The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 28, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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All Nature Takes a New Start New Sap Runs in the Trees and
New Blood Courses Through the Veins In Spring Take
Paine' s Celery Compound, the Only Remedy That Cures.
verytblngis upward striving.
' flu as easy now for the Users' SO be true
As for Betas to bs green or kics tu iio blue;
'Tin til" proper way Of living.
All animate nature feela tho touch of
spring. Nature has her ,'.-.t spring
cleaning days. Tne birds net new
plumage, tho Cili put on their fresh,
Kllateniiiir, scaly armor; new 8tr?nius
of fresh water start from tho ground;
thor are new buda and livelier tap,
and in the human bo.Jy tho heart
throt s with fuller, Stronger boats.
It is a teason of yroit changes.
At no time dnrtng the rear is the
body o inclined to ct rid of old, dis
eased conditions, obtoulo aiok&OM and
deep-seated disorders of tin vital or
gan. It i for these reasons that Paine's
Celery compound, the most famous
jierve regiilntor and blood purifier in
The general sales agents of the an
thracite coal companies in New York
Thursday decided to invke no reduc
tion in prices, either for the east or
west. They also decided to reetriel
production during May to 2,siMM)l0
tons, which is about 90 per cent, of
their theoretical capacity. The tiro
auction for May 18, 1808, was ;;,70o,uoo
It is understood thut at the approach
ing annual election of tho Delaware
nn 1 Hudson Canal OOtnpsny th tieket
for directors In the Olypnant-Yander-tolt
Interest will contain the names of
Vice President H. Walter Webb, of
the New York Central: Vice President
J. W. Alexander, of the EquttoMs Life
Assurance society, anl 11 Gh Young.
M succeed members of the board of
managers who are supporting the I,e
rand Cannon ticket, in opposition to
President OlypDMt The I llvphant
party now claim to bare proxies for a
majority of the stock and profess to be
certain of electing tio ir ticket
KeUil dealers in bituminous coal do
not find their business alike atTsctel
The recent general strike of the miners
which has tied up mm shipments in
generally, cannot seriously affect small
dealers for some lime to come-hardly
b-fore next fall. Large d.''rs, or eon
tractors, which now supply smelting
lurnac-s and large manufactories, will
have sufficient cause to complain should
the strike continue, Many of them
have contracted to deliver Immense
quantities of coal for months ahead.
Mauv such Contracts are at present be
ing fulfilled, but cannot be long cou.
The Mouoi.gabela blast fumacaf of
the National Tube works company, at
iUKeesport. are both off duty. The
furnaces closed down Ihur lar. Fur
nace "A" will be relined. which will
rxjuire an outlay of 3ff,000 A scar
city of 0' k ha Beoesaitated tne tem
porary banking af furnace "B." Very
fjw men will be thrown out of work
as the workmen will be employed tear
in sr out tne lining of furnace "A' and
refining it. The work will require
Si wral weeks time.
The various business interests in
Schuylkill county are beginning to
It fan up, and there are sail to be bril
liant prospects for the future The
mammoth plant of the I'ottsvitle lrou
and steel company, which has been
operated eery irregularly during the
pist yesr. yesterday resinned full
handed. Better time lias been made
during the past two weeks than has
been the ease fortune months. The
company has a number of orders on
hand. The Schuylkill lUven Killing
mills also start ', up this week and the
indications point to steadv work for
some time to com. This plant is also
to rsmue fullhanded.
Receiver William H BrOOflMl1,0f the
Wt-llman Steel and Iron company, has
ordered a complete shut down of that
big plant, to take sffecl today, The
Wellmao works in prosperous times
employed ovr 1 300 m-ii, but sloe the
failure of the company and theappoint
Ittont of the receiver, only portions of
th immense works have been operated
All the clerks and sal sried officials
have bean notified that there Is no long
r any necessity of their servioes An ef
fort will be ma le o sell the plant. It
i on of the most complete establisn
jiuts in the country, and was estab
lished by the late .John K iac,li lu 1878
The Croser family sccsrtrl control of it
len years ago, after wn'.ch time a con
.rolling Interest was purchased bv
Samuel T, Well man, of Cleveland, (),
Vi.e investment In the plant aggre
gates ovet 11,800,000,
aIinoh Imh siici a i. Nut:,-:
A cargo of 8,100 tons of iron ore from St.
lago, Cuba, has been received at iiain-
niore, OODSlgUS I to the Pennsylvania Steel
Company at BtOeltOB,
bids for supplying the Huston nml Maine
railroad with Mv,000 tons of bituminous
roal will bo opened by the general inana
g'T of the road at Boston today.
The Johnson Railroad Signal company,
of Kahway, has received a l&UOUO contract
from the liolnware, Liukawaniia aud
Wastero railroad.
It is stilted that a strike of the 4, hod em
ployes of the I'ullman company at OblOOgQ
will be declared on .Vay 1.
