The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 30, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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    : ' " & js ' Bm s M I m m - K .. gag y ; . a MB l atil
On account of the slump
In the Cloak Market in New
York City within the last
three or four days, enables
us to offsr many of thi3
season's garments,
Capes and
At a Reduction of
50 Per Cent.
Tailor-made Costumes
The Wonted Srg and Covsrt
(.'loth Suit, which wa arts hv
ing sacli a big lurtvin with
toil season, are manufactured
rxpreaalr for ns and confined
itrtctly to cnr hona thareby
Insuring not only tli )iight
standard of quality, but
The Now of a Pptlnittlms Day Epltc
n:izl for Q nick PrnsI.
Uperinl f the .VriMfiil 7W..i-
CarBcindale, Pa.. April 29 A H.
Vandrinrk ptit Saturday in fisliiu,;
in Lyon' cre.'K ut I'nioniUle and rt
tnrnod with thirty-nine tront.
Miu Ifinolt Opto is visiting with
frionds in Hoiks Isle.
Parry O. Parsons died on Friday
afternoon nt L80 o'clock at Ida home at
Fairriew nftT a brief illness De
ceased is mourned bf his wif and one
danghtwr, Mrs (' W. Miller. Fnnsral
oranrrod this nftn;oon nt '2 o'clock.
The remnins with interred in tno family
plat at Canaan.
Mrs Leonard, of Manch Chunk, is
tb guest of Airs. .S. fi Uaynor, of
Lincolu aTenue.
Mrs. L. I Wolfe is entertaiuing
Mi's Nellie Wolfe, of Bsslsfills.
J. F. Drown, of Albany, N. V.. is
the guest of Frank P. llrown. of Msin
Mr. and Mrs. K W. Itsynolds are
ptndlDg thi Habbat!' In Hontsdal.
Mrs. Arthur Howell is nfertainlng
hor sister. Miss Nellie llrown. of Hones
Adams Express comjMiiy will remove
their office to (iraham's store on Mon
day. The fnneral of the lata Mrs. Pat) r
Loftna which occurred 00 Situnluy
morning was largely attended Ser
vices were eonOnrted in St Kosn's
church and iat. rmetit was niadn in St.
Koae'a cemetery Tim pull bearers
were E. P. Ilnrke. Sterihen Nealon,
Patrick Mcf'abe, John K-lly. Patrick
Connor and l'rmik Shannon.
The following programme will be
rendered at the dime entertainment to
lie given in Association hall on Wad
nesday evening. May under the aus
pices of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the
Young Men's Christian association:
Selection Imperisl (Quartette
Duet, (Jultar nod .Mandolin,
Messrs. Leonard and Melvin
Recitation. Sel. ted Mr. i.iIIih
Duet, 1'iauo Misses Corby ami BarriOg
liecitation Mr. S. (ones
Vocal Solo Mrs. Wella l.owry
I'lano solo. Mus Baylay
Selection (Quartette
Ye Oldo Folks Concert, by Ye Olde People,
in Ye Olden Ye Olde Company
Singing, "Madam I Have Come a Courting, "
Daisy Junes, Jobn Morgan
Recitation, ''How Pat Went Courting, "
Miss Maybert Hunter
Singing. Selected Two Old Ladies
Reeilatlon Miss (trace Hall
"(iood Night, Ladies,"
Sung by a Littln Oirl
FOUR of then. J OUrONS, rr- g
sent imI nt Th Trlliim OffloO. QOI JJ
m r I'nnn i.v'miwiml Npruru Mrect, mm
bCIUm ftlM holder to all i p?lv S
of Hit unpnrullnlod onr SS
for tl In tribal Inu popular bonk 5
;i in. iic our ri'udt'i'H. '1 ho offtBIt itiHtlo
by TIi Trlbuue iu:i;..i... muiit uro -
its lollonv
B 15 CENTS and Four Coiiini for 5
B nny volume In the Columbia Be- S
rltt. Over 100 titles to hvlevt from. 5
20 CFNTS Hud Four C'oiiMii for S3
B any book In the Kugby Herlei.
