THE PCH ANTON TRIBUNE S ATUTM) AT MORNING-. APTUL 28. 1894. 3 Lacisum All Things Musical STELLE &SEELEY 134 Wyoming Ave. HIGH QRADB PIANOS tv eher, BHAW, BMBBBOM, 01 HER MAKES ORGANS Al l. I KK E See the Shaw Piano from the World's Fair in our window. - A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD -TT81 THF NOW WHITE FLOOR And always have Good Bread. ItAXUFACTTTBED and fob half, to 'im: r.Y The Weston ill Co LEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! THE BFHIIINE POPUl'-r. Punch Cigars G , B. 8c Co. fmprlntee1 "n Fmri ClflOf Parney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. till 1: 1 Hot OS IQUABK DR. H. B. WARE HPF.CIALIHT. EYE; EAR. NObK AND THROAT. CFF1CR E0DR3: t? '35 WYOMING AVE. CITY NOTES. Ftraiv hats have, male their appearance. ('banne are tx-inif made in the Yonnir lien's Christian Association gymnasium to increase the floor ; im, The Boa Tot Social dab (aotivt Turners will hold it- second ennui! .M iv hup nt Turri'-r hull Friday tVtniRg, May 11. The double bowo of Martin MoT own lo rated near the I.eirgutt'al 'reek shaft, I'rovl ilenre, iciw entirely destroyed by lire last Right nt 10.(0. Mtraboroof Commercial Traveler"' Home a-- lu': .n K'e re.Uetd to meet at 1 ). tn. lOUhCbt at Went Minuter. Mr. Booth will tddltoo them. At Christian t hapel tomorrow night at 7.80, Samuel Wilson will deliver another of In most iiitvrettinii liihl.i lecture upon Resurrection of the Dead." P. J. Messett, formally clerk in thecom-ini-iMUcr office, wa appointed tn assist r-tauv, Clerk QoOtfO .1. Duhtior at the poetotllce with a salary of CI it year. The bonding eonmtttoo of the board of control nil! inane a tour of the city chool Monday for the purpose of noting neeiled improvements aud sanitary and atbor detail". The Ball of Natl for "In did Kentucky," Which will be nt the FrothiiiKham licit Tuesday mid Woilnesdav evenini: and Wednesday inaliuco, will open nt Powell thi" morning. The Pslmcr stock rompanv will preent "One Tr.nrii of Nature" and "A I'nir of Spectacle"" at tbl ProtbloiboU this after nnso. "Jim the l'nmau" will he the at traction thi" evening. ThO awarding of the contract f ir beat ing end ventilating appliances for No .'7 school, which wa" continue 1 at Thnmday night' meeting of the ootnmittoa. will be decided Mondav oftorBOOO oreVMiitng. A Farewell narty wus bald at the home of Jonathan Vlpond, of North Main ave nue, i'rovidence, Thursday evening, pre fiona to bit departure for F.iigland. Mr. Vipotid will upend Home tune travelling In the land of hi untiviity. Mis M. A. Kennedy, one of the oldest resident" of tin city, will celebrate her Heventv-seventu birthday next Monday, Apnl HO. She tin been u resnlcnt of ricrati ton for forty-live year and knows most of the history of the city from personal ob nervation. The WotblOfftOO avenue club house of the Scranton liiryrln club waa the scone of much festivity ami enjoyment lat night atthe "smoker "tendered to representative of the tire" and the (ireeii Kidgo wheel men. There was a large and representative gatheriug. Mr. and Mr. Imrward Lely gave a de lightful recital of Siottish song and atory at Young Men Christian Association 1111 last ulgbt. It wn the richest treat of the kind ever heard in the city butHcriintonian were iinnnprerlative enough to reward Mr. and Mra.Laty'i offorti with a very meager audience. Ambrose Mulley ha inmttuted proceed ing in the oflice of Alderman