A contract for a tin plate plant to cist.
1100,0110 and to employ luo hands has beuu
made at Marion, Ind. The contract is
with E. Stanford, formerly manager of
the tin plate works at Khvood, and oue of
the proprietors of a similar plant at At
lanta. The factory is to be in operation
by September 1.
Criticising a Young Lady.
"She would be a pretty girl for but one
'What's that?" asked Charloy.
Heorge Her face is always covered with
purple and red blotches
Charley Ob, that's eusiiy enough db
posed of. UHed to be the sanio way my
self, but I caught, on to the trouble one
day, ttQd got rid of it In no time.
George What was it?
Charley Simply blood eruptions. Took
a short course of P. P. P. j tell you, it's
the boss blood corrector. The governor
Ltd rheumatism ho bad that you could
bear him holler clear across the country
every time be moved. He tried it, and
you know what an uthlelic old vent he is
nosf. If somobody would givu Miss Daisy
n pointer, sho would thank them after
wards. All the drug stores sell it
Subssrlbe for Tug Tin dune.
the world, has Required the name of
the great spring medicine.
There ig not a single village iu the
country large enough to boast Us reg
ular physician or drug store where
I'aine'a celery compound is not beinkt
more largely used this month than any
other remedy. It Is known wherever
progress and enlightenment have
pushed the railroad or the nowspapur.
i'aine'a celery compound is the very
utmost the medieal research of today
can do for the exhausted, badly-nourished
nerves and thin, impure blood.
It goes straight to the oausei of tiio
mischief In the many forms of dis
ease resulting from nervous debility
and Insufficient or vitiated food. A
thousand painful symptoms aris from
these two prime causes. Corrects the
nerves and blood with Paine's celery
compound and the entire system must
get well; diseases of particular parts
disappear, mid strength ami health by
Miners' Hank Auks Joseph Curt to Rs
furd $100 and Is Ilsfuaed
Special to las flsroafoa Itl&aaa
PittsTdn. Pa , April 87. -A suit in
assumpsit has ben brought against I.
J, Curt, landlord of the Wyoming Val
ley hotel, by the Millers' bank of this
place. Il grows out of a question a to
who is legally responsible under the
following condition of altair.
About seven weeks ago n Mrs. C. M
ILIIts and sou, who v.-re boarding at
the hotel, wished to leave to join her
husband, who is employed ut I'natta
Boons, Tenn. Their bill amounted to
180, and Inpayment thereof she ten
dered a cashier s chock drawn on the
Chase National bank of New York, for
100, Mr. Curt placed the check In
the Miller's Saving! bank for collection,
lie being a depositor in that institu
tion. Pour days later the bank noti
fied Mr. Curt that they bad collected
the amount through their correspond
ents, the Kirst National bank of New
York. Upon r-reiving notice thereof,
Mr Curt allowed Mr Hillers to go
and gave her if.'1) Changs.
Poor weaks later bercccived notice
from the Miners' bank that tbe check
had beta nii l from fl to flOO and
requested Curt to return! the SSIUS
To this Mr. urt objected by saying
the matter had been left in their bands
and that tney said It w is all right, ttiat
tl.ey were therefor responsible
To Close th Term With Pub ic Eahlbi-
tion of Work.
Pittm-is. Pa. Ainl "7 Th term
of work by the members Of Trinity lo
lu trial school, of Vi PlttotOU, will
cloCS this af tern on with public eir
elaaa and an cibibitlon of work in the
school room af Trinity ehuroh, begin
oing at 2 110 o'clock.
Upon the dismissal of th Mhool, th
visitors procout will be invitdtox
anilue the Work of th sewing depart
ment I ne girls of th OOOfcing dvparl
ment w il also . :T.r for sal refreih- 1
ments of their own making. T:ie d
posits for the Penny Savings bank will
iw received at the oIcm of tne eterclaes
ii,ct..u.t f at S o'clock aa nanal A
general tovttatiou is extended to th
to la) present for the abov ei-rcises.
Town Ta'k and
fjircinf ii tl
Eveeta In at.d About
Bcraafea rVOaaa
April VT An andi-
ence fully SS large if Hot
1 irgr than
nrite.I the
that nf I buraday evening
llusuiesa Men's Ctrnivd at Music 1111
lint vning. Tho programme offered
was unusually entertaining and every
body went away satisfied.
