1 THE SCR ANTON TH1.BTJNE MO'N DAY MOKNIKG. A1JRLL HO. 1891. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, General Manager. rrilt.tSHin DAILY AM) WBKKLY IN SCHATI TON, PA., UY lllE 'llllUUMt fL'ULlKlllSO Company Km vol u rKipf Trisoni Binunwii Pimm ii,. iv BtiAniK 'it eretj u tht frlefoSToe. nt rr Ci.Tlil-' .'-Ol I Hit 8CRANT0N TRIBUNE. SCR ANTON. APRIL 30, IS04. Vki;y NATURALLY th" KokIUIi news p pers Yi-w in tbil Goxey uprising the "first faint Kiyna of the coming dtssolu tioii of the Ii public." They uavo bcon perceiving thege faint eijju for a plump 100 years. It has become a hnbit which they tvouMu't be hnppy without. A Setback to Culture. There is nut much oucoarugetneat to the liberal policy which Mr. Frothing bum hail inaugurated iu the gpeetcls of n first olssi ihciitrioul company like Mr. Palmer's the best, imleo.1, toilny playing on American soil giving u ptrb performance in a baodiotn Bw theater, before empty chairs, .'.eApite the fact that the adtnltlioo pric-wis lower than ScraDtonleni pty whU they witness t h same company in the metropolis L ivint? n?id' fir tie m 1 nient, all question of h tiAiio xcl lenee, and putting the inbjeot on th low plane of it m re comm.-rci .1 bir gain, tuose pottODI In "Ur own city who woald Imv'e attended this class of amusement in New York or Phil adelphia and thought nothing of paying double the price of sdnUeion that was charged lut Friday ami Batnrday inhibited a blunt i huuih of baelnetc snrewdneee when thy ! r I acted the inporlor opportunity offered to tliem, at reduced ooit, at tbelr own doors We dlelikt to spoik of such a subject from thil point of tiw; but the issue lias bjen raised and c m b none the worse for plain speakintf. Manager Bu rounder, in the comueting theater, lung ago eucouuterel the same difficulty) and wliile ue U,is at t.ui'S corgnted to suiter pecuniary loss in order that the limite 1 nututvjr of iocnl theater patrons who really enjoy tbe drain i in its highest exhibitions might recuve something worthy of their at tention, he has literally been coin polled, as any bnsinoslike manager will in the long run be compelled, to Ri'.xpt the grade of bit attractions to the l v-l of the andleooet that uiako hi entering profit :tl. It j irs npon n to he Forced noon or r itl Bl to conf ss that tbsre is an alto gether unpleatatit fr.icti n of truth in the satirical filngl which BCTMton front tine to time rvc-iirea b-ran o of tbe comp.iratiye!y limited nnui'wr of r :r cntiz-n-i who teen really to e ire fur urt in any dignili-1 manifs: ition In painting, tbe brush wnici) Is must lavish wnh i s colors ao l grotesque in i's i);mrniioiis is quite as lik ! o win loenl f vor, proTided it be anffloientljf meil," as one which has larity of expression and finely modulated tust. In muMc, how oft n hare we been fl cd by sonorons adventurer, poeeeestng smell -!iluies ml se-m luuly large by unlimited cheek! And wien has there ben a time that 4 C r-b- tt or a do tig it would not attract to our placet of pnbllo assemblage a larger Congregation t an would gr-et . Booth or appr' iate the cloqaeace of a Phillips or a Ch itii.iti.i W ml I the Uotore, as an ladepMdect Inatl n'ion ,tf cnltnre, nneopportod br sod iooal loci il or religions aid, ritiiuirte th d'Uipmy Whioh should contrast to furnish tbe illuminntiug gi or erfii . to p.iy the islnry Of tne tick t sen :? In what other community of equal siz -, possessing our w.al'.n, tUterpriat and midline ahility to achieve mat' rial wonders, is there such an 0OOasionl lack of poblie encouragement for Iboss agencies thit tunic- for culture? It is not often that