The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 28, 1894, Image 1

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A Love for Art
re Sca? Sitas
Of these magnificent art
works may now bo soon at
The Tribune business ollice.
Will bo created In the dull -est
soul at sight of thoso
beautiful Multich routes
Movements of tlie Unwashed Aimy at Various
Uneasiness Felt at Tacoma Lucy
Parsons Renders Songs of An
archy for the Benefit of Chicago
Followers A Large Force of Dep
uty Marshals Guarding the North
ern Pacific in Washington State.
Portland's Contingent Seizes a
Union Pacific Station Regulars
from Vancover Ordered Out.
Tai rM , Va?I)., April 87.
uneasiness from tbt (.oxey
iiriuy is DOW teared nun hi
ibj time ilnoi the movement
wi's inaugurated. The federal
tuort bu instructed Marshal Drake to
f il l v protect all property Of the Nor
thern Pacific He ban sworu in loO
deputies, sending thetn to various
point slong the line. Soiuo fear the
army will endeavor to seize another
train, threats to that effect having been
und. She Seattle army, !00 strong,
is marching to Meeker junction on the
main line, nar Tacoma, and the Taco
ma contingent will join thorn there
Saturday, Marshal Drake's report says
r xevi:t'B wiil I)-.' couceutratel at
ileeker Saturday.
Portland, Or., April 27 Tba little
town of Troutdalc patted an anxious
night. Abonl Bo'oloek Portland' con
tingent of the Industrial array went
into camp there, and in tlx nor "
ing took possession of the Union Pacific
station, onsting the operator and agent.
Attorneys for the receiver bad Judge
liellinger. of the L'nited Statei ennrt
issue a restraining order, bnt when
Marshal lirady arrived the operator
had been reinstate I, and the leaders of
the anuy could not be. found Yester
day afternoon tbe station was attain
tak-n possession of by the amv. There
is much apprehension, as 800 of the
army are known to be armed with
The Union Mest company has or
dered tile army supplied with all the
niats needed, but is apprehensive of
an attack upon its proprtv. Marshal
(trady is anxious for the United States
tr- pa, but "toveenrir Penuover savs he
Will wait until tbe state ban exhausted
its authority.
PoRTl.ANU.Or., April -.'7 The troops
it Vancouver barracks received orlers
last night to proceed to Puvallnp. on
the line of the Norttwrn Pacific roJ
Th officials of the rosd expect the In
dnstrial army of the uortiiwest, under
command of Sbepard, to carry out ita
threat to seize it train at that place.
TBI Montana nUIORtMk
Helena. Mont , April '.'7. Tbe Mon
tana commune of tbe CoXCJ army to
tbe number of 880 is now In the hands
of the United States troops. Northern
Pacific attorneys hare been in consult
ation with Judge Knowleu all day, and
in telegraphic comoinnication with the
general counsel of the road in New
Hoik The opinion hTe was against
winning tba men to Botte, but New
York counsel insisted, and all the men
will be brought bark and taken Iwfore
Judge Knowles, of the United States
court in Helena, for contempt in tak
ing property from the possession of the
receivrs. who ure others of the court.
The militia will be dismissed, as the
government has the matter in charge.
CSICAOO, Atril 87. The shadow of
nnsrchy and the lUyrnark d tragedy
came over the Commoowttlen last
night at t tie barracks when Lucy Par
aoiis, widow of the executed anarchist,
Sang her incendiary long of anarchy to
tbe 1,000 followers of Coxey in this citv
and made one of bur most rabid
barangnss. She was given astern ro
bnke by (,'ommander Kanclall, of the
army, who did not intend at the start
that Mrs Parsons should have spoken.
'Ihe recruits were almost silent when
the female anarchist, expected sheers
II" told bis men that any who indorsed
the sentiments of Mrs. Parsons should
leave the ranks. None did.
Colorado's hows kkskhvks.
DlR V Kit, Col., April 27. The Home
reserves of Coxey' army issti-td resolu
tions yesterday deprecating the mil iw
fnl seizure of the train by the Mon
tana contingent of the nrmy. ami nrg
iug all moving bodies to use only law
ful measures iu carrying out the pur
posei of the army. Tacked to the reso
lution was a bit of party argument
showing that this reserve movement Is
guided by Populists.