The following programme of num
bers will lie sting by St .1 hn church
choir at th nospit il nest Hundav after
i" W ditfrtnr t Wtl
' A k A N t.Y, tm nr
flnfftliifttirf Vn. - m
' cmtini(tl(in or loiaiiilj,
BtjJuiw mi1 Afu-i L bin y
ForHl by JOHN II,
l.ot Mail
nIS or vonna men.
stunted orirans.
lisrosa. Ae:n. tloo Tree ofrnnrire.
about H. act eood iiruxiristnr ahvakSaaasa imtit
1 xk In retcrn is that rm will bur a small qnanllty of tho remedy froni rno direct or advlo yonr
frlendH to do ho after yon reoclvo the n-'-tiie antlsootha. there Is no linmbuii nordoooptlon. lint you
can iloaa yon piounoalmnt bids. (tom'BiioiidonoDfltrUllycor.tldontlal, uod all letturs In plain
"nalediiavoloim. Knclimo stamp If convenient,
tAsk for SR. MOTT'S PEWKTBOTAI, FILLS and ttilio no othor.
f0T-Send for ciroular. Prloe t?1.00 per box, O bojcee for 5.00.
1)11. MOTT'H CIIKMIOAL CO, - Clovcluud, Ohio.
For Sale hyC. M. IIAItltIS UriigKlst,
dnr nu I souud, invigorating sleep by
night, return by an uufuiling natural
process. Paine's oelery compound
drives out diseases of the liver, heart
mi 1 kidneys by sending pure, siifH
oisnt blood, loided with reconstructive
material, through these vital organs,
Instead of a watery, impnre lluid that
can neither nourish nor invigorate.
Dyspepsia, neuralgia, rheumatism,
heart disease, general nervous debili ty
and loss of strength cannot rem tin
when the usrves anl blood receive
their dailv reinforceiimit of rich. abun
dant nourishment from Piilne's celery
M .st diseases are signs of poverty,
either of blood or nerves. I'aine's cel
ery compound uiskea people well be
,;auo it fe ids starve 1 nerves and blood
and regulates their functions Try it
and be convinced, as are thousands or
men and women and children every
noon: Kyrie. llayden; (Horia, Mozart;
Magnificat, Lambillotte; O Salutaris,
Verdi; Banotus, Wels.
John WvkotT, of this placs, anl Miss
Irene Brittaln, of Hear Creek, were
married Thursday evening bv Kev. P.
J. Rain at the Tabernacln church.
Tl omai Higgins, sgd 58 years, an old
resilient of Ilugheitown.died yesterday
morning after a brief illness. He leaves
to m oirn bis loss, two suns ami two
daughters Jam 's, of this place, and
Thomas, of Wilkes-Harre; Julia, wif
of M Perry, Avoca, and Mary wife of
Thomas Hyau, of Plyuuuth The
funeral will occur Sunday afternoon at
3 o'clock.
The West Pittston Hose company
has utiiler consideration a proposition
to tin has a water cart and sprinkle
the streets of the borough this summer
At the home of Mr. aud Mr Joseph
Richards, on Delaware avenue, West
PittStOU, Thursday evening, their
daughter, Miss ( iwennie, was united
in in irriage to William H. McCarty by
Ucv P J Kain
A joint meeting of the borough coun
cil and the olttsen's advisory oommil
tee will tw held Monday evening?, April
30. at th Hook aud Ladder company
i teachers Ninth district institute,
comprising 1'iltaton, West Pittston, I
Jenkins and Bsctcr towcshlpa, Avoca !
and Marcey opene 1 at Keystone bali j
last evening, with a ledum by Profee
sor V. W. Hstrifk Sutjeet, "PlnfCI
Tlpt at Bahool." 1 bar was a large at
(ndatis lha xrciss will b sou
linued today
TbC board of health perfaeUd Its or
ganlaatloo tins evening by tb lctloli
of John LoVell aa ecretary
PfNNtn at PICKVItlE.
Da lr Orlat of N.w. f.. m a Uvelf Va
V T Wn
gj . ml 'o llf gkfUalSa TVi'.une
Pr. y II UL Pa.. April Ifl - Mrs
Deorg Williams and daughter May,
aud M.s Nellie Williams oalled on
friends at liiinmor . is. Wednesday
Arthur Lsysbou anil 0 corns Plelds
of Scrant n, ailaaaS Vl !a an 1 I la iif
ford, of (ii'ii Rldgo, and Mis Kit
K l ar '.. if RawlcT. t died on Mr and
Mr Joseph Rulee, on Walnut street.
last Tburadar,
Mra (I W Bennett and daughter
Nellie, are rudllai Mr. anl Mrs
Charles T Kllr. of Mam street
Mrs Herbert UoComUck sod daugh
ter, lUatne. will leave (bis morning
I to visit frien Is at Ball 1 'range, N. J.
The ladles of the Methodist Aid so
doty will give a banking social and en
1 crt .inmout on Wednesday evening,
V c, ,i
Th Mtth aiUta will held their regr.