25 CENTS and Four Coupons for SS
u any uook in inn uxiora neries.
Highest of all in Leavening Powet. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
First Snake Story of a Promising Sea
son School and Othsr News.
tptcioi io fas Bflfoaloa IWbaaa,
STROCDSBDBQ, Ph., April 'J9. A de
structive hro broke out between 10 and
11 o'clock Tuesday night Inst on the
furm of Moses C. Struuk, in Middle
Suiithfield, about three miles from
Marshall's creek. The barn and the
house were totnlly destroyed, notwith
standing the efforts of tlie neighbors,
who wero organized iuto a bucket bri
gade. A large number of residents attended
the funeral serviaea of the late William
.John Harton, who died at the residence
of William Van Uurkirk, on Analo
mick nvenue. The remains were in
terred In 'he Stroudsburg eemetery
The Uev. S. (I. Hutchinson delivered
an eloquent ami touching fnneral ser
mon after the return of the funealr
party from the cemetery.
District Attorney Williams presided
at the meeting of the Lh,w club last
night. The matter discussed by the
members was the iutiou involving
the rule in Shelley's case.
Charles Kistler, a former resident of
I vi st Stroudsburg, is in town.
FlreniM Frank Adams, of Engine
No Is.', killed an immense pilot snake
K. D Huffman, proprietor of the
Marshall's Creek hotel, was greeting
friends and acquaintances on the streets
An elaborate concert will be given
in the Ksst Stroudiburg Mathodis;
Epiecopal church tonight. A tine pro
gramme his been arranged.
Arrangements are in progress for the
organization of a Young Men's Chrh
lien aaaooletion In stroudsburg.
J B Western will leave next weak
to accept a position at Hotel Lang
wood, Wyoming. Mass.
Postmaster Kistler, of Lsst Strouds
burg, has s.cured another mail from
(few Yorn. ft ern ree on train No. 171,
du ; 42.
H II Keller's illustrated leotr.r in
the Normal school ehapel on Friday
night w ill Pe attended by many of our
residents. The aubjocl is the 'Life of
lirant lteimel, who had his arm se
verely crusi ed in the Delaw irn. Laeka-
' wnima and Western railroad yards at
Scraiiton in .S"(,te:iitwr, md who has
since been in the hospital at that place,
lias returned to his home at Baal
W. R LaBer will shortly start to
build a handsome laundry and dwel
ling on the lot next to the Methodist
Einacopal ciiurch on Ourtland street,
Bast Strou Istnjrg
Mrs. Minuel P. Smith, of
Btroadsbnrg, entertained a f 'w gruels,
at lar residence on Washington street
'lbe Keystone Fibro company, wine
has Wen shut down since UetOrdey
Isst for altar itions, will resume opra-
iions tomorrow morning They have
put id two blowers for columa blow
ing. After a great dal of Ironlde and ex
pense Professor Qeorge i1 Libia, of the
Normal SSbOOl, has SSTOred the re
rSOOWned leeturer. wit and orator, L
Irving Handy, who will deliver his
latest lectnre, "Tile American I lea, "in
(lie chepd of the school OSSt Mjnday
evening, April 30
A game of base ball will be played
nil Sutur lay af ternOOO o'i tue campus
between the second team of tho nor
mal school an I a nine from Last
stroudsburg. (iama will 1st called at
8 Da 111
Pro!esir Ksnlfinan has r""ivsl an
invitation to liehrer the Mem ,nul Diy
address at Millerttmrg.
'l'lie nuiuiwr of normal school tn-
iente era nesring the 600 mark. Toe
total membership to date is 08
A class of young men for system ui
Blbii study wiil be formed on Satur
day Mrs BehOOOOrer, of Hsllefonte, was
visiliug friends at the school lost week
' a aaaaa
Two Meet Saved.
