The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 28, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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AT -
All the Fashionable Shapes
Trlmmoil to suit tho most fastidious.
The moit ddieate fabric prop
rrly tilesned at
Lackawanna Laundry
308 lYnn Ava.
Norrman& Wloore
i20 Wyoming Avenue
Books Given Away Satur
day, April 28.
Thornsnni! Ornuirti HlVst'inil
Thrown on tbe World,
tcepcatea boiautct
ovomi Pardon.
For Anotherai Sin.
Wlfn in Nanio Only,
Molly Bawn,
A Mi-i.tsl Sttuirrle,
'I'll.' Wooing 't,
Admlral'i ward.
By Woman w it,
To tho Hitter End,
Aurora Floyd,
Phantom Fortune,
Mill on the FKwj,
vduin Iloilo,
Brace! Maltrarccs,
Paul Clifford.
Tho Wlda, Wide World,
The Child Wife.
Itartua M. Clay.
Tho DttehCM.
Mrs. Alexander.
If, F. Hraddou.
tinorgv Eliot.
Ilulwer I.ytton.
Fli.-ji Wether. 11
Captain Mayae RM
,1 .1
And many " tilers.
We will offer Moiuettcs
at 75C- for another
Think of it A Carpet worth
$1.75 for 75c.
The choice patterns arc
being closed out very
rapidly. Come early.
27 Wyoming Avo.
Thn Ur.lin Trsn.f.r Compsnv, Limited
T.U' Um liahCaxpand freight railed f ir
rind dvlirereU promptly. 107 franklin
Frank D. Miley, of Lancaster, is at the
Valley Hone.
.Turin I. Msthins, of Malianoy City, is at
the Wyoming.
Mrs. J. L, Tliompiton, o! Harrii-bur?, was
ht-ro yiwterduy.
H. W. ( unimingt, jr., of I'uttaville, is at
the Wtmlnter.
W. 11. Meijrs, of Bloomsuurg, wan a visi
ter here yesterday.
A. Pdnmbnrg. of Willtos-ttarre, was in
tho city yesterday.
F. H. Brundngv, formerly of tho F.irent
lioU'P, haa accepted a pneition ul L-jIi-man's.
Spruce street.
Acting Qeatral Manager J. It. Dcotctn,
of the Traction company, went la Ph la
delpBic yesterday, wuere ho will remaiu
until Monday.
Richard Thompson, of .New York. i in
the city for a few days. Mr. Thompson
Bells wall paper and BUrBldingf, and is al
waysa weh oine visitor to hcrauuio.
E. O. Conrsen returned yesterday from
a business trip to i'laladelphia, where DC
jiurchaM-d a complete, new nnd moden
line of fixtures for kit new Ijickawunna
avenue store.
Anheussr Butch Baer.
Louis irfjliiiiau's, tSh bpruce is.
Prta Exhibition at th Store of Julgi &
Co., Taylor.
Miss Young, of Boston, who h is been so
successfully eliowing the merits of the
celebrated Gold Medal and Superlative
Hour of tho Wnsliburn-f 'rosby Co. nt the
Scrnnton Cash Store, will demonstrate to
all wishing to become experts, how utterly
luelesa it is to waste rnatnnalH and ruin
the ten. r us well as the digestion, by
uiakiug and using poor bread.
Uo to the store of Judge e. Co., and see
how simple n matter it is to graco the
table with beautiful bread und cake.
e 1 -
Ir 701' will call at Miss 1 tiller's millinery
atore, 514 Hpruca street, you will find one
of the best displays of goods in the city.
P. 8. A and P. T. E.
A pleasant Sunday afternoon can bo
pent tomorrow nt the rooms of the Young
Women's Christian association, SJ05 Wash
ington avenue. The reading room will be
open from II to 4 o'clock and a service will
be conducted from 4 to 5 by Miss Krig
Imum, who will Kpcnl: on Pialm 118. The
social gathering on Tuesday eveuing will
be In charge of the entertainment commit
tee. who are planning a delightful eveniug
for their members and their young w omen
The "Character Social, " at, they call It,
will be a novel outortaiumnut.
A new stock of dross goods opon tuit
morning at Mears & llngon's.
