THE SCR ANTON TKIBTTNE-SATURDAY MORNING. APRIL 28. 1894. LARGE QUANTITIES OF Spring and Early Summer Goods Fiil Our Different Departments Quick Sales and fteady Purchasers Mark the progress 0f onr bnsinens. It is often tlieitnry, How is it pos sililo to sell the quantities we buy? Tlio answer is, 'I'is very asv at tlio values we glvs at tbo pricss we name. We have mafle early purchases in tbe market of all the Latest Novelties and Staple Goods Inolndsd in endi department of Dry Hoods. We have the choice productions o? our American jnanul'actnrers anil tlie novelties of our foreign competi tors. This season is no different from any other, at least in this one respect -that the price always directs the extent of the purchases, and your money will go farther with us and buy better goods than ever offered In this place. Are constantly ap pearniK- " keep fully breast of the times, display ing every fashion and design as last us thev are placed New Ideas in Ladies' SUITS " upon the market French peopln are only a few davs bead of ne only the length of time it take" for the style to ero the water Few W' Show American houses can Some liri'at keepatep with the paoe ValMss we are "ttiii)f. We Coup cd with le nem scrambliiiL,' Low to "'Hnv our lead. Prices. MILLINERY How the beautiful display ebarms the ladies. I'rettv Klowers, Bright Ribboni, Gy Feathers, Dainty Ornament! these all combine to make this the loveliest Millinery display that ever graced any store. KATS! HATS ! HATS! London Novel Hee, Paris Creations and the Highest Domestic Art, RARE THINGS New tbinga. nlsr Tbinga, Things that with us. StvlNh things Top Exelnsivs things can be only found GORMAN'S CLARK'S GREEN NOTES. Spring: imi Ml ws Wsif War .tt Throuith th. Notch. SVsStSj to Tribune. Ci.ahk - Ou i n. Ps.. April 27. -Fred liarnmu, ot Bingbamton, N V . spent several days witii relatives hre George w Decker, of Boneedale, and bis brother-in-law, Milo Finn, of Scranton, spent Wednesday here on business. Mr Role Hall, nee Bbedd, of Bar an ton, spent a short time among friends here. Mrs. Sabra .Imkson returned to her home in Dunmore on Monday last Q P. Matthews and son have com pleted the boring of tin ir well, and will occupy their Maple Croft summer residence in tbe near fnture The public schools at No. 1 building will close on Wednesday, May '.' Mrs. Jami Bennett will m.ive to Pound Brook, N. J., today. Her hus band is engaged in steady employment tbl rt as machinist. Stiles Tlnkham is ssriously siek with aathma Miss Holand, of Scranton, is visiting hi r friend, Mary K. Devan. Miss Olia Crane returned to Scran ton on Tuesday last. Messrs. Frees ft Parker have im proved their ofllce in theit store and fciivs it now furnished beautifully e OURYEA DOTLETS. Little Locals of O.nei.l Iaterest Down the Valley. Fjieeinl to Us Scran'on Tribune. DtttTSA, Ps., April 27. The fair and festival recently held in tlie new Hap tist chnrch was a decided success, and the fancy work made hy the lady mem bers sold quite readily. The handsome plush rocker, which was chanced olT, beeame the property of Mrs. Margaret Williams, the lucky number being 701. A large number of handsome young shade trees have been placed along Main street. Mrs. L. EL Herman, who hiis been suffering a long time with spinal dis ease, has gone to Philadelphia to under go an operation. Dyspepsia and Indigestion In their wont forms ar cured by the nse of I'. I'. 