The reserve udopted resolutions in
favor of the removal of the National
capital to some western point. Drills
occurred daily, and an evening meeting
is announced for tonight. Other towns
in the state are forming reserve compa
nies. Commander-in-Chief and State Boiler
Inspector Hegwar, has asked the Home
Reserves to contribute supplies and
food to be sent to the Commonweal
army in Washington for their suste
nance while petitioning congress He
thinks bu oan easily get a oar load.
DtTOTD to skizk a train.
Orchard, Col., April 27. Ocnernl
Grayson's army came into town yester
day evening with flags flying. It is the
intention of tbo army to seize a Gulf
Hoad freight train. The Industrials
were not Tery cordially recoived, and
no preparations bad been mad by the
people for their entertainment.
E Preferred Death by Pistol to Death
by Paralysis.
Washington, April 27. C. E. Yar
boro, colored, a clerk in i he Geological
Survey office, and fotrnorly editor and
proprietor of the Southern Appeal,
published at Atlanta, Ga., committed
snicide yesterday afternoon by shoot
ing himself through the head.
About a month ago Yarboro suffered
a stroke of paralysis, and although h
recovered completely, has been very
despondent. He expected that paral
ysis would end bis existence almost any
day, and told several friends that he
would anticipate such a death. Yar
boro had been in Washington a year,
and when he eame hers the publication
of the paper was suspended.
Worked on the Kansas Grasshopper and
Why Not mi the HobsesP
ToPIKA, April 27 A woman writ
ing front Bevier, Mo., called upon
(Governor Lewelling to appoint April
80 as a day of fasting and prayer iu
Kansas, for the purpose of interceding
with Divine Providence to remove the
industrial troubles which bang over
tbe country,
She remembers when the governors
of Kansas and Missouri appointed such
a day for the expulsion of grasshoppers
and it was so effective that she is sure
that present evils may be overcome In
the same way.
Two Thousand li w i Farmers Huvn a
Trsnip lit Bv
Tama, Is., April 27 Over 8,000 men,
mostly fanners, have surrounded a
four-mile strip of timber, where hides
a tramp, who yesterday afternoon as
saulted Miss I . Pootb on the pub
lic highway, two miles east of the city.
Tbe man will undoubtedly be
Eight Negroes Summarily Dispatched
by Infuriated Mobs During
the Past Week.
NtTW ORLIANn, Ap;il 27 Nine men
have met violent deaths in Madison
psmh in the last week and eight of
thus have beeu lynched by infuriated
citizens. The l ist four were hanged
lost night, the news just reaching
this city. Yesterday the lloyce
assassins were bunted down by
bloodhonnds and tinallv located in
tbe buckhoru woods Sh-niT MoT
land seut for voluutears to increase his
DOtM and a fore of 800 IBM finally
tree ! the assassins in a negro 'hin
AM fugitives w-re JOII preparing to
cross over to .Mississippi wnere thv
Wonld have been comparatively safe
The posse surrouuded the house and
called for the owner to make Ins ap
pearance, but he refused Trie posse
then fired into the building whicu
brought the negro owner to the door.
He denied that ti e fugitives were in
bis place, bnt the, posse made a close
survey of lb premises, and finally
found tbe four darkie hud lied up In
th loft of a small crib in the rear of
tbe cabin.
Tbe four were Pomp ("Isxton. the
loader of the assassins. Shell Claxton,
Scott Harvsy an 1 Tory ICtOo Thv
were promptly plaoed under arrest and
Shentf McCIellau I detailed a parly of
twelve t tak Mum to Tallnlah. win!
the sherilt and tli rest of the p
started out to try to capture Tom I ir;f
fin, who had separate I from the other
As the deputies with the four fugitives
.rot near Milllken's P.oud thev were
met by a nob wao made an effort to
lake the prisoners from them.
The guard resisted and succeeded in
hoi ling on to the prisoners. The guard
pressed on with the fugitives until
they reached tn Shelby place, two
mile from Tallulah Her they were
met by a ciowd of Jo i. who over
p ower-d th guard mid captured the
four prisoners. The prisoners were es
corted to the Cresceut place, where
their tieudieh murder had been com
mitted, and there strung up to the
limbs of several trees. Their bodies
were found tnis morning.
