2 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING. MAY I, 1S94. THE SECRET OP STRENGTH. (IN 8 ACTS.) FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL TT ha kWlBBWB .st-V v' ' if 8F fi Tr i 7th ACT. All the muscles come in play While in this position they Show no sign of pain or strain; How, this strength, did these men gain? By the use of the Genuine Johann Hoff s Malt Extract One dozen bottles hnvs the saoio nutritive and tonic effeut as a large ciisk of ill-, without being lutoiicstinie:. Insist npoa the Oknui.nk, which must hive tho signature of "Johann Hoff" on the ueck label of every uottle None other in "M cool " EISNER & MENDELSON CO., Agents. 188 and 151 Fnnkllti Bt.,NW York WERE NOT IN THE GAME fllkH-Btm Club Falls an Easy Victim to the Prowess of Sainton. THEY CGULDNT HIT THE BALL Scranton Started the Run Gatting In the First Inning and Kent It Up All I During the Game Wilkes-Barre On'y Succeeded in Getting M-;n Across the Plate in Two Innings. Could Kot Touch Hudson, The pride of Wilkan-Harre was h.tm blrd yesterday ut Hogan pam, wnere its pet ball tnssera met disastrous de feat at the bands of Manager Mart Sw.fi't men. Scores of Wilkes-linrro enthusiasts Catue up to Wittieaa th kfatne, oonfldent and happy, but returned to S ilkt s Barre morose and disappointed Thair plajers ould do nothing with Hudson's delivery, tod to add to their sorrow playi wr in de i y a t-w of the uier Trbi fillrd Yi,kes-B;irre DOlformi wi.irb were, pattiUK it uitidly, trifle etraw colored. W forgive them readily, however, ewii ttini'.gh the Vilk- IWre Itoek holders will n"t Yeter.Uv' -riu but tnr Uil trrowiiig OODViotlOD in thll 01 ' to tL rffe. 1 ibet the state leagae in a esuoti isaumii atroutier oratilatlun tL.au the Eastern, It w a a aoperb lav tor base ball. The run ain'Ue brightly od there Waa not enougu of Wind t. s ri nir iuter-l-re With the ju ..iia.-ut of Liilla by tue Balder, Tne crowd began to gat. er at the prk eariy an I si 4 o'clucg ttirro w r s.OOO parsoui prcui, inciuJuirf mm ladies. i rotnptly a' 4 0 'clock Uuipire Lirr Ketrick stepped to tne plate ai d cmlvd tbagaBe, bat to Wilkes Barr pliyers r I i-el M l-v th 'tiob. OEJhCTi:I To KKTH1CK Ti.e sjisoageoieutol tue u uara-Harre Club itVerr-d tuat towy bad a ecc.tr .c signed by President St. J olio, of tue bcrantou cub, to lbs rffest tnat tu Kama was to b umpired oy a person not a resident of sitber city and In in event of failure to s-ctire fiicii a person and have him select- bv tne WUkee Bsrre management then one player W:;B to be Selected from eac 1 01110. "That contract snoull Do hvel np t or there would be mi g im ,' e aid D rector MoTammany, ol Wnkee-Barre. and his say went. Then tber" were consultations be tween Manaw-rs bwitt end BhMtton, while President St Joan ft ttad 11.1111. r and you, to- deoorationa 00 uis hronai jingllog mnsisally, w.iie fo.i.ive breezra toye I gl'.ic. ; u.ly Wltu his raVeii looks 'ii.e tSSem blags b eam impitien and cries of "Piny IJiiil" eciioej from grand stand and bisacllars, bat stiil the conaultt rs consult- d. At 4 15 it was ..ecidrd to accept a player tr m each cub 10 sfljq llentO, un i Miaunon lej bis iravas out opo . the held. Pitcher Diran was to act for Scranton and PitedsSI K-au in for WiUrs B rre. 1 nru the proceesiou began to move George Stallz, tne oil Wilkes Birr f layer, w as the Srit man to at. p to the plate lor Scranton. Out of considera tion for tbe taeiings of bis old asso dates Staitz