Mr. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City,
III., was told by her doOton she had Con
sumption and that there was no ti ipe f Of
her, but two Isittl" I)r King's New li-
rovery rotiipletnly cured her and he says
it saved her life. Mr. T1i.hi. Kggers, X
Florida Sl San Frnclco, suffere I from a
dreedfnl cold, approaching Coneamption,
tiled Without result everything ele then
m.nght one bottle of Dr. King's Nw Ills
rovery and in two w.ssks was cured. He
is naturally thanxfiil. It is such results
of which these are examples, that prove
the wonderful eftlcacv of this meiticiue in
Oongha ami Colds nee trlelt. bottles at
Matthews Rros,, lirug store. Regular size
WJc. and tl.
priceburg PcN Pictures.
Brlsf r.evUw of Current Ev.nts tf Gn
arat Interest.
f-jmal tit the Scrantuti 7V.'Auas.
PBI0BBUBO, P.i., April W, I he rill
range will open on Tuesday for nrac
tlce. Four smart boys will find ein
ployiueut at the range on that dar,aud'
if satisfactory their services will be re
quired uutil the end of the season.
K. S Edmonds, of Scranton, regis
tared at the Central on Saturday
Hev C. H. Higginson and wife wilf
leave this morning to attend the con
ference of tno ministers and laity of
the Primitive .Methodiut ehuruh nt
Tno teachers Bnd pupils of No. 1
school bonse observed Arbor Diy by
planting five promising shad trees in
front of the new school building.
John N. Snyder has announced Mm
n candidate iih delegate to the ounnty
convention. Will Sears and Thomas
King are candidates also. All three
ure staunch Republicans and are de
serving of the support of nil whom
they have assisted politically.
The stone work on the new Presby
terian ohnroh in Dickson is almost com
pleted. The carpenters will commence
operations this week
The new livery firm of Meehan A
Langnn nro doing a rushing business.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. John Higgins,
of Main street, on Saturday, n girl.
J. D. Lloyd, of the Central, has
placed some reclining chairs on his
shady porch for the comfort of Ml
many friends.
Miss Annie Williams, of Nunticoke,
ia visiting relatives in Diekson.
Ruinous Cut in In Pries of Blorclss.
Arrest of M".j r McKinlsv.
liecfrtf to the Scrantmi Tribune.
Honksdalk, Ph., April 21). Some
few days ago a negro and a white com
panion rode through Honeadule on bi
cycles. They attracted considerable
attention as they passed through town
and atarted down the towpath of the
Dslaware and Hudson canal. Detweeu
Hawley and Lackawaxen one of them
was thrown and broke bis wheel, which
he soon disposo 1 of to a boatman for
1150, His companion sold his machine
for !?1 50. It was soon learned that tho
wheels wore stolen from Scranton. The
thieves wero arrested, but the bicvcle
began to change hands. Today I Iffloet
Brown Htarted out iu senrch of tho lost
bicycles, whieh are j jurusying ou the
About I 80 Saturday afternoon n man
from L'ike Ariel, commonly known as
Major Mckinley, came up Main street
attired in h very gaudy clown's suit,
lie was in an intoxicated condition and
his attire was evidently the work of
soma practical jokers. W'uiln standitiK
In front of Dodge'ti Hardware store sur
rounded by a crowd, some one pulled
blm over Ho fell and waa unable to
recover himself, and was carried in the
hardware store overcome by drink.
Officers Smith and iosser put him iu
a cart and drove to the lockup. Tin
man's foolish attire made Mm a con
pisnoni object, and circus for the
small boy.
i atv
The FvealMUtlea ef an Old Berean Oaeel
the Many New t'srs
ThnntlHsnHrmnf old fnrnitnroln fur
niahlngthe home has not reoeivedtfaal at
tenti in to which ssnmensnnof eoonoiny
it is entitled. Impossibilities Of nil old
nhest of drswen that bus ontlasted its
usefulness as such have sis mingly re
It AI I. St',T MAlit IT.OM lintttAU.
nialni'd uridisi nvi risl to many pSKSOtsI
While the new cm s tu which it can !
pnf are manifold ooofdlog to Dsoorntor
nml Furnish. r, spin-.' will only rmit
thw rmodnetion of one "f 11m moil use-
fnl A'vi ry good hall seat may ! fa-h
ioned fMcs any ordinnry bawtn One
rsoentlr mnde was from one of thorn
swell frmit affairs h familiar in New
England le ne-s i if tie past, but of coutV'
any rdmibtr shajs- or pattern would
sqnslly fitting.