Twenty-fivk thousand fheots of music
to bo givon nwny to each and every lady
calling nt Davidow Bros. First coma first
Choice. Beautiful selections.
Muslo Bex as Exolutlvtly.
Best made. Play any def Irod number of
tnnes. Qautschl & Sons., manufacturers,
030 Chestnut, street, Philadelphia. Won
tiorful orchestrial organs, only & and $10.
Bpecialty: Old music boxes carefully re
paired and improved with new tune.
Williams 4 IMoollf1
Very Polished Opining Performiaco of U12
Palmer Company's Local Engagement.
Brilliant Scranton Audience Welcomes
a Strong Company of Players in
Their Presentation of a Powerful
Drama by Henry Arthur Jones The
New Frothinham Accords the In
telligent Portion of the Local Theater-Going
Public an Extraordinary
The author of "The Silver King, "
next perhaps to Mr. Pinaro, ranks as
the greatest muster of dramatic writ
ing in contemporary England. W in
tins country do not exhibit the unwav
ering devotion whieh Englishmen man
liest for tho molo-dratua, whether as
regards the teninue of its construction,
It be good or bad. There are some of
Di, .it least, who regard with suspicion
any attempt to manifest genius in the
nwlo-drama intermingling of "Saints
and Sinners," npou the groaud that It
violates probability, overstrains cred
ulity and savors too lunch of a promis
cuous hawking about of assorted hu
man emotions. Yet as this effort whh
portrayed to us in tho new Frothing
bam last night by the incomparable
organization of players whioli Air,
Painter has brought together, the com
bined skill of piaywright nud actors
proved triumphant otor critical resist
ance, ami we accepted Mr. Jones'
workmanship, in spite of iU somewhat
conventional theme, as wo would ac
cept an old sermon, when delivered by
an inspired evangel.
Tim author, at the very hegiuuing,
piques curiosity in his plncing of the
central ligura in the t'linstiin minis
try. Among those Who yet retain a
trace oi that early belief in the irre
concilable antagonism botwesu thea
tricals and morals this dead luixht
have been M teamed daring and mi
pndtni Such a judgment would have
been most unjust. As outlined by the
author and portrayed in omumticit t
faithfulness by .1. II. Sto.ldart, the role
of Jacob Fletcher, the minister, ranks
as high in the list of noble creations as
any of which there is any record iu
literature, in ro-atsurauco of those
who may thiuk it necessary for the
Mriotll drama to "p nnt a moral'' as
well us "adorn a talo" it deserves
to be siid that in no contemporary
tag! creation is there conveyed a more
lofty and eloquent lesion in a more ef
lective and nan rabie manaet tuan is
co..v ' 1 :n this play, "Saints an I Sin
t.ers, " as it is prt seuted by the thorough
ariists to whom its roles liavL been en
trusted. T ne quiet, unobtrusive hero
.tin: toe steadfast, Inflexible purpose
of this humble clergyman amid trials
that might wall have caustd his whole
profession to totter and yfel '., forms an
ol i olieeeon tho in r thought of erbieb
will ever inspire all who were so for
tunate as to have share ! in lis tuition.
in a purely artistic sens", the acting
Wltneeeed l ist evening bv a select hut
loanffleient aadienoa will rank mperior
to any ever previously viewed in a
Scranton theater This is laid withont
s, v.itio-i, ind is i::s,mt esp- cully for
tbosa who uffect to detidj the low local
stand ird of stage performance, yet
withhold their encouraging support
when given opportunity to witness
larneal work by thorough masters of
tl.i ir pr lesst.n it m-tm almost like
.i be nary of onr minion to b com
jelled tu spak in t-rm of recommen
dation for a company that nuiu
lera in its ranks artiste lik
Mr Btoddart, Mr. Laekajre, Mr
P, il and Mr. Botland, and that, mom
its women, can present an artiste 10
ympathetics. le-utiful and acenmp
Itsbc 1 1 1 Utoi Bonttra xal the empty
sests which last evening rewar ed
their united ttf jrts from a curious and.
to our mind, a painful commentary o i
the discernment of oar local tnater
; ii t r a The two p rforuiances today
deserve to be attended in infflelcnl
ntimoers to more than compensate f
the partial ina h q-..icv nt lift night
reception The Scrantonian who neg
ledla fids magntfioent chance will not
desi rve anith'-r.
