The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 01, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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General Manager.
Prni.tsnrn haii.v Ann wiekly tn shia-
TON. PA.. UY lllli IHIMU.N tUUI.lMllNO
Ni w Voi'K 1 i'hof: THWWti BlTtMtWI
FfrK S " ' , worn.
Mtterd or lh' tottafllct ' Vron'"H
ftrotui-i fOM J ell- ilQlttt
B( HAOTON. AY 1. 1S04
Wbgm two thousand repriseiitativt"
Sc-riintoniiius will begin the week by
dtterting business for the uinjor half
cl the afternoon, oa purpose to see n
KHtne of bate ball, it is too Ute to deny
tlis national pnstlioe'8 popularity. We
have reached the diajnoud age.
Come to a Vote.
Tbo cptulni; of the fifth week of tbe
tariff debnie iu the eeuutefiuds what is
left of the Wilson bill In as helpless a
stute of innocuous desuetude as the
most uncompromising frle'id of pro
tlon could wish to see. Did we say iu
noonous desuetude? That, surely, was
a dip of the pen; for no desuetude otiu
be iuuocuons which surcharges nil bus
loess operations with paralyzing un
certainty and prolongs, far beyond its
normal limit, tno duration of a cnu
mercial crisis which bad ill iiuuiu hat
origin in a dread of this iidtuieistra
tration'i yet unexecuted purposes. If
specific stsannoe could be girvu to the
business ot the country that the ma
jority in tbe senate apsiuit tariff de
moittion is sufficiently strong and suf
ficiently firm to resist to the eud this
pending tfl rt to enaot a bvbrid and
mongrel t..riff "rafirin" bill, who
doubts. thai 'here Would be 'nsUnUu
ecnis rerivil in !i id '.'
Hut u lh an assurance cnn-.iot be would it, if giTeii,be believed.
Whit is needed is derisive action; the
ti.aing of a )a and uay vote; tbe put
ting of the whole abominable conspir
acy to a direct Md lraely-facd issue.
Il there are senators who are resistiug
tbe bill not on account of manly hos
tility to its virion' principles, but sim
ply ont of j iqui at their failure to share
sufficiently In it distribution of MO
lion a favors, It.'pnhlicAn reliance on
their opposition IS likely to prove de
ceptive end should not, therefore, eit.
The prolongation ol tne tignt in tbe
hope oi introducing dividing llde
lietl s, Will a vl-w to wa!.-ning ts
: o majority, is a visionary
t pe for wboe enter t loment the suf
fering b sins inte.-ests ol the eoutitry
are prtvitig an ir.or i:n tlT c stly price,
Tti blif tltut proiec'iou as a prinet
j.v guins Mr I Rib by reason of tue per
onal nnpopolerity ol tbe preeideol
I Oertsin Qembefi of his own
p rty i a poor re lance sc rcly :fi;
ting so m tu. nton a contest.
No; if the Wilson monstrosity cannot
be rejected on lie own dsiuerits, made
plain by the fierce light of itsantlcipi
torytflcs upon American mdustry, it
should not be starved to dsato Ibl mgfa
long-drawn-otil senatorial inertia The
Democratic party in deliberately pr
itnted tbia measure in answer to the
promises whereby it gained the suffrage
ofalrge msjority of the sVneftau
pr pie. To is it its formula for the
tn atment of H ose pn' lie ills in the de
scription of w i ich it recently employed
s'j.h profuse simile and lurid exagg re
tiou. It Is the only thing thut the D. m
ccratic Intellect Is cap.ib! uf IBga st
ing; and the longer that intellect
w i up t. it , t ie w .:. t in bill b -c
::. Tli ere fere, if tn I) -uwcratL-patty,
baying seen what the nir
threat of such a measure can do In tile
proetration of business, aol having
read in the reeeut election statistics
S'.ni't hints as to the popular opiulou
With reference to it, deatrea in tn fees
of tins" warning to porlst In tie
coutse marked ont for it b tbe pirty's
Inst national plat.'orm, it is not the part
of w.Ml'.m for a Hepnl.licau minority
to interpne teebnical oi structloti
The people, against U'publican warn
ings, two years ugo, d-Iiberatelv re
sealed the old-ityie Confe lerate )r
mocrscy in the federal saddle, and if
tney are thereby cornpollel to tk a
ride to ruin they will assuredly i,ave
none but themselves to blame
COXST! UMt upon its arrival in
torrilied Washington was suggestive of
the ancient fable iu reference to moun
tains and moles.
