The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 27, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Spriqg and Early
Summer Goods
Fill Cur Different Departments
Quick Sales and
Ready Purchasers
Mark tho progress of our busineRS.
It isofttm t lie query, How h it pos
sible to wll tlie quantities we buy?
The tuiswer if, ' is very ensv at
tho values we iivo at tho prices we
We have ina'ie enrly purchases in the
ninrkr-t of nil the Latest Novelties
and Staple Goods inelnded ill eacli
department of Dry Qoodii We
have the choice prodnotioni of our
American mnnutneiurer.s and the
unvcltios of our foreign conipti
tors. This onson is no i1ifTernt from nny
other, at least in this one respect--that
the price iiIwhvs directs the
extent of tho purchases and your
money will go farther with us and
buy better goods than ever
offered in this place.
S Are constantly ap
peanng. e keep
fully abreast of
the times, display
IDS evsrv fashion
Now Ideas
in Ladies'
I and design n last
as thv are nlaced
npon the market
Trench people are
onlv a WW 'lays
tlbsad of us only the length of time
it takes for tho Style to
cross the water. Few
American houses can
keep step with the pice
we lire letting We
keep tlitn scrambling
to tollow our lead
W) Show
So n tir at
Coup f'J with
How the beautiful display charms
t a ladle Pretty Flowere, Bright
Rtbbona, (ray Feathers, Damty
i irnHin-iits--these all OOtnblne to
make this iho loveliest Millinery
display that ev.T graced any more.
London Novelties, l'aris Creations
and Iho Highest Domeotlo Art,
New things. Stvllsh fiinps rop
ttUr Tnmgs. BXOlmiVO things
'J nings that can b only found
with us.
c: ....... ..
C-.R80N0tl CHIPS.
Eailv Pa'ch of Liv. N-w from ths H
aaeef I Its.
Aragsal to ikt AcriHfon IVAaaa
CaMONDALB, !'.. April jr,Vtr
day H .rry T Willlami en I John J.
O'Uoyle spent in whipping the streams
in the vicinity of Pleaaaat Mount, and
rotnrood with the larg st eaten of Iho
H.-rLert Wyle, who will be rernom
Nrad as inusicai director in the Kittle
Rhodes conipiuy. hut of late in the
(owelty bu'tness, was calling on trade
here today, and also upon several of his
scan aio tancea,
Mail Carrier W. B Chase and fain
l!y r in IHtuick. .'rinquehatina rontit
tv. whers Lhoy won Oallod by the death
f Mr. l.nasv'a eoruiti. Miss Marv Al
Mrs. I) P. McCoy has returned fron
a sveral weeks' stay with friends in
Now York atst.
Mr. and Mrs. Lonis Gardella, of
Ji'orth Main street, are monrning the
death of their 10 months-old dnnght.
Mania, which OOOnrrel this afternoon
nt 3 o'clock.
Last evening Mils Lsura Tonkin was
nnitsd In marriage to lt'nirh Atkinson.
The ceremony was performed by the
Bof. William Edgar, at the liomn of
the bttdo'l iu"t!ier. Mrs. Jidin Tonkin,
of No. Oh Brook street.
At St. Itose chnrch at 5 30 o'clock
latt evening OOOOffOd the inarringe of
M ia Lizzie Lynady to (ieorge Brown.
'l he ceremony was pi rfonnod by Kev.
J. J. Cnrran.
Mrs. I'. It. Vandermark is away on a
month's, visit with friends and rela
tiv a in Missouri.
Richard, the B year old son of Albert
C. Lee, of Belmont street, died last
f v ning after a ling"ring illness Fa
neral will le held tomorrow (Friday)
afternoon at 1 o'cloek. The remains
will be interred in ireiiheld ceme
tery. The Carbondale lodges of Old Fel
lows celebrated their seventy-filth an
niversary this evening The exorcises
wer" held in the W. W. Watt building
on Church street where the following
programme was rendered:
Selection Hesslei 's Orchestra
Vocal Solo Alms I'.lla llnhhard
Seluct Heading Mrs. .1. S. Nilcs
Bass Polo K K. Hall
Address (J. I). Taylor
Cornet golo '. Q. EL Aokerman
Kelection Imperial (ileaClnb
i'iaiio (Solo Hen Singer
Vocal Holo Walter Wilson
Mnitar and Mandolin Dnet
Messrs. Leonard and Kelvin
Selection Ilensler'B Orchestra
- a .