, lar churcti service an I Sunday achool
in the chore torn rr iw
MoT Lewis has bscuu a foin Istlou
I for ins roaldsnos on Mtpl strt
, Profaaaor Boyer, of Mhighlou, will
iv a phonograph "iiiartulnmnt in
t .rar rnn nn In a Wt t tr Nr'd w th WHII'l"
Ks - rvani Eirhihtv. I . nf ! uitl 1 wmt in siihn .
n, i .. .. If mytsTtt 1, urh ironblM 11 t
il p-r bm by Bll,l bIi f--i $... With tf f
fMf tvi- ui'1 wfiitcn it:iitil.sf lu rumor Mitttta 100 BOOtf Atldf -I'KAh
M I I.'it iS K ; l.Obly.
PBBtsiF Pbirmaciit, cor. WjonlAg A?f vBd fcprucoSt,
WEAK MAN CURE yourself
Wiiy wime linio, iiionry and Iifnttn wuh "tlnctors ' veotiderf ill "ourc
Bll.i." si ' Mflrn, etc., when I will aeiol FRKI2 the proscription of a
new i.i 0 iioslllvo rernodv for thnprcinipt lastinir rurA of
lrhlly IihIhmou, Piervon.'i Wcuknem In
, J ininitenry. to cnlwiio weulc,
tnre In Two Weeks.
I Sena tnis nri'ilrrlo-
andlhcro Is r.o !.::. :, of bCvertlMnir BatSB
no for rou. seevsrvthina if DlatnaadstniDla. all
rj.ll.lscrriorn. III
ItoxAl 37, Athlon, lleh.
, The only eafe, auro and
reliable Fomalo PILL
ever offered to Ladloa,
vooiiiy recommoua
ed to married Iiadioa.
1U7 1'euu Avenue.
the Methodist Episcopal church next
Tuesday evening, May L
Tbe Bins Ridge and Ontario mines
at this place havs only worksd three
quarters of a day this weak.
An example should be made of tbe
young man who persist in loafing and
using bad langnaga on our street cor
ners Mrs. John Davis, of Avooa, is visit
ing at Rev. F. P. Doty's.
Rev. P. P. Doty eonduoted the fun
eral services of little Regiuald Havens
at the family horns on Main street Fri
day morning.
Richard Wearn is recovering from
an attack of measles. lis was on the
street today.
. -av
Our Maple City Correspondent Daily
Ni wa Bullstln.
Special to the gbroafea IWbuaa
HONBSDALB, April 27, Wooden &
Hlakney commenced operations in their
new paper box manufactory today, just
live days after their fine new factory
was destroyed by tir. Tho eutters are
hard at work and the boxes will once
more pour forth. The entire former
force of employes will be employed,
The kirmess, which will probably be
be the most nttractiv entertainment
this aeason for Honesdale and vicinity,
will commence Monday, May It , and
will con li nun for one weak. A host of
visitors sro expected from outside of
the borough and everything potiible is
being don bv Company I . and their
friends to assurs visitors of an excel
lent time. Miss Stewart is kept busy
drilliug tbe various classes in the
dances, and they will sertainly present
an appearance such as has uever before
been seen in Hones lal
Miss Lucy B, Klgettgave a thimble
tea ut her bom oil Third street this
Mtiltiehnuies No 8 and America No.
D can now bo bad at Tint THTBUMI
Bgenoy, 880 Main street
Fhs election contest for tax collector
in this borongh was decided today.
Lightest! lilegal votS Were thrown
out, nine of which were cast for Os
borne and tunc for Yoight. The ballot
box Wore r-opued aud counted b
fore Judge Purty, aud Associate
Judgss T J. Hum and Perry ( lark.
Homer Ctreeiia ami K M BtOOMI were
appointed tellers I'rothonotary GcorgO
I Smith and Hon John Kubach kept
tho tally sheets. The final doUisiVC
count reaultad as follows: I (,' Os
born. R.. 800; A. F Voifht, D., 1U5;
Thomas K I'.liowav, I It,
The insurance on the factory of
Wooden V Klaknoy baa been Settled
with the exception of lusuranc on lua
cblnaryaud bml ling Appraisers have
bean appointed to piac ralus un build
One of the most attrastlv days of
the Ktriii will be tbe day when th
entire Thirteenth regiment t in at
tendance, with Bauer's band !n't
forget the Thirteenth regiment day
Beefy evening the doors will upu at
1 30, performance at p m Matinee
o tn., escn day. OeUCfaJ adiaisslon,
85 c-nts children. 83 cnt Ksrvd
seats. 13 oanla additional, Mattnao, 83
oeota ; oblldrea, IS cms
frank Burlburt aud wife, of Phiia
dlphl. are itsying at th home of W.
A Qaylordi Mr. Hurlbart is in por
M.s- Liszi Leibig is visiting Scran -ton
Notee of 0-t ral lt.tarest fr re
a I'eau
11 f ti 1 S t i T.o.
HeruiJ fu fs .Srrtinr.ia ri5aaa
BattaiTtaA, Pa., April H Tn High
School Literary union hei.i it laevitn
and . is Cr- i i foil IWiUg
ar tho ctr l President. Kr 1 D,
i .am t' vice i real dcut, Ji" Van Loan .
secretary, Ie Kd, editor, ( harlvs
County Superintendent of School !'