In yesterday's little tug of war it is
trne that onr nine salaried young ath
letes got slightly the better of a similar
nnmber of atrnng-limhd hirelings
from Luzme. Yet our Wilkes-lisrra
friends should not take this toostri
onsly to heart They will have two
umpires to blame,
David Mautin is for lirow. Mr Ms
see is for (irow and the people are for
Qrow. We regard this as settling the
Rosebery's Latest Speech.
The Bogllab premi-r Inst Tuesday
evening, before the London City Lib
srsl club, made another of bis candid
speeches In which dissimnlntion and
conventional Unease ar frankly dis
carded in favor of the exact truth ac
curately stated In this particular ad
dress, he deciarod without hesitancy
that be was in favor of maintaining to
its fullest measure the unity of the Bat
nire, both n" home and elsewhere The
problem ol Inme ml for Ireland co ild
not not bs solved, he added in substance,
without Ibe co-i p -rutto i of tbe intel
ligent and liberal minded portion of
the JLVilish people; and it would, he
in'lua ed, be folly to expect this re
form to be clubbed through parlia
ment in advanoe of a majority assent
from the people of the United Empire.
If this means anything, interpreted
iu the light of Lord Rosebery's past ad
dresses, remarks and writings, it means
that the new Liberal lender proposes to
ask for Irclaud exactly that measure of
autonomy which is enjoyed by an
American stste without in the slightest
degree either interfering with that
state's allegiance to the federal Union
or abridging the natural rights of its
citizens. It Is very probable tbat sucii
n request will not receive the unani
mous consent even of the Nationalist
members, let alone the English general
electorate; yet to an American it seems
all that could be desired and somewhat
more than ever truly loomed up as a
striking probability undsr the ctm
paign for home rule direoted personally
by Mr. Gladstone.
It will be interesting: to see how Ibis
broad bint f an nit'-red fntnr- policy
will be welcont d iiy t . E lis p
- lh' lllsely.' I, we err Oil Wli
in tn loog ma o he iii h ff ii Ivo
f all means . Icnlated t no list
day to bring 1 1 ui V n id. Crt tlu Ii I
t Mat th" nowprime mi dt-r h.n ilr ly
a q ilred a personal m sur of popnl ir
conn1 lenoe among the ty,.ic d dlreotora
f Biitisii thongbl which was nev r
ij ijed by Mr. G adstone durinur
one of the many years that
he fertilized by bit amazing elo
qnence, industry and learning. Ii
would be no now vagary of fate were
the life-long labors of this grandest of
grand old men toward n certain-end to
bo crowned through another's instru
mentality with success in an entirely
uncontemplated manner.
In thk death of Frank nation Amer
ican journalism loses its most trenchant
blade and good fellowship one of its
most successful votaries. Ah editor of
the Washington Post Mr. Hatton bus
been a peerless lancer of sham, au in
veterate hater of hypocrisy aud a mer
ciless enemy of inawkisbness, syco
phancy and "lahdedahism" in politics
Dut by the same token bis heart beat
over warmly for deserving mention 1,
iu whatovtr party or class or section
manifested; and when once his gyinpa
tnies were collated there afterward be
came no limit anl uo lagging to the
spleudid energy of his triondabip. A
bold, nervy and polg u ant enemy and a
warm, impulsive and indefatigable
friend, Frauk liatlon lived his life
amid busy scenes, great activity and
exhaustive demands; but he lived it
nobly aud ended it well.
White City Vandalism.