B. E. Oreiner A.-. Son invite the peo
ple of Peckville and vicinity to call and
inspect their home-mada linking ami
ice cream, also fine line of ments at live
and let live prices. Meals at nil hours
Give lis a call, Opp' gito postofflae.
E! FOli'R of llicsn COUPONS, pre-
JJ Seated at The Tribune onion, cor-
S ner I'onn avenue mill tipraea street,
oatitloa the bolder to nil too priv-
5. ilexes of the iiripurikllflml oilers
for (HsLriuiitiiig popular books
Si among our reuders. 'I he oft'ors luuUo
SS hy The 'I rihuuu waBOgtTrt '
S a followit:
; 15 OKNTS and roar OoapOOS for
JJ nny volume In the ColnnsbOS rfe-
Over 100 tltlus to select Hum.
5 20 CKNTK mill Font COBPOSM f"r C
any uouk in 1.110 1 nvi
Ift CKNTg end Four Coupons for
any book In tho Oxford Series.
Highest of In Leavening Powei. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
M tA Af R
Capture of EuraUrs A Frottv Wod
dii.B Other Nots.
A'prrioi fo las Ssroatos Ataaaa
Forest City. Pa., April 20. Last
evening 11 very pretty and quiet wed
ding took place at tho home of Mrs. C
II. Yelviutiton. The contracting par
tus were Dr, Jennie Yelviugton, ono
of Forest City's best doctors, to Charles
J, Young, a popular and much re
spected young man of this borough
About 0.30 p. m. as the sun's rays of
light were fading in the west, Riv. J,
C Hogao, of the forest City Methodist
church, pronounced the words which
mads the hearts of two beat as 0110
npotfthe sea of matrimony Only tho
immediate relatives and friends of
both partial were prewit, who were
Dr. A. P, Yelvington and wife, of Sus
quehanna, the doctor being a brother
of the bride; Mrs. Emma Tyler, of
Damascus, 11 sister of the groom: Mr
and Mrs. Neil Blackmail, of this place,
the latter a sister of the bride; Mrs. C.
H. Yelvington, the mother of the bride,
and Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Began. After
th" marriage ceremony, tho companv
repaired to the dining room, where an
abundance of good things had been
prepared for the occasion, and ample
justice lu-'ted out to the sumptuous re
past The presents, of which there
waa a large Bomber, w,-re both oiefnl
aid ornamental About 0 o'clock in
the evening the EToraat City (Yirnet
band serenaded Mr. and Mrs. Yonng,
who invited thora into the boute, where
they were invited to refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. Young will resile In thi
place, where they have the best wishes
and congratulation of their numerooi
friende hero and elsewhere, who unite
in wishing them success in life. Dr.
Young will continue her praotioe in
her chosen BOdloai pfofeaaiou.
Montrose Barnard, chief of the Hill
lideo r;;s of lurvoyon for Soranlon,
was in roreal City today.
Ji:ies ,l,.hns, of Honesd ile, spent a
short lime with hie sou, H. P. Johns,
in this pi tc to lav
Mrs. V. Palmer, of Buiquehanne,
wile of Conductor Palmer ol Iho Brio
"liver," spent a short time in this plaeo
vaeterday as the guest of Mrs. Dr.
Blakeoleo on Hui?in street
H H r.irltou. of Carbondalo, a ft r -man
on locomotive ii;ii, cam" very neir
meeting with fatal aiddent near the
lirie station in lliii plsce last evening
He wss on the front of the locomotive
oleaoing and lighting the pilot lamps
Tho engineer w M running feiaonsine
with a caDoose in front of it Into the
Clifford loaded awitoh and ran against
the cars in that switch with
considerable forcj, throwiug the
fiteman heavily from his position
on the locomotive onto the other track.