1'. If you are debilitated anil run down, or If you need a tonic to regain tlesband lost appetite, strength and vigor, take I'. I'. I'., nnil yon will be strong and healthy, tor shattered constitutions and lost manhood I. P, P. (I'rickly Ash, Poke Hoot and PotaJShllll) is the king of all medicines. P, P, 1. is the greatest blood purifier in the world. For ealo by all druggist". Clipped from Canada I'resbvterian, un der signature of 0. lllnckett Kobiusun, prop'r: I was cured of oft recurring bil ious headaches by Burdock Blood Bitters. jlllllllllllHBI(iniNI!l!lllllllllllllllll 1 TRIBUNE BOOK COUPON. 1 FOLK or thftM COUPONS, ir- IMItftd stlTha TflbttH Oflltt, nir- n t rnii mmm Midi Bp root Hti "t, pUUm th holder tuiiii iim pvlv llgM Of tlifl iinpitriillrleil nAVr; for i i -; ; 1 Imi I i ti;; populftV bookl iiiiiiti mil' rtiitlirs. '1 1m offOM BUftdfl by 'Mi Trlbiitin iiiunit;Hiik'iit urn hh fonowu 15 CENTS and Four coupons for any volume In tho ColttSnbOS He- mm lies. Over ton titles to select from. 5 mm mm BO CENTS and font Coupons for S My book In tlio Itugby Series. 2"i CKNTS nnil Four Coupons any book In tlio Oxford Ssflas, for S S! GRAND DEPOT SiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiS ARCHBALD GLEANINGS. Bieczy Budget of Live N -vs CcmoiUd bv a Qrso.ful Wrltsr. Ftrt iul to the Scranton Tribune. AnCBBAlO, Pa., April 27. The first issue ot tbe Archbald Citizen will ftp Dear on Thursday next. It will be a four page paper, independent but not neutral. A grand entertainment will be held in the Lutheran church on Wednesday next. One of the featnros will be Edi son's phonograph. Dr. J. Burnett, of Scranton, was in town today. Mr. M. J. McHale wab in Olyphant on business this afternoon. Miss Maggie ' (Hides, ot Monnt Ver non, is visiting friends in PittBton. Mrs. Jacob Wagnor, who his beon ill for several days, is improving;. The pnpils of the graded school building held a grnnd entertainment In the school house last evening. A varied and very interesting programme was observed and the pupils arqnitteil themselves with credit. The proceeds, which were quite large, will be de voted to the library fund. The enter tainment was conducted under the aus pices of Prof. Davis and its sucosss was owing in great measure to his ef forts Miss Amy Malaney, of Salem street, is vi-iiting in Forest City. Thomas Kearney, of Salem street, bas returned from a visit In Boranton. There are improvements going on in all parts of the borough. Among those engaged in beautifying their homes are Mrs. Mary Pkilbln, Mis Mary EL Kennedy, John Carroll, Jehu T. Fin nerty, John lleck. Miles A. Andrews and .Instils liishop. J unes Unllarkey has returned from a visit with friends in Csrbondale. Charles Murphy, of Wilkes Harre, is visiting 1'eter Kearney.of Salem street. Joseph Hngbei culled on friends in Scranton yesterday. County Surveyor Untitling has com pleted Ins map in accordance with the survey of Sonth Main street early in the weeK I lie map and ivntt'Mi re port hsve been plaotd in the hands of President Lane, of the conncii, and it will be submitted at a special mooting to I e bell I this evening. The report is substantially as was stated in Till' TRIBCNCof Wednttdav, All the prop erty holders above llenrv nrt's hotel as far as Anthony Harrison's encroach 00 the road ftom two to twelve feet. On the other side between the Swart r properly and the corner and Hour) Roth's, lot the encroachment varies from two to live f.t There are a few who are not