BCEANTON TBIBTOE-TUfKSDAT MOEXIXGr, "MAY 1, 1S94. Lacisum All Things Musical STELLE &SEELEY 134 Wyoming Ave. HIGH GKA111C WEBER SHAW, EMERSON, ()1 11 I K MAKES Al l I'KH'E See the Shaw Piano from the Weld's Fair in our win do. . GOOD BREAD USE THE And always have Good Bread. MAXVPACTUBBD AND KOH KALE TO TBI TRADE MY The Weston Mill Co MM OP COUNTERFEITS ! rut PrN:)iv. romi Punch Cigars HAVE THE INTT G.. B. 8c Co. Sarney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. I HI I.I HOI MM MJl. Al.tC DR. H. B. WARE RPRCI l 1ST. EYF, TAR, NO&H A.Sli THRO At ML 85 WYOMING AVE. PERSONAL 0. M. StronR, of PI its ton, was in the city yesterday. A. P. Dechart, ot Cstawises, was la the dty y. ..f.-rdny. Judge I) W. Bearle, of Montrose, eras in tile city y. Menly. W II. V. Jonas, of r.ingh.uiiton, was yesterday in the city. John it. Kis", of Gtrbouiliile, wasen R.iK 1! bare yesterday, Mr. an. I .Mr. .Tihn Mnllati, of New York, ar at tho Wyoming. Attorney C. H. Waltonill snpml today angling f. r trout at tTaaoo. T. A. Bendrick. of .Ti rir.Tii, was en-ggi-. mi bnsin.'-s here yesterday. il hn K. Hnilork, of !'.iii(l'amton, and Barnsel N. llyile, ..f I'otfvillu, srat the Wyoming, F. II Yunnan, Thomas .1. Pnrn and William U. Friek were Danville visitors here yesterday, (ieorr Brooke, of ("ornell, 'W, who had been sieltii g bit piirents over t-umlay, n tnrn d to Ithaca yesterday. William Mason, Blngkanton: W, w. Wood, llonesilalf, and .Mathow I.OUK, Ha-al.-toti, are at the Westminster. Ur. .iame Rndaslll, of the mad leal ward of the Lackawanna ho. pita!, departed yen tTduy for a t wo week' vacation in Vir ginia. Aiming the Wlllc.".i(-irreans here yester day were John f . Henderson, CbarlSB H. Gardner, Henry ('. Mason, i L A. Iiurant, jr., and Z (,'. liutler. Oolonal and Mrs. 11. M limes will leave this we. k f.. a few day. visit at IMatts burg, .N. V. and may possibly extend tlnlr triti into Canada. Thomas K. Torrey, general alesagnt of the Delaware ai d Hudson t'snal compauy, who has been bero since Friday, rttttrnad to New York yeeterday. Miss .Maine Cbarii worth, of this city, it Tisltlng friends In HonsSdSiS, where she will lend one of Die dances to be given at the Kirmess. which begins May 17. Angnst IVuster is attendiug the meeting of the State conni il of the Order of United American Mecttsnices Bsrrisburg as ins representative of Council V id this city. C H. Adkin has gone to 1 l.irrishurg as the representativn of Nay Aug council, No. M4, of this city, at tho state council of tho Ordor of United American Mechanics. Anson D. II ire bar, I, of 1'biladnlphia, of the Hartford Fire Insurance company, ami well known in northeastern Pennsylvania, wan in the city last nifiiit, on route for Boneadale. Mr. and Mra. Charles V. Fulton, after a pleasant visit with Mrs. Fulton's parents, left yesterday afternoon at 1.34 o'clock for their future home in lioulder, OoL While en route they will visit Uotroit, Chicago nnd other points of interest. Anthony McAndrew, of the West Side, county dolegato, aud Hotel Keeper P. P. Jordan, county secretary, of the Ameri can Hoard, Ancient Order of Hibernians, will leave on Friday for Omaha. Neb., to intend the biennial national convention of the Ancient Order of Ililiernians which will meet at that plnco ou Tuesday, May 8. It will continue in lession until May I'i Hit. K, QnaWlB, tho Plnladelpliia spec ialist, has uow returned from an extended southern trip, aud may be consulted at his piulors. No. 311 Spruce utreot, Scranton, Temple Coiirt building, upon all acuta and chronic diseas"s of men, women and chil dren. It has been uolsed about by one or more persuim that lir. drawer publishes (be names of hlR cured patients. This is nut jo. Everything ii atrlotly sscri'il and confidential, uud uo one patient kuowg that another is being treated. The doctor bus always ir.ado this principle a lasting and sovereign one, and feels that it is due to every patient. Office hours, dally, II a. p, to 9 p. m. ; Sunday, 9 to a. IUzi.ktt'h Steam Carpet Cleaning nnd feather Renovating works. Carpet taken, cleaned and returned Urn eame day. Tele Ohone, 1702. 