If Griffin is caught he will also be
lynched, There ar seventeen negroes
in jail, all of whom will be given a reg
ular trial, and most of whom, it is
thought, will b convictod It has bn
many year since there has laen such a
wholesale lynching in the south as that
in Madison parish, iu which eight men
have been hanged.
Meaeures to Inoieese It Healthfiilnes
Kuet Be Taken.
London, April 27.- A dispatch to
the 'limes Iron LiatNiu
although typhoid fever is prevalent
there, and the city is unhealthy, there
is no cause for alarm. It is added
that the government will be rompoll-d
to adopt sanitary measures that will
make Lisbon healthier than it ever was
Luring th twnty-fonr hours, indtd
this evening, there wero eighty-seven
fresh cases of th prevalent mild form
of cbolern disease reported in Lisbon
The total nambct of cases thus far is
110. One hundred and twentv-twn
person have beeu cured, ('tie patient
died today.
Senator Qui is reported to be very ill
at his house at Heaver.
Ill health canned Mrs. Anno Lougnecker,
of Mnytown, Lancaster county, to hang
Lizzie Slegle was fouud unconscious in
Lancaster from Inhaling illuminating gas
and she will die.
The clover worm that has devoured a
good part of th" crop In southern Berks
county is now devastating Chester county
Forty nntl-Bnwmsnite Kvangellral
preachers met at Heading yesterday and
discussed a piau oi healing the gleat
churcu wounn.
The Women's Foreign Missionary soci
ety uf tuo I'rcMiytenan church. Philadel
phia district, will hold their next annual
convention iu Philadelphia.
Three men, all budly burned on their
arms and necKs, nro going the rounds in
Lebanon county, and it is thought they are
thieves who were hurt trying to blow open
a Kite with dynamite.
French Creek forge, Phoenixville, em
ploying 100 bands, will resume next week
after a six months IdleneuB, Tbo Spriug
City glass works will resumo operations
on Monday with sixty men, after Having
been Idle all winter.
By an explosion of gas in Hazle Tines
colliery, liazletou, this morning, Joseph
Brongeuberg was so badly burned that he
died shortly after being taken to the hos
pital. At Lattiiner colliery, Salvador
Jieilze, h slate picker, ; II between the
rollers and was grouud to death.
President McBride's Estimate ot the Number
v ot Men Out.
One Hundred and Fifty-five Thousand
Miners Out -West Virginia Joins
the Idlers- Indiana Block Coal Men
Refuse n Proposition to Work Until
the Present Trouble Is Settled.
New York Already Feels the Effects
of Suspension News from Other
Col. t miiis, t). April 27.
n TELEGRAM received by Prat'
Ml McBtidt from Thomas Farry. an
.'' organiz e in West Virginia state
UU that th Loop creek district
miners have gone nut and tbe .New
river miners will go out tonight
Thi will raise tbe whole number of
miners out to IBS.bdO and leaving only
:iO,Ut)0 miners working iu the produc
tion of the bituminous coal Tbe roil
produced by ibess is so imill In com
parison with the whole product that it
will not effect the strike. There will
l a general coal famine in lens than
three week
BRAZIL, lud., April 27. The bloek
coul miners' committee mtt th opera
tor today and blandly refused to ac
cept their proposition to pay t7 cents
per to:i until the links in general was
settled. Most of the miner are out
The men claim that those who want to
continue work until May 1 are not pro
blbltad doing so. i'li' bituminous
miners ar' ail out an 1 threaten vio
lence pi men who continue to work
Nkw Toil, April 87. There i a
scarcity of bituminous coal in the city
caused tiy tbe recent !rikes, which
have MOtcd the output from tbt mines
to dwindle to almost uotuing. ol
dealers say they anticipate a condition
of stTsir that will com near being a
coal famine
TOLtOO, ., April 27 A thirtv-three
and a third per cent cut was made
yeterday in the WkgM of tne I S 10 em
ploye of the Wheeling ant L He K.rie
railway. This action is OAUtad by the
present big strike among th coal
BBiDTXa, Pa. April 27. It wne
learned here this afternoon that if toe
furnaces in this valley do not get a
supply of coke witbln the ntXI week or
ten day they will have to bank tbeir
tacks 'lh Kobesnnta fnrnae-, which
has a capacity of 880 tuna of lessriiier
weekly, ha a ten days' ssupplv i Utters
have las and no coke is being re
ceived It is also likely that the Rttd
ing companv, recently die
a nnmbtt of the BN boxrc of its lorn
motives so ss to burn soft coal, will
sgsln use anthracite.