II OilMt, of Nw MilfOTd, wat m town
A nw Baptiat church bas boon or
ganlied at Dnadaff and added to th
AMugtou sasociation Hv it C
J OU SO, of Hitf rd, will act pastor for
th prs-nt A lot centrally locate 1 In
the Village has tn donated to th So
ciety on which tney hope to soon bull I
a church Then- aresefenleen charier
The Ureal Bend aud lUiuuad Trot-
tlnK aSOOciallOC I as bo rganir.d
and tbO tracJl will be ready tu a few
lv f r Irntilnc.
WEAK MEN yil!t atti-ntion
m I . . I I I ' 1 1 I II
Gray's Sp-cifi-c Metlicine
IF y:iu sumR '
btllty. Wmtki.-M .f I'. ' l) nnl Wlutl.
iS I
ttl f II fsV ln1 lini i'titfn . atitl fcil ilaaVes thl
U fi'.m Dflf MdvlMOM It fttiuav. avi
lim of HMBOfl tici PavWf, Mmmm Vi
lOBs J'rttntnri tat Atft mI inaiir ulhr
Mflftl that It'A'l la Ii.KAiuty ur ittitttition
ii'l nrrly wrr. vritf -r piui 1
A.Hr.-s- ('.IU . Utln'lNK to. Hi(Tl..
N V The pviflr Mi'licii It .. by ml
dr titf tfiat ! f r DftClHaf Of fti .ti
toff .i,irMMit 1 instil . it roctflpl ol tnniiry.atij
with avori II n nrim 6UARANTEC
t r't n fAOOOUll of MniutrfflU wt' hav
ftoptfH, tilts Vt'llnW WllbN I, thf - I) 1 . If h i
ln. K M in ewOrttatoa bv Mftttbt wi hrtt
I k a I
Best in the market
OFFICK: BinKhamton. N.Y.
FACTORY : Urandt, Pa.
llavimr secured the SHOEINO FORD F. of
William Bltuns 0 Bon for a permanent busi
ness stand, 1 ehnll conduct Scientific and
l'athoionical shoenn; for tho Prevention, Be
nef slid Cure of LamcncM and other Impedi
menta in the movements of Horses incidental
or duo to Imperfect shoeing. 1 shall trlvo the
work my personal uttertb n and uuaranteo no
extra eaargSL except for improvement. Lamo
neea, etc. , will betreatml afteruiKina A free
clinic and professional advice given every
Monday frum 1 to II r. M.
Brandt Clay ProductCo
A CbarmiDg Woman Makes Public Some
Important Truths.
How People Start Wrong, and Finally
Develop Into Perfect Persons.
It is Clearly Explained.
I know a woman and a vary charm
ing woman, too who has had great ex
perience in life, Sim la at present at
Ihs head of one of the leading institu
tions of New York City, and she is
looked up to and consulted by ladies
iu all parta of ths country. In a little
essay which ah recsntlv read bsfore a
convention of ladies, she made some
simcial remarks drawn from her own
experience, and I have bean psrmitted
to copy extracts from the same Hsre
is oue of them :
"Mauy people have atarted wrong
In life through no fault of their own.
They were puny, frail babies and
children. Most of tbetu.
their pale, thin condition from ths
period of youth, when the system un
dergoes a remarkable change. Thuir
mothsrs nsed to say they grew too fast
and would till out after awhile. But
they never did At last what may bo
called tb habit of thinness wss formed
in their bodies, which no treatment
that tny had ever known of was ubl
to overcome. "
Here is another i
I If late years p ile, thin people of both
sexes have come to be au insreaslng
majority in this country. Tb young
person who grow pale and slender,
without breadth or stamina, too oftsn
perish as they grow, Th statistic of
tba threat and lung hospitals tell the
story of thir fat. Tny ar born
with nerves and brains, bnt without
tbe most important arrangement of
all a good digestion. Such people are
too often troubled by headaches, de
spondency, constant ind ignition, coughs,
weakness aud a general disgust of life.
They do not nd medicine nor chsn.-e
of scene, they need the proper food and
tbe bower to digest and appropriate it
to the body's constant need."
And still another :
' I he greet. Atnsrican diseases is mal
assimilation of food in other words,
partial starvation. Tropin who at,
but do not du-sst thlr ford, sr lu a
worse Condition than If they took no
food at all, because the already weak
end body has tm labor, to try and di
gest, and bee due xhnuted la tho f
fort It is fortunate bowvr, that
science ha found a way by which this
can be avoided, and by which paU.tMu
an 1 weak paopl may h rtnd to
health and Strength. It is a simpl"
principle, as all principle! ar aitnpi.
