THE SCKATvTW TRIBUNE -TVfCJN PAY MOR!NTNGr. APStCi 30. 1894. Lacisum All Things Musical stelleTseeley 134 Wyoming Ave. H1GI I GKAUli PIANOS WEBER, SHAW, EMBB801T, OTIIKK MAKES ORGANS Al l. PRICE See the Shaw Piano from the World's Fair in our window. GOOD BREAD -USK THF.- SNOW WHITE FLOOR And ahvavs have Good Bread. HAJCUFACTt-RFn AST) FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Co MARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! THE B. NIIIWE POPIILAB Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITH13 B. & Co , fftmrlntH p-n f-noh Clfisr. Garaey, Brown & Co. Mfr's. Itl 1. 1 IIOUBK eJI 4KJK DR. H. B. WARE BPE 1 VI. 1 sr. EYE, EAR, A-NL T1IROAX. jFFICRHOOaS: igltt&t. 35 WYolNG AVE. PERSONAL. F. A. J'ajte, of Oneida, ii at tbe Va'lcy lOOM A. J. Mnhnn. the Ilolievun merchant, ia laiiKtroiisly ill. 0. ii. Port), nf WOkae-Barre, was in -craiiton yatwoiy. a. m. Mandate, of BiuluuBtoa. vwi estenlay In tho city. T. P. Ryder, of th Wilkrts-llarre Itaconl, arcs in the city yesterday. Mr. ami Mm. V. T Crane, of Chicago, wr-re in the city yesterday. Mrs Qaorgt Mercer, of iy pliant, visited .Scranton friend Satnrday. Mr. J, K. Kaynsforil. of Montrose, is visiting friend m ilns city. E. I'. Mitchell, of Ash street, xnt yes lerday ivth friradain Carbonilale. Dr. V. H McAnilrews, of the Lacka wanna hospital, haa returned from i'hila ddphia. V. J. Iinncen, Fred Sherwood and Q, B. Williams, of f'erliondalo. were In the city yesterday. D. A. Mangan and William Sheridan, of Pittaton, madnu trip to this city for pleas ure yesterday. Mrs. Clara Smith, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mrs. Lilly Drake, of Oxford, N J., are viaitinir the family of William k. fall, at 607 Ninth street. Miss Leah Heath will dehveran illue trated lecture on Venice and Venetian art this evening, at the home of Colonel II. M. I'.o:.-, on flay avenue. Congressman at Large Qalntha A. (Irow arrived 111 tho city Saturday night from his home at Olenwood, Snsinehanns county ami departed on an early train for 11'--V. . ........, 11111 11 ' .11 jrcsii-umy morning. Mia Jennie Kenncdv. of Pottsvilla- Miss Ijousk a. shields, nf Wllkee Barrel Marcns Smith, of Wilkes-lliirre- and Harry Lem. of Shamokin, comprised a party that spent yesterday In the elty. LABOR DAY CELEBRATION. Aftar Paradlnir. Will Picnic at Central Park list I- 11 The Labor Iay celebration to take nlace one week from to lav will begin with a a grimd parade anil culminate In picnic at Central Park garden. Ad dresses will bo delivered by Jamas Wood, of Bingbamton ; W. H. Stanton and D. J Campbell. E. 0. Worden, of Carpenters' onion 718, will be marsluil, and hi aid, .1.0. Atkinson, of the Painters' union, chief of stuff; J. .T.Morgan and M. Flaherty, of the Typographical anion, will Lie idea The parade, in which nearly all the labor unions, of the city will partici pate, will Htart promptly at 1 o'clock pate over the following route: From Linden to Washington, to Mulberry, to Penn, to Sprue-, to Franklin, to Lack awanna, to Eighth; eonntcrinarch to Adams, to South Waaningtou, to Cen tral Park garden. New Street Railway Schedule. ComT.encincr Mondav, April 30. the fol- owine chanins will he made in Mm limn .nzerno street. Wimhlmrn Swot nm mw n y iil i nun i t,i . , Luerno atreot car will leave Wyoming v.ejile .1 111 A m nrwl ..vorv lie I v niomfu. in. i n. in.. Luen iii.uii n n i l is , rjir 1141 111. Taylor cars, fi.OO a. m., and every forty I II U tt'B 00111 u.'iv ,r. ill.. Liiuii it tu nun 1 1)11 hint ear South Bido and Greenwood, first car leaves Franklin avenue fi.OO a. m., and ev- 0.20, 10.45 and 11.05, last car. First car of Greenwood 0 20 a. m and every forty nimUes until (i.20 p. in., and then U.20 and o ir. last car. Nay Aug Falls, 7.00 a. m.. 7.80, 8.00 and TCI J twruuj lummco uuunu.uu iu.,uuiiu ,00. 