816 Mulberry street. PIANOS ORGANS P A Foe to Dyspepsia 0 -A SNOW WHITE FLOUR DEWS OF WEST SiDf Closing Social of the Sir Knights of Pleasure Dancing Club. DISCUSSING THE WILSON BILL William Richards Uses a Stone He Injured Miss Sophia Cullcn Re ception to Bo Tendered This Even ing to Mrs. D. K. Freeman Funeral of Pearl Alvord Personals and News Notes. Tho West Side office of the Scra-nton Irihunk Is located nt 1040 Jnckson street, where subscriptions, advertisements nnd communications will receive prompt at tention. One of the most successful socials of the season wis the closing of the dan cing season of tho Sir Knights of Plea sure Dancing class, held lust evening in .Wears' nail. The room was exquisitely dttoratad nnd presented an excellent appearance at the merry dancers ilitie I through the hull to music by 1111 Nellie Cumin on the piano. The Sir Knights of Pleasure Dauciug class Ims Imeti the lleadlng organization of its kind on this tide dating tho teuton, ami besides hiving the largest attendance, it is comprised of the elite of tli city. The members of the club lie: Joseph Wrigley, Harry Wrigley, (ieorge fhomae, (leorjie Oberdorfer, Charles Keller, Heorge Sample, Qeorge Baker, Thomas Anthony, Cbarlei Warlike, (ius Wentzel, Ueorge Frank and 11 uraM Cosier. Dlacntted the Wilton Dill. The weekly meeting of the Hyde Park Literary and Debating society oc curred last evening nt ite rooms on South Main eVenne, After tin regular order of butlnest had b-en disuaed ot tbeqnMtionboi was opened and sev rut short and interesting difoutsious entued. The debate of tiie evening W it then taken up, the IDbJeOt b"iiig "Besolrad, That lbs Wilson bill, 11 pasted, will b bensOotal to the coun try " The negative side of the Ques tion was upheld by Wallace M 'ter an. I Arthur ',liaM, while the affirmative was sustained by John R E I nerds and Emerson Owens Tbe judget decided in favor of tb former. Tbe meeting Wtt UllUlUally well atteudud. Struck with a Stone. Miss 8opbi fallen, young lady in the employ ot David Pritchurd, of Lo ssrss street, received a painful tojurv last evening by being struck on the nead with a stone at the hands of Will iam Rlsbards, WbO resi les next .lour. Riclmr.is is only 1 1 yars of age. but ia v.rv troublesome. Miss CulleO was in the front garden when the stone WBI thrown and wasttaxr l by lb blow This is uot young Richards' tirt of fense, for not long ago he struck a young daughter of Mr Prlteitard'i With a shovd. Rsr.p'.lon This Fvtntns. A reeeptioo will be tendered Mrs 1) K freeman, wife of ! . D K Free men, of Huntingdon, Pa., a former pastor of lbs Wash bur a street l'ri-s- tivierian etinrch, this afternoon, OOBI manoinii at I o'clock and oootlnniug until 1" o'ciock, by tue ladles and frietidt of tbe Ohurob. Mr Freeman had been a pastor our for many ye trt. The home of Mr. aud Mrs William freeman, of VVeshbnru street, has ben setaoted lor the alT iir. Rev. W I. Stean and wife, of Httiville, will he among tbe guests. Mrs. Pre) man csme here to attend the missionary Convention and bus linos been a visitor ktuoug old time acqualntanoes, Told in a Few Lines. Alderiiiiiti T. T. Morgan, of tbe Fif tventh ward, is indisposed. i iperationi at the Oontinental mines have r-'ute l for s term of sis weeks, during wbiob the shaft will be retim bered A glee party consisting of the follow ing bat been organised on tuts side: Will Williams, Waltr Jones, Will Reynolds, Eddie Hugnes and David Uwutis 'Hie funeral of Pearl Alvord. 