TIIE SCR ANTON TETBTOE-rOXDAT MORNING.1 APRIL 30. 1894. 0 : 1 A Weighty Argument for the nst of the Csrlsbsd yprtvlel Bait is tlist It goes to tlio root of the disease, whilo other remedies strike Only nt the disease. Notics the distinction. For instance: Pille mid purifatives wliioli net quickly upon t tie bowels ir ritiitr n.A destroy the mucous cunts of the ttomsoh ami howuis. a oontl&rjod me of mob remediei prodooti chronic Infliutn ition of tiiH itomaoh mid bow el. Tho use of the genuine imported Osrlsbod Bprndel Silt is, therefor, hiirhly recommended because its action is due solely to its constitution at sol vent and ittmnlotlng properties, with out irritsting the ttomnoh. He sure to obtain the genuine ortiole, i'ricn, 11 por bottle; Lir: siz-?, Jl ."el. tOUCaTlUN discussed. By, the Toncliors ( mprisine; ths Ninth District In K-ystone Hsll. finsctttl fotAs Scranton Tnimne. PlTTBTOB, l'a., April 89. The ninth niiinvil Institute of the school teHcliwrn of the Ninth Lnisrne dlotrlct, which opened in Keystone hell Friday stop lng, concluded Its labors Saturday even itiK. '1 h morning and afternoon ses sions Saturday were very Intereeting !tnd wnre largely attended. The morning nation opened at i'.iM o'clock, Profess, r ISdwerd Dumber, of AToO( presiding. The institute snug "America." Proftttor Wiliam .Tones actibg at coodnotor. Professor W. W. DietrTck jjave an a rs on (ieo lraphy, Ms. anbjiot being. "Why the E rtli is Flattened at the Pole," Pro. lessor 0 H Albert, of Bloomibnrg Notmal school, was 01 :vt introduced. and spoks on "The Two Appotttoei PhyiKial and Mental," and Professor .lamns M. Congfrlin, inperinteodent of tbe WilkMBrre ashooli, spoke on "Tbooght Knowiog." At tbeoooeln Hiou of his address committees wan appointed a follows: Committee on resolutions, Agnes Morahan. Afooa; Kate M Borate, Plttston, and M.trtin Barrett, Pittatoo township, Commit tee on organiss'lon, M y KeotiOeT, Plttlton; Anna Walsh, Dnryea, and Mary O'Malley, Jenkina amxooM bbsmob. The afternoon session opened about 2 So o'clock with a dlscosslon on (iis tions submitted at the forenoon session. This war participated In by Professor's Alb- rt, Conghlln, Barrison, Stella-rood tshiei Hud was Inttrootive, animated and entertaining County Superintend' Oat Harrison tlie.i spike on I'rimarv Healing and nrged toe Importanoe of teaching, pbooios Hm addreas erokeda lengthy discussion in wbioh many member of th Institute took part, resulting in a consensus of opin ion that Hie exclusive DM Of the Word Method pr luoes unsatisfactory results. ProftSSOf Albert followed with a tlmr 011KH SgpOSlttOU o( 111- best method of tosohlng geography The committee -in organisation con sistiiiu ol Hisses May K -alinK, Anna Walsh, and Mary O'Malley mad a re port, w! ich str smuim amendments and addition! StOO I as followi Choi r man, P J. Mtnley, treasurer, Mist Kut-Htnf, secretary, Tnoin is Cow ley ; sxscntirs o immittee, lieoort Span ccr. Fslrcloogb, and ChUlagber; com mittee on music. Utssss Ifargarot Kaarnsr, tiaru Howell and Professor William Jooso, Too following teacheis refistsfad: Ptttaton li b rt Bbiel, lland Hpenoer, Frances C iyle, .1 ilia wiaaaarger, Clara Howell Alic , McA ilc, ( , -rtrud-j Mor row, Theresa, M- An lrew, M im Itirnes. Clara Collier, Agnes Slurp, Agnes Battle, Kate II Burke, Margaret Price. (Ir-ice Oallagbsr, Maine Jordan, May Easting, Linie BleWitt, Marsaret Kearney. M trie Dsmpsey, Thomas v'iwIhw, Cbriatiaa Marten, Tbereaa Jlark, Mary A Oillfspie, Anna Caw lew, Sri Pay, Margaret Patterson West Plttston- Profssaor t.tilr. Av JS I". .1 liitlglier. AgnSS Mora han, Vina Qibbous, Nellie 'nrran. Miry Kearney, l.ylii Connor, Ella O'Malley, Selley Callahan, Maroy rownslilp Bessie Webber, Anus Walsh, Bits Benedict. PltUton Town hip Nellie Esrly, Katie MeNnlty, Bridget I twley, Kate O'Hara, Haggis Flanoagan, Bridget Conan, Annie ster ling, Margaret 08bsugbneeey, Mary Moleahey, Katie Mullsn.Mary Oooney, Muriin Parrett. Jenkins Township -P s Manley, Mary O'Malley, Tnereaa Pate. Bsatar Agues C MoCawloy, Kate Daugher. 7atesvills Hurough Holla L Peek. Hugheetown Hirongh A. C, Park, III lit Qillsspis, Josephine (iillcHpie, Lsnra Morris y Cure for Ilnirtach. As a remedy fur all lorms of Headache Blectric Hitters lias proved to tie the very tajst. Jt effects i.ermaiiHUt cure ami the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its Influence, We urge all who are aflUeted to procure a bottle and iuvthis remedy a fair trial. Incaass of habitual eons tl patios Electric Hitters curse by rit- inc l he needed tone to the liowels.aud few (un a long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only 1 "if ty cents at Matthews Bros, drug store. ie .iu ii e - i POINTED PtrlClUNGS. Of the Two Il'tstons Taraaraplod fjr Hasty Radlns. fperini to ihr flbruafea fWeaas Pittston, Pa., April 30. Noa. 8. 