TBI 1 r.uiiWK In dulges in tin lai t n.i.j of gloom It too thoroughly like to look on tn bright aid of thing Hut lucre is susb II danger as indisciiminste optlmiam. The d-f "lt which is deliberately ig norud become in tim a fixed fjtilt mid Bnnlly baffles eorreotion, We frankly confess that we are sometimes sordf TOged to sue deserving efforts' to eu courago th cultivation of loftier standards laughed at or ignored. When, in a dramti'.ic way, tlie most capable ompnnl m in the mimstio profession are locally welcomed by cmpiy bencbe.', wblli the proficient auro ti.it or the notoriou brnistr carrie the favor of our p-ople by storm, what conclusion can one roaeh that is not uncomp Imentary to the local pnbtlol Perhaps it may be nrgtie'l in extuu, tion that ss a community Scrantoii is young. Perhaps it in iy bo sul that we sball grow into a riper culture wnen we shall have experienced more of tbe mellowing inflosoos of time. Conceding all this, where does tt leave tbe Kcrautoniau of to Iy1 Miut lie sit still and grow gr-.y-h.alud nutil cul ture shall overtake ai.d force Itself upon him? In behalf of Mr. Dony, It ehonld b said that he has not qq istlonod the right of Any druggist to keep open on bnndHy provided he limits bis Sun lay sales to medicine only. The contrary impression is erroneous. Henry Clay Republicanism. Numerous influential Republicans of Pottsville have organized what they call tbo Henry Clny Republican league of America, branch 1 of Whish is lo cated in that borongb. Tbe lvsguu's purpos, in addition to keeping alive tbe memory of tbi notable American patriot and statesman, is to perpetuate the lofty teaching which makes the name of IInry Clay stand in iiianv re spect firit Among tho great lenders of the republic. Tbe league will sndeAVor to beautify the grounds surrounding what is said to be the first monument erctd on American soil is Mr. Clay's honor; but npart from that it will strive to cultivate a yet stronger senti ment in favor of protection to Ameri can Industrie and a firmer faith iu the exalted destinies of our free insti tutions. The time chosen for the inaugura tion of this work is certainly auspi cious. There have been few prior oc casions evincing greater need of a reso lute spirit of civic enthusiatm practic ally directed to rational ends. The prob lem whieb presses for solution at this time is not the bloody problem jf hu man slavery, in the discussion of whioh Lexington's old man eloqn-mt bre suoh 1 eonnuionou parti tut it Is 1 orobl m nmiB tlie less serums I mse. 1 .'king iti Ir uiitic ejements U il tbe .ov -rutin nt nf onr ureal 1 let in Wl 1 -n on . rowing 11 jou 1 i -1 1 1 in il tin m 1 11 plus ut mi n and v e , sb pin ifi id ol 0 rruptl n rul an urn o "Ver fr and cl an. t the vigilant cnutrol of an edupateil mejorityi and nntil the lebasad stream oi debauched state nd national legislation which flow today in nweli ing volume from these pointed unn lountalu-beails shall be filtered and clarified there will be need of brave sentiment nud honest palriotinn like that which Clay's name typiQes and Clay's memory recalls. Tbe time is also auspicious for a revival of zeal in the advocasy of in dustrial protection. Whou we re call the struggling industries that Clay's vision rested upon, mere, faint suggestions, compsratlvely almost in visible, of tbe large worksh qiS and diversified industrial capability of to day, it adils new lustre to his memory to reflect tbit even In that cradle time of our advaucem-iit he saw, clearly aud truly, the need of a new political economy, oalonlated to protect 01 in the rir !i advantage which