7 year -old daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. I'r-d Alvord, of Lucerne street, ooenrre i pesterday afternoon S-rvicet ever he'd in the Hampton Street Methoditt BpiMopul ekuroo by the pastor, Bee A. TT Cooper, Interment was Bade m tbe Forest BUI cemetery The general rommttt-e tor receivina a"d e-iiertaining lli Trl Oowtf Chi tlac n ideavor conventiou. on May 35, will meet this afternoon at I o'clock in the Plymouth Congregational church The remains of Thomas Williams, a former resident of tii- side, who re cently di I in Mutt City, are expeotod to arrive here tomorrow. He will I s taken to the home of his mother, Mrs J. Williams, of Academy street, and troni there to Tamsipia for interment. The Voting peopU of the Plymouth Coiiirregatiotial church will run an IX curtion to Hake Ariel on June 17 Miss Helen Ketfer, of Carbondale, is the guett of friends on this aide. Mitt Jennie Movies, of Wilk.i-IUrre, is visiting on tins side. .Mrs DaVld Aethony and dsoghtsr, Carrie, will isv shortly forCslifornls Tom Hah-lie Kuu. the convurted In diaO, told the thrilling story of his life and how he became a Christian to a large andienca in the Salvation army barracks last evening. Miss Jessie Nowber, of strouJsbnr, is visituiK friends on this side The funeral of Mrs Jane Ilivts oc curred yesterday afternoon from her home in liellevne. Interment was made in the Washburn street cemetery LOOK, White Loaf Floor ?! 10 Feed Meal or Corn 11,1 Stowers' Ham.- 12 Bacon . I) liiird, Pure Leaf 10 tillt Edge llntUr 20 Strictly Fresh Eggs 13 23 Uranuluted Sugar 100 JOSgPH A. AiKAlts. 113 South Main aveiiuo Rrosptlon to Tbslr Pattor. The F.pwnrth League of the I'ark Place Methodist Bplscopal clmrcti will tender n reception to their pastor, Dr. Hawxhnrst and his family, this evening from b till In o'clock in the parlors of thechurcb. The league rOQUOStU the coinniucity to join with them m making the reception a hearty ovation to their paitOT, "Lost. Somowhere between Hiinrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with i-ixty dia mond minutes. No reward is offered, for they are lost forever.'' Had he carried one of Kelt hert's watches he might bavo saved his precious hours. Let ut hope that his knowledge Iirs grown with his experience. Kkiciiriit'n, DOt'i Lackawanna ave. A Burst of Statesmanship. VMMOpoiM lYttMMSi Tho other day Senator lirice gave the largest and most elaborate dinner party Washington ever witnessed, but in other respects he is not so much of n statesman. 6LEEVE8 'JTIL"- SWELLING. They Are StaadUj r.eco-.ninr: Moro Ample. Fasbious of I lie First Empire, The tnste for all that recnlla the time of the first empire lias had a marked effect upon interior decoration. The rigid forms of furniture thai, characterized that epoch have been revived and are Keen in white and gold or in mahogany upholstered in the green, red or yellow damask then popu- fm3 BgCCPTIOD OOWJt, lnr. But the revival has -topped nt tho verge of the dominion of dress, nnd there seems to be no prospect of the adopt ion of the empire gown in It-1 genuine ihori Walal eil form. The prevailing Influence la shoe n Duly In subordinate waya that do not ma terially cnV't the siiff oorMged mode to which We are accustomed. Not onlv Is the empire fashion a trj Ing one for many wom en, but the eye ha become so used to the long bodice contracting below t he bus) thai It refuses to reeogni.e the Isatltyof the hiudi girdle. sorlnstance, In the novel ball oostnmi Illustrated, an empire flavor, as it ware, is given by the full draper) across the bo-om and the cut of the top of the sleeve, which allows it to fall below the point of the shoulder, but the tight modem waist is re tallied, which at once robs the gown of any historically distinct ivs i baracter and leaves the Held open tO the free play of fSUC in regard to the other features; The skirt is bell shaped and i- made of satin SOlcIL It is cut in deep ileabcs, which open todlsplay a flounce of necblln lace over cream satin Chains of pearls are (SStOOned around the skirt, fastened at Hie top of