School Closed no Account of the Disease.
A Peethntiet gtfltCtd.
Chicago, Apni 27. The Ktrtbnw
chool, at Wluter and Si xty-foiirth
street, has been ordered close I on ae
count of smallpox I be Longne.l
school on Throop street. nar .Nine
teenth, is also reported clothed for the
same reason
A building at No 'js Law nvenue has
lxen secured for a temporary mallpox
hospital It will be placed in charge of
th Visiting Nurses' association. Small
pox has become epidemic in the district
DttWttn Ashland tTtnttt and llalstead
street, south of Forte seventh street
Th Craokv Follower of Cixy Neglected
to O.t Out a Ltcne.
WaMUXQTOII, April 27 Gcorgt
Franci Train is under rpt. The
philosopher wanted to languish in a
dungeon, hut th unavmpathetic police
carried Mr. Train to tbe police court
for immediate trial.
TltiD arrivel In Washington yesfer
lav. attracted by the not ur-
ronuding the Ooxtf movement. Lat
night he delivered a lecture, but did
not lerure a license. sud to lar th" p
lie swooped down upon him for viola
tion of the license ordinance.
Carbine and It fl. Bhipped from tbs
Sprli ar tt -' d Arsenal.
BPtTKOnfllLD, Mass , April 27 Major
Hexford, of the United State armory,
has shipped to the chief of ordnance tt
Washington sixty-live carbines mid Ion
rill 'S, ' caliber. The arms were sent
by express snd fast freights and have
Already been received in Washington
Major Keiford says he has 860,000
rifles and a suppiv of which
can be shipped on short notice. The
njtJOl supposes that the arms are in
tended to protect tbe treasury at
Washington from an attack by Coxcy
Coxey' Arrav Will Not Re All wad
Invsde th Capitol.
WAIHIHOTOII, April 27. In reference
to tbe question of allowing Ooxtr't
army to parade in Washington, Chief
of Police Moore said today:
"Of course, if the Coxey army wants
to mnrch down Pennsylvania avenue
as an organization it cannot bo pre
vented, if th men act in an orderly
manner. They cimnot, however, march
into the capitol ground."
A Wealthy Beading Brewer the Vlotlro
of Mature Fascinations.
Reading, Pa., April 27. Mrs. Marin
Laner, wife of George F. Latter, the
well known brewer, nan brought An
action in trespass against Rebecca
Potteiger. of this city, to recover dam
ages for the alienation of the Aitections
of her husband. Tbo suit has been en
tered by Mrs. Lauer's counsel, but no
declaration of tbe particulars of the
plaintiff's case has yet been filed.
Miss Pottieger married abroad some
years ago bnt bar bnsband died while
travelling in this country and she as
sumed her maiden name. Th name of
Mill l'ottioger'a husband win Sir Hen
ry Heed, an English baroue t, and sho
inherited a largo fortune.
Mr. Lntier only recently completed a
palatial residence hers costing in the
neighborhood of $100,000. the decora
tions of which are on an elaborate scale.
Mr. and Mrs. L iner have baen mar -ried
ten years but have no children.
Miss Pottieger, otherwise ealiel by
friends "Lsdy fiend" in girlhood, was
a woman of won lerful beauty, and is
still of attractive appearance. She is
abont 40 years of age.