Lncrily a train had just passed by or
he would in all prooability hav been
killed had a train b-eu passim; at thai
time. Thu Injured man was taken into
Lbs caboose, vnre his injuries werr
ej mined by Railway Surgson Dr
William R Blakeoleo, who foun 1 thai
a slight Injury hid been rtoalTod by
one fib. Mr Carlton concluded not to
:' the trip and went to hit borne in
Attorney John F Boynolda, of Car
botidale, w is af oriing Ut legal ha'l
BM in this plai-i' t I iv
, 0 Boll, formerly proprietor of the
Porett BoneeiB tbie place, tut of lat
protrietnr of a hotel a: ( !arboBdalelWai
at First City viitor t.,:ijr
The fnneral of Mrs Robert Jones.
rbo died Tueaday from a cancsr, oc-curt-oil
today at the hoin of her danuh
t r, sirs Fred Laeey. Mrs. Jones w.
61 years of age, and is snivived by In r
hnsband, a daughter, Mrs, V Lsr.v.
SOd s son, Nelson .loins, of this
I, .term-lit was nt LTttiOOdale, Rv. D
1'. Lapp ns offlclatlog.
Angling for the speckled beauties is
1 popular pacttnM these dava. Dr.
Knapp.and Dsn Arthur made Very
g. o 1 cntehs yesterday.
Offloer Corcoran, of Wilkes-Barre.
arrlTod iii this borough yesterday
morning In eoerch of three man namely,
J imes Birmiogbam, William Lyuoh
and Cnrran, who are wanted in Wiikis
Barro to answer to the charge of hv
ing stolen lnt Monday afternoon
from an elderly lad 7 who rani a sa
loon in that city. They first COloro
formed the old lady nd tbn secured
the plunder. The offlcOf caught Hi r -mlngham
and Lviicli standing on tn
Fltmi'ig House porch, hut Cnrran, al
though seen here a short time previous
to the arrests, con I i not let found, an I
! was the man that carried 111" snr
plttl money. The officer escorted the
men arrested to Wilkes-Barre on the
8 "T train yster lay
Miss Maggie Coyle, an estimable and
refined young lady, died at her homo In
this borough last evening about 11 3(1,
nft'r an illness of three weeks oi
typhoid pneumonia Miss Coyli bad
passed her eighteenth birthday hu'
a short time aito. She has 11 large host
of friends here and elsewhere, who will
receive the sa l O 'ws of her demise wit a
regret. The funernl will be hell Satnr
dav afternoon at 1 o'clock at the DOOM.
Interment will be at Dnndatf. Mrs
Covin ami another daughter have been
sick for a long time and are not yet
able to leave the bouse.
Mrs. Benjamin Maxey spent today in
Miss Nettie Moflale, of Dnnmore.
was the gneat of Miss L'-zie Hovers to
day. ( P. Pstterson, of Carbondale, was
here on business today.
Tho sheriff's sale of Bark's fair wss
postponed from today until tomorrow.
Colonel Kziu H. Ripple will deliver
his popular " Three Mouths iu Andef
sonville" tomorrow evening nl Union
dule. Four BIr Successes.
Having the neided merit to more than
make good all the advertising claimed for
theui, the following four romedios have
reached a phenomenal sale. Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
mid Colds, each bottle guaranteed BlSO
trie Bitters, the mil remedy for Liver,
Stomach and Kidneys. Kneklen's Arnica
Halve, the l'st In the world, and llr.
King's Now Life Billa, which aro a pcrfor.t
pin. All thate remediM are guaranteed to
do just what, is claimed fur them and the
denier whoso Dame is attached herewith
will be glad to tell you more of thorn. Sold
byMatthuws ltroa'. drug store. '
A Quiet Wsddlaj News Notes of a Per
sonal Character.
fl.tcial to the Herat; ton Tribune.
MOOSIO, 1'a., April 20 A quiet wed
iug ceremony was g(demniz'd nt the
home of Mr. and .Mrs. Milo Coolbi.ogh,
of Ponn avenue. The contracting par
ties wevo Mite Mary Coolbaugh uud
n 1
1 wVvWvl:,
Mr. John Bornildea Only tho rala
tives witnessed the ceremouy. Mr. and
Mrs. Bnrneldei will begin borne keeping
at tho new powder mills immediately.
