOtV ogili..t Nir des'k and Sons tertorari. Ileport t.'ontlrmed C W. Maxwell .v t'o. against lewls Junes estate, exceptions to report of referee. submitted--Cirrls P. ftdilnsoa against Nathan II itoblu.ion, rule f it decrei. in do voroei i'r.d ft Pratt againal .-arh L. Pratt, rule for decree ia divorce ArgnedBnle to sell real estate in tbe lunacy case of .lacoh A. Collins. - - - BJItl HEATH'S TALK ON ART. Entertalofd a Numbirof Pirsona at ltsa IdeS 00 of Col. fl. H. Holes. A ropresctitntivo gsthering to the number of about sixty parsons wss prsent last nig it at tbe rtsldonce of Colonel H. M Soil on Clay avenue, and listened to a very interesting talk on "Venice and Venetian Art," by Mis? Lesh ll.ntb. Min Ileath't description of tho fame l waterway city and its historical points of interest was rSBMrkably graphic and realistic. Her liateners WSre enabled to follow the ItObnlOal and detailed history and description of funous painting! and workii of loolptura, by photographs. Among thoso present wer Mr. and Mrs. W. Q, P rk, Mr end Mr.'. Franl: Jermyn, Mr. and Mr, Greorge Jermyo. Mr. uad Mrs. A. )v Hunt. Mr. and Mra. Lemuel Amtiiernun, Mrs. D.'ck 'r, Mist Decker. .Mrs. Milton Luwry, Mrs. Luth'T Kellsr, Mrt. Alfred flan 1. Mrs. ThouuiB Dickson, Mrs. G. li. iltntlcy, Mrs. T. 1'. Torrty, : THE UANithtff S. Etory of Russian Lift i td at Wonderlard Thsaler "Tho DanionsSs," a story of Boost an life, in which treachery, love and self sacrifice are mingled. Wis lltUlfolly interpreted nt new Wonderland thea ter late evening, Tbe play ia ouo of deep and absorbing interest, and the development of the plot ia followed with keen interest iy the audience from tho moment the curtain risos un til it goes down at thu close of tho lust act. Aa Niklfor, a eorf, Al F. Darey ap penrt to good advantage. Hit acting is on rapport with thu character as sumed, aiid la certainly of a high order. Ethel Fuller, ot Priueetei Lylln, In terpret her Haas weli; while Margaret Tennnnt, .- the Counteas Daniaheff, seema to fall into a groove for which tl e is well fitted. This evening's etitertalnuient con cludes with a comedy act entitled "An Uptown Flat," in which Mips Mncrcie Willet asaumes the leading role. It ii a liRbt, cheery and fuu provoking piece, aud rounds out the prograiumu iu excellent ityle. Ill OLD HtftTUCXY TONIGHT. The Elx New York : to Bs Soon at the Vrotaingnsxn, "In Old Eantnoky," the play that made tuch a tOOeeatfal ru i at the Academy of Music, N w xork, during t ins season, will heat t.: Krotnin.'lv'tn lOnigbt and tomorrow afternoon and evening. Ii it a viv.d and graphic story of life iu the bin -gr.ts region of K ntneky, strong iu its dev dopmiMt of character, intensely dramatic in its soeuea and sitiiationa and picturorque iu its setting. Iu addition, a numhar of nov)l foa luresiire promised which are declared to be absolutely new. O:o elaborate scene la tbs representation of the L'X ington race track showing the finish of an exciting race. The grand stand and paddock aro shown with all the tunsj attendants spectators nnd bun'jera-ou, bookmakers, jockeys, toutt und others. Auothor scene is one of historical in terest, the Pbenix hotel, of Lexington, the famous boitlery wblon often wol oomedHeory Olay, Brookinridgo and other great Kentuckiam beneath its hotpttable root Tbera la mountainous aoenery