9.00, 0.80, 10.00, and 10.40 last car. i . . .i,.. f A A Foe to Dyspepsia -4 NEWS OMrVEST IE Tourists to Bald Mountain Overtaken by Severe Rain Storm THEY PLAYED WITH MATCHES Children Cause a Fire in the House of Stephen Flanaghan Death of Mrs. Jane Davis No Truth in a Reported Marriage Meeting of the Republi can Committee of the First Legisla tive District Shorter Paragraphs. The West Side office of the Noranton lluni'NK la Located at 1040 Jackson street, where subscriptions, advertisements and communications will receive prompt at tention. Two parties of young peoplo from this side started Saturday morning on a journey to Bald Mount When the had traversed a goodly part of the west mountain it began to rain aud they were compelled to seek shelter and abandon the iden of completing their trip. Due party was comprised of Misses Jessie Nanman, I la Ace. May Transne, Enetn Stock, Emily Evans, Minnie Holdry, Mabel ISoldrv, and Archie Brown, ll.irry Jenkins, Charles Bold" rey, ttertie Dolpb and David Hush. The second wa chaperoned by Mis Pauline Pitcher and consisted of Misses Ethel Peck, Efflla Noton. Christine Fellows, Hattie Coons, Katie Chase, Marion Hutchinson, Edna Stevens, and Austin Hutchinson, Claude Pitcher, Norwool Pitcher, Clarence Coons. Henry Noton, Mnx Phillips, George Hutrhinson, Clyde Chase, Harry Stevens and Cliu ton Steenback. Dea'.h of Mrs. June Davis. Mrs June Davis, a well known resi dent of BeiUvnt, died on SittirJay af tar an illness of several m nitbs. She was born in Walet and had been a resi dent of this side for many years Slio was Iti years of age and is survived by a husliaud and family Mrt Davis was a woman nf sterling ipttLties au 1 a de vout Christian Bht was loved and re spected by all who knew her. The funeral will occur this afternoon In temani Will be made in the Washburn Street eeinetery. Saturday Morning's Fire. The alarm of fire which sonnded from Hoi 823, at the coruer of Fif teenth ami Loaaroa streets, at lie" o'clock on Saturday morning, was caused by a slight blurt in the dwell ing of Stephen Plaaagban, The tlmes ware lirst diaco Tared in a bedroom of the bouse, and was burning a part of ti e door frame A few chairs and the carpet were destroyed befors the tUiiieg were extinguished. Th Franklin and Columbia eompanlai responded, but their services were not rat) itrel. as tho tire was put OQi with a few pails of water 1 he tire originat d through the Klauagliau ehildtan playing with matobaa Jottlnea of Nwa. Mrs W. Daniels, of Smth Main avenue, haa r-tiirned Iroin Paraoni. Tom Mah lle-Kun. the converted In dlau, will be at Balvation Army this and tomorrow eveulng and will tell the thrilling story of his conversion aud play his hallelujah lid lie Haj r Ha'- piu, chief diruion i (Boar, win havj charge of the meetings An article appeared in the Barrla hnrgTelegrim yaatat lay totfeaefftot that liwilym Williami, a merabar of the rtpottorial staff of the Kapu'dican. and Mias (iwladya Jotejih, a very es timable voting Udt. were wed 1-d laat week. There i not the least truth in the statement. John Mull-n is ill with congestion of the lungs, at the horn of his brother. Thomas F. Mullen, of North Sumnr avenue. Miss Anna Morgan, of Keystone Academy, spent Iba Babbatb with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11 r Morgan, of North Main avenue. T he family of David Anthony, of North Kebecca avenue, contemplates moving to f ilifornia in June to j no Mr. Anthony, who has resiled there f ir the past five years. Amee Thomas, of F.llwool. In 1 . i visiting at the home of Timothy Joues, of Morris CoiirL Miss A le Datlaa, 0f W,k-Htrre. ia the gueat of her parents, Hv and Mm Hugh Dance, of South Lincoln avenne. Attorney Charles IItuhe, of New York city, spent the stbbath with his parent!. Rot. and Mrs. D. C Hughes, of W arh burn street. A meeting of thi Republican