Tu make the Bhangs it is necessary to
MMWt the DppOT drawers, upholstering
the ipnOS 1. ft tin Pebj s-nl, sides and
book The flat top i f the bureau of rotipM'
will not be nspiin-d as ndt and can 1
ntilised as a seel by cutting tothepsnper
size and muling in place. Tho cushion
nmy Is-ri niuviible and can be n.venal
with denim, jute, velonr ot oordsrrcs to
Suit one's pUPte The bll.Jt lUid ie
should ! padded, covering with the
same inuli rial M Ottshlon. Finish tin
t.ig.- in-ativ with gimp of suitable color
or '-mall brass besded nails.
Bhonld the wood is- dark ntahosjiny
any of the shades ot denim now offend
will anewer admirably, nml the pillows
nml I'dsti ra, if iisisl, iimy !
to advantage with ontllns designs. The
SB ' atia.ti of using mi humble it mate
rial BS denim iswiihaviewtoecmumy
Mure costly m tl. may Im' t inplovtsl
w in n dsstfi i
A vi n b.iml-inie little settle may Is'
fit ted Up ill n pal lor ill much th. sain.
Keep tin- PlSUM In 1'
At the pr. -. nt day then is a pi ano in
nearly every homai t ut probably not
one third of ih M Instruments are k. pt
in tune. Even peopk who have go I
InsBrtnnents ofb nnogleol thai moat Im pun. ths keeping of tin m In
plging oondition. Children are often
expsi t' d ton si l Ice npon an tnatmmenl
which would drive a person with s
nmsioal ear to madnaas if obliged tolls
tt ii tn it ev. rj A ly, And yet some par
ei.Ls say, "Wethooght this instrument
would do to begin with." wimt ii be
ginning! I'm a eaqs nter dtt g'l work
with pisir tiii.' Bnpuoss in uring the
foundation of a building the mason
should say, "Any kind of material will
do to begin II i" What sort of a
building would . aexpeoi Mm tobuildl
Not livery -no ono surely. Par
elite, if yon want ymir children to be
come n ally murioal ohiidren, give them
u p.ssl InStrnmeJit that is in gmsl tune
and order to is gin with and then keep
it six.
CeverlaB I or Kltehee I itsmt.
Housekeepers who do tin ir own work
Will And tlie old fashioned rag carpet
more OomfbrtabU than any other kind
of floor Covering, SS tho strips can be
taken up, shaken nml aired frequently.
Oilcloth, if a goisl quality is m-hrted,
is both in nt mid durable, but it lias long
since Iss'ii discarded mi offices booeUSS it
v.i- injurious to the (set, i ;V , i'i:
cramps and rheumatic nffectiona. When
used for n kitchen floor, mats or strips
of carpi t should be provided to ceercouie
this very serious olrjectioti. In (denning
oilcloth use tepid water nml u soft cloth.
Wipo perfectly dry, for if water is ul
lowed to Stand upon the tdoth it will bo
destroyed in a short time.
Chest Pains
Short breath, palpita-
lion, weak and sore
lungs, pleurisy, coughs,
col !s, asthma and bron
chitis relieved in Ottg
MlNt'TE by the CUTf
Anti-Pain Plastkk, the first and
instantaneous pain-killing plaster.
For weak, painful kidneys, back ache,
uterine pains and weakness, it is simply
Wonderful. UltMSflSMUIS,
nnd hence cures nervous pains and mus
cular weakness when all others fail.
Price: asc: five, $i.uo. At all dmiigiitaor by
mail. IV. lis I'i .. a.-.u Cm m CSMai UwsUhu
f )
Amy Ik.