Cash Fund for the Jscliann-Corbitt Mill
Is Swelling
match, has
April 27. Will J. D.vis.
of the .Iickson-Cortiett
received $8,000 from Jack
Corbtt' money was poitel bsfor
he went tn Europe BmI man has
now put np $7,000 of the $10,000 side
Arraigned for Trial in Paris Today,
Jauntily Dressed and Self
Possessed. pAXIl, April 27 The trial of Btnilt
Henry, the Anarchist who, on Feb 12
threw a bomb into the csf beneath
the Hotel Terminus, began today in
the At! I court of the department of
the Seine.
The outside of th palace of justice
and the corridors of the building were
crowded with police. The prosucuiiou
will call nineteen witnesses, but the
nnmbtt retained by the dsfenso is not
Miutre Bornbostle, Henry's defender,
bss been endeavoring to obtain a three
days' release from the prison of Clnir
vaux of Henry' brother, whom he in
tends to rail a a witness to prove
Henry's Insanity, the ' line of dofouie
which he will adopt.
Henry himself is absolutely nppoaod
to this pita, and consequently against
ht OOnnttri advice and Ins III Itbtr'l
eo treatise, ha pre pa rod a long deft net
of his act, which he will read to th
Hrary'i tttltn i in pris m was com
posed. He ei j ye. hi inesls, lept
well and ehattet with his kttptrt s if
his day were not counted, and if any
tning, showed annoyance at tbe
thought that the mttttt ltd dragged
So long.
When Jttdgt I'otier took his seat
Benry wet escorted Into the dock by
five soldiers. II- was dfttta I in a black
suit of clothes, which be had reipltel
bU mother t" pi ur f-r htai, nd
wore t abort beard
Keplylng to a question from the
judge, Henrr Sil l tint he select- I the
Cafe leriniiris in winch t . ejploje fie
bomb bcusa it tntl rlftlntd more
bourgeois then the other cafes, whieh
he had fonnd ti tnpiratively eniplv.
Several of the witnesses rlld were
still inlTtrlng from the wounds in
flicted upon there at the time of the
; hsiaii. a nr. tuber of them bing
verv lause a they ittpptd forward in
Th K-pakr Ottt of HoOtf at the
Americue C ub Bar. 14 let
PmtlURG, April 27. Kx Speaker
Tbomtj H Ueej, aooompwted by Hp.
resentstives W. A. Slum-, L P., Wan
ger, J It. Itnl Inson and ex INpreeenW-
tive'l. M. Burn, of Ptnniylrtnl,wtt
guest of honor at the annua! ban
; .si at the Amertcus club tonlgbi
I he party was under the , sre of ex-
Pottmatttr UnKtnn. of Pittsburg, a
prominent member Of th club.
At itc eighth snnotl dinner the
AmcHcni K -i utiliran club relebrat-d
tbe ttTtnty ttOOOtl anniverssry of th
birth of (i'neral D B, Grant, Tiie
principal speech of the trtttng was
made by 1 x-r-pesker Bttl
Iv. Schasfer, Vlgaaua ar.d Carter to
Cro ruse In Chlcaa 1.
('ill' Ann, April 17. Tbt mot! sen
sational event recorded tn the billiard
world at Paris this season Is a cushion
eatoin contest between . 1 ves and Scllae-
fer 011 on side, and ignaux and Cir
ter on th other.
The match will be played during the
Uul week In May or MM first week in
June. Article have been signed by
all the principal.
Fiv of Them Shot In a Fight and the
O'her two Hargtd
Hknnkssey. O. T , April 27 Vigil
ance committees which have been
trailing an organized band of horse
thieves nearly all this week surrounded
the bandits within a few miles of the
Texas line.)
The band consisted of seven men, and
in the fight which followed five of the
thieves were killed outright and the re
maining two captured and bunged
Brigadier Oenernl Hubert Moore, of the
Massachusetts militia, at Boston,
.Major II. M. Ilelvelo, who csnie to this
country In IHts with Carl Scimrz and
HM1 Sigel, at Lexington, Ky., aged 7.1.
At l'reeport, I'a,. Hon. James M. Mc
Cullotlgh, nged 70 years. He wns the oldest
attorney at the Armstrong county bar. lie
WHS a member of the legislature ISrti-S.