lavish tia ture had bestowed In the shadow of the blight which a recreant DemoOMOT has cast upon the earning power of our citiz ns at this lime, it is timely to turn back to ibe teachings of ' I prophetic patriot wtio, tire score years ago, warne I us of this pitfall and used the larges. of his peerleis elo qu-nce to cuida onr coming footstep into ihe paths of peace an I prosperity. OROitraSKD LAWLKSnMaW got DO con cewioni from QoTernor William Mc Kinley. When it took the form of train robbing and of seditious defiance of the loci authorities, be promptly ordsred state tr ops, with gsttling guns, 10 teach the law biuairs a les son, Highway robbery has not yet been legalized In tbi country, even tl ougli it have the implied sanction of many genteel IVmocr.itte reformers who think thev are scientific sociilists Last Week's Lesson. Tho past fortuight has been fruitful In instruction to those whodig deeper than thcsnrfaoeintoclgolfioant event, Prom every s-ctiou of our couutrr tbe weer. bas brought identical n.rrativi d l enptiv of th progress of a soiial re voit against order, stability, intclll gence and wealth The m itch nf OoXy along the thoringh fares of Maryland as been paralleled in adoz-n imitative UprUingS, while in two or three ln sianc'Sthe property of transportation c irjsir itions lias been seized 10 defiance of law anl held ageinsl the peaceful proti st of the civil authorities until, upon at least on OOOaSlOtt, the strong arm of th miliury b id to be Invoiced to restore contiacateil property to It owners and oahle OOmfflCMI to pro ceed along its arcuntotned thannels. While, in an immediate seme Ibeca IrrnptloM of Ignornnoc and crime bsve not been formidable, they nevertheless inv.-lv germs of disorder whirh should not be mistakenly hrunued aside as of little cons- qu nco, I tit whuh should be studied witn most earn-.it attention. It eh' tlld be s il I to the credit of the authorise who have ttns far ben confronted with tbe DCOOCCitj of cop ing with tln-ee errant contingents ol mieti ken enthusiasts and vagrants that without exception tney hive done, their duty promptly, thoroughly, y-t with pro leiice and skill. LcwIoOUOCI np to t . is j oint has f und no direct encour Sgsmsnl frr-m any of the governors of toe states through Which the erntrie OOrp are meandetlng. Put the methods of so forcing the lew beve fortunately been discreet. The loc.l ofliililshave tn each instance made due alh'Watice for the ignornnoc end p irverted vaga rirs of a partly real and partly imagin ary sense of wrong e Inch are tho am mating impulses to ti ese various I'opu iistic movementi They hav rccog HilCd triat justice and authority are biftieat whea tempered with mercy, anil that of all the virtue cbaritv hi Chief Thus they bavo been disposed to soften duty with pity; aud to re frain from that oreroffioioM harshness and aesitity wlucU, oomlnc ODOO lliiuds already inliuued and disoriered, would seem to savor of persecution and therefore call into being that strongest of all incitement, a mistaken sense of martyrdom. C nylon, a this prnt phai of discontent i now doubtless perman ently designated, is really muob less to be blmned than appears on tbe surface. Men who steal should be punished , men who assemble disorderly should dispersed. Put the real culprits be hind all this shi f liug phautasmagorla of ill-digest) d efforts toward tne bet terment of social conditions; the ones who are the prime, movers in all this bideoua nightmare of fantusiic econ omic conceits sr not the Fryo and the Ki-lleys and tha Coxey whom it 1 upheaving into epbemcrel puoliclty, out th po1iob0d