10. 14, Fjwen and Old Forge collieries, I'ennsylvsnia Coni company, resume work today, and all others will be ills until further notice. The stove works will resume work tomorrow morning after a thres days' idleness. Eagle Hose company, No. L of this plnce, will accompany the Jolly Ten Club and Fire company, No. 1, of Wilkoa.jJnrre, to I, -high ton on May 24. Tbey will take the Central's "Flyer." Detective Conklay was found not guilty of assaulting Detective Jams O'Brien, of Wilkes Barre, and two thirds of the costs were put upon the latter. James McLaughlin, formerly of this place, now a Mayfield hotel kuoper.had an exciting experience with a burglar a few days ago. Hs heard the intruder working at a window and through an upper window slipped a rope noose over his head, bnt the burglar was sbarp enough to cut tbe rope and es cape. Dan Hart has decided to produce bis u w drama, "A Daughter of Dixie,'' at Music hall on May 211 Tbe scenery for tbe plsy is picturesque and typicsl of tbe Sunny South, where the scene is laid. The first act is tbe work of Fet ters, of Philadelphia, ths second of Stavey. of New York, and the third of Mr. Ltem, of this city, Tbe company 15) I 'Mi' i dWfO includes Gooree Lensock, Maud Elna Hull, Eugene Moore and Clara Louise Thompson. It is the most ambitious of Mr. Hart's productions, and his desire to please is evident from the amount of mousy ho is expending. A fellow giving bis nsme as John Dudley und four compunious were ar rested by Detective George Brown, as' slated by Chief Loftus, at the Junction on Saturday and tsken to the lock-up The gang were arrested on suspicion of being implfouted in the many petty ronburius whicn have been committed in Upper Pittston snd Duryea. Upon Dudley's person was found a razor al leged to haviii-: been stolen from "Doc." Stiles hotel at Duryea. Dud ley was giveu a hsaring before "Squire Gibbons aud in default of $000 was sent to jail. Tbe rest of tlie gang were discharged. Mrs. l. B. Foster, of th.i West Side, returned from a two weeks's visit among Philadelphia and New York ac quaintances. Captain Willinm Dawson and Lieu tenant Fred SafTord, of the Wyoming Sons of Veterans, were visitor in town Batnrday. T W. Kyle returned Sitnrday morn ing from Brooklyn, where he has been attending the national convention of the tinier of Tonti. Colonel Mason, president of the Exe ter ltorough school board on Friday evening was presented with an elegant silver writing sst, in recognition of his effloient services as president of the board, and us an expression of the es teem in whinh he it held by bis fellow directors The presentation speeeh was made by W. T. Hibbs, attorney for the board. The Wl its Kibbou Briny will give an entertainment in the West Side Methodist Kpiscopal church this even ing. Bvorbody welcome. Mias Stam bacli will give a recitation. THINGS OBSEKVbO AND NOTED. The Unsophisticated reformers who are loudly clamoring for the closing of cigar and confectionery shops on the Sabbath might include in their petition the closing of th many gambling dens which exist ami flourish both niglit aud day u der the very nosss of our bur gess and ehief of police. The pernici ous habit as practised in this locality, i, as gained a foothold, proportionately, far in excess of our neighboring towns The owners of these pU OSS walk tin streets, alluring victims to their lairs with utter Impunity, It was only a few days sine that a poor son), in tbe person - of a sick ; woman, in excuse for not pto : curing the services of a physii i m stated she was unsi le owing to her husband spen linir all he ooald get hold "f in gmnbliiiir I his caused tls writer to make some inquiries. Among those Interviewed was a poor fellow who had teen better days ami whose shattered and tottering footsteps betokened his days ar few in this World. The many tales revealed were startling for the proportion "of the stakes" and the prominence of the psrtits concerned Our Informant itattd that between Parsonage street an I two blocks below Water strset to his own personal kuowl edge there exists twenty dens patTOOtted by all clsssee, from the recent tmp rted pole to tliee Incited Americsn. When s county seat conteusporiry brifhV sllttded to these same facts a etbori while ago many believed the story as purely sensational, but the writer has convinced blmeelf they are a stern reallty.to