Captain Thomas Townaend, h2 years old,
Of South Senville, N. J, Deceased was a
llnenl descendant of John Towiiaenil, who
settled In Cane May couuty over UUO years
ago. '
By the will of Mrs. Snrah Parker, of
BoHtou. HndclilTe college, the annex to
Harvard, gets 150,00U.
Carrying 115,000 bushels of wheat, which
breaks the record, th steamer S. S, Curry
left Superior for lluiraio.
Because it enn make no profit.tha Stand
ard Fire insurance company, ot iSew lork
seeks voluntary dissolutiou.
The New York senate has re jected Gov
ernor Flower's reuoiniuation of Ur. Jenk
ins to be health ofticor of New York city.
Will C Green, living at Adams. N. Y.
crushed tbeskull of the woman with whom
he lived as bis wife and then cut his own
Thinks the Weight cf Uncertainty Should Be
Lifted from the Country.
The Senator from Kentucky Desires
a Final Vote on the Tariff Bill to
Relievo the Democratic P.irty from
Shame and Satisfy the Country at
Large- "I he House Resolves Awny
$10,000 to Increase the Library
Force Pension Bills Reported.
Wafiiiv.iiiN, April '.'7.
THlRTLY after the senate was
V called to order the tarilT bill was
n taken up and Mr. Dolpb took
vi' the Hour to continue his speech.
bnt offered to yield to the sent tor from
Kentucky, Mr. Lindsay, Who desired
to address the senate. lie was Allowed
to do so, bnt with the undemanding
that he would have no right to resume
the floor at the conclusion of Mr Liti l
say's speech. Mr. Lindsay then ad
dressed the senate in advocacy of the
He opened with a declaration that it
was Infinitely preferable to have tbt
pending bill passed, with or without
amendments, than to have the txisting
tarilf law contii ued iu force. It was
therefore the duly of DtmoCTAtid sena
tors to pris the pen ling bill to a final
Vote, and to remove the uncertainty
which now weighed so bttfily upon
the bueinees interests of the country.
If congress took no decided step on the
line of th' Iiemocratir .loetrin of the
ttrlff subject, it would not only fall to
Mtllfy tbt country, but would bring
th l)r inocrati party to sham-.
After a Spirited dcbtU In which Sn
atoi Harris, llawlev, Al 'rich, Telier
and others participated, the senate ad
journed. I I NSP 'N Ml I IX Sl.TTI.IU
rjudei an agreement reached by
unanimous consent, the house today
ditpi led of all the privet pension and
relief Mill twenty-five iu number
reported by the COmmitttt of th whnU
from 1 rid iy night's seieiocs so fsr tins
I lie senate resolution ws sgreelto
spproprtsling $10,000 for the employ
ment of additional clerical f rce 111 th
.tbrary msd n-eessarv by th oprs
ti in 01 the coprrlght law.
Nearly all the rest of the day we
sjtent upon th pnvat ttitndtl Ont
till Wns rdered to ls r-p irled to the
home with a recommendation that it
be reoommltttd to tbt tommltttt on
wsr elttmt, when tbe committee- rose
and the houst rettUDOd it ttttlon ; tli
recommendttlon wa tgrted to 108 to
At j i clock the bona t.v.k rtOttl
nntil H o'clock, th evening session,
which wss devoted tn private ptntlOO
md relief bids.
Tbe Crowd, After Catching Him, Nearly
Hcsred Him It Dsath
IlliisTiil., April 27 A crowd of men
caught a burglar today at KichlaQil.
niter giving bun a long and hard
obnat, and nearly frightened him to
death by threatening to lynch mm
lb fellow bud just bn llterated
from itll, and lst mght, it is said, k
tried t steal a gold witch and pVhi
from Peter Lewis. He was discover I
slid jumped from a second-story win
dow An alarm was sound '1, and a onwd
soon collected for the c.iasj. Several
men were mounted on horss. They
drove the thief across field and aloug
roads, and at last caught btm iu John
Wetrliack s wagon abed A rope was
procured, and a noose was hastily tied
In on end, and it was slipped around
his ueck The man was badly scare 1.
and was taken before a justice, who
sent him to jail.