genteel and calcnl it lug apostles of a so called scientific socialism who, during the p-st three decade, no' content witn the great! and swiftest progroci mi le by 4iiy neo pie in the history nf inankii. l, mncl 11 eds set their btiey brains to w irk at leavening the misses with discontent, aud feeding uncultivated minds BpOO tbe Insidious seeds of social revolution. This species of socialistic negation of the rights of property, this polite ef fort to obliterate the golden rule from the philosophy of republican govern ment reached its crest wive of success in tho presidential election of 1411'.', culminated in th installation of a half Democratic, half fanatic uatioual ad ministration; and is now mrly atrowing its political flotsam aloug th margin of it receding tide. Ont. sentence In an oloborato re view of the play "Saint and Sinner" by non. John K. IUrrett in Saturday' Truth eloquently phr9 a woll-do-served tribute to the asting of that veteran artist, J. H. Stoddart. It is as follows: "Rarely has woo nnutterablo been so forcibly epitomized on any stage as it is here depicted by this great actor, who interprets not only tbe words nud thoughts and movements of tbe play, hut gives such magnetic ex pression to the very soul of it that he carries his audiense with him into tbe realm of eympsthy and speedily exacts the tribute of their tears." And yet we are confronted by the fact, let it be interpreted how it may, that among a great majority of the rank and file of local auditors at the ttieater suoh tn terly aottug as Mr St-ldin's is iu In finitely eo f iv .r tiiea h an'ie " soiii- , cr"bi' or ti ran i' (1 aoiii 11, 1 i c hedi n. Ii is oh - hi .,i . 1 It -T 1 1 K I II - It has until ill barrsssment to of m nulla n ! r ulted 1 1 ma 1 m luslaesc n 1 - numb r ag Institutions mv 1 lose 1 down, c in ot tne sc .rony ot fuel. One lacrosse in waoi nas iijeti reported, aff ctlng a few bundr 1 in -n in the Pittsburg listriot ; but f r every penny thus won a ten dollar bill has bsen lost through voluntarv idleu es iu other portions of the bituminous t -rri-tory. It i not a pleasaut thiug to soe these men deliberately choose to go without work at a time when so m my men, in other part of tho country, are vainly begging for work. Much the worst reflection couneutod with the whole piteous spectacle is that if thre could, in any fair manner, beau tqunlle zatlou of industrial conditions some men would not need to go hungry in voluntarily while others go hungry from choice. Tho problem, however, is not likely to reach any nearer n solu tion as a result of this gigantic tie-up than it has reached t'.rou :b similar past efforts. The iio.ir to tide mystery is leOUrely lo k d and the key lias evi dently been lost Kvkn TBOCOB blood must b- sb' d, Ibose OaVortlui Ooley cranks must he taught that tbe rights of property re- naln inviolable Old Itn-ss tl souie times excusable, but theft, never. AMgRICAKI MY, without imperti nence, hope for so- e ly diststablishment in Wales. The divorcement of church an 1 state Is one of their proudest prao tic .1 deliionstratinns. IT WILL not reUr.l the esuse ol gen uine home rule for Ireland to bsae tt dVCCnoy upon a tuber appeal to justice instead of upon the deals of parliament ary liadr. Eiqhtom rHoonnno rainssoaked O- th mite Situnlay braVed the ele ments to see the Qtente defect the Ori oles, No, Algernon, base I nll is uot yetdc 1. A MATEUR Photography. The camera cr.,ze which was first ap parent iu BercntOO several yesrs b.m is n ,t i-een eredioated t'v time. Tbe growth of CMii-Ta SUltttr has bei 11 ste olv an I litre, and t e number