Officers f the Trao'lan Company Wst:Ud
It Work Yutsrdav.
Acting General Mviager J. K I!o-
tem. Baparinhindonl .1. if, Grormly,
Assistant Superintendents (iiUs
Scbkenk, Evan Uj'b, P V. dallagber,
at the new power plant of the Scran
tun 1 rsc ti hi company yesterlay morn
ing witnessed a test of a new onr ra
placer, invented and patented by
Superintendent Williams, of tbu New
York aud Ontario railroad,
it is a device for Hiding in putting
cars on tho tree k which leave the rails.
The patented articls resembles the
segment of a car wheel and has two
ridges in it. This is put' before the
wheels that are oh the track and they
ciimb up on it when the car is moved
ahead. The ftVtge of the wheel of the
car car catches in the ri !ges nnd does
not slip off until the wheel goes to the
top of the article. Then it slides over
on the rails, A fairly good test was
made yesterday, but there was a hitch
on account of the broak-shoe catching
the roplacer, shoving it ahead of the
wheel. This defect will bo remedied
und further tests made.
Rssult of Celebration Indulged in by a
John Ploncher came down from
Tbroop Thursday evening to see the
sights and at II 30 o'clock found him
self in the company of "Scotty"
Thomas and Maurice Posnor at Z. id
ler' hotel. By way of diversinu the
two latter shoved Ploucher into the
street and bestowed sundry blows and
kicks upon bim until he was almost iu
a state of coma
Ploucher missed a gold watch nfter
the festivity ended and made known
his loss to Officer Duggan, who, with
Officer Moir, arrested Thomas and Pos
ner later in the ovening fordrnnkon
iiesa. The watch was not found, but
Ploucher Identified them and said he
wonld appear aguinst them at yoaer
day's police court.
Ploucher did nut inntoraiiize at the
hearing and Thomas and Posne r wore
Datactlve Gcanlon Prefers Charges
Against Frank M. Amabry.
Detective Anthony Soanlon hni
Caused the arrest of Frank M. Amsbry,
who is chnrgod with conducting a gam
bling establishment on the top lloor of
the building at 17 Lackawunna ave
nue. Aumbry has given bail for bis
appearance, at a hearing in Ablerman
Donovan's office next Wednesday.
Detective Hcanlon claims that Ams
bry ling been conducting a systematized
runniug-in business and has been con
cerned in 11- ecing a large number of in!
dividuais The movement is undor-
stood to ha part of a general one t he
direeted agtinit all of the gamblers of
the city, of whom there are said to be
a greater number now in tue city than
ever botoro in its history.
They Will Insist on a Nine Hour Day
nnd Vorty Cents an Hour.
A largely attended meeting of Brick
layers' fJuioti, No. 18, was hold iaal
eveniug for the purpo-j;1 of considering
what action to tnko in regard to tho
dotnaud for -10 cents an hour and nine
hours for a day.
The matter was diseuseed at longth
by those present, all agreeing that the
wages paid here are too low. It whs
decided by a unanimoua vote that on
and after May 1 the union Will insist
that nine hours shall uonstitntoa day's
work und that the compensation be 40
cents an hour. In case of refusal on the
psrt of the bos'es to agree to these
terms a strike will probably be inaug
urated. The men sny that they are guaran
teed the hearty snpp irt of the Iuterna
tional Union of the United States and
Vsrdiot Deplores Leaving Small Children
The coroner's jury held a meeting
last night iu Coroner Kelly's i ffi a and
arrived at the following verdict in the
case of the children who were burned
to death Thursday morning on the
South Side.
We, tho undersigned jurors, find that
Mary, Freddie and Caroline Schneider,
enrne to their death on the morning of
April "(i, lH, by being burned in the de
struction of their homo by tire, the origin
of which is unknown to tl.u jury. We
deprecate the practice of parent, leaving
small children uioue in the house when
they have access to (Ire. We h iieve tli.'it
more cure should he exercised in that re
spect. i. ,i. Iforlarity, P.. Uickey, M. J.