the town's dtsgrsoe be it said How long is it going to continue : We rinse for a rep y The recent decision of JustiOC Wil liams of tbe supreme court In a case from Schuylkill c unity, that a mmnb-r of a School board is ineligible to the of tire of treasure! of the board becsnte tbey are incompatible offleoe, has aroused much Interest here, where it has always been the cne'om to elect as treasurer a member of the botrd In conssqneaoe of tlie r-districting of the borough it appears that the old law requiring the election of justice ol the peace for tnre divisions of the bor oogn oo in posed of the First and Beeoad, Tblrd and Fourth and fifth an 1 Sixth waris raepaettrely, has been -uper- (!idol. It is not necessary, therefore, that at elections fur justices of the p. ace th- Vole be cast in the entire bor ugh and not by the sep irate districts o imposed of two dlctrtota, as hereto- fore. HeUOt tho election of Juttlcea Jordan snd Lyons this spring, wan some only of the wards aud not sll j voted on the question, Is held to be v .-id ami the governor declines to issue their commissions. It is very pr ibahle ' that the governor will make a-i ap pointment in each case to hul l office until tue next annual election S The council wilt be called upon shortly to remOTO the stone pile near the old stone mill ou the Cirbooilals at ths foot of null street Several of our townsmen are behind the movement and aro leaving no stone anturuet to SOOOmpltlh the project. While thy are activo engage 1 lu mekiuif our borough solons believe that the pier Is a nuisance ths bridge people are just st active in their opposition to an under taking tkey consider will ue a nsurspa tion of their rights and privileges. Pittston, Pa, April '-mi A BAD I R You Guilty? I ABIT Are yon foolish enough to buy on credit? Are yon silly enough to make good the bad debts contracted by people less scrupulous or lest honorable than you are? If you buy from a firm that gives credit, you can't bolp yonrsslf or save yourself from it. We offer a way out of tho difficulty. We sell exclusively for cash ami guar antee you a saving of 2fj per cent, from tho average jewelers' prices in this city. FREEMAN, Dunlnr In DaJU&onjt, Watcho. Jtwlry, E:o. Cor. Penn Ave. and Spruce St, I m A Aft ft Af ft All MrDistfiently-eurftd DLUUU rUIaURu'rHi.uv. bM I 6dVa ptisrantT, hfteksxl by tVt .WtO (-il.I. I PuBititB irootBntl IW-pf book, Illustrated from I I Ufa front p( iiltc'irrl. fret by mall Wrmn M Pprinm I nd Momirrihii, out Mnslc Remedy will I prHttitBly nire. (0OS lOCHttli fit., iH-,n. 111. f WASTING DISEASES. f. T. HORTON, M. D.i WHITEHALL, N. Y. SIAD ins iirrts mew. STRENGTH SUSTAINED M Permit me to say a word in commendation of your excel lent food. " I used it with very, very gratifying results in several wasting diseases, and assure you that BOVIMNE The Original Raw Food alone enabled me to sustain the patients' strength for mouths, when everything else failed. I consider il the best concentrated food I have ever met." ah Physicians Kaderss it. Ttovininr is a highly COBlltBSSj ' t'"1! tStfSCii DSe aialilr to ths most dsn an is-te. It contains ikt nttj principles (if bcl com rnlralril, an-l i n-mmmcodi-J liy ncr iu. ihyiiu.ins as lhe idral IimxI. Tor .il-- at all iregfiStS, THE BOVININB CO., NEW YORK. Baby Carriages, Refrigerators AND Cedar Chests Sc Connell 131 and 133 N. Washington Ave. L Robinson's Sons' Laoeh LiEER liKEWliRY Jtaiiufactursrs nt tLs Crlsbra:! PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbk Por Annum. Spring Ginghams, We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE. PITTSTON, PA. Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. COUHT IIOUSE Syr Alls. All kinds of Laundry work guaranteed tbe best. VIEWERS' NOTICE. In re Lateral Sewers on Mulberry street, Webster avenne.Taylor avenue, Buonzll court, Proscott avenue, Schults court SJU Harrison avenue in tho Tenth luth ) Bower District of the City of Scrsnton. .Notice is hereby (,'iven that our report, as viewers in the above ease has been flleil in the rrothonotiiry's ottlce, of Laekawuiina eounty. Wo find that no dainairo should be awarded. Tho following is u schedule of the benefits found by us aud as is shown in said report: MULBEUKY STKEET SEWEU. H'ord. Knmr Of OMSISrS. Lot. (m i 17 Nellio Mc.Maiiunia 17 17 l.evm T. Haiideutuish Is :s 17 John J. Bosalon lit ai 17 P. J. Hmou 1 ill 17 P. W. Stukes U 7 17 Mrs. Sarah lieunett iL'y i7 17 John N. Knoblu lH 117 WEBSTKIt AVE WHIhusi ( 1 ii i. I'll William Connell Joka J, doutweu James H. Peaees H. Helm, Jr Itobui t l'almer Man- J Pwouson estate. M. i ulkin. Jil Obarlts Zsnir Daniel O'Horo T in Oostell P, W. Sin lies Charles H, ZusiDian John ,1 Mauhr.'iu Dennis Tieruoy Dennis Tieniey t .ii v. vragner Mrs. M. M Koilii.ie.. S. V. Kellem w ii. WiUlams W H, WlUtami Ustargal, Ooonell Co,.. Uegsryel, Oonnell Co... K. II Hippie K. II. Blppls E II. Ripple K. il. Ripple, K. H. Itipi.le B K Prendsriasl it B Prendsrgast Conrad Bheutacsr J. S Wa'i!. n J B Wabisa J N. Bios Stephen 1, Kic.