in abundanoe; Indeed, "l t .d Kentnoky"ii an elaborate ipeotaonlat well as the conscientious i flirt of an Amerioen dramatist to give the publio u faithful picture of Ken tucky lite und churncter. PLEASANT EVENING AT Y. M. C. A. Music Clatt A Fuinlatitd an Kxcallant Bntertslamtnt Tho Young Mon'i Ohrlittan anoela tlon roomi pratented a aceti" of tin Qtnal activity last evening, tally 1 peopl being ''resent as t:ie gussta i t Music (,'it A, of the Scruaton Hcheo! of Bight Bingtog, which it under the direction OfTalltO Morgan. Tho opening exeroblti In tho lnrsj hall were attended by a large audi ence end proved to hoof an interest ing character. Class A t'ltig; several flees and put Bongs which were heart ily applauded. Mr. Nelion, a colored genllri.itn, tang a bast tolo, en titled "The Pirish SeXton.M Tallie Morgan delivered an iuturesting and Inatmotive talk on tho art of inuic reading, aftet whleh the elaat sang two tn re selections Mist Norma Willianm wai tue wccouiptuist. At the dote of tue i.our't programme no exhibition wu giv n in the rvmns slum by a number ot young men un iler the direoUoo of Profeaa at Waeton. J'Le LawrOnoe bnd wai present sad discutirtrd line music. RefrethmeBte, oontlitlag of taml irlc lea, csk, fruit, ate , were at rved iu the dining room utidsr the dlteotton of Mitt Crossly. The affair wai ad mlrsbly managed by a committee ot young hidiei andai l dii otloo ol M st Lillian lidl M irris BtOtOI Jami't wts the gea r ii uaoagor, MltTiNQ of rm ccfiiKicu;oR3. It Will lie liu'.d at Lackawanna Hospital Mrndsv BTIgal Next ilondsy win be held a mooting ! of I ie contrlluturs of the Lackawanna I i . i DfJBpiHUi a toar l or directors win be elided and such other business tinrsacttd as may come befnr tue luteting. ll li or.'.te probable that Joan T Bny di r. who wai appointed to fill the offlee ol tr ssurer, caused by the death of . (' Pallor, will be el-eted to continue In that offl- in- report of Mist livlen hteoDooald, IO irlntendenl of the Lirkawan-i.t hospital, for the rear ending Mrcb SI, 1804, hal teen ititmltted and ilonv tnat a largor nuiulmr of patients have been tree ted than m the last fiscal rear 'flit total number of cues received in tbe U! Heal au I snrglCil wsrds are 111? and :t.i:t resp.r'ivelv. i i th" toer reiiu 1 iii t e int Heal WSfd case and in tbe surgical ward So caaea Of the to'ai number of caaea treated, ; tlonslity ii "i follows- Ameri 197, 1m- i 100 1 1 man 41. ltshau ill, Kngltih 80, 1 1 a igatiaa 81 aud four lee a other natiouali'les " - - GENERAL M'CARTNfr STRICKEN Belaid wt'.h D'hilict WfetlS Opmlnv a Case In Conrt V.sterday efforUOOo'l Wilkrs-Hirre Tiiuaanyt: "At abont twenty mlo ntae Mat throe tbta aftm u Oenersl v. . H McCartney, the well knoara at torney end praatdeol of Iheeitye nn r i l. whiU opening the Wolfinger Uo. d li ol cue, iccni ' au ldenlr d"lir.oui. Ha menlfeated aatroog pngnaeiooi da rire and tried to ilrtka Attontey John i Lenahan, "lie wnt taken in charge by his friends and romoved to tbe bar office )r Kirwtu wai ssnt for and admin letered to him It took f nr or five mm to bold him at times. He was sub- iiueutly noisted down nnd talcn to his home, i he hioldt nt csutsd intanaa ex- cif mailt and the oonrt a Ijoarued. Tbe many trioatll of thO general lielieve that it waj t .j - suit of overwork." COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES The re-taurant liccnsnof lieurgnFotayk. r.f Taylor, was yesterday trao-len d to Bernard Yaokeetky. That of Clinter rammer, IT' - Washbiiru strueU was trSDt- forred t? A. K Meyer T he hearing in the transfer .f the In eo-e ot Fred Welchel to M. s. White, wu con tinued to next Monday H.irrison Gardner wai Appointed consta ble of Doott township toaarvs until the February election. In orphan's ronrt the deed of John T. Williams, guardisn of William, Uaale, May and BoWOll, minor children of Will- iui.1 Howell, to j. L. swauz, wu acknow ledged and approved. In the OSSe Of Peppsrd against IVjipard, dlvoroe, a i uie for uucrco wnl be argiiml at St next argument c urt. The account of the committee in tho mailer of tho Innaey of Oiarlet Weber was i i in-, conditionally, Ecranton'a tiuslosei luteretls. Tn TanDn wuj aooa pubiisti n care. fully complied mid classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufaotnr- lug and profteilonsl Intonate of Boraoton and vicinity. Too edition will bo bound in hook form, beuutifully Illustrate 1 With photogravure vtswt of our jinbllu build lugs, business blocki, streets, etc., together wuh portrait! of leading cltir.ens. No eimiUr work has ever giveu uu eijual rep resentation of Hcrauton's many indus tries. It will beau invnliiablo exposition of our tjualnaei resources. Bent to persons outside the city, copiea of this handsome work will attract now comers and be au unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to those concoruod as well aetheoity at large, ltoproseututi ves of Tin: Thiii-jne will call upon imosk WHOM naiiks are DSafgBD tn this edition nnd explain its nature more fully. Those desiriug views of thoir residences in tnis edition will pleats 1 ave notice at tho office. Hamlin, tho only scientific shoeing in tho city. The only qualified veterinarian m tlio basineis. That Is prices ut Uuerusey Brothers, Ill ill HE R:clsj of Building OperdUons as Showa by Iupixtor Kelson's Baoks. NDIEROUS DWELLING HOUSES A Sliowinr; Which Proves thct Scran tonians Belbvc in Owning Their Own I !omes Conrad Schroeder to Erjct Four Dwelling Houses On Madison Avenue Tctal Cost of Buildings Is Fixed at $113,320. Building Inspector John Nelson's re port ihows that during the month "f April perniitH wero is-und by him for new dwellings sod alterations on old, the total eiidt of which improveiu"iits will be llo.TJ;). Thoao to whom p r m.ts wero isaue 1 are: O. V. 1'ftluier, burn and Itoragf, 20x3), two storiib, wood; Main iiVemie, BeCODO ward. Daniel Vonm:, single dwelling, main, wing 0x10, two atoriee, wood; wing PJX14, one story, wood; Plltnore nveiuie, fourth ward. M, Bi Wordea, tingle dwelling, :.i;x4i), two ttorlea, wool; Hyde Parlt avenue, Fourth ward. Antony Btunnp, alngle dwtlllig Ux88, tWC stories, wood; i'.ijior nvcmie, 'J'etitli wiird. P, P. Gordon, doable dwelling, main t.'i'eCN, two wings IxM, two utories, Wood; Bnmmlt avenue, Pecoud ward. William a. Jontt, double dwellutga, SOsSn two ateriea, wood; Jackeoo itreet, Von rth ward Casper Diegtel, extenaton to dwelling, 12x13, two Itortet, Wood; Meylert avenue. Thirteenth ward. William Griffiths, single dwelling. 10 .1-'. one- lory wood, I hriel court, Ifoarteenth Wllld. t. A. Fnivr. alleratioaa, 480 Lackawan na avenue. Kith ward. Jncob He. dig, single dw.