THE SCRANTON tBIBTJNB-JtfON'iUY MORNING APRIL 30. 1894. CHAPTER XXVH. Onclo Bun bad starred ont bravely enough, luit after ho hail traveled a mile or so he found himself growing faint and tveali, He was not only an old man, but the exciting scenes through which he had passed in tho lost lew hours, to gether with tho physical pain ho had endured, were quite sufficient to tax his strength to tho utmost, ilo foogbt against the feeling until at length the roekrt and trees seemed to ho whirling round and nmnd and the froten high way to he sliding from under his f( i it, and then ho dropped to tho earth and gaspod : "0 Lawd, doau' let it cum jest yit! Oive do ole man strength 'nulT to reach den Yankees, an den yo' kin tako him away! I dun can't step yire, 0 Lawdl I'ze got to keep trahbliM till I finds Man Custer an tella him dat Miss Bonsbine warts him!" After a rest of three or four minutes ho rose up and moved on. He slipped and staggered as he advanc d, hut he shut his teeth hard and would not J i Id to the wealtm n Making l'1 pull bin down. Two event happened to brace him up and restore a portion of his strength. He had gone a distance of boat two niles and was just passing the cabin of a "pcor white" which had been deserted for tho last month win n Mrs. Baxter suddenly appeared. She had traveled two miles toward the Yan kee lines after leaving Beat Haven in stead of going the other way, but it was to strike a pn.-s leading over the range int.i tiio Sbaaandoab. h bad been waiting than to hopes to heat from iko, who had tnid her t!...: lie wodld return tor his reveage, Unole Hen was no doubt pocsessid of the information she I Dged for, and though realizing bis feelings toward her She mado held to tap ont and accost him. "What, yo' yet!" tbonted the old man at the to;i of his voire as soon as he net eyis on her. "FV do Lawd. wom an, but if 1 eher git hands on yo' 1 II kill yo" fur shorel'' "Had ike cum when jro left tho placer" she asked, pretending Dot to 'i' tice bin outburst of anger, I ;t at the same time preserving a nsp-ctful dis tance bt tweell thelu. "Yo' ole cat! Yo' oie s'u I debl 111" he uAL-laimtd as ho ruhedat her. "Yo am de one who brang all dis trnbbla to Miss .Sunshine, an I'll broke ebery bono in yo'r body!" She retreated before him and held up cer hand as a caution to him to listen, The soldiers und guerrillas had begun firing on tbt canp. Tho distance was two miles or aoie, but tho morning wind was blowing from tho south, and the, reports of the muskets ramo plainly to their ears. Both realized at once what was going on. The woman laughed as she observed : "Ike'c goin to git 'em fur ihOT ! Iks trill be au ossifcr now and ride the b I fritter in tho company. Reckon yo' tiiust 'a' bin bldin out when Ike thar, or yo' wouldn't I" yrre now. li' was pom to burn yu' uu alive. Tho reports of the guns told Uncle Ben that the two men in camp ba t been attacked, and th it ho had net a mo ment to waste with the woman. All his strength, and resolution had returned, and without needing her words bo start ed off at a stout pacu. iho felt certain of his mission, and tho was determined to detain him if po.