satisfied, bnt it is not likely that any IdbMqOent survey will niter the lines. Many of the workmen employed by the traction ornipstiy were discliarged last erenlng, the digflni of the ms.1 bed having been (unshed The rails ar' fxp'cti dailr an 1 will bv it down as loon as received K"V Mr Shaw will come here to morrow with bis children Mrs Bhaw will OOme nere during next w,-k A special meeting "f the coonoil was held tins evening lor the purpose of hearing the grievances of th property holders who live along the line of the traction company's extension. Messrs Wagner, BaltSS, McDjnnell. ILcktnan, Rotb an Gisler, reprassnttog the prop ertv bolder, each Stated tliMir reasons for objecting to the laying of the road 00 thir lids of the street. The MOD ell listened and promised to do what they c' uid to satisfy the complainant Elsctr: Bltt.r. This remedy is becoming SO well knowp snd so popular a to n-ed no si',-iii seen - Hon. All who have mod Klectric llitters sin;: tin same .oiig of piiH. A purer medicine il. in notviim slid it is guarau leed to do nil that is claimed. Kiscinc Bitter, will cure all diseases ot the I.iv r Slid Kidneys, will reniore I'ltnplee, Botts, Salt Kheuni and other affection caused by impure blood.- Will drive Malaria frooi tl r yt"tn hi I pP'Vo-it s well a. euro all Malarial ferers Kor cure of Headachu, ContarpatioQ and Indlgeetloa try Eleetrie Bitters Entiie saUetaotioa gnaranseed, or money rsfooded. Prtos DO eta. aad II per bottle at Maf.hi-we Bros., Drug .tor s MIN0CK MATTERS. The User r.f a Ilril.d Down to Brlirht Paraer.phe. siriiii re tts seeaalssi ru'one. IfiHOOKA, Ps , April H7 -Prot M .) Lorerti, of the Sonth Side, is mor mg Hi the house of John Kne on Cberry street John I'ern, of Archhsld, called in this plsce yesterday M. II kleDonongb called in Hyde 1'urk and PruTidenee ou business yes terday 1' J. Mi'Andrew, of At ira, was a caller in town yesterday. Civil I'. igineer 1 1 -liner (I Thomson, ot (ireeti Kldge, and land agent for the Qreenwood Coal company is comie'inp- laiing the erection of a usw building to he located In irn wood, whicli ho will occupy as his resideBOl when com pleted. The supereifors of tha township slmnbl give a little of tneir attutio:i to the repairing of the sidewalk at the culvert on Main street, which in a verv dangerous condition, Mrs. rsshoid, of Qreenwood, who lirs been lying at deaths door fur th past mouth is recovering. 1 lie committee from .No, m onng Men's institute who wer- to go to i:d Forge on last Sunday afternoon were detained owing to unexpected cirsiiin- StaneOS winch had occurred the day be fore, tut they will get there on next Sunday afterno n at I BO and will be accompanied by M. A Mcllinley an 1 Robert J Murray, of No. 184 of S-rau-ton, who will lecture en the principil objects of the society and tbe advan luges it i ITers to members. '1 he many people from this place who visit the Scranton theaters experience great inconvenience in being obliged to walk home, as the last car loaves too soon for this tide, There will be n game of base ball Sundsy afternoon on tbe brick ynrd be tween the I'o inders, of the SmIiIIi Side, and the Mayflowers, of this side. The Borderland Dramatic company, who played here lust Monday mgnt, will give a matinee on Saturday after noon for the school ohildr'n. Admis sion will be ID and ID cents. The (ti-enwood Mine Keg Fund has adopted bs Iges to be ueud at funerals of their dtOCSSed members Thomas