There Ii aomettilng Indubitably pa
thetic in tie present spectacle of tie
imposing stiuctuies wiueh did such
noble service at the World's fair bsiug
sold nnder the anelioneer's hammer to
the chance bidder. Yet the incident is
characteristic of our American life,
which rushes ever onward from nov
elty to novelty so rapidly as almost to
outrun memory. Already we are be
ginning to forget the consummate
splendors and infinite variety of last
year's ouparalleled xootition. Where,
six months ago, the word Chicago was
"ti ev-rybody's li s and the wonders of
tbe great white city formed th t!ime
of talk aud reverie in tou million
Yankee hotnee, there is now scare -ly
even casual reference to ttiess outlived
curiosities; and even the marvelous
irebtteetnre of thai looomparabla x
hitiit is today diaappe iring unnoticed
before tbe combined aesaoiU of Inoen
diaries and d alera in aucieu' junk
In what other nation on th face of
ihegl'jbe wou.l si uimora. Ie a sym-
siutn of all mat Is great la th ins
lerial sohlofementa of the century t
coiiecte-l together witn such bonodleee
enterprise and Inflnlta pain only to be
again ditpr I as win a a fw short
weeks of curious sxhiliition had run
their c mrso and ezbaoated tne tins i
rial ir.fiiix at th pcrtatyleel Trnly,
this World's fair was in its msuag.-m-nt
and pOTpOeea an American fair,
distinct and sp irate from anything
wblch could potsibly occur under any
other ronreivald" auspices. F.veu Ibe
heroic attempt of a few advanced ci.i-
Cagoaus to Insure th perpetuation of
trie m re notable extiitata. through t .
agency of national iiiui-uin to be
constructed on the white city a ruins,
has railed mlaerablyi and of ihos
prlcele-s tr-asnr-s of art and bati ll
raft which wit:. in tbe year wr
brought togfther fr 'in evsry point In
the corapsss and displayed before the
hasty visitor to .licks in park, only
uco few have bean lecQrvd for pagma
Dell study ai will in a few inontns
adorn One of the mnesomi in i'uila lel
phia or possibly fi.rm prt of th eqiup
meut of the new-' orn ( 'nicag tiuiv-r-ity.
Thrsi) mill fracti trial gems hive
ben snatched, one miy say, as minor
bran 1 from th bnrainf i bnt tbo great
mass of lnattmable valuable-, the very
cream of all the best genius which civ
ilization bad any wtiere evolved, astyiI
Bed in representative aoblevvmenta,
lias been scattered again to 111 four
winds of heavsn, as quickly aa It WBJ
collected aud with notnlug sav a Hit
ting liapr ssl n to fit it In tbe memory.
All tl is Is, in on sens, couipiitn-nt-ary
to onr people; for It show tnat
they are not vain in their nchivmi.ts
nor niggardly in the euterpns by
which such grsst fea'.e of exuibttlon
are rendered posii Ie. Yet it uay
well be qneationed whether Use of this
easy Indifference to great passing
opportunities, albeit opportunities of
our own creation, would not leave us
not only better In our own endOWtMDt,
but better also in ti e estimation of our
International neighbors. Surely a peo
ple which could cull to life tnat mar
velous SXpanae of bei.uty and variety
which lost summer ahiuirnrd in peer
less spleador aloug the southern shore
of Lake Michigan need uot hesitate to
claim some portion of this transient
W( rk as a permanent token and sjCV
enlr, a btritage to ho tnqueathed from
the present to tint future iu commem
oration ol il. h first tru world's parlia
ment of civilization's causes and of
fsets. It tvon.ii nr. no mors than uatutal
were thorn K -ntucklans who cilng to
that unmasked hypocrite, Ilreokin
ridge, to entertain a vengefnl and ma
licious feeling toward Judge Bradley
The reported attempt to burn this
judge in efflgy simply Illustrates the
strength of the disfavor entertained
by vicious c llzens for moradty and
decent order, and is unintentionally
tho loftiest of compliments.
At pherent nine of every teu miles
of railroad in tbe United States are
operated at a loss. How would the
taxpayers relish government ownership
of railroads under such conditions?