-sibl". .Mrs. Baxter was not ''lily a fetrlSBS woman under all rdrcu instances, but in such crisis SS this sbfl was desperate. If (Tnols Bi u brought help, all that had been gained would bo lust, nnd Iko might bo killed or captured with tho rest of tho gang. riie stepped asido to 1st tho old slave pass and th"n followed at his In i Is, threatening, taauting and commanding by turns and almost daring to lay hands mi him. If 6ho had been armed with knife or pistol, she would have attacked him at once. As sbo WW not she con tinned to follow him in hopes of in countering some one on tho highway. If a white man, and she cried out to him that the black bad dared to raise his hand against hur, Uncle Ben would bo seized, if not shot down in his track. Aggravated and annoyed by the pain of the blows Inflicted by Ike Baxter, maddened by the woman's words nnd her continued presence and rendered desperuto by tho danger of tho general situation, it was DOWOOdi ( the "Id man suddenly turned at bay with tho glare of a hunted wolf iii bis eyca. She was too close to him to escape. Springing forward, he seized her by the sbonldi i . lifted her from tho ground, and with a mighty effort ho Hung hi r i lew of the road. At that point the gYoanfl I sharply away toward a ravine, and BS tho woman struck tho earth with stun ning force she rolled over and over un til she finally brought up against a bush 50 feet away. "De Lawd forgive me, butlconldn t dnn help it!" groaned Undo Ben sa be continued his way. " Bey 's alter Miss Sunshine, an day's arter me, an dej s itrter Mars Kenton, an do good ole mis sus am lyin dead in de boUSS, an what's gWtne to becum of ns all I dunno!" With eyes fastened on the pathway, With teeth hard shut, with words of player rising to his lips and n constant struggle against tho feeling of despair seeking a lodgment In his heart, the faithful old slave pressed on, mile after mile, and suddenly found himself confronted by a party of horsemen in blue uniforms. The goal had been won, and as he realized it up went went his arms, and he sanlr down on the icy road. "Runaway darky, but ho isn't pur sued that I eau tee, " observed tho cap tain of tho troop us he ordered halt. "Somo of you men liven him up with a sip of whisky." A Bergeant dismounted and put a flask to Undo Ben's lips and forced atunu of the contents down his throat. In a couplo of minutes the old man sat up und looked nroiind. "Wero you running away'r" asked the captain as liy rode closer. " Whar whar's Mats Cottar?" gasp ad Uncle- Ben in itioly. Chafes )i.Wi5 ff.quAOM I CopyKjhtci) its Br amchicn pacss association. '"General Custer? Oh, he's some miles away. Bid you want to see him':' ' "Miss Sunshine dun wants him, sah wants him to cum quick! De gorril las an de sojen am op dar tryto to burn de house an kill eberybody!" Uncle Ben whs so overcome that it took 10 minutes to get his story straight. Tho troopers numbered only about half a company and had been sent out to in tercept a Confederate mail courier who was expected to enter that valley through Hempstead's gap, tbree allies Way. The captain wrote a note and sent it oit to tho Federal linee by cou rier, imt could du no more in the matti r. Uncle Bi n was giveb some rations to make breakfas t of, provided with a blanket by a kind hearted trooper and instructed to wait lor the force which would he sure to come up within two or three hours. Let us anticipate their coming. As the fusillade had drawn no reply from the fort, the enemy at length concluded that its defenders bad been disabled. They also realised that the sounds of battle might reach Federal ears aud bring up a