each slash by an amethyst oabochon snrronnded b) bril liauts. The top of the skirt lacaugbt up in (runt by a raUs lion and forms pannier Uke puffs over tJie bice where it meets tbe bodloa The lower part of tbe bodioeisol lace, while the baiiisin sleeves and the drapery acroaa the bust are ol liberty velvet The corNige, like the skirt, is ornamented with a gan.it ure of st nogs ,,( psarla, sesured at the bosom and on the top of the sleeves by c.ils i hons. Sleeves are seen mi all the decollete cor sages and shon no ludlost lows of dimimsh mg if there Is any change, they srs ha entiling inure ample. Tbe ihottldaSS are usually An! st.eil with butterfly knote of rib boll, or nli berthas trimmed with lace are gathered fttll t the top of the sleeve snd allowed to fall over it Hn u Lias and r set i are alo usl on im i.,ng i,il- Hn., u.t eiiiTt i are aongbt after jus' now; bonoc the popularil y of satin m.d Dsolre uei t ba sdop tiou of galloon of various sorts as a garni ture. Jt I b Clint I hi. Talking fairelSi Tilting parrots are far Less plmlif il thatsthe) were wh. u is hard t.sav i have laugl t a lew ibieii t. talk an. I sun" few la sinit in BBJ time, but why SORM binls can barn and Others BaWWt I never could understand. There tvsl u. L a is. lief thai an operation on the tongue Was UeceKar to make a bin! a vis alist, and unite ris Mly I have Us-n a-fc..l to sola a lack daw's tongue. It seems aloaoel an insult to sal t ben is nothing in tin- - pssstrtlofs. i only herds that leallj acl.levi. lllVlhlUg like slir.'isu, lu li,et.t.kllig line am of the parrot kind, and the) bavi i the k, soft tongues, which wieiid bleed u r I nbly if split. I Tle error probably arose from the f.vt that s,,ine lllpls wit n ibud.-l toiigui t in j talk a little, but this Is nu SXCQPtiOO, tbe tswt talker, o n Ing n tengWS ery ,.ke t"il I of s bnman being, Teaching a parrot t talk isniey, but tedious. If it shows any Inclination to sh k or iioiLate the dlffl I culty le half solved Tlieu nil that Is uis- eusan is to rvtjeet one vntni or ohrues Ere H'lentlv, aist ii it aa a griTSjuig and fire I well. Any little catch phntw ifUl ausw r, though why "Pretty Polly" is generally so le, ted 1 don't know, "liiesl BMrnlng'' hi more email) taught in, I nun h l-s sem..rss when repeated. bterview la st Lunla Qlohs Dstfgoerat Old fashioned wool barege will bore. vivisl in I. lack and colors for summer dresses. New nun's veilings have satin StripM of while or a contrasting color. Bsvoll ! Ike soni. I Lute to live aad isefar, to knou hsagsr, crief and i- all And we In the tl.: n ,-s at ,,-:t i... men inauglcd, blind uiei lama. I hate lo tee cold Wlnttf'l BOW beat the print of thoajcot fi si, And the tii i a . '., o i of hunger pinch fns young and sweet. I hate lo know sseh flSSllllg blast blows through a chearisss hovt L I bate to s,-e a hoar head sweat o'er lck and spiele and shovel. I hate 10 think that lender flesh wrlthss snder huh ami blow, And bills, s unwanted daily born fur sorrow, shame and wis-. I hale to think that ihtrillsndl toil In squalur, grief and pain Thst ons mar rise above his kind and count. less treSl ere gain. 1 bate that which permits tin so wrongs, w ith a liute that cannot die. Be It the demons 'neath the earth or a spirit Hint reigut on hlali. - Ionise Ingersoll. WHY DO YOU DO IT? Why run all over thecilv looking fbrgol I dollars with one hundred aa i ten eeate1 worth of gold ill thorn r Hut rOS will eoine very close to it it If y in will call at the rlir'it place. Bring your dollars geld, silver and green backs to A. W. JURI3CH 4:ir. sriu OB ITRBIST, and get full value for your money In BICi OLB8, piue Anus, PlgaiNQ TACKLR, PINK CUTLERY, !; Cf)LLARS AND OENKBAL SPORTING1 GOODS. The VKTOK WBBIL beads Bicycles, lire arms, etc.. repaired st shift notice. Key fitting a siiccinlty. (live mo a rail. THE CELEBRATED SOHIER PIANOS Ar it I'reMiit tlir Mo.t