O'Toole. Frauk Kiein, Joseph Klelu,
Charles Uraf.
Sabbath Protective Executive Com
mittee Is Determined That tho
Law Shall Be Obeyed,
The Sabbath Protection Executive
committee of this citv, held uu import
ant meeting yesterday morning A
two-fold embarrassment had hedged
in tho eX'Cutivn committse, aud for
nearly two weeks delayed its eclloi in
oreasini unwiiuug dealers to c ii. ra
to the Suudav closing movement,
namely, tho failure of three important
sub-cviuujiUeos to discharge the du
Urs assigned them nnl the want of
harmony among the druggists of the
city, many of them helping the move
ment, while others have not hesitatoi
to tetard It.
The meeting of yesterday was uot
without results and today the leading
homes in the central citv wili l 040
vassed aud detectives emtdoyed with a
view of !uc I ting the antagonists of the
movement and proceeding at once to
tile enforcement of the law.
It is stated on gool authority that
llev. Mr Dony, c:. airmail of th execu
tive committee, does not eonced to
drugg'.sU the right to keep Open doors
on - un lay atcl will not c ud.n legal
action to actual tales, but will proceed
against all pUccc o(wu for business uu
Suudav as offending gainel the law
tiii this there exists a d:ffreuce of
opinion, but the eninmlttte died aims
the responsibility of resorting to
the strict enforcement of the
law, alleging tit 1 1 tho indecision
of tome of the dealers leaves
no other enur e for the commit
t e to pnrsue All have been asked 0
close aud are still atk-d to close, but
Mr. Dooy insists that the movement so
generally BOfflmOOded shall not be al
lowed to fall becue a less popular
oooree is made necessary
OOmmlllee Of the I. qoor D- tiers'
aat'Ksiatlon hell a conference with the
executive commit! yetterliy, which
had the spp-aranc of eigniticmce, bin
DO information as to couletupl ktod ac
tion nvuid i obtalao t.
The c itnmittee has advertise I for
twenty '!ite t,v.. and is dstertn tie I to
punllh all offenders ngtinst thx law.
1 here it a prosp-c. of leterestlng time
ai. til I
.Iiidge Edtvardi vesterday afternnnn die-
char.:-1 all the Jot rs except thoee em
paneled on case.
Michael lIcAodreW was BCtJOlMod ef the
charge of ata:ilt end battery preferred by
Mary t'. Brier, prosecutrix.
The iurv in the ease of Gorge Miller,
cliarcif with stealing an Mepote from Hub
ert White, of ttreen Ridge, yesterday re
turned a verdn-t of not amity.
I .in mat and llri.lget MoMennne were
found gniltv ( breaking down the line
fence of Peter Itoldeng, nl Orsei w o 1.
The verdict WM aCOOeopaaied by a recoil.
mosdation to the mercy of the cuurt,
' e
PaitTirs wishing to get shoe repairing
done will kindly send it io James Msr
gotta, I2! Perm avenue, until I got located
In my new qusrten.
C. W. Scnrvi k Co.,
Old Arcade Slnsj ttore.
Tav Armlirnet's frankfurters, 118 P
Tiik Beraeton lied ting Co. are nphol
stering fiirn iii.e. Best workuieu. B"a
soiiiiblo prices.
TwuTinvi Ihooeand sheets of music
to ho given away to each and every lady
calling fts Davldow Bros. First come first
choice. Beautiful selections.
That Is prices st rinernsey Brothera
Crointv pork, Armbrutt, US Penu are.'
BUTTBS In pound prints, rollt and crocks,
Beiniiart's market.
Twenty-fivk thousand sheets of music
to be given away to each mid every lady
calling nt Davidow Bros. First come first
choice. Beautiful nelectious. ee
Low IStOM for line groceries aud mar
ket goods, at Heinhart's.
ClRT your carpets cleanod by tho Scran
ton Bedding Co.
TwEXTV-rtVR thousand sheets of music,
to be given away to aeh and every lady
calling at Davidow Bros. First come flmt
choice. Beautiful selections.