om mittee of the First legislative district of Lackawanna county will be held at Clark's hall on South Main avenue to morrow evening at H o'clock lot ths purpose of naming a day for a OOnVtfl lion to nominate a candidate for the legialatOra and elect a delegate to the Itepubllcan state convention Mise Pearl A!vord, a yonn mis of 7 years, died on Saturday morning at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alvord, of Luz-rno street. Tho funeral will occur this afternoon, tier viees will be conducted in the Ilemp ton Street Methodist Episcopul ehurch by Kev. A. W. Cooper. Iutermcnt in Forest Hill cemetery. The funeral of Thomas Monahan. who died on Friday after a brief ill ness, was conducted yesterday after noon at his home on Reiser avonue. The funeral cortege movad to St. Pat rick's church where servirss were con ducted by Rev. Father McNally. In terment was made In the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. The pall bearers were Domiinok McLaughlin, Tbomai Judge, Martin Devers, Mike Brown, Tbomai Unlberln and James Hart. The Irish Catholic LDnevolent union, of which the deceased was a member, attended in a body JOSEPH JUDGE SENTENCED. Will Sp.nd Six years In th Eastern Penitentiary. Judge Edwards Imposed a sentence on Joseph Judge, convicted lust week of manslaughter, for the killing of Joseph Tomnlinaa, The prisoner' sounsul, ex-Judge Stanton ma le an up peal in behalf of his elient, aaking that as great nu allowance of judicial clem ency as poiible bo extended him, In imposing sentence Judge EdwnrJs said that the prisoner bad been granted a full and fair trial and that the ver diet of the jury was an intelligent one. He thought most or the mitigating cir cumstances bud been taken into con sideration by the jury. However, he would also take into consideration all the circnmstances of the affray that night, and tha fact that the prisoner was alone and friendless, and impose a medium sentence onlv. The aenteuoe was that Judge pay a fine of $100, par the costs of prosecu tion, ami undergo confinement in the eastern penitentiary at separate and solitary confinement for the term of six years. Martin McNally. who on Wednesday pleaded guilty to robbing John Frantz of a wateh, was sentenced to pay a fine of $15, costs of prosecution, and under go confinement in the oonnty jail for the period of nine months. In the case ot Patrick MeGuire, who was tried on Friday for shooting Thomas Hughes, and who was acquit ted ou the ground of insanity. Jadge Edwards made the following order: The jury iu their verdict hnving found specially that thu defendant was insane at the time of the Oommislon of the of fense charged in the indictment, and hav ing declared that he was acquitted by them ou the ground uf such insatiity,court order nnd direct that the defendant, Pat rick McWuire, be taken to aud confined in the insane department of the Scranton poor district at the hillside farm, and there kept in strict custody at the expense of the county of Lackawauua as long as be shall continue to be of unsound mind and until discharged by order ot said court as provided by law. NORTH END. The Delaware and Hudson company is about to place two monster com pom,, I hoisting engines in the Marvine shaft. The cylinders are 45x00 inches. After being "laced in position they will lift loaded cars iu seveu xeconds from the Clark vein to the surface, a dis tance of -100 feet They are eqnipped with nil modern improvements, includ ing Corliss cut-oil slide valves. Their total weight is thirty-two tons and thev cost (90,000. The Father Wliitty sooiety Las sa lected Major J H. Duggan and Presi dent P. T. .May to represent the society at the twelfth nnnnal convention nf the Catholic Total .Vbst inenoe union to be hel l at WilketeBatre o:i May 10 and 17 Doth gentlemen will strenuously endeaTor to