Wright to secure, through jury inquest, possession of the property occupied at Hull' Hend by Oeorgo II. Shoemaker. Mr. Mulley alleges that on Jan. U, UM, he purchased the pmperty at sheriff's sale and gave the de fendant the required three month's notice to vacate. The inquest will be held Thurs day, May 8. Davidow Brother, tho Lackawanna ave mis pawn-brokers, were to have been given n heariug ycBterday before Alder tuun Donovan on a charge, preferred by Detective Hcanlon, of receiving iu pawn what they knew to be stolen goods. How ever, there existed among the parties of the case and witnesses s misunderstanding as to the hour for tbo proceedings, aud toe case win coutluned until u o'clock this evening, when the Duvldow Hrothers, it is asserted, will bo prcpured to make a coin ploto defense to the charges, which aro ns lnllows: l'.ecniving in pawn a gold diamond-set scarf plu, tho property of Will iam J. Weichel, and a pure gold chain, the property of Conrad Luther, from Joseph Stevens. These offences, it is asserted, were committed more than a year ago. II OF WEST IE Death of Thomas Monaghan, a Well-Known Resident. DISCUSSION ON COXEY'S ARMY Members of the Philosophical Society Will Dobato Whether or Not It Is a Benefit to tho Country New Base Ball Club Formed Many Brief Items of News Personal Mention About Persons of Note. The West Side crftcn of the Soimntdv IrjbuHI Is located at 1040 Jackson street, where subscriptions, advertisements and communications will receive prompt at tention. Thomas Mounghan, a retppcted resi dent of the West Side, died nt his home on Reiser avenue yesterday morning nfter a brief illness. Mr. Moniighiin was in good health until a week ago, when ho was stricken with pneumonia which cansed death. De ceased was vsry well known on this side, where lie had resided for many years, and wus esteemed by a large n limber of frieuds. Mr Mouaghan is survived by a wife and five children. The funeral will occur tomorrow after noon at 2 DO o'clock, Philosopher Will Meat. The programme of the Welsh PUilo sophical society this ereniug will be a debate, "Resolved, Ihtt Coxoy'l Com monweal Army i a Benefit to the i ountrv;" chief debater on the affirm atlve, William Wrev; negative, 1) C. PoWall, Philosophical subject will he: "Is There Such a Thing at Latent Lights," by William Dmiel. Professor W. W. l'.vans will urnisb a quartette for the tinging nse Gail Club Formsd. A base ball club called the Anthra cite clnb, composed of active young men has been organised ou the Wt Side, and are desiron of competing with auv club from 18 to 'i year of age, or any atnatiier orgauiznton iu the city. The personnel of the club is as follows: Catcher, Jnmee Allen; pitcher, DaonU Hughes; short slop, Robert Harris; tirst base, Robert Heaver, second base, Frank Major; third base, (ieorge Lowry; right Bold, .lames Iteavors; center Bald, Arthur M. reditu, left Held, Sam Jaffa. In Br F..rra. tliatM F.1U Chambers and Jennie r.van. of ( arbouilale, were among frionda on tint tlda yaatarday Jerainiab Tbomao, of Pittsborc, hss returned home ufter a visit with frieuds on this lido. Mrs James Riley, of Wilkes l'.rre, vuited West Side friends yesterday. S M. Foster's hardware store is be ilig rOBlOVed to the stand recently oc cupied by S. M Reese on Ninth Main avenue. The Voting People' Literarv and De bating society of the First Welsh Bap tist church met in regular Motion last