-llii.g, Mx8S, to stories, wood, Webster nVenue, 'I'eulh Wind. Miches! Ttalnor, extension to dwelling, 14xU, one it i , v.ooj, LiUliiet stun. Bi I teentb ward. Adam Toomptun, shop, mi-.1, ooetory brick, Ad ami ave me, Bsveaurontn wsra . ri. Anna Davis, two single dwellings, tuaiu ISxOt, two wlui;t 1X10, 9 storlss, wood, l wing f.'xir., ons-story wool, Pif tei nth struet. Fifteenth ward. John Bogni , alngle dwelling, main tiixc-i. two aterlte wood, wing Main, one-story Wood. Pr i-pcct aviinie, i'wHiilieth waril. Mrs. It. A. Wad. bun., tlosle dwelling, 80x98, two stories, wood, Weaton place, Plret Ward, lilts .N htevens, ban,. Hijj. one an I on. -halt st riiA wood, WtetOtl place, Piret ward. CP. Miller, itore nr.d dwelling, 'jxr,iM tWO itonu.', wv . d, l outt street, riecouU a ard. It 'berti 4r Wairen, donWo dwelling, mala, ..ixs twi . . 4x90. two ttorlaa, wood, tiaeolii aetune, Poartb ward. Cat per Eflli d, ilnglo dwelling, main, llxi . wu g, . two stonia. Wjod, Price st :. l'ourti. ard. L ii. Hllgllf doable dwd.ii.g, Mitl. ta t, wood, sontlj Mtm avcuue, 1 Plfth ward. .1 hn Hehriier, jr., singlr dwelling, runiu, ! 10x88, raiard one atory, wiug. tijiit, two it r aa, wood, Bin tiet. Eleventh ward. I Lansing in i Fuller, traaUasSj aiteratloui ami rep lira, West Lai-kawacna avean t . iri enth ward, 'i i.a- ' '. ng!-d-e . ii-.-, irai i. . .., .,6 wing, txil ,, two and ', One-halt no; i -a, wood, circle bay, H) feet i iu diameter, L.ndeu ttreet, Keventvonli. ' ward. It .litrl M'srrif.rld, storage, BOxfM, one itory, wood, Mniu eveoee, Pourtetuih a ard. li diert ilerndeid, two double dwellings. uu. two stones, wood, MetttSotd court. Poarteealh ward. 1 an li. Wdiiama, double dwelling, mala I BSaSU, tWO wmg, tilt, tWO itortes, Woo.l. Bock street, Pillrunlh ward. D W. Pownl, sli.g:.. dweltirg, main ' . u'., wing tali, bav wiudowi fiiM sad 3iii, two atortaa, wo ft, I mderj nreet, S-vntvth wai I. wilUaai Dnv.s ;i gle aVelitag, rnsiu ' '.'4x4 1. wu g tfJ, Mau at nur, Tweuu- i firs-, ward .'ohu Knrvllls, ilnKle dwelling. ISXfl :v 'M. :.i wi ..I, r i: 1 lil.l I Itle. I, Tund ward. Mrs Carrie iw,i.. double stores and dwelling, Mx4o. two and a half idoiies, w od, North taataaveaaa, First war t. ItotcoeC'oukiin, tingle dwelling, IllixSt, twostotlet, woskI, liarllild avenue, Puurili Weld. Scianton Itase Hall aaioristlou. grand tand, astaleO, Wood, Providence road, flist ward. j .mi s McCawley,deubledrelllag,8Jxasl, Inn stones. Wood, Jafl ro-, Vl Mle.NiUiti ward. W. H. Whyte, hotel. tx!40, thren and a half stori", Wood, Wyoming avenue and Vlneatreet, Klxteeath ward. It W. Palaert rxtentl -n to dwelling, 4x' V two sioii-s, wood, Webster aveaae, Heveateenth waul. B 0 i.-.ikir . Boa, aeala wotteBssSO, two itoriea, wood, M trth Bsvaata sire--, Poartasath ward. . n . i n ii, re .or- to I ntel. Wvomln, avenue. Eighth ward, Conred Bcbrosdtr, blooh of (oardarell lng. inula Vix'.i tw , wings ir,ivxie. threw stori-s, wood, Madison avenue, Ninth ward C. C Tripp, doable dwslltag,naala StxlO, two wines tXSB, tWO stories, wood, Ster ling itr.el, Svcoinl ward. U (.'