Pcpnltr asd l'nfrrfit I.t LmtihiiK Aril.lt Warerooms : Oppostto Columhus Mcnumenl, 205 Washington Av. Scrn nton.Pa. L A7 M pi miQ or duuia mi An Irving Avenue Blaze Which Threatened an Entire Block. PROMPT ARRIVAL OF CERTDRYS John Metsizor's House Nearly De stroyed by Fire Patrick Joyce, of Minooka, Leaves Today for Trial at Pittsburg Frank Murray Returns After Lonp; Residence in West. Funeral of Mrs. James Caffrey. At 9.15 last night the residence of John Matliier, at tbe corner of living avenue and Orchard street, caught fire ui the upper story. I be building is a 2 story frame dwelling, occupied by .neisizer s family, j be lire was break ing through ths shingles when the alarm from box 46 was sounded. The Century Hoee company got to the tire with commendable activity, and bv so totng was enabled to check what tiroin iseu to be n ilitastti us conflagration, The tiro wns in the rear part of the upstairs, and was burning li-roly when the wa ter was turned on. In, less than twenty rniantei the Barnes '.vers under oootrol. hen the N'eptunes arrive 1 tluir hose was directed on the front of the bnlld- ntg, through which tho lire was break lug, At 0 I'I the fire was out. Onlv ut of the household effects wre saved. The loss will niuouut to na irlv 1500, Gets to rittiburg far Trial. Patrick Joyce, of Uinosks. will ieave today for Pittsburg, where he will ap pear before the grand jury of the i two tales ililriet court to antwer ihechorge of 'splitting" greenbacks. He will b remembered at getting caught in WilksS-BsrrS two rears ago wln.e trying to pass a split bill He aeceeded m ssosping from the offloen St the lime and kept out of the way of the law for a Vear aud a half, nlthoiigh detectives were hot ou bia trail. Sli months auo iie sppearsd before 1'niled Statet Com miss-, nor Col burn and entered ball in tbe Sum of 11.000 to at. rear for trial Joyce alwayt bors a gi ofl ropntAttou lu .yjiuooKii, in I it js bi liuved ha will li able to explain away the clou Is that irestpreeenl hovering over bitn. If the grand jnry finds a true bill Sg llml !,itn lo. will le remanded for trial at the dutrict court, which wtll convene mmsdiately af tor Ihe ilttlns of tb jury. Or.dtmud Trples. I'rstik MnriMV who u- ,,, rn, , ...... ...... 1 1 .'ii, 1 ere for the i.ast fifteen rrnr, ,1 li no which tims he belonged to the United Btateiarmyio me fsr west, returned home t , visit hit m itber ou Cedst ave hup yster lay. .loiiu FiahertV. ot ( herrv itrssif is visiting lu Hiiignamtoo. .Hits Mtv i Diirkin.of lirook sl.et, returned fssterday from a week's f with friends in Wilkes l'.irre The meeting for ike orgaaisatioi) f a fOOl ball team held last liig'.t n Walsh's barb.r ibop on Smtb Vah ingfon svebne r.sultad in atlwU.. . 11 HU sntbual ism among tie folinwn ,,f ti, I 1 1 No tt.pt were taken towar I rgsslsatloo, bnt snothsr nies,ng will held LtXt We-k Here will U a rtgui4r monthly meet Ing of the .-sangerru-.j. ku rooms this evrt.ing. A full Sttendapejs is de.ired at to Oigbtl meetltiir of the board of trad-, those who were admitted to member- I ip recuntly sr. M ted to be on hsnd and tvrome initisted The funeral of Mrs, .1 tinea CalTrer, Of Pi ipeel avenn-, will take place this afternoon it :i o'clock Muhu.l .1 o Horn, of Pros peel av dus, retires from the Qladstous hotel today and wiii move to Ursen Rl Ige sllcbssl Thornton, eons table of th. Twentieth ward, was appointed o illee t. r ol ileilt onem Isxes for t'i.i ward Mr behneider the hardware man. ia using In hit delivery t-stu the bors. I wi r I . 