MiCrea, of Boston, Mass., is visiting 1 1 i h ph rents on Mum street. William Mahedy, of Arshbald, is visitlug at McAndrews this week. The work of cleaning out tlie base ment of the house of Ivlwnrd Philbin, on Main street, which was burned down inst f .ll, has begun and a new building will be erected in its place. Four Dig Successes. llnvlng the needed merit to morn than make good all the advertising claimed for them, the following four remedies have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, each bottle guaranteed Elec tric Bitters, the great remedy for Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Biicklen'a Arnica Halve, the best iii the world, and Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All theBe remedies are guaranteed to do just what is claimed fur them aud the dealer whoso name is attached herewith will be glad to tell you more of them. Sold byMatthows Bros', drug store. STROUOSBURG NOTES. A Dearth of Necktie Parties Little Para graphs of Qnneral Interest. Sju'cim to the Scranton Tribune. STltouDSBL'ito, Pa., April 27. Itobert Price, of "Bsrrett township, was mar ried on Tuesday afternoon Bt 2 o'clock to Mollie Reese, of Phillipsburg, N.J. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's pareuts. and Mr and Mrs. Price went to their new home in Barrett township lust evening after being entertained at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Palmer, near this town. J. Monroe Kresge, sheriff of Monroe county, is advertising the sale of the Pennsylvania, Lehigh aud Eastern rail road. It is that line of road embraced in a mortgage ma le to the New York Security and Trust company, dated Oct. 1. 1808, for a line of road to begin at or near Tomhicken nnd extend through Luzerne, Carbon and Monroe counties to a point at or near Mata morss, In Pike county. Mrs. Mary MeNiitt, ot Wilkos Barre, Is visiting at this place. Samuel Mcl'vder, ol Boston, is reg istered at the Indian (jneen hotel. Free lecture in (rraud Army of the Republic hall tonight by Professor Walker, of Philadelphia, ShenlT R. W. Murphy, of Wayne county, whose home is at Honesd ile, laid over at this place last night for a few hours. The peaeock which h is grace 1 the yard of J. II Shotwell baa emulated the ex imple of the wild man of Borneo and escaped, Sheriff Kresge on Tuesday afternoon sold live tons of bark which was stored in an out-house near th Dela ware, Lackawanna an 1 Vst"ru rail road at Delaware Water (4 ip. The stuff was sei7.d by the creditors of tlio senators'. Prices were fair and num ber of buyers wore many. Chatharine McDmongh. widow of the late William MoDonOUgh, died St residence In Bossardville this morning Bhs Was 96 years oi l The funeral ser vices will be held at the residence of C H. McDonongh on Friday miming. Interment in Uonnt Zion oemetery, Frank OoolBgOgO and his nephew, U di-rt Coolbsngb, have purchased the coal yard of Howard Morgan at Past Stn ndsbnrg. '1 In- c nisi leration Is said to be ill the neighborhood of 4,000 John lUliet, of Hontsdate, nai been visiting in. sister. Mrs Carotins Rob erts; at th" home of Jospeh Brlsb. A. M Bnorai is attending the W ir ren county iN J court at Belvi lere. Mrs. John Adams, of BUiratown, is visitlug her daughter, Mrs John Pear son. on Boot! street. Miss Ella M. Lett, after an ahseuc off u r week., has returned from vi.its to Lin wood, Royersford and Philadel phia. Mis Ifsrgarsl Millet and daughter, of Raston, are visiting