- TATLOB Mrs. i. .t. Plaassbaa Peter We seiitllle Julia Collins. Ell -ii A. Webb A P. Williams II Seeley .l.tMie I l.'in on estate J, II. Keller Mrs Lena Wliyte Jacob Richskelnsr A . Hamitl OwenaM UrldfSt ihlbride K. T Itolell W. H Lewis Beard ol control b. snl of i hntn-l Mis (Horn J W. tzel Bebsrt j. flaa Jacob Itaas J K Hl.-k.ll .. tie. nr.- wahl M tsulliran Maj a N.-alon Mm 1 lyiin Ml. I.aei I Ui.-lly M f Rielly s ii n - i.at itBTi k BUBKZU OOTJBT BBWBB. 17 c. a. Brown it r (Oxio w:r: w.;t' 17 C. A. llron It 37 ("xlnl ss 3V 17 larl. k UonghnUi il J Hxiei ss:t' s...e 17 Jantsa Lrnett 17 3; (oiii .-..ti . 17 Marasrat Davis. John Ds is. state ... In .17 nl0 s. u c 17 w. M lltnoiseswi W JJ 4tnl.l a f 17 K. 4 Dean :' 40xl(U t.U BUI 17 Mart- D.!-r .1 .l-. Cu.'.i s U Ss 32 I". Mrv lioster :'l 1; (oil) - r.' s 17 E. II Klppln ffl 37 SHISO s i- 17 I. II Hippie 54 .: .xlno 70 lo: J 1H. II H PoUsngssr H I Wxfl 568 7.0 ts W 17 Henry BalbM I3H i-rxtO .'O i: in tilln 17 Usury Dtml-lor 14 is) Ikuso 3.0J 4: .12 17 Maury Dunblar, ar uvsj m p o (Aao 17 rtaiansl U (Jolssaaa ! s-nei rM smi 17 Matt e.mri.-a in U dui'U a k .a l H Ifcs katt estate 15 . R I ss - 17 II. krtt vstate II CuinO SkSS ss ; 17 11 Beefcatl eetats is s 4nii.o ss .a nS 17 II. Ha. krtt aaUte 91 4"l0 f B 81.81 II II. BsekaM sii n ; l'ii K8I HLM 17 11. Bja k.-tt eetats : t 8ttMa s a n.81 II II Beehsjt estate ii . H a MM 17 isMTe J. Bteetjnt u uixisu ;,io io;ji 114 Phi R4 "TT A 17 Alfr.sl Hsml I 40 60x130 17 AKrasl Hand 8 40 17 I sntktTTsnns Irrtti sitrl 1 itel nrniimir 8 41 exisD 17 Laahawaaaa lion and Cue! Company .. 4 si 10x18 17 Laekawaaaa Iroa sad Coal Uoaipaar, i M Vilto 17 kaaauna Ir -n aud C.,al 1 ..111 111 y. S 40 4.11IOO 17 Lacaawsaaa Iroa aad Coal Oocapaay, 7 in tuiiso 17 1. kawaona lr..o and c. Cniiskiiv. s 4.1 snxPti 17 lk. kaainia Iron aad Coal Compaay. V lo 1 8 I.' UsaiiDt Irou an.1 C.l C.niii. 10 S mini i; l kssal.na Irou sod Cnal C-siipsl.y II SI 401100 17 Laekawaaaa Iroa sad Coal ODBapaayi tl i tsxlai 17 Lsarkaoanna Iron and C.ssl Osiisiuy. IS U 1 17 Lacaavai.na Iron snd oal c.tupsnr. In ti 'tli 17 La. ksaai.na Iron aiel ...1 ( ompai.r. K i. 1 1 .... 17 Larsawaaaa Iroa aad Uual Coapaa; is 41 tosMO 17 Uarkawaaaa Iroo aad lOosnpeny. m 41 eitiso 17 La. ksvauna Ir sad 1 -ssl Coiopanv 81 M 6DX1S8 17 Laeaawanaa lr..n ami c.l Company. -1 4.1 4-' o 11 Lasekawastaa Irmaad (Jual 1 .u.psiiy. 41 iim 17 AI- 1 . nnell reuta il 4.1 (exits) 17 Ai- ' oust) eetats. tl 41 SOslSO 17 J-.lin Piatt Il 41 10 1 ISO 17 J lit. 1 1st! II 41 4 1 in 17 Tttaotby f.ulilan IN 44 4". isn 17 MiM a. Shear ty H c . 17 Kate Jaokaoa loll 11 KHsO 17 ari Hraiil.. 17 41 40x180 17 Tkniasi hit I 14 'i.i 17 JobB Whlla I 44 WxISO 17 t(oraV Wi.-k-nhnfr W 44 .IH) 17 Hstt.. MlKslns 31 44 10x180 17 H t . II) i.u . mi 17 Mrs. r.ll.-n Huf? M II 40xls0 17 W U Clark N 41 64x100 ls4 88,1(611 82,188(0 si nri.TS 00UB1 Bin i n 17 John P Nolan I n 888181 t MB 01 1.11.84 17 LaosAWsnaa tree aad Coal Cosapany, I 4.1 axisi NSMB iooiod 17 l. kawanna Iron stel 1 sl 1 "inpsoy. 3 41 4oxlsi I0U.0B e oD 17 Issrhesranns iron snd 1 )sil Oneapanj ( (-1 (0x180 iiai.isj looioi 17 Laekawaaaa Iron and Coal Cecspany. 6 4.1 81x181 iiuo iooop 17 I. a sssi.n ir .ad Coal Oocapaay, 0 41 88x169 ,. 11 i.mxi 17 LachasraaM Iron aad Coal Cosspaay, 7 41 (Ox 180 im o 1 i 17 Leekawanna Iron sad Coal C.aniainy. 4.1 cxixi 10101 100,68 17 Ls. kawanna Iron an t Coal 1 i.mpany. '. 4.1 lOxMO Im II l ain 17 Lashswsnns Iron and Qoal Oetapany. 11 41 4-1.1.11 100.00 I0O00 17 Barton I Woodltai 11 ti 4. xiio ujooo loom 17 K M. sturdevant 1 41 .'sixl.u 6 U Msg) m j 17 Wil.lsui 1 siii.u 5 41 4"tl.ll pn nl li.iin 17 Jastas Brydaa 1 41 .' ir 108x00 KO.00 II c a. Sums 4 41 IBxJOJ HU.00 ionui 17 l.dwar.1 I Kedray 6 41 4i'IOl In 11 mini II 1 1 ll.s kr 0 44 4.H1.0 1 . .11 Hum 17 William M. Cnii 7 41 10x161 100 00 inuo II II M Dunnell 8 41 (nvlill limn , .' , 17 John p Nolan 9 41 89x101 Mb 60 MD.8D 17 ipbnr Nolan lo 41 (oii.o im hi mi, i, 17 Henrietta I'arnea II 41 4emi lnuo linie 17 Hum let ta llamas 12 44 S-ixPO 6.XI Ir.Oi 1.11 X) HAHHISON AV ile..rke S Horn... i.eorae H Horn .. William Miwi and William Moses and William M.aes and ll.s. rav rt. Horn .. ... 1. 