fanned the air and re turned 10 lae seat on tne hxueu. THE FIltST HCSS HoKun made au artistic bant on which he reached lirat, going to second ou Patchsn's hit Then Mas'ey made a hit to short and PfttohtB was thrown out at second, Massev reaomng lira thmngh BhalMB's error, wmch pre vented a double play, vValli) tuSSS events were occurring Hog in snort 1. Welz I went to first on GHlltO'l er ror and Ciiuie home with Maaaey o Westlak-'a two-bis- drie. LoOd and long was the c Serin ' til follow, d. R' se strnck ont n '. the L z r boys earn tu to tali mm t t wi low. Hee, of l.-.st y..r'- Lciui.. duo, heedsd tbe batting 1 an w giv. u a n sfty r c-p ion a ten ti tu - prd to the pl.ite, H" pop I ' Bp I ii which liiggitis Intercepted, Sbanuon anl Weat going out from Uiggius to M issey. In tne second Ilitrgih was given 1 base on balls and scored ou ilndsouV arm.'-.. Hnd Stallz's base hit. Wllke, Barre again went on in one, two, three order. More cheers. M.tssey opened the third with a drie for one base, and Weizol waa mad. s present of the initial bug. Westlake sacrificed and Reos t walxeu to fust be cause (Jampfielil had four times failo I to properly gauge the siz of the horn plate, Veteran Blgglnt got in an op portune tase hit that brought M.'SS. y Hnd Wirtzel trooping usross tbe uurbl Hodson strnck ont. :'nd Biggiut wiis reined on scomi alter StallB'l hit Renewed cheering. couldn't hit thk dall For tho third tim 1 the visitors were retired In one, two, tore order, nn F reuse Bogert and Charlie MoTam many, of tbe Wilk -li rre directorate began to grow n rvoii, tue latter v-i -luring the opinion lliai HodaaiO ' tolerably g M.d , itfl tr Wilkii-Barre't ra-n in biack could .'t fin I the hall at all. 0n time it looked Ilk- a p-a and tlr tiexi like a balloon, but it w,s all lb amo to thorn, they eonlin't looato It Tbe wy Cunpli-I curve v.r be ing tampered with by the Benotoo lltyersma.le Dm Snann t Very, Very weary and bo directs I Iv-enan to UlS his place iu the bog, Alter that DoraD umpired the game himself and was very fair arid Impartial Keeiian bognn o)rations by giving llogan a bsse on bills. He stole se' en I and cam h.omi an M isiy'a three- 1 ase hit. Th side Wat retired before M tasty could cat in. Wilkes Btr bad better intk in ths fonrth. F. ur pla-er toak u rue wii- I low, hut tbcii effLirta Ware DntTtllng o far as securing rn-.i was concerned Bertntoo add kI tnothtr to its score la the fifth and in that inning Wilkes liarre inado its first run. Varnr dropped a ball behind Weetlak and ranched first b-fore tbl sp.sr 1 H scored on errors of Biggies und W'-t ze. In the sixth and e-vnth r.itlier Olnb scored, hut in the eighth Scranton mail, two runs tbrongh lively bitting and ragged playing by lbs visitors. Swift's men were p tird iu oue. two, three order in the ninth. woke try a the ninth. L lotto was the first battel for ti e visitors tu tba ni itb Ho went tu base mi balla and Warner male bota bit, L'Botta ttoriog oo Pattben't wild 1 row to third tnd Waratt reaobing 1 bird. Gill n strnck out and 00 HoX a 11 'a ert r .McMahon weut to first. K-enai. flied out to Hog an, Warn! c luing I nine. BetBBI do a hit forc- lug McMahon oat at tseondj i fat ...led the 1 m- iie'owis inort obeoring au l tb - trwd itpereed l nose wi.o look d s.l w r t r-tn Wilgea-B rre, 'i n -c . SCRANTON. WILK a.B it m. I . II is AC. K II . o A r Stall. If.... I 2 J 0 ollesa. rf. ..; U o (1 llegin Of. 3 n ('-.h.i'non. Ib'l n T i 1 S I I W st. lb .11 0 II 0 1 e o I btt. cf ..o i 1 u a 1 1 Lent to If I o ii u o I'at, hen, c o u-.v. II. 1 w stiel i . st'goJno I34i varner, e 7 0 I.etsM). rf. .10 11 i ll. hen b M U I 3 I 1,1 .114 1 . te i i aill II t' t I lludao , p.O 0 0 1 . CmprVd p.0 0 0 0 0 Kooian. p n U U 0 0 Total.. 