Would it ho nu exnerimotit worth its
General Kelly's threat to organize
his commonweal urmy into rival biiHe
ball nines would seem to fully justify
this halting Important congress in im
imtmdiately ordering out tbe national
The VIRUS which wl 11 best Innooulnte
CoXeyiam is cleanliness, mixed with
common sense.
Coffee Cools.
"What are yon Scrantonians was-
Ing u nine i m n-y o i n w hrulgea
T MS r
Ol z
an 1
n vtetM i
'Wnv In
r i" z
. rr an
I r MIlt' Tprj .
'l V
t i inVH i"i .t
vor n c sow
s i-te, col C i i
t .1
c .
oi d
ii "i q ii i ii a. nt.' sum,
j.i-t aee what
giv- 1 1 real el it
. , me cn St colli 1 0- p .M l y
oi i owa proii-r.y frcotlng on
riv. r, an Ibev woul ' yet profll by
rbeinvee m nt, Vvonldn t it make a
miignilii out driveway or paollo park;
'hat is, provided it conl I be deoder
izeil? If we bad SUCll B ROWer ttS that
in Wilkcs-Uarre, w-h woul I bury it if it
took eV"ry cent to our names. Where's
your Boranton 'enterprise'?' " Th idea
is nn old one, pretty nearly as musty as
the river itself, liut, thou, 1 am not
responsible lor its ra ion.
a a
This evening's r-appearaneof Mme.
Blauvelt nt the Elm Park church, iu
th subscription concert generously or
ganized by Mr. George li. Carter, will
afford unbounded delight to many hun
dreds of local admirers of Ibis unaur
phsued artist. Th quality of Mine.
Blanvelt'e voica was a rapturous sur
prise to those of bur auditors at her re
sent visit to Scranton who theu ex
perienced their tirit ititro itiotiun to
her magnillu.'ut sliuiug Tliey have
neeu so rai mi in subsequent expre
aions of a desire tn renow that delight
fui acquaintance that it is entirely safe
to expeol an appropriate outpouring of
attendants when the doori op-u to
night Sever il mmio lovrs bv ar
ranged to come up from Wllkoc-Barre
and i'ittston; and muuy are CZpeOted
to attend from CarbomUIe.
Very rarely, by the way, do travelers
Bad a section en replete as is our own
with gifted musician. Cl.ssi.i.; to
gether the two ralleya, so as to include
tne stretch of c mutry from rnnkban
nock to V.'llkos-ltarre and from Wilkes
Barre to may fnirly lo
ionbted if there Is mother c -r.sspoud-Ing
.11 -a in the entire nation that has
given nu equal amount of developed
talent to tne world of music than bus
been given by tni center of eiste ldfo 1 ic
interest, choral competition aud skilled
vocal tutors. Years ago, whin any
notable enterprise was undertaken like
the production, for example, of tne
oratorio "Fall of llabyl n," it was th
custom to import tLe principal siugts.
