1 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MOKPTUTO. APRIL 28. 1894. SCEANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, General Manager. rtJBMSDEn nalt.Y ANP WXBK J - V IN Sl'BAS rON, PA.. UV VlIB UUIUUNK FUBLISUING ci itipAjir S S Your mcsi Bcildino, Frank 8. ov.kt. VitosR. Lntertd at the Paita'JIce at Fcranton, fa, at Steond-Clast Hail Hatter. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. BCBAHTOR, APRIL SS. 1894. It is bkcause the American p-opl iovs n light! that so inuny of them ur SIMdoUl to see Figlititiij Jnck Robinson whip big trsdnssri nud win tUo nomi n.ition At orirt and the ixms timo. Tom Reed at Pittsburg. The reception nceonletl lint evunlntj ;o ex-Speaker lifted hy the nismtiers md gnssts cf the Atncricna club of Pittsburg WU an incident well worthy il more thim passing attention. Tb personality, not left than the utter ances, of the hfro of this notable ova tion evor repays study. Tbo attributes of political leadership and the means whereby be daily giini popularity and wius esteem are worthy of thoughtful consideration by cit!Z9ti of a govern ment In whieh great problems of na tional dentiny ns well as minor subjects of Individual concern, aro so largely sffVcted by men of Mr. I5ed's stamp. To begin witb, it may be aflirmyd of the American people that they admire n fiu'liter. Tom Used is above all else a fighter. He fights fair and is a manly foe as well as a manly friond; but fiom the minute he is enlisted in a contest Ontil tlie contest closes he lights in CMUntly, furiously and with all his itreucth. ho neither alkl nor gives H rter. I. il;e thi pugilist in the ling, e rSCOgniSN no friend in the antago nist coufrooting him, and lets fly the biceps of bis ample brain with tint suit I'urrose of wiuninir the victory, or being frat.kly whipped. That fairly won or .est, he reveals at once a wholly new jhase of character; and becom by .uiek transition the most genial, com panionable) and popular of BSD, His r.ardest biltiinr SQSDiSS are personally his warci"st frinnds; and m- n who would sit up Dightl to plan sch.'in.s of injuring htm politically would walk m..es to do hiiu a fv. r in any social or business relation of life. Au Individual of whoui this cm be said must necessarily hive nothiua small In bis mintal composition. Lit tle men du not make or hold scch bit ter profsastonal eiiuinit) and such warm and Ust.n p.rs nl frimidships. Tl.o give anJ take of political life in volvcs every p hticiar, in IsfgS fluctru tions and constant uucertaintjr. Mr. Heed, frsli from t!io most complete parliamentary triumph of this centuiy, is today high and OlBSt in the favor of the American misses Hi has the brains to ITS OS any position in thir gift uul the msnho il to do ere lit to I My relation tluy may wish him to as sume. It it is yet too early to prediet what his future shall be and too soon to epeak with confidence as to the Dtlt turn in the capricious political ti le, tue fact is steadily Kaining recognition that Thomas li. Kud is a man born to fill a larir- pi SOS in the history of his generation, and to acquire a following in the polities of the republic of wnicu we today see, as it Were, only the ad vance guard The rknkweh ac-ivity of the G.orge Francis 'Iran, industry is another thing to be chalked on toe debit side of the rt-asceud,;ut l)mocraey. An IBTBBSSIOM u vumbtedly obtains among many persons tuat the Arclie circlo Is likely srme day to disclose a now continent, II n tl ioatial witu ref erence to the i!estmi of fntnre cen turies as the diMOTorjP of America t.as bt n to our own. It is this bliua fauh, opposing lenaciousiy all the facts oi' oiaervation and science, that er.