1 1I is 111 Moses and W'llisui .M.s and Wllnaiii Mo,.sk an. I William M.sws and Wllllsln Mi sei. ..lid u.sirae n 11 to ilsorif.. S Hnrn Uaortrs S. Horn I .. . I fta it m s Horn... s Born.., WUllata Moass tbd . oors" e. Horn . il.mrxe rt. Horn. . 1 .. . i Horn W ill St. I Mi S.-s ). Patrick T Carey. A.fr.-d liiind It II Matthews Thotnas H. Vonng. Wilhsm 1 asHi.lv Margaret lb. ids... Haiti, y I'nll-r Henry W .1 ines . . iintiitiis Jonas l.vsii N. PrnnoM . Edward Whits.... W H Williams, jr .hums .1. Into Total risvipta ... t'llless SXOSptlobS to the report of Viewers shall be tllei In the Prothoimtary within thirty dais from the flling of said report, tin- same ulll I oiittrnieo absolutely. C t). r vRM.W 1 YACHT GAPS All the Rage. Will buy a very good one at i'i CONRAD'S Amount Exlra Amount of .ami. llenetita. Anrmed. Total. J3.Y 10 8U.42 BD.4I 35.00 4V3.I JU.3H 8(1. 3H I'ix7.i JV1U 40lli.- tOxflfi 4iix"i lV'x!.' Biz 180 anijo MSB 7.1 ;s.43 IIS.IS! mi.;m mm 111.82 $237.18 L'49.0O NUB SEWEU. 74.00 51.00 53.60 53.00 53 80 6.1.80 18.60 53. 60 63.00 86.66 18.40 53.00 53.60 58.6" 53iO 5100 63.011 58,60 5l0n .M.lXI 58.60 71 m 74 00 51.60 51 00 53.S0 63.60 51011 68.01 :.j ii' II Ml 11 to 53 i Tl.lO 4.0n 40 'O (8.00 37.S.'. on so. in S6.n 68 411 H M) (6.(0 (si 40 M l" (S. 40 -.. li H M (si 40 S.1 III s.1.40 M N s. V Nl 40 188 51 M HI j:io t2.ota.10 2,iuu.ou VLSI I SI'.WKK. 61 18 ... '. 01 70 hi 70 61 70 CI 76 I , 0 01.76 Ii In si :o 61 7t tl 70 81.71 (1 70 61 70 si ;s si M U 70 61 70 1 76 61 70 n ji 7" mi 01 76 61 70 .ti :s .--I . I N 1 70 81 :.. I I : 1 : M 61.76 . I 7i 77 ai 1 1 71 61.76 SI.70 81 7i 01 7(1 1 . :. I i 7i I I : 11 ; 61 78 Kl.TS 01 7S 01 7t 61 7t ..7t lU.70 tl 7 81.70 61 7C 81.70 61 N vi M tits 01.7s 'I 7 .11 70 t.i :s SI.7H 81 70 81 76 i.l :., 61 76 ..1 h 6(1 f j 1, . 1 1 7 50x160 7.00 117 00 2 -7 ixnai rsMO 3 L'7 iOzlfltJ B'.tiO 4 17 iOxlaO 6;i.u0 5 n iuilijO 18,60 8 Ti 41-xlOI fcil.'iU 7 "7 111x11111 Kl.SO 27 4i ix HO 58.60 '.'7 -HixliW Kim 10 V7 iOzBO ix.tu; It -'7 ix;J "s.ia 12 27 jOtM lain H M iOxlW MIX) It M loxliai 5ii.t)0 16 M 40x160 M.iiO 17 M 40x180 BS.tO It IH ..xlti MiU U : 4iixiti w,im 20 III vlxllPI W.I10 21 iii 40x160 mm ti :i4 4'ixlio 53.60 211 HI lnxIM) 5180 M :" bOxjeO :.nn 87.00 IB .'wnlrtO 7.00 t17.no 14 85 4niW filltlO IB X 40ximi 58,89 16 X 40x160 W) 17 85 (0x160 sji.ta 18 ii 4nxt'U 5.IO 19 us tux I60 tan 20 85 40x160 58.60 21 S.-, 4iixin 1 M.iiO 22 85 40x160 5S.iO 23 ;ij 4 ix 100 B 60 N M MxiiA) 7(0 6710 tPW (1,844.60 EKUK seweu M 04 40xUO 4:ln0 1 04 4"VI 4'i.iO ltj B4 40x!O 4IH 2 M 4ixvi 7-io ;ii-( 2i M 40x40 610 BUM .1 III iliXllO Si, lil 4 II 4"xhO SO 40 .'. 04 41 x ion tsi.W I 01 iOXlH SO. 10 7 N 4xlU) Ni.40 8 84 4"X ls Nil i. I III 40xlWI Sd til in N 41'xno solo 11 31 40lllO tl, 40 I On 5x1.0 t Ii (0x160 I (uiliU h: 10 4 v. 10x160 80.(0 t 3S 4el" NLI0 0 If. 4lllllill (si ll 7 I-. 46x1.0 N. SI 8 81 (I XKVI N, 0 II Hi 40x100 NI40 10 ST. 40xllO M40 11 36 104x10 14S 120 ; 12 it Uiw M 01 fli.no sj rioi ?.! T.NTI. rti;w F.R II 4n 4.ixl(l) U5;si (ivg, 1 1 40 (o ho 10 20 IV. e 18 M 80x180 s..fl inji 17 01 WxISO 1MB 95.S0 Is 4.. 40x100 88.8) tij,ai IS 4-i 88x188 SAU .j,i I) 40 01x160 M.60 88.60 21 40 60x160 (', pvil 22 4n 60x160 t , -M .-, , .3 40 4"MlO ti-,-.D OtVW 24 40 muni 631 116.00 I85JM H 47 isixlio 0..0 ll-ini 11 47 60x180 8689 85.80 It 17 (Ox IOI 81.80 Hn.91 10 47 (0x160 85 80 (ssxi 17 47 (Oxltti MJQ yr.ji 11 47 40x160 H.J0 Kjn 19 47 (Kxpti 85,10 uai 19 17 tOxleO 15.00 U6.20 21 47 60x160 8MB 81 20 22 47 (ox no V; m P 47 44l 1(1.1 1MB UA'JU 21 7 :.iini .;a im.10 125.33 11910 S'J.-.V.l.iO I2.2MI0O Illlffllffll reiHirt of Viewers shall be tllt1 In the Prothoimtary s offleo TIMOTHV .HIN'eh. ' Viewers. DANIEL I1. BILLY, I taeeasin ar thi Hieatsr Mioicsl AimiosiTiie arXsOfiCSlli. Hnvr Ynu n-rn nrxi f - - . -i n 1 Bmnu Isnairit win .-urn roo, a ponasrrsl boon to riostrsn frnini'olds, AoreThrfint, InSnrma, llronchlllt, orHAT IT.VKK. dsrsi m.qr.liaferr!it. AnelHelent In portet. rsaily to nn on Urst lodleailos of sola Innlln.ird ( se Ifrni IVtn, I fnrr, Jiii.fs. 1l.111111111ranteedormoneyrefu1nl1.il. Price, r.O rts. 1 rial free nt Druggists. Hcslstereil mall. 0 ceute. i. D, Cl'SBSH, Mtr., txrsi Riifri, Mich , U. S. 1 ci'strsiAivR MtNTHOI Thl' surest and safest remedr for nii,ie nVL all skin disuses. K. r..nis.lt. h. Salt lUieuniolil Sores. Hums, Cuts. Wonderful rem COv for PILES). Prltfi.Cftrta.nl Unlit- nil ss gltuiorbrmsil yrepsul. AO.Iress ss ahnse. OnUBI For sale by Matthon-s Bros., Morgan llrua.and Morgan A Co. For Delicacy, For purity, nnd for improvement of thecom plexion, nothing equals I'ozzoni's Powder. BUSINESS AND Jt I'UVSII IANS A1SU hi IIUI.ONS. I )li tl. EDliAR DEAN baa removed toOlli --' Spruce street, rtcianton, Pa. (Just op posite court-houso rtquara) J)R. A. J. CONNELL, OfBce 201 Washington A-7 avenue, corner Kpruea atroet, ovur nanokes drug store. Residence, 723 Vine at. Oihcubours: 10.30 to 12 a. m. and to4 and 0aO to 7.30 p. m. Sunday, 2 to 3 p. m. T)R. W, B, ALLEN. UlBce cor. " Laok waiins and Washlneton lives. : ovor Loon ard shoe store; oliice hoiira, 10 to 12 a. tu. and 4 p. m. ; eveuiuga ut loslduuce. 