Tlie NcwejjJ Costumes Inelado the Square
Divided Sklit l'opiilur A lining Freuch Cy
clists The Whole Skirt Is Favored by
Ever Hinco women begun to ridowhat
to wear While cycling has been ft much
discussed question. Tho bicycle toilet
must bo attractive as well n-s sensible,
for my lady desires to be as becomingly
( lad when mounted on her wijtfel as she
is when playing tennis or dancing in tho
ballroom. Tho simplest walking skirt,
accompanied by the usual complement
of petticoats, seriously interferes with
the wearer's movements and thus great
ly diminishes the pleasure and benefit
of wheeling. Were women all of ono
mind and that mind a thoroughly prac
tical one thoskirtcdeyi ling toilet would
be entirely abandoned in favor of the
Syrian or sumo other ooRtune that con
sists of voluminous trousers and a
blouse, already accepted by Frenchwom
en. American women, as urule, object
tuthti trousers or divided skirt as tin -
feminine, and for this clam have been
designed some very pretty if not quite
convenient costumes.
Among the most suitable textiles for
feminine cycling costumes are twilled
flannel, storm serge, cheviot; diagonal,
it rv i i"oi cosi i mi s.
ladies' olotb, covert cloth mid triad in
unobtrusive tones, siii h w navy blue and
dm k shades of brown, gray nnd green.
Covert cloth nml trie' x m- rather heavy,
but strong fabrics are necossary for such
r mghwi iir The blouse may Is- made of
material that contrasts with that in the
skirt or tmiiserx, china silk, silk flan
tn 1, OOttOO ch. viot and light teltUMkl
woolsns is ing admired, but the colon
should u.qni.t nml serriosabln Pen. atfa
the COStums may 1. Worn full j. r.v y
fights, which are n combination of
truUM r-. and -t.- kings. Tln-sa' render nn
dsnkirts nnneoBBBsry! w inch is a very
Important jsdnt, since the i vi list's gar
nn ntsshntild l. a few attl weigh as lit
tle as is pfmpttlblf with comfort and a
ci.rT.s f rijip. aruiiee.
LoW, brisui tisl Incisil ihora of soft
leather, with felt, OURUgatad nibU'r or
leather solea, an. must rsunfortable, as
they allow free morsuieptof the anklea
la ggings or giutirs may ! won with
them nml preferably match the suit, us
it Is ttesll Slllll to have the foOtgBW na
smart as tKtrible, Th.- hand oorering is
gem-rally limit. si to cap and ii'piiie
The v. ry i. it. -t id. i in wheeling at
tire is ths smt oompaasd of a divided
skirt and want. This cliid.s skirt is
I Jr lmS
tiik gntia djvunui skiut.
designad f r misses ami little girts as
Well as ladies and may fall to just Is lnw
the or to the tops of ordinary
sins. The DeliM Star, authority for the
foregoing, tllnstrates n natty suit for
misses ci impriMiign skirt ami ls.x plait, d
blouse and made in dark mixed gray
cheviot. Another desirable suit, illus
trated and desciila d by the s.uii' author
ity, e ui-iets of a circular skirt, a blazer
mid a silk blouse wnist.
Stj i. . in paraasa
The pivvniling style of pivtotitonnaia
fornlm'y't ass has a tendency toward
the square in -li.qs being slightly Imig,
und it can Is' found in many different
sii -, the most favored Is ling the one
that is sufficiently large to hold the vis
iting card It is without visible clasp,
folding, as it diss, through the center,
but mi inside compartment is securely
fastened w ith a tiny strap or catch. A
smaller purse comes with a curved flap
ornamented in silver, which is secured
on t be 1 intsids
Watch your Weight
If you arc losing flesh your
system is drawitiR on your
latent strenKth. Something
is wrong. Take
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil,
to give your system its need
ed strength and restore your
healthy weight. Physicians,
the world over, endorse it.
Don't he deceived by Substitutes!
Preparea by Scott 4 Howno, N. Y. AIIDraniat.
i Wm
n m m
C v
Wnu Johnson
Normanvlllc, 1'a.
Injured While Coasting
Impure Blood Asserts Itself
But Hood's Sr9parllla Cures the
Disease and Restores Health.