force to the rescue, and it was therefore decided to advance upon Die camp wltboat farther loss of time. As Drayton had predicted, they funned on the open ground to the south, The entire force formed in two lines tor a charge, mid as a movement or two showed that they weie about ready to Bteve quietly remarked: '1 dannowhar Jefl Davis fought this yere carbine, imt it was a nighty cute trick in bin. She s good for seven shots a fail a-1 kin pull trigger, and that means 'hat sumbody 'flgoin to git hurt. Yo' uu hold yo'r buckshot till tin y git on this side of that bush How yo feel in, Yank?" "All right." "Of co 'so jo' . Yo' ar' lookiu jest as natural uimi OH hat! Ytre they cum!" With a chorus of yells that would have done credit te a war pasty uf Paw nees, the enemy broke cover and ad vanci d at a run. Tle y were hardly in the open before Bteve ' gnu biasing away. His tire was fast aud deadly, but it did Dotobecklhetn. It was only Wh u Kenton, who was coolly waiting for them to pass the I nab, let By b th bom Is into them ut jrut the right range for buckshot to do its boot that the c a irge wa- ! r. :i. ami every man on his li 1 1 . ught r-.if. ty in precipitate re treat. "That is awful!" whispered Kenton as the smoke blew away and gave them u ch ar sigLt of the ground. "Lands, l ilt we tins hV lirk"d th" bnll southern confederacy!" aaawsred Bteve, At tir-t sight it sei!ied si if half the charging force had been wiped out. but after a moment some of tho who had falh n began to CTOep away to the shelter of the rocks and bnshes. Tiny were allowed to do this without moli -tation. Five remained there in plain fight, however, and not ono of then weald ever stand on his feet again. There was no farther movement for half an hour. The besitgsn NaUted that they wero not stro.ig enough t carry that lort, even though It lit Id ouly two s l Holding; dc fort. defenders, and they rsoortod to strategy. A flag of trnoe finally fppi ared, ami the soldier who b'ro Itwas permitted to approach within 80 fl l of tho rocks. Tin re ho milted and ennl that lUmoro man bad come up; that Ike Baxter bod been sent olf to the Confederate lines for artillery aud more Soldiers; that tho men then surrounding them had become so desperate that unlets the twain snr rendered within 10 minutes a squad would bo detailed to go and burn iioat Haven ami wreak revenge on Marias P rcy. It was a threat intended to strike Royal Kenton a heavy blow, and it suc ceeded. As be heard tho words and re alized their import his face grew white as snow, and be win- pi ted to Steve that the terms linn-t be complied with. "Don't yon belieVe it!" waa the blunt reply, "'It's simply a game to rattle us. Don't yo' remember that L nclo Ben was to start out th fu-t Uhg this ngwnin to Bnd tho Yankeee! Be un'i had time, and it's likely they are en the way. The gal is southern a id loyal, ami even though sum of these chaps ar' guerrillas they dotn't go that fur." "Rut suppose they dared to?" pleaded Kenton. "Then they'd do it arter they bad cut us to pieces, the same as Lefo'. Look at them dead folks out thar. D'ye reckon they'll spare us arter that.' llarkl Whoopee I By the llvin jingo, but the Yanks bev showed up at lost!" To BS rjOMTMUID, roiaonlnc from I ly Ilit'a, A r.iaa eane under my obsSTOtlOfl in August, ltM, Inimediutcly after my re tiiuval to KokoinlSi His. There I wit (uiioil to see a yonaa butehef, sufToriiii; Jiijin a swollen arm, liiuli (STN nnd severe symptoms of dupiWisloa, Thb Is ttit hislsry of this; i'lireo days previously lie liiid been workiu H'illi liaronrnisanionB tlio rnbliiHli at'.