Mrs. L. A. Lind tmuth and Mrs. W.
S. Hutchiiigj attended thu Foreign Mis
sion society convention held at Sran
ton Thursday.
Miss Maggie Parfrey was in Pcrantoti
The family of Blackimlth Jamei
Thomai were poisoned today by eating
The L idies' Aid society will hold a
doughnut social at the homo of Wil
liam DObohlON Wednesday evening,
May S, A pleasant time Is promised to
all who attend. Ice cream and Olko
will be served.
A number of fishermen are tiring
their luck angling for speckled beau
ties. .
dipped from Canada PrcobytoriM, un
der signature of c Blackett Bohineon,
prop'r: 1 was cured of oft recurring Ml
ions lieadachch by Burdock Blood Bitters.
Ths Nsws of a Day : for Intel -
haunt Ksadsrs.
Sl triai to Me .V-Miriloa Vi'Mia.
Annum. t, Pa., April S6 Michael
Dunn, of South Al tin street, will have
tns left arm amtuitateJ next week Mr.
Dunn was a s ddier in tne lata war nu I
was shot in tne arm at the storming of
Fort Gregg before .St PeUburg on
April i, 1864. Nearly all of the mm
BUlar pari of the arm above the elbOW
was shot nway and that member has
been practically powerless ever sinco.
At intervals it caue him gratptui
and recently it worried him so much
that it was deolded, for his safety, to
perform the operation Mr. Dan 1 ha I
bean receiving a pension of only .0 un
til the last yoar of Harrison's adnu ni
tration when it was Increased to $1".
Cnder Boko Smith's ploayuni polioy It
was again reduced to $d whiolt am uut
he is now motiving, Kvery one hopes
that ths ampul itlon wui be lueoeeefnl
and that Mr Duon will toon be re
store 1 to perfect hoilth.
James iJngbee, of 8 don stmet, ca'le 1
on Irlendi In Bcranton yeatorday,
.billies Corcoran, of t.'hnrch street,
has beep appointed ntgbl watchman at
No '.'breaker. He takes the plies of
.Mr. Dunn who has be-11 obliged to stay
at home owing to tbe serious oonditou I
of his arm.
Tolsy wss a quiet d ty n tb street
ranway, DOlBlDg occurring tolnterfore
with thx Work ot tho 11111.
Qeorga Okell aud aie under Simp
ion, of BoraatOtt, wsre in town t iy
Bome of the sieirtmg fraternity at
ho hMdge wltneMod n real p.-m Bghl
in UaOkloy's lii.d at an early hour ;ri
lav moroiog, when twj rOtldlttM of
that usiiaiy pesceihle coinmunitv 00
gaged in the questionable pastime of
br-aking the Sthuath. the law and
1 other's lo ads ihilva few per
s-uial friends wero invited to witness
i he c in tstt The prindplec wer named
QftrnOC Md Walters, both of whom
bad a Mai ropotatloa us buifers. la
Ofdef to aeltle t M qu'stioo of suprem
acy It was dfi Ide I 10 inert in tbeaion.i
After eight fleice rouodi Walter de
feated Ills sppon-nt and was thereupon
duidwil light WKignt champion of the
1 1 i.i ion 1 ii" 1 ! -I'.e lr Thomas' F,c-
lectrie Oil aceordlua to dlrerttltiie It is
the beet remedy for all suddei attacks of
cMs, paiu an 1 in .'Urn nut I n aud injuries
Nwv Nnesta Oathered Iter and
Th-re by sn Au Kvd Frribs.
j . r ! tki rrqnlen Tribune.
PucnvgO) Pn, April M Mathaw
Ucpberi maauger of hMchraond'i
store, left yeatorday for Forest City,
where he will stay mdtinitlv to look
uft r the above humid compady's In
terests Willie Burk of the B Milev.ird. won
1 le, I room suit nt the xntrrtainflWBI
mi 'I ties lav night 111 Paddon'l hall. A
lady whoss nauie wo oonld not I earn
reeldlog 00 Cherry street In Soranlon
was tbe winner ot the f.V) gold plsce.