her sltr. Mr. ir tins Rntwrts of this place. ClARK'S SUMMIT SPLINTIRS. Th. Hut du e Room ! On Personal and Oth.r N to sfdolfs ra gbtaafon 7ViSu.e Clark's Bustxrr, Pa, April 27 Weather line Making gal len the order of the dav Charles Palmer, of Ssndy Pinks, N V , ha. moved Into bis nwly pirr- I hotn" on Summit park Building hootn still continues at the Summit and there I. no prospect of Its l-vreaemg Let the go-id Work go on Tbe Mssotis intend to have their banquet soon in t'o- Deems hall v. A I.. UOUglan Will prescl at the Bnmmil t " 1 p on Sunday, April 29 l-'.l I'.rerybodv we lcome. Mrs Freeinsn and daufhter hav re tnrned from a short stsy with her niotner who is cmvslsscent at the pre sent wilting. Jlrs. Jolin Lbar is Improving very much snd expects to visit her people in a fw days, Mrs It A 1'sge :s fast improving In health and expeoSs soon to be up sod out of douts lira Townsand will soon ha?s the (lust lawn In the place. Mrs lliiinplon B.rthnlomew an I daughter. Helen, have rtnrnd from visiting friend. It, s rant i-. Mrs A F. Terwilleger and little son, K '!i-rt, nre visiti ig In Scranton Miss Dot Run l; .rt has returned from visiting friends at Junction Miss Battle Hunter spent Snndsy with I er psr-'iits of Clark avenue. Miss Flo r.vTett. is visiting m Jer myn Ptcaviitt., P. K flrelner ,V Son invite the peo ple of Perkville and Vicinity tn call snd inspect their home-made b.iking an I ice cream, also flue lins of meats at live II d 1st live prices, Me. Is at all hours QlYS n a 011, 1 p elte piaitoffice. Com ronCnot r Dss Dr. Thomas' Kc lertric I id according to directions. It is the iw.t remedy for .11 sodden attacks of colds, pain and Inflammatl and InJ irtS COSlDtU CONV. R5I0NS. Frul'ful R.aulis f uai the Lsb re of F.vang!lst II. rr s Fpmrinl to the .vrrdn(on Tribune. COSLOATJg Ps., April '.'7 On Kri- day, llaroh t5 lest, the people of Congregational ci nrsh it Coaldal stalled as their pastor r.rangeli.t I ths 1 In . II Harris, formerly of West PlttSkOO. Since Mr Harris heosme pastor he not to continue in Ins old evan gelistic line,SUd us a result th ire have bs -n weeklr conversions ever since. over forty Ui been resslTsdlntO the church With others still to be re ceived. QroOnd ws broken during thi-s wtek for the erection of a new pi act of wor ship of an improved style, The main mom will be 00 by 1 Soishsd In pop lar and leorfi i pine, with a bisemeut of same size to be QSed as a lecture and Sunday school mom JE.YMYN JOTTINGS. Newe of a Dav Bristly faragraphed for Hiiiri.i Itadre. Si trial to the Scranton Tribune. Jebhtm, Pa,, April 27 Tommy Kob- erla smokes onlv the best, cigars since he found that 1200. O. S. Carey it Co. will pitch their tent near th Ontario and Western d- Beecham's pills arc foi biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, had taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills' 25c. At dnrgstores.or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. not, May 18, with one of th largest shows ou the road. They travel by their own cars and have a show that is first-class in every respect. The ice cream social at the First Baptist church was well attended last evening and a substantial sum was netted for the society. W. S. Badger, of Cemetery street, has recently erected a substantial iron fence which adds very niueh to tbe pleasant appearance of his cozy home. Rev. M. E. Lvnott returned home last evening from a visit with friends in New York. IN