obtain tha trophies won by the Wbittys last S ptember. Providence will soon have a superb bnglo corps, c. Barry having under taken to organist it. Tnere will bo twenty yonng men in it. It will be made up of fourteen trumpets and six drums Barry is an expert in that lino Be was chief trumpeter in the sixth cavalry, United States army, for a number of years Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mctiniro re turned home from New York Thurs day, after an extended wedding tour. A party was given Miss Hattie Thomas, of East Market street. Satur day, in honor of her twentieth blrth lav. Among those present were, (irace Hendrickson, Charlotte CarWar dine, Annie C Hese, Maggie Lewia, Lizzie Brant, Maggie Ctwardina, Ger tie Williams, Lizzie Thomas, Maggie Thomas, Auuie He-se, Thomas l'oulkes, Henry Thomas, Will L wis, John Grief, Tbotnai Henry, Tbomai Oireut, Mines Sunt Ii, Elward Lewis, H'-nnie Lewia, Fred Bendriokaan. Gameeand singing were enjoyed until a lato hour, alter which all departed, having spent a pleaaanl evening -- Ir j ired at tha Steel MI L John lllggina, of &U Braafe street, while at work in the lower sti-el null yesterday in-riling wss using a bar Wbleb slipped from its fastening, and he was precipitate tbrongn a window near by, fa !mg to the ground OUttide, a distance of thirt) fisO, head foremost. Two big gashes in bit scalp and a badly bruised band were the result. He walked In 1 'r J.J WaktU'e of f ee without assistance and had bis wounds dres.ed. He w ill uot bo able to work for at kMat (we weeks Scraotor.'a Iiualnaaa Intereat. Tiic Thihi mi will aouu publish a care fully compiled and classified list of the leading wholesale, hanking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Scranton and vicinity The edition will be bound in book form, Uimtifuliy Illustrated with I h- togravure views of our public bull 1 ii-ga, business b! .. sa. streets. , I ;.-e wnb portraits of leading ritncaD. N similar work has ever given an pual rep resell tat k.u of Scranton s man) indus tries. It will bean invaluable reposition of our bualueaa resource. Sent to ontside th city. ople nf Ibla hatiilaome work will attract Hew coiners and be an unequalled advertisement nf th city. The .n u lation la mi a plan that teunot fall of giasl reculte to tho concerned as well as th an al large Ii. ; receutativesof Tna TkiHrsr will rail upon Tines. Wlon lalM are niNinrn in this iditiou and explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their ratMatMM in tin. editioo wiil pleaan I are notice at the oilier. ' a ii Ivi.n i carp-ts rteane I for n cents -r yard by the Scranton bedding Co. a Du F. (IliawitK, the Philadelphia apec. lahst, baa le w returoed fioin an extended southern trip, and may Is- consulted nt bis parlors. No, mi Bpreee at reel, Heraatou, Jeinple Court building, upon all acuta and chronic diseases of men. Women and chil dren It baa been noised about by one or more persons that It Q rawer piiMisln-s th names off bis cured pal ltd tat, This is out ao. Kverythlng it strictly sacriil and confidential, and no on patient knows that another is being treat- I I'll- d t t has always made Has principle a lasting and sovoreigu one, and feels that it Is due to every patient. Office hours, daily, w a in, to I p. m. ; Sunday, 9 to .'. - i D'Vt beat your rarpt. Have the Scranton Bedding Oa dean them. Snoeraphsra Ftirnlahsd We are prepared to furnish business men with first-class stenographeis by the day or hour. Kxpert bn kkivung a specialty. Sscranton fommerclal JuHOtMtloa, Lim ited. CM Spruce street. e WHY DO YOU DO IT? Why run all over the city lis. kins- for g-obl dollars with one hundred an I ten rents' worth ot K"l'l 6t th -in lint you will coin mm dote lo It it If y ui will call at tha rik-ht tUoc, Brtag your deflare goM, silver ami poea baeaa to A. W. JURI3CH 4.1 ft v 1 ( , STI1HH1. anil ltd full value for ynur money tu BIOXCLI B, FIRE .RMS, FISHING X M i . i i m ( I I l.l IIV, DOC COLLAVRg IND GENERAL sr IH I it. QUODS, The VICTOR WBKKL Uads. Bieyoice, tire arms, el.