"C. I. II nod & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"DorlDI the whiter of 187, 1 was Injured on
one Hub "Vblls a HUtltlf, It did not trouhle me
mup'i st Or.n, but sunn liscnine more painful, my
strength hewn to tfSetbMaBd I OOUld not rest at
Blht 1 was attatniisd by several tllflcrent doo
tors hut all failsil to clink the trouble ami I
grew raphlly WurSS, Kiu ly In lsw hail to use
erutOhSS anil my health was very iiimr, having
lost my appetite SBd bslog reiluce.l In flesh. In
tlie tall ul Uai I had to Uks to my bed ami
It was tiwUfbt
I Would Hot Llvo
until iprlag, baring all this time I hail tried
many dlflerent BSdlSllMS but did get relief. In
the MSsntllBS to lv me relief, the several
blUKllSI anmnd my knee were laneed and later
every eSort uade to heal tha runslnf sortt but
all in vain. Then It was, while SonlBSd U tuy
bed last spring, that my father, hstinv read
Mush about tbS meats .if lliwd's Sarsajisrllla,
desided to have rns glvn It a trial. 1 have taken
II reifularly. ush1(( near) ten bottles. All ths
sores but two arn healed and these are uesrly
eii. i hate tbrownaway rayerutebai ai I can
walk, f i to School and do some wurk. I ham
a oni anps'U" and ri ..! health and
ha tBcreued In weight very niuch. Uoed s
Sarsaparilla has been a Meeting to ine " Wlla
latutjomfBON, RonBanvflla,nBasyhraaUi I
Hood's Pills are the btsl buatl) athartlc,
fei.Ue and eBertlte. Tr a boa rents.
Dr. EX Grower
Th Ptillidflphli . psfidiist,
And tea aaaxuta.) ,i.,rr,,f rncll-h a-i I rw
B an I'LialvlaiAsr nut uriuaoajuUj lucll
Temple Coon Building
.11 1 BPftDt H sr
Wtittr lla. ui.y ba . i MltBl t'All.Y AND
'I M a.
Tt Doej r la a ral.:u ol tn 1'i.lrorsitr
tf IVon.rlT.alv lurmsflr da-menalratir ot
l yaii.l.ijrr and nrfit st th MfdlaJO-C'lUr
" "al ColkgOaOl Vi.iia,iri i,u IU la also
I r -i.. !-r i.f Ida Medi.ol hiror
k-ai Aae . lal' .n. . m kvaieuo anil
awoa it, etn.f nf th imt r..t-l Amrien
sn.Ml-rman l. ; itala. ramati hlarMr lnd .ra
tf. ,h;.'"a'll'IIJ e faorsuf I'ii.TtvUlpbl aul
bew N . rk.
Ills maef T'r nf hmrstal rtir no n
Ibles UaiS aeataont fhrslMan and anrfaaon to
r. iroeiia; diagnna an I irsai a 1 d. l rm t a
and diaaaan with th m.vt flaltarlnt sure,
and hta la.b staadtae m tha atan. will but
ail w h'ni o aeetd anv liirniabl"
MlSt 'MM I. 1(1 - I HI. I II
WBSHMKM 01 MM m. sii n ( I i;l n
If yon hav ien aiv.-n sj ry your i-hMl
Can rail noo IBs d.- tor and t eismiiiftt
Ilenra its ,...t . aa.-of Ssrv uiali. ty.
Srr.ifuiiv I'ld hira i starrh, lllss. Npala
sti"aS. Arf'tl :a nf Iba K..r l.v- N .a
scd Tbr aat, A.thina. IknafiiMt. Inm.-ri. ( o
eia and tl x-m .if Try draacr!-, I n i i
altatlnn tn r.iiatllab and Herman Kr, vhleb
hall las mualilrsl aaerad sud strwU o nrl
d.i tl.L
"no Rasiri m t a I', m
Si i. U hi. 1 1. i tn.
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
Matinient I.I. -!H . laill. ri.ll.-, for
IB l ompStellOV of th Cllrrviiry.