CROOP RICH ENft April 86, 1894, at the
home of the bride's psrouta In Avocs,
Pa., by Rev. F. P. Doty, of Peckville,
Pa., Joseph H. Croop, of Dunmoro, nnd
Miss Jennie Richens, of Avoca, Pa.
LOVELASS-CONNOR-At the residence
of C. W. loveless, Dnmascns, Pa , April
25, 1S!4, by Rev. II. O. Harned, Charles
Iinvelass aud Miss Rosa Connor, all of
QAUGHAN Bridget, wife of Michael
(iaughan, of 507 Monroe nvenue, Dim
more, aged 40 years. The funeral will
be held Monday forenoon.
Patrick McGiiire Returned Hot Guilty on Tint
Thomas O'Donnell Tried nnd Con
victed of Assault, Notwithstanding
That Ho Said He Was Not the
Guilty Man The Sentence Imposed.
Joseph Chadwick Returned Not
Guilty of Larcency Other Cases
Patrick Mc.Uuir.i wat mod in court
yesterday ou tne charge of snooting
Thmas Hughes, a IU s ii 'jr in the
office of Willard, Warren & Enepp,
and acqoltted on th ground of insan
ity, 'i'ne prosecutor was ropreccotod
iiy Maj 'i- Everett Warren and District
Attorney Kelly and the defetlM hy At
torney Jooeph O'Brien.
The crime of which McOuire wss ac
cused created consideraole interest at
tho time. Mr. Hughes was pusing
nloug Wyoming Tenne,B ur .Mulberry
atroet, when StoGoira drew a revolver
and discharged ii at him, the
striking Mr. Bngbeeio the foot The
exuute giv-u by McUuir for hit act
was Dial Hughes had whistled at him
".n l also struck him with a stone.
When arrested IfcClalre, who claimed
that he had heu pOfaeOUtod. stated
that he whh sorry he had not directed
his aim higher.
The defense was that McOnire is In
line Dr. Bornett testified that ho had
visited the defendant in Jail and foun 1
him suffering from paranoia or a de
Insioa of persecution. Tins is a in una
that Jnatifiel in tne mind of th victim
any act of lew! s-:,--s that he may
commit. Major Warren Subjected Dr
Burnett to a rigid cross, ex limitation,
but the pbyaictao bore the trying or
deal well.
Dr, Wehlau w at the next witness
He also ha 1 examined McO.iire at the
county jell. Hit testimony ttro'igly
corroborated Ilia', of Dr. Burnett. Both
phyileiana testifled that XsQnlrs is a
daugeroiiH man to he nt lur'e
John Nesbitt ami Professor M. H.
Jordan, principal of the scin ol at the
Corner OI Wyoming avenue an 1 A lb
street, testified IbatMcOnlra la a dan
gtrous mini.
Joseph l iilleu teetlflod to having been
knocked down mid bitten by IfoOuIrO,
and Polloeman James v Coleman
sai I that the defendant was a sullen
liMH who tbongnt that people de
lighted t ' annoy bun. .lame Bote,
Miss Mci i'nre. s s:-r of the defendant,
and Martin Mci i iwati wsresworii All
throe testni-d Pi the peculiarities of the
man The case w is submitted without
argument and half poet 11 o'clock
Judge Klwurdt charged 'he jury, who
In the afternoon returned a verdict of
not guilty mi account of insanity. Mc
Onire will bo sent to an Ineeneaaflota
George K itch and wife. Andrew
llrn, M ry Ann PatOpSSO, Ghorgoand
Ifcjek F-ink. Peter Jobannlshoek and
John Hohnt were tried before Jodgc
A rob bald, obarged wit'i affray an I re
listing an offlotr, Judge Stanton ds
fendid the accuse 1 tin I A'statant Dis
trict Attorney James J O Netll upheld
the dignity of the com neOn weal th
The protecut ir in t:.e c tee wat Phil p
Williams, a Dickiou i.'ity nonstable,
who claims that last Ju y he we-it t
Blaki ly to arrett oa warrant i -i .1 i i
Mohut. He wae aooompanled bj
Mmet Bnns tnbe, th m in ,T o ow re
out the warrant. Mobut rttUted en 1
s tig'.t entiled in wl io';. it Wat ali-- 1.
ail lefeti 1 i -its and . ':re partld
psted. Both Williams land Boot
were badly used and the prisontr made
nil escape.