I'm loci that lis passed through a
digestive prooM bforn bing taken
Into the srstetn. M tl at It ctiUrs t
one into tbe circulation and ts life.
Th food that I refer to. wl ich for
soma tint wa noiumd by seisutista,
Is now known as Paakolu, and has been
tveu to th pnbli Certainly II is
mstblng no?at before known in th
history of th world, and batids a new
idea. It is lassd 0U wiio'lr scientific
principlM That U will accomplish all
tbtt la desired of it. there is no doabt
r . f I can b found at nearly any
drug It if
An 1 still on more:
"1 hinnees Is aol necerily a sign of
sickn, but it l a Sign thst you are
in danger of being tick It Is a slgu
thst If you d i gt sick, It may b bard
for yon to gt well. That th least
chill may 00 MS a eel 1, i n Uasl C ',
nay bscoas aomsthmg troroe Out of
that condition of small ailmsnts Jmav
mo in an jr of th larger onea, anl I
advise all people who are sensible.
wide-awake and uutet. to ink advan-
tai; of the best discoveries of the ige,
hesitate, int bv th test meane
poMild come out of this condition at
A paniphlt giving fall particulars
respeotlog Paakola will i. nt on ap
plication to tue Pro Di gee tod Food Co.,
N Keade tre.-l. N. . I it v.
Atlantic Refining Co.
QlaminatiDg and
UnSOOd OH, Njthas sn l Haao
In e ol all grade Ax Ora
lini n Qraaos and ciliary Com
pound . also, a lurgei lino of l'ar
rnllinu Wax (.'anJl-a
We also handle tb. Kain ut CROWi
ACVE OIL, the only fniuily s.ifeiy
1 uruiug oil in the market
Offlrr Cul Kirhinft
Sfsmifariurers and Deal
Also ShaftiDg and Jonmal Greasa.
OFFICE: -TH West Uc.kswanna Ava.
Vioitks Meridian Strasl
Eureka Laundry Co.
Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave.
C'OL'HT llOl'SE ,0 A 10-
All kinds of Laundry work gnarantesd
tbs best.
I ody, ntonmafc. uoktti b $(w ,w cKmi
1 r-i
ttiproitkiil lOiVnafi book, ill'Joltttwl from I
I libfamipiK.piocure'l.rVtwby moil Whoo M SprlnjB I
Maotn by
" 1 ma
I nd Morrarrroil
1. m Mm p Remeav m
I pMlUvwy curp.
conn ttinIhT ni.. r-reftffrs, in.
Ladles Who Valuo
A refined complexion must nee Foraonl's Pow-I
der. It produces a soft and beautiful skin
Hill &
131 and 133
N. Wastiir.
RAD R You Guilty?
Are yoa foaliih enough to buy on
Are yon silly enough to make good
thn bail debta contracted by p-ople ls
scrupulous or less bouoribls than yon
If you buy from a firm that gives
credit, you can't help yourself or save
yourself fr rn it
Wa offe! a way out of lha d.fliaultv.
We sell exclusively for cash and guar
antee yon a saving of 23 per cant, from
the arersge jewelers' price In this
Dtftttf tti DUoaWa4ei Wfttoh
Jeufiry, K e.
Cor. Pdd ie and Fprnca St.
All the Rage.
Will buy a
very good one
We have placed on sale
our line of Ginghams for the
lomin spring and summer.
Finer Goods, More Tasteful
Colorings and Lower Prices
than ever before, are what
will recommend them to our
TH 1 S
IS THE BEST. Oet ptlfse nnd
see the furnace and be con -
vinced. A full line of HEAT
ERS, Aipello and Gsuze Door
8outl or bring two of these coupons, different 'y luunliered, I
S with Ten Cents, anil get one of the series of sixltru magnifioent g
S photographs. Nino lminbers now ready. Mall ordets,2e. extra. S
Anthracite eoal UHed exclusively, insuring
cluauliuess and comfurt.
Trains leave Hcrauton for Pittston, Wllkiw.
Harru, ute., at 8.10, U.1S, 1180 a. m., IZM, 2111,
S-30, 5.0H, T., 11.115 v- in. Hundaya, .U0 a. ia.
loo, too; P. m.
For Atlantic City, 8.10 a. m.
For New York, Newark and Elirabith, 8.10
(exnress) a. m., vi. vj (azpross with Buffet
parlor car), i:M (uxprem; p. m. Buiiday, 2.U0
p. as.
tun Maith Cnt'NK, Ar.r.KNTOWN, Br.Tin.a
RUM, BASTOI and I'liil.ADKLi'HIA, a. m..
ii.m, ;i.w, 5.U0 (except Philadelphia) i. in.
Bonday, 2011 p. m.
. For i'OM. HiiANi h. Ocean Ukove, etc., at
Miia. ra . iii. aip. m.