-la'.ibtor house, when all nt. onen a who) ivarni of flies ulinhtoil on his arm llieii iVhii li had lieen fev,lnin on thu iMnaS and refuse gonurally found in such places. In drivitiK (hem off his arm ho crushed n number of them, aud forgot thu fact until three days lHter, when his firm became, ' tv'C' etPflt , I!,r rM.. ,.ii ,l i v. : ' m BaroofkB Without any visible cause, painful and swollen, causing a most- serious illness, lu this cosu I could nut provout suppuration, although 1 1. i the most rigid antiseptio measures and most careful internal treat ment, and he recovered only after a very protracted illness Dr. Henry Bmlensin Hall's Journal ot Health. WELL STRAPPED IN. Why the Ronnd Waist Continues Popnlai Willi Wniiiru Wearers. Tho nond waist promise to continue in favor and lo he OStd not only fur thin sum mer goods, but fur street toilets made up in heavier material, Duly a slender waist can hear the tiiiit belt confining a' gathered bodiee, but hs loug as gowns ore made in two pieces so long will I lie tilth t belt bold its own Hud ht Worn by the mass of women, irrespective of their siiee. From an artistic M!.K SIMKH' ( o-l! Ml . point of view, the loose, dropping girdle li Infinitely preferable, bring more natural, bat il i au be worn only with the one part gown, i be general nubile of today, however, li not particularly itri ixtic. The famlnini part of it ttksetotssl it. elf well itropped in ami consmttobly boiler plslrd, while lh niaaculuie part nppruvi-s tie iu.Ioiu at "OSOt" and having "go," SO the round waist iv.or nsthMins It appeared, and It SSSmS to uilfUil lo r, mmum. the only alterootivs of tliu long coat, which is rather n.ore furiual ti. su'.iel ,.) ni'.i. lor middle OOnd 'iud eldrrly women, si though BOteeoflaed to llrm. There Is u JuveoUeair about t be u-itrd Hod lot, iuni Lolody w ho Inue lonurr J oUiig C n, well lo wasr it Nsorls n tbs pkrtr sjlk waists art- mads ill tills fashion, altbouKb in trim luing and r.iiikti they buw kiicb variety, The round gathered bodiee Is "f cour mode over a fitted lining in all oases, as it otherwise becomes bagg? and ihspslnss. The gn-at. objection lo this mule lies hi thi dMBi ulty txperltnead in prreniiag tbs fl ten tug of the kkirt froiu dipping below the lx4t Nobody ba. yet inventetl an mini llhln insthnd fm tiepliig It In plans, and it is doubtful U uuy kirt can be persuaded lo stay np by ny means short of a lining waist ...el! on the ekirt bond all the w .;, annual and fastened 111 the back, the dieas l slice to be worn over It. A Parisian model Li h a Ktreet i oMume nadsotgroy psaadeseta, It hana perfectly plain round skirt ami a round bodice gath ered at Ibe walut under a belt closing in front with alargosteel hoi iu- ltjeieevi. Consisting of a hWgS balloon puff, gathered ori the middle of the outside Of the arm tin dsr a nuiette of the tllk. extend only to tbs elbnw, arhers they met by long a A ilinctoire irnrat In white silk In ml in trimmed with lace f.iu over toe Id al of the loiivie. A Hule black hat triiiiinrd wits otrleh pluinn. It worn. j i I'tc Cnoun, mtisa Biliouane&t. criiKH Biliousness. i urm Biliousness. win 1 1 1 7 lllrprl I'rimf afV wlfa ha h.-..n tronblfcl ! Pal ier a Aft. r of your J II II.t. 