Til 'SO articles were gilts lo SI. Tip 111 is'
rhiireh fair.
Polander employ d under the ohntee
at Richmond's bresxer bad his arm
badly smashed yesterday by being
caught le-tween the Pumpers of tw
loaded cars
I, uke Blloshon. of Minooka, called op
friends In town on Yv eiinenlav.
A Lisrs' glob hal been orgnniz- d at
th Suburban hotel.
I'urties wishing to purchase Till
Tgnuai atultlohronwi win Bud them
for sale at the resilience of John A
Murphy, on Main street.
Odd fellows' Am ivrary and
C hr News.
Oascfal le fAs Boraafesi TiiAuae.
JglUlYN, Pa,, April .'0 obn Mc
Carty will erect reildenoe on h.a va
cant lot n"ar A. Miaaett'l hotel,
Rev. M Bowell will hold service
morning and evening 01 Sunday in
St James' Bpttoopal church.
Mr. and aIis Y. S liiiicliings, of
KooalAj were Jermyii viiitors yoeter-
Koh K ' vi s succneded in getting th"
watch at the entertaiuidsiit Wednes
day evening, he bavin : nolluoted $11
and F.dward Burke $177
C D. Winter transacted business in
Soranlon yesterday.
About two hundred Old Fellows
witii ibelr friends MMmblad at the
hall Intending, it being the occasion
of their annual social. DpBOOhoa,
music, etc., were indulged in and re
freshinenta Wero served. The commit
tee in charge, C F. Dakar, W. II, Mer
ritt, J. D, Williams, H. A. Willman
and W. C. Nicuolson were the r
cipients of a vote of thanks for their
The olTeriti! nt the mum social held
nt St. David's Wednesday evening,
amounted to This will bn placed
lo the credit id the reotor'e s Jury ac
COUnt of th St. James church.
M L. Miller, of Montdnle; F. Ames,
of Binghamton, -id C. J. Box, ot
Lordville. N. Y,, were Jermyn visitors
16 HBAUTIFUIi rim ill's. BVBBT
l ittle Locals Cooc-rnma- an Enlerpriiing
Rnllronrt Town.
N)ecial to the ,SVnoif"S 's-ftne.
BALIiBTIAD, Pa., April 20. Mrs.
William Hoover and sons have returned
home from visiting friends in Candor,
N. Y.
J. Ft. Douglass visiting Binghamton
Mrs. Georeo Stone, of Elmira, is
visiiing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
B. McCreary.
Mrg, I'Mward Nichols, who has been
visiling friends in Binghamton, has re
turned home.
Tho funeral of Mrs. N"lli Cadon
was hold on Wednesday morning from
tho Baptist church and the remains
wero laid to rest beside those of her
bniband who was almest instantly
killed in the Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western yard at this place about
live years ago. Tho services were eon
dueled by Rev. M. L Watkins, of
Factoryville, tho former pastor. She
was a member of the Lidice' Auxiliary
to the R lilroail Young Men's Christian
association, and that organization at
ttindeil the funeral in a body. The
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen and
the llallstead Fire company attended
In body, Air. Cadon having been a
member of both organizations. She
leavus a son about " years old, severil
sisters and nn aged mother. The pall
I oarers were F,. Wilinor, I Suovor.
1 R. Millard. C. B Van Former,
Chariot Lawrence and N, A. Wiloott.
C. J. Langley visited Hinglmiutou
Miss Fannie Crosby, the famous
hymn writer, author of "Safe in the
Anna of JoeUI," will address a meeting
in the Railroad Department Young
Men's Christian association hall 00
Wednesday evening, .May 2, at 7 30. A
collection will be taken to help defray
her expenses,
Mrs. K, v Li W. Church left this
morning for North i.astuu, Mass., to
visit her mother who Is ill.
ilrs. M, H. Bnmmeretoro and daugh
ter, Kittle, visited Binghamton frloodi
Myrtle Swarlz and Bertha Fi-her
have returned home from Scriinton
where thsv h ive been as delegates from
the YoUUg People'! Society of Chris
tian BndeaTor of this place to the
Voting People'l Society of Christian
Kndeavor convention at that dace.