AND AROUND AVOCA. Pleasant Surprise Party Two Wed dings Personal and Oiher News, f-'vecial to the Scranton Tribune. AVOOA, Pa., April 27 The funeral of Patrick Mahun, who died on Tues day, took place yesterday from his late homo on York street. Interment was niHile in Ht. Mary's Catholic cemetery. tiorge Kiuney, of Olyphant, who bus been visiting friends in towu tlio past week, returned home yesterday. Michael Lyons left yesterday for Ireland, his native land. Postmaster T. F. Fitzsimmons, D. J Burns, J. J. (Jilliooley and K. J. Ward were in attendance at the Sons of Col umbia convention held in Kingston this week. Miss B. O'Brien spent Sunday visit ing friends in Carbnitil.ile. Mrs, Julia Hendricks, of Hoboken. N. J., is in town. Richard Ooogan, of Wilkes-Barre, is in town the past few days. Miss Lizzie Dixon spent yesterday in Beraoton, A pleasant surprise party was held in Carey's hall on Tuesday evening, the event being the fourteenth birthday of Ma Boone. Refreshments were served, after which dancing aud games were k- pt up nnlil a late hour. Those pres ent were: Teosie Wbalen, Winifred Mahedy. Annie Wbalen, Mary J Burns, Katie Ward, Maggie Dixon, Haggis Rearnsjr, Annie Ward, lessi- llealey, 'llllie Cliff rd. Maggie Ward, CilU Loughery, Katie McDermont, Bridget Barret, Nillie Moore, Annie Oilhooley, Mamie Barret, Nellie Dun lavey, Katie Barret, Loretta Walters, Josephine QtbboUS, K.tie Breton, v Patrick CinaUiv.J itm Newton, Patrick (Jaranangb, Willie Grolden, Willie Keating, I lenrge Kinney. ; Hubert Grol dsn, John O'Msller, Thomas Whalen, Martin Mnuley, Jouu Waters, Tbomae Buckley, Frank Dohertv, Robert Web ber, Martin Curley, Charley DrulT'ner. -e CARBON UAL t. CHIPS. A Day's LMn en th. Pioneer City's Hldway flbeessl fe W fleeenlea Tribune. CARSOKDAUt, P., April 87. Mrs. William Carey, of KarTieW, died last evening at Kiuergency hopit.l In tins City. Deceased Was 88 n.rsof age and is mourned by bet husband and four little children. IJsorgs N. Cksss Is spending a few dsvs with friends ii Wilkos Bsrre. Mrs Prank Orohard is Ibegneetof her mother, Mrs Jennie Voile, m I by phant Among th improvements st Crystal Isks this snmmef will be the construc tion of sdtivewa; around the lake, Tbe fnneral services of the remains of the lata Mrs PetOI LoftOS will be h.l 1 tomorrow s tor lay morning st U o'clock a high sjmmo recjnlem will tie .ld in .--1 Roee churcb. Mrs B J Belsley and little dsngh ter. Abi e, are visiting toe letter's psr enU in Franklin N V The it. ya Branch Of the Young Men's Christian association held a business meeting in this place this even ing Miss Ksle tligglris is home from New York to spend :h summer with her parents in this place D M Watson, of Btraaton, attended the Odd Ml ers cslelra'.iou in this citv last evening II E Keeae. of Johnston. Pa. will lie a stereoptic m exhibition in Key stone hall tomorrow (tkUurdaj) even ing The black team of horses owned bv J i I'etbick and brolher, of Salem avenue, ran aw.y ret"r lay afternoon on Pike street, throwing the driver out. The team was Stopped at Sand street before further d.tnwe w.e don Could Not Liye Long So Thought tho Neighbors But Kootl'fi Snraiiparilln Perfectly Cured Muscular Rheumatism. "C i flood Ii Co., LoereD, vss. : " I kad raasettlai rbsojeatkea foi tneiseresiM. I look nisuy remeilles that were siigKi'i.'l, en WMtlSatad lor three tnnnths at the IsOSptkU al Betklekew, outdid not reell is snj nHet Ktiiiiiji ldddd Ul Uy Hood'l