'ba la a! it tatlryl) w,.i We tm.y jmuaii. 1 your m."lauiM (Ooai.a w. siMwu, UoDto,,r, Wii.Luus On . ii Indap i ka J - " i i ' i i. Mctn of BI iUD 0 HINDOO R3MKD i ItMM T In IO UAT ' . DIt1tSi Itnii. nic. rnunowl t Cast N-i e statwi ad t raaia Bl-l Hi'Js t" af-pink!! "fr-ti nil n'ilfk.r ot mini raTturt ! I net Muti Statu J I $ IU I i f ftfT i-' t . ... t Pi m l vu .;( rUxfw r nrUle-N aratntntfet sj vmrm r weesef rfn4'e. I Ut fi.v -intM in -4 I dr iritet i '"if Bj (ti''-i(h a lnniat n ing l.N t I if li totwi 11 tier lit a Hot MtU. w will id (t i( rttnM Uoii h Map' ffpnM. I'arttli'tlcl ut l nvKie (rc AoflrMI Or 'ial Vrslii aiM . Ir-ns. , lir, 111., er oar oxra'a. OI D t'V MmIi!w BtM , Whu!rale MXl H i ..I I)tnftitt, SCRAM UN, FA., ni otUi Lead InK 1 1 1 i' , ' Every Woma. Sonstha a needs a nil sbls monthly In medicine. Dr. PEAL'S TEH N ROYAL PILLS, aafe n.rtnln In renlt. Tb" H'" Dr. Paal'i' nrv- . vntany Nelatsi .na u. Poll by John a PHKLPd PharoMslst rnrnnr W Jutnlorf ;. vt-noe aid SprtlOS trot Seriint"a. I'n- DUPONT'S MiNiNa, BLASTOfQ ami BPOBTUIQ POWDER UanufnetUfed (it lliu Wnpw ill-in Mill l.u- mi aoenty Vn.. saa nt wii- iuIiikIou, Hil.ii. ara. HENRY BELIfM, Jr. Ocneral Aciit for tlio Wyoming District, III Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa. Third NtitlotKi! lUak llulldlu AOSKOtSE ',yt(lH. roT(D, I'll nt ii. Ta. JuII.N 11 HIITUS(iN;l'lymonlh. Ps. K W. MliL,l.lUA. Wilkes-Haire, I'a. Aireuts for tbe ltejiauao Ctiuiulual Com- tear's iiixu l.m.i.n ., lib li O, T"0' cur.. .nMvLvy What is Custoria is Dr. Si.muel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It caatnins neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, aud Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverlshnesn, Castprla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, euros Diarrhoea und Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething trot?!lcs, cures constipation nnd flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria U the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "PastorH Is in IXOeUetlt BMdMaS ftr ctill dr'n. Moth' ts liave r;ieaie.!lv toiu lueot U gocJ cUYct iijio.i ihttlr ebililrpn." Da, l. ('. Ooonn, Leeell, Haas " OaStnia in the Uoi remedy fcr chlluren of which 1 am aiijuoln'ed. 1 hope the day la tint far distant w hen m others will onniW'irthe real luten et of their chOd ran, and un Caatnrla in Iteud of the various iiaek nontrumaa htcharo deftroylni; th' 'r loved mi s, l,y foivlni; opium, mori'lune, ao.'th)t mnip and othff hurtful agents down tin ir Ihroat.i, tber. i y MOdlBg them to iiTUiatiire grre," Da. J. F. KnNSDBrOa, I'uuwa, Ait. The CVntnur Cnmp i iy It BK ITTa 1 ADWAY'8 READY RELIEF. I oH IM .H A I. ASI EXtKBXAL I IS. In eelna tsedlela a to iton t.ain m abo'.i'.d ee.dd au,h lattlol injury uu th,' yl,iu. (plum. MorsStne, (M.rufonn Bther. Co alne and I bloral atop j am l.y dselfarlaf th. eua. of pet nepltes. th. patl.ut ISMBg the p iwef "' rVehng; This la a rout destruo. tlv. jirati'. i" BUeSS tha .ympiom.. alut. op. an L laaiead f rem rtnf irobl. lrMk. d'Wn tbastom.'' , llvar and ' or' i, S .I. f C '3 tlon.d In f'.r a l"ntfth ut time. Ill the r. . I i i mil produce. ,o.aJ or (.Beral p.raly la Thera li m assssstt 1 aalng th"M unrar telli .. vSen a .U. KAl UaVs lll.Al'Y KkUI'.P will .tipthml eieru.