eveaing A programme of an interest iug uature wis rendered. Madock Thorn, of Kmgtton, was iu the city yesler lay John J. Willi ma, of Thirteenth street, hss been engaged as musical director for the Tabernacle C'ouar 'g tional church. "Seen" if Life in the I'nited States" is the title of an intereatlug volume of 4"') pages in the Welsh loognaga t' William Iiivi. formerlvnf QydePart, but at pffOMt Of ( iirdiff, r-.mth Wale. Mr and .Mr. .Ma loy Thoina. of K. I w irdOTtllO, visited friend on the West sid yet-rday. William Hurnett, of ChaOtOQl tret, was injured in the Mount Pleasant mme ou TbBftdaj by having hu two Bagan caught In the link of a chain while driving a mule. Dr. It Rey nolds wa itrmmoood, and found it iieees.iry to aaapatata tba momban Measurement" bnv been taken for the opening of South Fillmore avenue, between Washburn a:.d DWiaioO street 'fne Dolawara, Laokawanoa and Western railroad oompany ha do nated the ground for the opening, and the city will provide for the grading John I. William ha been angogod to officiate as clion ter at the Taber-' nacle Congregational chnreb. A stereopticon exhibition will be given by Henry B K. a survivor ot the Johnstown Hood. Wednesday even ing. May 'J at the laberuacle Cougre gational obnrob. It is said that a resolution from the tOBBaill directing the street rommi siouer to havo the tracks on LiOSOTO street lowered fonrteeu inches to a proper grade has not been complied Wltll A petition it being signed by West Side busineas men recommending the paving ami improving of Ninth. Roh inanu and Jackaon streita The petition is in charge of John R Farr A new atoek of dreat goodt open this morning at Mear A' llsgene. Foil good veal, Aruibrust, tt I'enn ave. Tw enty-hve thousand sbceta of mnaic to lie given away to each and every lady culling at Davidow Bros, l'iratcome first choice. Beautiful (election. ' in Bon. wn ham, Armbnmt, 2IU i'enn avo. Scrantnn's loialn Inters!. The Tiuhi nb will soon publish a care fully compiled and classitled list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Scranton and vicinity. The edition will bo bound In tiook form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure viewa of our public build lng, bualnes blocks streets, etc., together with portraits of leading citittoa. No similar work ha ever given un equal rep resentatlon of Scrnuton's many indus tries. It will beau invaluable exposition of our business resource. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation Is 00 a plan that cannot fail or good results tot hose concerned a well a thoity at large. Itepreeutativea of TilK Tiuiiu.nbj will call upon fit 001 wiiosk HABM are dehikkii in this edition and explain it nature more fully. Those desiring views of their renidenco In tni edition will please l ave notice at the office. Imihain carpets cleaned for .1 cents per yard by the Scranton Bedding Co. . DR. K. (Ikeweii, the Philadelphia spec ialist, ha now returned from an extended southern trip, nnd may be cousnlted nt his parlors. No. HU Spruce street, Scranton, Temple Court building, upon nil acute aud chronic disease of men, women and chil dren. It ha been noised about by one or more persons Hint Dr. Grower puhlishea the names of bis cured patient. This is not so. Everything i strictly sacred and confidential, nnd no one patient knows that another is being treated. The dootor ha alwny made this principle a lasting and sovereign