, !"( dsn Is claim 1 thai 0 Ml
stable Wllliami it an offiolooi fellow
who preys opo i tiis B vi after tb
manner of c rtiin disr jiu'.ahl i special
flkers, and that in the pursuit of such
mttho it attempted to arrest siobnrl
They elatmed tbsy did not Interfere,
hot afterward were trreeted and m
to jail booaoae they woul l not iny the
costt. The jury retire 1 at 1! o'olook to
oooatdar the oase, but had uot agree J
on a yerdlot when court aljoarned.
i inv n.t. gosfficfgu
Tbomae O'Donnell, who wean a
woo leu leg, wM tne loo a eharge or
a mit and intiery prersrred bv o. T.
LntS A:tomy Joseph O'Brien ap
peered for tho defeodaal aodDiitrlol
Attorney Kelly repreoootod the proje
ct! lion,
The accusation was that while the
prosecutor aud Frank Utrhsr were go
ing borne from tb" Mre: car biro they
were eet upon at Pin Brook and
beaten by a crowd of sevaial persotit
Th defendant strung tho proeeentor
and knocked him d IWS 1 he sssanll
took place near the corner of Caponte
avenue and Pbolpl s'.reet.
O'Doonellwai the only witntti:i
behalf of lbs dsfsnss The outrage
wat alleged to hafe been committed
bortly before 1 o'clock in the BaOTO
inr. O'Donnell swore that he was in
bed at '.I o'cluca on tint particular
night and fiat he di 1 nut Strike Lots
The jury evidently did got take much
stock in the man's stoiy, for he was
promptly convicted ana tentoosed by
the court to p iy a fine of i, cottt of
prosecution, an 1 undergo confinement
iti the county jail for one mouth.
Joseph ( had wick was aOOQSedoflhs
larceny of a boras, Daeid B Jenkins,
pr. stcntor. Jenkins pinchased t'hatl
wlok's horse for if-3u The prosecutor
elatmed that tl dofendaOl owed bim a
hosrd bill imoOUtlOg to f 1-1 This was
to be considered as part payment for
the animal and the balmcu was to be
ptld nt tho end of the yeur. However,
after teveriii montba, Ohadwioh took
the burse out of the st ible while Jen
kins was away from home.
The defence wee that Obadwlok bad
been told by tho prosecutor's son to
t'ike the horse, is the old man could not
pay for it. A verdict of no', guilty was
returned by the jury.
The last CJse beard by Judge El
Wardl was that, of Titus D, Evans,
charge 1 with assault an 1 buttery,
George Von Scopelaud, prosecutor.
Brani owns bouses on the West Side
ahtl Mr. Scopelaud and his wife re
sided iuone of them. They iot behind
with the rent and on March 17 the de
fendant went to the house to serve a
notice on them to vacate. No one was
at home, but while Evans was stand
ing on tho front porch Mrs Von Scooe
land returned. She refuted to pay any
heed to the landlord, telling him, ahn
claimed, to call and eeo her husband
when he came home. She ran to a side
door and the defendant followed and
struck her twice. This was Mrs. Von
Scopelaud's story.
The defame was that Mr. Evans wcut
to the house merely to servo the notice
nnd that the woman flew at him in a
great rage. Witnesses swore that thoy
saw her kick him while she was stand
ing on the steps nnd that she screamed
out thriiits at the top of her voice. The
case was the last heard and soon after
giving it to the jury Judge Edwards
niljourued court,
Y. M. C. A. Kembsrs Will Jaunt Under
Dirtctton of Jumos B. Watson.
The athletic department of the
Young Men's Christian association has
inaugurated a series oC suuimor tramp
ing tours for members under the direc
tion of Jurats B. Watson,
Tbo first tour Will bo mudo today.