of auistanr botl graphite his laCTCMl d yearly until tlie artistic smtiiement has become one of the most popnlar dl Version HUlnlig our pn pie of refined tastes. Bntbooiccto who repl lly lovc tigate anything new md soon groer lire I of the spirt have, of eotir.se, dropped from tbe ranks of the am it-ur pbotogrcptiy contingent locgego 1 bo amatenr artists of today are people win are actuated by love for the be,ntiful In nature, and who never tire of catch ing shadows of the enchanting sc-n-rv of the forest, or the oddltiee in every day life. The ko.Uk Is still a favorite wnh the rajirity, though msnv - f the - lidect er-lsts are provided with cp parettti of tbe finest ijuality. end are sports in vrr hmnch of phot -gr ihy. Many mtenr phetogrepb re are crnt'-nte l wi n pressing the button and Cllowinc Mi ne one else to do til reat. The exp-rts However, claim thai there i m -re leicBitfic enjoyment in devel -ping a plate than in any other branch nt tbe art; and they never allow a profesaiou! artist to limn their work. see Anting the advance 1 stn lents in this Due may be 01 -ntloned Mr. diaries Llndecv, formerly menager of the A'-ademv of Mt)ic. whose nisginflrent views of th eoenery In t'.e lock -w -una valley are mUCb cdmired. Henry Webber, of the Dickeoo crorhc, anothr expert, eg-iihiti a collection ,-f lotvrlof mln su j-cts tahco with 1 tl eh light ttiat ar uuexaellvd. L CO tenant Btillwcll end Dr. Mratton are nice possessors of Interesting c n-r Hons It is estimated that then are over Jou amatenr photographers tn BcmctOO, The list loolndee among OtCCtC the following: Mrs. W . II PlerOC, Mrs. Watrn., Mi.s Bolee, III Ii racy, ileiiry W'.bber, lot.,-rt Ad-ms, Charles Oenter, M. WIghtman, Qeorg B Dimmlok, Chcrlee Onneter, I'rank Pblllln, J, AtberlOO, W'h '-r Ben wood, Ineodore K Icel. J. W irne. V Mittbews, )r Montgom ery. Victor Koch Krne.it Dolpb, V E Arnoll, Willi A. ti Williams, W 11 Peck, Ur ('--u-uell, Carl Lorenz, M. Htce, 1 V, u Btorch, B Beyeoldc, EL W. Streets, W. A. Wilcox, W A Oonnell, Heurj Hitchcock. Ktward llamard. E (J. M-wiit. j-ilni l!r oilbent A 11. S mp. land, Dr H. V Logan, Prank W-.lf-JcmccQ lt.iiey, fred Mever. P-rcv Mott, K. Il Btorgce, Th ms E Jones, W. W. PettcrsOD) John W. Fowler, E B iJick.ion, Dr, OooltdgC, John A. C n, L (i. French, Obarle Altirigin, iias Kin I, L F. iilorni, E lwrd Cuamoer- I Iu S e 1 the iff -rt of Mr Weitnn I Ir ctor ,.t th Y mug hleu'c - bti ti BocooUtlon gvmnadum, re n w . Interest iui t-eo 1 ar u 1 In smatem pb lOgraphy t is sesaon n ie formntlon ol eamerccinb rom in mi -is of the aceoeistlon, Hpeeloo ipai luietna npon tl fl r of tha building on Wy m s , v nun b v I ' fi te-l Up Wit ll BJppH ,,.f - I, al lerk roomi w (.re mcmbert may -i veloti plates at any time, ami BCU) other arrangements have been ma I. for the convenience of the artist who join tha club. On Ti ursday evening next, May :t, a stereoptlc m ent -rtalu -moot will l-o given ut Young Men's Christian Association hall, el which msgle Unlet n view made by Mr Lindsey, Lieutsuaut BtiUwuU and others will be exhibited and a Utture will be delivered by Hev. Mr.Skelliuger. Upon this occasion 200 dry plates, of tho Stanley manufacture, will be dis tributed free among the member of tho lub present wbo bring tbelf cam eras. Tbe exhibition will bo in charge of a committee consisting of Director Weston, Ur. Stratton and II. R Cx. On May 17 another public meeting will be I111I 1 when a prize iu form of n baud some kodak will be given for the col lection of ouedoz -u mounted view, see Numerous outing are being arrang it by Mr. W-ton for the coming itiui