one, nnd feels that it is due to every patient. O.Tlce hours, dally, I) a. m. to 0 p. m.j Sunday, 0 to 'J. Burglary at Oresn Ridge. The general store of S. S. Lee, at Green Ridge street and Van Storch avenue, was entered Wednesday night aud goods to the value of about tOu stolen. TOMORROW'S CHURCH SERVICE'S. Fihst Phksb ytkri an CiiUKi ii Wash ington avenue. Kev. Matleo 1'rochet, D. D., patriot and preacher. All who are in terested In the great work of the evangoli zatiou of Italy will have an opportunity to bear the most distinguished and eloquent advocate of that csuse, the Ilcv. Mattoo Proebet, D. D., of Italy. lie will preach in the First church morning and evening, nnd will address his Italian countrymen in their language iu the afternoon nt 4 o'clock, in the lecture room of the church. Those who fail to hear the orator preacher will miss a rich treat. Strangers are wel come and will be seated eo fnr as the ca pacity of the chinch will permit. Saint i.uke's Churoh Rev. Rogori Israel rector. Fifth Sunday (Rogation) after Faster. Holy Communion, 8 a. in., service aud sermon, 10.80 a. m. ; Sunday school and Bible clnss, " 80 p. m. evening prayer nnd sermon, 7.U0. Nursery opon nt 10 n. m nt H'JJ Wnsblngtou avenue, where children will be kindly cared for while parents nt tend service. Saint Luke's DUMtOM Mission Kev. A. L. Urban iu charge. Sunday school 8 p. DX; evening prayer and sermon, 4 p. m. CBUKOS oe Ciiiiist, Scientist Spencer builuing, MO Adam avenue. Bible lesson nt 10:SO a. m. nnd church servics at 7::io p. m. D. N. McKee, speaker. All are wel come. Seats free. Trihitt BvAHOtuoai Church Littlt England. First anniversary sei vice of the Ladles' Aid society at 10::ti)a. m.,at which lime the pastor, Rv. J. (. Whitman, will preach a special sermon to women, sub ject, "The EtnlntOt Women,'' alter which n report of the year's work of the Ladles' Aid will bo given. Short talks and select singing to fellow. Sunday school nt ii p. in. Ootpol song and praise service at at 7 4.1 p. in ALL BOCL'O CHDRCH EOT, George w. Powell will prttob iu the chapel 00 Pine street, near Adams nvenue, tomorrow, Sundny, the 88th, morning and evening, at the iisuiiI hours of service. Morning theme, "A Withered Hand." Kvening tbtmo. "A Vivid I'lctureof Human Folly." Seats free, aud all made welcome. Pirn Avrri iuitist CrurohUov Warren (i Partridge, pastor. Tne pastor will preach at 10 80 b. in. and 7 p. m' Subject In tho morning. "Loot Opportonl- tie.;" in the evening, "Klements of True Success," a sermon to young people. All welcome. BB00RO PRBOOITIUAR CRtTROH BOV Charles K. Itobuison, I). D., pastor. Nt vice 10.110 a. m. There will be no service In the evening that the congregation may unite with the First Presbyterian church to hesr the Kev. Dr. MatUo Proebet. of Italy. Wasiiiii iin St. Piiehyterian i iiuni'ii The pastor will preach at Is. th services; 10.80a.m., "What One Flower Tenches. 7.. M p m . "From the Pit to tbo Vkat-re-geney of Kgypt." Bible achool at I-'; I hns. nan Endeavor! Junior, at 4, and Yonug People at M p in. All cordially w nt Simi'son Metiioiiimt Ei'iscoPAl CROROO preaching morning and evening by the pastor, Rev, L i . Floyd. All WOlOOBOO. Fiiek CHRimaR Chcocr Cbrtttloo rlianel, I'd. n avenue. Green Kidge. Samuel Wilson will deliver two discourses; sub ject, 10. ty -'Christian Boetollomi" T80, ''BtOOrreOtl n of the Dead." Sunday tcboolal 8. it a m. Seat free. All are welcome. BRRRO RlMI Bai-tist (mi H' ii Uev W. J Ford, pastor. Services at 10 HI a n. and 7 ;io p. ov TURITI LCTRjIRAR Tin hi ii, Adams avenue, corner MnlbOtTV street L Muler, paster N.ric tt 10.80 0 in, and 7.80 p. in. The second o.' a aeriea of tOt M00t on the life of DaMn!, mldressed to young p. i!e. will Is. delivered at t he evening service l'ews ar free at every service, and visitor aln elc. m.