-., repaired at short hoti. e. Key llltihif a slieclnlty. iiu-e me a call Huntington's HOME BAKERY. We have a large assort ment of PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE,, or 413 LACK A. AVE, Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until midnight. NOTES fif SOUTH SIDE Twentieth Ward Property Owners Favor of a Sewer District. Are in A VERY ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING Councilmen Are Instructed to Pro ceed as Fast as Possible The Dor Returned to Mock tho Marksman. Pedestrian Party to Bald Mount. Injured at the Steel Mill-Death of Mrs. Caffrey Shorter Paragraphs. The meeting in Dr. Mauley's lull on Friday night gave proof that the peo ple of tho Twentieth ward are pro gressive. They are decidedly in favor of sewering tho ward, and an intelli gent disenssion of the cost and feasible way of laying the main pipes was de bated. The South Side board of trade has assumed the task of preparing the citizens of tho Eleventh, Twelfth, Nine tsenth and Twentieth wards to meet the labor and expense of sewering tliis seotiou, and it lias made splendid pro gress. Hut the meeting mi Kriday night Wag under tho auspices of Cottn- atinen Council ami battle. Thejr wished to know where their gonitis tuelits wore at, so to apak, that the knowledge woiil 1 Hiiape their course in any atept that nay iu future betaken ou the subject. Tno property holders of the Twentieth ward g ivo ample s.itis faction at tho meeting that MW0N cm not coma any to quick It is now in order for the citiz .,s of the other wstdi ol tie- South Side to follow suit. Th D"e fame Park. Christian Kickns, proprietor of the Nay Aug House on Cedar avenue, was preeetitad with a beautiful Spaniel pup about ten vears ago n the course of natural development the pup grew into a very wise and faillifu1 dog. Ills in stinct was remarkable, lie could act the soldier and shoulder his musket or stand nn his hind legs. These are bu' a few of the many things the dog c mid do. Hut about three years ago the poor creature lost his eyesight, anil accordingly he was no use to him self or tbe world. Still bis master fed him and gave him even many lux urlcc Last Saturday. I.unvv. r, was tiie date set as the day of the doe's death Mutz Schneider, one of Mi Kick us' close friends, was appointed lord high IXeeUtloner, He acrentel t'.e disagree ible talk and to k th M nine to the woods, linng two bullets through the dog's bead, aud to be ante of th- work, be buried the dead body b- tieath a belli of ItOUCC, The rer next iy the dog came back and be will Bud a home with hi m ister until he dies a natural death, CYndaneed T. plr Mua Mamie N'alliu, of the telephone exchange, is seriously ill at her loui tw lliver street. Jamie Davenport and wife, ofSh taoklu, are visiting relatives on Br k air..-' A T. I) -ti l. of (iraonwood, Vint I in Hloouisbnrg Saturday i here will be a meeting of the an lit ora of Lackawanna toimikip tOOight Th meeting to organize a foot hall team will be hld this evening in ( twei, Walsh s barber shop 00 H utu Waah lugtoii avenue. The tardineti observed In the tpced with which the William C munll Hc company reached recent tire her of lata Is not the fault of the meuiUr-. than whom no nn. re attentive firemen can be f UOlL The hre curt is loo heavy for the horse no w use , that ta tt." simple reason The appropriation "' . 1 p.iastd una time .. f. r ll.a purchase f a hots fortius romp my cannot be expended too coon. 1 he regular monthly meeting uf the South side tK.ard of trade will be helj Ii morrow night Mrs. Mlobaal Otffrey, ol M l'rosiirt avenue du d yeaterd yy inoriiing of a short illneae The funeral ha not Ik-.ii arranged definitely, but wi'l likely take place torn rr w aftern. oi a L. Dnaleavy, the Ce.iar aveoot hotel keeper, is aerini.aly ill nf kidney trouble and hit phvsistsn. 