1 r.d Munch which ran awsy and killed the child oi Plttctou atenu'. two weeks ago Tbll is the inake-iip of tha Sonth - dl Hse Ball club Hnldr and Allen, catchers, Melvin, pitcher; Smith, first base, Wsllb, leeoed bate. Wlrth, ahorl top ; 4 l.i.l, third bnee; Gelhert, left field; RteSardS, seater field The cstciers will alternate In rigut Held. Music BriH Fs, Intlvtly. Best nids play snv neslisd number of testa Oautscbl Bona,, mauafastBrera ICtO Cbeeteui stress, Pblladelpbla, VCob derful on hattnal organs Only gt Bttd I0 Sp. unity; (HI bum boxes earefally re paired una Improved with ssw tuuua. Hineraiihru Kurnlsh-4 We are prepared lo furnish business men with first-clnst st.negraphe's by the ilay or boor Bipert bookkeeping a specialty, Scranton Oommerdsl A.sociatioa, l.lm ited, 1 Z Jsjn uce st reel. Beadls.ton ft Wosrs'a end nallanttnn'i Ales sr. the tiMt. K.J. VWijoi, agent, at Lafkswaunu nv.nne Suits Capes Jackets For Women Sell, Sell, Sell, is tha order of the day. FIFTEEN mported Claj Jackets. 'ut, Style and Work tiio host of tbe tailor! art A rednetion 6f50 Per Gent, Bee this offer1 lug of Hish-olan .lackuts. 'uiir size is in-ro. CAPES in cloth, Morie Silk, Covet Cloth and Lace, 'i-ny myios and prioesthal will please yoa. SUITS Printed Duck and Serges 8trip3d and Spot Patterns. Von ought to have one. The prioe, $3.50 to $7.50. G.W. Owens & Co. Cloak attd Stilts Mnkcrs, Court House Square. white mm TUST received large " import order. Many new novelties. Come while the assortment is complete. Baby Carriages Large Line Best Goods DINNER, TEA AND TOILET S!TS. OlSrVI-HALl WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenuo. " PERFECTION " Tin: BEST i i in R i IDC OILS AND OLIVES Till; FINEST IMPORTED. TEAS AND COFFEES FULL LIKE OF TBE BEST FANCY GR0CERIE3 FERRIS HAMS AND BACON C. DITCH BU RN Beeeeasor M a. CBlenum, 4S7 LACE LWANKA AVE ' . a , ) ; i. ; o .. . AIM v . ... 1 . ' - r ft COLLINS & HACKETT 220 Lackawanna Avenuo. Huntington's IIOMtl BAKERY. We have a lare assort ment of PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE, or 413 LACK A. AVE, Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until midnight. MULTICHROMES tho best Art Features ver offt-red Handsome line of Long Frocks and Sacks, made from Fine Grey Clay Worsteds, Vicunas and Black and Blue Cheviots. Custom Tailoring at Moderate Prices. Martin & Delany Clothiers and Custom Tailors. uiiiiHiiiiiiniiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ISLFashion 308 Lackawanna Ave. MILLINERY A new lot of HATS just received. WORTH 98c. . . TRIMMED HATS, worth ?.:.-.. I RIMMED HATS, worth p 13 1 RIMMED HATS, worth : I 00 TRIMMED HATS, worth Timi m mm wl 3 Ladies' and Mis.103' Snrinc Jackets and Ladies' a Capes in endle33 variety. ami 1, lace: curtains 51 Nottingham Cnrtairs, wonh t? "1 1. for SI. 35 l KottioKham Cnrtalns, wortb :t SO. for 1.75 S Nottinsbam Cnrtoioa, wortb Q SO, frr 2.75 mm Point ii Renaiaanoe, worth 20, for 8.0 S Itttl UrusaeU, worth S0, r as All styles in niiiiiiiiiii!iiHiiiiini!!it:iri;!iiiiii!;(i;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 9ti sa-. )''v. L ; . r l Where tho lr - v. Good Clothes Como From. flr'ilt TT.r,i1i frr-'i feBBTM yrn-A tslo-n trcSi th abrep't baek, trin'i ft'tnrnt by i-ntrt sr. rkm. n. ' :. ly van and 'sat djn .1. fisei eni an I friniy BMda, ale lbs ir .sis v.. u8er oer eaeteeaer If fill sn i sijiht won t 10 it ilo v.ftrw:lt eoavlaea v-n that f - s r i ' i , f ', 1 T . '., ! i : T Til w II m,'. u'.vn unfni tntf witisfartton. If von Trant to grt tha yiTf luxt in qi .! tv nt fttrrat peteSS, BOSSS to our .t,,r". It la Mere lln Good (lothcs ft Come From. A 3 J 1' V'a v , r? V mj- I DON'T SKIP THIS. WF. HAVE tho flno't lino of swpntors In town. Just think of it, nu all wool Imv's nwi'it. r for ui; nil wool rami's from ff'.'.Oil to J.MH. All colors. Florey & Holt Y. M. C. A. Building. 222 Wyoming Avenue Tht'so reprodnotioni of the original pain tings fin; in great demand, They are generally concoded to be by any nevspaper, - Wk )h mrnmy V " A OUR FRICE, 25c . i Int rrirjeyS 1. 25 - ; rii-e, $1.50 . Oar priest $4.75 . i nr fina", $9. 25 Sash Curtains. ,7" I i i I f V - Dunlap SPRING STYLE ON SALE CHRISTIANA Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. Id i Hats