512 N. jsshlngton avo. 1 ) R. C. L. KHEV "Practice Uuirtod to Die J eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; offlco, IZt Wyoming ava. ReBidonco, 529 Vine etreet. DfcsJ yt OATES. 125 Waehinirton Avenue. OfflcB hours, 8 to 9 a.m., 1.30IO 3 and 7 to 8 p.m. RoHldence KOI Madison avenue JOHN L. WENXZ. 11 D., OUlcus .'a and M o tommonwoallh building: residonce 711 Madlaonava; orUeo hours. 10 to 18, 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Sundays 2 30 to 4. evenings at residence. A specialty made of dheases of thu eye, ear, nose and throat and gynecology. VKI E It I N A it V si BGEOMS, 1 ell HUE, V-iermuiy .surgeon, Don J. tlstry a specialty; gold medalist of On tarlo et.irinary Collegn. OIBco. 420 Spruee street. Telephone No. I73i LA VKKH. JM O. RANCK S Law and Cnlleotlou of . flee. No. 817 Spruce St., opposite Forest House. Brrnnton, Pa.; collections a specialty throughout Pennsylvania; reliable correspond ents in every county. jtKSLI'SSi IIA.ND, Attorney, , i ouiuwe" 0 lora at Law, Commonwealth l.ullding, Waahiugtoo ave. w. H. Jgsspp, Horack 1 Ha mdi, W 11 Jrastp. Ju. VV' ILI AKD, WARUKN .V. KNAI'P, Att .r- nsysnnd I'ouiiM.lorsat Ijiw, lt.-pulilicaa building, Wnsliingti.n ave.. Scranton. l'a. IJATTKR00N At WILCOX. Attorie-va'ainl 1 UpanaaUors at Law; ottluesV and 5 Library bulldiug. bcrautcuTPs. BMWIU II rATTlnsna, WI1.HAM A. WlLOOX, ALFRKD HAND. WILLIAM. I HAND. At-' tornsys snd Counseling Cunimnuwisiltb Isi Idlng dooms in. JO and !l F. llnVLE. Attorney at Law.Kns.19 and "0, Hmr build ng. Washington avenue II .Si M M KI.V Law otJl -es la Prl. e building, IM Washington svenue. I RANK T HKM.L. Attorney at Ijiw. Ko-.re . .si i.ienang.. rant..n. l'a. MIL'ION W l.i.WRV, . Att ys, C I VON HTORCH, rtoo iv 8R Washing H sonars JAMJHl W UAKFOKD, Attorney st Law. nomsi. 8J and . Common wsslth b'lj jUAMUEL W BDUAB, AtP.r-.ey st La. Gfft.-s. 8H Hproossl . Serantoa, Pi I A WATBBB, Attorney at Law, i3 i j. iji. kswst.i I. s'i... lcranton. l'a 1) H BM1TH loons. Ilor at Ijiw (ittlre, I . r.siins M. -V VI Comm-.nwoaitli huiloing 1 ' R l lli IlLlt. Attorney at Ut, lour Y1 monsrraitb l.iiflniiig Mrranton, Pa COMBQYH, tl wproee -l nil 81.1 Loi.l.K. Attorne, i.,.,ti. nego" lis!.' 1 on ti. il . st it,. .. ........ ii. Si.-. i ... B. r Ml.l.AM Attorn-v st Ijw. omlnfavanaa, Scran too IB) Wy HAVl. Y.H H DEEDS AND MOBT0A0K8 written and ackm wl.lg-d by J W PROWS, Nil, Attorney aud Notary Public, St L lumens, slth Bull. lint S4 HOtll s ei HOOL Ol THB LaCKaWANvTa Boras ' " ' i prepaiss n vs snd girls for a Usns or Imslnase lh.n-uught trains loung cblldren tstalugue at resjuwt Rrv Thowas V r-Avx WAttXB H Bcsu. MIm. WOHcEHTEH -i K1NDEBOABTBB snd Hrnooi, 4U Adams STenoa pupils reoalrsd st a.l umea .s.xturiii wtj o:.-o April w I ' I V I Is 1 s ( ' LAtTBACH. Mnrnoat Dantlst, No. IU s . w roming s. . H M t, A f I N . r.fS,s I ...I )(..,. .. hum 'I'll!. BBHI HI.IC Saving, and L-em As. i riation wi.i loan yon nt nay on easier t.-rm. sn l pay fon bOttOt on lures. meat than aar ctbr as..lst.i.n Call S N CA1.LLN 1 'Kit. Dim. Hani I ai llnw si I lis. (1 14 CLARK Ai.. Hssdsruen n m.'i t I end Nurservm.ii. rtore its Waablngtoa sv.nne; gra he.iee.IJM Nrth Bain ar.-nua. eUre t.d.i-h.ie Tag TK As. QBAND l M.i. da. ,, ,ion g t IB S( HBEl Ns. JOB KiTrrEU M Ueiaw.nn. sreaua f l H. rs ' '. I's . I lion L8 AND BtCSTAITBATrs 'THE WKBTMINBTKB. 84B8 Wnsjom t .vs k.irs hatd Pb st.sim. a. mod sm nnprnvssnents c M TnttHAa, Prop 'I'lIK n K i ATI: 181 aad rl Frsnklinse s a tie. nst.s r-ss naOI.. P r.iloi ru. I'ri prlstm U' tTuoTEB ROTBL V. a si BBNCK, Manager bislsw- th strsst, our bl.s k nut .f Hrvdway. at 1'i.mti Sjuar... N.w York. Amerlrsn plan. 6l ,i;ssr day and upward f'uYNE BOUOK. Buropeao plan, good V r...:na Oin day and night Bar sut. p. lad a ltd ths brat P It. cnYNF. Prorrlafor QC'BANTOM BOU8B. near D . L N pa i e ngr d.-'t Ostra noted on ths Kur-tati plan. Virroa Ktx .-n Proprietor ( 'SAM. I ENTRAU l ar,.-t n . i-,; t I .-.ri:i.psl liot.-l in AUeotou. l'a; ratal I- and luia) js-r lay. VtiTi.R D Bausfs. Proprlstor. A 111 II I I I . 