-atea nob n sentimental interest In North Pole exploration. Hiuached bone and skulls and tales of inestimable suffer ing merely fan this curiosity until the Veriest advsntniar is nowadays quite sure, If he care to take the risk, of re turning from Greenland either frozen cotp'e or a perfervid hero and lion. It is all very s.ily, of eourse. but it is the unalterable fact. The mi epigram of the season is that winch defines Coxeyism as a condi tion without it theory. Meat Ax Economists. What shall he done with the Ameri can Indian',' An element in congress, following our. the somewhat brutal teaching of pioneer mentors who con tended that the only good Indian is a do id Indian, now propose, after having upent hundre ds of thoutau Is of dollars in the establishment aud development of government Indian schools, to can -csl this investment because depleted government revanuea point to tho ne cessity of economy. They do not deign to argue tbe question of moral duty to the nation's copper-hued wards. View ing notning but tho lack of ready money in tbe treasury, they ery for a blue pencil and would without scruple strike out blindly the schedules relat ing to Indian education. It occurs to us that this is not a wholly creditable method of reform. While it is doubtless necesssry under the circumstances to restrict all present appropriations to the narrowest mar gin consistent with prudent govern ment, the proposition to rip, hew and hack In this summary manner is uot the proposition of wisdom nor the part of careful statesmanship. Uuder the supcrintendency of Dr.W. N. Uailman, formerly of La Porte, Ind., these insti tutions of learning kept open for the benefit of the Indian boys and girls nave made remarkable progress. We challenge aiiy person who has evor visited the training ecnool at Carlialo to deny that the process of education can be applied successfully to this branch of tue human family. When in every walk of professional and com mercial life reclaimed Indians hold their own on terms of equality with the moat favored whites, it is too late in the discussion to enter the plea of failure. There is an additional reason why this effort to sacrifice the present sys tern of federal education for Indiana needs to bo resisted. The effort comes not from intelligent and patient statis uiau, but from that element in our po litics which is conspicuous chiefly for its ignorance and obstinacy. The lead ing factors in American culture aro to day iu full byuij-atLy with t..a eudeavor to make Amends to the surviving Io dian ooildrsn for 'he great liUt-.rical injustice d- n to th-ir BBOSStors. II standards of culture and SOnsoisQOS are to be subordinated in this one iu.itanc to mer- mathematical consideration of temporary economy, and that an ig norant economy which hacks at figures lindly, there is no telling where the barbarian invasion mav spreid. The congrees which has to a large degree made itself responsible for such humil iating manias as Coxeylsm Is not a congress to be permitted to exorcise fnll discretion in its Popniistic notions of reform. In the: opinion of most, if not all, respectable men, the only man meaner then a demagogue is a convicted crimi nal; and there nre doubts about oven this relative rating. Tni? cholera scare of 1S04 begins un commonly early; bnt it will not excite tnnch alarm. Tlie cleansing processes of tho last two y-.-ars have left this dread scourge little territory suited for it to prey upon. Isolated spots imv exhibit traces of the infection; but so far, at least, as the United Slates is concerned, it is possible now to con sign this conventional scar to the happ pan tease. Innuendo as a polities! woupon dulls its edge against common sense ever timo it fears to com out into the open. Get Into tho Clearing. The at teemed Philadelphia Press aptly says that "when there are more candidates than there are places to be flllsd somebody will necessarily bo dis appointed. Every ranu who anten the Bald for a nomination must take his chances. An open discussion of the various candidates can do no harm; on the other hand, it is desirable; aud 1.' there is any candidate whose nomina tion would be a discredit and a danger to the party that Should be made plain before it is too late." Meeting this frank outburst with similar frankness, i ll K TRIBOKI desires on behalf of the It publican mass-s to know whit one candidate it refers to wheu, in th e ims editorial trom which we hav quoted , It says "thi cliie.' scandal of me pres.-nt canvtss has bo-n the n -lorion use of mo-u-y by 4 single candi date'!" hoe tht Press mean I iener.tl Hast ings? .It is known tuat he baa "used money," although not corruptly. ll has paid postage on Utters, had his I lOtnrS taken SSd even, as we have been Informed, maintained a literary bureau of wnich lbs i'r.