10 11 K If V I Total .. 3 3 J7 II I B. r uitoa .. 3 i .' i i n o i u-i Wllkae Ituro i ii 0 0 1 0 0 U 1- 1 Kai n I I tins Wseli.ko Tb i i - Maw r, Two bass hit -Maaa-v Be HO lar.n, k. o. Bto n h.'isas I nn 'n oa -iiogan. iims, enasnjonu I. a Otto, Doable pliT-SVirn"r o -binn a, Mah n to - ian wn to w -. Street mi . ay Hods op. T; CampBeld, t; Kseoaa l. 1'irst b on balls By Hodaoa, i; CaanSeld, .'. hnenan. ! NV'Ild pl' -h,. E"nan Tlm-I 1 mpire -'Dorou and Bealian, 8 ME ROTH OF THE QAgg Tbt official count SbOWtd tl,4S) paid ad missions. lle-a was cordia'W received, but coal lu'l gauge K dton'l i ui res. Larry Ketrick didn't get bit t3, bat he bad hit money's worth in good, solid tun. aUagSf Iturgn dtr ha I int. sdtd to en j .v bin a-lf lui .!), I .til 1, .ii s, nihj 1 uil i hat. The tJuddtiion btireinx in the grand s a'.d gmuud out exp.ai.ntions wilb. ut Stint. Uogan re nived n;ip!atis every time be H nroacbed H e plati , tnd the record es pl .ins why. Tue Wj kis-l!arrn p'ovars lacked glngar. Ire S ag' i.s Would h IVt been Voted SO tttt Iu comparison. Including the rr-erved seat eiwtatore Ol I he culm h .nka, there must have been at leant 4,1tio cp-ctaiore. If PBIIadelphta ran heat D stnn, and Wllkea-Baim defoM PbBodtlp-la, where would brrautou get STSrOtSs, even, in the Nan ual lenguer If tVOTf piaver in the Stale league were to work as hard, Iteadlly and effectually aslant nn Wosttehe, tbt big asso. latioua Would soon be ou' clan 'ad. When the tenth run was scored bv Btranton I Bttamss'dn itfed iadlr.dn.il in the gra id vend Wanted to know of the ve it ra if they could play had ball. PatpbtO'l monlng catch of a lofty By win. h f'll almost a gal st the aula of the grand s and was a Wrll-applauded fssturs play, l'a ci,. n entire work was earnest, i Ulligenl and paluaiakiu. I' wn the general opinion of oloft ob leTVers net if n w ukee Harre club Ibis year tea fair sampti nl K stem i,- gi.. phi era, Bctrauton Will iiav I In faster rOBpanj la he le gO si n's fp Ihn ie hue f m) X'.ra ploy- eraa tni . flonsl i s?iut glv ut ..lac: Ion El ' if. re, eis. b I i. and fairlitsa. na-i'Sollitled liut .ai run', make tue BVe , a bflitVS It ttoiirapi'd the no; pitcu.'d ball n bard Hmt 11 we t eleai i er the iwt Beld trace and would a been a bomt run bad it not toyed with ilia sr.y side ot tin tou Hag. 'I lieu ho grin e.ully struck out. Ouiy one clean hit was made ofT llnd s n't pilCbinjL a drive to center ovur Ilig gina' bead. The other lilts charged ugaiiist BtQ iii the score xrers ol 'ho veriest "scratch trdtl No boUei game has been pitched Una season, in nuy leairue, than tho one pitched j , ter lay by Ibj ;eui.em..n from AltOOaa. Anion tbt Wilkea-Barro on! bos nsts wh . came up to regret it were noticed E. Freas Il gert, A. Q Lannlng, H. (. Merrill, Aithur.lc.ck.oii, M. Z. Clnrl-e, , Fiauntei, K. Sc.iirage, Daniel Baobman, Al bert linii.i, Leo Long, J. Kleiu, Kte e Urifflth', Charlea Tamin any, J.cou Levi soU, V. A. Davit, s A. I.achiach. W. E. May, Jotepl Travis, M. H, Burgunder. ('. 