1 s nAI- A ik'l Pi. Ar.iiit.ts Rooms l. 88 and 38 Cnmrnonwea th n Id'g, Srrsnton ,' L lui.iKK. Ai.iitr.-t. Ubrarj usUd I is Ing. Wv.'inias si.-n i. -sr-antoti. L' L. BBOWN, I . bs do c 181 Ar k II Architect, Prl.s Washington Avv, Herantoo. l s. I M fit s DAUER'S) ORCHESTRA MTOo"FOR li llls, picnics, psrti.si. receptlosn w.si dings and eiticert work furnished, l or terms a. i. trass R. J. Bauer, coti.luctor. 117 Wyoming svs "V.r Hnlbsrtt mosio store HOftfON D 8 W ARTS- WHOLKSAL1 himls-r, b aud Dnno Hank building, Reran ton. Pa. M BO ABO KB BBOTBEBB, PRINTERS' supplies, snvelopea pasr bags, twin.v Warohousa, 130 Washington sve. BomntOO, Pa; iUUTE'B LlVBBY. 1533 Capouiw avenue. I First class carrn.gos D L 1 OOTE, Act Funeral Director and Enibiilmer. r'RANK P. BROWN A CO. WHOLE sale dealers tn Wisdwsre, Cordage and oi; cioth, tit W. Lackawanna svenns L'.ua Finn a sons, ttatlders and rootrno J a tors arda: Corner i 'live st. and Adams ave ; cornel neb en an.i Penn svss, Scranton THB Thatcher S THE BFST. Ost prices snd ss ths furnsrs snd bn ron vincsd. A faD line) of HKAT I Hs, Appollo nuil Osuze Door R0Bg08. CONLAX'S HARDWARE PITTSTON Pit. iiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiii!: I AMERICA S " COUPON NO. 52. I S Send or bring two of theso coupons, difforontly nnnilwred, C s with Ten OentBjBntl got one of the series of sixteen magoi&oeiis g photographs. Nino numbers now ready. Mail ordcrs,'2o. extra. S niiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiA RAILROAD TIME TABLES. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal usod exclusively, Insurlul Oleauliliass and .omfort. Tl.MK TAB LI IN KKFECT FKB. 1, 1894. Trains leave Scranton for Pittston, Wllke Rarre, etc., nt 8.10, 9.15, 11.30 a. m., 12.30, 2 U0 fSSJi ? f'. p. m. Sundays, U.U0 a. m., 1.00, 8.18a ' -10 p. m. For Atlantic City. 8.10 a. ni. l oi-Now York, Newark and F.llz;ibcth, 8.U (esprsnt) a. m., 1J.30 (ax prom with BuHoi parlor car;, 3 .30 (expreta; p. m. Bunday, a.oi p. m. Foil ,MAUCB Ciu-nk, AI.UWT0WB, IlKTiir.a. SfiK;8T? lll"l PDILADXLPHIA, .10 a. m, U30 3..10, 5.10 (exciijit Philadelptila; p. m. hiindav, L' 00 p. m. r- m a For LOMQ BnACH, Ockan Ghove, etc., at 8.10a. m., I.iaip. ,. , For Reading, Lebanon and Hnrrlsburg. via AJUsntOWn, s,10;l in., 1S.30, 5.00, p.m. Bunday. .10 p. in. For Pottsville, 8.10 a. m., IZSOp. m. It. turniiig leave New York, foot of Liberty Vm'hhVh rh'"r' at !',lu (exprsssj a. m., 1.10, 1..W. 4.3H (express with Bnilst parlor carl p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Rending Terminal, 9.00 a. ni , .'.00 and 191 p m. Sumlay. 8 87 a. m. I hrough tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application in advance to ths ticket agent at lhe station. P, BALDWIN. Gen. I'ass. AgenL J. H OLBACBIN. Pen. Bopt DELAWARB AND HUD SON RAILROAD. Comuieiii'ing May 88, 1803, trains will run as follows: Trains leave Bridge Bti r- St it on. Si-rniitou. for Pitts. ..... i u .... u ... r , n ii.ii" ' i . . 8M - C. '.' 37. p. 13 a m 12.10, I .... t M t 1.1 a I a 'SW ....... ...... .s,,, o.liJ, ...i-J and 11 ,15 p m. For N. w York and Phila- ,l.,i... Hl.l. n. l 11. I US 2-38. 4 10 and ll.latp. m. For BJPsndsle (Iron Delaware, Lackawanna, and western depot), 7 II), 6 8ft 10 IU u.m., ULOB m . . 8. 1" 5.10 p. m, ror Carbonaale and biteraedlate stations &40, 7 00. .:, IV. 10 a. in.. IAOOm.,117, 8. 86,610, 6.30 and 081 p. in ,j fmrn Rridge street Dep..', 8,08 a. im. '.I..- II 36 p. m. Fust eipreas to Albany, Saratoga, tbe Adi rondack Mountains. Boston and Bow England points, 6.40 a. ol, arriving at Albany 18.48, BnrsloBn - 8B p. m . mid lanving scranton att p m. arriving at Albany at ' V-p nu, Sara toga 66 a tn . and B con, 7. m a. m The only dlrsot roots bstwesij the cos fields slid B. sit on. "The Leading Tourists Route of AmeHoa" to the Adirondack Mountain re sorts, laik-'s George and Cbnmplnin. Montreal, et.-. Time tables "howlng loeal and through train service between stations on sll divisions Debt war. an.) Iliiiison sst"in, may be olitjiined all Dxlawsr- and lludvjn ti. ket ofM.-ss. B. G Y' (UNO, J. W Bl'RDK'K. Bn bd Vi.-e President Gen. Pass, Agt. I KiilGU VALLEY RAILROAD. J d Pgn. 11, IBM, Train leave BcrantoQ For Phlladslpbtn and New York via. M. A- II R R at i a m . 12 10. 2.Ss and 11 35 p. tn via D , L. i W. R. R., 000, is.', ii ai a m, and 148 p. m. Laavs t rnntoo f..r Plttston and W::k- Ilarre via D.. L A W. R. R, S OU, sC II 21 a in . 1.30, a&o. b 07, BJj p. in. L. av Bornnton for whits HA van, Itnzletan, Pottavills and all t,inu on the Beaver Maudiiw and Potts vt lis branches, vis V. 0 W V . 0 I0a.ni . v a D. IL R R. at b a ru.. 12.10, 2,3". 