-s' political ed itor has had chanv. AH these things Uk money, and no doubt General Hasting has paid tha bills without thought of iiettitig "notorious" there by. Hut uisvlf tbs Prss means Wal tsrLyon. Hs, too, Is circulating liter ature. His friends are very prop-rir making his msrits known and to do this these days SOStS cash. The statu of Pennsylvania i much too big to en able ev.-rv body to know all about eyery other body. If the Pre does not mean Walter Lyon, whom sUs'doSS i: mean? W should like to have it speak out frankly, put its information at the public's disposal, tad thai lave trouble. "A danger to the party should," inde.d, "be mads plain before il is too late." The anonymous attark is a method of fighting unworthy of a great pap-r which, uot witnoat injustice, aesum l to be the rSprsSsntatiVS nrwpper of the Kpubiicaue of this common -iv alio. I'ros tup. supposition that Walter Wellrnan, the newest Aretic pole l.ntit-r, is well paid for hie risks It it I .' ; to excuse the e.-miDg folly of bis expedition. Thn question whether he shall tsru his livelihood in reputa ble i.ewerapsr work or pnt it on the hszsrd of n madman's dsah for ie locked nerttern sea I one for hi per sonal determination. He alone take tbs risks; hs alone nesd psy the piper. uk st men would prefer to attend to legitimate duties In a climate with which they are familiar, taking their chances for bread and fame In the ord inary and beaten path. Still, Mr. Wellrnan has a freeman's liberty to chose, if he please, a more nnusual course; and having ehoten it, to pursue it as far as he may desire. The only point we wish to bring out in this re lation i that, having assnm-d thl lat ter risk deliberately, for gain, he no longer become a propir subject for printed panegyric and should take his level with uny other wage earner lack ing the ?nod judgment that Wags earners commonly exhibit. The effort to inflate him into a bold and dashing hero shonld not be permitted to inflict npon the Ameriean people a second edition of Stanley with bis tedious tropics metamorphosed Into glaciers and Icebergs From am. accounts the Republican congreuional fight in the mother coun ty will from this timo onward be all that the greateit lovers of Political ex citement conld desire. Mr Leieenring without having said much, has done such a large quantity of tall work in the lower end that Hon. Morgan Id. Williams has concluded it is time to give a sign. Accordingly, his placard announcements are distributed In all pnblio places. This will natnrally have the effect of stimulating tho friends of Mr. Miner, who iu turn will incite re nowed activity In the other camps. If as a result of all this eagornoas a dark horse like Senator Kline should slip through, it would be a joke that many would regard aa having beon not wholly nnexpeoted. The NiCAitAUUA canal jobbers are re viving the tepid cry that Eugland will jrrab this invaluable waterway if the United State does not at once endorso the stock jobbers' bonds. The notion is absurd, hut it servos its immediate purpose. Jingo patriots, under sub sidles from tho chief of promoters, aro making the Welkin ring. To what extent, if nt all, the Phila delphia Press r. present General Hast ings in its anonymous fusillade at the candidacy of Jack Robinson, we are, of course, unable to say; but of one thing we are sure, The hero of Johnstown is uot the man to favor knifing another man la the back. The manner iu which the Press would embarrass its frieud in the not improbable event of Repre sentative Robinson's nomination on the samo ticket with General Hustings onght to be obvious eveu to the author of the Prt-ea' covert attsoks. Tjie kkputatiun which Senator Allan b gnu w en ' .'