Celebrated hv ttie Unlen League
of Phllade'phla
PttlLDtLPHIA, Atiril 87 Tht anni
veisary of the birth of Qtntrtl Grant
was celebrated this evening at fie
uioti league in a msauer worthy of
the occasion
Among those present wro l'nited
Stilt '. Senators ( harle V Manders u,
f Nebrasks, and Jottpb R li iwley.of
Connecticut; ex-1 nited States Senator
Bdmttndti of Vermont, QoTtrttot Pat-
tisoii, brinertl Ltanitl a Sickles, of
New York. Engineering ObltfQeorgt
W. Mellville, I'uitel Statei navy;
Tbntnas Nsst, the arlist, Mayor BtHWt,
of Pblltdtlphin, and about 2Hi) other
promineat geBtlemeii of this city.
It Was a Thlraty Dsv for Coxey 'a Anny
at Hyattetown.
QARBBRtBTJKO, Md., April 27. -The
Coxey army made th march from Hy-
nttstoiTii to C lurkeburg this morning
In two hours A ibort stop wui mtde
there for rest.
Iu Clarksburg th commonweal could
noi oven get a drink, the pumps hav
ing beeu ohained, so the men were
forced to depend on the more hospita
ble farm houses along tbe way where
iu somo cases buckets ot water were
brought to the roadside by the house
A Train on the Northern Leavsa St. Paul
Prepared for Wreck.
MlNNKAI'tiLls. Minn., April 27. The
first passouger train for the coast loft
St. Paul at 30 this morning. The
train consisted of two passenger
coaches, one dining cur, one baggage
car and one sleeper. At the St. Paul
shops the coupling was aoaled with the
United States seal. On board were
forty -one pnssngere. There wns only
one marshal on board, but it is given
ont that tbe train would be met at its
tloni by deputies.
Tbe baggage ear whs loaded with
spikes, ties, sledges, etc., in readiness
tor u wreck. It left Minneapolis at
! 15, n big crowd b ivmg gntbered to see
the train olf. In spite of the calm de
meanor of the railroad men it was evi
dent that they were under a heavy
strain And nil were ' in ivily armed.
At 8.4S m. tl ' 'i reached ( isseo
all right. The of) expect trouble
west or Minot. iind sparing for it.
Thy Paid the Penalty cf the Virginia
Laws for Attacking Women.
Manassas, Va., April 27. Jim Rob
inson And lienj iiiiin Wnite, negroes,
were hanged In the jailyiird here at
7. 80 this morning, for assault on two
white women In Prince William county
last January.
The assaults were committed upon
Mrs. Elitabetb Hefllin, a widow, 45
years old, and her sister in-law, Mrs
ElltOt, a young woman of 20, The two
women lived together nbout two miles
south of Manassas, and were awakened
at midnight by a pounding on their
door. When the women opened the
door the men forcibly entered the
A week later the men were captnred
and jailed tireat fear o! lynching
was entertained, snd the prisoners
were taken to Alexandria
Thty were both about 80 years old,
ami one, White, wns as bright as most
whit men Their trial and conviction
consumed but nn day, the women
whom they bud attacked testifying
against there.
The Financial Situation Shows Slight
Improvement Notwithstanding;
Disastrous Strikes.
NswYouc, April 27. & o. Dun A
Co.'s weekly review of trade tomorrow
will say:
When accounts of great strikes and
latx.r disturbanees crowd ill news-
paptrt, tt is i ll to look for mtwh Im-
proveiuent In business. The MtUAlBOM
coal mtnerequll w..rk last situmay in
I irger numbers than was expected and
the C lit worker at onot renewed the
struggle recently Bntucctttful, while b "lie of men. etotdOC the
thousand who WON on ctrikec in
building trade, m silk, woolen snd
notion mills, in Alabama iron works
and on western railroads are refusing
to work, there are other th, u.sndl
marching to Washington who claim
that they seek work in vsin and that
the government must give relief.