4 10 p.m. val. L 0 v. R. H., AOt, e.ut, 11.2ns in.. I ill. li0p.nL Leave S.-rnnt. n for Bethlehem. F.aston, Res.ni.g. Harrisburg snd all intermedlats points i . D .v II It. Il.-ita .12 10, 2 i IL 8j i.tn.via D, L. A W. It. H.. U0. us, 11.20 a. tn, L8B p m. Leave sirranton f rTunkhannoek T .waidv Elmira. Itbnoa, Osnovn an I all loterine.il ita points via D. A li R R..9 07 a m..l2 111 and ll.:il p. in.. via D U .v W R R.. i a in..l,np nu Leave 8crnnt4m for BVcbester, 11 nfalo. Nl sgara Fslls, isetroit, Onago and all points w-tviaD Af II R, R. 6.07 s.m.,1! IO.S.16,11 Jt P ra, via D. L Jt W R. R. and Iittstn- Junct in,s"ssm 1 aj .f. ;s in . r.a K W. R R. 3 41 o. in. For Kirn ra and ths w.t viaSiivnv.ei I ' jt li r R 607 a. nu. 1X10,1.16 p. m vlnD, L. W R R.. Jt os s tn.. I fc) and h. .7 p m. Pullman parlor and sloeplng or L v. . hair ears on all trans batwoon LAB gnnetlon S? Wilkas Barr and New York, Pl.Lad lp .iv Buffalo and Snsis'tision Brnlga BOLLIM II WlI.BL'R. Geo sup' Es.t Dir cilAs B.LRB Qen Pssn ,-1. PbOn Pi AW NONNEBACHEB usst Crsa.Pasi g .. Ninth Beibl.h.-tn. Pa. I KI.AW .lit LAI KAWANNA AND 1 v I.- D It N KAli ROAD Ti . r s ;. .-. s ,r,i ' n as (oBows Kg r-si f.-r N. w Y. rk and all i.nnU East. I '. I 8A 5 15. s ii. at d V si a m . ;! 6. and 3 VI p. m Expr.sv tor Ijwtou. Trenton, PbikMslptdn snd ths K..utlu 51 MAI and V 50 a m . iliS snd - p ru. s. ashiiik-t' n and way stations. 2 40 p m. Tol.yhanna acconim--.atloti. A lu p. m. Kijt ss for BIngbsmt n. Oavrego, K'.mlra, i ..ruing. Hath. Dansviile, M, -iiit Morris ana Buffalo, 12 111, 215 am. and 1 24 p. nu. making clogs i-oniiectiotia st Buffalo to all points in lb W.s.t, Northwest and s.nithwpsu its-ii sooosnn stlitw. 8.8s a, m. Bii ghamt. n and way stations L' T7 n. nu Ni'Tiiilson snd wai s':i su. 4j p in. Btngbamtoo and Elmira Fip-ss. 1.16 p. m. Eximsai for Cortland. BTrnensn Oevrasu. I I'tlca and Rl I p es, lttisea. !15 I ForNortbi Pit in. nth. B hfl. ld Springs. 215 a m. aud 1..4 id s X a m ar d 1 24 p m berlatnl.l'ittston. Wi;k. Barra, snaborg and Dat.v.II... making ms st Northumberland for i ,, s., r. r Willlanias rt. Harr-sburg. Ualtiroora, WtSbj. ltik'b n ami the South. Kortbnxtb. rlmid and Intermediate stations, tin V si a ra and I 30 and 607 p m. Natiti.'ok.. si l totarmadlatt stations, 608 and 1131 a m Plvmouih and intermediate stati .t.a 3 5.'atol .Cts p. ru. Pullman pari r snd sl..ping coaches on all eipr. ss trains. For detailed InfbrmatJ .n. p.--k.-t tiinUolss et, . app.v i M. L Smith, city ticket , .Ls La. kawaunaaveuua, or det.t ticket office. s. It tNTIIN BITtntONi In Hl.ri Jsnnari 2sili. tstl. North ll. iind. Mouth R.iunit, KM 101 ,'o SOI BU4 ni fii ti i ! !. Z a iTrnlrs Pallr. " 9. re pi siind.iy i- Arrive l.rs.c T is N V Franklin s: . T 10 West 4-.'nd str.s t , ; m Weeh.iw ken r a'Arrlv.i l.-avei A II : H : w s.o r m r a I iMIsn.s . a .liinctlon t s su ... i os Si .... B 11 6 IB .... -.' .'4 .... .' I I M . .. 141 0 4' '.'5 ,1 li 45 . . . 5-i 0 55 .... .1 od 10 -V. ... 3 is) 7 10 a M 3 IS 7 .'4 9 15 3 31 H Ifli 1 I'd. Ill t 47 ll:in. is k 7 8 ST in light Prsslon I'srk Coino Pnvnt, ie llelinnnt Pleasant tt 1 iilondalc Porsel t ity Car bond i s wiute Bridge Maytlcld ssnnyb ArabiMM Wlnton PnogvUifl Obl'huut Dnknoo Tbroop Pr. Idonoo Park PISOS 7 Si : i T- IBM '-..,- rs IB : i li-. n 7 es I 6 51 ! 6 4sl'! ft 4 t! 8 411 I II MS. Wll 41 jrtntt) 88 ....I 8011 3i : 7 a 4s (3 3 i; H II 88 fi 41 : 31 II H 3 45 SIC 5 11 II -Js 41 io . r I ' i f8:r.'i .MtflltM 10 ii ' I ego 5 (Till '.'I fall 5 m In 17 6 811 SO II 15 7 4S 10 10 7 58 10 15 7 54 10 17 : "ii in .' 3 5 4 04 I .7 ft Id! 4 5' H i: 4 10 6 I5 I. V II lit 8 00 I" -.'4 4 It si-.-hi a; 417 ft Illfl.V;' 8 pi, IN'lll ON scrsnton sir. 10, "0 11 P m i- a'lave Arrives sa a r All trains run dally except Sunday, t dgslflss Uuu trtlni stop on slgQg jor pas, gsngsrs. Additional trains leave I'urbonrtiiic for scrnna ton I i. ' and 0. 1.'-p. in . arriving al scranton 1.58 a. 'l Leave s'l'rantnn for ('srlxindale H50 and s.OB arriving at l artioudsh- at 7 no anil 8,18 p. in. peoers mtee rut Ontnrto a Wsstsro before nnrcbaslng tickets and save money. Hay audi rilhgt Kipress to thr Wcgl. J, 0. Andcraon, Ocn. Pasn. AfTt I, VUtcroft, Dlv. I ass, Agt,. scriinton. Pa, j.-'rif, axd wyoming valley bail! Ij koad Train leavo Scranton for Knw York and In termediate points on the Krio railroad at a. m. nnd 3.!4 p in. Abo for llswloy ami local points at 0 35, 0.45 and 3 '.'4 pm. Train leaving st 8 4.'. a. in. and 3 21 p. in. are through trains to and from tlonosdale. Trains leavo tor Wilkes Harre ut 8 40a m. audt 3 11 p. m.