Routes havo been nrrsnged for every
Saturday until Juno 23, according to
the following:
April 28 Campbell's Ledge, 10 miles:
take tho Delawaie, Lackawanna and Wcsl -em
1.35 p. m. truiu to Pittstou, to Cainv
bell's Lc'tV'i and return '.o Scranton afoot.
May 5 Buzzard Pond, 10 miles, '
May 17 liald Mountain, 14 miles.
May 38 Point north of Notch. 18 miles.
May -'J Mount Lookout, B miles; leave
Delaware. Lackawanna anil Western sta
tion ou 1.95 train to Wyoming, tu M mat
Lookout, und return ou 5.2'J train for Wy
oming Juno 2-Spi ing Brook MoC7italn,10 triie',
leavo on Delaware and Hudson at 1-5,
train to Moosic, to Spring Brook Mountain
and return to BorantOO on 5.50 train.
June 'J tilacnil Pot-hole, Archbald: leave
on Delaware, Lackawanna and Wottortt
2.17 train, return ou 5.14 train.
June 10 Farviow; leave on Delaware
and Hudson train to Farview, to Carbon
dale by foot; leave ou 7.00 train foy Scran
ton. June ..; -Crvstol Lake.
Twentv I'lVE thousand theets of music
to be given away to each and every lady
calling at Davidow Bros.
choice. I'o autiful selection .
Fark Commissioner Moore to Euggttt
T utchase f Land for That Purpose.
Park Commissioner Thomas J. Uoors
will introduce lit the tii"eling of the
South Side hoard of trade next Tues
day evening tho auhjeot of buying the
ground ou the upper side of Cunuell
Park for au artificial l-ice. Tao plot
ll l v ry deep hollow aud consists of
only a few acres. If it were secured
(or this pnrpoce the popularity of the
park would Increase a hundredfold.
Homo time ago the mutter wat brought
to tbe attention of William Oonnsll,
an I he miJ that, owing to the under
ground working!, it might he that the
place would not hold body of water
The pri j- Ot was not pushed any for
tber at the time. But now Mr. Moore
intends to revive it. He argues that
the bottom of Mho hollow coul l be ce
mented without a very groat espoi.s.-,
! and mods water-tight.
Next week Contractor Peter Mullen
will begin laying a lateral nlpe to toe
park from tho main line on Pittstou
avenue, The waste water at the park
c uld be turned into the lake, making
it both useful kil l i.rn uu -uUl.
TwaHTl-rm thousand sheets of music
to be given away to each ana every ledy
calling at Davidow Hr . Pint QOmo first
choice. lieaill.ftil elec.lons.
Excellent Procrait mi to be Kerder'd st
Per.n Avenue gapttat Chorih
A tacred musical service will le hel l
j at the Penn Avenue Blptlel OhnrcO to
morrow evening The largo chorus,
under tie direction of J. T Watklne,
assisted bv the tOlc quartette Will rend
er tbe following eelectioni ;
I t-'antatie Bati!e
Mis- Rtenmoad.
"Praise the Lord" Oo kl
i aoraa
0 artetta."ltolv Redeemer" Bcbul :'
Miss Urace and Aonle H as, Veruie Milc.i
ell ami JctC i Suiusut.
Anthem, "Hoar L"s, () Father hViriy
H iprani s and Ittss 0C and i h ir.n
Jesue, Lovei My Noil" Merit. Ii
l isrtelte.
1 if.:. lie (Jmimant
Tluy Utra at No 'Mi Echol on
Frat.k In Av.inue
Arbor Day was vttterdey o'nerved
I i ... resting xer imc at N . ..liecboji
00 Franklin avenue.
Is-ttly 600 pnpill w.tuetted the
planting with ceremony, ot an elm
IMS at the reur of the building
Addreeeea were mule bv Precidenl
t'. ll Von Btoroh and V L Wormeer,
of the choc i board, John 11 I allows
and Bopcrlnten lent Pmllipt. Members
Welch, Jennings and Sciireiher. ut Ih
school Loatd, wre in attendance.
Ths Va'.e ef Mlanekshta
IsC.etit:.. , f a hesu'.ifully i.:titra'i :
mut s:
kindred nisi ti
wll. be maiitsl
f '
hv w. a. 'line... geoen
i BlCagO and N. rlhweeti
OagO, Id., usti nciipt
ing I cent itamp,
i . r. .. inn I, groceriet,
hai is.
groceries, at ft
Ths Lstest
tnd gents' line th '
ner wear at the
i Washington a Vet
iniiun o .