(inke for sixteen con -eciitiy- hours in sdvocacj of ir.e silver coinage mis teen abundant)) utaiii"il iu tiie r-ent activity of his loWsrjaW. Hs is fast becoming tbe premier demagogo of bis day. One OK the chs-sl eimleuts of the woman suffrage problem once said be wss in favor of woman having that piivilejge but would be sorry to seo her use it. And doesn't that pretty well cover the common sense of the subject as the case now tttauds? Senator BBId will discover before he gets through witb trying to concili ate the Populists that the game is not worth tho candle. The only sure cure for such political disorders a this is to let them die of their own voraciou volubility. ACCOBDlVa to most Democratic or gans these Cony uprisings are the fruits of Republic in legislation but none of these able editors explains why the rabble was so tardy in getting aturted. Y HAT ONE Woman Hears. It hue always bean a wonder to no how it is that men in general are so crazy to get en the police force. A lapsrfiolal view of the position would not lead one to believe it held so in my charms. To bo sure, a police offlsof always Iooks handsomer than any other man on earth and everybody sonrri-s out of tho way to let him pass and the small boy look upoi him with spsech li','saweaud admiration. These tl tuils go a loug wiy witb men, I al ways feel to gratu'ul that I wasn't create I it man, and Ihsrefoi e STSStHTS putted up with vanity. Unt there are a number of objections to the position who h more than balance the trivial sdvsntagss mentioned above It mnal b horrid to para ds around the lonely streets after everything bnt toughs and the ;ray felines are In bed and sslstp and to fetl (tattle responsibility of the town's welfare rests upon you although of course noboly sVOf hol ts a pollosman respoailbla for anything If ne ssss a lire and gives the alarm, or if he spits an Hile'd burglar nd oatabsi n.m, wll ml good) the oftic- r is land I to the eslt-a. If he doesn't see the (ire and it burns up tlie city, or if the burglar gets stray Bndstssted, SMO well and gotttl; lot 111 list have been on the otlit-r end of the be.tt. t Hot there ar- so many unpleasant thing in this police busluese He may get ll l if he tries to arrest anybody. He may be treated with marksd disre sped and profanity by some of tbs Women wbo are thrust upon his atten 'iou, aud be has to stay out on tbe cold strai ts la winter without daring to go inside where warm fires and DSVSrSgS invito and where in the beat of IttBUBSI tUSf have uice ice water uud Othsi thing which seem goodly in hi light I don't think the lot of n pollerinau it a happy one, bnt it aetms tiiat ti.e real, vital reason thnt imbue so many int o with the ambitious to be ou lbs lofOS l the fact that iu aummer they can se bsse ball for nothing. I magi n U l feeling of Chief Siiupi-in ami hi men whan they Utrnei tins week thai t b S. ranton llsee Hall association at tirr. thought it wonld Lot permit tho frs antrsBosof i dlosmssat in games, rr- bapl you've noticed the sudden chang of heart that alrurk the aasnciaiion tbe ot er night wr.eii it decide I that tbe ofll.fr might b poSSsd in alter ell. A ptiiiCKinau whj comes u; to our fdoe told ns bow it was. The force was going to skip in and hav oine of its number a the gaiuee, and every tun th blsaobers whatsvar they ar mad too much noise, the oflicvrs of tbe association WSfS to be arrested, and whenever the bcrauton team mads an error thuv were going to fine Alex Dunn I don't wonder the poor man resigned, but yon st the policeman are not to t oxrliided hereafter; and tho newspapers aro also to be tfS tie l I ot ter. IJeae ball without the aid of tbe pres would be of no account I wo invited to wrlje a series of letters upon the game as it is plavsd In Bsranioo, Lut 1 rsally far that Wedntsduy won't be my afternoon ont. at Do yju know it- sajins to me that it would be just as well if th Republi cans did less bragging and more lo? -mnkiug? 'i here are tun when self assurance carries one through, but this may not be one of the time. It would be too bad if a boast too much or a k:sa too little should wreek a freight load f fond hope. t I hear that th high tcbool com mencement will be held in ti.e Fro lb -inghaiu this year, ami will it not I a prtly sight? The dag is o large ami the decorations can be mad eo lovely that, with the youth and beauty of tbe graduates and high school popils, it Will be a bright picture, indeed I hop. Iks weather bureau will graciously SSnd a cool evening. Commencement programmes are universally built with the design of giving every lad