Sarsspsrllla. AiaWtak iiijr oa holttln I w;ts .iirprliril at lis nrress. I inii.iweii tie direct! ooi nd u helped hum .'iIpiir. I the Worst klBjn ol rheuiiiHtlni. the pslii blB roOSl sever In the mot ul ins lutinl sod Uiob. I ooo kl not as fay risk! arm sees t cut .i .Hot oi broad, Tbe iieixhi.ori uiouyht I Could Nut Live Long, I luukeil so thin, ami 1 wtsbod niy.t-lf ru.iny tunes Unit I Has In heuven, I was so tired of lite. No tOOn 'an tell the pain. I suflrre.l. bill slnee tHKIiii; Hood's Saruparllla all is rhugeii. Hood's'P"Cures I ean sleep M' at night, something 1 hsve not itn'ie for ten years. Ilow thankful 1 urn for the Kiind I derived from Hood s BarsaparlUa. My lili nils womler at the rliaO.'j silts. I 8. Ill sm, Wealberly, NnnsytVslda, Hood's PHIS l ine liver lUt, OOtllUpatlOO, hlllousness, Jaundice, sli'k headarhe, luitlxeUurv PRmi IIIOI CO., In n.fapltsl.Sl.nno.OOO. BEST .A HHOR IM THS WOBLD, "A itntl ir Mitrtit it a ttollar earnnt." Thtsl.i-illeH' Solid i veneli limiKola liltl rtnt ton Uoot delivered free where In the U.S., on reei'lpt oft a.h, Uuney Order, or rostai rtote lor si. .mi. F.auals every wsy tho boot. Mild In nil relnil storus for S'i.M). We niakfl this boot eurielves, therefore we guar- tintrr tho rr, ntyie an't irear, and If nny one Is not seilsliud wo win reruna mo money or send snothcr pair. Opera l oinmon MeiiHt'. width. (', D, K, k EK, . 1 D a... I I i I lies. Send your tilt: we will Jit vim. urastretsd Cata- loKUQ FREE Dexter Shoe Co., FEDERAL ST., BOSTON. MASH. Special termi to Vtatert, Mm. L, .S. linn t'irrl. Pa. - n 1 In,- if, trr . r ,r. A'.'- , . , iWrri mQMmttW' 13 s&slv mm Tortures eK Eczema And yet lives in ignorance of the fact that a single applica tion of the ClJTICURA REME DIES, will, in the majority of cases, afford instant relief, per mit rest and sleep and point to a speedy, permanent, and economical cure, when the best physicians and all other rem edies fail. CUTICURA Works Wonders, and its cures of tor turing, disfiguring, and humil iating humors are the most wonderful ever recorded. Polrt throe shoot the World. PolIBa Dnrn tn I lasa.Coar., sole props., Boston. ae'All About ih. Blood sad Sua, Balled hiss, . Kec lsl lllenii.he., falllni Imlr nnd lra. pis baby reebee prsveoted by ( utlrun. auon. Nervous Instantly relieved try s Osrtt- rura Tin. ter, boceilSS It vl- Aiuscular tallies ths Bens tores snd WeiLne '"' "'"' pstoa, vvsJasiness , ikneu aud Dumbness. Dr. I. Grower Ik PlllidelpbU . pclallst, And We .w.utr.1 .i.ttcf Eaetlek nl oer n,n rarslSleiSVSI 00 i-enuau.utly lueeted Temple Court Building ni 1 IPROCE BT SCRANTON a tur. Lm u.,y i seessatted OA11.V and SI Mil .he TWtor H . nadsass el lh. rntrereitf srl '..itreaie. tnesiarlr SeieisMlisaia ot pt T"iel.V I.J ure-rv Si Ibe Mnlleo 1 tu ir. ..1 CotUe., 1 Philadl 1,1. H u alee s 1. n rmty essbe ,t tt.., Medloo-i hlrur fleal SssnoUMoa. n ! ee t.n-i.o .nj sioje. i. in ehir ,.f tb. Boat n. tl Arnri--a uerasea hesipluia mmss kiciUy lad "! 1 tbe l.'lii(,,-re ot Hhllsulelpbla sal Kf rk. Il I in.'