1!. Banks, 0, isui nt?, Cecil imaks and Utia Liucoiu, of the rVlkesBarre Itecord. As . il. as I arpstual Ixtotlon. Cttattaad tenia. Last year 18,07(1 patents WSft granted in the Unite. S ines, and Jet tiohedy (11 - covered a way 10 make the Dtmocrati 1 nud a ghost nf a chauc iu the rlocuous .,: IBM, Stooka and Bonds. York. April 30. The Industrials again led the stock market both in point of activity mid advance. Sugar alone fig ured for 196,600 -.'ami ranirinc between 1H454 and lU7;h olosiug at 105. a (rain of 1 f the day. The stock completely 1 Versbadowed tra.le action in tue yoneral list rhe fob Wing ooupMte table MWWIM MM (lav's thief initio, a in active atoclra is supplied unit revised dally bv lasBar A Fuller, stoet broken ttl Wtoim- svennei 1 rpen- 111 tl et. 81 ' luSt mi a in. IN 2SN Ml ..ni4 Mi DM UU l'i Low mi m si 7T;s mi m in t'loa V. q iM 14 r.tJ4 iM HI) wis Am. Cot on.., tin Bonr.... A T.48. F... Dan. Bo. Cin. N. J nhle. N. w o. 11. o.... oat in .. M MJ icnii ;u Cine. (las C . 0.0. A St. L m 17'a Col,, HiwIi.Val. & T. I). 11... .l'O P., L. A W.. LUC. F Krle (1. E. Co Lake Shore..., 1.. A K '. MM . MM :M4 12 ...1.4 ir.t., 114, NB ir.y 10 MN i M IfAi ii Itg w, in , Mi, K, ISM uwf2 4iu, KB (OU tfj Mi p UM 111 t MM ifH M IM 4U M-uibuttan ISi i, Mi.Mt. I'ac tM Nat. Lead 4HU N.Y. AN. E i N. Y. Central '."."J x. y..o. a w. X. Y S. A W, II. B, 0. Co North l'au North Tao. pf., Omaha rac, Mail , Reading BoaJ llaud K. T Bt Paul T . C, A I , lM teg m ! M , ti ' P . ti'j , NN l, mm li'JM 1:1 IBfj 1.'4 Terns A Pac I'ninu l'a -I 0 Ito abaah n i4j W tern union si v. a L is w. HUE. j)f w Chlcaeo Crarn and oTistom. Ki nANTne, Ap list). Tht lotlewtni nuota- Honsare snpi'tle.l aa I c rreet...! ,1 uly by l,a E .1 A fuller, stock broki'ra.1-1 Wrom.a.' ave- ana, WHEAT. I 'Veiling Ihgheat,.,. ; nweei I '.iwinir I'OHN. ('truing Bid st lajvttst 1 fl.aina May it MM Jll'V. tt'vj 1 U ,V4lJ '" '4 MM au ism tu SB Sort. UK m Ml ON BM m 4ta, It O '.T.i. Chaof...... ".....!...! ' 0 'IllCJ. p.a4 UQW10S,,, Ckadng... I d K, i is. D ug LLheit I 01 st '! . LAttlV Opening Basils I I.i,e; thai 11 "II It T Kt!H. Opening Utsbest Cwsel lla-iug IBB ittt I.,'. it ', ;-m ni fft no etn , ,1 ex Ual NO TI0 TIJ TOT n r.w . 0 r.-t HQ 4'.' gonaton (FheieatJt Mat:a BcanOtt April. 31) 1 biiits aiu I'ao' BBOB laWed applna, par lb., fta.e.: evap BTlttd appios. Ilalie, per lb.; Turkiso i.runas, .'6.,s.; Kagllth rnrrauia. '.a:', c; layer raisins, ILtteLkOl run-catels, I i per box; now Yaiaurl-t.7 ,a s par lb, Uians Ma-row-fsta. (J 50a3.CO per bual.el; me liuun. l.7&al.tu. rasa itrren, L ItaLkU per ' rahalispllt, M.aua.60j imtais.:, i . ht p,-r bomA Potavoao- 9 ituB in, pr buuiet, OaiORI- 504 . '.. p. r b sheL licrrtH It to -.ss- pr lb caiaae losi.V. pn. F.t.oa- frvak t'-'-o lac. I ovxtiiv -Ci Icknna, Ureaaed, 13 to 13c: to kayo, U in inc. MaATS Bams, 11 small hama. It's .; klnaed hsms, p.'tc : ttlitorala baflM tyjc.s sbonldra,aw. ;tn,l!le, bt ; smoked t.iaak' .at I acn I lo u 1 1 1 r Ohtsideo, llc : eeta, UMe.; ir. aid. sand is iBcklea, IBo I oflg Meea at I6; .In.rt cut, (Id. l.aaur i naf in tllfooo at Bt.) id tans. Nr.. In Id-pound pn;. B (0.1 in S-poaud pe s ',; I-kjul,j pnila lo. pr p. .and. ..rr'-t Li :cn sugar ctl.-avl, sin kel baef, 14.. Ki i'nMlnnesota patnnt, pe tvarrs!. (I !.;!; ail i. drana am tor, ol i ' iiUMin nl .kto. iva Hour, al M. BoOBrWIBAf FL')fn-f2 7'ipar cwt. I BBS 'Miged, per cwt ai BSc OBAII i.in, iss.; curu, 47 lo 4ee.; oata, 4.ll7i-. per DUahai, Bra '-TitAW-lVr ton I'SalS. i.AY-l- to 117. New y Mew Y'd.g. stial . u l r. daoo Market. Ipril H -K-oua-Dul'., Winter Wriat Low gradts, ktaltft do. fair to fancy, (3.45 3 7.1; do patent-, t3 1SaS 4S; Mtausoota dear, Fi SO 3 W; do. arm bt, BsVSSaEBD; do, petoata, IBQBa I "W eiinis. t i hSa'.'