1 oday w have difficulty in ebooeiog
-mong tbe numerous gift, d home ar
tists that are available. It is on" thing
that we can "poiu. to" wlta uuafl ctel
ArraagamaaM have t.-n practically
completi-d lor th Moly sommoi
ui". tings in the twin valleys. It had
at firet been contemplated to have Mr
Uoody begin his labors at With
Barre Jane 1 ; bot discovering thai t
wonld thus im left with tome span
lime on his ban Ie, the great eVaagcitel
.1 .a le, I . I t t . . all r ler ; il I at
- te gr at task winch await him iu the
Lux-rn capital lie will tberefon
pirach tiie rlrsi aormoo in the Mini
regiaieni armory on Bondav, May 90,
and mretlngs will then Continue wit t
nit ceoaatlon tbroagboni tne inmmar
lite plan Is to have meetings loth In
the big uospnl trnt and in the halls id
tu cities and towns. In tbe tent trie
work will con tin u- turougbout lb- en
ure day, and it will I oosidtwted In
all tbu language srjok-n in tne val
leys, so as to reach the Oo O id foreign
b rn population. When mentings are
ni l being con dieted in tne tent, mem
bers of the Yoiing M-lis Christian
aee ciatiao will be present, two living
111 Iba tent, to receive at all tlinra. Two
other aciv young workers will b
aenl in a wagon with literature ,ln an
eff..rt to reach lb oatlylng districts
a d attract th people to tbe meeiio
Th latentioo will be literally i . pre teb
th gosptl in th hlghw iy an I tne by -ways;
aud It do- DOt t.d to be pre
dieted that great gooJ will aerlaioly
e e e
An Individual ol Haul eddrece,
claiming t be a m--inher of the stall oi
th Minneapolis Journal, has been
visiting tl.e fraternity iu thia section
during the p st fewd .ys Th stray
j urnalist claims that bis vacation la
oce monc l Ly drfedive eyesight, which
has impaired his ability to Identify a
baseball pass or theater tickt in i
ban a block sway. As tne editor of
tne abovr j .nrnal in a letter to Tint
Tantrai dealee the honor of an ee-
quaintane with the al!"g-l member I f
his staff, than Is a snspieion that th
explorer is deliberately striving to
bunco honest newspaper iiivu in tin
vielaily or that be is suffering from
cranium clock work.
David Martin is fur Grow.
'I lo- C'aninrou Issue Is being raiaed in
Laurence county Popnllsta Lave in
structed for Blbley for governor,
'liir Celtic Rapahlloaa el ah, of Williams-
poit, hailndorseil .lack Untilnson.
DlSlrlCl Attorney (laruian, of I.u.erue,
b a canUldate for orphans' ooart Judge to
ueceed L L Khone.
The News I'ealer Is vitriolic in its eppo
sltloa to Judge Ka no's leenmlaelleu aud
calls blin a orn-out li e-hnld.-r.
oagreaaaun idea of ituir won th
Bedford county print arise Saturday,
Bgailiat Joaapn I'.. Thronp nt Kver. tt.
York RepahHoaua want Tom Used to
grece lh leuth amnveraary of ttinir Cen
tral tie) nblican cluti later this mouth.
J Bldgway Wright ithiiew eluirtnau
andc. li. uJuhotuu tn nw leuratary "f
th Li seiue county Lirmocretlc commit
tee. It 1- the opinion In Washington that un
le llensei takeelhefl ddaaalnatHae'lngs,
lie i.ocrais will Lave to make i. Sibley or
Tin- Democratic n initiation for ditri t
attorney in LuZertt county is as g and as
ooneeded to i he presoot gifted asai taut,
Pater a. VBoyle.
TheJnuiata Itepubl can oonvenlion baa
been fix! for .inn i. 'rn county com
mittee on o ir lay indorsed llastings
BoUaaoa and l'ric.
Jack VThttehOUM Is the Lyon champion
In Schuylkill while ex-sheriff Cimrer l
the leader of the B blnaon siamant, Tseir
iiorus are locked in every merry tangle.
Itepreaentatlve BaOJUel M. Wui-rry, of
Bbippensburt, bus nouQed bis Democratic
friends that he will uudur no circumsiances
be n candidate (or ru-elecliun iu Cumber
land county,
lack BoblnaoB on Saturday enrriod Hod
ford county and was recom-nended by the
.lunlata connty committee; Lyou got the
Yauango delegates nud Tom Stewart waa
prononneed the favorite Iu Lehigh aud
E f, Soitz, of Newville. forinoriy a Ee
pnblicsn, wants tho Democratic nomina
tion for president judge In Cumber and
county, to succeed Judge Sadler. BS-Jodge
Herman, of Carlisle, is ulso n cauilidste
for the nomlnatioa.
Editor Pomeroy, of tbe Chsn"braburg
Kepository, has wrested the ii'r-iiikliu
county legislative nomiaailou from M. A,
Koltz, the editor of his estecmod rontein
porury, Public Opinion. Both are strong
men and either would aerve creditably.