Da, c. c Laimaon, deotut, oss ami
I Water compat.y building, V. r 'uing ave-i.-ie
!...: ... i . . ii.- ..Le, Ui!.. !. iu
I txiauton.
Dr. Uibbour,
i of N"ew York riiy, will be in Ins Scrtnten
i fin e, 441 W yoinin: av un , every Mon
day from 1 In the morning until i) in the
a i
MllKgll tongue, Arnibrtnt. 219 l'eun ave.
- .
Cnadlestcn ft Woerfs and Ballanltne't
A.w sie the beet. t J., itcii, as
Cackle anna ave lies.
EAUTIFUL Jt'wclrv to sc
tool from,
lejjVEKVTill(i lieu-.
Li .1. IXiiS iii new Stjles.
I 111 in and Bee oar new store,
Ii olt are welcome,
Ti:K!,IX(i Silver Novelties iu
great variety.
417 Lackawanna Aye,
Best Seta of Teeth,$8.oo
Inclndlng tbe painless extracting
(if teeth by uu entirely new pia
S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
inn av i-
The Now York, Ontario & Western R. R.
to, will atop the following trains nt the
crossing opposite the new Base Ball
grounds: Train BOB, south, loaviug Car
boudaio 8.8s p. nx; train '.07, north, re
turuiug leaving Scranton 4,oi) p. m.; train
809, uortn, returning leaving Scranton 0.10
p. m., daya games ai o played.
District Passenger Agent.
" TJ'tN'T let that eoinrortshlo neigh- fS
fj bor sympathise with yoo. There's g
H solid cninfor: in hammock iounghir. 5
I Hammocks for a Dollar 1
ne .
3 Th., Lovei, b:y r tittle ahead g
B ' r th " tune; but then, wu uro i-.lwuys at
atti ad.
J 126 Penn Ave.
ml B
ir" rem
" Plumbing ( Popular
3 Tiniiiiifr ) Prices K
e o 3;
uei m
m When you arc looking for ncv- S
55 HttS, come in and you will 5
find them.
em sari
Scranton's Ucusehold Spsciallsls. I
Le em
128 Wyoming Ave.
We are now displaying
a fine line of . . ...
K i
'. ' '
" ;-
REMEMBER, crerj pnrchager of Men's, liny1 or Chlldnn1!
(Jlothing, Bhoen, Hats or Onnt'g Purnithing Goods to the amount of
M or eer, i preiented srith a ehaiK-f mi tin- UKAl'Tirn. rAKl.Oi:
81 1 11 : now on exhibition in our window.
pin mi
Ccmpleto Outf.ttoro, SCRANTON, PA,
S. Lh i-ALLEN.
te ::t shown here
Represents Banister's new
Razor Toe Last. If you want the
latest styles in Footwear trade at
BANISTER'S PRICES are a little less than you
are paying elsewhere for interior goods;
BANISTER fill give you MORE for your money
liian any Shoe House in the city. Patent Leather
and Riiiset Slices in endless variety.
BANISTER'S,' Urtwjj tOpty Hw w
40LASSES catches more ilies than
vinegar. Good goods draw more
trade than poor ones.
Our Ladies' Suits, Shirt Waists, Capes,
Millinery, etc., and Men's Llats, Neckwear
and Furnishings are hound to catch trade.
Each purchaser to the extent of $i or over
takes part in our $2,500 Distribution Gift
. Vv
$4.00 Cap? for
in all colors.
Ladies' fine Coats,
worth $6.00, for
Also Ladies' fiae
Serge Suit3, worth
$7.00, for
138 Wyoming Ave.
next dime bank,
To get yourselves ready for Sun.
day you can appreciate the avail
ability of a stock and store like
ours that can ilrcss you and the
boys from head to foot really
better and cheaper than anywhere
you i an go. And what's best of
all you know every cent yotl
pend will come back if you're
not suited.
BOME'tiL M Ml is-