tner, and from present indications t e Bo ronton Camera club is likely to enter unou a career of pleasurable develop mouts, TH E best investment in real estate is to keep build ings well painted. Paint protects the house and saves repairs. You sometimes want to sell many a good house has remained unsold ur want of paint. The rule she mid bt, though, "the best paint or rone." That meau9 1 "-'-I CT y are White Lead You cannot afford to use cheap paints. To be sure of getting Strict ly Pure White Lead, look at the brand ; any of these are safe: "Atlantic." "Boymer-Bauman," 1 Jowett,'' "Davis-Chambers," "Fahnestock," "Armstrong & McKolvy." For Colors. National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors arc sold In one-pound cms, each can belnn sufficient to lint isixiumls of strictly Pure White Lentl the desired shade; they arc in no sense ready-mined p.iints, tint a combination of perfectly pure colors in the handiest form to tint Stricllv Pure- White l.i-sd. A good many thousand dollar hnvc been saved priJpvrly-ov.maa hy bavblg out book on puinun;; and Color-card, Send iii a postal card and get buth tree. KATIONAL lead co., New York, We are Headquarters for Everything in Our Line. REFRIGERATORS WATER COOLERS ICE CREAM FREEZERS HAMMOCKS and BABY CARRIAGES A large line of (few tod Benntl. lul Goods, all suitable for oil't.s. Goursen, demons & Co. 422 LACKA, AVE, r -1 - .. , v w e . w . I . e w -e T L TT The Finest Ii tlie City T'n Istest laprofcd fur oicl inits suit cpperatni for Keeping taeet, batter mi 1 ggs. S13 tVvnmlnc Ave. cr tjie FORTY FORT COAL COMPANY. A litiiif.' 1 BUJnbsi of tho riliov bond? are i"r i!i at par and sc orned Interest i tbe following parties, from whom ctiv of lln- nortgs tn and foil Information can DS oUiiint'd: BvW. Ifnlllgan, Oasbier Beoond SaMnnal Rank, Wilkes-Hirp-, Tn. W. L VTatsoBi Ossbler First BTa tioual Hank, Pittston, l'a J. L Polen, Oasbiet People'i B&vings Hank. Pittston, Pa. A. A. Hi di'ii, I'losidt nl Minprs' BaTinga Bank, Pittston, Pa, And lv tln Sotantoti Savings Hank and Tittst ('nm.iany, TmStSS ondei lbs Mortgage T. H tlierton, Counsel, WILKES-BABBBL PA. WANT a An n llu Henry P. Ml. r Squsm Huno CWttri n (.'Ii ek r nt''ii ire I'inno A ioi i i rim Brotsers squ.r.- raoo.., Annul Uaver Drothsrs qnarenac A Kim i I i-ili A- l'imil Sqniir.- alio A go.nl Ci.iplii.ii .i s (iiar 11, mi A very good BostOO l'iauo (. o. Walnut (ji'tgfit A very loot) Wheslock uprtgni l'luno.. a ret , rood wbaelooh Uiirigti: Plaao, , tm I.. i lin M n 50 110 UO UJO it; GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW STORE 1 alum ASK YOUR GROCER STOWEES' DSLICIOUS, MILD SUOAIl CUTIED HAMS. LARD. EVERY HAM AND RAIL OF LARD BRANDED. mSphJED THE STO WERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, PA GOLDSMITH'S S J- YyE ARE overstocked with Ladies' Jackets, therefore have decided to cut our prices all to pieces. This is some thing unprecedented right in the heart of the season. Our Loss Is Your Cain 50 Ladies' Tailor-made Jackets and Blazers, formerly M QO $4 to $5. Clearing Sale Price , . . . vpl.aO 65 Fine Imported Clay Diagonal and Broadcloth Jack ets, with Balloon Sleeve3, formerly $6 to $8. Your 00 QO choice at iJ)U,U0 73 Long and Short, Tiht and Loose-fitting Jackots, both plain and trimmed, formerly $8 to $10. Your M QQ choico now at yvO 27 Fine Melton and Kersey Jackets, lined throughout with Silk, and Moire trimnd, formerly $12 to $15. 