-tattntf pa o qol 'aw witlioot eulatllns the lee.t danger In eltaer infant or adult It Inttautly stops iur uimi ,i.u-uc:n l:i allays :tdaaiination and enrea o ncet tiona. whether ut tb. l.tmia. fi'nmaeh. B i e.a, or olbar ( -iida "r mi una loembreeea T"H sflt AIN. Kltl isr.a BAOXACfll, PiiH IN THI. i Hl.-T OR Pll'rS. Ill Al ACHI TOoTtI Ai UK K AJtV (THKR I AIN a f"ir appUcatlom a t I ke raarli'.ceoe. Ini tbe pain t , Inataitlr tog. (THE AND l'HKVENTB Cos, Coughs, Sore Throat, Inflammation, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, Basel seal leas. Netwalgta, Salattea, ! tiaifi., Swell tn of the Jela ta, fains In llarlt. I liS. or Lltiil'.. Th.iapplie.tion i tba RMAD1 RtUsVtS Be pari "r pa't. where the dlfnV.iltT or pain STbrtS will all : i ' BSS Sad romfort ALL IMTBBNAL 'AIS'h fains ra BOW eu OI 1 ' 'Mil H cRA v r SI AS MSl HOUR KTOMACK, MAIKKA V(nI;IM lak s iful Of r. Malaria. Chills and Fever, Fever and Ague Conquered. Thor.-la not a ruu lial agont lu tbe wdrld tbat will Sera I' r n-I Afi anil all ..r Slalaiiuua. BlUoaaaad o bor Fxvara. l.l by R ' .I.. i :lckly at Rmlrt ij a Hcaily jsltef. Price !0c. pr battle. s,iu by Druggists. DADWAY'S n P.LLS, rnr tti. ears bI 1 1 dlsorwers ef tii, aeh, I l.i r, lltiwrla kldi,.,., llladdar.Nnr .in. Plaeaaae, tlaadaclie, I on.tlpat I. io, t'o.l ivune.M, taatSjeaslM, l.) IIIU lettaBSSe, Fevrr, Inllanunal Ion of III,. HeWa ai.. ru.'. .ml all Saraneeea eets ,l ih. in Irrnel Vlacnra Patalf s t .l.le, e -n teielMf no Defeats, mineral, or DDLS TMIOUB DBI QBi rr Ice r. n er l X Hoi' by all dnxjlKtii, or on reoefpl of in " mil bosiit n, m.,l. I iff hi t for ( Hi" Dollar. UI.W..V CO... a Warren St . N. V. MT. PLEASANT OCDJSkXse- AT BRTAIta (Vnlof 111" tiat MaUtl f ir ne,and rf allaUna. dsnfend in any part of IU city at lowest prlco. Orders lui't at ray offloe, . un, wvominq AvninrSj Bear room, flrak SOOT, fUrl National Hani, or uent b mail or loloplione to llio nun.), ivill tooelvti prompt nlt' iitftm. eeiitl c uilraelH will ln mnds for the vain and denTery or Bockwbaat coal. WM. T. SMITH. - ' tt'.l-.t.'V mi oka jo At tuu " l or Male byO, SI. IIAIlulj, DruHl.k, Castoria. " Pantrirla li r.o well adn)ited toehlldren thai I M iineiul itiwaurK'riorloanyprraeriptloD knowu lo me.'' If. A. Aiicnin, M. O., ill Ba Oxford st, Breokbjra, N. V. "Oiir phyafcllaaS In the clilMren'j ilepart nn'nt hnvo ipokea hlphly of their expert eoes in tliclr OnOridS practlre with Cast.jrla. :,! d altlioiifh we only havo anr'ng our medical a.ippllei tint known na NgnUU pcedaats,yeStMare ir, u eaafsai ihat the mrriia of Castoria, l wou ua to look with tutor upi.ii it." 1 mil. I' n: ii. IHspexaaar, Uuatoa, Attn ( SiiiTa, Prcf., Murray Street, New York City. 3 RICK 1 1 R A I X TILE, FRONT, WIRE CUT, HOLLOW, VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COMMON B R I C K Best in the market oma Birhaatoe. h.t 1 A It'UV Hrsrnlt. Ha. Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HON! & CONNELL CO, MALONEY i'anntar'iirrr, m t I) y'.rl i Burning mi o ltif.ripitlnn III I vniiiuw Un Shafting and Journal Greisa. ! Omtasl-tSl West Ltckawanna Av a --Mai nliau str'. SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. Hsrtnr setrared ibu BROBOTQ FoitnK of V I' I li, 111 iiu .V S ii (or a peiniiiiieiit lnnl Dees Hin d, 1 ali.ill ondnrt s. IsatlSo and I atholi'iiUal lim nf lor the Prevention, Ss liel sad en i f Lameaesa and other nnpedi . Hu nt, in th movea s ets i f Borses netdeatal or dna to Imperfsoi