. Tripp, bam, KlxJO, two stories, wood, Blopeetra t, BaooBd ward, Thomas Hartley, doable dwelling, main I'-V-O, tw. s ol.e-, v.o- d, wing '.JiltJ, ni.e Itory, wo.d, Ueui-t street, Twentieth ward. Peter SUpp. single dwelling, mala Mi M, wing aairt, two itortaa, atouo ami buck, circle bay (eel in it meter, li tin- sou avenue, Tenth ward. rge Martin, two doable darelilogs, 84 XN, IWOSl ii"'. wood, twobavs P,xH,one itory, wood, Luserna ttreet, Plfth ward, William McNamara, store, 80x80, two ttorieaj wood, Wast Market btiet. ZMrd wind. Abraham DeBew, single dwelling, ix is, tw o si. nes, Wood, Prim pla.-e, l irm ward. P. P. Arnold, tingle dwelling BOxSS, t-.vo Hones, wood, Sominit uveiiue. Second wind. JohaOaddOB) I:. g!e dwelling, 88x8t,tWO Itoriaa, wood Marion itreet, Thirteenth Word. u x Praaoola, extensloa to dwelling, o BBS, two -tone, wood.Vou Storch avouue, Plrsl ward. M BoUnioa, offloa and dwelling, mala BtafiS, three nones, clr. lo bay It teet iu dtsmeter, two atories, ludar nveuuv, Ei venth waul. Total cost, 8118,880, . MOW TO MAK COUO BREAP. Fret Bxdtlbttloa at ihs Btort cf Haran & Ktsttf, Duninor. Mies Young, of Boeton, who hns been so successfully showing tba merita of tho celebrated Bold Medal and Superlative flour of the Washburn-Crosby compane nt the BoraAtoB Oaahstore, will demonttrata to nil wishing to become experts, bOW ut terly useless it it to Waste materials and ruin the temper us well us the Uigostiou by nisking and u.iinj; poor bread. (, to the itore of Boran di Heaiy, Dnu- moro, and see bow simple a matter it is to grace the table with beautiful bread and cake, Bt. Luke's liummir Home. St. Luke's Summer Home st Dalton, for tired out mothers who would not other wise ho able to secuie any Vacation rest and recuperation, alaoforiiokly sad droop Ipg little ouod, will reopen ihis yoar, at au earlier date than hut summer. A mil tiiken statement hns boon Blade that it is for aged persons. It wot poor mother and children chiefly v, ho wero cared lor in It last year end will lie again. The cliHlrmnn of the committee having the matter iu charge Is William A. Avery. Tho admission committee will bo sn noUOOtd later by tbe roctor of St. Luke's church. THAT DUNMORE SEWER. Effort Being Made to Hay Repirt cf Vifwsre Set Asid1 In the matter of tho petition to set nsido the assessment of Uie Viewers for tbe coustruction of a newer in th Sixth ward of Dunmore, on motion of Attorney T. J, Duggan, a rale whs granted yesterday to abow oasse why iii final confirmation of the report of viewers shall not be annulled aud a-t tshK The rulo was made returnable oil M y 11 t lie reuaona eet f rth as oaoae for the i -titioii and which are tWOrU tn by I b irles 1'. b VagO, boTong clerk oi i he oottuofl of Dunmore, lammarlsa as rollowai The ordinancst tatablttbtng laid sewer district are illegal and void, for tho reaion that the council at the time tho ordinances were passed creating a ewer disirict in the borough of Dun more and providing for the appoint ment of viewers to make an nss-ss-l o nt, aald OrdlnsnOH were not duly and correctly transcribed in the ordi nance book, aa provided by law; that tatd ordinanc s were not signed on laid ordinance hook uy the burgss, nor were they attested ly the secretary of council!. s.iid ordtBanoM were type-written on av.eete of pupor containing the ume3 of tho burgees an 1 Beerotary nnd were 'hen panted on tile ordinance book. Furthermore, said look failt to show ti nt the ordiu inoe wai published iu 'lie paper! Of the county us directed by law. Another ronton is that lieet for the ts...niHiit! were not entered Against '.no piopirty holders benefited Wltbln lx montha from Anal confirmation of viewers (hi : ; alSettmsaU and that latdfti iui ate eannot be colltoted by any action f aisuuipeit, tbe toll rem edy for the collection of said ass ss- menti being th entry of a lien thereon In ttupro honotary'e office, Th. petltiou furthermore sate forth thfittom- time ia Jane, 1803. the eouu ell of Duuniore received bi Is for the loiistruciion of Hai l sewer sod awards, I the contraction of said tower to Pied Healer, of Wilkee-Btrre, who on dit- c.ivering the fact! set forth, refused to nccrpt tno contract SENTENCES iMPOSjCO. OeaVlettd Evll-.'.ae.-s K c Vrt runltb msnt for Thtlr Crimea, Ju lgs Archbald yesterday nentencel iiumtx'r of pertons who were con victed of T iri'ini charges last week. I' lin AbnsbkO, convicted of tttaiing 8304 dollars frciu ilrs. Anuie, was ttataooed to p ,y a fine of i, eoeta uf i rosecuti on und undergo u couHlc ineit in the ennnty jsil for one year. W. J, lrfl ile, loiiVicied of hiiring aitaultel Paul I.elr, waa stntonc d to piy the cojtt and au uadilucal Ant of ho, David Sane, who 1 it week pleaded ollty to bnrlteg a itooe atProfeaeor vVblte, of Aichbnlt. was aentuncel to pay 89 and costs of prooeootlon Artlinr Oregory and Oeorge W. Mor gsn, alf-w'oiifetsad burglars, were ten euivd to pay a flue of 830 and suiT-r . mftaemenl in the . oat ty j ill f .-1. ; ttoatbe, Owen linegsn, aa siii::i I .:ce, wu given '.lie asms UtOdiolnS M-c- pt that iu his esse the tine waa made if 10 instead of ISO CONVENTION AT WllK'-S-aaRdc. Delatatee f -m r'h-r Math.w ftelettea WIN Ma-t Thai. Ma 10 aud 17 On May 18 esd it t aaansi con. raatloa of theBvrairou Uiorett'i BDlOO will be held at WtlkseBarre. Nearly ill of tbe Father Matbew h-reaboutt, itwt are affiliated with itiennion. hv.' already asleetod d' l-intei to represrut them ut thii convention Ii tVlll le vry latereatlng ai tevsra! matttri of niurli liaportanct aro to c mae up for dlt-ussiou. Auiona tbein ll the quastion of organizing an luior lOCe bureau in COOtreOtion with tut onion, which is likely to preeipltate .1 llV 1 ilebilla. i ::.c rs for tbe ensuing year and deles atee to tee nation l convention In s: Paul in August wiil a n 1 11 . Ucted, and the Ues wnere lh- dletricl pir edoa Will 1-e held ot Odt 10 deelded m 1 on. 11 1) INJUNCTION BJ 0. P.RKANENT ''tb udali Trsr-i n Company Beitrtlnsd f - 1.1 It -1 : i 3 i d 1 Tl.e preliui.nary u junction grants,! JobnW A.tkaii agaloal the Carbon -: le ; taction coinpsi y was yeeterdaj taede permana t by Jodgs Qnnater, Tbe defend nt wis alio perpetoally :j inel und r atrained from anj addition 1 stock or boo da of the bot lalo Traatloa ooutpaay, Oosti In tba procoadtiift were atietsad tcie P ad by the defied mt M HI It lllli. LOOMIS-aEAT 0a April OX, at the par sonage of the Pens Avenue Hap: lit ebertb, by Iter. Warren Q Partridge, ilna Attouee tlrar to r'tauk Loouus. I'll 11 SnLltMAN' Jo 'pt-, infant sou of Mr. and I'.rs John v el in, as. 1 .