07 Q8 Your choice now at $1,170 These are no out-of-date garments, but are of the newest and most fashionable cut A manufacturer's Sample Line ol Very Fine Cloth Capes, Fifth avenue styles, at ONE-THIRD OFF in price. About 50 Children's Stuff Dresses, that were made to order for one of tlie finest Ncwork retailers, but, owinj' to some misunderstanding, were not accepted, and ob. taincd by us. Will be sold at less than half price. Goldsmith With the New Valves Out of Sight Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our ;,i ; Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CREDENDA, .iate.ev.Bk.i -1 (1..MU(U.Y ;And a full line of Hoys' and Girl, Wheelt. We are mak ing extremely low prices on Second-hand Wheels. l Ul liiui 314 Lacka. Ave. FINE ENGRAVING Wedding Invitations, Announcements, Reception and Visiting Cards, Monograms, Menus aud Dinner Cards, Reynolds Bros, Stationers and Lncnvors. 817 LACKAWANNA AVK, We aro offetin;; a now edition of tlie Hook of Common prayer, well bound In olotb. Two Copies for 25c. Single Copies, 13c. Piano or 1 n mil 1 mum Dl UllTILLinillUL L Organ LOOK AT THE! LIST: ery .ooil shilling r Vpi glit I .ana.. A Mnn(n. lliiiiilin.n, arly nin.lilgli top, doooi rjj I An A. & i'h marly Cr, Mffbtop, I Sottbl i " A lilc.ioOKtaf,nrij otsr, blfb top, itmilile reed A WOMSSteri nearly u.iw, high tup. ioubM r l 5 '" 224 nud Orgaai nt Wholo.,alu tad Jtatail. on lnatalluirnts. AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH OPEH CONFESSION IS GOOD FOR TH SOUL Brothers & ENAMEL WARE For ONE W EES we will sell Enamel Ware ;tt tbe foilowiug uupre- oedented prices, Tea and Coffee Pots ONE-Qt'ATtT, TWOeQTJABT, THBBsVQTJABT, POUBJCABT, FIVF Qt'ART. AOC. 47C. 5 5C. eOc. 70C. Al Dresden and Preserving Kettles, Banco Pans and Pots. VVa-sli J)i,ln s ami Tea ivt-ttlci at initially low prices. Foote & Sliear Co. CLOSE SHOE STOR Reliable Goods One 1 'rice S.-it isfaction Guaranteed 227 Lackawanna Avenue EVANS & POWELL, Proprietors. 1 Jr. Hill & Son Albany Dentists ret hWO ,VV; beet e. ts f. CU "l" nl teeth withoHt plate, railed frown ni t.nitiM w,.rk, rail Inr i rii'ee mij referei O" ToNAl.iilA. tor eitrn-tm WU wntbuLl lla, Mu.'.ber. V fS OTSESI riBM RATIOMAt HANK. Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The SllltSlll in t'is Kr SeSceCCS Mill Nrrvouhiioe rellr4. Lte.t nd Improred Style uf Er SMC nl Spev-taclee t Uia lA)jt Trices. Ueet. ArUflciU h.ji lumrte.l for i. Jos. SPRUCE ST., op. Old Fost Offioa. Cheap? A frtsndsr I. nearly new.hlKh topnlouMe reed A boonlngtr, in nrly new, high top, double reed So And ebout H) other good avcoud hand Or giin-. l-i to u Tfs boT soilectkm el Booadhaod Dfu- nit-nU arc all In Mod ordor, fully guaran tod. tho rratost I urmiin.-. ever i IV.'m Mii thta city. Cull nud too th. ill. InstaliinouU or discount f r oab. WYOMING AVENUE, SCRANTON, ABSOLUTELY PUUE BAZAAR Company. La The Great Marvel of Dental Science Anasstliene V recent discovery and the sole property of H::v:::: & Wardell, 111. MISTS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. WH AT J (i. BEAMON8BAT8 ABOUT AVVSTHF.NE. DIM HI N' OOD M ARM t t After having elei, n tertli ntrarteit e.t ee Bitting lij the palnleii niethoil, 1 pro aesuse It sntllvty eetlnfttrmrv lit every pattlsnlais J, u IKAMOXI UlllllllllllllllllllllCIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIU DO YOU REQUIRE ACCURATE TIME? g S WK HAVE IT. 1 EDWIN G.LL0 YD wr I iiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiif: s EED POTATOES ALL BEST VABQCTISS. ONION SETS Aud all kinds GARDEN SEEDS in bulk and In pack ages. Pierce's Market f-EiMIM AVE. America 101IKAI T1HIL PICTtJBKC EVF.nt Mil Ml) PUA.CE IN ALASKA, HI DHITBD BTATKI ami Mi.Xico. HVK M'M Itl-IKS ON THE COl'N lllt. U N I IMS AMI OSB COLl'O.N l OU ANY .N (..UUJ.lt.