and las- to a show, and graduation nights ar always hot beyond eudurauce. s s s We had some Presbyterian delegates st our house during the lust three days. They were what one might term "advanced" in their ideas, being usually intelligent and highly cultur- d ; but they never once mentioned woman's auffr.ige in tn-ir entire stay. They ta.ketl about the progress of uiir sex In so many directions; of the wou-dt-rful work women aro doing at home and nbroad, and of the possibilities that lie before ui in the new century; but tbey never howled about the men nor recounted the tulos of cruel oppression under which we poor women groan and snffer. It was really pleasant to have them around We've had dele gates in tho past who blamed the men eo mnch for all the evils that befall us and our land nnd nation, that onr moo folk for very shame, or something, took to getting their moal down town dur ing tho visitations, and 1 grew so dis gusted with men after bearing ot their iniquitous proceedings, that I was snappy to my employer uud was in vited to get a new position. But tht-ss delegate were very mild and harmless and I can't say that they pnt any ob streperous notions into my head or that thoy talked about woman's sphere or of tbe bee.aties of being a Proiiibi lionist, or of any other disagreeable topic Theis are del -gate and dele gates I believe on tho whole I would as willingly have these lust vl-itors, as the preacher of the previous week, al though preachers have tneir plat 's of usefulness too. Hlxen Wayne, "DEMEMBER there are hundreds of brands of White Lead (so called) on the market that arc not White Lead, composed largely of Barytes and Other cheap matenals. But tlie number of brands of genuine Strictly Pure White Lead is limited. The following brands are standard "Old Dutch" process, and just as good as they were when you or your father were boys : "Atlantic," " Bcymer-Baurnan.'' "Jfwett," "Davls-Chambor3." "Fabnostock," Armstrong & McKelvy." Tor Colors. National Lend Co.'s Tare White Lcatl Tinting Color, a one-pound can to a 35-pound keg of Li-ad r.uj mix your own paints. Saves timo raid annoyance in tiutclung ihsdas, nnd insures tlie. best paint that it is PusmMc to put tin wood. Si-ad us u postal card ami nt. our book on paints uud color-csrdj fi -; it wilt probably ISYI ycu I 0od many dollars. NATIONAL LEAD eo., New Voik. We. are Headquarters for Everything in Our Line. REFRIGERATORS WATER COOLERS ICE CREAM FREEZERS HAMMOCKS and BABY CARRIAGES V targe line of New and Bennti lul Goods, all Miitablo lor gifts. Coarsen, demons & Co. 422 LACKA. AVE. AYLESWORTH'9 Meat Market The FLint io tlie Citf. Ti latt-st improved fur BlshlBgl and apparatus for krrpttn; rut. hotter and ega. I J J Kilning At'. FIRST MORTGAGE 6 BONDS i'K THE FORTY FORT COMPANY. A United number of tho abort NtmN aro lor SSlC :it par and nt'- orasd iatercst by the following parteS from whom pi- of tin; mortgage and full Information tun be obtained) B.W. sCnlllgan, Cashier Bseond Kationa) Hank, Wllkes-Barre, Pa. W. L. WatSOn, Cashier First Na tional Hank, Pittston, i'a. J. L. Poien, Cashier Pooples Sa 111 s U.m;., I'ltLsIoii, Pn. A. A.,Bryden1Presidenl Miners' Barlaga Bank, Pittston, Pa. Aud by the Strantoti Savings Bank and Trnsl QoinpanjTrnstee under the Mortgage. T, H. Athertoa, Counsel, WILKES BABBB. PA, WANT An ritrn DBS BsBTf F. Miller leasts A.. ....... II.... . -I Mamm I.I..-.. I-. i mm. 51.1 ' .II I'- V III' l.l'l I1IU .,llMli- II. HI. II.. A jiii'iil iIhImi-s llmtlipi-. Siu,.r P.iini)... imi A u'ik'S M.-jit IlrntlmrH quaro FIuo..,, im A food 1'irtli Si I'oiul Bqnsr ttsns T' A ifu-iil rini-liunlu Kiimii-1 I'I.iiiii fjO A very L-ooil li.tou Itnu to Walnut C'prlKht ltl A very good Wheeloek t'prlght l'laiei. . Iwi A VL-iy good Wbuvlovk Uprlgtit rlstto.i i GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW rir.nc ASK YOUR GROCER S TOWERS' DELICIOUS, MILD STTCKaXl HAMS. EVERY HAM AND PAIL. OF TRSPPLIED THE GOLDSMITH S AN OPE YE ARE overstocked with Ladies' Jackets, therefore have decided to cut our prices all to pieces. This is some tiling unprecedented right in the heart of the season. Our Loss Is Your Cain 60 Ladies' Tailor-made Jackets and Blazers, formerly