Mrs ( h trlei i itis. of Rush, is visit
lug bur sister, Mrs Morris Bixter.
April News WotCs Coin ths Land 1
rurs'log Puds.
ffirfiol to tr i inu'i-a Triftim.
CtiABK'c Qrmb, Pa., April 99 From
pr- skiii proepeete the frail crop will be
eseoltenl in this vicinity
I. irgn qusiillties of milk nre shippsil
dally from the Delaware, Lackawanna
and West to station at the Sutami'
Mrs. I. A Bterenton is at home at
the Orchard farm for the summer.
A building boon will agitate this
place duting the present season
L b I a ecolaton are endeavoring 1 1
0 rner the real estate in the vicinity of
the Summit, but t pTOOOnt property
holders are wary
Weill I III Bittera.
This remedy hi beoonung so well known
and so popular as to need no pcil Biea
ttOB, All Who have Used PectTie Bitters
sing the ha me on,; of pre test -A purer
tin : i in" iioe ten eiit end it is goaran-
te,xl to go all that i claimed. F.leetnr
Hitters will cure all iheaes of the Livef
ami BJdnoya, will re mora Plmpkn, Bolla J
Salt Khenm and other afflictions caused by
kapUTO bk d W III drive Ma'.aria from
the sytein and prevent as well as cure all '
Malarial fevers - l'i r cure uf Htadacba
Oontlepntion and ladtgeeUou try Elect ris
Iiuteis Buttle satMiacttoe goaraatoed.
or money refunded PrieoCO eta and 11
pet bMUonl Matthews Bros.. Drug store ;
esey tEfrv CTJRMI
ilMjiia Constipation.
ct " it 1 :h
I write trt ya mr tnow
thSL-o-tl ti-sv, lis . ;red from
1 ip Iwas ah eat '
blth n,l surf, -ring ll!n- n
m pet t ad ' smssu I
trt-i other BssdlrtBsUi bat
tlx v faDed b. do aaf good
1 l-.iif!il b Ml. of It
11 sad bt fore 1 had us si it
all I Kent to erort 2 u
ver Ills N MS,
Bos tWrvlu, 1. u.V.'rieBro Ps
On the
The GENUINE N. w Baren
Mathushek" Pianos
New York Wiirotoi'ins -No. SO
Itfth Avenutv
S d, d- ilers in tilis section.
omi v. ID Adam Aim . Talei bone B I'd'i
Hrtvmi? BfMMirp.. ttrn SlhtrtNO FOROF of
Willi, ni Bton (I S 11 tVr n pirmMtti hi-nt-p.
Htnnd. I kuUI COMIIOl B U iitifl' him
PAUOlOffwal BbsMiUf li r llie PrTenUofi, hV
llof utiil I'u-t of 1 .11111 tMH Hiul Otbtf Inijrrtll-
t-irTitft in ti1 nortfi nte 'f ii'ir-r incidt otetl
or du to hnMfboi ihovlog I imII Ktvotavi
WOfk my pAfMOBoll Attontl 11 uti'l niriuitt'tM,n
xti'ft onAffOi tJLCtlH tot flBPioTi in lit. uiim
PJAML fiA Wlil DO I rOJatM nf trni'HtiiH. A fri
rlinit m.'l j.H'lt-M"ti .1 itilvi -i given ovory
M-1 'i iron to 1' III
ptrnrj ggoi raj taep, rspitsl.jl.otn.nofi.
"A e'ofcr ,irrl ( n dotltr tufa 51"
Tkislrfsrllea1 BolidFri .n '.i Deagela KM B tit
tea 1' ami delivered free nnvwh. ie In tlm U.S.. on
m riot of Case, Honey omit,
ur ratal Neto fur IKM.
Kioiuls every WSS IBS DOOll
told In nd r.-t .ill stores fur
CMii). We eudsi lata eeot
nursrlves, therefore wo piinr
uwli's tho.lTt, style find war,
ind If nny one I net sartSflsd
wo will refund Itio nuaiey
or send laotbsr pair. Opera
V 'I'on or t'emmin Hrnse,
ih-X wldlhs ', I K. St KK,
IS, "V ti"t 1 to R nud linll
w ' LjtvliSS. .S'rrol Ifyurtltf,
h"'''i 1. rr 11 ill fl ' ".