1 r. Walsh, feara he cannot recover A party of young people, nn lr the Invitation ! Miss Kile K Honalio. ,,f Btoni avenue, journeyed to Maid UoOOt yaater day. . . mi it TATLOrV-AI Hcrentot, April ML Nellie in ace Taylor, daughter of William II. and Nellie i i. Taylor. Intertu-iit Priv ate. e We open today 50 dozen Ladies' Fast Black Hose, "Hermsdorf Dye,' full reg ular made, 25 cents a pair. 50 dozen Children's Fa3t Black, seamless and double knees, all sizes, 17 cents a pair. These are undoubtedly the best value ever offered in Hosiery FINLEY'S. DON'T SKIP THIS. W I. HAVE the fined line of tweeters In Iowa .lust think ot IU an all wool hoy's sweater for tl VI; all wool men's fi-um ItOO to t&to, All colora Florey & Holt Y. M. C. A. Building. 222 Wyoming Avenue THE CELEBRATED SOHMER PIANOS Are at frcx-nt Hie Mit Popnlar ami I'rofcrrM ,j Leailms Artists Wardrooms: Opposite Columbus Monument, 205 Washington Av. Scranton, Pa. WHITE CHINA TUST received large U import order. Many new novelties. Come while the assortment is complete. Baby Carriages Large Line Best Goods DINNER, TEA AND TOILET SFTS. ! HAIL WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. OILS AND OLIVES HE FINEST IMPORTED. TEAS AND COFFEES PULL LINE OF TIIK BEST FANCY GROCERIES FERRIS HAMS AND BACON C. CITCHBURN Hiicceeaor to A Ook imii, 427 LACK i WANNA AVE CHINA "PBK!I0i"jA ii i i.i s i i 1 1 1 1 i: 1 1 1 COLLINS 8c l-HACKETT 220 Lackawanna Avenue. Duniapjwoinen's Coats and Capes Hats SPRING STILE ON SALE CHRISTIAH THE HATTER Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. Handsome line of Long Frocks and Sacks, made from Fine Grey Clay Worsteds, Vicunas and Black and Blue Cheviots. Custom Tailoring at Moderate Prices. Martin & Delany Clothiers and Custom Tailors. aiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiii,iiii!CitiiiiiiiuiiHiiHiuiiiiniiiiiHiiiiimiu '1 mbms, caeca wmmbbtjmi Wm IHTFflghinns M)S Lackawanna Ave. MILLINERY new lot of HATS just ceived. WORTH 98c. 1 K1MH1SD HATS, worth i ki.mmi.Ii HATS, worth ll M . TRIMMED HATS, worth i) 00 TRIMMED II ATs, worth ih.iii) Ladies and Mis3C5' Spring Jackets and Ladies' s Capes in enules3 variety. 'r. LACE CURTAINS Nottingham Cnrtaioa, worth S 50, for. . NottiBghaat Cnrtalot, vrortb $8 JO, for.. Nottingham Cnrtaioa, worth lio, fcr PolotDi Renalaanee, worth fJi, for.... Rati Broagala, worth 00, r All 3ty!es in iiii!iMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinHiiMiiiMii;i!.iiiiii!ii!i!i;i llllllllinillllliufl f ; J Where the ?cVv Good Clothes Come From. i fcl '' !'f"1, ': mint wo-A JmbS- ,- JS o Uy tk-n frrm it- shiep's back, mai (fe 7rt-,T f , TT I ' v '"'fP. 'f -.Jrf r vr'f .."S.;' f G , -t'" nircn.tero.-ra If f. -el ami . V'!! (ST Mn k. 4 '"' rar 'I' ' ' AJFf T&Z.' ) I feat il) .-a c n fll . ' jfl $ar tlCV - l I j . t i -'. Js H.-".. V' x ' 1 If TOO want to jft the vr Issst 'n""' 't V j i i falrect r -rt ie ' -7 K Good Clothes zFLt sT i 3 Coi:,-f"':1 p 1lPl W o showed you a 'aipe collection of ("apes and Jackets at Kuster-tida Today wc have just twice as many. Jackets in Covet Cloth and Twills, Moire and Silk Trimmed. They Fit Well. Wear Well. Look The Prices arc WAY DOWN; $5.50, $7.50, $9 to $12. Think of FIFTY Styles of The very newest nnd neatest (.'loth and Lace. Notice the $5, $6.50, Jackets, Capes and Top Gr. W. Owens &. Co. CLOAKMAKKKS, SUITS AND WRAPS, BPRtiCB BTRBBT, COU11T HOUSE SQUAHE. re- , . . OUR PRICE, 25c . .Our price, $1.55 . . uir price, S 1. 50 . i i r price, $4.75 . . our price, $9. 25 135 . 1.75 . 2.75 . 8.50 .2 i.OO Sash Curtains. are of Qro-QntlQ Silk, Moire, price tickets: $9 TO $20. Garments for Everybody. CAPES