Lawrence county Republicans have
nauiod for judg W. D. Wallace, of New
Castle, who was prominent four years ago
in the conferree fight which threw that
strongly Republican congressional district
to tho Democrats. W ith Mr. Wallaco the
party is agaiu taking chuuees.
Laird H. Barber, of Mauch Chunk, rep
resenting the Esser faction, will Contest
with Majoi Klota for the congresfioual
conferree iu Oarbou oouutv. with a f int
view of rtowi ing Howard M itchier. The
growing) moeratic tangle iu t hi-district
on hi tu makeagiHxl He ublican op, oi-
T. nka o k p b I0aa
Bi s on htrutU.
Tho c Uotry owes a uet t f grn'itui'.e to
the BOUnd money Bepubliraus tor theii
patnotto oouree In eupporttag tbe veto a
be seigniorage bill. a- au Independent
Journal we hasten to acknowledge the oli
Ig'tiou. Their a tiiude waa nil the more
en ditiiblo to th"m ic it was adopted In
pile ol the provocation giv:i by Speaker
Ciisp, whoa arbitrary tr-atineut of Mr.
Heed looked somewhat like a deliberate
nttumpi to exasperate the sound Repoblt-
by refusing th -m a chance to discuss
tho veto. Fortunately, this provocation
did not dm- tliem to a sullen abstention
from Voting, for, if thoy had kept aloot,
tho veto would have been overriden by u
two-thirds majority.
A Silent Bualnrna Boon Decays.
On eon fa Star,
Oh, mercnuuts in thy hoar of e e o,
If on tins paper you should c c c,
Take our a.lvl.o and ho tbricey y y,
do itralgbtway out and advert i 1 1;
You'll Bod the project if sr me u n u.
Neglect can offer no ex q q q,
lie n ige at once, prolong your da u a s,
A silent buainess e ou dc II k k .'
We are
I eadquartera for
Everything in
ism m seui isjsjsj n '
Our Line.
A lnrgc line of Now nnl Boaatl.
Jul Goods, ull MiUublo
for gtftaj.
Coarsen, Ciemons & Co.
-122 LACKA. AVE.
TV-4- MapVo
llis Finest Istki City
The latest lujirosel fur-
nli tug eud ; peratua lor
keej ing meat,tiuit,r and ggs
-.-ii m resell e Ae
A UlBttsy. number of tbo above
bonda an lor tale nt Mr ind ao-t-nietl
lotereat by the (ftUffTtig
prttaa, irom irhotn ciqi,-i of lha
inortpse uul lull iaforittaliou can
be obtained:
E. W, MuJlixiiti, CoabJar Soroml
National Hank, Wilkon-B inv, I'.i.
W. L WuUon. Casbler lint Na
tional Hank, Plttston, Pa.
J. I, r.ilcn, OaalUtC People's ;
Savings Bank, PitMofx, Pa.
A. A. BrydeQfPreaideQl afioon'
Savin;;-. Bank, PittajBOH, Pa.
Ami by the Bonn ton BltTingi
Bank and Trual ruiut)aiiy,Tnistc
onder the Mori;ijc.
T. tt AthertoD, Counsel,
WANT a Piano
Am Una Ili-nry V. Mlllir Bniisro
Pis 1TJ
Ae l II-,.. -ft.-.-,. ritK 'Mqnaro Plaeo IT8
A fa bsla BroMeri Mijiiir I anu... 1(K)
A (tno! MJl Rr ithnr-. i'iart riniu,... w
K aoixl Klnli ti 1'iiu i .Sniier.. 1 ano
.' gesm ri"rionia Bqeer Plain M
A v-ry i,'oul llo.tuii Mauo I'o. Walnut
('rigiii lag
A ary fuuil Whoulori; L'yrtf-ht 1'ituo.. l.-i
A very ifooil WIuk'IocW '', 1 1 ,l.- 1'ianu.. lju
V WK stew
' V
Ten thousand copies of this popular new song is
now being given away by us to everybody free and open
handed. You are not required to purchase any goods
in order to obtain it, but simply step inside and ask
for a copy and it will be cheerfully presented to you.