M QQ $4 to $5. Clearing Sale Price . . ipl.UO 65 Fine Imported Clay Diagonal and Broadcloth Jack ets, with Balloon Sleeves, formerly $6 to $8. Your 00 QO choice at . . , pOvO 73 Long and Short, Tiht and Loose-fitting Jackets, both plain and trimmed, formerly $8 to $10. Your M QQ choice now at yvQ 27 Fine Melton and Kersey Jackets, lined throughout with Silk, and Moire trimmed, formerly $12 to $15. d7 QQ Your choice now at i)l.uO These are no out-of-date garments, but arc of the newest and most fashionable cut, A manufacturer's Sample Line of Very Fine Cloth Capes, Fifth avenue styles., at ONE-THIRD OFF in price. About 50 Children's Stuff Dresses, that were made to order for one of the finest New ork retailers, but, owing to some misunderstanding vvcre not accepted, and ob tained by us. Will be sold at less than half price. Goldsmith Brothers & Company. Victors With the New Valves Out of Sight, s s a ( Mir new Bicycles are now to b; seen at our 314 Lacka- wanna avenue store VICTORS, SPALUJNG, CREDENDA, GENDRONS, And a full line of llovs' and Girls' W heels. We are mak ing extremely low prices on Second-hand Wheels. Il UI 214 Lacka. Ave. FINE ENGRAVING Wcading Invitations, Announcements, Reception and Visiting Cards, Menus and Dinner te, Reynolds Bros. Stsllonors ntiil 1 1. r v 1 v BIT LACK ANNA A I-. A. D. We are offering a new edition of tbe Hook of Common Prayer, wsB hound in cloth. Two Copies for 25c. Single Copies, 13c. JMLLIMISW a Pi' i no LOOK AT or Organ Cheap? THE: L.IST: A vry kooiI 8b ninsr Uprluht l'lano 1 M .. . w ' Irt rtC. I A M.-iscn & Iliimlln,iit-sriy in'v,liii;h top, ttottbla WSO An A. H. C'hse. nenrly now, high tup, I ilonhlo rit A 'liioauo Cottage. hdhi ly new , nigh top, doiiMo roej A worcSatsr. nearly new. higli t"','. duublv rood 60 224 UlVlliij liUilL, and Organs at WbOhSStS and Hotail. SB IflstsOnSBtS AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH STOWERS PACKING OMFESSION IS GOOD FOR THE ENAMEL WARE For OKB WEBE we irill Mil Bnamel Ware at the following unpro oedmitod prices, Tea and Coffee Pots ONE-QfART, TWo-yCAl.T, THREE QfAKT, FCU'R QfABfR FIVE-QUART. 40C, 47C, 53C. BOC. 70c. AUo Dresden and Preserving W.wh Uwucs mid Tra Ki-tties at Foote 6c Shear Co. CLOBE SHOE STORE Reliable Goods One 1 rice Satisfaction Guaranteed 227 Lackawanna Avenue EVANS & POWELL, Proprietors Dr.Hillfr Son Albany Dentists Fet I -tt'. HMO: Nt t. J: for FU ry ti.l trrlh WllbMl pISMSi crown SBl lru!j- uork,eiJl Iw ptKSS rcfrni TONAll'.l.".. tot StrMtillS ISSiB wiliiou! 1 atn. Nu tlLtr. f.'o SA Ii 1 II VISST NA I H'N VI HANK. I Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, Tho rtSSltSWll on tb i:r 11oJpIim ml g N.-rrninnm rolior4, bstSSlSsS lmprovnd ' g Stylr of ByS ll nrt r4i. tol t th 8 LsesstPHssSi BsslArsUtelsl Bys inrtodS fur Si. 'J, mm SO& SPRUCE ST., op. Old Post Offics. A KMnd.ir.i n.-otlv new.hhih t.in.doulil.i reed 40 A f-lifii.tiieer. near v new. inrli tun. double .. '(A And DOSl W other guuu ...el Uund Or- i riina. t to Tlie alovo oollootinn of Bsoond-hsod Inurn ment are nil in Kuud order, fully nrss t.H.1. t lie greatest tiargalui over offsrsd in thltelty. ( all nnd teo lliMiv. lnatalinitut 01 diSOOBttt f-'f 'a.ih. WYOMING AVENUE, SCRANTON. ABSOLUTELY PURffl LARD. LARD BRANDED. CO., SCRANTON, PA BAZAAR SOUL Kettles, Bance Pans and Pots, equaUj low prices, The Great Marvel of Dental BcienoS finsthsne A recent discovery and the sole property of DENTISTS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. WHAT J. O. BEA1ION8SAT8 ABOUT ANJS8THKN& ims. bshwood s wabosuu Atlrr tni; olrvrn tilli rtrnrtcd t I on hltlliis t'T It" rintri nietho.l, 1 pro DOVSSS It entirely kututarti.rv Iu rrrry PMtlWlSth '. SKAMON& UllllllllitllllliillllllllllllillllMllllli; DO YOU REQUIRE 5 ACCURATE SsDSsssaMV ssn w TIME? II WE HAVE IT. EDWIN 6. LLOYD nek. Ave. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiijiiiiiiHiiiiiiun OEED POTATOES IP ALU BEST VAR VARIETIES). ONION SETS Ami all kinds GARDEtf BEBD6 in bulk and iu paelfr ages. Pierce's Market HENN AVE. America ISBHAOTIFVIi PIOIDBKS. BTKBl KOTBD I I At i: IN ALASKA, THH UNITED STATKS ANI MKXitti. FITS NVMBBBS OH Tin: COIN. XBB. JrBM CENTS AM) 0M COOVOM FOB AM NUA1BKB. I