' " VS. Il! elrr.l,,l
T"! flilll-
yjn l mi!
i t
Oexter Shoe BoSM
Spnhl t'
Tho arent remedy
irnaw a arniat avnatlNBBl Tie t
tamBBasmma:; nmtmiaB.'m
w -mam
llLi ulQ' ANH Ak-i , ,1 1ISINO inure uicureiir rotund the uioNev, Hold ill ai.Otl 1 erln'X. SI tinzcS
ULL OIU. AMU Alli.ll UB1NU. lur4,a04J. JjU. MO'l'T'S t tlllM IfAl, i U., t, !o v.iuuii, Ohio.
Fur Sale byC. Al. IIAltltlS, iini-ti.i, Ml 1'uuu Avouuu.
Mr, J. I'.. I)tingla.s1
Hallstead, i"a.
Untold Misery
Dyspepsia and Catarrh of
the Stomach Cured.
'C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Gentlemen -1 was troubled with dyspepsia
and catarrh of the stomacli for over a year.
I could not eat the leust thing w ithout
Much Untold Misery.
i took medicine of different doctors but received
only slight benefit 1 began takini; Heod's Bar
sparine last winter ami 1mm the second
Jay I noticed an Improvement, sty stomach
did not sour nor my food rise nor distress
ii" I ham taken fir bottles up to this
lime and have gained several pounds lu flesh.
My friends all speak about
My Improved Looks
and say tin y never saw me looking so well.
When they ask v,hut I am tiikiuK. my reply
lo ail is, Hood's BartapariUa," Jon k. Douo-I..1-.S.
ot tim tirni of Douglass Belknap, grocers
lee ami provisions, Hallstead, Pennsylvania,
Hood's Pills act easily, jrel promptly aud
efldently, on tbe liver and towels, tsc.
Dr. K. Ore wer
The PblUdelpbU Specialist,
And tts Moiiii-i ,t.,n g Eggtiah "l ner
nian lln.K. .fcro nur irmaai,tl loomed
temple Court Building
81 1 RPRUI V. sr
Bb. tle BM 1,. iftod DAIL1 AND
1 1 NBAY.
Tie 1 r I, 1 aii!:i,. ,.1 ih. I - ,l 1 . ..r-.t
of IninTlvnlv l.emerif demonstrator of
BByawlagv ao4 sorasrv at th Vr,u,-,, ildr
triirll 'i.. of Thlld.-I Ida Hk Is ales
an timiiirsiy enilxr el ttis Jileilieo tnrur
eltml A,h iti,,n. ,n. M , v-i, and
'.iiie.,11 In chief . t ih 11 rt noted AmrieAn
sn,l (o-rman li,si.iil, mum highly IndoraaJ
S 'Of. ' olnig 1 n, .r. uf Htillndsliihta an I
New ' tk.
Ili mn v tears of hmnitai rrprlnnae e
s.e lint rriilnent snd sorasKoa to
entrK-tly atafBaas sad treat all aefntUi t SS
and itiwiKK. wilh th.. in, at Itnit-rMiii 1 -.-.k
and hi- hi, h steiidlag in the ui', w.u uul
all w him lo nreeid anv Inrnrnhte i-wm
I i 1 ins UtMlfJ III -titl.l l
M Ten have BBSB i-'V''1 np ey yn ir S t
Ctaii rail ii.,,n the di- tor and Is t.vliV'.ed
ilrrnr th wornt raaeaot Net VOOB Debility,
hrr 'iilv dd Korsa 1 atarrb, IMm, Ki-ms.
WisakBssa Afreet a of Its Br. ire N
snd Thr-att. Ai-lhmv lasariieaa. TaBMSSa ' '
ria d Crli tine ef ernry daaa-rlptioa l'-n
oltilon tn Fn. iiab and Urrmitn Kra whlrb
sl ill be soosldsvsd seered aad stftettr eeafl
it-1 n it
1 Mn Haars n t. at, i u r. BL Dstllf,
Sunil n 1 . 0 BtflB 1' I B-MS,
Third National
Bi-nk of Scranton.