-. F.t.M I'AHK Ml'TlloIilsT F.l t"' "I'Al. I'Hi'ie II Morning aorvioO at 10 H O'clock K"V. A. W. i ...per will pftjqob Evening ernem bv lt"V. M. I. F ilier. Minday tohoo! at I p m. Kpworth toagnoaton u.-'Ai t Chi in n iRwoouan Biooofal) Mo.ning prayer and serin .n al lu :n a. tn. Subject. "Comfort," COT. I 4. Even ing prayer and sermon at 7 ,'UV Bobjeet "The Third Judgment.'' Jeremiah Ou l Sunday set n, at the close of the in r;.lnc service. Y. une People s N.rielv ObristiOO Endeavor at i. ,i All welcome. Seat flee 6m Kue.E F. 'ARonucai Crcrcr Capous- aveuu. Itev. ir. L M tire, pastor Sunday school at W HO a. m , K L I tt 6 ;" p in , preaching at 10 iW a m an 1 .' 1 1 p m Subject for evening, "WbO UOO He Saved" Everybody intoomo. PROvmowco Priori mtat Crcrcr Pastor, Itev. QoorgO 1 Guild. Ml r log theme, "Some Simple Troth About MontV " evening. "Remember the Sab bath Day to K.s-p I. Holy." Fimst Raitist CRCRCI Pastor T ,1 Collin will preach Sahhath at p..;J a. til and 7 . si p. in. The aernion in the morn mg win be oiotber la the sens of pro Phot, till hiatory, and the one in theev n ing another iu the eerie of "Pltgrim'l Progrees." S.ats fre... All w-d ST DaVIIi'h I III K. II Rev. M. II Mill" motor. Morning ptay. r and sermon at 10 80. evening prater and ermoii a: 7 ', Sunday school al 'J M. Friday evening ser vice at J tSU. Seats free. Jm ks,, Sihkct ItAi tisT Cm iii-H-The psstor will preach t mmrow both 0MMT0 mg and evening, 10.80 a. m., and A p. m. Evening theme "LtOOORt from the I Ots k.-red Scenes of Lift " Seats all free and a OOrdiol welcome to all. TWIRTI im tlieusaud aheets of music to bO giVOfl OWOI to each and every calling at Davidow Bros First cyme llrt choice. Beautiful selection. RUeogrsphsr Fu-nlshsd w. are prepared to torn lob booiaom m.n with flrot-ciato tteongtapbara by the day or hour. Blpert bookkeeping a specialty. Scranton ( oiiimerclal A.soci ition, Lim ited, i'ii Spruce str.-et. WHY DO YOU DO IT? Why run all over llie. itv 1.x, kins fOT gold dollars witli DO bOOOri I oi I ten cents wortb or gold in themi But voo wW doom very clime to It It if y mi will call n: the rule pi . i luliig your dollar gol.l, sllvor and green La.k -to A. W. JURI3CH (88 tPBCOR 0TRKKT, tad get lull value for jour money In BIC1 i l l 8 PIRI mis. PI8HINQ i tCH I 1 1, I im ( I 11,1 KY, Inn. COMiAHfl ,M I.I l K l, SHIM! riNO QOODA The VII TiiR WHI.F.I, Loodt Bicycles, tire arms, tie, repaired t short notice. Key lilting u stieeUlty. Uive me a rail. Huntington's HOME BAKERY. We have a large assort ment of PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE,, or 413 LACKA. AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until midnight. NOTES OF SOUTH IE Matliias Biigino Slid to Have Burned His House and Used Kerosene, THIRD ATTEMPT IS SUCCESSFUL Fires Keep Firemen Busy for Sev eral Hours Extinguishing Them. Keeps Neighbors Awaka All Night. Story of a Dog and Two Bullets. Church Entertainment Meeting of Patriotic Guards. The grocery store of Mathias Dugino