For KcaduiK, Lebanon and nnrrisburir, via
Allentown, B.lOa. m., 1'J.3U, 5.00, p.m. Bunday,
wJO p. 111.
For I'uttavillr, 8.1lia. m., 12 .10 p. m.
K. turniiiK. leave Now York, foot of Liberty
trL North nor, at lid (express) a. ul,
1.111, LU, 4.i (express with Bultut parlor :ar
p. in. Sunday. 180 a. m.
Leave PhUadalphla, Kendlnu Terminal. 9.00
a. n . 2.00 and 4 :i p m. Sunday, ITT u. ir,.
I hrough tickets u. all points at losraat rate
may Iw bad on application in advanoo to th
tickut aguiit at th) station.
11. I'. BALDWIN,
J. R OLHAfSEN. Ageafc
Pen supt.
! I
.l II LiM.AWAUK a.sij nulJ
ommeneug i'y i"'A
traniH will run sb follow:
I l ions Ifii vo Bridiro street
Btai loa, Bcranton, for Pitta
ton, VVilkeH Marre, etc.snU,
.vi, 11 icssa. in., vlv).
US, MB. 110. S.U. a. la. a. IS
and ILIB p. in.
lor New ork and Phila
delnhia. . lilO. . ".
2 8. 41Rand 11. Tl p. in.
For Hoie'sdaleftrom Delaware. Lackawanna
and western uepet)y 7.oo, o.;i, 10 iu a.m., r;.m)
In.. 1, 17, 6.10 p. 111.
For Carbondale and Intermediate stations,
5.40. T OO. H.U, 10.10 a. m., laiai m .3 IT, a.ij.r, 111,
'Oi and U p in : fr Bridge Street Depot,
t03 a. 111., S.ITand 11 M p. m.
Faat express to Albany. Saratoga, the Adt.
roudack Mountains, B ost n and New Knglaiid
poiuta. 5.10 a Uk, arrivlog at Albany 1-.1S
sarstiua . .211 p. 10 , and laaeiiH Bcranton at I
p in. arriving at Albany atsMOp. nu,8ara
ten, 13-66 a iu . aud 1) nion. 7.00 a m
Tne only dire".'t route between the eoal flelds
arid Boston. "The Leading Touriste' Houti
of America" to the Adirondack Mountain re.
sorta, Lukeslteorgeand Champlain, Montreal,
Time table hnwlnir loeal and thrnuch train
Ber ,'e l,et een -tatloln. on all Oivi-lonn Dela
ware and Hudson syateUI, may be obtained at
all Delaware and Hudson ticket offices.
S... ,nd Vice President. Oeu. Faei. Airt
I . Pum 11, ism
Train leaves SVrantoii for Philadelphia anl
New York via. U. ft H R at a.m . U.I&
la- and 11 li', p. 111 via D . L. & W. H. BL, 0U0,
8 OS 11 l s. in., and l..fc p. tu.
Leave gennton for 1'ittston and Wi'.kes
Barre via D.. L W H k 11 Oj. 0. 11 31
a. m . I '. 110, I "7, !i H p. m.
Leave Scran ton for v hit Haven. BaaWtoa,
Potteville and all pninU on tbe Beaver
Xlad"W snd l'.,ttvilie blanches, via F. W.
V . I I '..111 . all. .V IL 1: K. at s a il. Ill I,
t I It p in . Via D, L. a) V. K. U . H.U0, 0.O5,
1 11..) a in.. I ai. ISO p in
Leave Be ran too for Bethlehem. F-astou,
I Heading, llarri'hurg and all UtennadialS
I- itits v a D A H K. R . - a m ,11 la. tS8 11. tt
; 0 111 .via D . L. A W. H K..n uo s us. ll.AI a. nv.
In p n
l-se Srrsnton for Tunkhnn k. Towan la,
Eiinira. litiac.a, tieneva and all interuiedtite
poinU via 1 1 Aj H H K. ' a 10 and li ft
jl in. viali L. W It K., S OS aiu..l.H;. ru.
Leave icrautea let Bxnhteter, Baffalo. Ni
agara FsL. Detraft, Cbleasjo and ail points
wtvial) A H K. B. e.o: rt.m.,12 lo.u i'i II Si
ip m. via D L A W R. K. and Pitutoa
lancttoa, 101 a in.. 1-sj k : p. in , v.a E Jc v".
K K.. .'Ml p. m.
I Por Klin r an 1 the west v. a lalanw.oi. via
I). OH KB aol a.m.. Ut0,l 1 , p. in rill,
I L ' K K. ,001 1 in.. 1 m and 6.UT p m.
I'ullman parlor and tleepbu- ,.r Ifc V. rlialr
cars on all na ns btwen L A B Jusattion or
Wilkas Marre and New York, l'bnad,
I Huffaloaul Snain-ion Brldire
Km LIS II Wll.HCH -upt. F.! Die
CRAB S. I.s.R. (Jan. IV. ait, Pnila.Pa.