That trery week ot liienes for 10
many mn must apprerubly lessu the
aggregate power to pnrcbace products
of lalair iident, but in spit of all
some ImprOTexU ml till appear
iron and stl works in th oituminou
region may be seriously interrupted, if
th (truggi is much prolonged, but tb
itnmeaiiate effect i to give belter look
to priott of tht prodncU in the re
giou while eastern works feel a MOtt
w hat larger demand
Tbt volume of foreign trade doec not
materially alter exports, hence for tbe
month being 10 per cent, larger than
last year, while imports at N-w York
hav bs-n II 7 pr MM "tnaiier. Tbe
decline iu customs rtotiptt, indicatunr
the decrease in dutible imports is 45
ji-r cent.
Tbt derras in liabilities of firms
failing still continues and th aggre
gate rep.rted for the third week in
April waa only 18.788,488. The fail
ure have been Iqaally divided as to
sections. Tbtlt w. r- 1- m ihe United
states against 8lfl last year, tot the
first time in many mouths showing a
dreas, and 111 CtBtdt 88 against 88
last year. Tbe list inciules nous of
great importance
His Bobttt Aie Ordered Out of Wash-
lnten Couit House
Washikot n Cotrm Boon, O, April
87 Colonel italvm and his four cap
talus dcttrttd their Industrial army of
2m) here yesterday afternoou, disavow,
ing all responsibility for th action of
that body
Th mayor of this city ordered the
army out, and the m -n were camped
laet night two miles tttt of here, wait
ing for the I a. m Btltlmort and Ohio
freight, which they propose to hold up
and capture
The railroad Company is taking pre
caution to prevent this About twenty
dtteettVtt and railroad offlcttll are
watching the "army "
S m
The Harlem Klvar Bank Will lay la
New xork, April 87. Bank Exam
iner Jodtoo said today that all deposit
ors ot ihe Bnrltffl Hiver bank would be
paid in full, but that there was Verv
nttl shance of the stockholders getting
a cent on their IQTtttmtnV The ::on -dition
of the batik was such tint it
would be utterly imposstub, for it to
resume business
There was not any ground for crim
inal charges, for, while the bank had
been on fortunate, III transaction were
conducted in gol faith.
Paris police have arrested a war oftlco
employe as an accomplice of ausrcliists.
The lid to dtMOtablltb the el.tireh in
Wales was GQOTOd m the house of commons
by Home Secretary Atqnitb.
Hold uicdslsof the Vieuua salon have
been awurded to Alfred Parsons, of Eng
land, mid Walter ti.iy, of America.
A dispatch from Huenos Ay re says all
the Insurgents, mending Admiral Iu
Qtmt, who were detained on board the
Portuguese warships, have succeeded in
Public Printer Pnlmtr will resume jour
nalistic work at Syracuse, N. Y., us soou
as h s successor qualities.
Requisition! for ptniion money, lntlud
ing i.ltisi.tKK) for I'nlladolphia, we're inudo
yesterday by Secretary Smith.
Washington, April 2T.-Fore-cojf
far BotHriay: For Autcrii
JVnn.vjtr'itiia, grnenWii fair,
but coiufifiuns are fann'abh for
lociii fAunder nortnt: mtk
wind, tor FrettetW ftaMMtWMfai Joir,
AUOWM tll local tAttWder storms (iurina
mi aflcrnooa and n'(At, wtedi tUijting to
soutlmast; tovkr in northern portion.
Excellence Well Known
Designs Exclusively Our
In utMition to our regular linofi
wb are continually adding "Tbo
Besl New Things " Pot one wecl
wo wilt offer "TIIK PH1XC3SB3
GOWN" at 980.' also, throe ape-
i:tl numbers in CAMBBIQ CORe
BET COVERS at 15, 2:1 and
cents each.
Ladles' Lawn Drcint; Siicquest
,., 1 , , , ci :-sh. . .
I aml nn ol -'int lnU' of 6h,rC
510 and 612 Lackawanna A? I
Maltese Cross
And tik UuiieU Leather Belanj,
II. A. Kingsbury
313 Spruce St., Scranton. Pi
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
l idles si friends inr U1.50, ?. 91 SO
and e:t MIOI and nmtentttttie are the)
ever their purchases that one sale Is sure to
he the means ot making another.
114 Wyoming Avo.
WAIT UNTIL I get in my
new quarters at 408
can get bargains in
that have never been offered
in Scranton,
7" 1 1"
1 1 mm
The Jeweler.