at Piopeot avenue and Cherry street, caught lire yesterday morning at 2 o'clock.sud an alarm was sounded from box 57. The Centuries and William Connells orrl veil piomptly nnd two streams were turned on the lire It was found that three separate parts of tl e place were on lire, in the collar, in the front, and in the rear part of the house. The firemen found an oil tank tilled with kerosene oil in the cellar, and carried it, nt the instance of Chief 1'Vrber, to the middle of the garden. The tank was locked with n large padlock. In n short time tho fire wus put out. Again at S o'eloek an other alarm wa sounded mid the fire men haatened to the same place and found the fire this time in the upper part of the house They also discovered a very strong odor of coal oil. Chief I'erher asserts that be couid smell it a block away. He further and that when he tiomlnod the oil tank which was earned into the garden he found It broken open and nearly one-half the oil gone. It is hie opinion that Bogino tel fire to the t.remi". There was it policy of $IWU carried on the ilTects with I'eter Rob liug's agency. A second time the fire was extinguished and the firemen went home. At 7 80 once more the Itmi alarm Wat mug an I this lime th build mg with Its Contents was totally de stroyed. Only the aidewall are lei t tainting. Song from the l'hoin grn i The ooogrtgotloo of the (ierinan Methodit Bplooopo church at Prat poet avenue and Kirch street held a very ipleudid phonographic entertain ment Inst night at the church. The pOttOr, Kev. J BotoT, arranged the ex ercises and procured the service ol I'rofeaaor B BoTel The phonograph wa erected before the pulpit, and two large funnels were used to enhance the acoustic properties of the instrument A diverity of tune were etolt od an I the large Bttdlonot wa highly ploOOed. The proceeds w ill net a baiidaoiue sum to the church find. Coudsnatd Tcplce. A buainess rriseting of Comptny A. Pttriotio Ontrdt, woi h t I isst night In Frnehoii't nail 00 CodOl avenue This aociety was OTgROiied in Kebrnarv and 1 already in a tl nirishing 0Ot)dl tlon. The object la to drill ita n,iii lera in militarv tartica. When, the wanner Oreo th or approsehee they will have out door field drill in the South Mile I a.- b ill p irk Tbo (nntrol ol tie three BohRoldor children waa held v.istrlay afteruom at Jo clock. The remain were In terred in PlttOtOfl avenue riuterr. Kv. Mr ZitlltmOR, of the Willi n ave uue Qorotai Lutheran tiiurch, read prayer at the graves The Scrantou Athletic clnb haa ar rangsd for a tug-of-war lielween its own team and tout of th otllobell Uooo corn poor, ol Oorboatole, at tbt clun'i excursion to Karview June 19 The foneral of Mary Veppeib. the 0 months ol 1 daughter of John Vepierh. of Proopoot OVenno. will be be d tm afternoon at " o'clock, liiteriuent lu No .'. i rOrmoo i atbolic cemetery. A new at ok of drs goo I open tins tuorniiig at .Yle.ire ,v llageua - rwiRTI rtVI lie u. and sheet of music to lie given wav to e h ami every lady calling al DoTldOO Mr KlfOtC PM BTtt choice, lieaatlful selection. " There t nothing like lr. Thornat' BOOK trie ml to rjoickly orto o cold or relieve hoarseness Written bv Mr M J I'.l lOWOj Hurr iMk, HI JoOOpO county, Mich. TwKSTv mr lhouand heet ofm.isn- t be gu en avvai to ea U an t evert ladi calling at I'avilow llrrx. Kirst come first choice. Ileautiful selections. ' DOR1 leat y. iir rarj.ts Have th. Berantoo