Rtaleaseal feu IB , tstii. railed for br
11, r t BBsgtisaUat 111 ihe Carfaaaj
1.1 not iu 1 s.
I rna 0) 1, ? 1 it.n in nn
OvefaJrefts mi .17
t nltad Mates Beads eo.con 00
IMbei Baaits fti S.A78 :
Hank lag Heaas 10,074.40
rreitmiina on 1 . ll.niilK. . ., oil : ',
Ht, lie III I . s, lit, laurel' I. no oil
jtaa in, iii Hanks ton 410 n
nail Mil 6111. .11
1 1 Aim 1 1 11 1
in ulna 140.000 00
InOUIdi il I mill. BO 100 00
I IrriiUtlnli V-. OOll. Oil
lllllilendi I npnld S84 Ml
DaBostU 1,54)4 000 "it
Paa in Baaao N.sae BO
'i.'.'Oi.S.MI no
tinii si t on n 1 1 1 , ProaMeat
1 1 11 11 i 1 is. 1 Prealdeai
Wll mn 11 ri 1 k, 1 aatalea
William innniii, Qaarga 11. Oatlla,
Allied iinmi Jaases Areiibald, Hearf
Bella, Jr. William T. Bmith, tatkat
Ihla hrinU BtBltl In ilriioaltnrs evrrr
fits-4 1 1 1 w nn 'inleil liy tlielr btilnures, bnal
neaa ml rveunBSllillltjr,
Haealal Bttantlaa given tn bsjalaeee ae-
aoaata laleresl 1 md db time deposlkk
The Ornnl Ifarvelol Dental Sdenoo.
A recent discovery anil tlio sole
property of
Henwood h YardelL
316 Lackawanna Ave.
After havlag eloeeB teeiti axtraetetl nt
one altlliiK by Ihe pBlBlaSS method, 1 pro
nounce It entirely SattsfBOtOW lu every
partlealar, .1. o. BBAMOMg
JE Pll I ft
mmmmmmm a an
for DSTVulU pmstrntlon and nllnervousitlscises of
J, ' 'i
RFsTflRtn uiNHnnn
. I,, in.KU tn,IID Dlllll'l , rUH'll II, I . I'll, I R 'M Til Ul II , P 111 I-
liik- or Iiat Manheud, linpiiteiicy, Kli'iuiv liiiilnelinia.Ymitlitui Kimrs,
Montni Worrr.sxcaiSilvejMS of Tobacco, or Opiain.wtikh lead ieuo&
snmpuoBaaalnsanur. with even BB nrdiiV wm rin a wrlkuin vtuua
I he Fair
400402 Lacka Ave.
"Always the Cheapest"
Dry Goods, Ladies' and
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Notions, Fancy Goods,
Infants' Wear, Cloaks,
Curtains, Boys' Clothing,
Boots and Shoes, etc.
Commencing Monday, April 16,
we will place on sale Special Bar
gains in livery Department.
AH New Coods
IK 3
Si. 40
Tho (Ti'oatest bargain in
Brass (Onyx Top)
1 I i
406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave.
With an Eve
To secure more patronage, in addition to
our already extensive trade, we have de
cided to inaugurate the following Gift
1 Mstribution to all purchasers of
C T iT Worth of Goods . ... , tnn . a.
M Gill ol ;t ini puro Dinner SoBi
sp ! or over. j
(fc C ft Worth of Goods A jrjfi of :in Klejjunl Ainortcao
9 ny J or over. Onyx Finish Olock.
with i:vkuy
Parlor Suit
This advertisement must he presented
in order to secure the above gilts. This
GIFT DISTRIBUTION hold good for cash or credit
sales. Goods delivered free everywhere.
- --B-r.-lltafj
gFOR Everybody
the market. If of the
Tables left at $tV 0.
I A fine Qnish Bnbjeot in Antique
Ouk and (iold Frame.
A Pastel in Ivory and (ioll, F.rtv
pito Frame; soniething new.
f A heavy pair of Chenille Portieresi
in all colors.