A W S. .Wl CI Ml Pass A-'!
Month Bethlrheui. I'.
B8TKBN railroad
Trains leave S.-raut n as foDowsi Fxpres
f r New Y 1 rk and all p-'iut- Kt 1 'pi, i.'s
! I. a in and '.' :l a. m . ,z i. si. I :i p. m
asprs f' r gaatoo. Trenton. Fhilad dphta
and the s. ath. 6.16, SOU and 1)1 1 . gj
SI 1 II p in.
Wahluirt'n and war ststioas. ISO p m.
Tobrhsnna aoromm' lation. Sin p. m.
I ijr (,,r lUiitibainU'ii, Oswego. Klmlrav
rormiig. bath. Dans .ile. Mouut Morris ana
Buffalo. It HI. V. 16 a. it., and 1 2i p. in., making
cUsm connectl' -li at Buffalo to all pjinta In th
Wmt. Nnrthwet and s,iiihwea:.
Bath ser, 'mm station. 6.30 a m.
Bn ghaiut..n and way stations 113? p m.
N'T .i-nn and wav stall ba S p m.
Blnghaiiiton and F.hiiira Kxpress. p. m.
gia of Cortlaad, Oyracusa owegi
I'll. a and Richfield Spnaga, 116 a m. and 1JM
p m.
ltiise. ! II and K-J a m and 1 Jl p. m.
lor North ambrlaadPlttatoa,WlIk Barra,
Plrasouta, Bi-smbaeg and DaavtU, making
... cseaeticas at Northambsrland for
WUUattMpoH Harritb'ir. Baliimer. Wash
lagl s awl tbe Booth.
Si rthnaberlaad sad !ii!ermellsto stations.
Sin, f m. and I tu and a07 p m.
Kaaueok and lateradiat atationa. s,os
and 11 9i a 111 Flvuioutb and Intermediate
s'at; as lauaad ! p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping roachtw on all train.
lor iletaUed information, pocket ttm tables,
etc , apply to M. L Smith, city ticket offle-i,
,t La. kawanua avenue, or depot ticket ofttoa
C wA" S I K
In litrci lan.iari ixili. I'M.
or'h UaanO.
.'(i! or MS
11111I1 H.ninit,
sus ensi
S Cl ( fl iTrslns Dally, r-x
cnl 1
a Arrive Leave
r N V Frankltti s: ....
7 in West 4'Jnd si reel ....
7n Weehawk.Mi
m rrtve l eave a a
... T3S
.... 7 VI
r m
. . . I OS
r v
a 10
1 i1. Hancock .iimctioii s,n
.... 11
6 is ....
f .... Itt
U . .. 5 41
64 .... Il SO
US . ..! SS
SM ....SOJ
Preston rark
Poyi tl 11"
Tlessaiit sit,
I nloidsle
Porsol i n r
Cai txnda e
w aits Brldga
M . Held
W inlon
ire Idence
Park Place
: r
; -
W 1
r 1
f M . . . . S OS
7 lilla ,1 IS
TH 1(1 .1 H
7 11 s ra H
t' r-J N VI f 1 48
m bwii si
8 4" 'sifrniio,
n 1 1 a .... 1
eaii rrjuii t
e 14,11
nxi 1 ijfl
SO !lll W
f : n-'i 1 :T
: :n t s s Y
7 4il 10 0l 1 51
; 4:1 in r1 s s4
7 is 10 10. 3
: M 10 111 404
7 M 10 17 7
7 ' 111 aol 4 10
6 01,10 94 4 14
sua nit!: 4 17
h U'. in SO 4lM
11 1..1
11 ii
II hi
I f6 isl 4 v
ft Wl 4 V
fS IS f4 K
10 41 W; 11 or.
mm anion
mt l m Leave
arrive a m r a
All trains run dally except Sunday,
t atgaifles that trains stop on tfgaej Iot pass
Addlil'euil trains leave Oarbondalo tor scrans
ton 1.10 snot, 18 p. m., arriving ai scran ton
a' d
Leave sor.mton for ("arbnrtnle fi "i and $.80
arrlvtni; ai Carbonuals at 7 36 aort '.i.i: p. m.
reoure rat.s 1 Ontario a Western before
SurchasliiK ticket! and tuve money. Day and)
infi It press to ths Won
J, C. Anderson, C.en. Pass Aft.
X. FUtorott, lllv. Paso, Afft. bcranton, Pa,
Train leave Scrantou for Now York and in
termediate points on tho Erie railroad at CHg
a. 111. and p m. Al-o for lhiwley ami
loeal points at tl !)5, VA'i and 1 -4 P BU
Traill leaving at .4B a. 111 and 1121 p m.
are throuidi trains to and trott) Honesdale.
Trains leavo for Wilkes liarro at 8 10 a. m, and
a ll p. m.