.ti: rl y iuil a, AOaBOii; do. p.teuia, adtfdal.'O; re u ix: i e. 13 , ,,. s.l VVBBAT--Falrll ective fl-mer; N. 2 re ore ,n I . eni..t l.l'.,' .le.-jc.; nfluat, c ,ai'. i , ; f. o. b.. Mlg kMe Di graded red. S7aOM'.; No 1 nonbera, TBaTlkC. op llottS Were u 'le, ri.ae, atcmly at se ad Tiiuce, Ju v ..nd M v run l a. t ve, .S... red cosed .,ny, (ilV.c.: June, KHa July, IlKiVj Au ".I, retc , ttvpieuibei, B5c; D cemler. 'V'.'.c. COM! Falil) active at KlMc. uVollBO: No. t, tSt-jc . elsVat r. 44'-,.. afloat: op Options a era BoderaWly oc.iv aad aloaed w. akat l, ,c decline; May, 4,1 ,c ; July, 4i , 1'. : Aligns:, 4i liggi Dolt, steady; family, ticait. ni u mta-, tSab SU lieef bains Brio at 118, H I i.i r-itn.ct, firm; city extra Inm . m -a. ti- -31. CtM :ara Vuiot, steady; pickled ted- II , 7 ;d -. soonldtr , C'ic ; do. bams, IBall ,'.; Diddles BuBRual LtaO Dull, eHAlerj Avaatern steam closed at 800 city, 7'i'; option sales, BOBOI refilled, Qolot; ooa linen 1 IB.BO1 0'ltll Aineriis, Bt.65' compound, nt-,afl'tc 1'iiKK Quiet, easy I mesa, ll3.7-aU.uil; extta trim tl3.SU. lit inn Qu.et aid lowor; slate dairy, Bow, LBalBC; do., nld, loalSc.; do, ereeniery. new, IfalBo,! runuylvania do., ITalW.; western nairy, now, 10a 14c; do. creamery, new, Mai".'. ; El gins. Ho. I Imitation creamery, lUa!5c. 1 Bcasn Fal daman : state. 1 rge old, lalBM . , new, DallUct fan y, old, 1 1 ?4 . 1 . unallold, lu.'l'J;c ; do. new, Ska n't skiuie, new, 3!,ati4'c., full s. i . : 3c. Boot k; statu and Ptnusyt- Viuui, I . ,c. ; Rood, 3 1 '.'.'.; csern freeh, ltO.1 du k, It-BBn., SUUtharB, U'a iu?;.-. ..itsiphia r 1 w Ha a-u IlLAI MIMA. April 3'. nl w was S : I'rini i ty, -u ii be ids, Ufi .. prime c nun 1 b 1 r. 1 , -. ; darB, IB bar- 1 I 4'.,e. ai.-a, .'il,,-. .-. ase, 41jc. Bnffend for Twelve Years. i). ride, (fomerlu sMsfMiMj Ibstsr I Woiihti's Dif;rrN3AKY KBOIOAb Ausocutiom, HuiTalo, N.Y.: Gtfgltiasa A heart overflowing with graU tudo piompta mo, to writ) you. Twelve Lag weary years 1 suffered Beat ur, 1 com uteea lm Deranges mem and ut lest win trlvcn up by my phy sician tu dlu, besMes inend. Ing ulniost all Wt had. After jflvc mouths' iiciiiiueiirwiia your Doctor Ptsra'sFtvor no rretcrlpa lion, I BOW '.n lov in oat nr. Mhh. WtUKHI a:o) child. ocll'tnt beolth, I would, to duy, havo been In iuv grave, unit my Utile clill.lreu moihcr l.'ss, had It not been for you ufld your misll pluo. I villi recoinnieud your modluinu as lor ims I live. If any one doubts this, givo my name and ItUUiM. Youis shieerol)', Mim. MAI VINA WILSON. ' I '.-I.,?', UAt.-'Ar A Word. Honrs 0 all kind 004 that much, ex ttpi Wtunffirni lrBst!(wBbt ore (nsarfed FitES, Situations ViiantsJ. L I . UATIOX W.V . EU-UV A UlHIi Art A 1 nurto or aei-oiid girl A.ldre.a lull I'y Bon Htrect, City WITUA1ION WA.NTKL) - A LADY t" t.-achcr wMics to An tutoring ilunn,; summur vacation. Can prepare pupi tor coll.e-e In all brandies except (Iroek. ill ir I with papll tu country or soa sliorq it desired, ('an he gin jane L Bit i ears' snooeaifrd e perteuoe. Se, D, W. hkown, attomuy, Bug Spruce street. CITUaTIoN WANTIO BV A BOY 17 i1 years of age, with fair education! wB log to do most anything. Can or address D. i... B8J Harrison aronue, city. CITLATI.'N WANTED-A WOMAN D would Ilka to eet work by ths day at wushing or i-leaninir. nr will lake washing home. Address