.T fin of roM-itjU ri.t .nee .0 this en in-1 pkretelaa SM snra,n to imrreetljr dl.ji moa treat all itef .rsstes Si ! ,1 ith th. BsesS sie eiMS, end els M.h ssaadlaa in tb. ttin m ell w bin. e met see snr lie et ekes i-w. I ii. I l t Minim I.I - 1 . i. I i 111 I H M S ill tut M. Ml N ( I IlKIl lffouto.T. i,-n .jreii up ey thr rlet cm'.i t i . n thn d .'tor .tut m inn ul lleeuree th. worst f4jMof Kef TOSie DhlUtT, Scrotals, l id Kn. i ei.rrb. films lem.s U'.Sn. A'"- ef th. Bar I've N ,s snd ThriV Asthma. lieefi.M Tiuswra, USB eeis eed tV.ii lm of er.ry d.werlpt.oa Con ealteiton In Fn.ll.b si, I Herman Ktea, stlneb st ..1 couslilerwi Mered an 1 trtoUf coud' 0. , t si m.e lino,. !l M to U I'. SI. lmtf. Stitol., . II . it,. a m. Third National Bank of Scranton. I.I, to. nl I I. . I Kill, r.lle.l fur br ll.e ( .ni flrollrr or tli I o . r.nef. i.i sot m i a I o.n. i, nli. ft. I, "invito OO Ml II N0.1MIII.1MI ... BIS.S7S J-. I I 1 1 titlr. II I. Oltiei li.ooi. Haaktesj Bsssse ,,,,, rrt lietllO on I S It.. o, . Dee truss I rvesaes . line rrolM HmiiIih H.ll UK. HTI tn m I IS T iiiin 00 MS tin M i IS MS .'. t -tu,.-,:, l UIUX.ITXU Capital MM BM no tarvlas jtonoooo I'tiilleldeil I t. .III. M IM.Ofl IroalallsM TS.MAM DlvlSsadJe I issM S3 M Desieells I,BM BM M Hue lu llenks en BMM M, SOI MB M WIU.IAM roNsit i, ProeMeal I.I ti II i II I. IN, 1 ire- I'reeldoak n iii i v M ii iii k, uhloa DtBJ i TOM William lounrll. QoatM II. (allln. Alfred II nml .Iniues Aiehliald, llenrjr Hello. Jr. Milium T Snnil,. l.uthor It. II. i lhl I.Hok offers to dosmellote eeery fnrintv srarrautetl bv theit Mlaaeoa ito.l- ii'. ami re.poii.iltilltv. Special ettsistloa eleea le ssseiaese as. eosinta latotoel paid est ttase depeelta 'l HH TRADERS National Bank of Scranton OKOA.NIZED ISM CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. FAMITL HINr.S.IPreetdont V. V WATSON, Vice l'nideut A. U. WILLIAMS, Cashier. DiaacToaa, BAmraii Hinkk, atm &T Btmrab IllVIMl A. 1'lM-n, I'ltlll K R KiNLBr, Joseph J. Jkhmviv. M. h. Kkmeiich., CiiAm f. ilAi'iiiKws, John T. 1'oiirmi. W. W. Watson. PROMPT, ENLRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This liank Invites the patronage ot business men aud linns guuurally. :"fMI!?l!iriSlinMilCI!s(6llllllllMIMrMIIEIUB!;iiS!lllHlf!ri!3l?n!HII3l 11 1 I EverythingFOR Everybody AT The Fair 400402 Lacka Ave. "Always the Cheapest" Dry Goods, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Notions, Fancy Goods, Infants' Wear, Cloaks, Curtains, Boys' Clothing, Boots and Shoes, etc. We will have lively times in our ST0EE MONDAY, APRIL 30. Every twentieth cus tomer will receive hi3 or h3r entire purchase Free of Charge List Monday 1,286 purchases were made in our store; if the same number are made this time, it will result in sixty purchases be ing given away during the day. MiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitniiiuuiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih" IK 1 MAHOGANY TABLES, $1.40 EACH. Tho greatest bargain in Brass (Onyx Top) KERR & S1EBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. With an Eye To secure more patronage, in addition to our already extensive trade, we have de cided to inaugurate the following Gift 1 Mstribtltion to all purchasers of $75 $50 Worth of Goods j or over. ( Worth of Goods or over. WITH EVER? Sideboard WITH EVERY BEDROOM SUIT WITH EVERY This advertisement must he presented in order to secure the above gifts. This GIFT DISTRIBUTION hold good for cash or credit sales. Goods delivered free everywhere. the market, A few of the Tables left at $6.00. (iilt of ;i LOO piece Pinner Sck I gift of an Elegant ajnerioui Onyx Elnkh Clock. One fi n it Bobjeot in Antiqn6i I Oak and Gold (frame. A Pastel in Ivory and Cold, Km. pirr Frame; something new, A 1 1 envy pair of Chenille Portiere! in all colors.
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