1 he music is printed on the best enameled paper, and
the front page contains a full-tone portrait of Miss
Delia Fox, for whom it was written, and who will
sing it here in "Panjandrum," Tuesday, May 8.
Goldsmith Brothers & Company.
j For OE EliK we will soli Knann-l W are- at the following unoro
With tha New Valves oadanted prii es,
Out of Sight.
Our new Bicycles ars now
to be seen at our 3 1 4 Lacka-
wanna avenue store
And a full line of Boys' and
i Girls' W heels. We are mak
1 in extremely low pricci on
Second-hand Wheclv.
1 '. 1
314 Licka. Ave.
Wedding hfitiOoes,
Receptioa and Visiting Cards,
Menus and Dinner Cards,
Reynolds Bros.
Stationers end Entmcrt
ai7 a uiitA a S
x.r, Wo nro oflbrlng a D6W
edition of tin- Hook oi Canmon
Prayer, well bonnd iu cloth.
Two Copies for 25c.
Single Copies, 13c.
or Organ Cheap?
A very kood Sbonlnu. r t'pi isbt I'lanc.
Ol 1 A.NH.
A Mas n ic Hajnliii.ntmri uew.Uitrli tup,
Sasaki ran t a
Art A. H. Cha unir'y aev, liig-b toa
uoublu r
A hlcat-ottaMi-:i'-l io- '. ' ,Iim,
doulila PHal...
A Win . oeber, u,! new, tiad
douufa rued...
nnd Prgann at Wholesale nJ Rtsil, ua InatalliiiruN.
-r IT F A Wmms
A !-ad
ST m a
'S $
Tea and Coffee Pots
ioc. arc. 83c. eoc. 700.
Atao lhvwU.n ,, i.resPrVir,K K, i!irs. Sauce I'aa. aud TuU.
Wash DUh. s and Tn Kftths at aqatvllj low prices,
Foote & Sliear Go.
Reliable Goods
One Price
Satisfaction Guaranteed
227 Lackawanna Avenue
EVANS & POWELL, Proprietors.
Satttaate. IMl Nt iV f foe .J r 1
n ltmheiitii ikiM i .li crown n I I
1 a us iirk,call for ria. uJ refer.iro.-.
TONAf.C.I.".. for 'It r!i:. teala
(tn. .No . Uesr . m.
. 111. 1.' . AllRL I1.4NK.
Scientific Eye Testing Free
By Dr. Shimberg,
Tli Sr'' 'allst oo tf T.r. aid
Srtouami retteveg. LHteatmxl Iraproefd
Btrle uf Br Olaama aud - n.m el th
Lowaat Prfcua. Bant rtllloaa. Ey iqaertwi
fur Jo
305 tPRUCl ST., op. Old Poet OffTc.
A 9t'idarLJBrlv npw hinh top.ilonM
1 1. 10
A tkonltrt!, aeerlr auw, Uigb tup,
dnnhlerwd "1
And bou. JD other go id mihihI hand O.
tfaiu. J;j to . ill
i ho aliovi- olfaction of olid -hun ! lmru
neDt ate all la ohI or.lir, fully :iirati
ti-i-ll llu I' Cute . I.u , , I.- ,'il li,.' ' I III
ty. i.all and . tlien-.. Insta oui
dl I or dia-ount fir laeh.
The Gnat Marvel of Dental Science
A raoant discovery and tbe wle
property of
Honr::: J: Wiriil,
I) 1: MISTS,
316 Lackawanna Ave.
DM in swoon WARD LI
Aftr havlasj lva terti, . u ;, 1 At
I oi: altllii by tlu pHlnleae uitliut. 1 pro
i eesieee it iiiiriy seUeieeleiffV iu ry
innltular. .1. U. 8KASIONS
19 ALL i-M V Alt
Aud all kiuda GARDEN
SEEDS in bulk and in pack
Pierce's Market
ie REAurnrvii pictures, veut