MAl.Y DONNELLY, 731 Onb rd tract. Help Wanted Malt. ll'AXIKI) -MA.V 1 'F BNEROT, PAIR 'V writer, for grWh position, fl'.' to BIS weekly, Aftsrt today D. M. XUOUAS, Library building. W A: TKIi-uoiiU BLACKSMITH, OIL I10..I Cnrrra .'" orks cor. Wust Lack av . and BeVentb si . flgenth Wanted. aUV M ANAliKU V. AX lKII-iiOoO IX- I J coma assur (I; no capital raqnlri (I CLAliK C '., liriuhuu.rt, Conn. Ur ANTED MAM I rB LIFE AND kTBI Insaraace axterlsooa an a. '-nor in I nrkawanna county; g.s,I Indurmji-MiU to r.ght man, Addree) iUS-lM i.-t. huihllug, Philadelphia, Put U AKTKD AOKNT8 H TAkl. OHDEKS byssmnlo ws will pay oxpatiaa and sal ary or II he. tlh .rui I'oU.Ul.feSiou; aUlllpies sent M aji '. cation. Address L 1 b..x Q Its, new k it. POT Kent. i ISN'T NI W DOUBLE HOUSE, COB 1 u r'!re,. lii.k,. -tre. ! .md N nil nave 1. 111. I re.IOhS WALT-It. on pramlaes. ; y -LIGHT, WELL FURNISHED , delightful I'H-alion. SM Waahlng- ri ton a tails. I 'i ill ENT THltl B il ioMB. yy.c r ON J sroo o flc T. .. r X A Uu!' . rt'a in "..I, store, UT Wyetaii i evsnee, tvota Agiil l la gni in lbs at. rat 'i LL i l.'rt A rBRM i t VEARM Pa t or a'l ( Hire boa trod 'a.,; ,.f ,r.1 ro- n. along lad-oad Appty al '! Kruiiana si enue 'PO HI XT nTOnEtaxtnORFUkNISBEO J hall on (iroet, ill u...t erv U.-.r.- tie location ai d I ,.' :..,(,, t. 1 II. a ill r t. I E METtLSTON or t Woodui . r Hciutih -an I uniting For Sole Foi s ,i.i - i wi my fTv of ateata Olaas 0a. a at.a.k lor salt roMMBKt . A L t88'K,Umittd, Kl.U'. I.QC'lltig l .-pri ce street fAOON FURBALE A LIOUT WaOoN. I, ,.r t i ftetiiat.:,. Lutnaiua tb bu Utloa. Wa.lr.nk'tuO av'-ii RB BToNB FO t BALE lo.iulro A. c. . .'.. . naliu;;..u avAikue. Cvnunou- I R A ' A FARM OF EIGHTY Ai It. a, I . no aad one t.lf m n li.lt u ..n .: I w- . n a i'h a SSI -r M, g.sjd .Ol heap, terms 'I I A L as si.IJi the ala-are. Le-ianai r Ur .ci i .r . c ies Uim l-.i n. -prln,' u' itiy, tan a .-!-. -1-rcharrt Willi.. ens . Addr.-. II f FOR I t.l.LIM oaocubir. On.l 1,'olt e., Li FOWL etANURk EJUBT 1 bar- : i ' - .. . for rtrh-ng Aprly to B4 llrltb, l'V Ki k P",,' t...ua, . roM 1 Ii BALE INQUIRE OF H. i curt atetKgrs;.bur, court r ii" c a, syoaae 1". I a i R ti acre Farm. i I :.. a J M hlit.yslI.LD. UV ave 1- a. i: it km ha..' . I It SCRAM .:..' gt. ve yearly la I Iran I 1. I -a..- lis I . . Icccu Notice. T A V me I rardi ami inline. ,.n too ora .laT nf Jqq ste action (ci the approval or the i.r -p.a-sl increaanef Ilia t aa'.f .s inpaai fn-m t-"..iOi -o t the en Mary be, snd he l. 1 to give n He the-enf an ra T 11. VYATK . T Mil. ANNUAL Mi l.TINti trtbtitors ot the Lay kai wii tan liel-1 ,11 tba flr.t Mood Ii g the :th mat. ) letenti tb. 11 eelOSfe p ni . to elnrt iliro by !' aad 1 1 transa t saeb a rasv pr. p tlv s.ma I sfl r. a, to auu-nd er hii.it,. J. OB B l t It-. I K. S.-cre nn . TOT C . Been I a - plats Frl ti 1 Hd: NoHTNATIONa Knit OF .Lit 'di re'ari JY WtTK BLIEABETB HAVINO LEFT ,11 my 1 v 1 end hutrd. I hereby uarn tto publlo Boj t trust ortj rlai h -i oa u.y ac rn.4RI.Ea L CCTLKR HlTnkTTookT? I 'AMPliirVft'eL MAtl.r aniss, etc, brand or rebound at Tut 1 1111 .u nfttca. ym.'k work Heaaof.,1 I., I rica. MEAL tH K rt CAM BE II Alt T Ht cm. r hpruru street aad l'rai.khn are nu.. Twenty in 'al li at !or .ijii. i,..vJ tnhle Ivair.l. legal I N TUK 1 1 lURT OF CVNMFLrisVuH J tba ooanty of Laokawaan. in th.. matter Of the iti..iliiti.iii of the Couth I.lu olii Coal company, Ho - May tana, issi. ..ti " i- her. I v tiven thai the South I.in cln 1 ..al Company tllad Its petition 111 tho Court "I Common Pleas of . seKawaana . .nite ryootbi 't . day of March. Ittij praying a decree nt dissolution, ami thai tha court h s fin d April i. iM'i. atk ,. clock a. 111 for Bearing snen. a plication for uuoolutiea, whoa SI d Oberi all a-rs."ia Int. reate.I cull attend If they deem it nvpe.lletit and aln.w cans,, a aiuat tin gra. on..' of tin, river nf mild petitioner. JAMES W o.KPi ltr. 1. 