saosiag , 1 shall kim th wori. my personal ntmnti n and fnarantaa it. i eseraooatMeacepl tor ImpioTentsnt, Lama. i . ! , will lio invito I nftoriiooiit. Aires clini" and pinfoaalennl aiHiro nivon ovory iiouduy troin In ft si. JOHN HAMLIN, D. Y, S. Mtrtod in THH TBI BUN J at tho into of ONE CENT A WORD. BrandtClay ProductCo, MT JIBS RESTORED MANHOOD dr. mm hEI.YKUlNK mitsarasm'QM Snzturr a v tiaasa P I L LS ' ' r.'rvoi I ..I' nn.l -.11 . ,rnM.,lk,,iiP. of Ui" t, i i in 1 1' or, niM ol oltlier ru. . iieliaiWorveiK I roniruin ... I Jll ; Itu'urLoi-. alaiihoiMl. inHiunry,ngitly LlinlMtons.TontKiu I rrors, i M.titiil Worry, exeeliiivo "So ol 'I ot'-.i lo'or ( i liiin.wliiili lead to full-6Ut-iitioiiitiil insanity. Wei, .jr,. (j uMcr we slve u wtilten soar V ...'. .;;'', .'jV'a.'iU-.i'.'v'i"!1 s"'d ! .i-rli"y,l.ol9B ..a.a.iu ii. aa t,u. vitvciauu' vaio. 1U7 I'eun Avouue. 3 SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL .hnTvmbV ,Tn,Vf flour rBU b hii 8t nu" of th following merchants. , f tin ," 5? P TiBt ne flouk COUPON of 80 on each one hundred pounds 01 tlntu or )0 on sacli barrel of Hour. Si fiaoSl W,U,1"nt0" Taylor-audB& Co., Gold lledal; Athertoa (! m i-wsoe Dana Wahburn St. ' I'lii.t,,,. M or re ItAwl..' i . ' I II. l' eBrs4 l-rovld-uico-i Vimer tChan.lLV v.i .... Market street, i-o.J v-.i .i Braqd niyrhiit James Jordan. Saperlatlre Brand I . i.krilla-siiaIr K.Ut Supsrlattr.i .'riLyii -r. i) Wlnt..r. ,M Co s ipvra.atiee A r.-hl.aM-.l,...,. g Dips m J . . Bold Medal, arl, ,ndale-B H , OUrfc Oold Medal Brand. goeeedale-1 tf, roster Oa tioi i ttedel M.nuok.i M 11. I. . v l 1 1 . IRON and STEEL NORWAY llio i BL t( R DIAMOND TOE CALK 1 1KB M ( KIN EAT bPKINQ sol I BTEEL AN VI Li II I, I. OWN BORSE NAIL8 ii l it I Mil l SPECIAL B I NDBRtON'S BNOLISH J i SSI IP'S I NOLI8U I t B i si i El, HOME SHOES Wll.l V A. RUSSELL AND t 1 I ia Bittenbender&Co.,Scranton, boleeale auJ retml dealers' In Wairomuakers' and Blsca-smitiu' BUPPLI1!& ffwfmmwmtffmtitwmd D D p Pimples, Blotches o- PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT JptT AND POTASSIUM Makes Warvelcus Cures tin Blood Poison e Rheumatism rand Scrofula p. r. p. turilM mm fchwsl htOMn th wink n . . i otbULtateti, unci trcofih to wris-npd ntrrtM, pxpfisj rt.At.a;iTI:nf (Ue pttlDI hfaftltra'aiid ni i-iuiH whr slckOMs, g. rMnj fMllnip- i ! !a.!tQ4 dfi prrtlp. ea i n ss mej in - - , i " -A trtirj ntihim, (orM'HMi poiirilDr. memi p4i uoUoii, uiai aria, Oytptpai. m, t.t tiila. a h .r.l.ui. ar.. artlaaot p. p. P. pi Hoot and I'-'iaaaiuu. ckly Alb. Po. B pMlsTttllLP. Mo., abr. Uth. 1$ I T'Mir mHiirlns f: immj su Drrtjuoai l . iiMjfox I wusa.Tf. tMl wiUi liva t ilt hm, ptcari'.v and fr B6yiMi tftfd by thv very N t btiTsti'taus tou spent ' . : i -j " i of doih Tare! Vfrj UWL rejuieHl) Wilk tnt rwllcf. Ititn or.!? taki u linn iHttl of t. ur P. P. V., u ca I'bffkffuUjf fmy it has thu iDtnnre ?ah)1 than r.vthhi(f 1 ht raatrar taktr., imo rernintni J (Mr DuMiflue to all MsnCtr of t'n- a dot iliasMsva. M II M. M. YKAltY. fij'i ipfleM, (treuD County, Mo. eiUU444U44444UUUiUUiiU44t7 DKTTU snort (r.,i,, noo. BJC81 91M Klol. IN tue wot:i.i. ".i dollar irra It a defie etimt'l." Thl.t ssdlee Solid freaab UjnRolaliJil But loa Hoot (:'. snfwksrs 111 Uksu.a7.ea rarelet of ( 'a.h, Monty Drdw, or lot.yl Note for Sld.0. Kqnala f.ory wav th. o ft. a-M In all mull (lores fur BjLJSj We nuke thle Nwt ourselves, tberefors