-ar and 11 day. Puieial Widuiediiy .it J p. in. luunui'iit Iu St.Johu's Catholic ceui tery. Al FliFY-In fcranton, April 2-., IStM, r Jamet Caffrej fnaeral at j.i thta afternoon from her late residance, 888 PrOtptCI av-erne. Kurial at Hyde I'ark Catholic cemetery B BAUTIFUI Jewelry (o 80 ill ! fflllll. VERY THING new. KGB in new styles. VX in and sec our new store. Y or are weloome. S TERUNG Silver ovelties iu great variety, W.W. BERRY Jeweler 417 Lackawanna Ave, Best Sets of Teeth,$st00 Including the pointer cxtrnctlnj ct Uctli by uu entirely uuiv yf BBBV S. C. Snyder, ID.D.S. Ifottce. Tho Now York. Ontario & Western It. It. Co., will stop the following trains nt the cro-sing opposite the new ttnse Ball grounds: Train '-'08, south, leaving Car bondale p. ra. train '.'07, liorth, ro turuing leuvinr; Scrnnton 4.50 p. m.; train 'JOli. north, returning leaving Scrauion 0.10 p. tn., doys games are played, T, FLITC150KT, Di.-trict Paeseuger Agent. New Beater and Dessert Maker Makes a novel and uaofol uten sil that Is uu. reilud for beat ing eggs, whtp nlng cream ami iimklng nny or ull kinds of eakea, custards, ia The heal uswrt-mc-ut of i,Ji ; lirsbJI HOUSEHOLD :;W'" ARTICLES HENRY BATTIN & Co. 126 PENN AVENUE, BOBANTOK .4 BOTJBEBOLD BPBaTLtLUTB i:nt WEEK ""we will have bargains in Enameled Ware that will be genuine bargains, OSLAND'S 128 Wyoming Ave. We are now displaying ;t One line of Hosiery InrOiTON. SII.K aud LISLE THREAD. Goes as far in buying a fine: Dress Suit this season as ,S:o did last. We name t his price because it is one that many like to pay; you certainly know by this time that we've proportionate values at S3, S10 anil $12 Our showing at $15 is a grand one, including all tha fit and fashionable fabrics in strictly tai'tor-mad9 garments with a style and finish about thcra which no tailor can improve upon. Not only is th? price quoted about half what a tailor would charge for the same quality of suit, but th -re is also from $3 to $5 mora value in them than $15 will buy in any other store. REMEMBER, every pnrohaaer of Men's, Boys' or Children's Mo: hinir. shoos, Huts or Qvatft Furnishing Goods to the aaonnt of ll or over, m presented with a chanoe on the BEAUTIFUL PABLOB SUITE aow oa exhibition la our window. . IN CLOTHING k M HOUSE 137 AND 139 PENN AVENU.:, Compieto Outfitters, SC R AM . ON, FA. S. L. GALLEN. THE CUT SHOWN HERE Represents Banister's new Razor Toe Last. Il'vou want the latest styles in Footwear trade at HI Hamster's. BANISTER'S PRICES are a little less than yon I no nailnd flcflinharfl fnr infarinr rinnH: t.iu pJK'o t-' Ob nun V 1U1 1U1U1UI UUU.Ia BANISTER will give yoa MORE for your money ' than any Shoe House and Russet Shoes in BANISTER'S, v LAST WEEK We bought ot t wo large tnanuilsoturerB their entire line of T.atiios' SUITS, CAPES AND SHIRT WAISTS, "Won we will offiw for ONEWBBK ut first cost, or about 30 pcR CENT. 1088 than regular pi ices. MEN'S HATS AND FURNISHINGS In our Millinery Department we show the most com' plete line in the city. We estimate that our $2,500 Distribu tion Gilt will hold out about Two Weeks. Separate Wholesale Department. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 221 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. We have bought a large sample line of Coats and Capes -FOii 50c. on the Dollar and we will sell them for the same this week. So if you want a nice stylish garment for little money, come . before they are all gone. IN OUR Millinery Department Wo aro showing the latest in French Novelties. Come and look through our stock, J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. NEXT DIPIE BANK. r.rr in the city. Patent Leather endless variety. U6kwi!JA