Boddtog Co eleoo tbon THE FROTMNGHAM TttMdoo Mttd WdMtdftf tvm yiy 1 o tut WwsluKlty matin. . IHM I " L IN OLD KENTUCKY The grootOOl tnoeeea In year, nirort from a six in ur lis' run t th.. Aca.leiny ol Mils:.. New Vok, to 1 ... - h.. I Ic.a,... Tli lull New York production w III be given I 1111 F.4 tl. 75. Vi. Itc. Hale of teats opena at Powell s Batorday 0MttnlR. DON'T SKIP THIS. W'F. HAVBtht Boost lino of sweaters lo V t. iw 11 Joel t null of It. an i.ll wool hoy's sue iter for jl Ml; all wool men fcoiu jlOOtd $".' J. All color. Florey & Holt Y. M. C. A. Building. 222 Wyoming Avenue THE CELEBRATED SOHMER PIANOS Are t Prtscnt the Host Popular and Preferred by 1.1-aihiiK Artist. Warerooms : Opposite Columbus Monumeal, 200 Washington Av. Scrnn ton ,Pn. WHITE CHINA JUST received large import order. Many new novelties. Come while the assortment is complete. Baby Carriages Large Line Best Goods DINNER, TEA AND TOILET SETS. CHINA-!-HALL WEICHEL & MILLAK 116 Wyoming Avenue. (( IPlfi !l l ill in II i i hi U ! 1X, OILS AND OLIVES THE FINEST IMPORTED. TEAS AND COFFEES put FANCY L link of THE UK GROCERIES FERRIS HAMS AND BACON DITCHBURN hur. estor (.. A. OottatOO, Itl LACKAWANNA AVE j . j Where the - :-v' J 1 Good Clothes .' . ; ) ; Come From. "T;' 1 , L. - TK -L y-y Is i j com (1 Ai mode from teas ' .T A '' ; f' - j) B: V ',. 1 ur customers If f. . 1 M slgln .n t Jortf5 II A r 't' ,'.' ithe.rarwill J nth.' .V -JVJC I: I wU made, ctve oafaliloieatRuTaeti . ' f J6j.. K. "Z. . i'i . 1 t v ,4fV- V Y. If' r. I , . t i I ' 'ill quality at fall ;i. t r ,ff r: s 1 i . 9 : .. 1 1 :.i iken (.1 Tl W ' T COLLiNS 8c f-HACKETT 220 Lackawanna Avenue. Dunlap SPRING STYLE ON SALE CHRISTIAN HATTER Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. MULTICHR0MES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. Hats Handsome line of Long Frocks and Sacks, made from Fine Grey Clay Worsteds, Vicunas and Black and Blue Cheviots. Custom Tailoring at Moderate Prices. Martin & Delany Clothiers and Custom Tailors. sUlltI)l.lIiHiiHiiniUgtiSHmill!!IIIIIIK TOE M)ir Lackawanna Ave. MILLINERY I A new lot of ceived. WCTH 98c. . . TRIMMED II Ts worth 12.75 . TRIMMED ll is, worm -1 . T RIMMED HATS, worm j TRIMMED HATS, worm &00 Ladies' and Mis3es' Spring Jackets and Ladies' E Cape3 in endless variety. LACE CURTAINS Nottingham Curtains, worts Nottlngban ( urtaina, worth 5 Nottingham Curtains, worth S I'oint l BobrUmoo, ir;j ' Heal lirussels, worth "i r... All styles in riiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiii:iMiiiiMM:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiii:iiMi:iie:Hriinii:ii:iii;k.i women's Coats anil Capes o showed yon a largo collection of Oapea nnd .lackcts at Baster-tide. Today W6 have just hvice as many. Jackets in Covet Cloth and Twills, M oire aud Silk Trimmed. They Fit Welt, Wear Well. Look Well. Tlic Prices are WAY DOWXi $5.50, $7.50, $9 to $12. Think of FIFTY Styles of Theverj newest and neatest Cloth and Laos, Kotloe the $5, $6.50, Jackets, Capes and Top G-.W.Owens & Co. CLOAK MAKI'RS, SUITS AND WHAP9, BPATJCB BTKBET, uoUUT 1IOLHK m.h AKt:. Fashion HATS just re-1 CTJI 25c. i. ... .J. Ont prict, $U25 r price, $1 50 . . . . ( )ur price, $4.75 . . I t.r pries, $9. 25 I, for. . . , for. . . . fcr.. for , .SI.T5 .. 1.75 .. 2.75 .. 8.0O .25.00 Sash Curtains. are of Gro-Grain yilk, Moiro, price tioketst $9 TO $20, Garments for Everybody. CAPES 1 I 1 I 1"