1 1 tor for Petitioner. n STATE OF OF --AHINA s wl'r"vL7T li oflh - txirough nf Archbal'I.Lackairauua ennty. 1 a. i.et'.. adJs!atre 00 urHin the show nam d estate having la-en .'ranted totbu nn-d-r I. all pr mis havhig claims or d mauds ngsinet aslil "Stat-Ttlll nressnt them loraettl 111 ut.aiul Ihiaas tadSl tor) thereto will I lean" in is on .I. -din . .vmant to Ji UN J. H'. IF . j.., n'strator. Arcln .1 il. l'a. .lot" I'. ,I.i a yt "-ney for V.tate Propoaa'a. C BALED pilQPOBALS WILL BE RE- II Sell -.1 at lb' 00 S if tbe City ( lerk, Bora ' . .l'a., until 7 ,'io o'clock p. ni.. Thura day, Ma "Id, 18UI, 10 gradn Delaware .trsoi b. -tweeu ', sshington aad Sanderson avenues in aCMCedaaea with plans and ape.-iilcat.oiis in f thocit) tngUMer. 1 cell h'd shall b SOOOO punlcii by cash or certified ih.'ck In I', .amount of two h .11 Ired dollars. In e ise thu bidder to whom the SOtltl'SCI shall Lave been awarded relusesnrom "a I lexuruto aconiraot for the W'.rli wltlnu t. n days fr m dahi of award there f, ths euclcanrsaco mpa uylnenls pro- po- .il shall be furfssted to the use of the city of Scran'ot. The 1 it v res -rv.-s too right to re joct any and all bins. toy order of City Councils. M. r.LAVELLE, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa., April la.l.W' UBALBD I'HOfOSALS WILL 'BE" li ij celv.'d al tbe olflce of I he City Clork, oranton, Pa . nnttl o'cloeic n. m., Thure day. May III. 1-H4. t.i furnish thedtvof Scr.,,.- ; toll aclieinloil liiet'igiue li.r the use of tho I l'huuiix Boas cm' nay. Uidd rs shall eucloso I with each piopo -al Hie aim of llfty dollar iu cash or certified Check, lueaao the btdd"l' to I whom the contract shall havo b cn awarded I omilS I executor, otatraCI 111 nrrordnnre wiih propotai witnm ton aays rroai aais 01 a warn thereof, tbeenclcuure Mxompanyl g hat pro posal shall be forfeited to tho use of the city of Hcranton Bldd .ri shuli furnish their own paeMeinons, lae etty ruawVut tba right to leieotanya dsllbids. Ly carder of Otty OuuacUa M.T LAVtLLE, City CWrk. Ecranton, Pa., Apiil3tblO.H. Inspect our beautiful line at the new prices. FOUR GREAT LOTS. Note the change: $10 CAPES NOW $7.50 15 CAPES NOW 10.00 20 CAPES NOW 15.00 25 CAPES NOW 20.00 These special lots include our entire stock below $25. It is useless for us to dwell upon them. You know the character of the garments we carry. Stylish. Perfect-Fitting. Well Made. CONNOLLY & FURNITURE BEST WORKMEN. MATTRESSES At Factory Prices The Scranton Bedding Co. Cor. Adams and Lacka. Aves. DID YOU That wa will GiVS you boautiful new pat tern! of Sterling SILVER SPOONo and FORKS for an equal weight.ounce for ounce, of your snver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at Mercereau BOI I 41 n lll "No star wa3 ever lost we once havo seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF THE mm LUMBER 00. Scranton, lJa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. HOW TO MAKE MONEY Tlierv an; liuruln'ils of jOUBg men and joun;; women in th.ll country who luvr apleodid ability, but tliey bave utver beeu wu-tiicd up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has Ix'cu an iiisjiiration to luinilruiN of young people. If you are tireil of iimctivity ami want to do bomcthiuej taugibbj, fomi' to tin' ( 'ollrjje. ( OU MOM i M.i.isii cm HUBK hi UN KM 4 m RHR, httoHTHA.Mi oouiwk p e. WOOD, Proprietor. Lk, '". THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. SCltANTOK AND WILK '- 1 A I r '. . . . I'A., ilANDFACTUKKHli .). Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Ueneral Office, SCRANTON, PA. iiaaes.sucnas Venk LFDREHNllflFTtr i'jtf.C.i m mei. a.i.: ..s isri'd v. suaicv., .t'ssoiuo Taiapie, CaW.-aoo.iu. For Salo in Scranton, Ph., by II. C. SAJs'DPuSON, Drugpi? cov. xVushlnfftoD sticl Surcco -trect-. WALLACE 209 Repaired and Upholstered. LOW PRICES. KUOW? & ConnefS ANN V A . . SI The most complete medium-priced FOLDING BED in the market. U..BI At iA rnr ittn rn" u).mji ur ivr aswv aaaiaa vi u IVBHIIU tsi i in vim uii y ii i n itiBi nit u in, "NERVr SEEDS, i,i i nu asassmu n-..'j ine 0 oil l.-ciir- ill ..r..o. sl- jststacry. Loss of Hmln Power, fl4-Ob, WakfbtS, U usnii.H.u, .iniiy r.'iuantvjnu. .Ncrvmuiice'.', o . iMilaiinr.tl'.aOrinnsof elthf rsoircsi.t.yoTcreJe-tv.ii. vo'itai'iieernr.. , .. eve u.e .r i.'bc.ve, oiilnni ,-rstt nulants, wai.-'i le.-l W jaanaill . urn somptlonnr Insanity. Cun he canle.lln test .pocket. pel noi, o ier .. a m iii pr.-eahi. with a .-s onirr wri- wrttteajraaraaKt ;f auye -..- , is. .,M i.- nil li-iwtlais. AW fv rlt. tase WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court House. THE FROTHINGHAM Tu isduy and '. -,- evas. Illy 4 and WuduAday inaliucu lii'l I't IN OLD KENTUCKY The grsatsst sueessi iu years. Dlrct nsu a six months' mi. at the Academy ol Musi -, Now York, to packed house. Th'j full Now York production will bi given here. PRICEflSI, ft, IB, Bte, Saleof seats ojecs at Pewell'e Baturday uiornm.. :sesm aigc v . k eoauauetng WOXDAV. Afltlt ao Wonderland Theater Co. Monday, tcebdat AKD m;d.-eay The Maa-iirtlc. nt Hlgh-3aM Drain. , THS DANICKEFFS With Elegaat Boanery anl rfficts, Magnlfl cent Oootum ee, and tb full nrenirthof the 0 m;any. l UOWed by tne BdMiag Comedy, AfM UP-TOWN FLAT Priit-d in their .i imi! able manner by WIL LKT I A: rBUBMg, THURSDAY. HtTDAV AND RATTJBDAT -The Sterling Old EveiWCIoOUM Drama THS GALLEY SLAVE ADMISSION, 10 0 OR 30 ( KNTS I'r!urmuuct v-rj iftM M r B it 1 1 Jilun djyi iti-1 riiurh'! y t r . renr ...-: ? I,V Dcoia cjnat 1.3. uni T.W P.M. Don't Fail to Attend the at the Driving Park JULY 4 ALL THE SPEEDY RID ERS WILL COM PETE. Rooms 1 arid 2 CwiHWtlti Mf SCKANTOX, V.V MINING anJ BLASTING POWDER iJadesttbe IIOOSIC and KU-li-DALK WOKKli I.IIUIU Ca, u w uui w. r ORANGE GUN POWDER r all I at. T ,. I I1 ur lr I ' a M Electric Batteries, Fuse for explod ing blasts. Butty PtttB and RepaunoCbemical Co. 's High Explosives The GKNULNE .New llaveu " Mathushek ' Pianos ESTABLISHED 1.80 New York 'uri-rooiiis No. 80 Fifth Avenue. B. C. RICKER & CO, Sole dealors in tins section. OF. tCK-l':i Adams Ave , 'i'olcpbon BTd'g AHTOHEHARTMAH 90b South Washington Avenue, Contractor and builder of Conoreto Flagging, Cttnarcto BOSIS, r-s:ito. Butter and Coal Hiiia, Wet Cellar dried up. Orders may be left at Thompson Pratt, Will amB Co, Main and F.ynon Streets, or at Scrantoa Move Works. Alao Foundations. Clsterua Fish Wire Tunnols aud Coitrn Flaiigintf fur Uaruen Walk Hicycle I SIC POWDER CO