Ill -HI 111 I s.
i "t nt,sta,B4e
llarrdralla n7
I sited Stoles ii la si. .eoi.
Oil. a. II. mils US, . ; s
Honblai Hon... SB.01 1
rren.liiina ..ul. s Itonds.... B4S
Do frees Da B rroaaerot T.BBO
I Hi frelll ItHl.W s 70S 41.1
aaii in, ase
I I Kill ITII S.
Capital even ono no a '.'In ono 00
t'nillvl.lrd I'mnia B6 18S.OS
t iroelattoa
Dlvldeeds I .ai.l aai .io
llrpiialta.' I, Mil mm ,-,
Dae to iia.iiia SB, sea. 50
a. bob, Bsn so
II I l IMCOMMKLta Prooldeal
01 as II (III IN. loo-rrealdentV
Hill I kU II II I K, I kohloi
miu i runs
William Cenaoll, Ooorejo n. Caslla,
Allied Hand. .Iiin.ea Anlil.ild, Hinry
BollB, Jr., kino...,, T. - i,. Luther
This lisnk offera j denoalfors every
I ft a-1 1 1 1 v warranted by their liiilnuvea, Imai
naa and responali.lllty.
Bpeelal atlenUoa rlvea to bosloeos ao-
OOllUta. Interest ii l, lime ili'i.oaita.
Complexion Pressrved
Removes Freoklsi, Plmplst
Liver Mohn, Blaelthoade,
Sunburn ami Tin, aud re-
stores tho skin to Its rt-;-nnl
BBBbaflaa producing a
clear and bealihv com-H
. . , . ... . , ,, ri
; . : .. ' 1 1 loan men
preparations and perfectly hsrmlcss. At all
tirugglits,or mailed for SOets. Scud lor Circular.
VIOLA 8KIN 80AP l alinrJy InnaaparahU u a
thin piirlMnt Soap, umiuaVsl (Sr Uia I no, and arllfaont a
rival a tno nurarry, AMSMap jura ami jcUkatalv nwll
wiad. Ai draiKiit., Prloe 2i Cants.
G. C. BITTNERa. COa.Tct.Eoo.O.
For salo by Matthews Bros.,Horgsiillros.and
Morgan & Co.
S I 1 , . 1 s
. . B
EverythmgFOR Everybody
The Fair
400402 Lacka Ave.
"Always the Cheapest"
Dry Goods, Ladies and
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Notions, Taney Goods,
Infants Wear, Cloaks,
Curtains, Boys' Clothing,
Boots and Shoes, etc.
We will have lively times in our STORE
MONDAY, APRIL 30. Every twentieth cus
tomer will receive his or hsr entire purchase
Free of Charge
Last Monday 1,286 purchases were made
in our store; if the same number are made
thi3 time, it will result in sixty purchases be
ing given away during the day.
Japanese Rugs
Hand-woven Carpets and Rugs
30x60 inches, $1.75.
Smyrna Rugs All Sizes
406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave.
With an Eye
To secure more patronage, in addition to
our already extensive trade, we have de
cided to inaugurate the following Gift
Distril ution to all purchasers of
Worth of Goods
or over.
dC A Worth of Goods
taPstU or over.
with EVERY
Parlor Suit
This advertisement must be presented
in order to secure the above gifts. This
GIFT DISTRIBUTION hold good for cash or credit
sales. Goods delivered free everywhere.
9x12 feet, $15.00.
Coat Hooks
Towel Racks
Card Tables
Brass Tables
Music Racks
Umbrella Stand3
Rogers' Groups
Curtain Poles
Picture Hooks
Brass Tacks
Stair Buttons
Bead Portieres
Bamboo Curtains
Step Chairs
Blacking Boxes
A (lift of a loo piece Dinner Set.
j Kift 0f an Eleganl American
Onyx Finish Clock.
I A line fruit subject in jAntiijtio
Oak nnd (iolil Frame.
I A Bute! in Ivory and Cold, Em
; pire Frame; soincthino; new.
A heavy pair of Gtasnille Portierei
in all colors.