u p.or- 8S0m tlia,ft, nfy.V tttof teru . and If sty ono fa not utl.Or 1 We will ref ;nd I Lo money ' rond ano'.licr iiulr. Oprry Toe or OoaMni 'i Hon.e, wlillh. (.', i B, 14 KK, re. 1 to I and half lie. nt ii tint; we u tll tit you. llhuttatod I au- logua MliiiBfl Wg(TI rittL Dexter Shoe uV&M- Advertise in The Tribune. .... ' ; .. ... leiiiiHiiiiiiiMiiiciisuiitiin'riiMiiniiitigiiiiiniisiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiieuiiniiiatr Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa., April 30, 1894. j I ; Send this coupon, wit li IO cents in cash, and get four of the marvelous 1 Multichronie Art Gems by far the j greatest offer of all. as aHiiimiiiiimmiiiisiiiiiiii Irom tAe A: Y, Tribune, Kov.l,lStt. The Flour Awards "Chicago, Oct 81. Fhe first official nniionncement of World's Fair di plomas on flour has been made. A modal has been awarded by the World's Fair judces to the flour manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co., iu the great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports the flour strong and pure, and entitlea it to rank as first-class patent flour for family and bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL VI II OIKS AM-: AOF.NT KolM& vV:''. Y?.a"3 X H". Ja'-t'iryville-t hurles (ianluer, Uo.d Medal. Ilophnttotn- N. M Finn hou, (iold MedsL TobyUi.aa-T.bvha..:,. Leblga l.uiab.r Co . (.old Me-lal Brand. gonldsboro-8 a. Adams, (fold Miai Brand. M'.h ..w-liaiire tc Clelnent (iold Medsl. Lake Ariel- Jnmea A Bortree, Hold Medal. Forest City-J. L. Mori'uii & Co., Oold Muda) WAGON WHEELS AXLI S BPRINOS III HS SPOKES RIMS s i RBL SKEINS R II sI'lkLS WELLS nitos. SCREW m II i m i; and Old Sores Catarrh, Malaria and Kidney Troubles An estttfwAy MSSMVael by 1VP.P. -Prickly Ah. I'oSo Boot anj Totaa alnm, tha irr.atr.t blood purifier oa earth. O.. Sj9t,lSDL Stsnaa. Lirr.AS Bk j.. riarannah, : na.t !ia -I Nmaht a tKHtla of j . ur r t p. nt II i( riprlarv Ark. .and It ii itonome more cixxlthdn three nioirtn'trt'amaniauha !1 pirmga. Mead thrar r. iv Li. Ut'.pa. llullv your.. JAil M. RRWTUM, ' Abrrdren, Brown County, 0. S'apt. J. I). John. mo. Te ell teSm it aiiy retreei- hsre hy lesilfj toihe wonderful nrr prrtipa of P. P. P. tor erupt lon.. f th.iikiii I au(!rrHl for several rears w:tn an un alrhilyasd dlaasreeabla eruption oo , Kij f.oa. I trl".l prnry known reme dy t ut in rain, ii til p. p. p. was ued, end am now antlr.'h cured. (Sie-audbj) J, B, JOHNSTOIti f.rauaab, oa. akin t'am-r Ctirod. T(tHmey V,i ftr Of, ud, TCZ. ' o.t. u.a'i, luaily Mi il I V and fiw runtlJent th:it snniher our will rtliMit a vatc. it has also rfttiavod no frr-m iTnliTttion aud s'.otr.actl truuD!tt Vwui-a triiiy. tAPT. W. M. BUfTi Attorney at L.ivr Book on Blood Diseases m free. ALL DBOSOIfTa SELL IT. LI PPM AM BROS. rKOPRIKTOKr, l.lpiimau'. iu.ii u, i,. , irnli Hotel Waverly Fmopoan Plan. Kir.tlas. Par sttushed. 1 . poi lor liuignar l.i.g, I . i'annhiuuaar? Uocr. IE Cor, m udMets, nitius MOStdeslrabls ler roaldoiila of N'.K. TfnrA tylvstit All ror.veiiii'tifi'. lor travelers' u and iri n Broad Btreet ststi. n ami ths .wrlftlj nnd Market Ktnvt rtetion !). liraMo for visiting Seratitonlan. aud lbj. t:v m the Ai tliraelto Keglou. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. What is Moro Attractive Than a pretty faee with a fresh, bright complexion? For it, uno 1'iuzoni's Powder. Mail orders k extra.